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Ask Cryptic: February 2013 - Submit Your Questions, Please!



  • smagatonsmagaton Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    1) Are you ever going to revisit the fleet mark missions to improve the payout? Does anyone even run the Officier of the watch anymore, I don't because of the 20 hour cooldown and 5 measly fleet marks, All the fleet mark missions could benefit from a better base payout and a better boost during special events time.

    2) Probably been asked already, More uniform choices for All:):) More civilian clothes
    for all:)
  • giliongilion Member Posts: 686 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    when are we going to see Gal-X saucer sep? Stop teasing it and give us a date!
    Anyone want to give me a Temporal Heavy Dreadnought pack? I'll be your friend :D
  • captan2er0captan2er0 Member Posts: 837 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Will we ever see the return of actual story-based content without countless grinds and faction specific mission arcs ? The Gre'thor arc KDF side was superb.

    With the upcoming charactor tailor changes, will those of us with the "Retro" Gorn skins lose those, or is the upcoming tailor changes going to allow us see a return of the "Retro" skins?
  • delsabereduxdelsaberedux Member Posts: 244 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Mr. Stahl, mon capitan,

    Any chance of a "custom soundtracks" feature? For the longest time I've been using an iPod dock next to my computer, flipping between "battle" and "exploration" playlists as the gameplay demands, but it would be far less clumsy and more immersive if we could hook our own music up to the existing in-game cues.

    This feature could also indirectly solve the licensed music issue - players who already own Star Trek soundtracks could simply put those tracks in there themselves through this new feature, without any legal navigation required on Cryptic's part.

    For a good example of such a feature in action, check out WipEout HD for the PS3.
  • captainmikeccaptainmikec Member Posts: 94 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    first, kudos on the temp ambassador mission, that was fun and i loved the catwalk scene with the enterprise outside the window!!

    im sure a couple of these have been asked, but they deserve repeating anyway

    1. everything costs dilithium, even if we can get 1 mil a day we are limited in what we can refine. can we get a change to the dilithium refining system, like an increased refining cap?

    2. along with whats mentioned above, another solution would be splitting the requirements for items and tasks between refined and unrefined DL. maybe some tasks just taking all unrefined. is this an option that would be considered?

    3. how about adding hybrid versions of standard ship consoles into the game, and maybe using the crafting system to make them?
    for example combining a biofunction monitor and an emitter array console together to make a hybrid console with both stats. probably limiting it to consoles of the same class (sci+sci or eng+eng) to prevent adding attack stats to every console.

    4. how about adding a system to kick campers out of STF's and other PVE missions?
    cause it's really annoying someone joining in the mission and expecting everyone else to do the work for them. but it would need to be a system that cant be abused to purposely prevent someone from getting the reward and that wouldn't punish people that are actually trying but maybe cant keep up.
    a couple ideas i had were
    A. voting system
    B. total dmg check
    course each of these have their flaws, like spite voting or lower dmg for newer players in a team of veterans.

    5. more costume options for klingon characters?

    6. federation ships suffer in terms of turning compared to their klingon counterparts even of the same class, can we get a boost to fed turning? even the defiant doesnt turn near what a bird of prey does 17 vs 23, not to mention the cruisers. the cruisers also need some love, its not all about the escorts and dual heavy cannons.

    7. Any plans on Mark XI and XII kits? maybe even a system to customize kit abilities a little bit? kinda like swapping skills on BOFFS.

    8. Any news on increasing the lvl/rank from vice admiral?

    9. How about making lobi crystals tradable so we can buy and sell them? or adding them in the store so we can get them with points we get from the DL exchange.

    10. how about making the EC exchange more search engine like and not so literal in the search term put in. so i can for example search for "tetryon beam mk XII [acc]" and it will pull all results with acc. as is u have to type out the whole item name "tetryon beam array mk xii [acc]" and even then it only returns items where the acc is the first term, it wont show a weapon that is say [dmg][acc] or [crtH][acc] since the [acc] isnt first.

    11. also about the exchange, how about making a filter for showing either klingon only and fed only doffs? or just making it so that on a fed character only doffs usable on a fed are shown, same for klingon.

    12. any plan on being able to increase the maximum number of DOFF assignment slots? would be really handy to be able to do more than 20. especially since we have to keep some running all the time like trade commodities to get the items to complete other assignments.

