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Borg Uber Plasma Torpedo



  • baudlbaudl Member Posts: 4,060 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    seems not every player sees them as this undefeatable anouance...personally i find it embarasing for cryptic to still have those "invisible" torps ingame, but on the other hand many players helped themselves over it, by using massive AOE abilities. (which are the weapon of choice anyway in an stf in my opinion)

    personally i have not been hit by one of those in ages, and here is why: Gravity well, scatter volley on rotation, torp spread. Atleast one is allways up and running and dealing with those torps...invis or not. Also protects the whole team.
    Go pro or go home
  • momawmomaw Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    The Borg 'heavy plasma torpedo' is rated for around 200K damage on Elite. It's survivable, barely, if your ship is sufficiently tanky. But it moves slowly and it can be shot down.

    More the problem is their regular plasma torpedoes. The torpedoes launched by elite gateways and tactical cubes hit for 50K damage! They can't be shot down, half the time they can't even be seen.What about Donatra? Another fun case, when she uses her photon torpedo spread each clump of torpedoes does around 25K damage (x3).

    This wouldn't be a problem if it weren't for the fact that NPCs CHEAT. When their torpedoes hit shields, they are not reduced by anywhere near the same degree that player torpedoes are. This means that you can be flying a really hard ship with strong shields and one of these mega torpedo impacts will still put a huge dent in your shield if not take it down instantly. Did you know gates and cubes have two torpedo launchers? That lovely new hole in your shields is about to host the second 50K-damage torpedo in less than five seconds. Hope you brought tac team.

    If Cryptic is genuinely concerned about cruisers not being tough enough, then completely unfair kinetic spikes from cheated torpedoes is the single greatest threat to cruiser survivability. See also "Isometric charge". Same result, different mechanic.
  • haravikkharavikk Member Posts: 278
    edited March 2013

    or just clicking on it and shooting the damn thing straight up by staying 3km away instead of snuggling right up to the cube. I do that in my cruiser, but that's because I spam BFAW and TBR alternating so that I can't get hit by a HYT.
    Really? You're kidding, right?

    I specifically said my weapons were already firing, which means I didn't have time to shoot the thing down in time as I was too close to do anything but mash all my abilities and hope it didn't randomly do a ton of damage.

    The problem isn't stopping these attacks as, sure, a the heavy plasmas can often be stopped, but all of the high level borg attacks have a wildly inconsistent amount of damage. Sometimes a heavy torp will just down a shield facing and hurt my hull a bit, but other times it will instantly kill a ship irrespective of what abilities it's using at the time.
  • eatenbykitsuneeatenbykitsune Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I am another that's in the "High yields aren't the issue" boat. It's the regular plasma borg torps you can't do a thing about once on their way! 50k damage? I wish that was all the damage those torps could do, I've been hit for 90K/100k by regular torps, that is absolutely insane.

    I have played over 1000 Elite stfs across various characters and builds for over a year so I know how the borg behave and don't die too often, even in Hive Elite (I don't pug that one though), but that's only because I play either just out of range or avoid aggro by not being the highest damage dealer, and also some recent thanks to threat reducing consoles, thank goodness for those, it's hell to be the center of the borgs attention in a B'rel and sometimes forces me to do nothing but kite a whole time and just go with a threat increaser out of range.
  • kintishokintisho Member Posts: 1,040 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I dont find heavy plasmas to be a problem.. its the invisible 15km 1hk off of the tac cubes that is truly infuriating, i made its triumphant return after a recent patch....
  • cmdrskyfallercmdrskyfaller Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Really? You're kidding, right?

    Beam Fire at Will

    Eject Warp Plasma

    Evasive Maneuvers

    Tractor Beam Repulsors

    Cannon Scatter Volley

    Torpedo Spread

    or just clicking on it and shooting the damn thing straight up by staying 3km away instead of snuggling right up to the cube. I do that in my cruiser, but that's because I spam BFAW and TBR alternating so that I can't get hit by a HYT.

    That person thinks its a heavy plasma torp. Its not.

    Its a regular torpedo. No crit, no high yield, tac cube is not under any buffs. A REGULAR plasma torpedo is what is hitting people for over 400k dmg at random times.

    You do not survive this torpedo. Period. It 400k+ damage is so high even 100% shields with full resists (125 shld pwr) and hazard+polarize hull running can prevent a VoQuv from being instantly vaporized.

    This bug also happens with the borg heavy plasma cannon. It hits normally for an average of 800dmg per shot, fires 6 bursts or so per volley. But it too, suddenly super-spikes in damage (non-crit, non-cannon buffed up attack) to do well over 20k dmg PER HIT.

