If this was intentional, it should have been put in the ship notes. Having to choose between using either the cannon abilities OR your tactical abilities makes a big difference.
This is incredibly close to false advertising. I don't need to elaborate as to why.
I would say for anyone who purchased the 3 pack, they should be given the option of choosing one pack and having the extra 2500 zen refunded. At this point, for both pvp and pve, you cannot use the specials and be at all as successful as you would be running standard gear.
I purchased the Ody 3 pack for the consoles. I purchased the Borta's 3 pack for the consoles. I purchased the Kumari 3 pack for the consoles. If they are not working AS ADVERTISED, I expect a refund of 2500 zen, and the choice of just one of the ships.
Thank you.
I actually agree with the above poster. And some may very righteously point out the following statement on the ship spec page: "NOTE: The above stats for all ships are subject to change." and the expectation that things change on a game.
Yes I must agree STO does not HAVE to make any amends on this situation, however that does not mean that they can't or shouldn't. Any kind of shared cool down should have been public knowledge and at the least an apology would be appropriate for not including that in the initial ship specs.
I have not purchased this ship and I would never purchase anything till it has been out a few weeks. I am very cautious and untrusting buyer, and want to be sure I know exactly what I am getting. I make salesmen very frustrated. It would be wise to consider this as a business decision to not make all purchasers of new ships so hesitant and conservative.
Since my first posting on this page many in zone chat and in my fleet have similar frustrations. Most are probably short term buyers remorse, but this will have an impact.
PvE Jem'Hadar motto:Participation Ribbonsare life.
I actually agree with the above poster. And some may very righteously point out the following statement on the ship spec page: "NOTE: The above stats for all ships are subject to change." and the expectation that things change on a game.
Yes I must agree STO does not HAVE to make any amends on this situation, however that does not mean that they can't or shouldn't.
I have not purchased this ship and I would never purchase anything till it has been out a few weeks. I am very cautious and untrusting buyer, and want to be sure I know exactly what I am getting. I make salesmen very frustrated. It would be wise to consider this as a business decision to not make all purchasers of new ships so hesitant and conservative.
Since my first posting on this page many in zone chat and in my fleet have similar frustrations. Most are probably short term buyers remorse, but this will have an impact.
Just before they can change this on the webpage, here is the description of what the cannon set bonus was SUPPOSED to provide.
"Console Set
The Tachyon Induction Relay, Wing Cannon Platforms, and Phaser Dispersal Array can be equipped on any Andorian Escort. Together, they are the Andorian Assault Set.
The two-piece set bonus grants Synchronized Targeting, a passive bonus to Accuracy.
The three-piece set bonus is Wing Cannon Synergy. This allows the player?s deployed Wing Cannon Platforms to benefit from the player?s special cannon abilities such as Cannon: Rapid Fire, Cannon: Scatter Volley, and the special attacks provided by the Tachyon Induction Relay and Phaser Dispersal Array consoles.
It would seem that instead of BENEFITing from the abilities, they are infact locking you out of them.
To be clear, these currently *are* intended to have a shared cooldown with Cannon: Rapid Fire and Cannon: Spread Volley.
These console powers are very potent, especially with the three piece set bonus. During internal testing, we tried it without putting them on the cannon shared cooldown. We found that rotating from Tachyon Burst -> Rapid Fire -> Overload provided an extraordinarily high amount of burst.
We do have an internal QA team, and they're actually the reason why these *are* on a shared cooldown - the burst potential was just too high.
We could have put a long shared cooldown (say, 60 seconds) between Tachyon Burst and Overload, but this would have cut down the incentive to have those two consoles equipped at the same time significantly.
We also could have decreased the power of the individual abilities rather than making them share the cannon cooldown - and I did test it out that way internally - but it wasn't as satisfying.
We're still examining this further, but we would prefer to release a ship console a little "weak" and buff it later than release it in too powerful of a state and have to nerf it at a later time.
