So it sounds like a Romulan faction may be in the works(see I used the word "may"?). Anyway, here are some important questions regarding a possible Romulan faction. Please answer all of the following questions:
(1) What ships would you like for a Romulan faction to have?
(2) What playable species would you like for a Romulan faction to have?
(3) What storyline would you like for a Romulan faction to have?
(4) What main types of content would you like for a Romulan faction to have?
(5) What do you think should make the Romulan faction unique?
(6) Why are or arent you looking forward to a Romulan faction?
Hopefully this collected information will be of some use to the devs! :cool:
1) Romulan,Reman,Hirogen ships in game
2) Romulan, Reman, Hirogen, Flaxian, Alien... an something to match the ferasens and catians
3) wars with the klingons, federatio nand the undine.
4) Pvp,Stfs,Reps,Doffs,Fleet stuff
5) some kind of infiltration mission that sends the player into fed/kdf social zones. (the rom player cant engage the feds/kdg npcs/players) but can be shot at if detected.
You do realise the teaser site/picture is not at all about playable romulans, do you? Preparations or foundations, maybe, but I'd be surprised if we'd got them playable anytime this year.
But anyway:
(1) What ships would you like for a Romulan faction to have? Just give me a D'deridex Bundle (tac, eng and sci variants) and I'll be happy.
(2) What playable species would you like for a Romulan faction to have? Romulans (duh...), Remans, Liberated Borg, Alien, three-breasted cat woman with Feline Instinct trat (Caitian/Ferasan equivalent).
(3) What storyline would you like for a Romulan faction to have? Don't care. Just give me a reason to play something enjoyable, and not yet another repetitive grind.
(4) What main types of content would you like for a Romulan faction to have? PvE missions/dailies, STFs, Fleet Actions, Exploration, Doffs, Reputation with FED and KDF.
(5) What do you think should make the Romulan faction unique? Lesser amount of bugs than the KDF faction? Actually finished content?
(6) Why are or arent you looking forward to a Romulan faction? Looking forward to new toys and environments to play with.
Not looking forward an absurd amount of faction-specific bugs that won't be getting fixed until money are involved.
(3) What storyline would you like for a Romulan faction to have?
Would prefer Full PVE Story Mission Content ... but that's very hard to imagine ... IF there's gonna be a Rommie Faction within the next 4 months ... it's gonna be KDF Status at Launch at best ...
(6) Why are or arent you looking forward to a Romulan faction?
Well I'm afraid it's gonna be next to impossible to make FE or other Story Content for 3 Factions, in the future ... it's already pretty hard for 2 Factions, playing KDF doesn't make much sense in some Missions ... so we just might get more and more repetitive Reputation Systems instead of FE's etc with a Romulan Faction
-> so that's why I might not look forward to a Romulan Faction
Patch Notes : Resolved an Issue, where people would accidently experience Fun.
You do realise the teaser site/picture is not at all about playable romulans, do you? Preparations or foundations, maybe, but I'd be surprised if we'd got them playable anytime this year.
But anyway:
(1) What ships would you like for a Romulan faction to have? Just give me a D'deridex Bundle (tac, eng and sci variants) and I'll be happy.
(2) What playable species would you like for a Romulan faction to have? Romulans (duh...), Remans, Liberated Borg, Alien, three-breasted cat woman with Feline Instinct trat (Caitian/Ferasan equivalent).
(3) What storyline would you like for a Romulan faction to have? Don't care. Just give me a reason to play something enjoyable, and not yet another repetitive grind.
(4) What main types of content would you like for a Romulan faction to have? PvE missions/dailies, STFs, Fleet Actions, Exploration, Doffs, Reputation with FED and KDF.
(5) What do you think should make the Romulan faction unique? Lesser amount of bugs than the KDF faction? Actually finished content?
(6) Why are or arent you looking forward to a Romulan faction? Looking forward to new toys and environments to play with.
Not looking forward an absurd amount of faction-specific bugs that won't be getting fixed until money are involved.
going by what i've been playing with in the foundry... I think its on the side of romulans becoming a player faction.
going by what i've been playing with in the foundry... I think its on the side of romulans becoming a player faction.
Not sure what you've been playing with in the foundry, but as I said, this may just be a foundation for a future update. As it is now, even the KDF faction remains unfinished, with persisting bugs ignored by Cryptic for years now. And the mess is getting bigger and bigger with each new update.
It's not that I wouldn't want a romulan faction. On the contrary. I just think that in the game's current state another faction would introduce even bigger mess that could potentially break the game in some aspects. I mean, KDF have to wait months for an obvious and simple bug to be fixed, even acknowledged. How do you think Cryptic would operate with not two, but three factions?
That's why I'm saying that the May update may be a preparation of sorts. UI changes, character creator, Romulan mission content and stuff, but not the actual playable faction - it's still too early for that I think.
(1) What ships would you like for a Romulan faction to have?
Original Warbird through to Scimitar. Lifetime members rewarded with the TOS Classic Era Warbird to start with, also available to purchase as a pack with classic Romulan costumes.
See here for ships to be included:
(2) What playable species would you like for a Romulan faction to have?
Romulan, Reman, Ex-Borg, Garidians intially and preferrably. But later maybe Suliban, Selay, Acamarians, Chel (Romulan/ Klingon hybrid from William Shatner's book "Ashes of Eden").
(3) What storyline would you like for a Romulan faction to have?
Continue the current path. Romulan v Sela & Tal Shiar, Iconian showdown.
