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The Ultimate Romulan Faction Survey Thread

betawatcherbetawatcher Member Posts: 2 Arc User
So it sounds like a Romulan faction may be in the works(see I used the word "may"?). Anyway, here are some important questions regarding a possible Romulan faction. Please answer all of the following questions:

(1) What ships would you like for a Romulan faction to have?

(2) What playable species would you like for a Romulan faction to have?

(3) What storyline would you like for a Romulan faction to have?

(4) What main types of content would you like for a Romulan faction to have?

(5) What do you think should make the Romulan faction unique?

(6) Why are or arent you looking forward to a Romulan faction?

Hopefully this collected information will be of some use to the devs! :cool:
Post edited by betawatcher on


  • sumghaisumghai Member Posts: 1,072 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    (1) Everything that's canon to the TV series.

    (2) Romulan, Reman, Alien, Liberated Borg of the previous three.

    (3) The faction could focus on D'Tan/Obisek's New Romulus faction, as they rally survivors of the Hobus Supernova and rebuild their civilisation with the help of the KDF and Starfleet.

    (4) L1-20 content, with the budding NRE captain first reaching out to scattered Romulan colonies, fighting against Sela's Tal Shiar faction, and gradually branching into the later FEs by L50.

    (5) Mainly uniforms and ship costumes, as well as possibly more subterfuge-oriented missions.

    (6) Whilst I probably won't roll a Romulan toon, I'd like new players to have the option of starting as a Romulan or KDF from the get-go.
    Laws of thermodynamics as applied to life: 0 - You must play the game. 1 - You can't win. 2 - You can't break even. 3 - You can't quit.
  • psycoticvulcanpsycoticvulcan Member Posts: 4,160 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    (1) What ships would you like for a Romulan faction to have?

    - Bird-of-Prey
    - Lanora-class
    - Seeker-class
    - Apnex-class
    - Hunter-class
    - Mogai-class
    - Venatic-class
    - D'deridex-class
    - Apex-class
    - Scimitar-class
    - Huntmaster-class
    Small craft:
    - Romulan shuttle
    - Scorpion Fighter
    - Marauder

    All Romulan ships will have the Reman skin, of course.
    (2) What playable species would you like for a Romulan faction to have?

    Romulans, Remans, Hirogen, Liberated Borg, Alien
    (3) What storyline would you like for a Romulan faction to have?

    I want the Romulan faction to be the Star Empire under Sela, and generally antagonistic to the Tal Shiar (Sela doesn't like them, and they're serving the Iconians anyway).
    (4) What main types of content would you like for a Romulan faction to have?

    Intrigues on Rator III and other Imperial worlds, fighting the Klingons/Feds/enemy Romulans, etc.
    (5) What do you think should make the Romulan faction unique?

    Fed ships are generally Engineering-oriented, and KDF ships are generally Tactical-oriented. So naturally, the Romulan ships should be Science-oriented.
    (6) Why are or arent you looking forward to a Romulan faction?

    I am looking forward to it because it will be totally epic. I am not looking forward to it because it will make it more and more difficult for the Devs to develop content for every faction on a regular basis.
    "Critics who say that the optimistic utopia Star Trek depicted is now outmoded forget the cultural context that gave birth to it: Star Trek was not a manifestation of optimism when optimism was easy. Star Trek declared a hope for a future that nobody stuck in the present could believe in. For all our struggles today, we haven’t outgrown the need for stories like Star Trek. We need tales of optimism, of heroes, of courage and goodness now as much as we’ve ever needed them."
    -Thomas Marrone
  • dracounguisdracounguis Member Posts: 5,358 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    1. Romulan ones
    2. Romulan and Reman
    3. How they fight off being co-opted by the Iconians (new STFs)
    4. Missions and FEs and STFs (so tired of Borg)
    5. How is Fed/KDF unique? Other than ships and some gear?
    6. Don't look forward to another alt that's essentially the same as the ones I have. Cause face it, it's going to be the same but for graphical differences. Still same classes, same ship powers, just Romulan skins and ship designs. Probably a few new missions that will get you leveled up, but same old endgame STFs unless they get players past VA.
    Sometimes I think I play STO just to have something to complain about on the forums.
  • skonnskonn Member Posts: 141 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I would request the things already in-game, plus the Original Series Bird of Prey and Romulan uniforms (helmets and all!) for males and females:


    I won't demand they be free, however, I'd happily pay zen for both things. The BoP had a very tiny bridge on the show... but it was no smaller than some of the current lockbox ships. Keep up the good work!
  • haldan1968haldan1968 Member Posts: 80 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Ignoring the lore as set down in the television shows and movies, and working strictly with what we have seen in the game, I think that the Cardassians would be a logical entry into the new Romulan empire.

