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Ask Cryptic: February 2013 - Submit Your Questions, Please!



  • riktur5caleriktur5cale Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Are further Veteran Rewards off the table?

    Is 1000 days it?
  • leviathan99#2867 leviathan99 Member Posts: 7,747 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    You talk about "resolving" factions and revamping the character creator. Is it safe to say these two changes are very meaningfully linked?
  • westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,282 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Will any improvements be made to the Jem'Hadar fighters and the Jem'Hadar Attack Ship fighters?
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
  • riktur5caleriktur5cale Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Is there a chance for a way to transfer "Bound to character items" (Not Mission or rep earned, but items like Box Ships/consoles, Lobi, BOFFs etc.) via an exchange fee, either Lobi or Zen?

    Basically a re-box item, purchased with Lobi or Zen, that would allow am item or items to be placed into it and then the Re-Box transferred to a different character on the account.

    Would charging Lobi to transfer Lobi between characters not solve the "Free Lobi" issue/exploit that Cryptic is worried about?
  • dauren8484dauren8484 Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    After reading the following book:


    Which did provide valuable insight into the Klingon B'Rel Bird-of-Prey, as well as KDF ships as a whole. About 2 years ago you were asked about controlling the Warp Wing positions of the BoP, and you said that until there was a benefit to do it you wouldn't worry about it.

    The above book states clearly that the wing tip disruptor cannons draw less power from the warp wings while in the flight configuration and even less while in the landing position (default in game flight mode while not at Red Alert). This was balanced by the fact that the vessel was able to travel faster with the warp wings in these configurations.

    The book even covers how long it takes for the wings to shift into the new configuration. Normal motion rates are 5-8 degrees per second. It is possible with the help of emergency motor control to move them at a rate of 14 degrees per second.

    The book also stated something that would make a cool universal concole for KDF ships. Each of the wing tip disruptors have a storage device that stores excess warp plasma, in its densified state, for use in times of power fluctuations from the twin warp cores. It only stored enough energy for a couple shots but it was sufficient to deter most enemies from engaging the BoP.

    The console could have a 3 minute cooldown but provide a +50 weapon power boost for 10 seconds. It wouldn't correct a disabled system but it would provide energy to a drained system. Would make a nice console for a Tier 2 refit BoP.

    As I said the book did provide some valuable insight into the BoP. :D
    No sense fearing the inevitable. We all die. It is how we face that death that matters!
  • specter153specter153 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    mind telling us what this means for season 8:
  • ccarmichael07ccarmichael07 Member Posts: 755 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    1. Can we get a revamp on the Wrath of Khan Uniform? http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=531601

    2. Any chance for a 2280s-2340s era bridge in 2013? (Miranda, Excelsior, Ambassador, etc)

    3. Any movement on Foundry based interiors in 2013?

    4. Any chance we'll see more things go into the C-Store in 2013? Bridges, Uniforms, etc - And not always into lockboxes and Lobi store?

    "You shoot him, I shoot you, I leave both your bodies here and go out for a late night snack.
    I'm thinking maybe pancakes." ~ John Casey
  • robertusorobertuso Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Any chance we could be able to give race names to custom aliens so that they dont just display alien as their race?
  • robertusorobertuso Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Any chance of getting fixes on some customization issues such as the trill neck pattern in uniforms exposing the neck area or the federation borg officer doesnt have the infected skin like the klingon version does?
  • robertusorobertuso Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Could there be kits for space like we have for ground? I request this since I am a tactical officer who flies a cruisier and I feel like I should still be able to use commander tactical abilities even though my ship is an engineering vessel.
  • hatepwehatepwe Member Posts: 252 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Will we see updates on the main site or the viral "March..." subsection of the site as we get closer to May?

    Will there be any additions of missions or anything in particular you can specifically comment on between now an May?

    IF you were to make a Romulan faction what species would you put in it? Obviously, Reman, Romulan, Alien, Joined Trill, and Liberated Borg Romulan, but what else?

    If the May update isn't a "Season" could one go so far as to call it an "Expansion"?

    Is there any chance of having more Subscriber and LTS related benefits that might transcend STO? For example for each other Cryptic game you have an LTS to you get X % off, say, the Neverwinter Founders Pack...

