KDF players that have them are fond of them precisely because nothing in the KDF comes close.
...and thus, perpetuating a vicious cycle that drives demand for the JHAS.
I would feel sorry for the KDF; as a Starfleet Engineer cruiser captain however, I don't have much sympathy to spare. You're not the one who has to fly a line of ships that is in dire need of an upgrade to their statline, to say the least.
There are whole threads dedicated to making DPS cruisers that can (and do, in a good team) spank the stuffing out of Tac-in-a-BoP.
That'S somewhat amusing statement. No offense. But it is good to know, there is at least one ship out there, cruisers can spank :P
"Cryptic Studio’s Jack Emmert (2010): Microtransactions are the biggest bunch of nonsense. I like paying one fee and not worrying about it – like my cellphone. The world’s biggest MMO isn’t item based, even though the black market item GDP is bigger than Russia … microtransactions make me want to die.”
This obsessiveness over the Bug is also somewhat bizarre considering it's a faction-ambiguous ship and that most KDF players seem very fond of them.
get a jhas holoemitter (there are few on exchange left) and use it on a fleet patrol.You will see people doing their "rage routine" and saying "bug is op".Only 2 reasons people bi**h about it is because either "i dont have it" or "it looks better than X escort because its purple " (purple in mmos is very rare).
There are many KDF advantages over the Feds (in fact I remember the tone a few months ago, before all the consoles started becoming cross-faction, being that the KDF was the PvP faction of choice).
Cloak is one, most KDF players may not use it very well or coordinate with their team but it is there. They sacrifice the "escort" archetype for snoozers that can put out a hell of a lot more hurt than their peaceable Fed counterparts. Sure the BoP has been neglected a bit by power creep but then what hasn't on either faction these days. If you want something to do one singular purpose very well then the BoP is still your go-to vessel, +5% shields or +10% aux doesn't cut it against the sheer versatility it offers to a creative mind.
If you want to play the lone wolf and not roll a spike BoP then yeah, I'd say make a Fed character. Otherwise you'll have to deal with the faction's strengths and weaknesses. This obsessiveness over the Bug is also somewhat bizarre considering it's a faction-ambiguous ship and that most KDF players seem very fond of them.
Personally I play this game because of the movie not because it is another game.In movie a bop was a ship that could fight after decloaking quite a long time and make many kills without using cloak.In game everything is biased toward federation (I don't want to start again ,I am getting tired of how much I did wrote and nothing happens)
I think that kdf playing in bugs is not a very nice scene but all that is caused because as kdf you can't have a good escort that can be comparable to federation escorts.
So again I say keep the bug as it is now because it gives a chance to kdf to field comparable teams in FvK.
PS:I don't have a bug
"There already is a Borg faction, its called the Federation. They assimilate everyone else's technology and remove any biological or technical distinctiveness and add it to their own."
I refuse to be content https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FwI0u9L4R8U
I think the temporal destroyer is far worse and more OP then a bug ship.
EDIT: Both ships are totally TRIBBLE and ruin the game. I just hope at some point Cryptic starts to care or I'm going to find another game to play. You can also add Andorian vessels like this game is slowly becoming more and more pay to win in order to achieve anything you need to dump money on it but I don't give in and do that I just quit playing the game.
Totally TRIBBLE is to whine about having to pay for a game. You;re free to play whichever game you want, where you'd enjoy happily and freely the work of the developers. I bet no one will miss you so ...sayonara!
I am quite not pleased at the fact that there are no high top quality items/gear in this game. One should be able to get a very rare and also powerful piece of equipment by finishing an ultimate crafting recipe, spending pvp/pve currency or by reward from indeed Elite pve missions (not the joke Elite is presently). I even find it stupid not to give the lifers a very strong ship, like Chimera should have been. They paid for the game, they're lifers, they do deserve something in return.
Even so, one can get any ship in game by simply playing it and exchanging dilithium for credits/zen. JHAS is "OP" as compared to others? Well, it should be and that is why it is pricey on the market. Temporal sci destroyer seems also "OP"? (i find this laughable but oh ...well) It costs 800 lobis. It should be better than any average ship. And the reasoning goes on.
lol, I'm rather partial to my BoP's, even with their drawbacks, so some of my perspectives can be a little bit biased.