    Both peoples have similar histories and both are trying to rebuild after having their home-worlds devastated (one by a supernova, and the other through war).

    Both have rogue factions that seek to restore their empires to their former militaristic 'glory'. (The True Way and the Tal Shiar).

    And both people are struggling with limited resources and both have a war weary people. I think the union is not only logical, but inevitable.
  • rovakiinrovakiin Member Posts: 107 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I request all that was stated above... but even more importantly PLEASE finish the KDF faction first!
  • pyryckpyryck Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    1.) All Romulan ship designs possible

    2.) Romulan and Reman with Liberated Borg of each. NOTHING ELSE!

    3.) Storyline - from the Tal-shiar pov - return the RSE to it's glory! Find Sela and return her for justice. Repel the incursions by Federation and Klingon forces. Put down the insurrection occurring on "New Romulus". Clear out the infestation of Hirogen within the Empire.

    4.) Missions that fall within the overall Romulan storyline in #3. Maybe a couple of RSE/KDF FEs and some RSE/Fed FEs. Definitely need a new group of "STF" type missions.

    5.) Secrecy, xenophobia, usage of science, Advanced Battle Cloak on all ships. Some borg technology on high-level ships before ever getting near the current STFs.

    6.) Been waiting since 2009 for a Playable Romulan faction in STO. With the present state of STO, it's time to add another faction.

    p.s. Stick a fork in the KDF as it's DONE! ;)
  • abaddon653abaddon653 Member Posts: 1,144 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    1.) Really hoping they some how manage to add some designs from the Armada series. The Shrike is epic and I would love one. The Shrike is the Romulan equivalent to the defiant. After helping the feds install a cloak on the defiant they stole the plans and designed their own. Course as long as I get to fly my D'deridex I will be happy as a clam. Plus I am a devote carrier commander so I cant wait to see what they come up with for a Romulan carrier.

    2.) While I want the Romulan, Remans and the liberated versions of each they will have to add the Alien "species" and if they dont have a few others the majority of Romulan "fans" will rage and rage and rage. Pure Romulans forever!!!!

    3.) Honestly I don't know. The Tal'shiar pov would be interesting and would offer some unique doff missions. The Feds get diplomacy, klinks get marauding, Romulans...who knows. But then from a loyalist pov you could be helping Sela flush out the traitorous Tal'shiar, bring their Iconian masters to heel and restore order to the Empire. I don't want to see anything from the New Romulus pov as that would just feel to close to the Feds.

    4.) I want to see a whole bunch of things related to spying, sneaking and just being unseen in general. Whether it is some unique Romulan only stfs, which I feel they should add to each race, or a doff mission section or even some mini games I will be happy.

    5.) We need unique abilities related to being sneaky.

    6.) When Sto was first announced I was thrilled, I could not wait to play on the side of the Romulans....when I heard it was only going to be Feds and klinks to start I was really disapointed. I have been waiting "patiently" for several years now.........-twitch, twitch-
  • duaths1duaths1 Member Posts: 1,232 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    ships - as far as i care, i do need a battle phase cloaked BOP with universal slots

    story wise - as a true Romulan i despise the whole reunification movement and i do really hope that Sela will finally DO SOMTHING
    you know, would this be a sandbox game, we would do something by outselves by now :D

    From what i understand - Romulans are a very proud, intelligent, pragmatic while hidden emotional faction. Unlike Vulcans they are allowed to be not logic and to follow their intuition.