However, this:
The current government of New Romulus is contacted on a coded transmission by a Romulan Commander Konsab, a military history instructor who once taught at the Romulan Intelligence Academy (this is canon). He was long thought to have been killed in the Hobus aftermath. However, having been a supporter and former instructor of Donatra, he followed with her military forces off-world. Donatra had moved most of her military forces away from Romulus long before Hobus exploded during the power struggles post Shinzon.
D'Tan dispatches a ship with the new Romulan Playable Character to coordinates on the far side of the Beta quadrant to meet with Konsab. Upon arrival, three D'Deridex ships decloak surrounding the ship - a trap!! "Captain we're being hailed". "Jolan tru friend....."
Your ship is escorted to a secret base within a nebula. You soon learn that this is no ordinary base. This is the New Romulan Imperial Fleet in waiting. Both Romulan military & Tal Shiar loyal to Donatra are based here. The Tal Shiar elements here are splintered against the Tal Shiar elements that sided with the Iconians. They consider them traitors to all Romulans. Commander Konsab commands all within the base. He has brought unity between the military and Talshiar stationed here. There are also scientists, engineers and families, and Remans living here in wait and in safety until the time is right for the rebirth of a Romulan Empire.
Konsab beckons you to his office where you learn that they have gained a new ally that would rid the galaxy of the Iconian's for good. They are a race that had previously skirmished with the Romulans and long forgotten. They are the "Chodak". Last seen in the TNG game "A Final Unity", also appearances in the game "Birth of the Federation".
You learn that it was the Chodak that originally defeated and expelled the Iconians, but at a great cost to their civilization. Having gained possession of the Unity Device, they were able to rebuild their civilization to it's former glory. You also learn that the alliance was mediated by the "Garidians", a Romulan off-shoot. And so the new adventures begin.....
Donatra also lives. She is in a cyrogenic chamber with a level 10 dampening field surrounding it. Scientists are attempting to find a solution to remove her Borg implants. Donatra's Tal Shiar elements had been working on Borg technology in an attempt to defend the empire from the Iconians. However, their attempts at infiltrating the Borg went wrong, Donatra becoming a casualty of their failure. Her body was transported off her Scimitar just as Federation forces destroyed her shields and fired the final volley. A newly developed cloaking technology allowed them to escape completely undetected.
(4) What main types of content would you like for a Romulan faction to have?
A Romulan Starbase, meaningful exploration, and new foes to battle, STF's & PvP, Fleet actions, DOFFs, and dailies. Also a wide variety of costumes for characters & crew.
(5) What do you think should make the Romulan faction unique?
New Romulus is awesome. This should be further upgraded as the capital is established with markets and communities. They should include a home that your playable character can return to. Through exploring your new home planet, items can be found to give your home more character with a personal touch. You could also have a similar upgrade activity of your home to that of the embassies and starbases.
(6) Why are or arent you looking forward to a Romulan faction?
I definately want a fully playable Romulan Faction. Romulans, despite their home planet being destroyed have always been a major and significant race since the TOS days. Love them or hate them, they have provided Star Trek with a unique villain being so secretive in their ways, and some of the best episodes in all of the TV series.
What playable species would you like for a Romulan faction to have?
I want a cat species. On Feddy side, I have gotten to where I only use my Caitians anymore. On KDF, I only use Ferasan. I likely will not play Romulan unless it has a cat species.
Refits of each version with consoles in C-Store
Hirogen ships in C-Store
TOS D-7 in C-Store (@Tier 3?)
(2) What playable species would you like for a Romulan faction to have?
At a minimum:
At least two other species
Lifetime members: Liberated Borg Romulan
C-Store: Animal race of some sort - more cats? Wolf people? I'm not the target audience, but I know from observation that it exists.
C-Store: Something else... or allow the existing Joined Trill into the Romulan faction (might not make sense - needs canon vetting)
Alternately, make the Ferasans and/or Caitians dual-unlocks vis-a-vis the Romulans the way the JTs are for the Feds and the KDF, then add a completely new premium species for the C-Store. Either way, should be a minimum of two C-Store account unlock species.
(3) What storyline would you like for a Romulan faction to have?
Follow the New Romulus, Sela vs. D'Tan story arc at low levels. Pick up the teaser left over from the Fek'lhri story arc and examine the Hur'q relationship with the Iconians and other Big Bads (tm) at mid-levels, reprise featured episodes (maybe with a Romulan spin where applicable) at high level, merging into the all-factions metastory (reputations, New Romulus adventure zone, Iconians, etc.) at max level.
(4) What main types of content would you like for a Romulan faction to have?
Tricky question. I can see a few different ways this could go in terms of the exact balance mechanics and structure, but the key for me is that the Roms need to have a 1-50 progression that doesn't require non-story content to climb, but contains that type of content for those who prefer to level that way.
(5) What do you think should make the Romulan faction unique?
Another tough one. I'm not sure the Romulan faction has to be unique in the sense of having things that are totally absent from the other factions, and I'm not expecting it to be a radically different gameplay experience than the Feds or the KDF. What I'd like to see though would be...
*SOME unique PVE content, especially at the lower levels, but also some overlap with the existing lore to tie the player into the metastory.
*Interesting, unique, and diverse customization options (note to devs: please quietly delete the distinction between Uniforms, Off-Duty Outfits, and Formal Wear -- this distinction serves no purpose and is the root cause of several bugs)
(6) Why are or arent you looking forward to a Romulan faction?
The opportunity to explore another interesting aspect of the Star Trek universe and do cool stuff with my fleetmates. Everything else is bonus as long as the core element is well-implemented.
Wow , what a waste of thread space. There was no hint or sign of a romulan faction, and there will most likely not be one.
