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PvP Tournament - 6. Feedback

pascalb1pascalb1 Member Posts: 135 Arc User
edited January 2013 in PvP Gameplay
6. Feedback

Please feel free to give us a much feedback as possible about the tournament.

Feedback on:

- Rules

- The match system

- Team Registration

- any ideas for the future

Please do not start a discussion let everyone express their ideas! Stay on the topic please!

p.s. ideas posted in this thread will be deleted, please add them again in here if you don't mind. We apologize for the problems this may cause.
Nova Aurora Polaris
- Nova Aurora Polaris -
Post edited by pascalb1 on


  • mancommancom Member Posts: 784 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    What happened to the idea of best-of-3 for the matches?
  • zorena#3961 zorena Member Posts: 254 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    My team score 1 kill then cloaks for 50+ minutes is within the rules do you think this is a valid tactic?
  • pascalb1pascalb1 Member Posts: 135 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    What happened to the idea of best-of-3 for the matches?

    The rules stll exist just not for this tournament. They will be used in the league.
    Nova Aurora Polaris
    - Nova Aurora Polaris -
  • pascalb1pascalb1 Member Posts: 135 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    My team score 1 kill then cloaks for 50+ minutes is within the rules do you think this is a valid tactic?

    I will put that down into my notes.
    Nova Aurora Polaris
    - Nova Aurora Polaris -
  • pascalb1pascalb1 Member Posts: 135 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Posts have been moved!

    1. If Operative kit and shrouding is allowed, it will not be a fair game. Until that is banned from the tournament, I am out. ( suuperduude )

    2. So.. let's see...

    With 5.2.. KDF gets Boned because the Feds can run more ships with only 1 Hanger each while the KDF only has one ship that comes with a hanger Bay, and that's the marauder, other wise they have 2 True carriers.

    And with 6.1 the KDF gets screwed yet again because more of their pets have been restricted then the Fed side. Of course they are understandable restrictions, except for the Fer'Jai frigates in a way.. Kinda surprised the Marauder pets didn't get restricted as well honestly, since I don't believe their Boarding Party power subsystem disable effect can't be cleared by Tac team while their cool down ability can be last I checked.

    Not like I expect to witness videos or other types of information concerning the Tournament with full KDF teams being Fielded. ( webdeath )

    3. I also see that spawn camping is not against the rules? ( suuperduude )

    pascalb1 wrote: »
    3. Rules
    4.1. if you go against the rules once in a match you will be shown the yellow card ( yellow card remains active from one match to next one and so on )
    4.2. if you go against the rules twice in a match you will be shown the red card ( you have to leave the match and miss for next match )
    4.3. if you still have a yellow card from a match earlier and you go against the rules you will be shown the red card ( you will miss next match ? you may stay though inside the current match unless you go against the rules again in that match than you need to leave the match )
    4.4. if you are found using exploits, bugs, cheats or third party programs you will be shown the purple card ( permanent ban from the league )

    I hope we wont be playn football tournament

    8.1. the ability scramble sensor may not be used

    I`m sry but i just dont get why is BOFF ability banned, but minor thing

    8.4. team batteries may not be used

    I already see chained VM`s flyin around like crazy, i mean, pvp is team play, and thats why in game we have team batteries, and cruisers and carriers are ships who uses this batteries, this rule makes them less viable in the game. U can also ban red matter capacitor thingie eh? Doesn`t everyone have that super duper battery ( erkyss2 )
    Nova Aurora Polaris
    - Nova Aurora Polaris -
  • s7ikes7ike Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Temporal sets? Inversion and what not being a soft sub nuc.
  • naldorannaldoran Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    I would very definitely like to see temporal sets be restricted in some fashion, as there is currently no counter to the AoE slow field, and the temporal consoles, when combined, can give extremely significant SNB cooldown reductions.

    I'd also like to know why you wish to restrict Scramble Sensors; as I understand it, the grievance against this power was that under certain conditions, the confuse used to continue after death, but that glitch has since been patched and the power functions as intended; I see no reason ban it.
    12th Fleet | Sad Pandas | Starfleet M.A.C.O.
  • guriphuguriphu Member Posts: 494 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Romulan transporter bridge officer (ground) needs to be banned for both Space and Ground matches. Three of them, at 7500 fleet credit each, provide 47% cooldown reduction for all captain, bridge officer, ship, weapon, and kit powers, and some consoles and devices. Ground and space. One can only pray that this is a bug, not a design decision. In either case, any team that has them will utterly crush any team that doesn't.

