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[Spoilers] That moment when...

spyralpegacyonspyralpegacyon Member Posts: 408 Arc User
... you realize you just sent Tasha Yar off to become a Romulan slave girl, all to prevent a war with the Klingons that we're actually fighting right now.

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  • weylandjuarezweylandjuarez Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    She was bossy - I don't have a problem with that :D
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  • xigbargxigbarg Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Well its that or live as a slave to the Tholians and pass by wolf 359s like memorials everywhere in your majestic tuffli.
  • radkipradkip Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    She was bossy - I don't have a problem with that
    Yeah, the way she was lording over me like she knew more than me about everything has me not too worried about her fate.

    I liked her as a character in the show, but this representation dropped the ball. Unless we weren't just put into an alternate timeline, but the mirror universe as well.
    Joined: January 2010

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  • sparklysoldiersparklysoldier Member Posts: 106 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    She was bossy - I don't have a problem with that :D

    Note to self: never act bossy toward weylandjuarez! :P
  • zulisvelzulisvel Member Posts: 518 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    radkip wrote: »
    Yeah, the way she was lording over me like she knew more than me about everything has me not too worried about her fate.
    To be fair to Tasha, no one, yourself included, actually knew who you were or how important you were to the key events in the proper timeline. Well except for the time cop and maybe the El-Aurian.
  • darthwoodarthwoo Member Posts: 371 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    xigbarg wrote: »
    Well its that or live as a slave to the Tholians and pass by wolf 359s like memorials everywhere in your majestic tuffli.

    Speaking of Wolf 359, if the Federation had lost its war with the Klingons, wouldn't the Borg (who were already encroaching into the Alpha or Beta quadrant, regardless of Q's intervention) have arrived and probably have steamrolled the KDF and everyone else several years before the discovery of the Bajoran Wormhole?
  • twg042370twg042370 Member Posts: 2,312 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    darthwoo wrote: »
    Speaking of Wolf 359, if the Federation had lost its war with the Klingons, wouldn't the Borg (who were already encroaching into the Alpha or Beta quadrant, regardless of Q's intervention) have arrived and probably have steamrolled the KDF and everyone else several years before the discovery of the Bajoran Wormhole?

    I assume, for the timeline that was in place then, Q never sent the Enterprise to meet the Borg and alert them to the presence of the Federation.

    The events of First Contact and Enterprise ruin that since they made the Borg finding out predestined even in the Ent-C timeline. But let's ignore those and assume Yar's timeline remained as was by that point in Trek lore.
  • nyniknynik Member Posts: 1,628 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    darthwoo wrote: »
    Speaking of Wolf 359, if the Federation had lost its war with the Klingons, wouldn't the Borg (who were already encroaching into the Alpha or Beta quadrant, regardless of Q's intervention) have arrived and probably have steamrolled the KDF and everyone else several years before the discovery of the Bajoran Wormhole?

    Well that raises the question on whether a Tholian can be assimilated I think. I'd assume they would be resistant at least (perhaps immune due to their crystalline nature) and so could have resisted any Borg encroachment. The Borg mainly have two things going for them. Their ability to adapt and their superweapon, assimilation. If they can't assimilate Tholians, and they can't adapt to finding a way to do so, then they don't present much a problem to Tholian warships imo. I'd imagine they would have given up under the guise of it not being worth their time for reasons like Tholians not presenting any advances towards perfection *cough similar collective propaganda*.
  • thegreendragoon1thegreendragoon1 Member Posts: 1,872 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    darthwoo wrote: »
    Speaking of Wolf 359, if the Federation had lost its war with the Klingons, wouldn't the Borg (who were already encroaching into the Alpha or Beta quadrant, regardless of Q's intervention) have arrived and probably have steamrolled the KDF and everyone else several years before the discovery of the Bajoran Wormhole?

    Turns out the Dominion had no problem taking down the Borg. How do you adapt to a Jem'Hadar kamikaze run?
  • syberghostsyberghost Member Posts: 1,711 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Turns out the Dominion had no problem taking down the Borg. How do you adapt to a Jem'Hadar kamikaze run?

    With a tractor beam.
    Former moderator of these forums. Lifetime sub since before launch. Been here since before public betas. Foundry author of "Franklin Drake Must Die".
  • thegreendragoon1thegreendragoon1 Member Posts: 1,872 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    syberghost wrote: »
    With a tractor beam.

    Borg has only so many tractor beams. :P
  • twg042370twg042370 Member Posts: 2,312 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    nynik wrote: »
    The Borg mainly have two things going for them. Their ability to adapt and their superweapon, assimilation.

    The question comes in how does the Borg adapt? Aside from "The plot needs it".

    In some cases it's obvious: Phaser fires at a certain frequency. Change shield frequency to neutralize it.

    In others they would need to have previously assimilated the tools or knowledge to counter the attack. Like how they were powerless against Future Janeway's virus/ weapons. They had nothing to counter it. And since they constantly needed "individuals" to help them come up with solutions to problems as the shows progressed it suggests that the Borg can't do anything unless someone else did it first and they steal it.

