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[Bug Report] Andorian Ship - Cannon Powers Cooldown

illcadiaillcadia Member Posts: 1,415 Bug Hunter
edited March 2013 in PC Gameplay Bug Reports

I guess that's one way to 'balance' it.
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  • archoncrypticarchoncryptic Member, Cryptic Developers Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    This was intentional to prevent these from being chained back-to-back, but we're examining whether or not we can decrease this cooldown without making them too powerful. We're crunching numbers, and we'll see if we need to make any adjustments.
  • illcadiaillcadia Member Posts: 1,415 Bug Hunter
    edited February 2013
    Well I mean the wing cannon powers also have the charge up delay in your entire firing sequence- do you really need both?
  • aramyllaramyll Member Posts: 149 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    So then what is the point of having said consoles if you have to either choose to use your main cannons (which provide more DPS) when using CRF or CSV, over using your Wing Cannons to do a hit on the shields or an aoe? haven't bought my ship yet since im at work but the stats say the wing cannons only go to Mk 11 is this a typo or correct? also do these consoles have a 30 sec, 15sec cd when used or a 1,2,3 min cd like other consoles?

    The point of having special consoles on ships is to boost the dmg output or have EXTRA abilities that work along side your BOFF abilities. If in this case you say that its in order for it not to be spammed one after the other or at the same time, then you need to change all other consoles to work the same way, for example you cant use EPTS while you are using TEAM fortress, or you cant use Deuterium device when using Full impulse. These are the types of things that these consoles are used for to buff existing abilities not to replace them.

    On a separate note, this ship was held back and delayed for release for whatever reason you want to say, and in all that time you did NO testing to make sure the ship worked properly ????? what is the point of the tribble server if you don't put anything in there to test and verify functionality, or you don't even care to check the issues that are reported and acknowledge them?
  • erei1erei1 Member Posts: 4,081 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    illcadia wrote: »
    Well I mean the wing cannon powers also have the charge up delay in your entire firing sequence- do you really need both?
    They also drain your power like BO for the wing cannon overload ability. And you likely need to use EPtW and a battery, or your DPS will suffer badly from it.
  • aramyllaramyll Member Posts: 149 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Why not make the wing cannons have a similar limitation like the platforms? with a single console the cannons can only be buffed by said consoles but with all 3 the wing cannons can now benefit from crf and crv and be used in unison with the consoles? of course you would need to make it so that it only affects the wing cannon weapon and not regular cannons.

    On an added note, do the platform stay with you until you either die or warp out? Like fighter pets? or are they on a timer??? cause with the 3 piece set the platforms can be buffed with crf and csv but if they last for 20 secs and during this time you use another ability then by the time the cd ends the platforms are gone and u have to wait.
  • zionlythzionlyth Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    This was intentional to prevent these from being chained back-to-back, but we're examining whether or not we can decrease this cooldown without making them too powerful. We're crunching numbers, and we'll see if we need to make any adjustments.

    Can you please confirm if the cooldown is suppose to affect bridge officer abilities like rapid fire? I know you don't want to to chain the console abilities, but them putting boff abilities on cooldown is stupid.
  • diogene0diogene0 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Or significantly lower the dps from those wings so that peps get their fireworks without completely breaking the game. :)
    Lenny Barre, lvl 60 DC. 18k.
    God, lvl 60 CW. 17k.
  • john98837john98837 Member Posts: 761 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Cooldown between wing cannon abilities makes sense, but if they are supposed to and will continue to trigger cooldown on my rapid fire/scatter volley boff abilities then thats a deal killer. No point in buying the set as I will end up just equiping normal weapons and ditching the consoles.
  • crazy6665crazy6665 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    This was intentional to prevent these from being chained back-to-back, but we're examining whether or not we can decrease this cooldown without making them too powerful. We're crunching numbers, and we'll see if we need to make any adjustments.

    which one is intentional or are both intentional

    is it the console are intentional cool down which makes sense

    or is it the console putting cannon raid fire and cannon scatter valloy on cooldown intentional

    or is it both
  • rosebloomerosebloome Member Posts: 63 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    The Abilities for Tachyon and Phaser Dispersal consoles also trigger BOFF Cannon abilities global cooldown.

    Activate cannon: scatter volley, console abilities go on 15 sec GCD. Same in reverse.

    Is this Working as Intended?
  • atlasmk7atlasmk7 Member Posts: 48 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Number ONE reason I refuse to buy this ship, I could deal with the bugs and what not until they are fixed but this feature was described as intended. I logged on today with full intent on getting the 3 pack, but decided to read the forums first. So glad I did.