    Bug report with more information:
  • drkfrontiersdrkfrontiers Member Posts: 2,477 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Hi pascalb1,

    Just to let you know I have not registered as yet as I will probably need to field a mixed team this event and am still trying to confirm my cohorts. :)
  • suuperduudesuuperduude Member Posts: 367 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    In section 4.4 it says exploits or cheats etc...

    Define exploits. Is /logout an exploit? How will you know if someone is using an exploit? Will a GM be watching logs? Can we challenge and call for an investigation on someone if they are using an exploit?

    We need these clarified before the tournament begins.
    Lion Heart of Hammer Squadron
  • lascaillelascaille Member Posts: 78 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    would like to know, why the tachyokinetic converter is not allowed.
    and how do you want to control, whether it is used, or not?
  • evilito8evilito8 Member Posts: 39 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    With all the rules added on the 31st, this tournament seems like a sham now. I believe it's in response to certain fleets getting their feelings hurt with a build that used the newly banned items. Not allowing all those items in builds makes this tournament really not worth it anymore. I hate to say it but Cryo has a point and it's unfortunate people can't think outside the box and build something original.

    If you want a pure skills tournament then go with season 2 ships and outlaw all consoles.
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] Seven of Eleven
    "live long enough to be assimilated, resistance is futile"
  • paxottomanpaxottoman Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    If participants took the time to investigate the broken status of these abilities and there being no effective counter against them, then there would be no issues with not allowing them in this tournament.

    The vested nature in a lot of PvPers is of honorable proportions since most of them acknowledge some of the broken concepts being employed/released by Devs in this game.

    There is a reason why a lot of us refuse to run the full temporal set, tric mines, grav pulses, AMS etc. There has been a lot of due diligence when testing things out in this game. It isn't that "we can't beat it". A lot of us can beat that stuff, but there is merited truth behind the idea of providing feedback on things that do need a nerf. Like tric mines which are an blunt obvious over powered weapon when used in junction with dispersal patterns.

    Now if this tournament is "not worth it" for you, then it's because you are unable to participate due to your heavy reliance on a certain set of things. Being one dimensional is perhaps the downfall of most of the creativity that can be achieved in this game when making a premade. I regret not to see all those that rely on all of that stuff to win.

    The other side to this is the presumed stupidity of those that don't run this stuff. Are we stupid not to run it? The answer is no, we acknowledge stuff that's broken and try our best to provide feedback on working on it. Otherwise, we'd be glad to use "time inversion" on everyone while we nuke/scan/alpha, tric bomb, grav pulse, ams, etc.

    Can you imagine someone doing that to you? Would you want to play a game like that? I can tell you this much, if the more seasoned PvP teams decided to run this stuff, there would be no sense in competition in this game.
    Turkish RP Heroes
  • novalousnovalous Member Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Nice to see that pax is now speaking for cryptic and the authority on what is broken. I would like to hear branflakes explain from a devs perspective how inversion and tipler are broken. I was unaware of cryptic listing these items as broken. I am really upset that cryptic has given power to a few ppl to use this tourney to pick on fleets they dont like .Nice job cryptic way to bring the community together.Its funny how we beat a team with a setup in the q and less then a week later the entire build that we ran was banned.2 weeks away from the start of the tournament. When i asked pascal why only the ships and sets that we were useing were banned and things like 4 extend teams and 3 bug ship teams or any other setup with more than 2 of an ability or ship were allowed except ours. He said there would be too many rules if he did that. So i ask you this why was it so easy to ban everything that sob was useing and not restrict anything that other fleets are stacking like extends.Seems like we are being singled out because the people running the tourney hold grudges against sob. I cant see how cryptic can sponsor a tourney ran by people like that. As far as im concerned this tourney was the final nail in the coffin for unity in pvp.So join pascals tourney but only bring the broken stuff that he allows. A
    nd its all cryptic sponsored what a joke.
  • rjam0rjam0 Member Posts: 70 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    novalous wrote: »
    Nice to see that pax is now speaking for cryptic and the authority on what is broken. I would like to hear branflakes explain from a devs perspective how inversion and tipler are broken. I was unaware of cryptic listing these items as broken. I am really upset that cryptic has given power to a few ppl to use this tourney to pick on fleets they dont like .Nice job cryptic way to bring the community together.Its funny how we beat a team with a setup in the q and less then a week later the entire build that we ran was banned.2 weeks away from the start of the tournament. When i asked pascal why only the ships and sets that we were useing were banned and things like 4 extend teams and 3 bug ship teams or any other setup with more than 2 of an ability or ship were allowed except ours. He said there would be too many rules if he did that. So i ask you this why was it so easy to ban everything that sob was useing and not restrict anything that other fleets are stacking like extends.Seems like we are being singled out because the people running the tourney hold grudges against sob. I cant see how cryptic can sponsor a tourney ran by people like that. As far as im concerned this tourney was the final nail in the coffin for unity in pvp.So join pascals tourney but only bring the broken stuff that he allows. A
    nd its all cryptic sponsored what a joke.

