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Best Ship For Damage ?

earwigvr6earwigvr6 Member Posts: 293 Arc User
edited January 2013 in The Academy
I have a tactical cruiser which I love flying around in most of the time, but I keep seeing these little tiny ships flying around th PvE maps and doing INSANE amounts of damage.

Which ships would I need to be looking at to start to load them out to do as much damage as possible for these events ?

Also my Tactical crusier is decked out with XI poloron beams and cannons up front and rear with a single torpedo launcher front and rear. I also have uprated beam damage and poloron damage consoles etc.... Could I do anything else with this system to build more damage into it ?

Also what should I do weopons wise for the new ship ? Poloron is ok ? Or should I be looking at disruptors ? Maybe something else ?

Thanks again for the advice, it's not the first and I am sure it won't be the last :D
Post edited by earwigvr6 on


  • bareelbareel Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Escort of your choice.

    4 Dual Heavy Cannons in front, 3 Turrets in rear. Energy type is fairly unimportant but right now disruptor and antiproton are top DPS by a tiny margin. Rotate Tactical Team, Cannon Rapid Fire/Scatter Volley, and Attack Pattern Beta/Omega to kill stuff fast. Use Emergency power to Shields, Hazard Emitters, armor consoles, and other standard things to keep you alive.

    This is a very rough description but should be enough to get you started and then you can find what specifically works best for ya. Like dropping a DHC and adding a torpedo might be more your style.

    Also, only use the +polaron damage consoles and not the +beam consoles. The ones that increase a specific energy weapon type grant a higher bonus and they stack additively.
  • topsettopset Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    bareel wrote: »
    Escort of your choice.

    4 Dual Heavy Cannons in front, 3 Turrets in rear. Energy type is fairly unimportant but right now disruptor and antiproton are top DPS by a tiny margin. Rotate Tactical Team, Cannon Rapid Fire/Scatter Volley, and Attack Pattern Beta/Omega to kill stuff fast. Use Emergency power to Shields, Hazard Emitters, armor consoles, and other standard things to keep you alive.

    This is a very rough description but should be enough to get you started and then you can find what specifically works best for ya. Like dropping a DHC and adding a torpedo might be more your style.

    Also, only use the +polaron damage consoles and not the +beam consoles. The ones that increase a specific energy weapon type grant a higher bonus and they stack additively.

    Solid advice here. Personally I prefer 3 Dual Heavy Cannons + 1 torpedo up front with 3 turrets in the rear, but it's all personal preference.

    Have 2 versions of Rapid Fire and alternate between them every 15 seconds. I like to have 2 versions of High Yield and alternate between them every 15 seconds also.

    Emergency power to shields and Hazard Emitters are vital boff abilities for survivability. Personally, I run two versions of emergency power to shields, and alternate between them every 30 seconds. Means you run with high shield power all the time, it's fab.
    Kirk's Protege.
  • earwigvr6earwigvr6 Member Posts: 293 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Thanks for the advice. Will start to build a new ship in the next week or so.

    When you say not to use the +Beam console with the +Poloron console, does this mean they do not stack well ? How do you know what stacks and what does not ?

    Also saying about using different types of sheild enhancers and hazard emmiters, when I use anything remotely similar, activating one appears to start the countdown on the other aswell ?
  • tenkaritenkari Member Posts: 2,906 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    earwigvr6 wrote: »
    Thanks for the advice. Will start to build a new ship in the next week or so.

    When you say not to use the +Beam console with the +Poloron console, does this mean they do not stack well ? How do you know what stacks and what does not ?

    Also saying about using different types of sheild enhancers and hazard emmiters, when I use anything remotely similar, activating one appears to start the countdown on the other aswell ?

    energy specific consoles give higher bonuses at the same level than general energy damage consoles.