    Make the Andorian ship consoles not suck please.
  • darkkindness2darkkindness2 Member Posts: 257 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    This was intentional to prevent these from being chained back-to-back, but we're examining whether or not we can decrease this cooldown without making them too powerful. We're crunching numbers, and we'll see if we need to make any adjustments.

    This needs further attention and response - your post makes it clear that the shared cooldown between the console abilities is intended, to prevent them from being chained back-to-back, and that's both reasonable and expected.

    Your wording, however, leaves the question of whether the Kumari console abilities were intended to trigger the shared cooldown on Cannon: Rapid Fire and Cannon: Scatter Volley, and have a shared cooldown triggered BY those abilities considerably more vague. It seems like a strange interaction to have a console that triggers the shared cooldown on Bridge Officer abilities, and I honestly can't think of another console that has an interaction like that.

    Any clarification that you could offer regarding the shared cooldown trigger between Cannon: Rapid Fire, Cannon: Scatter Volley, and the Kumari console abilities would be appreciated!
    Joined January 2010.

    In regard to hating Star Trek 2009:
    kain9prime wrote: »
    IDIC fail.
  • rosebloomerosebloome Member Posts: 63 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Makes about as much sense as say, Gal-X spinal lance sharing same GCD as all beam boff abilities.
  • shimmerlessshimmerless Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    It makes the console powers feel very awkward and weird at times. This is especially puzzling given one of the powers (the wing platforms) is designed specifically to use the cannon BOff skills.
    vids and guides and stuff

    [9:52] [Zone #11] Neal@trapper1532: im a omega force shadow oprative and a maoc elite camander and here i am taking water samples
  • rosebloomerosebloome Member Posts: 63 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    It makes the console powers feel very awkward and weird at times. This is especially puzzling given one of the powers (the wing platforms) is designed specifically to use the cannon BOff skills.

    Yes. It doesn't really make alot of sense. Why don't they just tie a seperate GCD in with the consoles and not share them with the boff cannon abilities? It boggles zee mind.
  • crazy6665crazy6665 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    rosebloome wrote: »
    Yes. It doesn't really make alot of sense. Why don't they just tie a seperate GCD in with the consoles and not share them with the boff cannon abilities? It boggles zee mind.

    I still think its a bug he just the dev didn't right his comment right
  • rosebloomerosebloome Member Posts: 63 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    crazy6665 wrote: »
    I still think its a bug he just the dev didn't right his comment right

    I hope so. I think what has some people worried is a Dev hasn't commented on it to say if its a bug or intended.
  • aramyllaramyll Member Posts: 149 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Can anyone tell me if the platforms are time based or are they like hangar fighters ?

    what is their CD

    how long do they last

    how much damage do they do

    can you do the same with stats for the ando wing cannons??


    and the DIL cost for the MK 11??

    and can you confirm on whether or not you can use the consoles with regular cannons and not the wing ones?
  • shimmerlessshimmerless Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    aramyll wrote: »
    Can anyone tell me if the platforms are time based or are they like hangar fighters ?

    what is their CD

    how long do they last

    how much damage do they do

    can you do the same with stats for the ando wing cannons??


    and the DIL cost for the MK 11??

    and can you confirm on whether or not you can use the consoles with regular cannons and not the wing ones?

    The platforms appear to last until they're either destroyed or called back. The cost for each piece of Mk 11 Andorian equipment is ~22k dil.
    vids and guides and stuff

    [9:52] [Zone #11] Neal@trapper1532: im a omega force shadow oprative and a maoc elite camander and here i am taking water samples
  • admgreeradmgreer Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I bought the 3 pack and Equiped all 3 consoles onto the Tac Varient, my commander Tac is running: TT1, THY2,BO3,CRF3, The LT Cmdr: TT!, CSV2, APO, and on the LT: TT1, CRF1. I then decided to do a Starbase 24 for a test run, I equiped 2 Phaser DHC, the Andorian Cannons, a DBB and a quant torp, and beacuse of the cooldown my cannons were pretty much useless as I was on a cooldown non stop when using the console abilities, so as it sits your better off not using the consoles and just slapping on 4 DHC's and a beam or torp and 2 turrets in the back and running it like a normal escourt. The handicapp from the consoles on your cannon cooldowns is to much to make them useful. I removed the consoles and ran a standard escourt build and it did much, much better. So unless they fix this, the ships run better without the consoles. And buying the pack like I did, as it is now, a big rip-off.
  • milanvoriusmilanvorius Member Posts: 641 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I understand a shared cool down but there are so few cannon based tactical skills that killing my 2 rapid fires and 1 spread makes the whole purpose of the ship moot. The other way to get this fixed is give us more tactical skills for cannon (this is my preference). Say a target subsystem on this thing or something, it can have a big cool down, but could be a nice addition to a very sparse Boff ability tree. An all cannon boat in PvP will run TTx2, waste an ensign slot, 2 attack patterns, 3 cannon skills (1-2 rapid and spread), and what else. Couple that with the cool down and your tac captain still doesn't have a ship they can say is hands down over other possibilities.