    Races? Romulan, Reman, Hirogen
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Phase cloak is definately soemthing the Roms might get in a Z-ship... Sounds like a fun toy though. :D

    Truthfully, despite seeing almost exclusively Romulans in the televised RSE, I'd be most happy with at least a half dozen races. It'd BORING to play a faction where everyone looks the same. sure, not all Feds are humans, but a lot of Fed races are really hard to distinguish from humans...
    My character Tsin'xing
  • zerobangzerobang Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    (1) What ships would you like for a Romulan faction to have?

    all Romulan ships (including TOS style Bird of Prey),
    true Reman Ships (Romulan Warbird with different texture is still a Romulan ship! Reman Ships look like the Scimitar in small, as of Countdown Comics, i want THOSE!)

    (2) What playable species would you like for a Romulan faction to have?

    - Romulan
    - Reman
    - Hirogen

    (3) What storyline would you like for a Romulan faction to have?

    I don't care as long as i can work for SELA! (Sela being the main questline questgiver, like Admiral Quinn is for the Feds).

    D'Tan and his goodie good shoes can go join the Feds and tag Eppohs all day long for all i care!
    I want REAL Romulans, including the Tal'Shiar.

    (4) What main types of content would you like for a Romulan faction to have?

    All of the non-faction specific content obviously.
    + 20 or so Story Missions
    a bunch of Patrols
    ...unique DOff Assignments and chains.

    (5) What do you think should make the Romulan faction unique?

    - Stealthy GAMEPLAY
    - more brains, less pew pew
    - and a FIXED cloaking device, no more uncloaking on BOff text popup

    (6) Why are or arent you looking forward to a Romulan faction?

    hopefully a bunch of Story Content that will round off the Hobus Nova plot,
    new Ships/Species to play with, but most of all new gameplay mechanics,
    i want NEW Kits, NEW BOff Powers, NEW Captain Abilities, NEW Captain Professions

    not a cookie cutter copy and paste job of FED+KDF gameplay with only a green ui and green ships...

    Only Negative i can think of is... a 3rd Fleetstarbase that wants our Dilithium.

    Best thing: Romulan Specific FOUNDRY missions!

    Even if my Federation Captain has a Jem'Hadar or Cardassian Ship, all Foundry missions treat my LockBox-Monsterplay Captains still like they were Federation Captains, even if from my perspective only they are not.

    PS: i'd be totally fine buying this as a AddOn on a new Retail-DVD-Box, you want to play Romulan Faction? Buy the DVD, if you don't you can play everything as is, without the option to start a Romulan.
    I'd be fine with that. But... well Free 2 Play, so that won't happen anyway, just saying, i'd totally pay for it.
  • specter153specter153 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    i just dont want another situation like te kilngon faction at launch where it was all pvp and no story line. Besides there is plenty to focus on like: reconstruction of new romulus, obisek and the remans, the pending treat of the tal shiar and their work with the iconians and selas disaperence , the hirogen, conflictes with the federation, klingons, cardassians/dominion, borg, undine (maybe proting some of the fed missions to romulan pov), and of course a special doff xp like the Diplomacy for feds and Maurding for kdf. And again no pvp only at launch, have some pve missions to play as well (not including neblua exploration and patrols).
  • cyberpunkfalconcyberpunkfalcon Member Posts: 125 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    (1) What ships would you like for a Romulan faction to have?
    All of them, Romuland and Reman vessels, and a temporal version too.


    (2) What playable species would you like for a Romulan faction to have?
    Romulan, Reman, Vulcan, Joined Trill, Liberated Borg, Alien. Romulan-Human Hybird like Tahsa's daughter.

    (3) What storyline would you like for a Romulan faction to have?
    completly different to the Fed and KDF ones. Rebuilding of New Romulas must also have different missions to that of the Fed and KDF as well.

    (4) What main types of content would you like for a Romulan faction to have?
    Weapons, armor, and clothing unique to the Romulans and Remans. More background on Tahsa and and her daughterafter they were captured in the past. I've been thinking this ever since the actress was announced for the aniversary, I thought it was too small a role for herand this would make sence.

    (5) What do you think should make the Romulan faction unique?
    None of the same honor stuff that makes up the Fed and KDF, Romulans make thier own rules!

    (6) Why are or arent you looking forward to a Romulan faction?
    One of my face races! Plus my favorite ship is the D'deridex Class Warbird :D
  • psycoticvulcanpsycoticvulcan Member Posts: 4,160 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    (1) What ships would you like for a Romulan faction to have?
    All of them, Romuland and Reman vessels, and a temporal version too.