Again, we're going to keep testing this internally further, and we'll listen to player feedback. We do read these forums on a regular basis, we just don't always have a chance to reply to every thread (either because we're too busy fixing or implementing things, or because we don't want to make a statement about something that's still in flux and may change).
Okay, so the main issue I've had in experience is that when running two existing cannon abilities, they always force the consoles onto cooldown so I have to manually stop activating my buffs, and click-activate the console interrupting my buff sequences.
I'd suggest that you leave that they put the cannon spread volley, and cannon rapid fire abilities on cooldown.
HOWEVER, do not have those abilities put the consoles on cooldowns.
Where as I can understand chaining these abilities together can give too much burst damage, the linked GCD between BOFF cannon abilities and the console's abilities just seem a little extreme. Currently, it is faster to just not use them, in example, Elite Khitomer Space stf, with probes. Just using one of the console abilities itself won't punch down a group of probes as well as just using the C:SV boff ability. You'd actually be hurting yourself, because suddenly you're auto attacking for the next 15 seconds. At the moment, the only way around this would be to Que up the actual ability itself since its more similiar to a torpedo ability, lasting 30 seconds til used. And Queing it up 15 seconds ahead of time to use it, then switch to cannon BOFF abilities.
Personally, I would think a shared GCD of say 30 - 45 seconds or so between the console abilities, or even higher, would let players keep the rather unique feel of the unique abilities these ships can have, and still not break the game with too high of burst since it would have a longer GCD than the boff cannon abilities would by themselves.
Though, this post now seems like it'd be better in suggesstions. lol
Honestly, I agree with this suggestion. Having the consoles share a longer cooldown amongst themselves would, to me, be highly preferable to them sharing and having the same cooldown as CRF/CSV.
There are several good suggestions in this thread to make them more attractive while keeping them from chaining too strongly with cannon BOff abilities, and I sincerely hope that Cryptic will take a long, close look at these consoles to make them more attractive to equip, rather than an almost strict loss over the relevant cannon abilities.
Joined January 2010.
I think we are looking at this the wrong way I think what happens is when you use the wing cannon it uses cannon raid fire right away without you having to click it it seams in the new pictures that he post in the blog and that's why it goes on cool down so you can't do two cannon raid fires right after each other
To be clear, these currently *are* intended to have a shared cooldown with Cannon: Rapid Fire and Cannon: Spread Volley.
These console powers are very potent, especially with the three piece set bonus. During internal testing, we tried it without putting them on the cannon shared cooldown. We found that rotating from Tachyon Burst -> Rapid Fire -> Overload provided an extraordinarily high amount of burst.
We do have an internal QA team, and they're actually the reason why these *are* on a shared cooldown - the burst potential was just too high.
We could have put a long shared cooldown (say, 60 seconds) between Tachyon Burst and Overload, but this would have cut down the incentive to have those two consoles equipped at the same time significantly.
We also could have decreased the power of the individual abilities rather than making them share the cannon cooldown - and I did test it out that way internally - but it wasn't as satisfying.
We're still examining this further, but we would prefer to release a ship console a little "weak" and buff it later than release it in too powerful of a state and have to nerf it at a later time.
Again, we're going to keep testing this internally further, and we'll listen to player feedback. We do read these forums on a regular basis, we just don't always have a chance to reply to every thread (either because we're too busy fixing or implementing things, or because we don't want to make a statement about something that's still in flux and may change).
So as per what you are saying here is that you think the combination attack that you would be capable of doing using the consoles and bridge powers are too powerful. But yet you have other ships that possess other consoles that when used in unison with BOFF are too powerful.
so you dont think the vesta consoles are overpowered, or plasmonic leech, aceton assimilator, Team fortress, Tachyon beam, etc etc etc. All abilities when used together create powerful effects some more damaging than others. If you made a console set designed for damage to SYNERGIZE (as you put it in the notes) with CRF and CSV you cant lock out those two abilities from the set it nullifies what you were trying to create. Your essentially telling people that in order to use 1 console in a buffed way you need two other consoles that become useless. its like set bonuses that SYNERGIZE but in this case its consoles not bonuses.