    Perhaps if you cry more it will fix the problem? :)

    Is the allotted 2 week time frame FAR too short to think of a new team set-up?
  • loganwilliams1loganwilliams1 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    paxottoman wrote: »
    If participants took the time to investigate the broken status of these abilities and there being no effective counter against them, then there would be no issues with not allowing them in this tournament.

    What about broken boff abilities. What's the counter against extend shields? 4 people on a team with it and it can be used full time. Well, there WERE counters against but apparently they're too OP and so get banned. Who do I need to sleep with in order to get stuff that I don't like banned from tournament play?

    I'm not saying this is true, but powers that be should really take a look at things from the outside. Appearances of favoritism in order to promote a select few 'popular' fleets does more to harm PvP than any tournament could help it.

    And people wonder why I don't do 'real PvP' and just 1 v 1.
  • rjam0rjam0 Member Posts: 70 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    What about broken boff abilities. What's the counter against extend shields? 4 people on a team with it and it can be used full time. Well, there WERE counters against but apparently they're too OP and so get banned.

    Huh, I wasn't aware that Photonic Shockwave was banned, brb, re-reading those rules.

    PS wasn't banned. Another counter to Extend Shields is something that is crazy OP, in fact, there was a recent thread about nerfing it...WEAPONS and DAMAGE! I was told by the most l33t PvPers that damage in fact counters Extend Shields, who wouldda thunk it? :rolleyes:
  • loganwilliams1loganwilliams1 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    rjam0 wrote: »
    Huh, I wasn't aware that Photonic Shockwave was banned, brb, re-reading those rules.

    the detonator was, shockwave still legal, but when you're allowed to have 2 copies and > continuously < extend as opposed to have a cooldown and a global, why bother?
  • paxottomanpaxottoman Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    There has been ZERO feed back about the ancient bridge officer ability extends being "broken".

    The people who are NOW going on these forums to complain about the extends bridge officer ability have:

    A) Have been been hanging out with a crowd who has no idea what a photonic shockwave is or what it does.
    B) Have no idea what a new photonic shockwave doff does
    C) Have no idea how to work a tractor beam repulsor (watch some of my vids)
    D) Have no idea what a sub nuke is
    E) Don't know how to target shields and;
    F) You found it now to come on here and provide feedback about something that is widely in use and quite clean in it's use and it's counter by nearly everyone that play pvp in this game.

    We have been talking about inversion field, and tipler console for weeks and weeks, long before the tournament was scheduled or thought of. And now you come on here upset now?

    Trying to stir stuff up? Both in OPVP and on here? People who do this talk, and don't play the game. If the rules are harsh on you, then employ a creative thought process and come up with something less one dimensional.