    13. with the removal of the reputation npcs from deep space nine, it kinda nerfed the importance of ds9 and we have no real need to go there anymore. any plan to add content or functionality to ds9 to make it a useful/important place again? its such a neat station, make me want and need to go there for something now and then.

    14. would customizing ship internal gear setups be considered?
    maybe a set amount of each system, like for a cruiser 8 weapons but let the player customize how many fore and aft. same with consoles, have a set amount of consoles and the player can distribute them between sci, eng and tac types as they want. or maybe do it like customizing the hull, each ship has variants of weapon setups, console setups, etc that can be purchased/equipped. so a ship with a more eng oriented boff setup could make up some of the lack of dmg with a more tac oriented console setup.

    k that is all for now hehe
    "Tickle us, do we not laugh? Prick us, do we not bleed? Wrong us, shall we not revenge?"
    -General Chang
  • twooftwotwooftwo Member Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    How did y'all determine the in-game stardate, and what are the chances of getting the real-life stardate added as an option in the game.


    Also, I really like the look of the Monarch skin for the Exploration Cruiser Retrofit and the Magellan skin for the Advanced Research Science vessel. Would it be possible to get them on the Galaxy-X Dreadnought?

    And speaking of skins, do you think we could get the Andrew Probert version of the Ambassador Class added, maybe as a C-Store/Fleet Retrofit? The Rick Berman version fits as a Tier 3 ship, but I think the Probert version makes sense as a Tier 5-ish retrofit along the lines of the present-day design aesthetic.

  • sumghaisumghai Member Posts: 1,072 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    1) Will we see more BOff species in the future, such as the possible addition of tri-career Reman BOffs to the New Romulus Fleet Embassy stores, or Cardassians?

    2) Are there plans to make the standard range of Starfleet and KDF uniforms available to the special rewards BOffs? (e.g. Romulan, Reman, Breen, Jem'hadar)

    3) What plans does Cryptic have regarding functional and customisable ship interiors, including canon ones (e.g. Intrepid for Voyager), as per the following discussion?

    4) Will we be able to get additional BOff costume slots?
    Laws of thermodynamics as applied to life: 0 - You must play the game. 1 - You can't win. 2 - You can't break even. 3 - You can't quit.
  • usskeystoneusskeystone Member Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    What happened to the plans for the Department Officer addition to the Duty Officer system? Do you still plan to improve the functionality of our Department Heads and First Officers?
  • argent007argent007 Member Posts: 220 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    What is the timeline for seeing the Red Alerts fixed? It seems like for as long as they've been out, you would warp in, find nothing, warp out. It never generates new instances, and even the newest Tau Dewa red alert adopted the glitch.
  • captamoscaptamos Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    With the advances in the story line of the Romulan's, are we finaly going to see that playable Romulan faction any time soon? the alpha quadrent feels a bit small with only two playable factions, But thats not to say that you guys havent done a bang up Job with the game so far!
  • shawho1shawho1 Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Has the idea/concept of space bound shipyards been discussed? Possibly star system/ non star system based ship yards in which players can fly up to and change between owned star ships without the need to dock or leave the ship?
  • roshidoroshido Member Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    With the fairly recent Cross Faction raids that went underway during the winter event, has this given any ideas to the dev team for supported raid content, perhaps as a reputation or separate instance?

    With the STF stories kinda lost during the split, is their any plans to return the old STFs, at least for a weekend? Perhaps even with updated rewards to reflect the time taken to beat it, such as additional omega marks?

    Finally, is it possible to incorporate a similar *optional* space dock walkway on ESD and Qo'noS like the 3 yr anniversary mission. It would be a nice secondary way to get to your ship as apposed to a simple beamout.
  • praxi5praxi5 Member Posts: 1,562 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Can we expect any short term additions to PvP, like maps?

