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Update on Fleet Marks and Dilithium



  • born2bwild1born2bwild1 Member Posts: 1,329 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    lirdek wrote: »
    small fleets will die anyway... FMs events are boring.

    My fleet mates are disgusted fomr sb system. No one want to join a T2-T3 fleet. We cant make the fleet grow anymore.

    I have now two options : i go back to solo mode and dont care for sb. And then dont get the 'best' that the game has to offer.

    I quit.

    I do have to hand it to Dan he made an excellent acting job when he appeared in this video to respond to small fleets dying:

  • keithwaddellkeithwaddell Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    omnimagus wrote: »
    This change has brought my starbase and embassy to a total halt. I can endlessly grind now, extremely repetitive content on nukkara, defera and pugged fleet events for over a week and not finish an assignment.

    No thank you.

    There is no other endgame content that has not been played ad infinitum, other then building the starbase. I don't mind the time, but I do mind the lack of content.

    I will no longer be playing this game until such time as fleet mark rewards are restored to the level they were last week.

    One word: Bye!
  • smokeybacon90smokeybacon90 Member Posts: 2,252 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    You have admitted that the starbase system is TRIBBLE over small fleets. You are completely denying small social groups of friends the chance to succeed in this game together. Your Option B was a pretty poor choice. The whole system needs a rethink, from the ground level.
  • cerritourugcerritourug Member Posts: 1,376 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Please dont nerf the current fleet action Daily!
    Please dont nerf the current fleet action Daily!
    Please dont nerf the current fleet action Daily!
    Please dont nerf the current fleet action Daily!
    Please dont nerf the current fleet action Daily!
    Please dont nerf the current fleet action Daily!
    Please dont nerf the current fleet action Daily!

    Division Hispana
  • foundrelicfoundrelic Member Posts: 1,380 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    omnimagus wrote: »
    This change has brought my starbase and embassy to a total halt. I can endlessly grind now, extremely repetitive content on nukkara, defera and pugged fleet events for over a week and not finish an assignment.

    No thank you.

    There is no other endgame content that has not been played ad infinitum, other then building the starbase. I don't mind the time, but I do mind the lack of content.


    My fleet is currently 5 members. Not for lack of trying to recruit but more because people are already either in a cooking fleet or they've have their own fleet and don't want to give it up, even if said fleet is only them.

    They don't like the idea of, and this is exactly what I was told, "Being told what to do by someone else in a fleet."

    Then there are those looking for a free ride.

    "Hey what tier is your fleet?"

    "Two, working towards three."

    "Oh... well when you're tier three or higher keep me in mind."

    That earns a great big F....uggetabout it.

    Meanwhile my fleetmates are still picking along at the base. We WILL get there but when we do, will we want anyone else to come in and take advantage of our work?

    Small fleets are SCREWED in this system.

    You want to make fleets more managable without "Making it easy"?

    CLose the ability to make new fleets for a while OR make it harder to create a fleet, because I guarantee I could log in right now and in five minutes have a one man fleet on one of my alt toons.

    Five minutes and its another fleet that will do NOTHING.

    Making it harder to create fleets will encourage players to join existing fleets which in turn will increase fleet productivity.
  • twg042370twg042370 Member Posts: 2,312 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    One word: Bye!

    I wonder if we can have their stuff if we ask.
  • markharmon01markharmon01 Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    you do know, eventually Perfect World is going to lose players over all these "corrective" adjustments you're making. In my fleet alone, I have already seen a decline in log ons, and a flock to other games such as Battlestar Galactica. I do not want to stop playing this game because of a lack of people playing it, but I also don't want it to take an hour to que up for an STF (PVE match). One day the executives at Perfect World are going to go :eek: at the amount of players who stop playing, unfortunately that'll be too late. You've already messed this game up enough, why do you continually take out missions, and mission rewards that make people not want to play it?
    Counters (timer) that you can respawn was the first mess up, then you nerfed dilithium, and NOW you're nerfing Fleet Marks? I shun to think you want people playing this game. I really do.
  • lirdeklirdek Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I do have to hand it to Dan he made an excellent acting job when he appeared in this video to respond to small fleets dying:


    pretty point at the feeling; good call :)
  • mikeflmikefl Member Posts: 861 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    omnimagus wrote: »
    Here's another fact check. I made a starbase to tier 1 and halfway to tier 2 solo. It isn't hard but it is boring. And that was with the foundry rewards in place. Without them, it's not worth the effort, and many of us have run out of anything else to do in this game.