    PS. if you got the thunderchild and Heavy Escort carrier ships. the dual point defense consoles tend to kill most things within 5 KM of you.

    some skills also have global cooldowns that are shared, like all the Team abilities... like Eng team, Sci team, also i believe Hazard Emitters and Polarize Hull share cooldowns...
  • szerontzurszerontzur Member Posts: 2,724 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Yeah, Damage Type consoles stack with each other (off of the base weapon damage, not cumulative), so they provide a bigger bonus than using a Weapon Type console. The latter are more useful if you're either mixing damage types(hybrids are usually better) or trying to boost a non-standard damage type(mostly exotic projectiles, like the harg torp or Ferengi Missiles or whathaveyou.). You won't reach min/max damage levels like that though.

    To improve your cruiser's damage output, swap all the consoles to the same damage type and make sure you have a torp fore and/or aft to finish targets off. Beams or cannons, it's really your choice and a matter of how nimble your ship is. Single Cannons with turrets can be just as respectable on a cruiser as beams(beams - long range shield killers, cannons - short range all-purpose damage).

    With that said, cruisers are not dps-mongering glass-cannons. Your role in a cruiser is to keep yourself and everyone else alive. Dead ships do no damage. If you want to do raw damage, fly an escort. If you want to manipulate the battlefield, fly a science ship.

    The two most important things to look for in an escort are tactical console slots and tactical bridge officer slots. These will directly impact your damage the most. Engineering slots tend to compliment raw damage output more than science, but combat is not black and white and cases can be made for just about any variation. (Using a tractor beam to hold a ship next to another one that is exploding will do more damage than pretty much any engineering ability.)
  • tangolighttangolight Member Posts: 777 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    The answer also differs depending if you're talking about sustained dps, burst dps, dps for PVP, for PVE, etc. Can you clarify what you want to be using it for? Regular PVE queue events? Elite STFs? Stuff with lots of AoE potential? Single target dps?
  • earwigvr6earwigvr6 Member Posts: 293 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Looking to play more of the Elite STF's.

    Playing them ok now with my cruiser role but finding the people that tend to be in the game with me just sit and shoot the easy things such as Generators and Gates etc... Leaving me in a cruiser with a lack of firepower to try and take down the Probes,Spheres,Cubes etc....

    I can't play the role that my ship should, as in sit back take shots from afar and keep other ships up on sheilds and hull regens and give them tactical boosts....


    Since nobody seems to know how to play their given role I would like the firepower to be able to take down all these things by myself and hope that someone else plays the role that i want to try and play in my cruiser and keep me alive :D
  • emperordeslokemperordeslok Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    earwigvr6 wrote: »
    Looking to play more of the Elite STF's.

    Playing them ok now with my cruiser role but finding the people that tend to be in the game with me just sit and shoot the easy things such as Generators and Gates etc... Leaving me in a cruiser with a lack of firepower to try and take down the Probes,Spheres,Cubes etc....

    I can't play the role that my ship should, as in sit back take shots from afar and keep other ships up on sheilds and hull regens and give them tactical boosts....


    Since nobody seems to know how to play their given role I would like the firepower to be able to take down all these things by myself and hope that someone else plays the role that i want to try and play in my cruiser and keep me alive :D

    Join A fleet that knows what they're doing (you can always pm myself @emperordeslok I'm sure you'll get other offers as well)

    As far as reasonable dps in a cruiser you're going to want to look towards the excelsior or regent (i prefer the excelsior myself) with a single cannon forward/turret aft configuration chaining rf 1/2 or csv
  • celticfistcohcelticfistcoh Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Still learning the subtle points of the game but a mechanic questions on damage calculations.

    If at 50 weapon power your weapons do the listed damage and if at 100 power its does double, how does the percent increase from skills, consoles or other buffs affected the numbers? For example ..

    If at 50 power a weapon does 100pts and at 100 power it does 200pts. How would a console with a 20% increase affect the damage calculations would it be 120pts (@50 power) and 240pts (@100 power)? I am used to CoH numbers affecting just the base value and not tested the mechanic of STO.

    Also, I read stacking consoles gives diminishing returns. Do points invested in skills, consoles and other buff when added together give diminishing returns or treated differently for coming from different sources?

    Celtic Fist
  • hevachhevach Member Posts: 2,777 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    There aren't diminishing returns on consoles except for the armor consoles (which get odd - the armor has diminishing returns so that the effective HP is linear, but then there's a cap and a couple exceptions where certain things will stack differently and it's a whole other thread).