    Those few "popular fleets" have taken the stance on maintaining their set ups clean. Most notably and recently, Nova Core. The other fleets that run/try to run clean setups and acknowledge the necessity on providing feedback on this stuff are:

    Sad Pandas
    Lag Ind
    Proteus (now starting to working on their stuff)
    32nd Vipers (Getting there)
    Inner Circle

    If I forgot your fleet name, I apologize. But these fleets and the people in these fleets and the leaders of these fleets have taken upon themselves to employ partially, or in total regard to employ a forward stance on acknowledging these things. These are gaming communities that are forward thinking in terms of the game needing work and providing feedback for it.

    As I recall, your fleet participated in the rule making process. Your fleet agreed on extends being present.
    So when you come off and yell at Pascal like you yelled at me in your TS that TRH made these rules, and try to sabotage his tournament because the rules hurt your feelings then you're gravely mistaken.
    Turkish RP Heroes
  • loganwilliams1loganwilliams1 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    paxottoman wrote: »
    then employ a creative thought process and come up with something less one dimensional.

    Does your fleet use extend shields? I wasn't making a personal attack, but I have seen fleets use it in the past. I'm sorry, but it seems to me that a team that revolves on every member having at least one instance of extend is indeed 'one-dimensional'. Perhaps if a team wasn't so reliant on extend shields the 'broken' stuff wouldn't be so 'broken'.

    I'm also a bit disappointed. I have always respected you as someone that is benevolent and caring. As such, I would have expected someone more willing to explain than to lash out at someone questioning recent rules changes.

    I DO know what those things do. However, even if a team has 3 science officers and nukes, 5 members with extend negates that. Two people with target shields or even aux for the healer..... 5 extend negates. shockwave....same. Sorry man, I'm not buying into how 'easily extend is removed' well, maybe....but not as easily as it's replaced.
  • pascalb1pascalb1 Member Posts: 135 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Post has been moved

    The rules disregard almost half of the equipment/gear/consoles readily available for every player in this game.This either imply that half of the stuff used in everyday STO is somehow "broken" and not suitable for pvp or that this game simply isnt made for "fair and square" pvp.If you rule out half the gear/skills that is part of this game you may as well play a different game alltogether
    No wonder Registration is practicaly dead. ( cryox1 )
    Nova Aurora Polaris
    - Nova Aurora Polaris -
  • as7rayas7ray Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    So 2 or 3 people on a 5 man team has extends, it counts as the whole team?
  • s7ikes7ike Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    ok pax did forget one way to counter extends.
    You focus a target for x amount of time..more than likely every extends on that team will be on the person you just focused for 30 seconds..

    Then guess what something amazing happens, you switch targets to the 3 to 4 open targets.
  • evilghost1026evilghost1026 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    novalous wrote: »
    Nice to see that pax is now speaking for cryptic and the authority on what is broken. I would like to hear branflakes explain from a devs perspective how inversion and tipler are broken. I was unaware of cryptic listing these items as broken. I am really upset that cryptic has given power to a few ppl to use this tourney to pick on fleets they dont like .Nice job cryptic way to bring the community together.Its funny how we beat a team with a setup in the q and less then a week later the entire build that we ran was banned.2 weeks away from the start of the tournament. When i asked pascal why only the ships and sets that we were useing were banned and things like 4 extend teams and 3 bug ship teams or any other setup with more than 2 of an ability or ship were allowed except ours. He said there would be too many rules if he did that. So i ask you this why was it so easy to ban everything that sob was useing and not restrict anything that other fleets are stacking like extends.Seems like we are being singled out because the people running the tourney hold grudges against sob. I cant see how cryptic can sponsor a tourney ran by people like that. As far as im concerned this tourney was the final nail in the coffin for unity in pvp.So join pascals tourney but only bring the broken stuff that he allows. A
    nd its all cryptic sponsored what a joke.

    First off, the tipler console isnt that bad, its annoying, but can be managed with. The Temporal Inversion set bonus, however, is very powerful when 3-4 people on a team use them, offensively and defensively.
    Heals, buffs, and weapon firing cycles are all on an extended cooldown, not to mention that your ship is also moving very slowly. AND, then you add, Warp plasma, Theta Radiation Vent, Antimatter spread, scramble sensors, etc. make even a slight attempt at countering the inversion field extremely difficult when it is spaced out just enough to keep a whole team in the inversion field for more than a single inversion would do.
    Science team does not clear it, it attempts to in the 5 seconds that it is active, but is not a complete cure because it only clears in ticks, not continuously and the debuff is reapplied.
    Using scramble sensors is not a clean counter, it just puts the AOE Inversion field on the opposing teams teammates.