So if i may be so bold here as to ask, Why was this information and limitation not posted with the stats and description for the consoles. You knew it was a big issue, you just said that but yet you what casually forgot to add it into the noted and description?? Its like you just sold me a 50000 dollar car that comes with extra features that i cant use when im using the standard ones. LOL
Like I posted before 1 OP ability is not going to break the game and for players that drop $50 on it desirve something good for the price. Having an OP ability will increase sales. All this is going to do is allow Feds to have alpha strike ability. BOP's can take another player from %100 to dead in 2sec right now. How is that not OP? So we will have the ability to have one ability that compairs to the alpha strike, So what. Put it the way it was advertised and give us our $$$$ worth and let the other that dont have it cry.
+1 on another lost sale. And I really, really wanted to get them, too.
Alot of people will still use them anyway, even without the extra consoles. 5 fore, 2 aft firing slots is huge compared to 4 fore, 3 aft.
I'm really, really trying to sell myself on using the full console bonus so the deployed platforms use rapid fire, etc. After all, I dumped all that $$ into it, I better make myself use it.
I just see a majority of people at the moment just buying 1 version of the ship, preferably engineer as you can, atthe moment, launch the wing cannon platforms without the wingcannons attached and just running it as a regular escort with 2 gundam newtype funnel pets. lol. :P
It sounded like a cool set of ships with unique escort powers similar to the Multis' unique sci powers. If they lock out my most used boff powers and have a long windup then there is no reason for me to bother buying the pack. Or really any of them.
And I was really thinking my tac would like to use this instead of the Chimera, which has a nice multi attack built in but does not put any of my boffs on cooldown.
This is the kind of information you should disclose BEFORE releasing a ship or atleast on the ship's description page.
And have Cryptic lose money on the potential impulse buyers out there, that?s why they give as little info on the ships they put out, they want to let the players find out about the drawbacks of the ships when they have your money or Zen, and the only thing left for the player to do is read the very fine print that states NO REFUNDS,WAHAHAHAHAH.
Do you really think that Cryptic would actually post the Info Pics of each Console, if they were to do that, they would actually lose sales, their marketing strategy is to keep the players ignorant about the product for as long as possible until someone shares the info in the forums.
It is sad that Cryptic has to pull this kind of strategy in order to sell their product.
At least we can see the Marketing department has done their job well by keeping everything vague as usual.
Too bad their QA department isn?t as good as their Marketing
For what it is worth, I feel like I misspent $50 with the CD linking and the fact you MUST have the "birds" deployed for things to work - otherwise the CD goes off regardless. And a pro tip - The Breen link mines ALWAYS "oneshot" them. Once the general KDF people find out - well....
The three minute CD for EACH function is amazing as so many slots are given up for the functionality and it is pretty much useless with a skilled OPFOR. It is like the Phaser Lance in my book....
I think "tech" stuff like that should be put in the info area prior to purchasing. Imagine my surprise in PVP the first time.... ;{
Between this pack and the Odsy one, I think I would have been better off spending the $100 on keys sadly enough...
Wow, good thing I read the forums I would have made a $50 mistake, can you imagine the Tac variant where you have 9 tactical abilities and see half of them on Global Cool Down.
I can see it now
Captain: FIRE!!
Tac Officer: Firing all weapons sir.
Captain: Did we kill them?
Tac Officer: No sir, they have 10% hull remaining.
Captain: Activate CRF
Tac Officer: Um, cant do that its on cool down, sir
Captain: Then activate CSV
Tac Officer: Um, cant do that either, its also on a cool down, sir.
Captain: Then fire a torpedo spread
Tac Officer : Um, Its also on cool down from our initial attack
Captain: Fr**k!!, lets get out of here, Activate APO
Tac Officer: Um, that too is on cool down, remember, we used it in our initial attack, Sir.