    Granted you can through a dual beam and BO but that drains power and the thing needs all the eng and sci powers it can spare for heal and sustainment.

    That is awfully ranty, but really I don't know if putting a torpedo on this thing would do more damage than my all cannon/turret fleet escort when you dilute the skill tree with projectile damage points.

    It definitely has its perks and drawbacks, I am just not seeing it being worth the 5k zen and better than the fleet escort options with the current availability of Boff abilities and weapons.
    PvE Jem'Hadar motto: Participation Ribbons are life.
  • archoncrypticarchoncryptic Member, Cryptic Developers Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    To be clear, these currently *are* intended to have a shared cooldown with Cannon: Rapid Fire and Cannon: Spread Volley.

    These console powers are very potent, especially with the three piece set bonus. During internal testing, we tried it without putting them on the cannon shared cooldown. We found that rotating from Tachyon Burst -> Rapid Fire -> Overload provided an extraordinarily high amount of burst.

    We do have an internal QA team, and they're actually the reason why these *are* on a shared cooldown - the burst potential was just too high.

    We could have put a long shared cooldown (say, 60 seconds) between Tachyon Burst and Overload, but this would have cut down the incentive to have those two consoles equipped at the same time significantly.

    We also could have decreased the power of the individual abilities rather than making them share the cannon cooldown - and I did test it out that way internally - but it wasn't as satisfying.

    We're still examining this further, but we would prefer to release a ship console a little "weak" and buff it later than release it in too powerful of a state and have to nerf it at a later time.

    Again, we're going to keep testing this internally further, and we'll listen to player feedback. We do read these forums on a regular basis, we just don't always have a chance to reply to every thread (either because we're too busy fixing or implementing things, or because we don't want to make a statement about something that's still in flux and may change).
  • darkkindness2darkkindness2 Member Posts: 257 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    To be clear, these currently *are* intended to have a shared cooldown with Cannon: Rapid Fire and Cannon: Spread Volley.

    These console powers are very potent, especially with the three piece set bonus. During internal testing, we tried it without putting them on the cannon shared cooldown. We found that rotating from Tachyon Burst -> Rapid Fire -> Overload provided an extraordinarily high amount of burst.

    We do have an internal QA team, and they're actually the reason why these *are* on a shared cooldown - the burst potential was just too high.

    We could have put a long shared cooldown (say, 60 seconds) between Tachyon Burst and Overload, but this would have cut down the incentive to have those two consoles equipped at the same time significantly.

    We also could have decreased the power of the individual abilities rather than making them share the cannon cooldown - and I did test it out that way internally - but it wasn't as satisfying.

    We're still examining this further, but we would prefer to release a ship console a little "weak" and buff it later than release it in too powerful of a state and have to nerf it at a later time.

    Again, we're going to keep testing this internally further, and we'll listen to player feedback. We do read these forums on a regular basis, we just don't always have a chance to reply to every thread (either because we're too busy fixing or implementing things, or because we don't want to make a statement about something that's still in flux and may change).

    Thank you for all of the prompt feedback regarding the various issues with the Kumari escorts, archon. As it stands, it seems like having the cannon consoles share cooldowns with cannon abilities disincentivizes the use of both consoles as well - you're giving up the use of your Tac BOff abilities, which affect all of your forward weapons (in a lot of cases, anyway), for the use of two special abilities which have their own drawbacks. Hopefully testing will bear out an alternate solution to keep these abilities interesting and provide incentive to actually equip them.

    Thanks again!
    Joined January 2010.

    In regard to hating Star Trek 2009:
    kain9prime wrote: »
    IDIC fail.
  • milanvoriusmilanvorius Member Posts: 641 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    In a dps centric game a really good escort like the ship they made here, is running the risk of being OP or just another escort. I feel very strongly that the fleet patrol escort is a great ship and to beat it out for anything other than a warm fuzzy of trying something new, would take a very fine tuned approach.