    Extend Shields gives a small gradual heal, with a resist that is based on the shield power of the extender when it is activated. if a healer goes full shield power before applying extend shields, it will have a higher resist. this ability can be dealt with pretty easy overall.
    1 ) Time your subnuke/alpha between the person's extend shields that they are recieving.
    2.) Force an extend shields on a dummy target then alpha/subnuke your real target
    3.) Shockwave the extender to break the extend shields ability
    4.) repulse the target out of the healers range, separating the extender from the target
    5.) Dont forget that the person carrying extends can only use it when the team mate is withitn 7.5km. outside of that, the resist does not apply.

    You do not have to have a shockwave or repulsors to deal with extends, just takes coordination and timing.

    @Minitrckin08 Turkish RP Heros
  • omgrandalthoromgrandalthor Member Posts: 364 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    I cant believe people are comparing extend shields to inversion field lol. Extends simple to get around 5 inversion fields umm right... It is a good thing to use vs karrat gank squads but come on in a 5 man team?! I don't think inversion field is op if it is just one ship but in a group it is.
  • ilhanskilhansk Member Posts: 620 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Regarding Rules:

    These are not just arbitrary rules. Representatives from all major PVP fleets were invited to work, compromise and agree on a set of rules to ensure fair play and to prevent the utilization of broken/exploitative powers. The rules were developed together, not by a singe individual or a single fleet.

    I believe it is not only in the PVP communities interest but also in Cryptics interest to prohibit the usage of broken/exploitative game mechanics.

    Representatives from TSI, Sad Pandas, TRH, SOB, Nova Core etc collaborated that day.

    Since this endeavour is supported by Cryptic, I tried (as the representative of TRH during that meeting) to work towards having as few rules as possible, in order to ensure widest possible participation in this tournament. Working from that premise I did not quite agree to some of the item exclusions. But more important what one single indivual wanted or one single fleet wanted is what the majority of the Representatives (all respectable and knowledgeable PVP'ers) wanted.

    Regarding Extends:

    Since I started playing PVP, Extends have been part of the game, and really a non-controversial part I might add. Where does this "Extends are broken"-attitude come from all of a sudden?!

    Are Extends broken? No.

    Can it be powerful when used correctly? Yes. But so is Cannon Rapid Fire for instance. And Emergency Power to Shields. And so is a lot of stuff...

    All successfull PVP fleets have used and continue using Extends, including TSI, Sad Pandas
    Elysion, TRH, Angry Clowns, you name it! By demonizing a non-controversial Bridge Officer ability one is basically alienating the whole PVP community. It just does not make any sense.

    Can Extends be countered? Sure. Don't take my word for it, just watch some videos for proof:


    In this video you see a match between TRH and TSI. One member of TRH carries Extends, while 2 members of TSI carry Extends. Watch the buffs, you can clearly see that our kill targets sometimes had 2 Extends cast on him. And then watch how the kill target still blows up.

    It totally escapes me how someone or an entire fleet could possibly built up so much anger regarding Extends.

    Regarding Time ship abilities:

    Since the Time ships / Temporal Warfare 3-Set Bonus got released it was clear from the getgo that their console abilities could be very powerful, maybe even OP. Especially when combined with other P2W-consoles.

    It is indeed possible to "abuse" the Inversion field abilitiy in a way that resistance of an opposing team would be futile. If a team goes into a match with enough time ships and use them properly, a defeat will virtually be impossible.

    I tried to bring this topic up during the rules meeting. To my shame I must confess I could have done a better job at explaining the exploitative nature of using multiple tiplers and Temporal Inversion fields. Also, the rules meeting lasted for more than 5 hours and the people involved got a bit restless, so it was decided upon to deal with this whole time ship matter on a later date.

    We silently hoped that at least well known PVP fleets would show some restrain and that the whole issue would just remain an "academic" problem.

