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Ask Cryptic: February 2013 - Submit Your Questions, Please!



  • starfleetownsallstarfleetownsall Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    will there ever be a strategy part to this game like for example like in battlestar galactica where 2 factions take control of a map and territories can be claimed or like in world of tanks fleets could take control a map and fight for individual territories? this could be a really good idea and would make the game more interesting.
    Task Force Spectre, Legion of Spectre, and House of Spectre is recruiting!
    I watch the only good STO podcast STOked Radio
    Want to learn more about any of the above? Let me know!
  • theraven2378theraven2378 Member Posts: 6,007 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I'm a huge fan of the mirror universe, are there any plans for Terran like interiors on the mirror ships?
      "The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
      -Lord Commander Solar Macharius
    • teslastormerteslastormer Member Posts: 1 Arc User
      edited February 2013
      I know I am late in asking, but I'll put this up and hope for an answer.
      Will you update older ships in the Zen store like the Dreadnought with new abilities?
      Will the Klingon faction get more ships?
      Will you make Lobi crystals account bound instead of character bound?
      Finally, will you add Androids and/or Holographic to the list of character species options?
    • lterlter Member Posts: 0 Arc User
      edited February 2013
      English, French, German and now Portuguese. Its time for Spanish community to move to another Game? Star Conflict maybe? Shall we wait to Star Citizen?
    • holyhelmetholyhelmet Member Posts: 0 Arc User
      edited February 2013
      Any chance of some new Bridge Officer skills? It would be nice to try out/see some new ship setups. Ensign being very light on options, especially for those ships with three Ensign stations, like the Defiant with three tactical stations or the ships with three Engineering or science stations.
    • kevkla1269kevkla1269 Member Posts: 16 Arc User
      edited February 2013
      i think it might be too late but i would be nice if there was a romulan faction were u could fly there ships and new missions for that faction and maybe more level content for fed and klingon side the reason y i'm saying this is because there is more ranks than vice admiral if u was to look at the tv series and the movies you would se this
    • khamseenairkhamseenair Member Posts: 2,640 Bug Hunter
      edited February 2013
      Can you please make Lobi Crystals account bound instead of character bound. A lot of the items in the boxes are bound to characters too and that's really annoying. Generally, for those of us with multiple toons, we'll open boxes on multiple toons, but not always want the rewards with them. This makes it impossible to get enough Lobi to purchase the good items from the store.

      We pay for them, surely we should get to choose which character we buy things with using them...
      Join date is wrong, I've actually been around since STO Beta.
      True alters don't have a "main". Account wide unlocks for all unique event rewards!!
    • akpaakpa Member Posts: 250 Arc User
      edited February 2013
      1) will you make it possible that bridge officers could wear formal clothes? i whould like to see my away team in black suits :cool:

      2) you said something about traits token like skills one, but what about race changing token with gender change option too?

      3) there is any chance to see an ispection option in the game? it whould help a lot if we want to make a PUG (pick-up-group). with this option we can see if the player have a proper gear for the instance we want to do.
      or at least can we have more titles for doing an instance in a record time or be the best player from the team (but with more info about the score calculating formula please) or something like that?
      at this time is very hard to tell if a person is a new player (with green gear and/or who doesn't know the tactics) or casual player or elite one.
      my post's number is higher than smirk's dps
    • salem1574salem1574 Member Posts: 187 Arc User
      edited February 2013
      When will we get back the NUMENTER key back as a ?separate? action key before it was merged with ENTER at the beginning of season? PUT IT BACK THE WAY IT WAS PLEASE!
    • darthwoodarthwoo Member Posts: 371 Arc User
      edited February 2013
      I'm guessing it's too late to post a new question, but here goes:

      Is there any chance of new commendation rewards? There are a great many costumes and uniforms left to be implemented into the game, and some of them would fit right in line with various commendation fields. Additionally, I had thought it might be great if reaching level 4 in the Espionage field could allow players a free costume slot that would be specifically for costumes of the opposing faction, if not also for adding the various species facial and body options to emulate cosmetic surgery for infiltration purposes. I know the latter part would probably be rather difficult to implement, especially since you'd need to keep the general body options like height within the racial parameters while allowing things like forehead ridges and such. But for the costumes, I feel it would probably be a boon to the game, particularly as it would give players an incentive to buy more costumes.
    • nayukannayukan Member Posts: 19 Arc User
      edited February 2013
      My question:

      Both the Ambassador and the Kamarag classes are very nice ships, thanks for giving them us as an anniversary gift. However, both ships are "just" plain Tier 5 versions, are there any plans for upgraded versions, either as fleet ships or via Z-Store?
      Captain Faeron - USS Mistral Sea - Ambassador class support cruiser
    • historiphilehistoriphile Member Posts: 36 Arc User
      edited February 2013
      There has been talk of increasing the level cap. Are you planning to also increase equipment above Mk XII, negating the value of the endgame equipment we've all worked so hard to get?
    • midniteshadow7midniteshadow7 Member Posts: 787 Arc User
      edited February 2013
      If you could have any Star Trek actor come in for a voice over, who would it be? why that actor? and how would you see using their character within the game?
    • johnathan180johnathan180 Member Posts: 24 Arc User
      edited February 2013
      Is there any way that we could see the Terran Empire as a playable faction or get more ships in the c store of this empire as well as the costume like the NX for the ships?
    • elandarkskyelandarksky Member Posts: 1,013 Arc User
      edited February 2013
      Can you please make Lobi Crystals account bound instead of character bound. A lot of the items in the boxes are bound to characters too and that's really annoying. Generally, for those of us with multiple toons, we'll open boxes on multiple toons, but not always want the rewards with them.
      Will you make Lobi crystals account bound instead of character bound?

      Im pretty sure the answer will be no, unless they scrap the mission where you get the two "TRIBBLE lockboxes" (1 free lobi)

      Because if they were acount bound with this mission, then many people would exploit that, making a toon get it to level 25(?) get the lobi, scrap toon, make another.. rinse and reapeat

      arduous but there will be someone in the game exploiting it
      [Combat (Self)] Your Bite deals 2378 (1475) Physical Damage(Critical) to Spawnmother.
    • midniteshadow7midniteshadow7 Member Posts: 787 Arc User
      edited February 2013
      It is currently very hard to see:
      * who has been on and when
      * who has contributed/used the Fleet bank
      * who has contributed what to Starbase holdings

      Although the above can all been seen in some way or another it is very difficult to navigate the data and we cannot do anything with it.

      We also are unable to group the current data by the account only by the toon.

      Are there any plans to provide better tools/UI for Fleet admins to view and export activity logs within their Fleet?
    • cers001cers001 Member Posts: 286 Arc User
      edited February 2013
      Questions: on the games PTS (tribble) the game looks great in DX11 but on helpdesk it needs fixing is there any chance that it will get or be fixed soon?

      It was previously stated that through out the year we will see new building being added to new Romulus have you thought of having the STO community involved with the that construction of the building for example:

      It could be a weekend challenge were the community must protect the Romulus or the labour force that is doing the work or something ales necessary for the building to be completed and if the challenge is completed the next patch would have the building completed and working and if it isn't the building won't be completed or only to a point?
      CVN-65 U.S.S. Enterprise - A ship so badass it survived John McCain.
    • rifter1969rifter1969 Member Posts: 654 Arc User
      edited February 2013
      Dan and STO Team,

      First I would like to congratulate the entire STO staff on a great 3rd anniversary event. Really loved the mission. Would have loved it even if the Ambassador wasn't given out for free. Kudos on bringing Denise Crosby in for voice over.

      Second, really looking forward to Season 8, since coming back from a forced hiatus in July, all the seasons that you have released I have enjoyed.

      Now my questions....

      1. I know there was talk and rumblings a while ago that Betazed is going to be introduced. I'm wondering when that will be. Also more, IMO, when will we see Tellar? Tellarites are founding members of the Federation and their home world isn't at least depicted?

      2. Dilithium. True there are more ways to earn it now. But there are also more ways to spend it now as well... ;) I'm wondering why there is still a low amount on Dilithium cap? Couldn't we at least get a structured cap? Something that takes into account player's account status?

      Thanks for all the hard work and bringing Star trek alive... at least for me... :D
    • drkfrontiersdrkfrontiers Member Posts: 2,477 Arc User
      edited February 2013
      Taken from the recent conversations with Dstahl, the Foundry appears to be in store for some much needed improvements.

      Will we see any major asset improvements in the months to come, and is there some plans in the future to allow foundry authors the ability to bind trailers, or even short cut scenes to their missions, if they are limited to a certain size/ time/ number per mission?

      Would some sort of collaboration between Cryptic and some of the talented Foundry Authors be something worth considering? Possibly allowing authors to design missions which the Cryptic staff could "rebrand" as fully independent Featured Episodes, completely embedded into the game code?
    • veldrane2kveldrane2k Member Posts: 0 Arc User
      edited February 2013
      Has there been any thought to update the rewards for the existing story line missions? While the content is first rate, replaying a mission for an alt is much less rewarding.