    With all due respect Dan, I think you are all deeply out of touch with your playerbase. You quote metrics and numbers, but those don't gauge player happiness or satisfaction.

    I have a challenge for you Dan. For the next week, using the fleet events, try to get 900 fleet marks. I did it last week. Just go for it. Walk in our shoes for the ten days and see what it's like. See what it makes you think of this game. See how much fun it really is. Then come back and lets have a conversation about fleet marks and internal metrics, ok?

    I love Star Trek, Dan. I love Space Combat. I love this game you've created. For the last year this has been the only video game I've played, and I've financially supported. It's the only game I want to play. And yet as we speak I'm in the process of downloading The Old Republic and LOTR online. Because I'm tired of the grind, and increasing it for less rewards is not viable for me or my fleetmates. I'm logging into turn in my dilithium now, and that's it, and that's out of the optimistic hope that you're going to fix this problem soon.

    The problems with all those numbers and metrics is they don't predict the future,Dan. If you looked at those metrics last week, when I was merrily grinding day and night, they wouldn't have told you that I'd be downloading your competitors product today and not playing yours, would they?

    As a businessman, I would advise you in the strongest possible terms to listen to your customers first and foremost, and your numbers second. Things can change too quickly for your charts and graphs to reflect.

    Thanks for your time.

    I couldn't have said it better myself!
    Gold Sub since March 2010
    Lifetime Sub since June 2010
  • dastahldastahl Member Posts: 185 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    chaddy18 wrote: »
    Yes we are earning more dilithium, but what's the point unless the refining cap is increased to reflect this

    Average max level player refining per day is nowhere near the cap yet. Once the average Dilithium refined per day by max level players gets closer to the cap, we'll consider it.

    There are two additional big changes coming in May that will greatly improve a Fleet's abilities to complete projects, I'm just not at liberty to talk about them yet.

    We have a small fleet ourselves (with no cheaty dev accounts either) and we're only at T3 - so we understand how challenging it can be if everyone isn't playing the right content or contributing.

    We are beginning the tuning process that will get us to where we want to be for the big May update and that includes adding new things and balancing existing things.

    Fleet Marks will becoming common rewards for "Group Queued Gameplay" whereas Dilithium will be focused on more solo Mission Gameplay.

    We appreciate that there is frustration about losing the Fleet Marks in the Foundry, but Fleet Marks were never intended for solo based gameplay.

    Balancing is no fun, but we hear the suggestions that trying to get in the groove with a standard set of content is important. That is where we are trying to go without horking the economy.

    And to answer the naysayers - STO had its best month of growth ever and the game is only going to get bigger, expecially this summer. We do look at the economy reports every day. Players ARE earning more Dilithium AND more Fleet Marks than they ever have.

    Removing the Marks from the Foundry needed to happen, and since it was scheduled to come off after the Anniversary, it did. We will get Fleet Marks back into more appropriate content quickly as we did after Season 7 launch.