Captain: S***!!!, F***, Transfer Shield Strength.
Tac Officer: Um, Sir, we left the Science guy at ESD, you said you wanted another Red Shirt instead of the Science guy.
Captain: WHAT!, then activate the Hazard Emitters
Tac Officer: Um, Sir, that was also The science guys job, we left him on ESD, remember.
Captain: F***!!!, CLOAK THE SHIP!
Tac Officer: Sir, we don?t have a cloaking device.
These console powers are very potent, especially with the three piece set bonus.
Not really potent enough to bother equipping the set. They mess up the BOFF rotation and take up valuable console space. For a gimmick that makes the ship unplayable due to the cooldown sharing.
You need to come up with some other idea to keep the chaining from happening.
We could have put a long shared cooldown (say, 60 seconds) between Tachyon Burst and Overload, but this would have cut down the incentive to have those two consoles equipped at the same time significantly.
Right now you've taken away the incentive to use the consoles at all. So it's time to rethink the idea of incentive.
Activating the console ability attacks ( Phaser mega attack of the tachyon attack. ) Will automatically put you into combat. Thats reaallyy annoying when you pop one of the abilities to que it up and wait out the 15 seconds while heading to next cube. You end up waiting out that 15 seconds in combat while crawling to the next cube.
Activating the console ability attacks ( Phaser mega attack of the tachyon attack. ) Will automatically put you into combat. Thats reaallyy annoying when you pop one of the abilities to que it up and wait out the 15 seconds while heading to next cube. You end up waiting out that 15 seconds in combat while crawling to the next cube.
I don't like that as a captain of my ship i cannot engage full impulse as needed. I can chose to choke off the power to other systems in a hot spot if some hull damage is better than destruction.
I wonder if that might be something they don't want to change because you would be routing power to weapons for it and you couldn't be at full impulse.
PvE Jem'Hadar motto:Participation Ribbonsare life.
I don't like that as a captain of my ship i cannot engage full impulse as needed. I can chose to choke off the power to other systems in a hot spot if some hull damage is better than destruction.
I wonder if that might be something they don't want to change because you would be routing power to weapons for it and you couldn't be at full impulse.
Well I'm not sure if its intended or not. Seeing as how you can activate boff abilities and still go to full impulse. The console abilities from andy escorty put you directly into combat.
One thing I noticed is with same exact spec on Fed/Kdf Tacs, and same quality/number of corresponding consoles, both at 125 weapon power. Guramba's Javelin does 30k damage but Overloaded Wing Cannons do 20k damage(roughly) with no damage buffs. Javelin doesn't require a console, just have to charge it/use it in Siege Mode, doesn't cause -50 weapon power drain as well. Javelin is also a 1minute CD compared to the 3min CD on Overloaded Wing Cannons, and well, doesn't have a shared CD with other cannon abilities. Pretty easy to choose between which one I'd prefer out of the two.
One thing I noticed is with same exact spec on Fed/Kdf Tacs, and same quality/number of corresponding consoles, both at 125 weapon power. Guramba's Javelin does 30k damage but Overloaded Wing Cannons do 20k damage(roughly) with no damage buffs. Javelin doesn't require a console, just have to charge it/use it in Siege Mode, doesn't cause -50 weapon power drain as well. Javelin is also a 1minute CD compared to the 3min CD on Overloaded Wing Cannons, and well, doesn't have a shared CD with other cannon abilities. Pretty easy to choose between which one I'd prefer out of the two.
From what I understand, Javelin does share a CD. Since its a beam attack, it shares its CD with beam boff abilities.
One thing I noticed is with same exact spec on Fed/Kdf Tacs, and same quality/number of corresponding consoles, both at 125 weapon power. Guramba's Javelin does 30k damage but Overloaded Wing Cannons do 20k damage(roughly) with no damage buffs. Javelin doesn't require a console, just have to charge it/use it in Siege Mode, doesn't cause -50 weapon power drain as well. Javelin is also a 1minute CD compared to the 3min CD on Overloaded Wing Cannons, and well, doesn't have a shared CD with other cannon abilities. Pretty easy to choose between which one I'd prefer out of the two.