That said, a good DPS cruiser cap in a good team can also make short work of:
Sci ships
Other Cruisers.
and do so without the KDF's dual heavy cannons or turn rates. It's all a matter of HOW you go about it-An engie in a Cruiser has some abilities that seem to get short-shrift that work really, really well...
A good DPS cruiser in a good team can make short work of escorts (really?) and sci ships if the people flying the escorts and the sci ships are either completely clueless or in a very bad team.
I run some specific sci ship builds where i can top the damage even against bug ships and with net, not raw damage. Does that make me the most effective or uber guy in the team? No. This game is much more than showing off the numbers at the end of the match.
dude, I fly a Bird of Prey. on all 4 toons (well, 3 1/2 toons, my sci has an alternate ride because in Hive Onslaught (elite) carriers are nice to have as a Sci).
Wanna talk about needing an upgrade to the stat-line? I can seat FOUR bridge officers. That's all I can seat, period, I have the worst hull and shield mods in the game, fewest item locations, and only six weapons total, with only ONE bird of prey version that can carry more than 3 tac consoles-total.
Yes, I have Battlecloak, which is nice, it isn't, however, a cure-all-every mine in the battlespace sees me cloaked and that damage goes straight to hull, which is lower than your LOWEST Escort. in 3 of 4 BoPs, I can't even FIRE while cloaked, and the B'rel's got this tiny crew which means that hull damage gets a LOT harder to repair, real-bloody-fast.
A well-set cruiser can create several situations where I lose cloak, without gaining shields, such as a properly timed EWP, and I don't have nearly the space for buffs/clears/Debuffs even a BAD Fedcruiser carries.
Most cruiser caps who are any good, can survive a decloak-alpha, but that decloaking bird can't survive a well timed Cruiser's alpha, even if he/she is only running beams, cannons and turrets.
SINGLE cannons.
There are whole threads dedicated to making DPS cruisers that can (and do, in a good team) spank the stuffing out of Tac-in-a-BoP.
of course, to DO that, your team has to have a modicum of Teamwork, which, thankfully, most Fed players don't have and most KDF players DO...
Oh yes, I suppose the loss of that one ensign slot must be so crippling. Having one less rear slot for a turret? Unacceptable! I am also shocked at the notion that a ship could have any less than 3 tactical console slots. Shame!
Only area I can agree with is that hull and shielding are too low, and that one of them could use a buff. At least the bird of prey doesn't look bad in comparison to other things, chiefly because it is capable of doing things other ships cannot.
Totally TRIBBLE is to whine about having to pay for a game. You;re free to play whichever game you want, where you'd enjoy happily and freely the work of the developers. I bet no one will miss you so ...sayonara!
I am quite not pleased at the fact that there are no high top quality items/gear in this game. One should be able to get a very rare and also powerful piece of equipment by finishing an ultimate crafting recipe, spending pvp/pve currency or by reward from indeed Elite pve missions (not the joke Elite is presently). I even find it stupid not to give the lifers a very strong ship, like Chimera should have been. They paid for the game, they're lifers, they do deserve something in return.
Even so, one can get any ship in game by simply playing it and exchanging dilithium for credits/zen. JHAS is "OP" as compared to others? Well, it should be and that is why it is pricey on the market. Temporal sci destroyer seems also "OP"? (i find this laughable but oh ...well) It costs 800 lobis. It should be better than any average ship. And the reasoning goes on.
Elite Fleet shields/KDF Fleet weapons aren't "high top quality items"? Very rare Doffs that come from $ packs aren't OP by design? At least you admit there are ships that are OP by design.
F2P or not steep power creep is bad for the game. Little if any mgt concern is given to balance and most of the Dev time is spent on creating the next OP power creep item and the means to obtain said items. The power creep also discourages new PvPers since they start w/such a large handicap in matches. New players pick up bad habits by not learning core gameplay mechanics b/c there is so much power creep (that and PvE generally is very easy).
Fyi, the KDF Vet ship is a very good ship. The Fed version isn't bad, but Fedside generates more revenue so it has been surpassed by the Fedside power creep. This is another issue, the imbalance between factions in terms of power creep.
Exactly, how is this a fun paradigm?