    Where a lot of people think they're getting diminishing returns is that they equip a console that says +18%, but only see about a 6% increase. The consoles stack linearly with skills and other stats, and they all count as a percentage of base damage, not total damage.
  • shar487ashar487a Member Posts: 1,292 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Lots of good advice in this thread!

    I think the best ship at the moment for raw DPS output is the Breen Chel Grett Warship. Its 8 weapon mounts, DHC support, and escort-class turn speeds make it a formidable ship. Here's mine, configured with Mk XII Borg set, Mk XII PLasma weapons, Romulan Hyperplasma Torpedo launcher, Kinetic Cutting Beam, and all the high end univeral consoles it can support:


    I sometimes replace the Breen Energy Dampening weapon with one of the new Romulan Sci Consoles for extra plasma DPS, but I usually switch back when I'm killing boss-style ships.
  • darkjeffdarkjeff Member Posts: 2,590 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Also, I read stacking consoles gives diminishing returns.
    This is utterly false. Anyone who says this other than in the context of Damage Resistance doesn't know what "diminishing returns" means.

    +All Beams and +All Cannons consoles are obsolete junk. Pick an energy type, and stick with it. All your tac console slots should be for consoles boosting that energy type.

    If you want highest damage on a cruiser, you have two options.

    1. Broadside - every weapon should cover that arc, meaning beam arrays (270), cutting beam (360), Wide Angle Quantum Toepedo Launcher (180), or Ferengi Missile Launcher (180). Turrets are the weakest weapons in the game, you don't want those. Junk the cannons and normal torpedoes, since the arcs don't overlap with the rest of your equipment. Your broadsides will thus allow you to bring all your weapons to bear, and if your BOff and power settings are built right, you'll keep your power (and thus damage) high.

    Use only beams (aside from kinetic weapons I listed) so that your abilities like Beams Fire At Will can affect more weapons.

    2. Front - your guns are pointed towards the front. That means cannons in front, with a torpedo of your choice, and turrets in the back (maybe with the cutting beam). Due to the poor turn-rates of most cruisers, the only ones I'm aware of where this is viable is the Advanced Heavy Cruiser Retrofit and Fleet Advanced Heavy Cruiser Retrofit.

    Use only cannons (aside from the kinetic weapons) so that your abilities like Cannon Rapid Fire or Cannon Scatter Volley can affect more weapons. Turrets count as cannons.
  • lancemeszaroslancemeszaros Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    earwigvr6 wrote: »
    Playing them ok now with my cruiser role but finding the people that tend to be in the game with me just sit and shoot the easy things such as Generators and Gates etc... Leaving me in a cruiser with a lack of firepower to try and take down the Probes,Spheres,Cubes etc....

    That's because taking down the generators and gates are the main priority in order to win the mission. As a cruiser with secondary DPS, your job is to blast the probes, especially in KASE.
  • crusader2007crusader2007 Member Posts: 1,882 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    topset wrote: »
    Solid advice here. Personally I prefer 3 Dual Heavy Cannons + 1 torpedo up front with 3 turrets in the rear, but it's all personal preference.

    Have 2 versions of Rapid Fire and alternate between them every 15 seconds. I like to have 2 versions of High Yield and alternate between them every 15 seconds also.

    Emergency power to shields and Hazard Emitters are vital boff abilities for survivability. Personally, I run two versions of emergency power to shields, and alternate between them every 30 seconds. Means you run with high shield power all the time, it's fab.