There are also huge drawbacks to the siege mode: you can't use it at all in pvp and if your target gets out of your fire arc then you lose your power and it's on CD, which makes this power useless except in a very limited number of situations. Of course switching between modes takes time too. Your cannon pets will follow you everywhere and will keep firing no matter what happens. Your ship won't stop if you use them. And the kdf ship doesn't have 5 fore weapons.
For this reason (5 fore cannons) this ship is the best tac ship by far in game, even without the consoles. You guys are really never happy, even when an excellent ship is released you want more.
+1 on another lost sale. And I really, really wanted to get them, too.
I've got an Andorian, whom I rolled as soon as the Ship was first announced all those years ago. So I was defiantly going to get one of the ships.
Now its all broken down. The set was appealing, not now. However If I buy one and the set later gets fixed, then I'd need to spend even more to get the set.
So from a fiscal point of view buying either the set or a single ship is a TRIBBLE move on my behalf.
With all the Torpedo Spreads flying about in game I don't see the wing cannons lasting 10 seconds, let alone long enough to use buffs, which renders the Three piece set utterly pointless.
I like the two piece though. But ultimately not enough.
Guess its go go gadget Stipend! Hey Andorian toon, back in the box until August!
I was all set to buy the bundle. Couldn't get on before work, but I rushed home late last night after work. Saw the Update Notice on the launcher and went and looked at what was being updated. Oh, the ship I want.
Looked at the patch notes, and decided to wait until this morning to see what people thought. Looks like I'll be keeping my $50.00. Very disappointed. I wanted this ship for my new Tactical.
Oh, and don't think I'll be opening any lock boxes either. I'll just wait on people to put the ships I want up on the exchange, and buy them with energy credits.
The ship was SUPPOSED to be strong! Now it has no teeth. Sad day.
archoncrypticMember, Cryptic DevelopersPosts: 0Arc User
Well I'm not sure if its intended or not. Seeing as how you can activate boff abilities and still go to full impulse. The console abilities from andy escorty put you directly into combat.
These console abilities should not put you directly into combat. This isn't happening to me internally. I'll talk to our QA department about it and see if they can give me some info to help track it down.
If you have good reproducible steps for this occurring, feel free to post it as a separate bug report.
There are also huge drawbacks to the siege mode: you can't use it at all in pvp and if your target gets out of your fire arc then you lose your power and it's on CD, which makes this power useless except in a very limited number of situations. Of course switching between modes takes time too. Your cannon pets will follow you everywhere and will keep firing no matter what happens. Your ship won't stop if you use them. And the kdf ship doesn't have 5 fore weapons.
For this reason (5 fore cannons) this ship is the best tac ship by far in game, even without the consoles. You guys are really never happy, even when an excellent ship is released you want more.
It's not that I am not happy with the ship itself, I am happy with the ship itself, but the consoles are underpowered. My original comparison was the Overload console alone vs Guramba's Javelin alone. You don't give up anything at all by having Siege Mode/Javelin on the Guramba, it's just there. As far as the pets, they die relatively easily, and are also a 3m cd. Which brings up another point. You call the pets, 30 seconds later, pets die, 2.5m before you can call them back out again. Which totally ruins the 3 set bonus right there for 2.5m plus that particular console til it is off CD again. What really ruins all these consoles though is that Overload/Tachyon Induction both start CDs on cannon abilities. You can't really chain the two either since Overload has a 4 second charge up time giving plenty of time for your target to get it's shields back up.
These console abilities should not put you directly into combat. This isn't happening to me internally. I'll talk to our QA department about it and see if they can give me some info to help track it down.
If you have good reproducible steps for this occurring, feel free to post it as a separate bug report.
Thanks for letting me know about this.