    This is why you see your shields vanish in a second along with half your hull. Check your combat logs and see.
  • lordmalak1lordmalak1 Member Posts: 4,681 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    That person thinks its a heavy plasma torp. Its not.

    Its a regular torpedo. No crit, no high yield, tac cube is not under any buffs. A REGULAR plasma torpedo is what is hitting people for over 400k dmg at random times.

    You do not survive this torpedo. Period. It 400k+ damage is so high even 100% shields with full resists (125 shld pwr) and hazard+polarize hull running can prevent a VoQuv from being instantly vaporized.

    If the regular one is the same one that the borg cap ship spits out then that not true. I survive these half the time I get hit, I'm guessing the BFI DOFF roll is giving me that instant regen. There's still NO reason NOT to shoot these down on sight tho, if it's not meant for you then save your teammates.
    KBF Lord MalaK
    Awoken Dead

    Now shaddup about the queues, it's a BUG
  • niceguy13niceguy13 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    hals3y wrote: »
    Just wait till it hits you from 12km+ away from the target.

    To be price the invisible one.
  • hereticknight085hereticknight085 Member Posts: 3,783 Arc User
    edited March 2013

    Another one of these threads...

    Allow me to tell you guys something. Unless the Borg did this, would ANY of you die? Ever? Nope. These are end-game enemies. Which means... yes, that's right, you are supposed to die every so often against them. WHAT A NOVEL CONCEPT. -.-

    So stop complaining. It's WAD and if you can't handle that, then don't fight the Borg.

    Also with the HOE comment? HERP A DERP. It's supposed to be ridiculous. It's the Queen ffs. Nobody can complain about that STF since it's actually as hard as these things all should be.
    It is said the best weapon is one that is never fired. I disagree. The best weapon is one you only have to fire... once. B)
  • djdamcdjdamc Member Posts: 61 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I'm wondering how many of you are escort users who think that escorts aren't tough enough...
    I admit that 150k+ plasma (NORMAL) torpedos are a problem but I'm doing on average 3-4 ESTFs daily and the last time i received a ridiculous amount of damage was about 3 weeks ago (a 204k base damage hit) so it doesn't seem that often. Don't even think that I'm doing no dps with -threat, on the contrary, I have 6 pts into Threat Control and I have an average DPS on ISE of around 8,2k(for PUG standards that's actually high). According to ACT I also receive during a normal PUG ESTF around 4kk base damage(w/o dying of course), which is around 800k real damage. I bet that 80% of your received hits with the so called "torpedos of plasma annihilation" would be survivable with someone dedicated to tanking. So the solution is simple - either don't PUG and take people who can make sure you don't get one-shot or live with this "feature of the game".
    Genuine tanks in this game are extremely rare - which is most likely because most content doesn't require any teamwork but HOSE is where a tank can be quite useful... Recently I've been in a HOSE PUG (we did all optionals) and guess what, someone PMed me after we finished and appreciated the fact that he's met one of the very few people who don't follow the "MOAR DPS" trend amongst cruiser users...
  • dwl#0879 dwl Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Last moments of the Infected Tac Cube...

    [10:20] [Combat (Self)] Tactical Cube's Beam Array - Fire at Will I dealt 1635 (1450) shield damage to you.
    [10:20] [Combat (Self)] Tactical Cube deals 76 (3321) Plasma Damage to you with Beam Array - Fire at Will I.
    [10:20] [Combat (Self)] Tactical Cube's Heavy Plasma Cannon dealt 509 (451) shield damage to you.
    [10:20] [Combat (Self)] Tactical Cube deals 1225 (3647) Plasma Damage to you with Heavy Plasma Cannon.
    [10:20] [Combat (Self)] Tactical Cube deals 470 (1022) Plasma Damage to you with Plasma Torpedo.
    [10:20] [Combat (Self)] Tactical Cube deals 24911 (53349) Kinetic Damage to you with Plasma Torpedo.
    [10:20] [Combat (Self)] Your Hazard Emitters II gives 610 Hit Points to you.
    [10:20] [Combat (Self)] Your Polaron Array deals 1760 (843) Polaron Damage to Tactical Cube.
    [10:20] [Combat (Self)] Tactical Cube deals 1614 (3512) Plasma Damage to you with Heavy Plasma Cannon.
    [10:20] [Combat (Self)] Your Polaron Array deals 2149 (1030) Polaron Damage to Tactical Cube.
    [10:20] [Combat (Self)] Your Hazard Emitters II gives 610 Hit Points to you.
    [10:20] [Combat (Self)] Your Polaron Beam Array - Fire at Will II deals 2322 (1112) Polaron Damage to Tactical Cube.