    Can you comment on Escort survivability? These days, it's incredibly easy to make an Escort tank just as well as a Cruiser. Have the Devs noticed this as well? If so, do you plan to make changes to the way defenses are handled, like boosting Cruisers (via innate damage resistance akin to the innate Defense bonus Escorts get) or toning down the effectiveness of Escort tanking?
  • kirahitomikirahitomi Member Posts: 144 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    There have been numerous threads regarding the correcting and/or modifying of starship models (most notably the Steamrunner, her impulse engine placement and registry lighting) are there any plans to address these issues and what are the chances of seeing the Steamrunner as a C-Store/Fleet ship (or at least the option for fleet skin as she already has the stats) ?
    "Lets see what this button does..."
  • benkenobi09benkenobi09 Member Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    The Temporal Ambassador episode was a great way to see what happened after the Enterprise C enter the temporal rift. Also, is there any way you guys can get the Tau Dawa Sector Block with the systems and surface playable for the foundry? When can we expect to have new ships and new episodes? I was hoping you guys can bring in very special events such as the Nexus from Star Trek Generations or even as a Duty Officer mission. Also when the Romulans come into play in May, will you guys be bringning back Denise Crosby as Empress Sela. Will there also be another time travel mission where you can bring all 5 captains and their first officers to team up with you and to save the day from certain doom for the Federation? Will there be any other special guest from other Star Trek actors? Will the USS Enterprise from the alternate timeline movie be playable?

    Please I would like to know more as soon as you can.

    Admiral Ben Noah
  • shrapne11shrapne11 Member Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Quite a while back we were told that a playable Romulan faction was in the works however it has not yet hit STO. When can we expect to see a playable Romulan faction enter the game?
  • lethal61lethal61 Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Can you please fix the stations on the ships so that we can save the current setup of boffs and abilitys for each ship. Every time i switch ships i haft to redo the stations and abilitys for the ship this is VARY frustrating and time consuming to do.
  • icegavelicegavel Member Posts: 991 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    1: Since you're no longer calling it "Season 8," what IS the May update called? Considering how hyped it's gotten and how big you've made it seem, my vote is Star Trek Online Phase 2 or Star Trek Online: The Next Generation (Yes, really).
    2: Will we see any "Remastered" episodes this year? What missions might be on the Remastering Short List?
    3:Will we see a bigger variety of melee weapons soon? There are very few different ones, and I'd love to see a few d'k taghs, Kar'takins, and katanas.
    4: Considering all of the Di sinks in-game, could we PLEASE have a raise in the Di refining cap (even if it's a ZEN purchase)? 8,000 a day isn't enough, and the Veteran refining DOff mission is both insufficient and too much of a tie-up (an Active Assignment slot AND a DOff for an extra 1,000 after two days? LOLno).
    5: How many STO Let's Plays/Podcasts do you actively follow?
    6: On the forums, many people post suggestions/ideas for additions to the game, some of them quite wonderful. However, I remember one dev recently posting that the reason some couldn't be used was for intellectual property rights. Since you claim to read the forums thoroughly, is it possible to set up a system to fast-track these intellectual property sign-offs and get some of these ideas in-game?
    7: Last month, in your interview at Gamersbook, you dropped the notion that you may be adding Warp Cores as an in-game item. What kind of stats would these cores affect, how many kinds have been considered, and what does this new slot mean for the Ship Status UI?
    8: Will we be seeing more of the Temporal Integrity Commission any time soon? If so, will anything they do end up getting me questioned by the Department of Temporal Investigations?
    9: If you could put one Star Trek captain (Kirk, Picard, Archer, Janeway, ore The Sisko) in-game, which one would it be, and what might they do?
    10: There's quite a bit of content (at least Fed-side) in Cardassian territory, but almost NONE of it deals with the legitimate government. In the future (possibly with the eventual Cardassian reputation), might we become more involved with the Detapa Council? If we do, is it ANY possibility that we might end up seeing Elim Garak in-game? And, if we DO eventually visit Cardassia Prime (other than the True Way mission there), will we see a Dominion War memorial?
  • centersolacecentersolace Member Posts: 11,178 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    You mentioned that the entire character creator is getting an overhaul. What exactly does that entail? Are we getting more options, or is it just a bug/UI fix?
  • auric2000auric2000 Member Posts: 118 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Is there any plan to fix the Bridge bug where some of your Bridge Staff clip through the seats and the floor. As well as plans to make it so officers sit properly instead of the edge?
  • kamiyama317kamiyama317 Member Posts: 1,295 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Will there ever be a TNG pack with the Galaxy interior? I heard it was being worked on in the past, is it still in the works?
  • spaldynz83spaldynz83 Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I've not been able to find any heads-up about it in the forums, but what is the priority of correcting the time zone errors in the Event Calendar in the Fleet Interface? Having to convert from +12/13 UTC to PST is a bit of a pain, and it would be a great feature to use, though I understand it would probably take something like Fleet Leaders setting a "Fleet Time Zone" or something.
    -- I really like parentheses (for some reason).
  • yreodredyreodred Member Posts: 3,527 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    BIG wall of text following.