Its happened multiple times for me in Infected: The Conduit Elite. We'd finish one side. I'd Evasive manuever towards other, OUTSIDE of gate range mind you. I'd go out of combat and full impulse would be available.
I'd click either Phaser Dispersal or the Tachyon console ability, I'd hear the red alert sound and Full Impulse is suddenly greyed out for a full In combat to Out of Combat countdown. I'll log onto the game and try to recreate it and give exact steps to what I do.
I actually agree with the above poster. And some may very righteously point out the following statement on the ship spec page: "NOTE: The above stats for all ships are subject to change." and the expectation that things change on a game.
Yes I must agree STO does not HAVE to make any amends on this situation, however that does not mean that they can't or shouldn't. Any kind of shared cool down should have been public knowledge and at the least an apology would be appropriate for not including that in the initial ship specs.
I have not purchased this ship and I would never purchase anything till it has been out a few weeks. I am very cautious and untrusting buyer, and want to be sure I know exactly what I am getting. I make salesmen very frustrated. It would be wise to consider this as a business decision to not make all purchasers of new ships so hesitant and conservative.
Since my first posting on this page many in zone chat and in my fleet have similar frustrations. Most are probably short term buyers remorse, but this will have an impact.
Just before they can change this on the webpage, here is the description of what the cannon set bonus was SUPPOSED to provide.
"Console Set
The Tachyon Induction Relay, Wing Cannon Platforms, and Phaser Dispersal Array can be equipped on any Andorian Escort. Together, they are the Andorian Assault Set.
The two-piece set bonus grants Synchronized Targeting, a passive bonus to Accuracy.
The three-piece set bonus is Wing Cannon Synergy. This allows the player?s deployed Wing Cannon Platforms to benefit from the player?s special cannon abilities such as Cannon: Rapid Fire, Cannon: Scatter Volley, and the special attacks provided by the Tachyon Induction Relay and Phaser Dispersal Array consoles.
It would seem that instead of BENEFITing from the abilities, they are infact locking you out of them.
Thought I would post that before they can say that never happened. Proof is a good thing.
This is the link it was from http://sto.perfectworld.com/news/?p=821871
Okay, so the main issue I've had in experience is that when running two existing cannon abilities, they always force the consoles onto cooldown so I have to manually stop activating my buffs, and click-activate the console interrupting my buff sequences.
I'd suggest that you leave that they put the cannon spread volley, and cannon rapid fire abilities on cooldown.
HOWEVER, do not have those abilities put the consoles on cooldowns.
Thus, CSV -> Tachyon Burst works, but Tachyon Burst -> CSV doesn't.
Honestly, I agree with this suggestion. Having the consoles share a longer cooldown amongst themselves would, to me, be highly preferable to them sharing and having the same cooldown as CRF/CSV.
There are several good suggestions in this thread to make them more attractive while keeping them from chaining too strongly with cannon BOff abilities, and I sincerely hope that Cryptic will take a long, close look at these consoles to make them more attractive to equip, rather than an almost strict loss over the relevant cannon abilities.
Joined January 2010.
In regard to hating Star Trek 2009:
So as per what you are saying here is that you think the combination attack that you would be capable of doing using the consoles and bridge powers are too powerful. But yet you have other ships that possess other consoles that when used in unison with BOFF are too powerful.
so you dont think the vesta consoles are overpowered, or plasmonic leech, aceton assimilator, Team fortress, Tachyon beam, etc etc etc. All abilities when used together create powerful effects some more damaging than others. If you made a console set designed for damage to SYNERGIZE (as you put it in the notes) with CRF and CSV you cant lock out those two abilities from the set it nullifies what you were trying to create. Your essentially telling people that in order to use 1 console in a buffed way you need two other consoles that become useless. its like set bonuses that SYNERGIZE but in this case its consoles not bonuses.