    Cube Dies

    [10:20] [Combat (Self)] Your Hazard Emitters II gives 610 Hit Points to you.
    [10:20] [Combat (Self)] Your Hazard Emitters II gives 610 Hit Points to you.
    [10:20] [Combat (Self)] Your Hazard Emitters II gives 610 Hit Points to you.
    [10:20] [Combat (Self)] Your Hazard Emitters II gives 610 Hit Points to you.
    [10:20] [Combat (Self)] Tactical Cube's Plasma Torpedo dealt 4001 (13799) shield damage to you.
    [10:20] [Combat (Self)] Tactical Cube deals 13805 (52817) Kinetic Damage to you with Plasma Torpedo.
    [10:20] [Combat (Self)] Tactical Cube deals 500 (977) Plasma Damage to you with Plasma Torpedo.

    Futile indeed.....

    Fast double tap torp ability or extra torp on cube death bug/feature.
    Strange high shield damage and high armour resist to the extra torp.
    These torps are invisible, non-targetable and immume to cube core splash.
    FAW wont hit them either as demonstrated above.
  • wildweasalwildweasal Member Posts: 1,053 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    tangolight wrote: »
    Heavy Torpedoes can be shot down, thus, it's not overpowered. Also, outside of Voyager's End Game episode, how many times have you seen a single ship take out a Borg cube easily? Or even 5 ships take out a single cube?

    first its calle d an invisatorp for a reason !! second this isn't the tv show its a game and 3rd I know plenty that can take out a cube alone L2p
  • romeowhiskey4romeowhiskey4 Member Posts: 266 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Used to be a time where I would struggle on probes on KASE. Now I can handle an entire side singlehandedly- cubes, gens, gate and probes... I know several who can...and we all agree that its just wrong... when hoe came along the queen is how a borg cube should be... and the size of those giant buggers they should be nigh on near impossible... they are bigger than most space stations... the borg have gone from the scourge of the galaxy to a minor inconvenience...
  • thlaylierahthlaylierah Member Posts: 2,991 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    The best way to avoid the uber torp, at least on an Escort, is to routinely "break it's lock."

    Just keep flying out beyond the 10 km range before commencing your attack run.

    That way it will lock onto someone else for a bit, hopefully one of these forum supermen.

    It IS frustrating so stop all the chest beating, it gets all of us sometimes, no one is immune, especially by being more uber than the torpedo. :rolleyes:
  • momawmomaw Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    kadun wrote: »
    Last moments of the Infected Tac Cube...

    [10:20] [Combat (Self)] Tactical Cube's Beam Array - Fire at Will I dealt 1635 (1450) shield damage to you.
    [10:20] [Combat (Self)] Tactical Cube deals 76 (3321) Plasma Damage to you with Beam Array - Fire at Will I.
    [10:20] [Combat (Self)] Tactical Cube's Heavy Plasma Cannon dealt 509 (451) shield damage to you.
    [10:20] [Combat (Self)] Tactical Cube deals 1225 (3647) Plasma Damage to you with Heavy Plasma Cannon.
    [10:20] [Combat (Self)] Tactical Cube deals 470 (1022) Plasma Damage to you with Plasma Torpedo.
    [10:20] [Combat (Self)] Tactical Cube deals 24911 (53349) Kinetic Damage to you with Plasma Torpedo.
    [10:20] [Combat (Self)] Your Hazard Emitters II gives 610 Hit Points to you.
    [10:20] [Combat (Self)] Your Polaron Array deals 1760 (843) Polaron Damage to Tactical Cube.
    [10:20] [Combat (Self)] Tactical Cube deals 1614 (3512) Plasma Damage to you with Heavy Plasma Cannon.
    [10:20] [Combat (Self)] Your Polaron Array deals 2149 (1030) Polaron Damage to Tactical Cube.
    [10:20] [Combat (Self)] Your Hazard Emitters II gives 610 Hit Points to you.
    [10:20] [Combat (Self)] Your Polaron Beam Array - Fire at Will II deals 2322 (1112) Polaron Damage to Tactical Cube.