    For escorts:
    Bad advice...why use torps....they are overated and waste of energy. DHCs or regular HCs (4) and the rest of them turrets is a solid DPS built. Torps are old school from years ago....stay with the times specially with PvPs:D

  • shar487ashar487a Member Posts: 1,292 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Bad advice...why use torps....they are overated and waste of energy. DHCs or regular HCs (4) and the rest of them turrets is a solid DPS built. Torps are old school from years ago....stay with the times specially with PvPs:D

    Torps use zero energy >_<

    Cannons are better damage dealers for PVP due to heavy player reliance on shields, but for PVE, torpedoes are better ranged damage dealers. The new Romulan Hyper-plasma torpedo launcher is a excellent ESTF gate buster at 8km+ distance. It can kill an elite Hive tac cube using plasma fires to bypass its shields. I'm not aware of any cannon builds that do the latter at this time.
  • reginamala78reginamala78 Member Posts: 4,593 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    For the OP, an easy trick to upgun your cruiser instead of having to buy a whole new ship is an Emergency To X power cycle. You equip two Emergency Power To Weapon 1 and two Emergency Power To Shields 2 or 3, then alternate Weapons and Shields every 15 seconds (a keybind helps a lot). It gives you the tankiness cruisers are known for and the extra weapons energy is a big help to those power-draining beam broadsides. It isn't the end-all of DPS or cruiser piloting or anything, but its a good thing to know how to do and should help you a lot while you learn the more complicated stuff.
  • mnsomnso Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    would a significant amount of dmg be lost from 1 tac console at max level?

    they are something like 30% dmg to TRIBBLE dmg type. so, for instance, the difference between a full cannon setup on either a fleet patrol which has 1 less tac console compared to a fleet tactical retro which has 5xtac consoles.

    is the wasted ensign tac boff in the retro worth the dmg of 1 console?
    or... is the ensign eng in the patrol worth the added survivability?

    5tac consoles and wasted ensign in full cannon build


    4tac, extra eng console, extra eng ensign

    this is of course assuming no torps, no beams and alrdy slotting tac team 1 x2 in the other 2 tac boffs.
  • bareelbareel Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Still learning the subtle points of the game but a mechanic questions on damage calculations.

    If at 50 weapon power your weapons do the listed damage and if at 100 power its does double, how does the percent increase from skills, consoles or other buffs affected the numbers? For example ..

    If at 50 power a weapon does 100pts and at 100 power it does 200pts. How would a console with a 20% increase affect the damage calculations would it be 120pts (@50 power) and 240pts (@100 power)? I am used to CoH numbers affecting just the base value and not tested the mechanic of STO.

    Also, I read stacking consoles gives diminishing returns. Do points invested in skills, consoles and other buff when added together give diminishing returns or treated differently for coming from different sources?

    Celtic Fist

    Base Damage = Weapon Type + Console bonus + Skill bonus + Weapon Level/Quality bonus

    Actual Damage = Base Damage * Weapon Power Mod * Damage Mod (Attack Pattern Omega/Alpha for example)

    You also have your crit multiplier for average DPS and firing speed modifiers like from cannon rapid fire if you wish to get technical. Along with energy drain mechanics and something else I'm forgetting which just gets annoying, thats right range modifier. This is why those little escorts, well any DHC packing ship, make cruiser beam damage look so pathetic. They get to stack the highest and most multipliers on to the highest damaging weapons.
  • mnsomnso Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    ok so im no math wiz.. how much more dmg is 1 console at say 30%? its not 30% overall dmg but what is it really?? 5% or 10%?? maybe more, maybe less???

    i would like to know if its a big difference between those 2 ships. fleet patrol and fleet tactical retro. at the moment im not sure if 1 console is worth the boff i wouldnt use.
  • bareelbareel Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    mnso2 wrote: »
    ok so im no math wiz.. how much more dmg is 1 console at say 30%? its not 30% overall dmg but what is it really?? 5% or 10%?? maybe more, maybe less???

    i would like to know if its a big difference between those 2 ships. fleet patrol and fleet tactical retro. at the moment im not sure if 1 console is worth the boff i wouldnt use.

    It depends, are your damage skills maxed out, what quality the console is and the ones you currently have equipped.

    I can tell you on a DHC a blue MK 11 specific damage type console (+26.2%) will increase the damage per volley by 45.7 at 125 weapon power.

    Just take the ship you have now, take off one of the consoles and note the difference on the tooltip (while on a space map but not sector space like outside ESD) damage. An extra one will add the same exact amount.
  • shar487ashar487a Member Posts: 1,292 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    mnso2 wrote: »
    ok so im no math wiz.. how much more dmg is 1 console at say 30%? its not 30% overall dmg but what is it really?? 5% or 10%?? maybe more, maybe less???

    i would like to know if its a big difference between those 2 ships. fleet patrol and fleet tactical retro. at the moment im not sure if 1 console is worth the boff i wouldnt use.

