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Ask Cryptic: December 2012 - Submit Your Questions, Please!



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    vawlkusvawlkus Member Posts: 348 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Any chance of a repeatable way to get fleet marks for starbase progression? Right now it's Fleet Tribble, Duty Officer Daily, DoFF commendation reports. The group missions aren't reliable.
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    xlocutusofborgxxlocutusofborgx Member Posts: 1,376 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    - Any chance we can see a new class come into the game, we have tactical, engineers, and science what about a command class?

    - any plans on opening up the ability to further customize our bof's with the maco gear, so we can display our accolade apperances on them as well?

    - New bridges??
    - New Hair Tech??? This is one that has been on something on the list of things to get done but no word in along time.
    - New Emotes/Animations?
    - More end game missions?
    R E S I S T A N C E - I S - F U T I L E
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    cers001cers001 Member Posts: 286 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    1. Will KDF get any new story content?
    2. Will KDF get any new c store ship?
    3. Will KDF get fleet kar'fi and guramba?
    4. Can we have better rewards in fleet marks?
    5. Wil decloaking "feature" ever be removed?
    6. When invisible plasma torpedoes will be fixed?
    7. When borg in stfs will be unbuffed in damage output? (i mean crazy crit hits/one shot hits, combined with respawn timer-death penalty isn't fun)
    8. Will pvp get any update (maps, rewards, maybe ranking)?
    9. Will KDF get ship with 5 tac consoles? I know bortasqu variant got 5 but it isn't escort ship.
    10. Could marks be awarded for doing romulan and borg story content?

    let me guess your a fan of the KDF?
    CVN-65 U.S.S. Enterprise - A ship so badass it survived John McCain.
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    jimwatson87jimwatson87 Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Will there ever be any other ways to earn lobi besides opening lockboxes, and will there ever be another way to earn gpl besides playing dabo?
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    captan2er0captan2er0 Member Posts: 837 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    There was mention that S7 was originaly planned to be focused around the Gorn, but certain events shifted that focus to the Romulans.

    With that in mind, can the KDF still have this idea implimented inorder prosper and flesh out their lack of content? There are many story opportunities, similar to the Gre'thor arc, that would be greatly appreciated KDF side. If done right (e.g. no grind fests but well written, well rounded story based missions), a Gorn centric arcwould really help the KDF grow, attract, and retain players.

    On the note of Gorn, if the above were to happen, can we have a "Retro" Gorn and "New" Gorn crossover to reintroduce the Retros and explain the presence of the two different Gorn in the STO line?
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    lindalefflindaleff Member Posts: 3,734 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Sorry for the post twice in the span of an hour, but I had a few other thoughts.

    1. Any chance of ever getting robes available for KDF? My Starfleet character wears Robes with the Mercenary Set over it, and it looks incredible. Plus, I know it is possible for KDF because Kahless, Worf, and some of the station guards wear robes. The guards even wear the veteran shouldergear and capes. I would like to apply this look to my Ferasan as well.

    2. Can we get looser fitting trousers for KDF? The skin-tight trousers look silly and horrid. In addition, they look even worse when paired with the Holiday Coats. (Thank you for the Coats by the way. They are EXACTLY the look my Ferasan needed! :D) I was thinking, maybe something somewhat similar to the Jupiter Uniforms?
    Will there ever be any other ways to earn Lobi besides opening lockboxes?
    3. That reminds me; Any chance of the Wells/Korath Temporal Uniform being made available for Zen. At 200(?) Lobi, it is entirely out of my realm. Plus, I have never spent 1 million EC on ANY individual item in the Exchange, so 200 million EC for the Korath is also out of my realm entirely. If I could buy for Zen, I would buy it immediately. The Korath trousers are exactly what I need for my Ferasan.
    I completed a 2-man CSE, ISE, and KASE, Optionals included. And I soloed Winter Invasion.
    My Ship Builds: USS Conqueror, HMS Victorious, HMS Concord, ISS Queen Elizabeth, Black Widow III
    Click here to view my DeviantArt.
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    naz4naz4 Member Posts: 1,373 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    The sad thing is I have approx 80 friends on my MWO list who all used to play STO. (That's just on my list) Most of these guys have left because of pretty much 3 reasons that are common with all of them.