Quit thinking there is, or bringing it up in the forums.
If this doesn't count as a hint, I'd like to see what does.
Really, what else could it be teasing? It's way too ambiguously cool to be anything else. And if it weren't a Romulan faction, they would have shut down that speculation right away.
"Critics who say that the optimistic utopia Star Trek depicted is now outmoded forget the cultural context that gave birth to it: Star Trek was not a manifestation of optimism when optimism was easy. Star Trek declared a hope for a future that nobody stuck in the present could believe in. For all our struggles today, we haven’t outgrown the need for stories like Star Trek. We need tales of optimism, of heroes, of courage and goodness now as much as we’ve ever needed them." -Thomas Marrone
If this doesn't count as a hint, I'd like to see what does.
Really, what else could it be teasing? It's way too ambiguously cool to be anything else. And if it weren't a Romulan faction, they would have shut down that speculation right away.
A properly advertised FE and maybe a new adventure zone/ map. And all this buzz is keeping you tuned in to see what's happening. Why crush it now when they won't have anything real to show for a few months?
It could indeed be a new faction, but come on. Look at the KDF. Look. At. It.
A properly advertised FE and maybe a new adventure zone/ map. And all this buzz is keeping you tuned in to see what's happening. Why crush it now when they won't have anything real to show for a few months?
It could indeed be a new faction, but come on. Look at the KDF. Look. At. It.
It's way too unique to just be another FE series. If isn't a Romulan faction, the smart thing to do would be to let us know immediately so that there's not as much let-down later on.
"Critics who say that the optimistic utopia Star Trek depicted is now outmoded forget the cultural context that gave birth to it: Star Trek was not a manifestation of optimism when optimism was easy. Star Trek declared a hope for a future that nobody stuck in the present could believe in. For all our struggles today, we haven’t outgrown the need for stories like Star Trek. We need tales of optimism, of heroes, of courage and goodness now as much as we’ve ever needed them." -Thomas Marrone
*Remember, the Romulans traded their cloaking technology for a number of D-7 battlecruisers from the Klingons. I don't see any reason why the Romulans, especially now with the current state of their fleet, wouldn't pull these old ships out of service and upgrade them with the latest and greatest in technology, or even use the design and create their own modernized class of D-7 battlescruisers.
If this faction is made a reality, this would be a perfect opportunity to hold more contests for fan made designs. I would love to see Romulan ships from other ST games like Armada or other games, but I highly doubt that Activision will give up the rights to their property without a fight, or taking a large payout.
Above all, I want to see a completely filled out KDF faction first. I would be perfectly happy, provided they don't take as long as they did with the KDF, to see a Romulan faction start out similar to where the KDF is now. I just don't want it to take 3+ years (or more) to fill them out too.
It's way too unique to just be another FE series. If isn't a Romulan faction, the smart thing to do would be to let us know immediately so that there's not as much let-down later on.
It's only unique because they didn't do it before.
And short of Cryptic transporting an Orion slave girl into your laps, forum goers see anything and everything as a let down.
It's way too unique to just be another FE series. If isn't a Romulan faction, the smart thing to do would be to let us know immediately so that there's not as much let-down later on.
It's not really that flashy an ad. I mean, yeah, "oooh shiny mouseover words" and all that, but it's only a bit fancier than what they did for The 2800. Besides, there's an Ask Cryptic coming up and a lot of time between now and May to break it to us that this isn't a faction. I guarantee we'll know for sure whether it is or isn't a faction before it comes out. And other than the fancy ad page, there really haven't been any other big winks or nods to a faction.
That said... maybe it's largely wishful thinking, but there was a marked change in Stahl's choice of words around the time the teaser came out. "No Romulans before Season 9" was the mantra before, but they aren't seasons anymore. They're bigger. I really don't see how a new adventure zone and FE qualifies as that stupendously bigger than a Season. And the fact no one is denying it's a faction when asked about it, simply handing out the line "Can't talk about that".
What I'm saying is, while hard evidence seems to suggest against a faction, there's a lot of small things going on that leave it up in the air.
I am cautiously optimistic, as usual. I'll be happy if it's a faction but only a little let down if it isn't, because I knew it was a longshot. And I'd suggest others temper their optimism similarly if you want to avoid major heartache later.
It's not really that flashy an ad. I mean, yeah, "oooh shiny mouseover words" and all that, but it's only a bit fancier than what they did for The 2800. Besides, there's an Ask Cryptic coming up and a lot of time between now and May to break it to us that this isn't a faction. I guarantee we'll know for sure whether it is or isn't a faction before it comes out. And other than the fancy ad page, there really haven't been any other big winks or nods to a faction.
That said... maybe it's largely wishful thinking, but there was a marked change in Stahl's choice of words around the time the teaser came out. "No Romulans before Season 9" was the mantra before, but they aren't seasons anymore. They're bigger. I really don't see how a new adventure zone and FE qualifies as that stupendously bigger than a Season. And the fact no one is denying it's a faction when asked about it, simply handing out the line "Can't talk about that".
What I'm saying is, while hard evidence seems to suggest against a faction, there's a lot of small things going on that leave it up in the air.
I am cautiously optimistic, as usual. I'll be happy if it's a faction but only a little let down if it isn't, because I knew it was a longshot. And I'd suggest others temper their optimism similarly if you want to avoid major heartache later.
I suppose that's a good analysis of the situation. Though I still think they would have told us by now if it wasn't a playable faction, and I'm pretty sure the only advertising for The 2800 came from a short trailer and several dev posts.