    Ships are a crucial part of this game, especially when you are fan of a specific ship class. Everything stands and falls with them. For some a ship is more than just a mere combination of BO layouts and other stats, it represents something.
    This gets problematic when such a ship is just a pure source of disappointments like the Galaxy Class or most cruisers in general in this game.

    Mr. DStahl,
    i don't expect any of my questions to be answered, nor do i expect my suggestions being even considered, but please at least read it and think about them this time.
    I'll be honest (presumably you won't like what you will read) and and sometimes a bit harsh (sorry in advance), but only when things really bother me. But i will repeat asking this questions until they get answerd. :)

    First and foremost i want to start with the most important point, i don't want to risk this is getting lost in my Wall of text.

    Can we P L E A S E get an option to switch the FX of cannon type weapons (space) to make them look and sound like beam weapons (and vice versa)?
    This could work like the "disable visual" option on some Set Parts or via the Options menu, whatever is easier to implement.
    I am talking purely about the Weapons FX, not about damage changes or things like that, just the FX and its sound effects.
    If you strictly refuse something like that, then please give us somekind of slider to set the frequency of the individual shots (just the FX, of course).

    I think such a feature would greatly enhance this game and would make Star Trek Online feel way more like Star Trek and much less like a generic sci fi game (at least for some people). Especially since there are more and more ships being capable of using DCs or DHCs i think such a feature would be greatly welcome.
    A important visual aspect of Star Trek weapons is that they are mostly beam weapons (in the Shows) and i think it is one of those typical visible things that distinguish Star Trek from other Sci Fi shows. But in STO space combat looks very different and i have to say, way to much like a generic sci fi game, but very much like Star Trek. Of course others may have a different opinions about that, but i think giving us such an option would fit perfectly into this game and it's culture of Star Trek customization

    (which i really like)
    , it would also enhance the general Star Trek experience greatly.

    Personally, i really HATE the look and that ANNOYING stuttering sound HC and especially DHC produce when they fire, exceptionally when someones uses several of them at once. Of course i can tolerate it when someone else is using those weapons, but there is no chance i will ever use them.
    Not only because of that, i refuse to use cannons wherever possible, most notably because i think the very idea of Starfleet ships using cannons is just untypical and not a very suited concept for a Starfleet ship (I know the defiant used cannons but that ship was an exception, not the rule).
    But first and foremost, i find them just annoying. Giving us such a feature would make STO much more like Star Trek in no time. I know a lot of people who would LOVE to change their weapon FX to Beam Weapons, for exactly the same reasons i stated.

    I cannot imagine this would be much of a work, but the result would be for each player to make her/his ship to look as much or less StarTrek as she/he wants.
    Please believe me, i cannot stress enough how important this is!

    Could you P L E A S E add a "mirror universe" Regent Class to the C - Store?
    Basically the same ship as the Regent Class but with the look of the Galaxy Class (all variants). You can even remove its ability to seperate if this would make you happy.

    Or you could just add the Galaxy Class ship parts to the Regent Class if someone bought it. A switch could let the player decide which ship parts he wants to use, so the individual ship parts (Galaxy variants or Assault Cruiser variants ship parts) couldn't be mixed. This would be very little work for you but it would be a great win - win for everyone!
    You could sell it as a completive Yesterdays Enterprise pack and add the uniform the Enterprise crew was wearing (closed collar, sleeve and less sweater like, compared to the TNG series uniform we have in the game).
    Together with the finished "Yesterdays Enterprise" Belt and Chest Gear (i hope the thing we got is just a WIP) it would be a TNG fans dream come true. :)

    I don't understand, why you made the Galaxy class such a boring ship in the first place, especially since it is such a popular ship outside STO.
    In STO flying a Galaxy Class is just a pain, its turnrate and its offensive capabilities are not to speak of and it is certainly not even close to the ship we saw on TV. To be honest, it a just a pain to fly that ship and certainly not fun at all.
    In short, as a fan of this ship i feel punished since EVERY other ship in STO is more fun to fly and EVERY other cruiser has more Firepower than the Galaxy Class.
    (I don't get that, really. Couldn't you just use one of your own ugly ship designs for that flying brick role, like the Jupiter Dreadnought, or the Typhoon?)

