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Drop in user activity



  • dm19deltadm19delta Member Posts: 206 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Gind is not going away. This is something you can either accept and try to suggest ways to make it worthwhile, or you can just get so bored and fed up with it that you rage quit, and PWE doesn't care if you rage quit because there are more than enough players that will put up their hard earned money to get those new shineys.
  • aestuaestu Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    dm19delta wrote: »
    Gind is not going away. This is something you can either accept and try to suggest ways to make it worthwhile, or you can just get so bored and fed up with it that you rage quit, and PWE doesn't care if you rage quit because there are more than enough players that will put up their hard earned money to get those new shineys.

    PWE's strategy is to convince players to stay and give them $$$ through bullying and appeals to nihilism.

    Part of that strategy is spinning the idea of giving them $$$ as somehow a respectable use of one's "hard earned money"...as if anyone who actually respected their money would spend it in such a way.

    Do they care if players quit? I would think so. After all, they spend so much effort trying to bully players into not doing so, even as they see the exodus widen.
  • dm19deltadm19delta Member Posts: 206 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I can't think of a single time that I've ever been bullied since STO was released, let along since PWE took over, so you may have to elaborate on that. I play STO because I enjoy it, even with the grind. Do I enjoy the grind? Hell no, and I haven't spent any money on this game in months, but I will grind dilithium, turn it into zen, and then buy whatever it was I was saving that zen for just so I can rub it in PWEs faces that I got one of their top sellers for free. That's me though, I'm the kind of guy that likes sticking it to the man.
  • twg042370twg042370 Member Posts: 2,312 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    aestu wrote: »
    PWE's strategy is to convince players to stay and give them $$$ through bullying...

    That word does not mean what you seem to think it means.
  • aestuaestu Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I would define bullying as:

    1) being in a position of strength
    2) leveraging that strength to seek unfair advantage
    3) doing so by way of attempts to appeal to fear and futility and in doing so get the other party to disregard their better judgement

    That is what PWE is doing. Trying to get players to give them $$$ by convincing them to disregard their better judgement by insisting that there are no alternatives or that the status quo is the best that can be hoped for, and by appealing to the fears and insecurities of the playerbase.
  • neoakiraiineoakiraii Member Posts: 7,468 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    aestu wrote: »
    I would define bullying as:

    1) being in a position of strength
    2) leveraging that strength to seek unfair advantage
    3) doing so by way of attempts to appeal to fear and futility and in doing so get the other party to disregard their better judgement

    That is what PWE is doing. Trying to get players to give them $$$ by convincing them to disregard their better judgement by insisting that there are no alternatives or that the status quo is the best that can be hoped for, and by appealing to the fears and insecurities of the playerbase.

    Cryptic went to your house with a gun as well ...yeah I keep telling people they put a gun to my head but no one believes me. :rolleyes:

    All Cryptic and PWE is doing is called Capitalism, don't like it go to China....oh the irony of that statement :D
  • kagurazaka77kagurazaka77 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012

    Your argument has drifted well into the paranoid-delusional category. Bullying? This implies there is the ability to coarse, when that's physically impossible when you can JUST STOP PLAYING.

    I understand why YOU are upset. Hell, I'd be upset too if I was an LTS and the game I paid for went FTP. Personally, I think you guys should get all sorts of free TRIBBLE - not just the stipend, but DIL, marks and various other 'thanks anyway' gifts.

    Regardless, please... Come back to reality.
    500 years in the future and we still look like schmucks when getting our ID photos taken...
  • overthetopsighoverthetopsigh Member Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    There definetly been a drop in players playing the game. Do you really think they are slowly putting things back that they initially took away because they listened to the community? We've kicked and screamed about many things in the past but have never gotten results.

    Do you know what gets results though? Numbers... There must have been a significant drop in money being made which is causing this reversal (dilithium ore being returned, decreased reputation costs. etc.). With less players playing, there is less money coming in.

    I'm one of those people that is playing less, I can give you the reason why I don't play as much, but I cannot speak for others.

    I play games because I like to improve my character, you usually start off at the bottom and make your way to the top to finally beat the final baddy at the end. This game unfortunately doesn't have this simple concept. They have been increasing the amount of end game equipment without increasing and end game content. Where is our final baddy? What new thing brought in this season should I get to help improve my character? You can make a list of things, but nothing you list interests me or my characters.

    They released EV suits with the tholians which I was really excited as it opened doors for new types of missions or content which hasn't materialized. If PVP was around it would've provided us with something challenging for end game where builds are changed and adjusted for. We have ground borg sets which are used for the same missions in which we got them.
  • lastcontactlastcontact Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Just wondering how things are going...........

    Due to the recent events (S7). Has anyone else had/noticed a drop in activity?
    If not, why not?

    If so, why?

    My reasons are as follows:

    1) I look back and see I do not have much to log in for, every 2 days or so on 1 or 2 toons is all I can handle.

    2) There is no reason for me to log now, I did grind 25-30 toons thru the daily Investigate's for the dil and marks to work on fleet stuff ..... not now.

    3) What the game was for me is gone, all that is left is 'content'. Or crippled attempts to do what was being done over a year ago. "Just bad foundary grinds on SOME new maps".

    *Can STO recover?

    What would it take? (to get the stats from 30 days ago, consultant fee pending) :confused:

    a) try a bad attempt at recovering via make it like it was to appease
    b) get/put them back, those who were doing 14 months ago and fix what is broken
    c) FIRST have a 'wanna work here?' with staff house cleansing.