    The one on the top left looks a lot like a Klingon K'Tanco cruiser.

    Looks like the Rommies have been stealing Klingon designs again ...
    "Critics who say that the optimistic utopia Star Trek depicted is now outmoded forget the cultural context that gave birth to it: Star Trek was not a manifestation of optimism when optimism was easy. Star Trek declared a hope for a future that nobody stuck in the present could believe in. For all our struggles today, we haven’t outgrown the need for stories like Star Trek. We need tales of optimism, of heroes, of courage and goodness now as much as we’ve ever needed them."
    -Thomas Marrone
  • centersolacecentersolace Member Posts: 11,178 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Phase cloak is definately soemthing the Roms might get in a Z-ship... Sounds like a fun toy though. :D

    Truthfully, despite seeing almost exclusively Romulans in the televised RSE, I'd be most happy with at least a half dozen races. It'd BORING to play a faction where everyone looks the same. sure, not all Feds are humans, but a lot of Fed races are really hard to distinguish from humans...

    I just finished a debate today about the viability of Horta Captains. :D
  • pwstolemynamepwstolemyname Member Posts: 1,417 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    (1) What ships would you like for a Romulan faction to have?

    Warbird will do.

    (2) What playable species would you like for a Romulan faction to have?

    It would be good if the romulan species wasnt an option.

    (3) What storyline would you like for a Romulan faction to have?

    The tail of the happy tribble.

    (4) What main types of content would you like for a Romulan faction to have?

    Minimal, dont want them taking valuable development time away from the feds and KDF.

    (5) What do you think should make the Romulan faction unique?

    A bugs and a lack of content... wait the question was for something unique? Thats a difficult one... maybe they could have a green tribble?

    (6) Why are or arent you looking forward to a Romulan faction?

    I am not looking forward to the romulan faction because I don't want to play as a romulan. They have relay bad hair and I already have fed and KDF characters with good hair that I would rather play. Any development time and resources spent on romulans could have been spent on things I care about, like revamping exploration, crafting, diplomacy, pvp, fixing bugs, or delivering content that my existing characters can enjoy.

    I am happy for those people who want a romulan faction. It is good that they may finally be getting what they want. But it is not something that I want and it is taking development time that I belive could be better spent.
  • cidstormcidstorm Member Posts: 1,220 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    (1) What ships would you like for a Romulan faction to have?
    All of the canon ones, and original ships to fill in the gaps of all categories.
    This might be the biggest job to do, and is part of the reason I am slightly skeptical of this actually happening.

    (2) What playable species would you like for a Romulan faction to have?
    Just the ones you might easily expect, roms, rems, hirs, and maybe iconians, but I would prefer and think thats not a possibility.

    (3) What storyline would you like for a Romulan faction to have?
    All the missions they can be written into.

    (4) What main types of content would you like for a Romulan faction to have?
    Being on the forefront of a likely Iconian incursion, it would be kindof logical for them to encounter all sorts of weird phenomena and science type stuff, but that should really be for the feds, so il just say the same as the other two factions.

    (5) What do you think should make the Romulan faction unique?
    Their faction is ripe with story telling options with the reman splinter group and Dtans operation, I am hoping for a story of bringing unity through subterfuge. Spy vs. spy stuff.

    Gameplay wise? Maybe some items the feds outlawed and the klinks view as dishonorable, stuff like what they used to hack Geordi. The ships should have their own feel, preferably large and in charge counterparts to everything else in the game. Weak hulls due to being needle thin all over, filled with holes ect, but good shields thanks to using black holes as power sources.

    (6) Why are or arent you looking forward to a Romulan faction?
    Romulans have always been the superior Star Trek villain, the nature of having deception as a defining quality always gave them an edge in character. Some of them were genuinely good, some genuinely bad, and several with layers of both, but they were all on the wrong team. Also, many are given traits that connect them to the good guys in great ways, with spock he had the romance and the threat of similarity, Sela was Yars daughter, notsarek wished they could have been friends, Troi became one, and then there were all the defectors, Romulan stories always hit home. The klingons often did too thanks to worf, but with the Romulans the writers had to get creative, and it worked out so well. But don't worry, il still be playing my three klingon characters.
  • mattgrantmattgrant Member Posts: 57 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    1. Any and all featured in the shows and movies. Yes, that includes that TOS ship with the ridiculous paint job and vessels of the Scimitar class (I don't care what your opinion of Nemesis is, that ship is ice cold awesome.) I'd also love to see Cryptic have some fun with creating their own.