    If i didn't know better i would come to the conclusion that CRYPTICS developers did everything to make the Galaxy Class as unplayable and boring as possible.
    Since you are unlikely going to change the Galaxy Class itself, i think it would be A W E S O M E if you would add at least a mirror version of it. You would do every TNG and Galaxy Class fan a BIG favour.

    Can you P L E A S E improve the Galaxy Class, so that it feels less like a torture when you fly it?
    I am pretty sure you won't do it, but i'll ask anyway.

    Before you skip the rest, please take yourself a bit time to read it, maybe there is something you haven't considered.

    I'm speaking not about "some" ship class, i am talking about THE Enterprise, the big D, the Galaxy Class, many of us have grown up with. I must say Cryptic did an awful job in implementing the Galaxy Class into their game. When i see the Fleet version i get headarc...

    With the introduction of the (very well made) Ambassador Class, i think it is a welcome opportunity to give the Galaxy -R and -X finally some desperately(!) needed attention.

    I am not proposing a radical different BOFF layout or anything else, but what i want is a bit more flexibility by making its Engineering Ensign into a Universal Ensign or if you are in a good mood into a universal Lieutenant (i know you won't do that, lol).
    Additionally this ship needs a more versatile Console Layout, i think a additional tactical console would help to make this ship less a embarrasement, so it would get the same console layout as the Fleet Heavy Cruiser. (4 Eng, 3 Sci, 3 Tac)

    But the biggest fun killer is the EXTREMELY slow turn rate, i B E G you to make this ship turn faster, everything below a base turnrate of 8 is just a torture and has nothing to do with balancing of any kind.
    (You could even lower its Hull HP a bit if it would make you feel better)

    This would make this ship much more versatile, fun and more true to its original we saw on TV.
    Apropos TV, at its time this ship was the most powerful ship in Starfleet, according to the Borg estimation. Yet in STO there are much older ships performing way better than the Galaxy... i know the money, but don't you think people wouldn't pay for a good Galaxy Class? Or does your hate towards it make you ignorant for any arguments?
    This ship desperately needs more firepower, making it the weakest ship in STO must be some wierd joke (or should i rather say malicious?).
    Even the Excelsior has more firepower than the much more advanced and way more powerful Galaxy Class, can't you see how incredible wrong that is?
    I am aware you had to balance it somehow, but what you did with the (Fleet) Exploration Cruiser Refit isn't even funny anymore. A ship completely made for defense and no firepower to speak of, and on top of that the most slow Cruiser in the game is just not a playable ship! I don't know why you hate the Galaxy Class that much and i don't care, but there is absolutely no need to punish those who like it!
    So i propose giving it a unique universal console.
    A console slot like this would make the Galaxy Class much more all round while not exceeding at any way, except in tanking. (that's what you want it to do, right?)
    But it would make this ship also being able to create a considerable amount of firepower, not as much as more modern ships or your beloved escorts, but still more than older vessels. I don't want to make the Galaxy Class overpowered, i am trying to make the Galaxy Class more versatile, while keeping in mind how much time has passed, but seeing a 100 years older Excelsior outgun a a Galaxy class is just insult in my opinion.

    Releasing a reworked Galaxy Class would be also a nice gesture to all TNG fans who are very unhappy, disappointed and frustrated with how the Galaxy Class is made in this game. Flying such an extreme Tank or a ship which is all about being passive and slow is just a pain and especially not how a Galaxy Class was supposed to be (not to speak that it is by far the most boring ship in STO).
    This ship and first and foremost it's fans do not deserve that. In my experience it is almost masochistic to fly it. It turns so slow, you can't even use the 180degrees Quantum Torpedo fast enough most of the time, especially when doing Fleet actions when Escorts are involved, they just rip apart everything in their sight in mere seconds. THIS IS A ABSOLUTE FUN KILLER!
    The problem with the Galaxy Class in STO is that it's BOFF & Console layout is extremely defensive, while it should be much more versatile and give the ship enough offensive power to pose a real treat to it's attacker.
    (and no, to tickle an enemy to death does not count.)