    What are the long term plans for the Captain's Table? Can we at least get the nebula removed from our Homeworlds' orbits and instead make it an actual door like in the novels? If not in the Captain's Ready Room then in our Quarters? More functionality there? Maybe even a buff for people that spend X time there? The ability to drop off a large chunk of raw Dilithium ore and pick it up in 8-12 hours as refined Dilithium? etc.
  • admiralaliceadmiralalice Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    1: Are there still plans to allow us to put our ship crew in standardised uniforms? or has this been shelved? On a side note, I would love the option to do this for the personnel on my fleet starbase as well.

    2: When donating duty officers to starbase projects, it's often tedious and irritating to repeatedly click on the checkbox for over 200 doffs (several times when filling up an embassy assignment that costs 600 doffs), can you guys look into adding a 'select all' button when donating doffs to projects? (that's where all my common doffs go anyway)

    3: Will the relativity uniforms be fixed so that they no longer completely clip through displayed MACO and Omega armour being worn over it? (I can show you guys a screenshot if need be) This applies to MACO Mk XI, XII, and Adapted, and Omega Mk XII

    4: What, if anything, are you guys going to do about people going "idle" for missions and need rolling everything? Would it be possible to code in that if you don't move/shoot you don't get rewards?

    5: As of the current lockbox, the KDF has access to point defence, antimatter spread, and nadeon detonator, all the best Federation c-store consoles. Yet the Federation still doesn't have access to Aceton Assimilator and Plasmonic Leech (the latter of which is arguably the best and most OP console in the game), When, if ever, will this be addressed?

    Alice Petrovna Tuel,
    CO, 1279th Imperial Assault Command
  • synthscanner#2101 synthscanner Member Posts: 470 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Hello Dan,

    In late April 2010 (link to old thread which I've closed) we discussed the restrictions on space movement and how we could over come those restrictions without removing that "tall ship" in the ocean feel and without causing players to feel sick. You out right said no to full 3D space movement BUT you did talk about increasing the degree of pitch, adding thruster controls as well as special manoeuvres such as rolls, barrel rolls and the Immelmann turn, etc...

    So my question is:

    Has there been any further consideration or discussion regarding the improvement of three dimensional movement options in space?

    Thanks for your time! :)
  • robertusorobertuso Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Could the Security Escort and the medics summoned by hypospray be our bridge officers currently not in the away team?
  • suuperduudesuuperduude Member Posts: 367 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    The PVP community has some questions.

    I ask :
    FES brought in a post, that I cannot find at the moment, about perception. And they are right to a point, that it is broken. However, the operative kit is still over powered with one shots and running a cloaked mainframe. Perception does need to be looked at, however, the top kit also needs a duration on the cloak, say 10 seconds, instead of just toggled. Can this be looked at?

    It is always fun and cool to see gimmicky things in the game. Such as the Temporal Stasis Pistol. However, they are way unbalanced. This weapon allows people to grief both PvE and PvP. It is also detrimental to the team that is using the gun as well as creating a one shot kill for an Engineer with a Tranphasic Bomb or a Tac buffed up. Can this be looked at and any new gimmicky stuff like this be evaluated before being put in game?

    Can the Omega/MACO sets get cold resist?

    Mortar spam can bring even a decent system to it's knees with lagging issues. Can Cryptic work on why this happens?

    Can the hangar spams abilities be looked at? I don't do space PvP because it's just a swarm of hanger pets or +1 consoles. Both need a look at.

    Can the next science upgraded kit be a useful kit?

    I also ask if the /logout can close the session and put you back where you were before entering a mission or map. It is being used as an exploit to avoid dying in pvps.


    Praxi5 asks :
    We've been told that PvP won't be getting any major updates for a while. It sucks, but it is what it is.

    Can we expect anything in the short term? New maps? Perhaps the long-awaited re-balance of Science skills that were neutered with S5's new skill tree and resists?


    webdeath asks :
    Why wasn't the power to create PVP based maps given to the Foundry? Will such an ability ever be considered Foundry Material?

    Why wasn't the Daily for Ker'rat/N'vak etc.. ever given an Omega Mark Reward?

    With a bug fix happening for Ker'rat's previous lack of Walls, does this mean the Nuke Ker'rat button has been tossed out, and we can expect to see more on Ker'rat. Or are you still considering Nuking Ker'rat?