    Also, if someone thinks that the rules basically rules out all the consoles/tactics that ensured someone owns victory, it is perhaps not the rules that are problem but one owns game style or even ones philosophy regarding how to PVP.

    Regarding the whole petty inter-fleet beef:

    I understand that certain individuals and/or fleet is trying to run a campaign against the fleet that I am a member of.

    But one should consider that trying to smear another PVP fleet with unsubstantiated accusations in the forums and in the OrganizedPVP channel could cast an unfortunate light on the accuser.

    In the interest of one owns credibility and in the interest of the PVP community we probably should try to keep this thread clean of any personal vendettas.
    Visit the Inner Circle YouTube Channel to watch some STO pew pew PVP action!

  • maicake716maicake716 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    ilhansk wrote: »

    Regarding Extends:

    Since I started playing PVP, Extends have been part of the game, and really a non-controversial part I might add. Where does this "Extends are broken"-attitude come from all of a sudden?!

    Are Extends broken? No.

    Can it be powerful when used correctly? Yes. But so is Cannon Rapid Fire for instance. And Emergency Power to Shields. And so is a lot of stuff...

    All successfull PVP fleets have used and continue using Extends, including TSI, Sad Pandas
    Elysion, TRH, Angry Clowns, you name it! By demonizing a non-controversial Bridge Officer ability one is basically alienating the whole PVP community. It just does not make any sense.

    Can Extends be countered? Sure. Don't take my word for it, just watch some videos for proof:


    In this video you see a match between TRH and TSI. One member of TRH carries Extends, while 2 members of TSI carry Extends. Watch the buffs, you can clearly see that our kill targets sometimes had 2 Extends cast on him. And then watch how the kill target still blows up.

    It totally escapes me how someone or an entire fleet could possibly built up so much anger regarding Extends.


    I think the first major issue's with extend shields was brought to light when the very first "TSI funday" was held.

    ever since then i've noticed that extend shields has been considered "dirty" and i still cant fathom why. Yes i do understand why it was frowned upon for the fun day (hindsight does that).

    i personally feel that extend shields is quite powerful for what it is/does and at minimal cost to the user, and then they introduced that duty officer that makes it even more enticing to use extend shields...

    but thats an issue cryptic needs to solve.
    mancom wrote: »
    Frankly, I think the only sound advice that one can give new players at this time is to stay away from PVP in STO.
    Science pvp at its best-http://www.youtube.com/user/matteo716
    Do you even Science Bro?
  • s7ikes7ike Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    You know to be perfectly honest i know of no one in my fleet or myself that actually use the extends duty officers...Don't need them.
  • sovairsovair Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Can we all just friggin pvp and have friggin fun folks? this is what the tourny and league is all about. That is why PvP Bootcamp was formed. That is why us Leet PvP'ers grip moan and grown wishin that our pvp community would grow and become more skillful.... Yet half of you are on here crying and agruing like lil school girls. Its a wonder that people want to pvp seeing how u girls cry on forums. I Love our game (albiet there are many fixes that are needed) and I love to pvp, and I enjoy the company of those smart mamajamma's that teach me things i dont know about and ive been playing for almost 3 years now.

    So lets all smile, shut up and friggin pew pew and die with honor!


    Leader of SvKELITE
    Mosquito Squadron
  • rjam0rjam0 Member Posts: 70 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    hurleybird wrote: »
    it appears that a couple of prominent fleets are banking heavily on tactics that Nadeon Detonator is a possible counter to.

    The tactics that you're talking about prove to be quite effective indeed. The fact that you said 'possible counter to' tells me that you are well aware of other ways to prevent this tactic, why not try some of those? :)
    hurleybird wrote: »
    Frankly, it's pathetic. We all know what's obviously broken, we all know what obviously isn't, and we all know what's in the gray area.

    Forgive me if I am wrong but didn't Sad Pandas have a member of the Fleet in the conversation when these rules were decided? I find it hard to believe Mech Warriors is so engaging that it isn't possible to log off for a few moments to discuss the rules of the tournament? :rolleyes:
    hurleybird wrote: »
    Wouldn't you like that? :D

    That would be absolutely devastating! I was so looking forward to potentially fighting one of the formerly best PvP Fleets in the game! :D
This discussion has been closed.