    2. Ideally Romulan and Reman, no others. Since that wont happen I'd ask for Rommies, Remmies, and Alien.

    3. Preferably something upholding the values of the old RSE, but given the inevitable inclusion of other races that seems unlikely. Instead, maybe some hybridized Rommy-politics/expansionist regime intent on seeding Romulan culture throughout the galaxy instead of a futile attempt to assert the supremacy of a race now too endangered to personally rule a single world, let alone an empire.

    4. Once again speaking in the ideal, a faction focused as much on political schemes and scientific advances as the requisite pew-pew. Think more Federation, less KDF.

    5. Political espionage quests in place of ambassadorial quests.

    6. I like to think the introduction of a Romulan faction will coincide with the completion of the KDF. While I'd prefer a finished KDF over inclusion of a new faction if I had to choose between the two, I don't get to. Romulans are coming. With that in mind, I'd love to explore Romulus....oh, wait.:confused: Uhm, well. Give me a Scimitar and Foundry assets to write my own Rommy missions and we're gewd in the hewd.
  • insanerandomnesinsanerandomnes Member Posts: 228 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    1. Scimitar class:

    "Tactical analysis Mr. Worf!"

    "52 disruptor banks, 27 photon torpedo bays, primary AND secondary shields."

    "She's a predator..."

    :music swells:

    Need I say more?

    2. Romulan, Reman, Hirogen, Liberated Borg, Joined Trill, and perhaps an original species. Please no more space cats. We could use some dogs for once...

    3. Something with a lot of stealth and climax and foreshadowing. Thats what romulans excell at anyways. And perhaps in the end, rejoining with their vulcan brothers.

    4. I need something to do against the iconians. So much foreshadowing on that front, and not knowing whats happening. My question is, why the romulans?

    5. Stealth and spy quests. Again, what the romulans are good at.

    6. I have been looking forward too a romulan faction for almost a year now, and it's mainly because I know when thsi faction takes the stage, were gonna get some sick ship designs, a lot of new strategies, and much much more. In my mind, the inclusion of a third faction will launch this game into a new age, and it'll become one of the larger games you can play.

  • kain9primekain9prime Member Posts: 739 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I only care about the Romulans being in the game. Unless it's the Iconians, other races and their ships within the Romulan faction mean nothing to me. Remans are lame (same with their ships), Hirogen don't make sense, and I don't plan on using "aliens".

    As far as what should make them unique? Anything and everything that is anti-Federation, anti-KDF, and vehemently pro-Romulan. Missions involved with stealth and espionage should be at the core of EVERY Romulan mission, as they will only strike when they feel they have the advantage and/or are enraged to the point of all out vengeance.

    Considering how many missions are on KDF side, we'll prolly get 5 unique missions to last us for about a year and half...if we're lucky.

    The artist formally known as Romulus_Prime
  • kadieraskadieras Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    (1) What ships would you like for a Romulan faction to have?

    -Romulan vessels seen on the shows as well as the Romulan ships from SFC if possible.

    (2) What playable species would you like for a Romulan faction to have?


    (3) What storyline would you like for a Romulan faction to have?

    -Start with the fracturing and end up with a unified Empire

    (4) What main types of content would you like for a Romulan faction to have?

    -Stealth and espionage themed missions with combat being the direct result of said actions

    (5) What do you think should make the Romulan faction unique?


    (6) Why are or arent you looking forward to a Romulan faction?

    -I'm looking forward to the RSE I'm not looking forward to a green Federation.
    Like the Romulan Alliance System? Of course you do, it sounds fine to you because you aren't Romulans, you're FED or KDF who are going to make a Romulan alt, it makes a HUGE difference in perspective.
  • duaths1duaths1 Member Posts: 1,232 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    (1) What ships would you like for a Romulan faction to have?

    - all the Canon ships (Scimitar can take a while)

    (2) What playable species would you like for a Romulan faction to have?

    - Romulan, Reman, Alien

    (3) What storyline would you like for a Romulan faction to have?

