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Ask Cryptic: December 2012 - Submit Your Questions, Please!



  • kingdoxykingdoxy Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Are there any plans for updating the accolade system to provide more rewards?

    Is there any hope of letting captains earn more ground device slots?

    We've got the cane, orb shard, Horta, Re-modulator, Tribbles, and consumables. It makes me never want to try the newer ground devices because I just don't have room for them.
  • whitecloud197whitecloud197 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    1) Im a big fan of making new characters, I have several. But however I only have 3 at top level. I love PVP and Im really having a hard time PVPing with any of my Sub 50 Characters.

    Are there any plans to change the PVP system from what they are now ? I have played a couple other MMO's and one system I very much favored was a PVP for Levels 10-49, and a Level 50 PVP.

    If you jump into a level 15, or level 25, or 30 Character, there are no PVP options, there all empty....I think something like this would be hugely Beneficial...with every character being "Bumped" up to their level 49 equivalent. It opens up a lot of Options for PVP I Think.
  • ltsmithltsmith Member Posts: 207 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Will we ever see more interiors like a Voyager bundle, or a TNG bundle? Personaly I would like a Voyager one more.
    Join date: January 2010
  • halcyon3halcyon3 Member Posts: 60 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Will the levelling curve ever be reduced again back to normal? or at least can an option be implemented/added for those players who do not want to level so fast?

    At the moment the curve is 2 fast and makes me not want to make any alts and if i do they become doff farms for starbase projects and eventually deleted.

    Keep up the good work :)
  • culatoriculatori Member Posts: 50 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Do you ever plan on picking up the phone to Cogent and asking them why their routing to STO craps out at Bos06 on a regular basis, leaving people unable to reach the patch server/play the game at all?
  • hanoverhanover Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    culatori wrote: »
    Do you ever plan on picking up the phone to Cogent and asking them why their routing to STO craps out at Bos06 on a regular basis, leaving people unable to reach the patch server/play the game at all?

    Does Arc install a root kit? Ask a Dev today!
  • whitecloud197whitecloud197 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    I Loved the new Romulan Mission in this previous season, Having to save as many civillians as possible and having to protect them till the shuttles can evactuate them, I think it was very well done, and loved how it broke up other teams to work together but at the same time we each had our own focus point in the mission, It was a very nice change from the go in kill everything and complete the mission.

    Will we see more of these types of missions to advance the Game story at all ? And what are the current plans to Advance the game story ?
  • whitecloud197whitecloud197 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    I was first introduced to MMOs years ago with FF11, and one thing that Really got me into it was how they had you craft, you had to go to specific forests to log, lakes and streams to fish, other areas of the world to "Farm" crafting materials.

    It was mentioned before that the crafting system in STO is going to be worked on. And currently Crafting drops are all very random, Data Samples, and what not, there is no specific place in the galaxy to go to get them, either the exchange, or in every mission / part of the galaxy because its all random.

    I wouldnt mind seeing crafting materials that you have to go to particular nebulas to get, or planets to farm to bring back to memory alpha to craft various items.

    Ex: going to the mountains on Andoria to get a rare mineral, or a certain nebula to get some isotopes. It just seems that way is more "Crafting" then it is now.

    Are there any plans to change the system in such a way, that you actually have to craft / gather ? or what are the plans You guys have for Crafting ?
  • dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    last month you said fleet marks will happen for pvp. since then fleet marks were added to the fleet action daily. so why are we still waiting for fleet marks in pvp?
  • whitecloud197whitecloud197 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    This is Kind of Part B to my previous question:

    Will we ever be able to Craft "Modifications" to our Currently owned Space / Ground Weapons ?

    We have old Purple [Borg] Gear, maybe we could Craft to remove the [Borg] and craft on it a [Dmg] or [Acc] or ANYTHING to modify our current equipment, to give us some Variety and play with the crafting system. Or even Ships...Being able to Craft specific Changes to them,weather its aesthetic or crafting our low level ships into a VA equivalent ?
  • bobbles77777bobbles77777 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    will the defiant ever get an integrated battle cloak?
    Will we see the first star trek species to appear on star trek in game?
  • psycoticvulcanpsycoticvulcan Member Posts: 4,160 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Can you give us any info on what Season 8 will focus on? Will it continue the story of New Romulus, or will we get something totally different?

    Have episode missions disappeared forever, or will we see more in the future?

    Are you still planning to remaster some missions, or has that been thrown out in favor of constant new stuff?

    Are you still planning to revamp exploration?

    Will we get to properly meet the captain of the K.D.F. Bortasqu'? We see them at Tau Dewa every now and then, but it would be nice to actually talk to them.

    Are you still planning to merge the Sector Blocks into one?

    It's probably safe to say the Tholians are among the most mysterious races in Star Trek. Will we see their culture fleshed out, so to speak, in STO?

    We haven't heard from the Undine in a while. What are they up to?