    Introduction of season 7 (Seems to have lost what fun means and turned the game into a job / grind)
    Quality control - Voldy as an extreme example
    Balance (or lack of)

    Based on my conversations with these people, the honest truth is I don't think any of them will return.

    What are you guys planning or more importantly doing to alter that perception as these guys have been in STO since beta and used to be some of the biggest supporters of STO?
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    keeny75keeny75 Member Posts: 319 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Congrats on new romulas the design team have made the whole area look absolutely stunning. However I do feel that it's a real shame that most people won't want to see this new land in its entirety as they just want to get to the destination. Being that the run speed is to slow the site to site transporters will be used instead. If maps from now on are going to be this size would it not make sense to start rolling in Argo's so that the lay of the land won't go to waste?

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    havamhavam Member Posts: 1,735 Arc User
    edited December 2012
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    athlan77athlan77 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    please i really like this game and im having problem because of the patch error and cant connect to the game. "Patch error, the patchclient got a message while it was in a state with no response function" hmmm what is this?
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    adorkabledoriadorkabledori Member Posts: 234 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    When will we see the answers to our questions. It's pretty ridiculous to let the people ask questions if you aren't going to answer them.
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    hiobleyhiobley Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    I have the required Items needed and am unable to trade them to get the special weapons any ideas plz
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    cylon74656cylon74656 Member Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Will the Steamrunner Class be available for those of us who don't play through Steam? And also, when will we see the Typhoon Class playable in-game?
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    atseearratseearr Member Posts: 66 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Switching between your main starship and shuttle is now much simpler - thanks for that.

    Are there any plans to improve switching between startships? Many of us have multiple startships, and would like to purchase more on our main characters, but switching between them is so cumbersome (with the Boff slots / skills taskbar) it's often off-putting. Any improvements there would be great.
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    dareaudareau Member Posts: 2,390 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    1. Is the "general" release of a non-faction ship (aka the Breen warship via the anyone-can-attend holiday event) a sign that CBS may be relaxing it's ship restrictions, and if so, is this relaxation an indication that we might see the Connie and ENT-Era NX get tier 5 variants soon, even if they aren't cruisers?

    2. If CBS is still adamant about "no combat for the old show ships", is there any possibility for them to be remade as "tugs", aka old cruisers with most of the Tuffli freighter abilities, especially since the freighter is now off-the-market?

    Yes, I'm looking for an "end game" ship to go with my Enterprise and TOS costumes that were recently promoted... :)
    Detecting big-time "anti-old-school" bias here. NX? Lobi. TOS/TMP Connie? Super-promotion-box. (aka the two hardest ways to get ships) Excelsior & all 3 TNG "big hero" ships? C-Store. Please Equalize...

    To rob a line: [quote: Mariemaia Kushrenada] Forum Posting is much like an endless waltz. The three beats of war, peace and revolution continue on forever. However, opinions will change upon the reading of my post.[/quote]
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    psycoticvulcanpsycoticvulcan Member Posts: 4,160 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Would it be possible to redo the KDF tutorial missions where you have to run around Qo'noS? It's really tedious and probably at least partly responsible for the lack of KDF players.
    "Critics who say that the optimistic utopia Star Trek depicted is now outmoded forget the cultural context that gave birth to it: Star Trek was not a manifestation of optimism when optimism was easy. Star Trek declared a hope for a future that nobody stuck in the present could believe in. For all our struggles today, we haven’t outgrown the need for stories like Star Trek. We need tales of optimism, of heroes, of courage and goodness now as much as we’ve ever needed them."
    -Thomas Marrone
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    pingaheadpingahead Member Posts: 249 Arc User
    edited December 2012

    You have stated many, many times that it is your intention to make the KDF a lvl 1-50 faction.
    I know that we have gotten many, many excuses as to why it has not happened yet.

    I have posted before (with no response) about the many player who have difficulty playing KDF due to the Display Colors. Me personally, I have trouble with DOff UI and during combat telling the difference b/w good/bad trait and friend/foe. Many who are color-blind have stated they have trouble also. I also cannot play KDF more than 30 mins because the eye strain eventually gives me a headache.

    I cannot believe that it would take a lot of resources to make the HUD Display customizable.
    Even if you just make it so players can choose between a few color schemes. Or switchable to the standard Fed scheme.

    For just a couple hours of programming, it is a step you can take to actually see if KDF numbers come up.