"Critics who say that the optimistic utopia Star Trek depicted is now outmoded forget the cultural context that gave birth to it: Star Trek was not a manifestation of optimism when optimism was easy. Star Trek declared a hope for a future that nobody stuck in the present could believe in. For all our struggles today, we haven’t outgrown the need for stories like Star Trek. We need tales of optimism, of heroes, of courage and goodness now as much as we’ve ever needed them." -Thomas Marrone
I keep thinking about the teaser and the way in which it is worded: "March beneath the Raptor's Wings". And then there's the question: "Will you march?"
Definitely points to something Romulan related as those members of the Vulcan race that rejected logic for emotion left that world to "march beneath the raptor's wings". According to lore and history, they founded what became the Romulan empire.
So then I start brainstorming the idea:
Will they have us time-travel back a couple thousand years to participate in the founding of the Romulan empire as members of the Pre-Romulan race in Pre-Romulan ships and situations?
If we're not to support the founding of the Romulun empire by marching, then for what logical or story reasons would either a Fed captain or a KDF captain "march" in support of the currently devastated Romulan empire?
I can see both factions attempting to get a foot in the door with the Romulan empire refugees on New Romulus in order to lessen tensions. But that would not be "marching beneath the Raptor's Wings".
The May update has been said to be bigger than the "seasons" that Cryptic has released previously.
There's been mentioned the complete revamp of the character creator with the May update. Why would the devs need to revamp the character creator? Add more races, costumes and traits? Could not those be added to the current creator?
Timing - JJ Trek 2 is coming in May. Competing game is releasing an expansion in May.
Good timing for setting up something big to be enjoyed over the summer for STO fans.
Why go to all of the trouble to tease something if it's just going to be a new Featured Series involving Sela and the Romulan storyline with the Iconians? Would that be enough to tide over players throughout the summer until S8 actually drops in the fall?
Why tease so far out in advance unless they're trying to generate a lot of interest to bring in some extra funding by giving players more reasons to spend some money?
Maybe I missed something or my own "want" of a playable Romulan faction is clouding my thinking, but I am inclined to believe that based on all of the above, we will have the opportunity to march in May under the banner of the Romulan Star Empire.
(1) BoP, Mogai, D'deridex, Scimitar plus ships (Escort, Science, Cruiser, Carrier) for each class and tier.
(2) Romulan, Reman, Alien, Vulcan, Liberated Borg Romulan (+ Reman)
(3) Opening missions should be about the civil war between New Romulus and the Tal Shiar/Hirogen alliance, the Tholian Incursions into the Tau Dewa sector and the connection all have to the Iconians.
(4) 1-50 content, although Post Lv20 content can be FE if neccessary, would not be dissappointed with that.
(5) Uniform, ship costumes and bridges. New weapons such as the Romulan plasma rifles being droppable weapons for the Faction, instead of Dilith purchases.
(6) I'm looking forward to a Romulan faction because it's a great idea to branch out into a third faction. And why not lay the groundwork for a fourth once the Romulans are done?
You're just a machine. And machines can be broken.
Also, why advertise it as "too big to be a season"?
Playable Romulan faction [WANT]*9001
(1) What ships would you like for a Romulan faction to have?
Well, pretty much every ship associated with the races listed in #2 that is already in the game. Zstore ships could have consoles/special weapons such as: Thalaron projector(90 cone attack that severely depletes crew if it hits the hull), phasing cloak(similar to EBC, but makes torps auto miss, and lets you fly through terrain)
(2) What playable species would you like for a Romulan faction to have?
Primary: Romulan; Secondary: Hirogen, Reman, Alien; LTS: Lib borg Romulan; Zstore: Suliban, Vulcan, maybe Vendorians
(3) What storyline would you like for a Romulan faction to have?
picking up the peices in the aftermath of the civil war. It'd be especially interesting if you had multiple mission givers with conflicting motives.
(4) What main types of content would you like for a Romulan faction to have?
Infiltration missions that let you visit enemy faction bases.
(5) What do you think should make the Romulan faction unique?
Being as sneaky and devious as Garak....
(6) Why are or arent you looking forward to a Romulan faction?
I like Romulans.
(1) What ships would you like for a Romulan faction to have?
Original Warbird through to Scimitar. Lifetime members rewarded with the TOS Classic Era Warbird to start with, also available to purchase as a pack with classic Romulan costumes.
See here for ships to be included:
(2) What playable species would you like for a Romulan faction to have?
Romulan, Reman, Ex-Borg, Garidians intially and preferrably. But later maybe Suliban, Selay, Acamarians, Chel (Romulan/ Klingon hybrid from William Shatner's book "Ashes of Eden").
(3) What storyline would you like for a Romulan faction to have?
Continue the current path. Romulan v Sela & Tal Shiar, Iconian showdown.
However, this:
The current government of New Romulus is contacted on a coded transmission by a Romulan Commander Konsab, a military history instructor who once taught at the Romulan Intelligence Academy (this is canon). He was long thought to have been killed in the Hobus aftermath. However, having been a supporter and former instructor of Donatra, he followed with her military forces off-world. Donatra had moved most of her military forces away from Romulus long before Hobus exploded during the power struggles post Shinzon.
D'Tan dispatches a ship with the new Romulan Playable Character to coordinates on the far side of the Beta quadrant to meet with Konsab. Upon arrival, three D'Deridex ships decloak surrounding the ship - a trap!! "Captain we're being hailed". "Jolan tru friend....."