    It's been mentioned that more PVP maps are coming. Can you give those of us that PVP a time table on WHEN we'll see these new Maps and other PVP Features that have been hinting about for a long time?

    I have noticed many topics asking for a "Pug made" Que in the PVP Ques system. Are there plans to do something for the people asking for such a setup? (For example: If you don't have exactly 5 members teamed up, you can't Que up for Pre-made Que. And you can't que up for Pug made Que if you are on a team)

    When something new gets released, often times then not, it seems to have more care towards the PVE Aspect then the PVP Aspect. As a pvper, this seems to hurt PVP more then help it. Can you go into any detail on why this happens, and if any steps are being taken in the future to reduce such problems?

    Do you PVP in STO? And if so, how many of your fellow co-workers do you team with on a regular basis? And, have you ever beaten a "premade" or "Pug made" with that team?


    simeion1 asks :
    For my question for Cryptic. Why are all damaged buffs percentagely increased and all other skill specially those dealing with resistance only add to a skill, a plus 30 to resistance. Why are they not the same?


    inktomi19 asks :
    My question would be whether it would be possible to add the 'Elusive' trait as an option for all races as the 'retraiting' system is implemented. That also might be a good time to buff some of the less desirable racial traits into something useful.


    dkfrontiers asks :
    Will Cryptic reconsider the stacking effects of certain weapons/ abilities/ pets?

    In the long term would it be viable to restrict consoles to the ships with which they came?


    polie05 asks :
    I would like to know about re-specie, re-passive, and re-trait ,(from the rep system), tokens will be made available soon. You can always charge 2100 zen and allowed only once per 6 months to keep it from being abused. One token to be able to change them all. The only thing is you cant re-class. So a tac is always going to be a tac.

    Thank you for your time.

    -- The PvP community.
    Lion Heart of Hammer Squadron
  • rcainxrcainx Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Why don't you guys let ships turn 360 degree's upside down? Comeon... Its space.
    Saving the universe, one game at a time ;)
  • dalnar83dalnar83 Member Posts: 2,420 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Why do hate Galaxy class so much ? And why did the fleet negh'var get universal ensign and fleet galaxy did not? It's one of the most expensive Z-Store ships with Venture skin, yet it has poor done textures and stats that makes it the worst end game ship in the game.
    "Cryptic Studio’s Jack Emmert (2010): Microtransactions are the biggest bunch of nonsense. I like paying one fee and not worrying about it – like my cellphone. The world’s biggest MMO isn’t item based, even though the black market item GDP is bigger than Russia … microtransactions make me want to die.”
  • pretender235pretender235 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Become we this Yaer the Voyager and TNG Bundle?
  • wilvwilv Member Posts: 390 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I would like some clarification on some of the things said in your recent QA session.

    <Dev> Oaks@dstahl: We are going to be adding more costume options for the next big update - more than normal.

    By options, do you mean new styles or do you mean new ways of combining costumes? For example, off duty and on duty clothes mixing.

    If you are referring to new styles can you give us any hints as to what to look forward to?

    [REDALERT] <Dev> Oaks@dstahl: Character Creation Options are getting an overhaul for next update.

    Can you provide any details as to what new options you are referring to? New hairstyles, new makeup/pattern combos? New facial and body slider options?

    [REDALERT] <Dev> Oaks@dstahl: We are redoing our Character Creator for May - almost completely remade.

    Is this merely an UI update or are we talking new character models?

    [REDALERT] <Dev> Oaks@dstahl:
    Existing character models will remain valid for next may.

    Assuming this does refer to new character models. Will it be like in the case of the Gorn? Meaning the old models will remain valid so long as the player does not customize their character, or. Will there be a tab where players can choose from new or old model?
  • scififan78scififan78 Member Posts: 1,383 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Are there any possible plans to add the Zhukov parts and the Probert concept design to the Ambassador?