    Personally i find it just a shame since there are the extremely beautiful Venture + original Galaxy class ship parts, the (Fleet) Exploration Cruiser Refit is virtually unplayable.
    In STO, this ship is too much specialized on defensive and completely different as shown in other games or on TV (TNG or DS9). It is just a flying brick with not firepower to speak of, don't you think that could be a bit frustrating for someone who likes that ship?

    If you consider how iconic and popular the Galaxy Class is, i think it would be more than rentable for CRYPTIC to rework it a bit.
    From a canon point of view (i know you don't care, but i tell anyway) the Galaxy Class was planned to be in regular service for at least 100 years. Being extremely versatile and modular in construction it was supposed get an complete overhaul every 25 years. According to this alone, it would make it way more adaptable than any starfleet ship before (yes, including the Excelsior and Abassador, which are much better performing and faster turning ships in your game). Speaking about the Excelsior, why did you give this ship such a high turn rate, while the Galaxy Class is so slow? I can't remember ANY TV scene where a Excelsior (or Ambassador) Class ship was shown much more agile than a Galaxy Class.
    Don't get me wrong i don't want those ships to become as boring and sluggish as the Galaxy.
    Quite the contrary i want the Galaxy Class and other slow crusiers to get more maneuverable. There is no reason to punish us with such a slow turnrate.

    You made such a good job with the Vesta Variants, so i have still hope (just a tiniy bit) that you could give your heart a nudge and make the Galaxy Class (the ship a lot of us grew up with) something better than this miserable thing we have in STO.

    I know you don't like this topic, but the TNG (series) uniform looks washed up, creasy and just bad made compared to the Academy or the racing uniform for example.

    Additionally the TNG (series) combadge is way to big (it adapts to the wearers torso), i can remember in the beginning of STO it looked way better, how did you get the idea to make it look like a childrens toy would make it look better?
    Speaking about TNG, why are most things related to TNG made either inferior, passive or just boring in your game? Even the TNG (Cobra) phasers are just stun or wide beam, which are completely useless. Not to speak of the Galaxy Class.
    Maybe you didn't do this intentionally, but i see a pattern here.
    As i already said, for some of us TNG is the ESSENCE of Star Trek. Maybe for others it is DS9 (CRYPTIC if it is any trek show at all), Voyager, TOS or Enterprise, but i just find it unbelieveable how Cryptic treats TNG related things, by making it either boring, inferior or just bad looking. Change that please, TNG and what it stands for hasn't deserved to be treated like this.
    I have no idea, why cryptic does everything to scare off TNG or Star Trek fans, why did you degrade the iconic Star Trek ships (6 out of 7 cruisers, the Intrepid is not a science ship) to a mere support role, while a comparatively unknown ship type gets all the attention? I just don't get that, if you don't like Star Trek why do you make a Star Trek game in the first place? You rather call it DS9 Online because as it is now, STO is just a Escort game.

    Again, this one is very Important to me.
    Since i am sure that you won't change the Galaxy Class (TNG haters want something to laugh about).
    Can you at least please give us the option to remove the third nacelle and those silly looking cannons on the Galaxy -X?
    Althrough this ship isn't a top of the line ship in STO i still would have much fun to fly it, if it would at least look like the normal Galaxy Class variants in STO.
    I just can't stand this third nacelle and this cannons on top of the saucer, they look like arranged by a 5 year old IMO.
    You could leave the Phaser Lance addition benath the saucer and the additions on top of the nacelles as they are (they are not that obvious), but this third nacelle and those cannon parts on top of the saucer should be at least made optional.

    In STO there are lots of ships that look the same but perform very different, like the various mirror ships. Like the Odyssey or Vesta variants, they all can look the same but have a different focus. If you look at it from that perspective the Galaxy -X is a mirror universe ship or at least a tactical variant of the Galaxy Class. I think it should be a matter of course to make it possible to make it look like the other Galaxy Class Variants.