    They're kind of like the ancient Romans in that regard.

    Jem'hadar and Vorta have little going for them aside from Shroud technology and tendency to be disposable. I doubt Weyoun knew how to build a Jem'Hadar breeding facility. Assuming the Founders are the ones who have all of the know-how, the Borg would need to assimilate one first. How their shapeshifting is described would make it impossible to the nanoprobes to do their job since they could simply change to a form that either removes or immobilizes the probes.

    Thus the Borg would have to assimilate a species that did know how to get around the shape shifting before they could assimilate a Founder for their knowledge. Once they have that, they also know how to lock the rest of the Founders into a form that could be assimilated as well.

    TLDR- The Borg's strength is also their main weakness.
  • sparklysoldiersparklysoldier Member Posts: 106 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    twg042370 wrote: »
    I assume, for the timeline that was in place then, Q never sent the Enterprise to meet the Borg and alert them to the presence of the Federation.

    The events of First Contact and Enterprise ruin that since they made the Borg finding out predestined even in the Ent-C timeline. But let's ignore those and assume Yar's timeline remained as was by that point in Trek lore.

    That was my thought too. Even if they knew about the Federation, it seems like they didn't make assimilating it a priority until Q got involved. Plus, since Voyager wasn't around to help them deal with 8472, that war may have ended up doing so much damage that the Borg are still recovering in the Delta Quadrant.
  • darthwoodarthwoo Member Posts: 371 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    twg042370 wrote: »
    I assume, for the timeline that was in place then, Q never sent the Enterprise to meet the Borg and alert them to the presence of the Federation.

    The events of First Contact and Enterprise ruin that since they made the Borg finding out predestined even in the Ent-C timeline. But let's ignore those and assume Yar's timeline remained as was by that point in Trek lore.

    Not to get into too much of an argument over storylines, I believe TNG had implied that the Borg were already beginning to attack/assimilate remote settlements along the Neutral Zone before Q ever got involved. Annika Hansen had already been assimilated after her parents followed a Borg ship back through a transwarp conduit to the Delta Quadrant 9 years before the official first contact in Q Who. Q's actions may have accelerated the Borg's designs on Earth, or perhaps may have actually been detrimental to the Borg, as it seemed to cause somewhat of an obsessiveness with Earth and Picard in particular. Had they continued assimilating outlying worlds systematically and not gone straight for Earth, they might have fared better. Of course, I suppose it's up in the air over whether the brief activity of the beacon in First Contact or the signal in the Enterprise episode caused them to be near the Neutral Zone in the first place.
  • idronaidrona Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Why is noone talking about that great voice actress that did T'nae (Lani Minella)?

    We all probably have played games besides STO that she was voicing in, she's got a huge list of voice work.

    Lani Minella on Wikipedia - IMDb

    Sorry if I offended any Trekkies or have missed another thread about Lani Minella. :)
  • edited February 2013
    This content has been removed.
  • captsolcaptsol Member Posts: 921 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    ... you realize you just sent Tasha Yar off to become a Romulan slave girl, all to prevent a war with the Klingons that we're actually fighting right now.


    I was too busy still jumping for joy that I was actually the captain of an Enterprise for a short period. :cool:
  • starkaosstarkaos Member Posts: 11,557 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    The easiest way to avoid assimilation is to not be worth their time. Although, the humiliation of surviving due to complete worthlessness is probably not worth it. That has to hurt the pride of the Kazon that an alien organization that accepts all types of people would reject them.
  • maxvitormaxvitor Member Posts: 2,213 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    The Tasha Yar send back with the Enterprise C was never meant to be in our time line, our Yar is dead, so I have no problems with sending her on her way especially after listening to her inane prattle through the dockyard boarding tube.

    I guess the premise here is that because of the failure of the Enterprise C, the Federation, Romulans and Klingons were so weakened from fighting each other that the Tholians could just roll in and crush everyone remaining. Which makes the Tholians look like saviors as much as conquerors for preventing wholesale genocide. Species 8472 would be keeping the Borg too busy to risk foraying into the alpha quadrant.
    As for colonies disappearing along the neutral zone was that the Borgs doing or the Crystalline Entity, the Borg assimilate colonies they don't obliterate them, it's the Entity that has the ability to shave the life off of worlds leaving behind no traces.
    Then Q conveniently shows up to once again nudge mortals into fixing things.
    That or the whole convoluted stream of events has been crafted by Q to amuse himself, the most likely scenario.
    If something is not broken, don't fix it, if it is broken, don't leave it broken.
    Oh Hell NO to ARC
  • twg042370twg042370 Member Posts: 2,312 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    If you can say anything positive about Trek continuity it's this: At least it's not Doctor Who's.
  • edited February 2013
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  • twg042370twg042370 Member Posts: 2,312 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    At least they have the "wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey" excuse.