    - Sela is free'd and reunites the remaining Romulan worlds to fight against everybody else :)

    - D'Tan's people are on the false way and are not called Romulans anymore

    (4) What main types of content would you like for a Romulan faction to have?

    - Tutorial, every faction stuff there is for other Factions, some extra 3 story missions..

    (5) What do you think should make the Romulan faction unique?

    - Phased Cloaking and enhanced phased Cloaks for the BOP's, they should be the Science Oriented Faction. As weapon type they use Disruptors and Plasma Torpedos. Some Iconian Techology (a new reputation)

    (6) Why are or arent you looking forward to a Romulan faction?

    - i am so much looking forward to it !

    Hopefully this collected information will be of some use to the devs!
  • hayabusafuryhayabusafury Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Since JJ, Cryptic and God knows who else has jacked up the Romulan story line so badly. I wish the Faction is introduced with a mission to correct all the horse s#@% that they have vomitted all over the Romulan lore. Undo Hobus and Donatra being assimilated. If Star Fleet can save whales then the Romulans should be able to reverse the JJ Abrahms disaster.

    A nice civil war between Liberated(or never assimilated) Donatra and Sela would be great. Using Donatra's Federation aliances against the Sela-Iconian threat.

    Any and all ships from the TV shows, movies and the games Armada and Starfleet Command including the TOS era would be fantastic.

    The Romulan Dreadnought from SFC 2 would make an amazing Romulan Carrier.

    And in a shameless plug... The oldest, largest and most dedicated Romulan Fleet is recruiting for those interested.
    Help rebuild the Romulan Star Empire to glory. Click the banner to join today.

  • kadieraskadieras Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I would be ecstatic if we fixed that BS of them destroying Romulus. Sadly, that and the assimilation of Donatra will not be rectified.
    Since JJ, Cryptic and God knows who else has jacked up the Romulan story line so badly. I wish the Faction is introduced with a mission to correct all the horse s#@% that they have vomitted all over the Romulan lore. Undo Hobus and Donatra being assimilated. If Star Fleet can save whales then the Romulans should be able to reverse the JJ Abrahms disaster.

    A nice civil war between Liberated(or never assimilated) Donatra and Sela would be great. Using Donatra's Federation aliances against the Sela-Iconian threat.

    Any and all ships from the TV shows, movies and the games Armada and Starfleet Command including the TOS era would be fantastic.

    The Romulan Dreadnought from SFC 2 would make an amazing Romulan Carrier.

    And in a shameless plug... The oldest, largest and most dedicated Romulan Fleet is recruiting for those interested.
    Like the Romulan Alliance System? Of course you do, it sounds fine to you because you aren't Romulans, you're FED or KDF who are going to make a Romulan alt, it makes a HUGE difference in perspective.
  • flash525flash525 Member Posts: 5,441 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    (1) What ships would you like for a Romulan faction to have?
    All the ships that have appeared on a Show or Film. Each should come with (at least) three skins; Green, Brown and Black (Reman). I say Brown cause we saw a Brown Warbird in Nemesis.

    There are a whole bunch of fan designs and other-game designs that I'd like to see too, but realistically, I can't see them making it.

    Store Ships should be for those 'non-romulan' factions (see below).
    (2) What playable species would you like for a Romulan faction to have?
    The Romulan and Reman, obviously. As both FED & KDF factions have them, I'd also say Liberated Borg, Alien and Trill too.

    I would then throw in the Suliban along with a Delta Quadrant Race (either Fen Domar or Vaudwaar) as common, and the Hirogen and Vulcan as additional Store purchases.

    People that don't want other races (other than Romulan and Reman) simply need not play them, nor have them as members of their crew. I think however, that the options should be there for the rest of us.
    (3) What storyline would you like for a Romulan faction to have?
    This all depends on what aspect of the Romulans we're being given. Are we playing for D'Tan? Are we following the Tal Shiar?