    I appreciate that we don't always make good decisions. We do listen to feedback and we do adjust in order to make things better for everyone.
  • iconiansiconians Member Posts: 6,987 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    "So we have a game mechanic to acquire a much-needed in-game currency for fleet progression, then we take that away despite telling you guys we're giving you more ways to earn fleet marks. But don't worry, even though we don't have a solution ready despite this game mechanic being here for a considerable period, knowing it was being exploited, just keep calm and relax knowing that more ways to get fleet marks are coming in the future. Maybe. Eventually. And they could be thoroughly tested. Possibly. But hey, if you don't like it, then just merge your fleet with a larger fleet, because at Cryptic, we don't care about individuality or giving you more options anymore. You must maintain lockstep with the rest of the mega-fleets in STO, and if you don't like it, too bad. We'll get to it when we want to, if we want to."
  • djconcentusdjconcentus Member Posts: 177 Media Corps
    edited February 2013
    Merging fleets as a solution to the resource issue? Dan, a fleet is not a corporation. When a fleet is having trouble, it's not going to consider a buyout by a larger corporation in order to stay business. A fleet is NOT, I repeat, NOT, American Airlines. A fleet should not consider merging with another fleet to stay afloat, because in doing so both fleets lose something intrinsic to their nature, I.E. their individuality. This is not Eve. Fleets are not corporations. They do not enter Chapter 11 Bankruptcy when they run low on resources and have to find a buyer or merger partner from their creditors.
    The opinions expressed in my posts are not necessarily those of my employer or Subspace Radio.
    Host of the Borg Boombox, 0300 GMT on Fridays on Subspace Radio
  • inputend21inputend21 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    icegavel wrote: »
    So, your option A was to not give small fleets as much and your Option B was to make them die of boredom grinding this TRIBBLE out.

    How about Option C: MAKE THE HOLDING COSTS SCALE! It cannot POSSIBLY be that hard to add into a system a mechanic that takes the number of characters in a fleet and does simple math to generate the costs. I'm taking Introduction to Computer Programming, Programming 101, right now. I've had 5 classes, in a class that uses C++ (the language this game is coded in, you said it in the 3-Year Q&A), and I could probably do it!

    Or, how about Option D: Alliances, where several fleets can pool resources and build a starbase TOGETHER! Hell, all Fleet Starbases are in the SAME STAR SYSTEM! Why can we not help each other?

    Really, Dan? You DESIGNED the system to TRIBBLE OVER your players? When's that been good for business? "Oh, our customers don't like this, let's make it worse." I'm an LTS, I've bought ZEN on rare occasion. I've supported this game, and I say NAY. A business doesn't make money when the customers are pissed, because angry customers don't buy their stuff. I DARE you to make a poll asking whether or not people approve of these changes and how the system works. I'm willing to bet the negative response rate would be over 80%.

    Stop shafting small fleets!

    Completely agree!
  • bugshubugshu Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Ok, your data shows that more fleets are starved for dilithium than fleet marks. I imagine that this is true. Its something Ive been posting and talking about since you removed the clickies. But if someone is starving because they eat rice daily and do not have enough protein in their diet then the answer is not to remove their rice.

    Its hard to build a fleet with 25 players that play 3 times a week.

    People dont have fleet marks outside of the foundry because fleet mark content is not fun.

    Ive seen major fleets with 450 members or more threaten to demote or kick people out that did not donate. People are not playing the game for fun anymore. They play to do what they have to do and what devs tell them to do or their fleet leaders tell them to do.

    Personally, I had to take command and charge of a fleet that I led because I didnt want players kicked out of it for not doing "fleet" missions and meeting required demand donations. It was pretty nasty. And this was a big fleet.

    Im sure small fleets feel a lot more stress on obtaining resources. And it shouldnt be too bad so sad, merge your fleet, or leave and find a bigger one.

    Its better for fleet progression to be too "easy" than too "hard".

    Im tired of players that freaking work hard doing missions they dont like being called out for "exploiting" the system. In our fleet families, I try hard not to tell people how to have fun or what they need or should do. Most players want to do fun things and enjoy the game. This does not include hated missions, foundry missions they do not like, and terrible cryptic fleet mark missions.

    To get a fleet with 25 players that "donate" to fleet mark missions you need a fleet of 250 players. Because many members are going to spend their dilithium on their own toons, and arent going to work to get fleet marks for donations. Working for your fleet and not for yourself is something many players just arent going to do.

    Its frustrating for nice fleet leaders that do not want to "make" or "require" their members to donate and its huge amounts of drama for those fleet leaders that do "require" or "demand" their members to treat membership like a job rather than a game.