    An extra Mk XII purple weapon will boost base weapon damage by 30%. However, keep in mind that this 30% is tacked onto a cumulative percentile damage bonus as opposed to being evaluated individually. Since energy weapon damage = 2% * current weapon subsystem energy, if you run your ship at 50 weapon energy and 4x 30% weapon consoles, then the total will be 100% + 30%*4 = 220% listed base weapon damage. Increase weapon subsystem power to 125 and you will see 250% + 30%*4 = 370% listed base weapon damage. Skill spec's will also add to the final figures above.

    If you spot any errors above, please feel free to correct the errant figures.
  • bareelbareel Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    shar487a wrote: »
    An extra Mk XII purple weapon will boost base weapon damage by 30%. However, keep in mind that this 30% is tacked onto a cumulative percentile damage bonus as opposed to being evaluated individually. Since energy weapon damage = 2% * current weapon subsystem energy, if you run your ship at 50 weapon energy and 4x 30% weapon consoles, then the total will be 100% + 30%*4 = 220% listed base weapon damage. Increase weapon subsystem power to 125 and you will see 250% + 30%*4 = 370% listed base weapon damage. Skill spec's will also add to the final figures above.

    If you spot any errors above, please feel free to correct the errant figures.

    Not quite that simple it is 30% of the weapon type's damage to which a bunch of other stuff is added. See this thread for the relevant details and a spreadsheet that works well.

  • mixiplix777mixiplix777 Member Posts: 72 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    For the OP, an easy trick to upgun your cruiser instead of having to buy a whole new ship is an Emergency To X power cycle. You equip two Emergency Power To Weapon 1 and two Emergency Power To Shields 2 or 3, then alternate Weapons and Shields every 15 seconds (a keybind helps a lot). It gives you the tankiness cruisers are known for and the extra weapons energy is a big help to those power-draining beam broadsides. It isn't the end-all of DPS or cruiser piloting or anything, but its a good thing to know how to do and should help you a lot while you learn the more complicated stuff.

    this post is riddled with stupidity. do not follow that advice

    all em power abilities bounce the same cooldown,

    so taking 2 em weapons and 2 em shields means half of the abilities are wasted and never used. this is not efficient by any means. because as soon as you use 1 em to weapon or em to shields, the other 3 go into cooldown.

    you need, 2x em power to shields, 1 em to aux (for healing), and 1 aux to structural.

    if you feel you need to, take a direct energy mod and eject warp plasma. direct energy mod is capable is bypassing shields but at the cost of more weapon power. i have run a a mobius with em to weapons and direct energy mod and the dps output is staggering, how ever you are left with little survive-ability.

    cruisers, even during broadsides, are not going to do super duper dps.

    if you want to play dps, grab an escort and some cannons.

    as for energy types and dps there is no substitute for disruptors.

    the only ships to consider for dps role are

    breen (4 dhc/4 turrets) is only 130 dps below a 5 tact console escort
    fleet mvae (5 tact) - heavy damage, sort of brittle
    mobius (only escort capable of duo sci or engi boffs)
    jem hadar bug (5 tact)
    fleet armitage (not normal armitage which is only a 9 console)
    fleet tactical escort retro
    blockade runner from steam.
    fleet defiant (last resort)
    NOT the fleet escort retrofit or the escort retro and their sub-par .7 shield modifier.

    for best dps ability, you will want a 5 tact escort with 10 consoles total. accept no substitutes.

    if you are intent on playing a cruiser, I might also suggest you acquire a ferengi d'kora, which is more along the lines of a cruise-scort when in battle mode, yet can still abuse cannons.
  • asardetemplariasardetemplari Member Posts: 447 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    this post is riddled with stupidity. do not follow that advice

    all em power abilities bounce the same cooldown,

    so taking 2 em weapons and 2 em shields means half of the abilities are wasted and never used. this is not efficient by any means. because as soon as you use 1 em to weapon or em to shields, the other 3 go into cooldown.