Your ship is escorted to a secret base within a nebula. You soon learn that this is no ordinary base. This is the New Romulan Imperial Fleet in waiting. Both Romulan military & Tal Shiar loyal to Donatra are based here. The Tal Shiar elements here are splintered against the Tal Shiar elements that sided with the Iconians. They consider them traitors to all Romulans. Commander Konsab commands all within the base. He has brought unity between the military and Talshiar stationed here. There are also scientists, engineers and families, and Remans living here in wait and in safety until the time is right for the rebirth of a Romulan Empire.
Konsab beckons you to his office where you learn that they have gained a new ally that would rid the galaxy of the Iconian's for good. They are a race that had previously skirmished with the Romulans and long forgotten. They are the "Chodak". Last seen in the TNG game "A Final Unity", also appearances in the game "Birth of the Federation".
You learn that it was the Chodak that originally defeated and expelled the Iconians, but at a great cost to their civilization. Having gained possession of the Unity Device, they were able to rebuild their civilization to it's former glory. You also learn that the alliance was mediated by the "Garidians", a Romulan off-shoot. And so the new adventures begin.....
Donatra also lives. She is in a cyrogenic chamber with a level 10 dampening field surrounding it. Scientists are attempting to find a solution to remove her Borg implants. Donatra's Tal Shiar elements had been working on Borg technology in an attempt to defend the empire from the Iconians. However, their attempts at infiltrating the Borg went wrong, Donatra becoming a casualty of their failure. Her body was transported off her Scimitar just as Federation forces destroyed her shields and fired the final volley. A newly developed cloaking technology allowed them to escape completely undetected.
(4) What main types of content would you like for a Romulan faction to have?
A Romulan Starbase, meaningful exploration, and new foes to battle, STF's & PvP, Fleet actions, DOFFs, and dailies. Also a wide variety of costumes for characters & crew.
(5) What do you think should make the Romulan faction unique?
New Romulus is awesome. This should be further upgraded as the capital is established with markets and communities. They should include a home that your playable character can return to. Through exploring your new home planet, items can be found to give your home more character with a personal touch. You could also have a similar upgrade activity of your home to that of the embassies and starbases.
(6) Why are or arent you looking forward to a Romulan faction?
I definately want a fully playable Romulan Faction. Romulans, despite their home planet being destroyed have always been a major and significant race since the TOS days. Love them or hate them, they have provided Star Trek with a unique villain being so secretive in their ways, and some of the best episodes in all of the TV series.
Amen. Cryptic , head over to and ask the only day one Romulan Fleet in STO about Romulan content.
To all Romulan fans. Check us out as well if you are looking for Romulan enthusiasts in game. Jolan'Tru
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] Help rebuild the Romulan Star Empire to glory. Click the banner to join today.
(1) What ships would you like for a Romulan faction to have?
-only romulan ships no alien
(2) What playable species would you like for a Romulan faction to have?
-romulans,liberated borg romulans
(3) What storyline would you like for a Romulan faction to have?
-rebuilding Romulan Star Empire,return to Vulcan as new home,deal with traitors on New Romulus
(4) What main types of content would you like for a Romulan faction to have?
-anything is ok,don't care for pve content too much
(5) What do you think should make the Romulan faction unique?
-pure romulans without alien species or ships
(6) Why are or arent you looking forward to a Romulan faction?
-main favorite faction
LoR should to be about rebuilding Romulan Star Empire,liberating Donatra from borg collective ,confronting Sela & madness of Tal Shiar,claiming Vulcan as new romulan homeworld...
I only care about the Romulans being in the game. Unless it's the Iconians, other races and their ships within the Romulan faction mean nothing to me. Remans are lame (same with their ships), Hirogen don't make sense, and I don't plan on using "aliens".
As far as what should make them unique? Anything and everything that is anti-Federation, anti-KDF, and vehemently pro-Romulan. Missions involved with stealth and espionage should be at the core of EVERY Romulan mission, as they will only strike when they feel they have the advantage and/or are enraged to the point of all out vengeance.
Considering how many missions are on KDF side, we'll prolly get 5 unique missions to last us for about a year and half...if we're lucky.
1) Romulan,Reman,Hirogen ships in game
2) Romulan, Reman, Hirogen, Flaxian, Alien... an something to match the ferasens and catians
3) wars with the klingons, federatio nand the undine.
4) Pvp,Stfs,Reps,Doffs,Fleet stuff
5) some kind of infiltration mission that sends the player into fed/kdf social zones. (the rom player cant engage the feds/kdg npcs/players) but can be shot at if detected.
6) its something new.
But anyway:
(1) What ships would you like for a Romulan faction to have?
Just give me a D'deridex Bundle (tac, eng and sci variants) and I'll be happy.
(2) What playable species would you like for a Romulan faction to have?
Romulans (duh...), Remans, Liberated Borg, Alien, three-breasted cat woman with Feline Instinct trat (Caitian/Ferasan equivalent).
(3) What storyline would you like for a Romulan faction to have?
Don't care. Just give me a reason to play something enjoyable, and not yet another repetitive grind.
(4) What main types of content would you like for a Romulan faction to have?
PvE missions/dailies, STFs, Fleet Actions, Exploration, Doffs, Reputation with FED and KDF.
(5) What do you think should make the Romulan faction unique?
Lesser amount of bugs than the KDF faction? Actually finished content?
(6) Why are or arent you looking forward to a Romulan faction?
Looking forward to new toys and environments to play with.
Not looking forward an absurd amount of faction-specific bugs that won't be getting fixed until money are involved.
Would prefer Full PVE Story Mission Content ... but that's very hard to imagine ... IF there's gonna be a Rommie Faction within the next 4 months ... it's gonna be KDF Status at Launch at best ...