    That sir, is why small fleets are struggling. They are lucky to have people show up and even play. Getting people to play what they do not want to play is another matter altogether. A few people do things they dont want to but not all that many. If people like STFS they do them. If they like foundry they do that. But the fleet mark missions are universally unloved, thats why people formed teams and did the foundry.

    You should think on this sir, if you are giving out more dilithium then why is it that fleets are universally stuck on projects and limited time upgrades that need dilithium, then please ask yourself why so many fleets are struggling to meet their dilithium needs. Its because fleet members do what they want with their earnings and giving them to fleets isnt always their top priority. There is lots of competition for dilithium outside of donating to your fleet. People that want an Aegis set and need 55K plus dili to craft it arent just thrilled about doing 60 foundry missions so they can do this and give 5K dilithium to their fleet as well.

    Players spend their earnigns on themselves not fleets. Thats why giving fleet marks that gave them some abilitiy to earn contributions and donate contributions from the foundry was a good idea. They may still do foundry for dilithium but much of it will never see a fleet holding.

    This change is universally unloved and even moreso by fleet leaders that want to kindly and gently guide their starbases and embassies into a semblance of progression.

    Theres already a lot of hate, and anger, in fleets between those that donate and earn and those that do not. Its rare to find a fleet leader in a high tier fleet that got there with extreme gentleness and asking politely for leftover donations.

    Many fleet leaders appreciated these exploits because it gave them options to progress while being nice about not requiring or pushing members to donate. Small fleets are just going to get crushed because I know in my heart that if you have 25 people in your fleet not all 25 are going to earn and give.

  • xlocutusofborgxxlocutusofborgx Member Posts: 1,376 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Dan, you havent changed since you came into office, your word "no affence here this is just good critism on my part" means nothing. You made a long speach about one change that everyone doesnt like (its plainly obvious). Might as well made a novel. My fleet is small, 10 man possibly if not a little more, we have a hard time getting dil and fleet marks. You guys dont reduce projects for smaller fleets, as youve mentioned before. We understand the fleet system isnt ment to be done in a day, but i dont know about you but id like to see t5 sometime in my life time. You might as well consider this a retired persons game because theres no way you can get ahead with the prices you put things in game.

    At this point dan... i came back from TOR to give this game another shot, but the way you guys are handling this game, at this point, I'm really thinken about going back, i love startrek but not enouph to support the actions of a team that makes you grind your life away... fix things, *again no affence here* or find an executive thats going to listen to the player base instead of making bad choices..

    Here is what i suggest and my thoughts... (foundry is a fleet activity) me and my fleet and iam sure others do as well use it for fleet events, its great fun and not a SOLO based system as youve put out, put the 50 fleet marks back to how it was. End of story, its a group activity. I personally and my fleet hate doing reptitive tasks as the foundry was the one things that gave us fleet marks that didnt feel like a boring grind, because frankly you guys cant add more content in time to keep us stimulated.. now your FORCING us to do fleet actions to obtain marks... yay thanx dan for making this game so fun... i see your doing your job just like the past 3 years.
    R E S I S T A N C E - I S - F U T I L E
  • markharmon01markharmon01 Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    foundrelic wrote: »

    My fleet is currently 5 members. Not for lack of trying to recruit but more because people are already either in a cooking fleet or they've have their own fleet and don't want to give it up, even if said fleet is only them.

    They don't like the idea of, and this is exactly what I was told, "Being told what to do by someone else in a fleet."

    Then there are those looking for a free ride.

    "Hey what tier is your fleet?"

    "Two, working towards three."

    "Oh... well when you're tier three or higher keep me in mind."

    That earns a great big F....uggetabout it.

    Meanwhile my fleetmates are still picking along at the base. We WILL get there but when we do, will we want anyone else to come in and take advantage of our work?

    Small fleets are SCREWED in this system.

    You want to make fleets more managable without "Making it easy"?