    I totally agree that putting the ship out there weaker and bringing it up is more desirable approach and well thought out. At least you bought something at a base line and it can only be improved. If it is improved then others can get it, but no one would be reasonably dissatisfied.
    PvE Jem'Hadar motto: Participation Ribbons are life.
  • john98837john98837 Member Posts: 761 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    To be clear, these currently *are* intended to have a shared cooldown with Cannon: Rapid Fire and Cannon: Spread Volley.

    These console powers are very potent, especially with the three piece set bonus. During internal testing, we tried it without putting them on the cannon shared cooldown. We found that rotating from Tachyon Burst -> Rapid Fire -> Overload provided an extraordinarily high amount of burst.

    We do have an internal QA team, and they're actually the reason why these *are* on a shared cooldown - the burst potential was just too high.

    We could have put a long shared cooldown (say, 60 seconds) between Tachyon Burst and Overload, but this would have cut down the incentive to have those two consoles equipped at the same time significantly.

    We also could have decreased the power of the individual abilities rather than making them share the cannon cooldown - and I did test it out that way internally - but it wasn't as satisfying.

    We're still examining this further, but we would prefer to release a ship console a little "weak" and buff it later than release it in too powerful of a state and have to nerf it at a later time.

    Again, we're going to keep testing this internally further, and we'll listen to player feedback. We do read these forums on a regular basis, we just don't always have a chance to reply to every thread (either because we're too busy fixing or implementing things, or because we don't want to make a statement about something that's still in flux and may change).

    This is the kind of information you should disclose BEFORE releasing a ship or atleast on the ship's description page. As it stands I wasted $50 on a ship set that is now completely worthless to me. There is no way I am going to use the console set if it puts my rapid fire and scatter volley on cooldown, there is no way the console abilities make up for the bonus dps of either scatter or rapid fire, and they take up console space that could be better used for something else.

    While a Tachyon Burst -> Rapid Fire -> Overload might be to much damage i don't see how Tachyon Burst -> Rapid Fire would be a game breaking attack, especially with the charge up before you can fire the tachyon burst. By the ingame stats it does a little over 3000 damage per shield, thats maybe 1 volley of cannon fire worth. A 30 second shared cooldown between Tachyon Burst and Overload would be a much better solution than the current global cooldown.
  • admgreeradmgreer Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Thanks for looking into it. But as it sits now. Buying the 3 pack and running the 3 console set is less powerful than just running a standard escourt build. You do more DPS not using the consoles. So i dont know what the solution is but I know you want people to buy the Bundle and use the 3 console set. So right now i'm sorry to say that for you people that want the ship now, to just buy one, not the bundle. But for others that do want all 3 like I did, Wait and see what next week brings. If i were Dan I would leave the overload chain in. If you want to sell 3 pack bundles of this ship then having 1 OP ability is not going to break the game and it will sell Bundles like crack. If players know that if they buy all 3 that they will get some kind of "super attack" they will be whipping out the credit card faster than a cruiser capt can scream "nurf escourts"
  • diogene0diogene0 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    To be clear, these currently *are* intended to have a shared cooldown with Cannon: Rapid Fire and Cannon: Spread Volley.

    These console powers are very potent, especially with the three piece set bonus. During internal testing, we tried it without putting them on the cannon shared cooldown. We found that rotating from Tachyon Burst -> Rapid Fire -> Overload provided an extraordinarily high amount of burst.

    We do have an internal QA team, and they're actually the reason why these *are* on a shared cooldown - the burst potential was just too high.

    We could have put a long shared cooldown (say, 60 seconds) between Tachyon Burst and Overload, but this would have cut down the incentive to have those two consoles equipped at the same time significantly.

    We also could have decreased the power of the individual abilities rather than making them share the cannon cooldown - and I did test it out that way internally - but it wasn't as satisfying.

    We're still examining this further, but we would prefer to release a ship console a little "weak" and buff it later than release it in too powerful of a state and have to nerf it at a later time.

    Again, we're going to keep testing this internally further, and we'll listen to player feedback. We do read these forums on a regular basis, we just don't always have a chance to reply to every thread (either because we're too busy fixing or implementing things, or because we don't want to make a statement about something that's still in flux and may change).