Well I'm afraid it's gonna be next to impossible to make FE or other Story Content for 3 Factions, in the future ... it's already pretty hard for 2 Factions, playing KDF doesn't make much sense in some Missions ... so we just might get more and more repetitive Reputation Systems instead of FE's etc with a Romulan Faction
-> so that's why I might not look forward to a Romulan Faction
going by what i've been playing with in the foundry... I think its on the side of romulans becoming a player faction.
It's not that I wouldn't want a romulan faction. On the contrary. I just think that in the game's current state another faction would introduce even bigger mess that could potentially break the game in some aspects. I mean, KDF have to wait months for an obvious and simple bug to be fixed, even acknowledged. How do you think Cryptic would operate with not two, but three factions?
That's why I'm saying that the May update may be a preparation of sorts. UI changes, character creator, Romulan mission content and stuff, but not the actual playable faction - it's still too early for that I think.
Original Warbird through to Scimitar. Lifetime members rewarded with the TOS Classic Era Warbird to start with, also available to purchase as a pack with classic Romulan costumes.
See here for ships to be included:
(2) What playable species would you like for a Romulan faction to have?
Romulan, Reman, Ex-Borg, Garidians intially and preferrably. But later maybe Suliban, Selay, Acamarians, Chel (Romulan/ Klingon hybrid from William Shatner's book "Ashes of Eden").
(3) What storyline would you like for a Romulan faction to have?
Continue the current path. Romulan v Sela & Tal Shiar, Iconian showdown.
However, this:
The current government of New Romulus is contacted on a coded transmission by a Romulan Commander Konsab, a military history instructor who once taught at the Romulan Intelligence Academy (this is canon). He was long thought to have been killed in the Hobus aftermath. However, having been a supporter and former instructor of Donatra, he followed with her military forces off-world. Donatra had moved most of her military forces away from Romulus long before Hobus exploded during the power struggles post Shinzon.
D'Tan dispatches a ship with the new Romulan Playable Character to coordinates on the far side of the Beta quadrant to meet with Konsab. Upon arrival, three D'Deridex ships decloak surrounding the ship - a trap!! "Captain we're being hailed". "Jolan tru friend....."
Your ship is escorted to a secret base within a nebula. You soon learn that this is no ordinary base. This is the New Romulan Imperial Fleet in waiting. Both Romulan military & Tal Shiar loyal to Donatra are based here. The Tal Shiar elements here are splintered against the Tal Shiar elements that sided with the Iconians. They consider them traitors to all Romulans. Commander Konsab commands all within the base. He has brought unity between the military and Talshiar stationed here. There are also scientists, engineers and families, and Remans living here in wait and in safety until the time is right for the rebirth of a Romulan Empire.
Konsab beckons you to his office where you learn that they have gained a new ally that would rid the galaxy of the Iconian's for good. They are a race that had previously skirmished with the Romulans and long forgotten. They are the "Chodak". Last seen in the TNG game "A Final Unity", also appearances in the game "Birth of the Federation".
You learn that it was the Chodak that originally defeated and expelled the Iconians, but at a great cost to their civilization. Having gained possession of the Unity Device, they were able to rebuild their civilization to it's former glory. You also learn that the alliance was mediated by the "Garidians", a Romulan off-shoot. And so the new adventures begin.....
Donatra also lives. She is in a cyrogenic chamber with a level 10 dampening field surrounding it. Scientists are attempting to find a solution to remove her Borg implants. Donatra's Tal Shiar elements had been working on Borg technology in an attempt to defend the empire from the Iconians. However, their attempts at infiltrating the Borg went wrong, Donatra becoming a casualty of their failure. Her body was transported off her Scimitar just as Federation forces destroyed her shields and fired the final volley. A newly developed cloaking technology allowed them to escape completely undetected.
(4) What main types of content would you like for a Romulan faction to have?
A Romulan Starbase, meaningful exploration, and new foes to battle, STF's & PvP, Fleet actions, DOFFs, and dailies. Also a wide variety of costumes for characters & crew.
(5) What do you think should make the Romulan faction unique?
New Romulus is awesome. This should be further upgraded as the capital is established with markets and communities. They should include a home that your playable character can return to. Through exploring your new home planet, items can be found to give your home more character with a personal touch. You could also have a similar upgrade activity of your home to that of the embassies and starbases.
(6) Why are or arent you looking forward to a Romulan faction?
I definately want a fully playable Romulan Faction. Romulans, despite their home planet being destroyed have always been a major and significant race since the TOS days. Love them or hate them, they have provided Star Trek with a unique villain being so secretive in their ways, and some of the best episodes in all of the TV series.
My Ship Builds: USS Conqueror, HMS Victorious, HMS Concord, ISS Queen Elizabeth, Black Widow III
Click here to view my DeviantArt.
I'd like to see the Romulans work like this:
Tier 0 newbie ship -- Bird of Prey (the current NPC frigate)
*C-Store -- Enterprise era Drone Ship replica
*C-Store -- TOS BOP
Tiers 1-5(a) should have three ships each, one per career track. Whenever possible, canon designs should be used, with non-canon designs filling in.
Science: BOP/Scout Ship/Science Vessel type appearance
Tactical: Mogai/Scimitar "big wings" layout
Engineering: Ring-and-prow D'D-type layout
Refits of each version with consoles in C-Store
Hirogen ships in C-Store
TOS D-7 in C-Store (@Tier 3?)
(2) What playable species would you like for a Romulan faction to have?