So if i may be so bold here as to ask, Why was this information and limitation not posted with the stats and description for the consoles. You knew it was a big issue, you just said that but yet you what casually forgot to add it into the noted and description?? Its like you just sold me a 50000 dollar car that comes with extra features that i cant use when im using the standard ones. LOL
Alot of people will still use them anyway, even without the extra consoles. 5 fore, 2 aft firing slots is huge compared to 4 fore, 3 aft.
I'm really, really trying to sell myself on using the full console bonus so the deployed platforms use rapid fire, etc. After all, I dumped all that $$ into it, I better make myself use it.
I just see a majority of people at the moment just buying 1 version of the ship, preferably engineer as you can, atthe moment, launch the wing cannon platforms without the wingcannons attached and just running it as a regular escort with 2 gundam newtype funnel pets. lol. :P
It sounded like a cool set of ships with unique escort powers similar to the Multis' unique sci powers. If they lock out my most used boff powers and have a long windup then there is no reason for me to bother buying the pack. Or really any of them.
And I was really thinking my tac would like to use this instead of the Chimera, which has a nice multi attack built in but does not put any of my boffs on cooldown.
Guess I get to save $50.
And have Cryptic lose money on the potential impulse buyers out there, that?s why they give as little info on the ships they put out, they want to let the players find out about the drawbacks of the ships when they have your money or Zen, and the only thing left for the player to do is read the very fine print that states NO REFUNDS,WAHAHAHAHAH.
Do you really think that Cryptic would actually post the Info Pics of each Console, if they were to do that, they would actually lose sales, their marketing strategy is to keep the players ignorant about the product for as long as possible until someone shares the info in the forums.
It is sad that Cryptic has to pull this kind of strategy in order to sell their product.
At least we can see the Marketing department has done their job well by keeping everything vague as usual.
Too bad their QA department isn?t as good as their Marketing
The three minute CD for EACH function is amazing as so many slots are given up for the functionality and it is pretty much useless with a skilled OPFOR. It is like the Phaser Lance in my book....
I think "tech" stuff like that should be put in the info area prior to purchasing. Imagine my surprise in PVP the first time.... ;{
Between this pack and the Odsy one, I think I would have been better off spending the $100 on keys sadly enough...
My thoughts exactly.... That was another waste of money to the toon of $25 - used the ship for less than five hours and never used it again.... ;{
ingame: @.Spartan
Original Cryptic Forum Name: Spartan (member #124)
The Glorious, Kirk’s Protegè
I can see it now
Captain: FIRE!!
Tac Officer: Firing all weapons sir.
Captain: Did we kill them?
Tac Officer: No sir, they have 10% hull remaining.
Captain: Activate CRF
Tac Officer: Um, cant do that its on cool down, sir
Captain: Then activate CSV
Tac Officer: Um, cant do that either, its also on a cool down, sir.
Captain: Then fire a torpedo spread
Tac Officer : Um, Its also on cool down from our initial attack
Captain: Fr**k!!, lets get out of here, Activate APO
Tac Officer: Um, that too is on cool down, remember, we used it in our initial attack, Sir.
Captain: S***!!!, F***, Transfer Shield Strength.
Tac Officer: Um, Sir, we left the Science guy at ESD, you said you wanted another Red Shirt instead of the Science guy.
Captain: WHAT!, then activate the Hazard Emitters
Tac Officer: Um, Sir, that was also The science guys job, we left him on ESD, remember.
Captain: F***!!!, CLOAK THE SHIP!
Tac Officer: Sir, we don?t have a cloaking device.
Captain %#$&!!! %#$@!!!
Not really potent enough to bother equipping the set. They mess up the BOFF rotation and take up valuable console space. For a gimmick that makes the ship unplayable due to the cooldown sharing.
You need to come up with some other idea to keep the chaining from happening.
Right now you've taken away the incentive to use the consoles at all. So it's time to rethink the idea of incentive.
Good luck with that.