    As long as you don't make other ships look inferior (especially KDF ones since you don't like releaseing kdf escorts), and as long as it doesn't break other player's experience in STFs (because i don't want someone to do all the job) it's fine. But if you buff those cannons without any counterpart then you better raise the stats of all existing ships and NPCs. The result would be the same but with 20 times more work for you.
    Lenny Barre, lvl 60 DC. 18k.
    God, lvl 60 CW. 17k.
  • crazy6665crazy6665 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    thx for posting save me 50 dollars lol
  • vangrealvangreal Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    To be clear, these currently *are* intended to have a shared cooldown with Cannon: Rapid Fire and Cannon: Spread Volley.

    These console powers are very potent, especially with the three piece set bonus. During internal testing, we tried it without putting them on the cannon shared cooldown. We found that rotating from Tachyon Burst -> Rapid Fire -> Overload provided an extraordinarily high amount of burst.

    We do have an internal QA team, and they're actually the reason why these *are* on a shared cooldown - the burst potential was just too high.

    We could have put a long shared cooldown (say, 60 seconds) between Tachyon Burst and Overload, but this would have cut down the incentive to have those two consoles equipped at the same time significantly.

    We also could have decreased the power of the individual abilities rather than making them share the cannon cooldown - and I did test it out that way internally - but it wasn't as satisfying.

    We're still examining this further, but we would prefer to release a ship console a little "weak" and buff it later than release it in too powerful of a state and have to nerf it at a later time.

    Again, we're going to keep testing this internally further, and we'll listen to player feedback. We do read these forums on a regular basis, we just don't always have a chance to reply to every thread (either because we're too busy fixing or implementing things, or because we don't want to make a statement about something that's still in flux and may change).

    I hate to have to post this.

    If this was intentional, it should have been put in the ship notes. Having to choose between using either the cannon abilities OR your tactical abilities makes a big difference.

    This is incredibly close to false advertising. I don't need to elaborate as to why.

    I would say for anyone who purchased the 3 pack, they should be given the option of choosing one pack and having the extra 2500 zen refunded. At this point, for both pvp and pve, you cannot use the specials and be at all as successful as you would be running standard gear.

    I purchased the Ody 3 pack for the consoles. I purchased the Borta's 3 pack for the consoles. I purchased the Kumari 3 pack for the consoles. If they are not working AS ADVERTISED, I expect a refund of 2500 zen, and the choice of just one of the ships.

    Thank you.
  • rosebloomerosebloome Member Posts: 63 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    To be clear, these currently *are* intended to have a shared cooldown with Cannon: Rapid Fire and Cannon: Spread Volley.

    These console powers are very potent, especially with the three piece set bonus. During internal testing, we tried it without putting them on the cannon shared cooldown. We found that rotating from Tachyon Burst -> Rapid Fire -> Overload provided an extraordinarily high amount of burst.

    We do have an internal QA team, and they're actually the reason why these *are* on a shared cooldown - the burst potential was just too high.

    We could have put a long shared cooldown (say, 60 seconds) between Tachyon Burst and Overload, but this would have cut down the incentive to have those two consoles equipped at the same time significantly.

    We also could have decreased the power of the individual abilities rather than making them share the cannon cooldown - and I did test it out that way internally - but it wasn't as satisfying.

    We're still examining this further, but we would prefer to release a ship console a little "weak" and buff it later than release it in too powerful of a state and have to nerf it at a later time.

    Again, we're going to keep testing this internally further, and we'll listen to player feedback. We do read these forums on a regular basis, we just don't always have a chance to reply to every thread (either because we're too busy fixing or implementing things, or because we don't want to make a statement about something that's still in flux and may change).

    Thanks for the response and clearing that up!

    Where as I can understand chaining these abilities together can give too much burst damage, the linked GCD between BOFF cannon abilities and the console's abilities just seem a little extreme. Currently, it is faster to just not use them, in example, Elite Khitomer Space stf, with probes. Just using one of the console abilities itself won't punch down a group of probes as well as just using the C:SV boff ability. You'd actually be hurting yourself, because suddenly you're auto attacking for the next 15 seconds. At the moment, the only way around this would be to Que up the actual ability itself since its more similiar to a torpedo ability, lasting 30 seconds til used. And Queing it up 15 seconds ahead of time to use it, then switch to cannon BOFF abilities.

    Personally, I would think a shared GCD of say 30 - 45 seconds or so between the console abilities, or even higher, would let players keep the rather unique feel of the unique abilities these ships can have, and still not break the game with too high of burst since it would have a longer GCD than the boff cannon abilities would by themselves.

    Though, this post now seems like it'd be better in suggesstions. lol
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