    Most KDF players who use these Forums are saying they have money to spend and are just waiting for something to spend it on.

    Make this happen and you will see your numbers jump. It will never be the numbers the Fed side has; but it should be enough to show the task masters that it may be time to invest a little bit in the Empire.

    If you are not going to try this; please tell us why you are not willing to try.

    Mr. Stahl it is time to make good on your promises.
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    tomin8rtomin8r Member Posts: 201 Arc User
    edited December 2012

    When are these getting fixed?

    You keep adding new content while refusing to fix existing issues.
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    tomin8rtomin8r Member Posts: 201 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    KDF completion timeline? No excuses.
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    drkaczsdrkaczs Member Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Hey Dan I have a fleet question can the dilithum cost for projects be cut in half and add in EC cost I have an active fleet of about 10 people and even with the new ways to earn dilithum its hard to get enough to finish a lot of the projects.
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    hanoverhanover Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    drkaczs wrote: »
    Hey Dan I have a fleet question can the dilithum cost for projects be cut in half and add in EC cost I have an active fleet of about 10 people and even with the new ways to earn dilithum its hard to get enough to finish a lot of the projects.

    The answer is "Small fleets have no right to exist, even though we allow them. Your solution to the dilithium cost is to buy buy BUY BUY Zen to trade for dilithium."

    Does Arc install a root kit? Ask a Dev today!
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    blastenblaster1blastenblaster1 Member Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    A few months ago I asked about ur plan to make one sector space to rule them all? And one problem we both saw was to get from point A to point B auto pilot needed a straight line of sight. With the addition of the Tau Dewa sector block is your intentions now (with sector space) to keep adding sectors to make it one big square as far as the galaxy map is concerned to allieviate the auto-pilot problem?
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    simeion1simeion1 Member Posts: 898 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    I like to PvP on the ground, can you explain why some abilities are buffed by a percentage and others are straight number bonuses. Here is an example, the tac skill ambush gives +146% damage while damage resistant skills give +30 to resistance, for a shorter amount of time. Would it not be more balanced to go one way or another. I have seen plenty of players deal between 1100 and 1400 damage on the ground and when you are dealing this much damage there is no way to resist it. I don't want to take away the one shot, I want a way to counter the shot if my skill are off cool down.
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    captainsylvestercaptainsylvester Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Yes is there going to be a Voyager Bundle in the Future or has to much of it come out that there no point having a voyager bundle anymore ?
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    bridgernbridgern Member Posts: 709 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    1.)Will the ship status screen ever show the correct value of:

    Crit Severty
    Crit Chance

    2.) What will be the other playable Breen Ships?

    3.) Is the Dilithium Exchange with the exchance rate of 100 to 110 working a Cryptic wants it to work?

    4.) More Fleet ships have been added will there we Fleet Galaxy-X or a Fleet Prometheus (the Tactical orientated one)
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    flash525flash525 Member Posts: 5,441 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    #1 Are there any plans to implement starships from the old DS9: Dominion Wars computer game? Specifically the Achilles for the Federation, and Kvortcha for the Klingons? The Kvortcha would obviously slot in nicely as another Klingon Escort, whilst the Achilles would be a perfect fit as the Tactical-focused vessel alongside the Engineering-focused Odyssey Set and the Science-focused Vesta Set.

    There are also two or three Cardassian designs that it would be fun to shoot at too.

    #2 Could we have some customization options for the unique bridge officers that we receive as rewards for completing featured episode series and reputation projects? Whilst I can appreciate they're unique and rare, it would be nice to have a Romulan or Jem Hadar in a Starfleet Uniform (possibly the Odyssey Uniform). Maybe some limited customization on their face and body morphs too? With everyone having a bunch of unique Bridge Officers that look exactly the same, they don't feel that special.

    #3 Are there any plans to include other species to the game in the near future? The Son'a perhaps, or some 25th Century Xindi? I also notice the Suliban System in your new Tau Dewa Sector, is this a hint toward possibly seeing the Suliban show up at some point?

    #4 Whilst on the subject of new sectors, I've heard mention of more on the way, specifically above the current Cardassian sectors. I was wondering, but are we ever likely to get an actual sector within the Gamma Quadrant? We've got the wormhole to get us there and back, and we travel there in the 2800 featured episode series. It's no secret that there was an Iconian gateway in the Gamma Quadrant at one point too.