    Addtionally since the Galaxy -X is interpreted as a tactical/future variant of the Galaxy, can you please make its Tactical Lt into a Lt.Cmdr?
    I think there is no use of giving it a saucer seperation if it's BOFF layout is still way to defensive, what this ship desperately needs is a Lt.Cmdr tactical BOFF station.

    Most important: P L E A S E increase its turnrate.
    A non carrier ship with a base turnrate of 6 is unplayable IMHO. Especially if that ship is capable of using heavy cannons (this seems to be a like some wierd/evil joke).

    Not that it is completely underpowered it is almost static, especially compared to EVERY OTHER SHIP!!! Why do you punish TNG/Cruiser fans so hard?
    In my opinion, all Cruisers should get similar turn rates as Science ships, not that they could suddenly use DHCs or DC and suddenly outgun your beloved Escorts, but it is just a PAIN to fly a slow ship like that! I hope i that this is unmistakable.
    I think no one would oppose to that, not even most die hard escort Lobbyists.
    Apropos heavy cannons, i think there should be a console that enables the Galaxy -X to equip them, otherwise it should have a free Tactical Console slot in exchange for it.

    Since you are not willing to improve the Galaxy -R, then please do us this favour and make at least the Galaxy -X a more useable ship.
    The Galaxy -X as it currently is, isn't dreadnought(y), it is just slow and weak.

    Can you please introduce something like a "fire at will power" that has a cone of 180 degrees (sideways) instead of 360 degrees?
    360 degrees is sometimes useful to clear fighter spam or mines, but when fighting it should be possible to focus on a certain area if you don't want to get attacked from all enemies at once.
    This power could be a Engineering power, so those overwhelming engineering slots on a cruiser could serve some offensive purposes.

    Since you won't change any cruisers turnrate anyways, can you please add a new (cruiser only) console type which adds a flat maneuvering bonus of 0,5 degrees per second/ per level?
    So a Level 1 Console would give you a flat bonus of 0,5 degrees more Turnrate. A level 6 console would give you 3 degrees more turnrate and so on, i think it is just unfair to have a console in the game of which only Escorts do profit from.
    Or can you just give Cruisers roughly the same turn rate as science vessels? Its just a pain trying to maneuver a slow ship like the Galaxy -X, even from a games perspective it doesn't make sense. Canon wise such low turn rates are complete nonsense. Compared to your beloved Escorts, Cruisers are almost static. This is just annoying and a complete funkiller.
    Cruisers already have a high initia, making them turn so slow is more like a punishment than anything else!
    Of course one could use Aux to Dampeners, but by doing this you reduce a great deal your offensive/defensive potential. This is extremely bad for most cruisers with their already very limited tactical BOFF slots.
    Again the current consoles work perfectly for escorts, because of their already high turnrate, but those ships that are most in need of such a console get the LEAST benefit...

    i don't think that this makes even remotely sense.
    No matter how you turn it, escorts are advantaged. This is extremely frustrating for someone who is NOT in love with small nimble Star Wars like ships.
    What i want is just a bit more equalness and fairness and even a bit Star trek in your "Star Trek" game.

    This has become a much longer post then i have intended, i hope you have read it anyway.
    I also hope that we all want the same, which is to make this game a better one and finally a game worthy to bear the name Star Trek.

    I seriously don't have the time or energy to spend, trying to make the same suggestions over and over again. In spite of my deteriorating health, i hope i will live to see this game becoming a little more like a real Star Trek game.

    Thank you for reading, live long and prosper.
    "...'With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured...the first thought forbidden...the first freedom denied--chains us all irrevocably.' ... The first time any man's freedom is trodden on, we're all damaged. I fear that today--" - (TNG) Picard, quoting Judge Aaron Satie