    you need, 2x em power to shields, 1 em to aux (for healing), and 1 aux to structural.

    if you feel you need to, take a direct energy mod and eject warp plasma. direct energy mod is capable is bypassing shields but at the cost of more weapon power. i have run a a mobius with em to weapons and direct energy mod and the dps output is staggering, how ever you are left with little survive-ability.

    cruisers, even during broadsides, are not going to do super duper dps.

    if you want to play dps, grab an escort and some cannons.

    as for energy types and dps there is no substitute for disruptors.

    the only ships to consider for dps role are

    breen (4 dhc/4 turrets) is only 130 dps below a 5 tact console escort
    fleet mvae (5 tact) - heavy damage, sort of brittle
    mobius (only escort capable of duo sci or engi boffs)
    jem hadar bug (5 tact)
    fleet armitage (not normal armitage which is only a 9 console)
    fleet tactical escort retro
    blockade runner from steam.
    fleet defiant (last resort)
    NOT the fleet escort retrofit or the escort retro and their sub-par .7 shield modifier.

    for best dps ability, you will want a 5 tact escort with 10 consoles total. accept no substitutes.

    if you are intent on playing a cruiser, I might also suggest you acquire a ferengi d'kora, which is more along the lines of a cruise-scort when in battle mode, yet can still abuse cannons.

    You do realize you put both Fleet Tactical Escort Retrofit and the Fleet Defiant together right? They're the same thing ^^

    Dreadnought class. Two times the size, three times the speed. Advanced weaponry. Modified for a minimal crew. Unlike most Federation vessels, it's built solely for combat.
  • mnsomnso Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    most ppl have said:

    1. the jem'hadar attack ship sits alone at the top for dps

    2. the 5 tactical consoles on the fleet tactical escort retrofit (fleet defiant) is close, or edges the extra rear turret of the breen. the linked spreadsheet seems to indicate that the 30% console buffs base dmg by 2-6% depending on power level.

    3. all other ships either sacrifice damage due to being short 1 tac console, or have 5 tac consoles and terrible shield/hull.

    what im kickin round is a playstyle question because i run a torp-less, beam-less cannon build. it makes the extra ensign tactical station useless. however, im not sure the extra tankiness of the patrol escort is worth losing the tac console.

    i will probably go witht he fleet tac resto and just not keybind the ensign's ability in an effort to fully maximize the pew pew.
  • darkjeffdarkjeff Member Posts: 2,590 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    this post is riddled with stupidity. do not follow that advice

    all em power abilities bounce the same cooldown,

    so taking 2 em weapons and 2 em shields means half of the abilities are wasted and never used. this is not efficient by any means. because as soon as you use 1 em to weapon or em to shields, the other 3 go into cooldown.

    Speaking of "riddled with stupidity", Emergency Power to X abilities have a 45 second cooldown for themselves, a 15 second shared cooldown for other EPtX abilities, and 30 second uptime.

    1 - Activate 1st EPtW:
    1st EPtW - 45s Cooldown
    2nd EPtW - 15s Shared Cooldown
    1st EPtS - 15s Shared Cooldown
    2nd EPtS - 15s Shared Cooldown

    2a - After 15s, 1st EPtW still active:
    1st EPtW - 30s Cooldown
    2nd EPtW - Ready
    1st EPtS - Ready
    2nd EPtS - Ready

    2b - Activate 1st EPtS:
    1st EPtW - 30s Cooldown
    2nd EPtW - 15s Shared Cooldown
    1st EPtS - 45s Cooldown
    2nd EPtS - 15s Shared Cooldown

    3a - After 15s, 1st EPtW expires, 1st EPtS still active:
    1st EPtW - 15s Cooldown
    2nd EPtW - Ready
    1st EPtS - 30s Cooldown
    2nd EPtS - Ready

    3b - Activate 2nd EPtW:
    1st EPtW - 15s Shared Cooldown
    2nd EPtW - 45s Cooldown
    1st EPtS - 30s Cooldown
    2nd EPtS - 15s Shared Cooldown