    Any chance that a small amount of Omega Marks could be added to the Borg story missions. Even if it is only 3 or 5 per.On that same note, could Romulan marks be added to the Cloaked Intentions missions?
  • robertusorobertuso Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Any chance of getting an increase of the limits in the customization parameters? I would like to make some of my bridge officers thicker and fatter. So far my choices are to have them slim or a bit of a gut with thin legs and arms.
  • kylelockekylelocke Member Posts: 182 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Will we be getting more story missions? At the moment there feels to be little closure and more questions have been raised.
    "I will make the Orion Syndicate face the light of justice or burn them with it." - Captainl Kyle Nathaniel Locke, U.S.S. Excalibur NCC-98105-C
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Can we PLEASE have our old STFs back?
    Can you PLEASE start raids?
    Can you PLEASE transport my officer without it's hair changing?
    Can you PLEASE raise Romulan Marks?
    Can you PLEASE let us see the ghost torpedoes from the Borg Transwarps?
    Can you PLEASE make it so we can make out officers on our ship, even the NPCs, where the uniforms we assign them?
    Can you PLEASE give us animation and wandering in Foundry Fixed?
    Can you PLEASE give us some more respec tokens with all these new ships coming out?


  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Can we PLEASE be able to get the KICK from team option vote for STFs. Because if one or two fail, we all fail and have to wait an hour for penalty of leaving.
  • robertusorobertuso Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    How come there are no Benzite bidge officers?
  • jimcantsingjimcantsing Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    When do they plan on keeping their promise of more playable factions? Since early beta of the game, producers have made a lot of promises with the game, but it took 3 years for us to see most of them. This made STO lose a lot of players due to expecting more than was given, and when it was finally given, these players lost interest. I've been playing STO since Beta, and I enjoy the game, but I am kind of tired of only playing as Klingon or Federation. Star Trek has a rich universe of other major races, such as the Romulans and Remans, Cardassians, and Ferengi. The game could even have the Borg as a playable faction. It would be nice if we could play as one of these races. Is this still in the works? Or was it scrapped when STO moved to PWE?
  • jimcantsingjimcantsing Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    ianaist wrote: »
    Can we PLEASE have our old STFs back?
    Can you PLEASE start raids?
    Can you PLEASE transport my officer without it's hair changing?
    Can you PLEASE raise Romulan Marks?
    Can you PLEASE let us see the ghost torpedoes from the Borg Transwarps?
    Can you PLEASE make it so we can make out officers on our ship, even the NPCs, where the uniforms we assign them?
    Can you PLEASE give us animation and wandering in Foundry Fixed?
    Can you PLEASE give us some more respec tokens with all these new ships coming out?



    I would like to see this too!
  • timjerromtimjerrom Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Hello just gettin back from a 12 hour night shift ill just make it quick, im asking if we will see in the future:

    The ability to zoom into your ship til you just have the vewscreen.

    Set class interiors that will have difrent layouts, eg Galaxy and its varents will have a diferent one from the Intrepid ect...

    Your 1st officer commanding your away team missions.

    1st contact missions where you beam down to meet new civilisations and cultures or space bound aliens.

    Talking your way out of trouble not having to fight all the time.

    Opening sector space up just having the Alpha & Beta + Gamma through DS9's Wormhole.

    Having a Federation/Klingon Council and President/Emperor, other councils too depending on the player races that get launched.

    Neutral zone that when cross you automaticly get taged up for pvp and having the fleet starbases either side.

    Neutral "traider" faction that would go on supply and transport missions across the entire galaxy.

    Having the Typon Pact brought in starting with the Romulans then other player races to follow, "Breen, Thollian ect..."

    Not making the galaxy biger just slowing warp down, quantum slipstream staying the same.

    Opening up the sol sector by having to travel to a safe distance from earth to warp to the shipyards of Mars, your new ship launching there or outside esd from one of the drydocks like in last years annerversary mission.

    Working holodecks.

    Fleet offices in the lower levels of esd and the equivlent Klingon station for recruting.

    Have the acaddemys for training new players and opening the top floor shuttle port or have a transporter to get to esd and back.

    There is too many admirals in the game, how about having a refer to me as <rank> option?

    4 star fleet admirals for fleet commanders with a large enough fleet only.

    Finaly bringing the Borg into the game as a player race against everone!

    Well this is just of the top of my head mind, hah but one day do you think any of the above will make it into STO?

    Regards guys,
    Tim Jerrom.
  • enyfeostoenyfeosto Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    As a Lifer, I missed out on the Celebration One Year as I forgot to check if there was an accolade and never got it. Is there a way to get it as I have been subscribed since 1 month after launch and was logged in during that period.

  • rweningerrweninger Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Could we see please some new Concept Drawings of the Iconians, their Ships and Bases, please?
This discussion has been closed.