Activating the console ability attacks ( Phaser mega attack of the tachyon attack. ) Will automatically put you into combat. Thats reaallyy annoying when you pop one of the abilities to que it up and wait out the 15 seconds while heading to next cube. You end up waiting out that 15 seconds in combat while crawling to the next cube.
I don't like that as a captain of my ship i cannot engage full impulse as needed. I can chose to choke off the power to other systems in a hot spot if some hull damage is better than destruction.
I wonder if that might be something they don't want to change because you would be routing power to weapons for it and you couldn't be at full impulse.
Well I'm not sure if its intended or not. Seeing as how you can activate boff abilities and still go to full impulse. The console abilities from andy escorty put you directly into combat.
From what I understand, Javelin does share a CD. Since its a beam attack, it shares its CD with beam boff abilities.
But who puts beams on a Guramba? :P
There are also huge drawbacks to the siege mode: you can't use it at all in pvp and if your target gets out of your fire arc then you lose your power and it's on CD, which makes this power useless except in a very limited number of situations. Of course switching between modes takes time too. Your cannon pets will follow you everywhere and will keep firing no matter what happens. Your ship won't stop if you use them. And the kdf ship doesn't have 5 fore weapons.
For this reason (5 fore cannons) this ship is the best tac ship by far in game, even without the consoles. You guys are really never happy, even when an excellent ship is released you want more.
A dual beam bank for overload III to rip shields apart maybe?
God, lvl 60 CW. 17k.
After three years of these QnA blunders, I have a really hard time believing you statement above.
a history of sto pvp: 2010 - 2011
a history of sto pvp: 2012 - 2013
I've got an Andorian, whom I rolled as soon as the Ship was first announced all those years ago. So I was defiantly going to get one of the ships.
Now its all broken down. The set was appealing, not now. However If I buy one and the set later gets fixed, then I'd need to spend even more to get the set.
So from a fiscal point of view buying either the set or a single ship is a TRIBBLE move on my behalf.
With all the Torpedo Spreads flying about in game I don't see the wing cannons lasting 10 seconds, let alone long enough to use buffs, which renders the Three piece set utterly pointless.
I like the two piece though. But ultimately not enough.
Guess its go go gadget Stipend! Hey Andorian toon, back in the box until August!
Looked at the patch notes, and decided to wait until this morning to see what people thought. Looks like I'll be keeping my $50.00. Very disappointed. I wanted this ship for my new Tactical.
Oh, and don't think I'll be opening any lock boxes either. I'll just wait on people to put the ships I want up on the exchange, and buy them with energy credits.
The ship was SUPPOSED to be strong! Now it has no teeth. Sad day.
These console abilities should not put you directly into combat. This isn't happening to me internally. I'll talk to our QA department about it and see if they can give me some info to help track it down.
If you have good reproducible steps for this occurring, feel free to post it as a separate bug report.
Thanks for letting me know about this.
It's not that I am not happy with the ship itself, I am happy with the ship itself, but the consoles are underpowered. My original comparison was the Overload console alone vs Guramba's Javelin alone. You don't give up anything at all by having Siege Mode/Javelin on the Guramba, it's just there. As far as the pets, they die relatively easily, and are also a 3m cd. Which brings up another point. You call the pets, 30 seconds later, pets die, 2.5m before you can call them back out again. Which totally ruins the 3 set bonus right there for 2.5m plus that particular console til it is off CD again. What really ruins all these consoles though is that Overload/Tachyon Induction both start CDs on cannon abilities. You can't really chain the two either since Overload has a 4 second charge up time giving plenty of time for your target to get it's shields back up.
Its happened multiple times for me in Infected: The Conduit Elite. We'd finish one side. I'd Evasive manuever towards other, OUTSIDE of gate range mind you. I'd go out of combat and full impulse would be available.
I'd click either Phaser Dispersal or the Tachyon console ability, I'd hear the red alert sound and Full Impulse is suddenly greyed out for a full In combat to Out of Combat countdown. I'll log onto the game and try to recreate it and give exact steps to what I do.
EDIT: Thread made here. http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=563851