    CLose the ability to make new fleets for a while OR make it harder to create a fleet, because I guarantee I could log in right now and in five minutes have a one man fleet on one of my alt toons.

    Five minutes and its another fleet that will do NOTHING.

    Making it harder to create fleets will encourage players to join existing fleets which in turn will increase fleet productivity.

    I have my own fleet, I am the only member, and I two wouldn't leave it.
  • woodyvalleywoodyvalley Member Posts: 89 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Something that I notice is how the Fleet Marks have been treated doesn't seem to be balanced or sumplimented with another item. I explain.

    If you look at the PvE events and others in some way or another the seen to offer items ans have a small supplement of another item.

    - Gorn Mine, Big Dig etc give a Dilithium and a Item.

    - Minetrap, The Vault etc gives Romulan Marks and a small amount of Fleet Marks

    - STFs gives Omega Marks and Dilithium.

    Even Dereri Ground and Borg Space Invations give a supplement.

    But when it comes to Tholian Ground, Colony Invastion etc they don't come with a suppliment of another item. At least the foundry is some way supplement now with EC. I personally like to have Fleet Marks more than EC, but I know, I'm not the EP.

    So it might be something to look at, give somthing to supplement the Fleet Mark events, might make it more attractive to get.
  • rinksterrinkster Member Posts: 3,549 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    dastahl wrote: »

    I appreciate that we don't always make good decisions. We do listen to feedback and we do adjust in order to make things better for everyone.

    Then please listen to the feedback on this thread and others.

    We are hurting for fleet marks NOW. Not in a couple of months. NOW.

    Taking away the major source of fm for small fleets without the replacement system being in place was an utterly foolish idea.

    I'm sure you just had a good month......but I wouldn't be so sanguine about next month unless you sort this out in hours or days, not months.
  • gr4v1t4rgr4v1t4r Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    lirdek wrote: »
    small fleets will die anyway... FMs events are boring.

    My fleet mates are disgusted fomr sb system. No one want to join a T2-T3 fleet. We cant make the fleet grow anymore.

    I have now two options : i go back to solo mode and dont care for sb. And then dont get the 'best' that the game has to offer.

    I quit.

    But...but...with who am I gonna do STF's then?:(
    Lost and Delirious... and Disenchanted too
    Apparently some forum posters have diplomatic immunity nowadays, where can I get mine?
    askray wrote: »
    Expressing my opinion isn't trolling but nice try. Besides, if I was you wouldn't know it ;P
  • cratchmastercratchmaster Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    While I understand that to Cryptic, this is a business and business is often all about difficult and unpopular decisions, but to the player base this is a game. That's right, a GAME. And when a game stops being fun, people stop playing. Now if this game was MY business, I'd be very worried about that.
  • icegavelicegavel Member Posts: 991 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    dastahl wrote: »
    Average max level player refining per day is nowhere near the cap yet. Once the average Dilithium refined per day by max level players gets closer to the cap, we'll consider it.

    This is 100% total male bovine fecal matter. We're earning tons of Di, and when you EARN Di, you REFINE Di. EVERYONE does this. The "average max level player refining rate" is probably at almost 100%, if it isn't there. Raise the Di cap!
  • meurikmeurik Member Posts: 856 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I think it may be time to remove the distinction between "Fleet Events" and "Fleet Actions". Both are activities that a single player can queue for, without having to queue with his/her Fleet Mates. As such I propose you roll both into a singular name of "Fleet Actions", having varied activities for 5/10/20 players, with Fleet Mark rewards adjusted accordingly. Larger Fleet Actions = More Fleet Marks.

    And since Fleet Marks is intended for anything "Group play" related, it should most certainly get added to STFs, if not permanently, atleast during "Bonus Hour". A Bonus Hour I might add, that should be run more frequently throughout the day/night cycle.
  • trek21trek21 Member Posts: 2,246 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    or find an executive thats going to listen to the player base instead of making bad choices..
    It's a shame how few people realize that implementing most/all of player feedback is not only impossible, but counterproductive :D

    It's impossible to please everyone, in simpler language.