At a minimum:
At least two other species
Lifetime members: Liberated Borg Romulan
C-Store: Animal race of some sort - more cats? Wolf people? I'm not the target audience, but I know from observation that it exists.
C-Store: Something else... or allow the existing Joined Trill into the Romulan faction (might not make sense - needs canon vetting)
Alternately, make the Ferasans and/or Caitians dual-unlocks vis-a-vis the Romulans the way the JTs are for the Feds and the KDF, then add a completely new premium species for the C-Store. Either way, should be a minimum of two C-Store account unlock species.
(3) What storyline would you like for a Romulan faction to have?
Follow the New Romulus, Sela vs. D'Tan story arc at low levels. Pick up the teaser left over from the Fek'lhri story arc and examine the Hur'q relationship with the Iconians and other Big Bads (tm) at mid-levels, reprise featured episodes (maybe with a Romulan spin where applicable) at high level, merging into the all-factions metastory (reputations, New Romulus adventure zone, Iconians, etc.) at max level.
(4) What main types of content would you like for a Romulan faction to have?
Tricky question. I can see a few different ways this could go in terms of the exact balance mechanics and structure, but the key for me is that the Roms need to have a 1-50 progression that doesn't require non-story content to climb, but contains that type of content for those who prefer to level that way.
(5) What do you think should make the Romulan faction unique?
Another tough one. I'm not sure the Romulan faction has to be unique in the sense of having things that are totally absent from the other factions, and I'm not expecting it to be a radically different gameplay experience than the Feds or the KDF. What I'd like to see though would be...
*SOME unique PVE content, especially at the lower levels, but also some overlap with the existing lore to tie the player into the metastory.
*Interesting, unique, and diverse customization options (note to devs: please quietly delete the distinction between Uniforms, Off-Duty Outfits, and Formal Wear -- this distinction serves no purpose and is the root cause of several bugs)
(6) Why are or arent you looking forward to a Romulan faction?
The opportunity to explore another interesting aspect of the Star Trek universe and do cool stuff with my fleetmates. Everything else is bonus as long as the core element is well-implemented.
Quit thinking there is, or bringing it up in the forums.
If this doesn't count as a hint, I'd like to see what does.
Really, what else could it be teasing? It's way too ambiguously cool to be anything else. And if it weren't a Romulan faction, they would have shut down that speculation right away.
"Critics who say that the optimistic utopia Star Trek depicted is now outmoded forget the cultural context that gave birth to it: Star Trek was not a manifestation of optimism when optimism was easy. Star Trek declared a hope for a future that nobody stuck in the present could believe in. For all our struggles today, we haven’t outgrown the need for stories like Star Trek. We need tales of optimism, of heroes, of courage and goodness now as much as we’ve ever needed them."
-Thomas Marrone
A properly advertised FE and maybe a new adventure zone/ map. And all this buzz is keeping you tuned in to see what's happening. Why crush it now when they won't have anything real to show for a few months?
It could indeed be a new faction, but come on. Look at the KDF. Look. At. It.
It's way too unique to just be another FE series. If isn't a Romulan faction, the smart thing to do would be to let us know immediately so that there's not as much let-down later on.
"Critics who say that the optimistic utopia Star Trek depicted is now outmoded forget the cultural context that gave birth to it: Star Trek was not a manifestation of optimism when optimism was easy. Star Trek declared a hope for a future that nobody stuck in the present could believe in. For all our struggles today, we haven’t outgrown the need for stories like Star Trek. We need tales of optimism, of heroes, of courage and goodness now as much as we’ve ever needed them."
-Thomas Marrone
Playable Species:
Romulan (obviously)
Liberated Borg Romulan
Romulan-Bird of Prey, Lanora, D-7*, Mogai, D'deridex, Scimitar
Hirogen-Hunter Escort, Apex Battleship
*Remember, the Romulans traded their cloaking technology for a number of D-7 battlecruisers from the Klingons. I don't see any reason why the Romulans, especially now with the current state of their fleet, wouldn't pull these old ships out of service and upgrade them with the latest and greatest in technology, or even use the design and create their own modernized class of D-7 battlescruisers.
If this faction is made a reality, this would be a perfect opportunity to hold more contests for fan made designs. I would love to see Romulan ships from other ST games like Armada or other games, but I highly doubt that Activision will give up the rights to their property without a fight, or taking a large payout.
Above all, I want to see a completely filled out KDF faction first. I would be perfectly happy, provided they don't take as long as they did with the KDF, to see a Romulan faction start out similar to where the KDF is now. I just don't want it to take 3+ years (or more) to fill them out too.
Rest in Peace Brothers
It's only unique because they didn't do it before.
And short of Cryptic transporting an Orion slave girl into your laps, forum goers see anything and everything as a let down.
It's not really that flashy an ad. I mean, yeah, "oooh shiny mouseover words" and all that, but it's only a bit fancier than what they did for The 2800. Besides, there's an Ask Cryptic coming up and a lot of time between now and May to break it to us that this isn't a faction. I guarantee we'll know for sure whether it is or isn't a faction before it comes out. And other than the fancy ad page, there really haven't been any other big winks or nods to a faction.
That said... maybe it's largely wishful thinking, but there was a marked change in Stahl's choice of words around the time the teaser came out. "No Romulans before Season 9" was the mantra before, but they aren't seasons anymore. They're bigger. I really don't see how a new adventure zone and FE qualifies as that stupendously bigger than a Season. And the fact no one is denying it's a faction when asked about it, simply handing out the line "Can't talk about that".
What I'm saying is, while hard evidence seems to suggest against a faction, there's a lot of small things going on that leave it up in the air.