    #5 When can we expect a featured episode series (or) reputation rewards that present us with a Cardassian Bridge Officer? I think out of all the current rewards thus far, a Cardassian Bridge Officer is the only one we're really missing out on at the moment.

    #6 More of a personal request here, but would it be possible before the next update to edit the Assault Cruiser; specifically returning the Blue Deflector Dish to the Sovereign Hull, and flattening the area on the Noble Saucer where the Registry sits as to make it smoother?
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    calumwilson98calumwilson98 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Would cryptic consider a little bit more inclusion of the mirror universe (Terran Empire) story line and integrate it into the game more???
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    usscapitalusscapital Member Posts: 985 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    here is a questionor 2 for the cryptic dev team which has been asked many times but never answered on the c-store ships =

    : will the maco texture be sorted on the later ships ? , i would post pics on what i mean but my gfx card just died . some look a little rushed and textured wrong

    : on the same note ship textures on the mobius etc looks wrong with some of the skins when changed

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    bunansabunansa Member Posts: 928 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    We have come a long way since launch but there is definantly room for more...

    1. When will we see more customizable ui...ie changing the color schemes...star wars galaxies had this option over 10 years ago... and its the main reason i barely play my kdf, the red makes me feel like a hot poker being near my eyeball like in raiders of the last ark.

    2. Can we, if ever, get different voice options for when our ship/character is under attack, considering the amount of varying ships ingame now, I highly doubt orion captains travel around with the synthesized klingon guy warning them about a red alert of some fashion.

    3. To go in with 2, can we get more voice options for starbase incursion...i highly doubt the borg care if a klingon is warning them that "Starfleet Knows You're There"

    4. When will we see more acurate bridges, will we get a backstep and have the vesta get it's bridge finally?

    5. The costumes that been coming out to the cstore as of late have been...lacking in size per price as it were. Can we get ie Dixon Hill set, a Sherlock Holmes Set or perhaps wrap it all in as a holodeck bundle, to include Captain Proton !?

    6. Can we get a black and white special episode ala Captain Proton? We have these holodecks and I honestly dont recall a single mission that uses them...except one wich for people who havent done it, i choose not to spoil the mission info.

    7. Away team jackets....this winter would have been a great time to finaly include the TOS jacket, Enterprise Jacket, TWOK Jacket, Voyager Jacket, and maybe even finaly get the klingons their ST3 Jacket/Cloak

    8. With the inclusion of reputation now...how about considering a fix to the demands of more playable factions have it be some kind of unlock at tier 5, IE unlock a playable Romulan Character input 3000 romulan marks and 50k dilithium, earn a D'Deridex input so many marks and dilithium so on and so on, this way when A dominion reputation comes out, or cardassian and so on the same thing can occure, player chooses federation or klingon side and thusly done, no unique missions but this way the player gets his/her play choice along with their ships and whichever fed/kdf faction perks as well. This would probably me the most agreed upon compromise and require the least amount of programming/development time for the team. Also it lets us the player to truly earn and feel an accomplishment of sorts.

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    phyrexianherophyrexianhero Member Posts: 768 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Fleet starbase questions:
    • Fleet Mark grind is more annoying than any other 'ingredient' for fleet projects. Could there be a boost to the Officer of the Watch daily since unlike the Foundry Investigate Officer Reports daily this is 1) wholly designed by the dev team, 2) rewards no dilithium, 3) is only for fleet members, 4) encourages people to visit their fleet holdings (and maybe make people feel easier about paying 200,000 dilithium for those weekly special projects).
    • Are there ways we'll be able to search for fleets based on factors like starbase level, number of members, and users active within a given period of time?
    • Are there any plans to make it so everyone in the fleet can see what project is queued without being able to change it (read-only), since fleets want people to know what to be prepared for but may not want virtually anyone being able to change which projects come next?
    • Can we get the name of our starbase to appear when doing missions like Starbase Blockade, Fleet Alert, etc. or for it to have an object name in the map instance when visiting the system in the Eta Eridani block?
    Playing since January 2010. STOwiki administrator. Accolade hunter.
    My STOwiki page | Reachable in-game @PhyrexianHero
    Fed Armada: Section 31 (level 730, 2700+ members)
    KDF Armada: Klingon Intelligence (level 699, 2100+ members)
This discussion has been closed.