      Any change of a preview for the ability mentioned? Possibly a guess at the scheduling?

      Will the crafting update just be for crafting or is there a chance that the entire item system could be looked at or updated?
    • drogyn1701drogyn1701 Member Posts: 3,606 Media Corps
      edited February 2013
      Has there been any discussion of allowing collaboration between the Foundry and other game systems. For instance, allowing Foundry authors to create PvP maps (for private matches, not queues), allowing authors to create STF or fleet action-like group content, or allowing authors to create social maps with higher population limits geared toward role playing.
      The Foundry Roundtable live Saturdays at 7:30PM EST/4:30PM PST on twitch.tv/thefoundryroundtable
    • carcharodon1975carcharodon1975 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
      edited February 2013
      "Beneath the Raptor's wings" has set peoples hope high on getting a playable Romulan faction in May,my question is...are we getting a playable Romulan faction in May?

      With the Veteran rewards given to players with a lifetime sub,the monthly sub has lost a lot of its appeal.Would you consider adding new 'perks' that are awarded on actual time subscribed,things like an increase in the monthly Zen stipend and a raise in the daily Dilithium refinement cap?
      The PWE/Cryptic sweatshop...not where the game is made,but where the game is played!

      Take back your home,end the grind!

      Volunteer moderators policing the forums is like a mall cop trying to solve a murder.
    • stevewaysteveway Member Posts: 3 Arc User
      edited February 2013
      Will there be any additional upcoming benefits for the life time subscribers? I thought i read something a while back about neverwinter. Also any plans for a captains table revamp?

      Any further word on the Account currency being expanded from just ec? Maybe GPL, Lobi, or Dilithium?
    • trygvar13trygvar13 Member Posts: 697 Arc User
      edited February 2013
      What happened to the D'Gavama (sp?) bird of prey? I have the screenshot I took when it was released by accident on Tribble oh so long ago but it is still not available. In fact, with just a few changes, it would make a nice Romulan ship...
      Dahar Master Qor'aS
    • theparanoidtheparanoid Member Posts: 94 Arc User
      edited February 2013
      Are you ever planing on fixing the omega rep customer unlocks for KDF? Both Honor guard and omega uniforms. I gotten to teir 5 omega rep. I got the Mark XII gear, I done the Customer unlock missions.
    • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
      edited February 2013
      drogyn1701 wrote: »
      Has there been any discussion of allowing collaboration between the Foundry and other game systems. For instance, allowing Foundry authors to create PvP maps (for private matches, not queues),
      allowing authors to create STF or fleet action-like group content,
      How would this be different? A comabt mission with a higher pop limit?
      or allowing authors to create social maps with higher population limits geared toward role playing.
      Oooh.... I like this! Especially if there is only one instance until that instance fills up! No teaming, no tricks, anyone who enters comes to the same map as everyone else who enters.
      My character Tsin'xing
    • cratchmastercratchmaster Member Posts: 0 Arc User
      edited February 2013
      Have any plans been made regarding leftover autographed Q pictures? Will these be utilized in the future, or be abale to be turned in for something?
    • linyivelinyive Member Posts: 1,086 Arc User
      edited February 2013
      I have a question:

      "Star Trek: Online" may have an impressive two million captains; however, how many people are actually paying into the system? How many players are using multiple accounts? How many of those players are active? How many avatars does one player have per account? How many players have left? Did Cryptic come up with the captains number by adding up avatars, players, or accounts? If multiple players have multiple accounts with multiple captains, the number Cryptic came up with is seriously flawed.

      Does the word captain mean player?
      Does the word captain mean avatar?
      Does the word captain mean account?

      While the two million captains number looks impressive, the truth behind it may tell a different story. During my experiences with "Star Trek: Online", the majority of the players I have met own more than one account. I also know many people who have left. Unless we have some sort of context, the numbers Cryptic is showing are meaningless.

      500,000 (players) x 4 (avatars each) = 2,000,000 (captains)
      250,000 (players) x 8 (avatars each) = 2,000,000 (captains)

      Where did the two million captains number come from?
      Players, avatars, or accounts?

      Reference: Anniversary Infographic
    • drxylordtaodrxylordtao Member Posts: 5 Arc User
      edited February 2013
      It has been mentioned that more ships are on the the way. How many are Fleet ships? How many are for the rest of us?
    • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
      edited February 2013
      Have any plans been made regarding leftover autographed Q pictures? Will these be utilized in the future, or be abale to be turned in for something?
      this reminds me that I have a few leftover shuttle data logs from the "Delta Data Daily".
      My character Tsin'xing
    This discussion has been closed.