    4a - After 15s, 1st EPtS expires, 2nd EPtW still active:
    1st EPtW - Ready
    2nd EPtW - 30s Cooldown
    1st EPtS - 15s Cooldown
    2nd EPtS - Ready

    4b - Activate 2nd EPtS:
    1st EPtW - 15s Shared Cooldown
    2nd EPtW - 15s Shared Cooldown
    1st EPtS - 15s Shared Cooldown
    2nd EPtS - 45s Cooldown

    5a - After 15s, 2nd EPtW expires, 2nd EPtS still active:
    1st EPtW - Ready
    2nd EPtW - Ready
    1st EPtS - Ready
    2nd EPtS - 30s Cooldown

    5b - Go back to 1

    If you carry 2 copies of EPtW and EPtS you will have both active 99.99% of the time after the first 15 seconds, subject only to your delay in activating the next EPtX in the cycle. It's something most cruisers do, if they know what they're doing.
  • captaind3captaind3 Member Posts: 2,449 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    darkjeff wrote: »
    Speaking of "riddled with stupidity", Emergency Power to X abilities have a 45 second cooldown for themselves, a 15 second shared cooldown for other EPtX abilities, and 30 second uptime.

    1 - Activate 1st EPtW:
    1st EPtW - 45s Cooldown
    2nd EPtW - 15s Shared Cooldown
    1st EPtS - 15s Shared Cooldown
    2nd EPtS - 15s Shared Cooldown

    2a - After 15s, 1st EPtW still active:
    1st EPtW - 30s Cooldown
    2nd EPtW - Ready
    1st EPtS - Ready
    2nd EPtS - Ready

    2b - Activate 1st EPtS:
    1st EPtW - 30s Cooldown
    2nd EPtW - 15s Shared Cooldown
    1st EPtS - 45s Cooldown
    2nd EPtS - 15s Shared Cooldown

    3a - After 15s, 1st EPtW expires, 1st EPtS still active:
    1st EPtW - 15s Cooldown
    2nd EPtW - Ready
    1st EPtS - 30s Cooldown
    2nd EPtS - Ready

    3b - Activate 2nd EPtW:
    1st EPtW - 15s Shared Cooldown
    2nd EPtW - 45s Cooldown
    1st EPtS - 30s Cooldown
    2nd EPtS - 15s Shared Cooldown

    4a - After 15s, 1st EPtS expires, 2nd EPtW still active:
    1st EPtW - Ready
    2nd EPtW - 30s Cooldown
    1st EPtS - 15s Cooldown
    2nd EPtS - Ready

    4b - Activate 2nd EPtS:
    1st EPtW - 15s Shared Cooldown
    2nd EPtW - 15s Shared Cooldown
    1st EPtS - 15s Shared Cooldown
    2nd EPtS - 45s Cooldown

    5a - After 15s, 2nd EPtW expires, 2nd EPtS still active:
    1st EPtW - Ready
    2nd EPtW - Ready
    1st EPtS - Ready
    2nd EPtS - 30s Cooldown

    5b - Go back to 1

    If you carry 2 copies of EPtW and EPtS you will have both active 99.99% of the time after the first 15 seconds, subject only to your delay in activating the next EPtX in the cycle. It's something most cruisers do, if they know what they're doing.
    That's the crux of the Dragon build right there.

    What I haven't been able to figure out is the keybinds. How do I go about doing that? And will it affect all of my characters or just one?
    "Rise like Lions after slumber, In unvanquishable number, Shake your chains to earth like dew, Which in sleep had fallen on you-Ye are many — they are few"
  • mixiplix777mixiplix777 Member Posts: 72 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    funny when I run empts and emptw on my escort I can use one or the other.

    so why are cruisers so special.
  • mixiplix777mixiplix777 Member Posts: 72 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    then again why anyone would subject themselves to a cruiser is beyond me.

    waste of a ship slot.
  • gazeofdragongazeofdragon Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    My build is a secret, but I can put out as DPS as a Tac/Escort with my Sci/Vesta --- sometimes more.

    Care to give me a try? @gazeofdragon
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