    This is from my (and others I know, not speaking for them) view ON STO recovering in my mind TO ME and FOR ME.
    A recovery is needed for me to regain INTREST again.:(

    How are things now? I have not logged on for awhile......
  • esquire1980esquire1980 Member Posts: 152 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    S-7 has been great........, for Bethesda. Entire guild is playing Skyrim (still BS-ing on vent tho) and waiting for TESO.

    Haven't logged in since before S-7.
  • loverofwarsloverofwars Member Posts: 399 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    i've seen quite a bit of activity drop ds9 zone chat is abandoned stf ground is sometimes a very long wait 20 mins ect breaking the planet i used to do a few times a week but i cant do it at all without the people most are doing or failing mine trap lol it'd be nice to see how many are queued for what i am then maybe i'd join that queue and no longer wait on a 1 person me queue for almost half an hour when s8 comes all i ask for is to see how many are queued up so i can join a queue with 1 or 2 missing from starting then hopefully start it and have fun with who was waiting a small request if any devs read this to put it forward as an idea
  • tc10btc10b Member Posts: 1,549 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Haven't logged in since before S-7.

    You aren't really in a position to comment on the state of a game that by your own admission you don't play.
  • esquire1980esquire1980 Member Posts: 152 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    tc10b wrote: »
    You aren't really in a position to comment on the state of a game that by your own admission you don't play.

    I really do not believe I made a comment either way for how great S-7 is for STO. I believe the statement was that it was decent for Bethesda. Many $65 buys have been made for Skyrim, along with the additional funds for plug-ins and expansions, and they got to enjoy the cash made from their game.

    This is often the end result when developers do NGEs or mini NGEs (changing the way their game works via changes or nerfs) but the market will tend to flush these situations out. In this case, Cryptic's development plans have done some good for another company, pretty much was the same with the original NGE over in Galaxies with SOE.

    These developers know history, Jackalope has been around for a long time. And the fact that STO could be possibly suffering loss of playerbase due to their CHANGES was easily forseen as a possible problem.

    And BTW, this is coming from a closed beta vet with all the vet days since pre-launch.
  • twg042370twg042370 Member Posts: 2,312 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Hmmm... Nope. Still as populated as I've ever seen it.
  • tigerblade99tigerblade99 Member Posts: 47 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Holiday season and travel has kicked in and I'm starting to see queue times expanding but it might clear up in a week or so though...
  • linyivelinyive Member Posts: 1,086 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    December 15, 2012 was the last time I logged into "Star Trek: Online". As a result of burning out from endless grinding and boring game mechanics, I felt it was time to take an indefinite hiatus. Before I signed out of the system, I did notice a downward trend in STF ground participants. Until Cryptic does something to restore my passions, I will continue to remain in a state of hiatus. I will return someday. I just need a reason.
  • robeasomrobeasom Member Posts: 1,911 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    I log in everyday but it is only for a few minutes to do the Winter race so I can get my free breen ship however after I've done the race I normally log off again and play somewthing less grinding
    Vice Admiral Volmack ISS Thundermole
    Brigadier General Jokag IKS Gorkan
    Centurion Kares RRW Tomalak
  • artanisenartanisen Member Posts: 431 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    robeasom wrote: »
    I log in everyday but it is only for a few minutes to do the Winter race so I can get my free breen ship however after I've done the race I normally log off again and play somewthing less grinding

    due to the decrease in activity since S7 among other things.
    exactly the reason why i constantly bring up pvp and needing a change to the insane grinding
    in this game.

    give something else for people to fight and aim for that doesn't require grinding.

    but for some reason every time i bring up pvp, i get trolled and flamed
    its almost like someone trying to sabotage the game. and not care about it being more then
    what it can be. no ambition what so ever for the future of this game.
  • paarethpaareth Member Posts: 91 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Mostly it is down to what you are focusing on. Focusing on something expands it to you, as this thread does for example.

    Things are about average to me but then I don't get very invested in games, I treat them as I see them :). As long as I get to pvp, pve and do what i want to do when I play, then things are great. I have been and have been having fun, so I am happy. Plenty of folk around.
  • sandormen123sandormen123 Member Posts: 862 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Can only describe my own behaviour.
    I am a major contributor to the starbase, and up to S7 there wasn't really any issues gathering resources. Fleetmarks were collected in a sensible fashion. Since the starbase were the 'only' major dil-sink, i could deal with it. After i have reached reputation T5 I might change my opinion a little bit again. Right now it feels overwhelming to do 'everything' all at once. Starbase and reputations. Subjectively I notice that I have lost interest in finding time to do fleetmarks. The embassy project is a lost civilization in the jungles of Brasil. Never touched it, cannot imagine I will either. Dilithium is my priority. I manage to fill my 8000 everyday one way or another, but my way of collecting it has changed. I never ever manage to participate in an academy event any longer. Instead i now log in an KDF and transfer contraband to the FED. Faster. Much faster.

    All in all. I like S7, but finding those pesky fleetmarks is ****. Can't be bothered with the fleet. Almost. If I had'nt already put 2,6mil into it, i would prolly not bother joining a fleet. Hopefully i will eat my words and get back into my 'routine' of building the starbase when i have finished the reputations and certain items i want.

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