[Zone] Dack@****: cowards can't take a fed 1 on 1 crinckley cowards Hahahaha you smell like flowers
Random Quote from Kerrat
"Sumlobus@****: your mums eat Iced Targ Poo"
C&H Fed banter
Crimson did you really have to go and sell your account, then'P!
Shhh that brakes some eula or something Yeah, I needed the money more than the game. Besides, exactly what have they done or added for pvp since I have been gone?
New toys in my book does not equal content. I may venture in when they add Romulans and that's a big maybe. I find it more enjoyable reading the forums than playing the game.
Veni Vidi Vici
Confucius says "A Panda is most dangerous when Sad".
The QQ is strong in this thread; tears flow quite freely here. Yes... yes. This is a fertile land, and we will thrive. We will rule over all this land, and we will call it... This Land.
Most ppl on this thread speak the same language with different nuances. Some use op, some use superior. And big is one of them without a doubt. It's not unkillable, it "only" has a great turn and impulse mod. Everything else is not so relevant. And it's effing ugly... But definitely not boring. Maybe only after killing a lot of pugs... But similar skills 1-1 pvp with another bug, true adrenaline.
Hear! Sons of Kahless
Hear! Daughters too.
The blood of battle washes clean.
The Warrior brave and true.
We fight, we love, and then we kill...
I have a bugship, it is overpowered and thats just mine.
I have seen and tonight I saw some incredible stuff involving a bug ship.
Somehow on his own strips resistances of 2 ships (he was a tac) and also ignored tac teams and shield buffs, so had debuffed us before we had started.
He was throwing out just the same DPS as me yet 2 of us had no effect on him.
even the Kumari wing overload which alphad to 65000+ hit him, I crit sev'd him, it came up in big yellow numbers at 102000 but had no effect whatsover on him, nothing. Not even a shield waver, he spins around, does one cannon burst and my shields just disappear to nothing instantly, then with all resistances stacked he still kills in less than 2 seconds.
His chum in another bug ship earlier had done the neat 100% pass through on shields trick as well.
Oh, when I was dead, I counted his buffs, he was running 23 buffs at once! I dont have 23 buffs to use. (On his own away from his team so not from other ships).
_________________________________________________ [Kluless][Kold][Steel Heels][Snagtooth] [Louis Cipher][Outta Gum][Thysa Kymbo][Spanner][Frakk] [D'Mented][D'Licious]
Joined October 2009. READ BEFORE POSTING
...and thus, perpetuating a vicious cycle that drives demand for the JHAS.
I would feel sorry for the KDF; as a Starfleet Engineer cruiser captain however, I don't have much sympathy to spare. You're not the one who has to fly a line of ships that is in dire need of an upgrade to their statline, to say the least.
That'S somewhat amusing statement. No offense. But it is good to know, there is at least one ship out there, cruisers can spank :P
get a jhas holoemitter (there are few on exchange left) and use it on a fleet patrol.You will see people doing their "rage routine" and saying "bug is op".Only 2 reasons people bi**h about it is because either "i dont have it" or "it looks better than X escort because its purple " (purple in mmos is very rare).
lol there goes the advantage
Personally I play this game because of the movie not because it is another game.In movie a bop was a ship that could fight after decloaking quite a long time and make many kills without using cloak.In game everything is biased toward federation (I don't want to start again ,I am getting tired of how much I did wrote and nothing happens)
I think that kdf playing in bugs is not a very nice scene but all that is caused because as kdf you can't have a good escort that can be comparable to federation escorts.
So again I say keep the bug as it is now because it gives a chance to kdf to field comparable teams in FvK.
PS:I don't have a bug
I refuse to be content https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FwI0u9L4R8U
Bieber! /10char
Veni Vidi Vici
Confucius says "A Panda is most dangerous when Sad".
Crimson did you really have to go and sell your account, then'P!
Totally TRIBBLE is to whine about having to pay for a game. You;re free to play whichever game you want, where you'd enjoy happily and freely the work of the developers. I bet no one will miss you so ...sayonara!
I am quite not pleased at the fact that there are no high top quality items/gear in this game. One should be able to get a very rare and also powerful piece of equipment by finishing an ultimate crafting recipe, spending pvp/pve currency or by reward from indeed Elite pve missions (not the joke Elite is presently). I even find it stupid not to give the lifers a very strong ship, like Chimera should have been. They paid for the game, they're lifers, they do deserve something in return.