    And thanks to Enterprise and JJ Trek, Star Trek kind of has it too now!
  • scififan78scififan78 Member Posts: 1,383 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Should have vaporized Tasha at the door to the Enterprise. Then, there would be no more Sela. No more Sela means no experimentation on the Hobus Star. No Hobus Experimentation, no supernova. No supernova, no JJ Trek and a united and strong Romulan Empire. A strong Empire, no Reman rebellion. No Reman rebellion...........

    *head explodes*
  • williamstowilliamsto Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I was too busy still jumping for joy that I was actually the captain of an Enterprise for a short period.

    I have to admit same here.
    12th Fleet-Command Advisor
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  • erei1erei1 Member Posts: 4,081 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    scififan78 wrote: »
    Should have vaporized Tasha at the door to the Enterprise. Then, there would be no more Sela. No more Sela means no experimentation on the Hobus Star. No Hobus Experimentation, no supernova. No supernova, no JJ Trek and a united and strong Romulan Empire. A strong Empire, no Reman rebellion. No Reman rebellion...........

    *head explodes*
    As far as I know, it was Taris the responsible for the supernova, acting with the Tal Shiar, in direct orders from the Iconians. Sela always hated the Tal Shiar, and she genuinely care for the Romulan Star Empire. In her own way. It seems she was not part of the Iconian conspiracy.

    I'd say, without Sela to take the power, it may have been Taris instead, and she would have turned the whole empire to the Iconians, instead of just the Tal Shiar.
  • xigbargxigbarg Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    What bugs me is how the Enterprise C looks pretty good. Did the Tholians repair it and you flew it into the past in near mint condition(technically)?
  • leviathan99#2867 leviathan99 Member Posts: 7,747 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    twg042370 wrote: »
    I assume, for the timeline that was in place then, Q never sent the Enterprise to meet the Borg and alert them to the presence of the Federation.

    The events of First Contact and Enterprise ruin that since they made the Borg finding out predestined even in the Ent-C timeline. But let's ignore those and assume Yar's timeline remained as was by that point in Trek lore.

    But First Contact (the film) only happened because Q introduced them to the Borg.

    Q introduced them to the Borg which caused the Borg to become aware of them in the past.

    So in the Yesterday's Enterprise timeline:

    Q never introduced Picard to the Borg.

    The Borg never went back to stop First Contact.

    The leftover Borg never contacted the Collective.

    Yes, in the Yesterday's Enterprise timeline, ARCHER'S career is different.

    Similar to the novel where Scotty goes back from TNG era to save Kirk but saving Kirk winds up causing the Borg to succeed in stopping First Contact. Hence, saving Kirk at the Enterprise-B's launch made it so that Kirk was never born. It's a completely different loop of timeline altering but, basically, the timeline being altered one way can ripple out and alter it other ways.

    If I go back a week in time, it could alter the past of a time traveler from the future who alters events a year ago.
  • leviathan99#2867 leviathan99 Member Posts: 7,747 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    scififan78 wrote: »
    Should have vaporized Tasha at the door to the Enterprise. Then, there would be no more Sela. No more Sela means no experimentation on the Hobus Star. No Hobus Experimentation, no supernova. No supernova, no JJ Trek and a united and strong Romulan Empire. A strong Empire, no Reman rebellion. No Reman rebellion...........

    *head explodes*

    Actually, Sela wasn't necessarily directly linked to any of that and was a rival of the Romulan forces who deliberately destroyed Hobus and Romulus.
  • psycoticvulcanpsycoticvulcan Member Posts: 4,160 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    But First Contact (the film) only happened because Q introduced them to the Borg.

    Q introduced them to the Borg which caused the Borg to become aware of them in the past.

    So in the Yesterday's Enterprise timeline:

    Q never introduced Picard to the Borg.

    The Borg never went back to stop First Contact.

    The leftover Borg never contacted the Collective.

    Yes, in the Yesterday's Enterprise timeline, ARCHER'S career is different.

    Similar to the novel where Scotty goes back from TNG era to save Kirk but saving Kirk winds up causing the Borg to succeed in stopping First Contact. Hence, saving Kirk at the Enterprise-B's launch made it so that Kirk was never born. It's a completely different loop of timeline altering but, basically, the timeline being altered one way can ripple out and alter it other ways.

    If I go back a week in time, it could alter the past of a time traveler from the future who alters events a year ago.

    *head explodes*
    "Critics who say that the optimistic utopia Star Trek depicted is now outmoded forget the cultural context that gave birth to it: Star Trek was not a manifestation of optimism when optimism was easy. Star Trek declared a hope for a future that nobody stuck in the present could believe in. For all our struggles today, we haven’t outgrown the need for stories like Star Trek. We need tales of optimism, of heroes, of courage and goodness now as much as we’ve ever needed them."
    -Thomas Marrone
  • neoakiraiineoakiraii Member Posts: 7,468 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Time line?! This is no time to argue about time! We don't have the time....what was i saying?
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