    They're doing what they consider best, and despite the fact that the forums are in an uproar (which isn't unusual), the game is still here and doing well... which says a lot on it's own imo.
    Was named Trek17.

    Been playing STO since Open Beta, and have never regarded anything as worse than 'meh', if only due to personal standards.
  • gr4v1t4rgr4v1t4r Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    dastahl wrote: »
    I appreciate that we don't always make good decisions. We do listen to feedback and we do adjust in order to make things better for everyone.

    So, how about them JHAS pets for Dreadnought owners that don't own a JHAS? Pretty sure there's about 26 pages of feedback on that here: http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=527061&page=26
    Lost and Delirious... and Disenchanted too
    Apparently some forum posters have diplomatic immunity nowadays, where can I get mine?
    askray wrote: »
    Expressing my opinion isn't trolling but nice try. Besides, if I was you wouldn't know it ;P
  • tsurutafan01tsurutafan01 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    dastahl wrote: »

    They are now arguably the single best source of Dilithium per mission

    If you completely ignore the Academy Events (easy 4600 per hour of play), mining (1000 for 7 minutes work during non-event periods), elite STFs (960 for roughly 15 minutes), and DOFFing (easily several thousand a day with a good crew), this might be true. Maybe.

    "We are smart." - Grebnedlog

    Member of Alliance Central Command/boq botlhra'ghom
  • user839020189287user839020189287 Member Posts: 291 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Funny how a game that took me a long time to download, only take seconds to uninstall...

    My 7 toons just finished the Hegh'bat and honor has been restored.
    twg042370 wrote: »
    I wonder if we can have their stuff if we ask.
    I thought of you when I burnt it all. Especially my purple resources.

    "Dammit J'mpok! I'm a Warrior, not a Worrier!"

    - KDF Ambassador Syon vocalizing her objection to the discussions of possible peace talks with the UFP due to recent Borg and Undine activities.
    Hegh'bat, Stardate 66588.8
  • stirling191stirling191 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    dastahl wrote: »
    Average max level player refining per day is nowhere near the cap yet. Once the average Dilithium refined per day by max level players gets closer to the cap, we'll consider it.

    I'm calling shenanigans on that one.
    dastahl wrote: »
    There are two additional big changes coming in May that will greatly improve a Fleet's abilities to complete projects, I'm just not at liberty to talk about them yet.

    That's your answer? Wait three months for a resolution, with only your word as to what it will be? Remember that dilithium you said you wouldn't remove from STFs, yet two days later ripped out without so much as a word?
    dastahl wrote: »
    Fleet Marks will becoming common rewards for "Group Queued Gameplay" whereas Dilithium will be focused on more solo Mission Gameplay.

    We appreciate that there is frustration about losing the Fleet Marks in the Foundry, but Fleet Marks were never intended for solo based gameplay.

    Then why introduce it in solo gameplay in the first place?
    dastahl wrote: »
    Balancing is no fun, but we hear the suggestions that trying to get in the groove with a standard set of content is important. That is where we are trying to go without horking the economy.

    Tweaks =/= wholesale removal of entire income streams. As it stands now, the only way to get fleet marks is a very limited, repetitive series of missions that pay out ludicrously low amounts of currency for what is required. If you wanted to "balance" you would have made changes to them, either by adding new FM missions or by upping current FM payouts in existing missions.
  • akalayusakalayus Member Posts: 43 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I think adding fleet marks to Fleet Actions would be a pretty good idea. It might also encourage more players to play those missions.
  • bareelbareel Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I have one simple question.

    Is the CXP turn in 'safe' in this future 'tuning' or is it getting whacked with the nerf bat next?
  • neoakiraiineoakiraii Member Posts: 7,468 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Funny how a game that took me a long time to download, only take seconds to uninstall...

    My 7 toons just finished the Hegh'bat and honor has been restored.

    I thought of you when I burnt it all. Especially my purple resources.


    See you later then:D
This discussion has been closed.