    A tale of two Picards
    (also applies to Star Trek in general)
  • bloctoadbloctoad Member Posts: 660 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Will we see more dynamic, mutually exclusive reputations based upon actions taken by the captain? Reputations where mission successes always increase good will with someone and ire with another? Where even failures can lead to unexpected contacts and notoriety? Or has the preoccupation with quick buck lockboxes every couple of months made the introduction of faction reputations that are more than a ground, timesink placeholder for mandatory passives and the likelihood of ever having a relevant, complete reputation system now impossible since much of any given faction's equipment has already been released?
    Jack Emmert: "Starfleet and Klingon. ... So two factions, full PvE content."
    Al Rivera hates Klingons
    Star Trek Online: Agents of Jack Emmert
    All cloaks should be canon.
  • kaiserkactokaiserkacto Member Posts: 482 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    1. Any chance of getting an in-game "Wise tribble"?
    2. Would it be possible to have fleet version of ships like the Oddyssey, Atrox, Kar'Fi, etc ?
    3. Any plans for new rewards/benefits for gold/LTS players?
    "In every age,
    In every place,
    The deeds of men remain the same..."
  • falcon3000primefalcon3000prime Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    When we have deployed craft, i.e. a saucer sep or an Aquarius escort, is it possible to automatically have the UI track them, rather than having to click-to-follow? Seems counterintuitive to order a craft to deploy yet have to tell someone "Oh, by the way, keep up with that portion of our crew!"

    I'm noticing that, when beaming down (particularly to New Romulus), a member of my away team is being beamed to precisely the same place my character winds up. We're getting into "Tuvix" territory with that, so could you create a little separation there?

    Would it be possible to have an upper limit to the number of ships displayed in sector space? Frankly, I've seen enough of ships like the USS Every-Possible-Misspelling-Of-Enterprise and the USS Pick-A-Double-Entendre to last me a long time.

    Thanks for all your hard work. I've been a Star Trek fan since 1966, and you people are doing right by the franchise.
  • starkaosstarkaos Member Posts: 11,556 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    What systems will an Admiral and Fleet Admiral have over the current ranks? Will we be able to promote our bridge officers to Captain and have them pilot our currently unused starships? Will we be able to have these Captains help us with missions on a permanent basis so they don't disappear a minute after we summon them? Will Admirals and Fleet Admirals act more like Admirals instead of being just glorified Captains?
  • captainbrendencaptainbrenden Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    There was something of a wish list discussion on my fleet forum in recent days and I thought I'd repost my addition here, maybe you can illuminate us othe future of starships?
    I'd like to see more interesting, interactive and useful starship interiors (I'll settle for them just releasing the Galaxy-class interiors for now though...). Maybe shipboard DOFF assignments or even a reputation-like system that allows you to add features to your ship, sorta like the special projects for the Fleet Starbase... Can anyone say "real" observation lounge? Functional holodeck?? Stellar cartography/Astrometics labs!? Access to R&D, mail, and the exchange wouldn't hurt either...

    Would also like to be able to modify/customize ships instead of having to purchase whole new "versions" (i.e. T4 Exploration Cruiser to Refit to Fleet Refit). Expand ship stats (hull, shield, turn rate, etc), increase console slots, add/enhace BOFF stations, add a hangar bay perhaps? Maybe that can be tied to crafting in some way since that pretty much seems to be a dead art with both the Fleet Store and the Reputation system being the only ways to relably get excellent endgame gear.

    Last but not least, I'd also like my BOFFs to be at their appropriate stations! After all, I did appoint them as department heads... Why is my First Officer always sitting at the helm??
  • bluegeekbluegeek Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    In regard to the game's chat system, I am aware of a number of complaints that the silencing feature is being abused in various ways.

    Does Cryptic intend to investigate this problem, or have any plans to deal with it?

    A number of Community-born suggestions have been made:

    1. Stop ignores from triggering the mute and reserve that for the "report spam" and "report to GM" features; allow people to ignore other players for any reason they want without penalizing others.

    2. Stop the mute from applying to Team and Fleet chat. These channels are already exclusive and can be self-policed by the players far more effectively than an automated mute system.

    3. Modify the mute so that it starts out being reasonably short and gets progressively longer the more someone is reported as an offender.

    4. Educate the players about what is "spam" and ToS violations and what is not.

    5. Make it less easy to abuse the mute system with multiple click-thrus and attestations.

    6. "Prosecute" abusers under the ToS and remove their ability to repeat their abuse.

    7. Appoint Volunteer Chat Moderators with the ability to investigate abuses of chat and enforce chat rules.

    Any thoughts about any of these ideas?
    My views may not represent those of Cryptic Studios or Perfect World Entertainment. You can file a "forums and website" support ticket here
    Link: How to PM - Twitter @STOMod_Bluegeek
  • mindmagemindmage Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    When will we be able to visit Betazed?
    Playing since launch in 2010.
This discussion has been closed.