    As D'Tan and his followers have 'settled' somewhat, it seems... illogical to play a faction for them. I'd rather play as a Sela Faction, Tal Shiar Faction (though they're tied up to the Iconian), or another Faction altogether.
    (4) What main types of content would you like for a Romulan faction to have?
    Levels 1 through 50.
    (5) What do you think should make the Romulan faction unique?
    Their own 'feel' to everything the other species has; costumes, ships, locations etc.
    (6) Why are or arent you looking forward to a Romulan faction?
    I am looking forward to it because... it's the Romulans. :P I wish I could slap each person who ever said "we'll never see a 3rd faction." Guess their crystal ball has a crack in it.
  • cyberpunkfalconcyberpunkfalcon Member Posts: 125 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    (1) What ships would you like for a Romulan faction to have?
    I updated the gallery


    If your wondering about Nero's ship don't forget that while it was destroyed in the other dimention, it was built in the regular one.
  • collegepark2151collegepark2151 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    So it sounds like a Romulan faction may be in the works(see I used the word "may"?). Anyway, here are some important questions regarding a possible Romulan faction. Please answer all of the following questions:

    (1) What ships would you like for a Romulan faction to have?
    D'direx (not even going to try to spell it right), Valdore, Mogai, Bird of Prey, Scout ship

    (2) What playable species would you like for a Romulan faction to have?
    Romulan, Reman, Renegade Vulcan, Cloned Human

    (3) What storyline would you like for a Romulan faction to have?
    I think a full faction should follow the Tal Shiar branch of the Romulan fragmentation as they try to undo the work D'Tan is doing.

    (4) What main types of content would you like for a Romulan faction to have?
    FE's, Unique DOFF assignments, some spy type stuff

    (5) What do you think should make the Romulan faction unique?
    I think the Romulan faction should be the "bad" Romulans as opposed to the "good" Romulans in Tau Dewa.

    (6) Why are or arent you looking forward to a Romulan faction?
    I think it could be an interesting alternative to pursue. I've already gotten a couple of blank spots for alt's should this come to pass. I've got too much time and effort invested in my Fed main to totally switch allegiances, though.

    Porthos is not amused.
  • abaddon653abaddon653 Member Posts: 1,144 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Oh, oh, oh something I forgot to mention in my first post. I also want my Vas'deletham class, or Winged Defender for you uneducated species.


    After the D'deridex it is my fav Rihannsu ship.
  • lianthelialianthelia Member Posts: 7,865 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    1) Well most of the Romulan ships have been mentioned...I know would be a very slim chance since it was in sfc 3...but I always liked the Hawk Class.


    I came across this ship in my search for the Hawk...thought it looked pretty cool


    2) Romulan, Reman, Romulan Liberated Borg, Alien, and I know it doesn't fit...but would like joined Trill if possible...the trait is just to good!

    3) I been thinking about it a lot...it depends...if the Federation and KDF are still going to be at war the Empire that is under control of Sela might make more sense, but if the KDF and Federation are at peace once more I suppose D'Tan's New Romulus would make sense.

    4) Well if its Sela's Romulans...alot of cloak and dagger...secrets and power...if D'Tan's then well I think it would have a lot to do with rebuilding and defending the peace these Romulans wish to build.

    5) Battle Cloak for all ships! (lol) Their ships obviously...their uniforms of course. I've always been a fan of plasma weaponry.

    6) Definitely! I love the Romulans...I would make characters even if we got a Romulan faction in the condition the KDF is.
    Can't have a honest conversation because of a white knight with power
  • thay8472thay8472 Member Posts: 6,149 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    So it sounds like a Romulan faction may be in the works(see I used the word "may"?). Anyway, here are some important questions regarding a possible Romulan faction. Please answer all of the following questions:

    (1) What ships would you like for a Romulan faction to have?

    (2) What playable species would you like for a Romulan faction to have?

    (3) What storyline would you like for a Romulan faction to have?

    (4) What main types of content would you like for a Romulan faction to have?

    (5) What do you think should make the Romulan faction unique?

    (6) Why are or arent you looking forward to a Romulan faction?

    Hopefully this collected information will be of some use to the devs! :cool:

    1) Romulan,Reman,Hirogen ships in game

    2) Romulan, Reman, Hirogen, Flaxian, Alien... an something to match the ferasens and catians

    3) wars with the klingons, federatio nand the undine.

    4) Pvp,Stfs,Reps,Doffs,Fleet stuff

    5) some kind of infiltration mission that sends the player into fed/kdf social zones. (the rom player cant engage the feds/kdg npcs/players) but can be shot at if detected.

    6) its something new.
    Typhoon Class please!
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