I am cautiously optimistic, as usual. I'll be happy if it's a faction but only a little let down if it isn't, because I knew it was a longshot. And I'd suggest others temper their optimism similarly if you want to avoid major heartache later.
I Support Disco | Disco is Love | Disco is Life
I suppose that's a good analysis of the situation. Though I still think they would have told us by now if it wasn't a playable faction, and I'm pretty sure the only advertising for The 2800 came from a short trailer and several dev posts.
"Critics who say that the optimistic utopia Star Trek depicted is now outmoded forget the cultural context that gave birth to it: Star Trek was not a manifestation of optimism when optimism was easy. Star Trek declared a hope for a future that nobody stuck in the present could believe in. For all our struggles today, we haven’t outgrown the need for stories like Star Trek. We need tales of optimism, of heroes, of courage and goodness now as much as we’ve ever needed them."
-Thomas Marrone
Definitely points to something Romulan related as those members of the Vulcan race that rejected logic for emotion left that world to "march beneath the raptor's wings". According to lore and history, they founded what became the Romulan empire.
So then I start brainstorming the idea:
Will they have us time-travel back a couple thousand years to participate in the founding of the Romulan empire as members of the Pre-Romulan race in Pre-Romulan ships and situations?
If we're not to support the founding of the Romulun empire by marching, then for what logical or story reasons would either a Fed captain or a KDF captain "march" in support of the currently devastated Romulan empire?
I can see both factions attempting to get a foot in the door with the Romulan empire refugees on New Romulus in order to lessen tensions. But that would not be "marching beneath the Raptor's Wings".
The May update has been said to be bigger than the "seasons" that Cryptic has released previously.
There's been mentioned the complete revamp of the character creator with the May update. Why would the devs need to revamp the character creator? Add more races, costumes and traits? Could not those be added to the current creator?
Timing - JJ Trek 2 is coming in May. Competing game is releasing an expansion in May.
Good timing for setting up something big to be enjoyed over the summer for STO fans.
Why go to all of the trouble to tease something if it's just going to be a new Featured Series involving Sela and the Romulan storyline with the Iconians? Would that be enough to tide over players throughout the summer until S8 actually drops in the fall?
Why tease so far out in advance unless they're trying to generate a lot of interest to bring in some extra funding by giving players more reasons to spend some money?
Maybe I missed something or my own "want" of a playable Romulan faction is clouding my thinking, but I am inclined to believe that based on all of the above, we will have the opportunity to march in May under the banner of the Romulan Star Empire.
(2) Romulan, Reman, Alien, Vulcan, Liberated Borg Romulan (+ Reman)
(3) Opening missions should be about the civil war between New Romulus and the Tal Shiar/Hirogen alliance, the Tholian Incursions into the Tau Dewa sector and the connection all have to the Iconians.
(4) 1-50 content, although Post Lv20 content can be FE if neccessary, would not be dissappointed with that.
(5) Uniform, ship costumes and bridges. New weapons such as the Romulan plasma rifles being droppable weapons for the Faction, instead of Dilith purchases.
(6) I'm looking forward to a Romulan faction because it's a great idea to branch out into a third faction. And why not lay the groundwork for a fourth once the Romulans are done?
Playable Romulan faction [WANT]*9001
(1) What ships would you like for a Romulan faction to have?
Well, pretty much every ship associated with the races listed in #2 that is already in the game. Zstore ships could have consoles/special weapons such as: Thalaron projector(90 cone attack that severely depletes crew if it hits the hull), phasing cloak(similar to EBC, but makes torps auto miss, and lets you fly through terrain)
(2) What playable species would you like for a Romulan faction to have?
Primary: Romulan; Secondary: Hirogen, Reman, Alien; LTS: Lib borg Romulan; Zstore: Suliban, Vulcan, maybe Vendorians
(3) What storyline would you like for a Romulan faction to have?
picking up the peices in the aftermath of the civil war. It'd be especially interesting if you had multiple mission givers with conflicting motives.
(4) What main types of content would you like for a Romulan faction to have?
Infiltration missions that let you visit enemy faction bases.
(5) What do you think should make the Romulan faction unique?
Being as sneaky and devious as Garak....
(6) Why are or arent you looking forward to a Romulan faction?
I like Romulans.
My character Tsin'xing
Amen. Cryptic , head over to and ask the only day one Romulan Fleet in STO about Romulan content.
To all Romulan fans. Check us out as well if you are looking for Romulan enthusiasts in game. Jolan'Tru
Help rebuild the Romulan Star Empire to glory. Click the banner to join today.
-only romulan ships no alien
(2) What playable species would you like for a Romulan faction to have?
-romulans,liberated borg romulans
(3) What storyline would you like for a Romulan faction to have?
-rebuilding Romulan Star Empire,return to Vulcan as new home,deal with traitors on New Romulus
(4) What main types of content would you like for a Romulan faction to have?
-anything is ok,don't care for pve content too much
(5) What do you think should make the Romulan faction unique?
-pure romulans without alien species or ships
(6) Why are or arent you looking forward to a Romulan faction?
-main favorite faction
2) Romulan, Reman , L.Borg Romulan , Garidian, Suliban , Cardassian mercenary ,(No Hirogens pls)
3) Romulan Republic Senate loyalist vs the old Empire militaristic group led by Sela
4) Mighty ships, episodes, starbase , doffs , deuterium tank station
5) Some technology based on their unique quantum singularity power-matrix.
6) Because the Romulans are intelligent, smart , efficient , strong, tricky , they have the coolest ships and i like a green color.
system Lord Baal is dead