    Cube Dies

    [10:20] [Combat (Self)] Your Hazard Emitters II gives 610 Hit Points to you.
    [10:20] [Combat (Self)] Your Hazard Emitters II gives 610 Hit Points to you.
    [10:20] [Combat (Self)] Your Hazard Emitters II gives 610 Hit Points to you.
    [10:20] [Combat (Self)] Your Hazard Emitters II gives 610 Hit Points to you.
    [10:20] [Combat (Self)] Tactical Cube's Plasma Torpedo dealt 4001 (13799) shield damage to you.
    [10:20] [Combat (Self)] Tactical Cube deals 13805 (52817) Kinetic Damage to you with Plasma Torpedo.
    [10:20] [Combat (Self)] Tactical Cube deals 500 (977) Plasma Damage to you with Plasma Torpedo.

    Futile indeed.....

    Fast double tap torp ability or extra torp on cube death bug/feature.
    Strange high shield damage and high armour resist to the extra torp.
    These torps are invisible, non-targetable and immume to cube core splash.
    FAW wont hit them either as demonstrated above.

    Cube has 2 launchers. It hit you after death because the torpedo was already in flight at the moment of death. Notice that it no longer registered any hits with energy weapons. Non-heavy torpedoes cannot be destroyed, and that is why the cube's splash didn't take care of it.

    No bugs here, just questionable design.
  • saxfiresaxfire Member Posts: 558 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    You people aren't supposed to tank tac cube's high yield torps.... or the instakill energy bolts, shoot them down or dodge them. but yeah... if you don't get healed by your team in stf.. that's too bad.
    Say the word, it saves the world.
    CUUCUUMBEER! "-With slight partigen with it."
    Proud member or DPS-800 "-We kill dem mines with our scitter turrets."
  • ruttager1ruttager1 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    powers have been provided that deal with (invisible to those with certain settings) borg plasma torps, i find these effective, maybe you will too. 1: scatter volley, 2: fire at will, 3:spread, 4: tractor beam repulsors (will not move cube) does kenetic dmg. multiple grav wells can be effective keeping "invisitorps" under control also. and having situationally aware team members helps also.

    godspeed and good hunting captains! "salutes"
  • jarenkincaidjarenkincaid Member Posts: 122 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    I just cannot defeat the Borg armada in Where Angels Fear to Tread. What the hell am I doing wrong?!
  • jellico1jellico1 Member Posts: 2,719
    edited November 2014
    the torpedo is launched from the front of the cube

    once the cube starts spinning everyone looses which side is the front if your at the rear of the cube the torp is 3k away with plenty of time to see it and shoot it down

    If your on its front side you get no sight of it because its right on top of you, if someone is to your side they can see it

    most of you have no armor reinforcement in skills...I do and get hit with these torps a lot just to show off and tank the damage to my fleetmates maybe 1 in 25 times it will crit on me and destroy me if that

    how many actually have a kinetic armor on your ship ? I have

    many other players have already told you how to shoot down these torps..get the precise trait works great

    The Borg torp is fine , nothing wrong with it ...the wrong is in the players on this one

    But here is one tip that is a wrong.....If you run away the torp will get you and kil you at any speed and at any range

    if you run stay withing 10k of the borg cube flying in a circle, if you leave the 10k range you will be poped if the torp is on you an chances are others can see it but you cant it depends on their positition ..an luck
    Jellico....Engineer ground.....Da'val Romulan space Sci
    Saphire.. Science ground......Ko'el Romulan space Tac
    Leva........Tactical ground.....Koj Romulan space Eng

    JJ-Verse will never be Canon or considered Lore...It will always be JJ-Verse
  • jellico1jellico1 Member Posts: 2,719
    edited November 2014
    momaw wrote: »
    Cube has 2 launchers. It hit you after death because the torpedo was already in flight at the moment of death. Notice that it no longer registered any hits with energy weapons. Non-heavy torpedoes cannot be destroyed, and that is why the cube's splash didn't take care of it.

    No bugs here, just questionable design.

    you know the cube is using go down fighting when its hull gets low right?
    Jellico....Engineer ground.....Da'val Romulan space Sci
    Saphire.. Science ground......Ko'el Romulan space Tac
    Leva........Tactical ground.....Koj Romulan space Eng

    JJ-Verse will never be Canon or considered Lore...It will always be JJ-Verse
  • kayajaykayajay Member Posts: 1,990 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Two words...Temporal Backstep. Hit it before it hits you.
  • hravikhravik Member Posts: 1,203 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    I just cannot defeat the Borg armada in Where Angels Fear to Tread. What the hell am I doing wrong?!

    Digging up a thread nearing two years old for starters.
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