Ive been reading alot of posts since the announcement of the new romulan faction and are people happy?
For the most part no and why?
Complaints, complaints and yes more complaints
with a little we want his and that
And what about mission what about the KDF what about the feds what about all the little things that dont really matter but your gonna mention it just so you can gripe about it.
There is more but that covers alot of what ive been reading
Common people were getting the long awaited romulan faction dont over think this and enjoy the momment
People that play any mmorpg are never satisfied , not all but way over 70% of players.
They hate grind , everyone would like to get everything in game right now and be on top when they snap with their fingers:rolleyes:.
I'm happy about any patch that come to game , because it shows us that this game is in constant improving , new faction god it feels good... new reputation hell yea , new content omg im gona ..... .
grind in STO is soo easy... this is vanilla grind , try to play WoW and then complain about it .
Almost everyone who complained didnt read legacy of Romulus , sad but true... they only complain and they will do that every time when new patch come:(.
People that play any mmorpg are never satisfied , not all but way over 70% of players.
They hate grind , everyone would like to get everything in game right now and be on top when they snap with their fingers:rolleyes:.
To be accurate, they want everything right now, but if they have it, they complain because they have nothing to do, it was too easy, and they would have loved a bit more grind.
So far I'm having a lot of fun reading the "KDF content is ignored, again" with the Legacy of Romulus. They complained before because they didn't have the 1-20 content, and now, they complain because they will have it. They are not hard to please, that would mean there is a way to please them, they are simply impossible to please.
Ive been reading alot of posts since the announcement of the new romulan faction and are people happy?
For the most part no and why?
Complaints, complaints and yes more complaints
with a little we want his and that
And what about mission what about the KDF what about the feds what about all the little things that dont really matter but your gonna mention it just so you can gripe about it.
There is more but that covers alot of what ive been reading
Common people were getting the long awaited romulan faction dont over think this and enjoy the momment
I'd rather not be a fool. The game doesn't even have two full factions, and they're adding in a 3rd? Someone is going to get screwed over, and it'll be the Klingons. Not that it's any different than it has been the last several years, but this pretty much cements their fate.
It's a money grab, designed to get current players to build up new alts and respend their money on a new toon. It's not about increasing the quality of the game.
A good developer would created parity between the KDF and the Federation this expansion, and then released a Romulan focused expansion. Instead, they are building their house on a cracked foundation.
I must admit in the past I've been very critical about STO and, as someone who has been around since beta, witnessed a lot of bad mistakes and changes made to the game, but also seen various devs take their job on this game for granted, whilst insulting the playerbase.
Devs should really be grateful that they have the opportunity of a lifetime to work on something like STO.
I do question rash statements/judgements/calls by devs like gecko and in the past devs like snix and gozer.
Just because something on paper looks ok doesn't mean its practical or in the games interest. As a strong fan of the whole Star Trek Intellectual Property, all of the players have an interest in this game succeeding, and often things get pushed through, only for comments later by Mr Stahl to admit the metrics show that infact it doesn't produce the results they were expecting only to radically change it to what the players were shoutuing for (rep system im looking at you)
Anyway I digress, however it looks like a lot of work has been put into this romulan expansion and it was very very much needed for what for me has become a second job in the evening. Don't get me wrong I love the game, but the amount of time you have to put in to STO for me is at breaking point.
But yes I cant wait for this, it reminds me of how I felt when I first played the game levelling my first toon, eager to soak up the storyline, leaving ESD for the first time, hearing spocks voice entering sector space. This will bring a whole new angle to the game and kudos to the devs. Thank you for putting the fun back into this game for what is a very much needed addition !!!
If we don't get TNG Romulan uniforms, then it probably deserves to burn.
Especially if the playable faction isn't the same as the reputation faction, which is one way to resolve having Romulan characters grind Romulan reputation; I could almost accept different uniforms if the playable faction is the same as the third-world reputation faction.
The whole thing already sounds like a mess that any future present-timeline trek series should wholesale ignore. Granted, any such series would probably ignore STO regardless of the quality of STO's story.
"Tolerance and apathy are the last virtues of a dying society." - Aristotle
I have yet to see a Romulan faction. Merely a series of unconvincing photoshops. They could not make a complete Klingon faction in 3 years. I find it very doubtful they can make anything other than a half-assed trainwreck in a mere 2 months. Also, expect the next round of Dilithium nerfs.
A good developer would created parity between the KDF and the Federation this expansion, and then released a Romulan focused expansion. Instead, they are building their house on a cracked foundation.
An even better developer would create parity between KDF and the Federation, while at the same time creating a third fact that is also on par.
More choices equals more fun equals more players, or so the theory goes.
People that play any mmorpg are never satisfied , not all but way over 70% of players.
They hate grind , everyone would like to get everything in game right now and be on top when they snap with their fingers:rolleyes:.
I'm happy about any patch that come to game , because it shows us that this game is in constant improving , new faction god it feels good... new reputation hell yea , new content omg im gona ..... .
grind in STO is soo easy... this is vanilla grind , try to play WoW and then complain about it
Almost everyone who complained didnt read legacy of Romulus , sad but true... they only complain and they will do that every time when new patch come:(.
So far I'm having a lot of fun reading the "KDF content is ignored, again" with the Legacy of Romulus. They complained before because they didn't have the 1-20 content, and now, they complain because they will have it. They are not hard to please, that would mean there is a way to please them, they are simply impossible to please.
I'd rather not be a fool. The game doesn't even have two full factions, and they're adding in a 3rd? Someone is going to get screwed over, and it'll be the Klingons. Not that it's any different than it has been the last several years, but this pretty much cements their fate.
It's a money grab, designed to get current players to build up new alts and respend their money on a new toon. It's not about increasing the quality of the game.
A good developer would created parity between the KDF and the Federation this expansion, and then released a Romulan focused expansion. Instead, they are building their house on a cracked foundation.
The update is for May.
Compared to the TNG Romulan uniforms, the TOS are works of art.
Devs should really be grateful that they have the opportunity of a lifetime to work on something like STO.
I do question rash statements/judgements/calls by devs like gecko and in the past devs like snix and gozer.
Just because something on paper looks ok doesn't mean its practical or in the games interest. As a strong fan of the whole Star Trek Intellectual Property, all of the players have an interest in this game succeeding, and often things get pushed through, only for comments later by Mr Stahl to admit the metrics show that infact it doesn't produce the results they were expecting only to radically change it to what the players were shoutuing for (rep system im looking at you)
Anyway I digress, however it looks like a lot of work has been put into this romulan expansion and it was very very much needed for what for me has become a second job in the evening. Don't get me wrong I love the game, but the amount of time you have to put in to STO for me is at breaking point.
But yes I cant wait for this, it reminds me of how I felt when I first played the game levelling my first toon, eager to soak up the storyline, leaving ESD for the first time, hearing spocks voice entering sector space. This will bring a whole new angle to the game and kudos to the devs. Thank you for putting the fun back into this game for what is a very much needed addition !!!
Especially if the playable faction isn't the same as the reputation faction, which is one way to resolve having Romulan characters grind Romulan reputation; I could almost accept different uniforms if the playable faction is the same as the third-world reputation faction.
The whole thing already sounds like a mess that any future present-timeline trek series should wholesale ignore. Granted, any such series would probably ignore STO regardless of the quality of STO's story.
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An even better developer would create parity between KDF and the Federation, while at the same time creating a third fact that is also on par.
More choices equals more fun equals more players, or so the theory goes.
My money is on the Feds this time .
They'll get nothing except a buggy game once Not Season 8 goes live .