Even so, one can get any ship in game by simply playing it and exchanging dilithium for credits/zen. JHAS is "OP" as compared to others? Well, it should be and that is why it is pricey on the market. Temporal sci destroyer seems also "OP"? (i find this laughable but oh ...well) It costs 800 lobis. It should be better than any average ship. And the reasoning goes on.
A good DPS cruiser in a good team can make short work of escorts (really?) and sci ships if the people flying the escorts and the sci ships are either completely clueless or in a very bad team.
I run some specific sci ship builds where i can top the damage even against bug ships and with net, not raw damage. Does that make me the most effective or uber guy in the team? No. This game is much more than showing off the numbers at the end of the match.
Oh yes, I suppose the loss of that one ensign slot must be so crippling. Having one less rear slot for a turret? Unacceptable! I am also shocked at the notion that a ship could have any less than 3 tactical console slots. Shame!
Only area I can agree with is that hull and shielding are too low, and that one of them could use a buff. At least the bird of prey doesn't look bad in comparison to other things, chiefly because it is capable of doing things other ships cannot.
Elite Fleet shields/KDF Fleet weapons aren't "high top quality items"? Very rare Doffs that come from $ packs aren't OP by design? At least you admit there are ships that are OP by design.
F2P or not steep power creep is bad for the game. Little if any mgt concern is given to balance and most of the Dev time is spent on creating the next OP power creep item and the means to obtain said items. The power creep also discourages new PvPers since they start w/such a large handicap in matches. New players pick up bad habits by not learning core gameplay mechanics b/c there is so much power creep (that and PvE generally is very easy).
Fyi, the KDF Vet ship is a very good ship. The Fed version isn't bad, but Fedside generates more revenue so it has been surpassed by the Fedside power creep. This is another issue, the imbalance between factions in terms of power creep.
Exactly, how is this a fun paradigm?
Random Quote from Kerrat
"Sumlobus@****: your mums eat Iced Targ Poo"
C&H Fed banter
Shhh that brakes some eula or something
New toys in my book does not equal content. I may venture in when they add Romulans and that's a big maybe. I find it more enjoyable reading the forums than playing the game.
Veni Vidi Vici
Confucius says "A Panda is most dangerous when Sad".
Hear! Daughters too.
The blood of battle washes clean.
The Warrior brave and true.
We fight, we love, and then we kill...
Hear! Daughters too.
The blood of battle washes clean.
The Warrior brave and true.
We fight, we love, and then we kill...
Elite Fleet Shields and stacking BFI Doffs, CD-reducing Doffs and many others don't need fixing.
A verteran Tac in an escort that can tank 3 pure, highly experienced pvper veteran tacs in bugs or escorts is perfectly fine.
that wasn''t yesterday in a FvK against Vor'Kang looking vor'cha?
I have seen and tonight I saw some incredible stuff involving a bug ship.
Somehow on his own strips resistances of 2 ships (he was a tac) and also ignored tac teams and shield buffs, so had debuffed us before we had started.
He was throwing out just the same DPS as me yet 2 of us had no effect on him.
even the Kumari wing overload which alphad to 65000+ hit him, I crit sev'd him, it came up in big yellow numbers at 102000 but had no effect whatsover on him, nothing. Not even a shield waver, he spins around, does one cannon burst and my shields just disappear to nothing instantly, then with all resistances stacked he still kills in less than 2 seconds.
His chum in another bug ship earlier had done the neat 100% pass through on shields trick as well.
Oh, when I was dead, I counted his buffs, he was running 23 buffs at once! I dont have 23 buffs to use. (On his own away from his team so not from other ships).
Excuse me?
Im still trying to decode that enigma called your post :rolleyes:
I think he means a bug that tanks 3 tacs... Hit or miss? Lol.
Hear! Daughters too.
The blood of battle washes clean.
The Warrior brave and true.
We fight, we love, and then we kill...
[Kluless][Kold][Steel Heels][Snagtooth]
[Louis Cipher][Outta Gum][Thysa Kymbo][Spanner][Frakk]
Joined October 2009. READ BEFORE POSTING