    Why is the Terran Empire helping the Tholians? Especially after that incident on Nukara...
    "Critics who say that the optimistic utopia Star Trek depicted is now outmoded forget the cultural context that gave birth to it: Star Trek was not a manifestation of optimism when optimism was easy. Star Trek declared a hope for a future that nobody stuck in the present could believe in. For all our struggles today, we haven’t outgrown the need for stories like Star Trek. We need tales of optimism, of heroes, of courage and goodness now as much as we’ve ever needed them."
    -Thomas Marrone
  • thegreendragoon1thegreendragoon1 Member Posts: 1,872 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    First off, I really like the Chimera and have been looking for any excuse to fly it. However when compared to the Fleet Escort Carrier (which has better turn rate, hull and shields) the poor chimera is rather lacking. Is there any chance the Chimera could get a second pass and fleet stats? It would be nice if there was something to differentiate it as a destroyer instead of just another escort as it comes off now.
  • whitecloud197whitecloud197 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Ok my Main Question:

    WHAT is happening to the Star Trek Online STORY ?
    What is happening to the Klingon War, What is going on with the Romulans? Will there be Story being added into this game ? Because personally, Story is Everything (Yes Content and replayability and farming is important to) but STORY is more important.

    What is going to happen next ? I personally feel like over the last 5 seasons we really havent seen any chances to the Federation / Klingon War, and I dont really understand why it started in the first place, but are we going to see a very long drawn out detailed story that either A) Escalates It ? or B) brings it to a close ?

    and All of the end game material is about BORG.

    We at war with the Borg...why are there no STF's revolving around Klingons ? Or if not STF's more missions.
  • hanoverhanover Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    last mouth you said fleet marks will happen for pvp. since then fleet marks were added to the fleet action daily. so why are we still waiting for fleet marks in pvp?

    You know what would happen. Sure, you'd get your marks from PvP, and the tradeoff is that they'll nerf the ever-loving **** out of the dilithium rewards for those same missions. No way could you be allowed to get 1440 dilithium and a few dozen marks out of the same 3-rotation arena/capture and hold mission groups. That might accidentally give someone JOY. :rolleyes:
    Does Arc install a root kit? Ask a Dev today!
  • cicuta1cicuta1 Member Posts: 135 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Referring to the movie Star Trek Nemesis;
    Season 7 gave us a bunch of Romulans and the Remans allies, Scimitar, Scorpion fighters, Thalaron radiation and much much more which is lots of fun to play with, I just keep wondering when the Ground team vehicles are going to come.
    Its just a matter of time obvious so any of you guys making storylines with those to intergrade them in the game so we can drive them on new Romulus[Hint Hint, small hint for a ground mission here :o) ], like you always do when new content is going to come out??

    So are there plans to make team vehicles going through??
  • canis36canis36 Member Posts: 737 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Well, here we go...

    1) Omega Reputation is bloated at the front end with Mk X gear that is generally considered to be useless once one has reached Level 50. Has any consideration been given to opening up the Omega Reputation at an earlier level such as 44 when players gain access to Normal difficulty STFs to make these items some what more useful/appealing?

    2) With Dilithium and Loot Bags added back to STFs, especially Elite STFs has any thought been given to upping the dilithium rewards for Fleet Actions? If I recall comments correctly dilithium was initially added to them as a way to entice people into playing them more in addition to trying to make it more available correct?

    3) The lack of space weapons in the Omega Reputation system is somewhat disappointing. Are there any plans to add them in at some point in the (hopefully near) future?

    4) With S7 launching and the changes to both dilithium earning and the heavier emphasis on using it as an in game currency to purchase gear the already high cost of it in Fleet Starbases is being felt across the game, but most acutely in smaller fleets. As a member of one the place it is most felt is one of the biggest draws to even participate in one - the Fleet Stores.

    Provisioning projects require a rather hefty chunk of dilithium for a rather small number of provisions (especially at lower tiers) and the fact that these items have a dilithium cost attached to them when purchased in the cases of equipment makes this an incredible burden for small fleets...to the point where running provisioning projects isn't really worth the hassle. Would you, or have you, considered adding in dilithium free provisioning projects with increased run timers (40 hours instead of 20), lowered payouts (half the provisioning), increases in the other inputs, or some combination of the three?

    Note: The one provisioning project where I feel the dilithium costs are not excessive is the Shipyard provisioning project as the ships themselves cost either fleet marks or fleet marks and ship modules.

    5) The changes made to the Gorn Minefield fleet action have made it much more fun and enjoyable (in my opinion and experience) than it's previous incarnation. Are you planning, or in the process of making similar changes to the other fleet actions - both those that are currently in game and those that have been removed in the past?

    6) With the removal of the STF store and the institution of the new Reputation system is it possible we'll see more STFs added to the game? (For clarification I refer to five-man missions with split difficulty levels, one hour cooldown timers, dilithium, mark, and loot rewards at the end as STFs).

    7) Related to the above if we do see STFs added to the game could we see some that are Romulan themed and award Romulan Marks? Maybe have a few (like the rumored Children of Khan STF) that award Fleet Marks until/unless a Reputation system for that particula "faction" is added?

    8) Could we please have MACO, Omega, and Honor Guard combat EV suits added to the game?

    9) Alternately could we have EV suit functionality added to the Mk XII MACO, Omega, and Honor Guard armors?

    10) Will the Chel Gret be available in next year's Winter Wonderland?

    11) There are a number of Reputation Projects that are already cluttering up my UI even just at Tier 3. Is it possible to add some method of "hiding" and "unhiding" them that will be remembered even after logging out and back in?

    12) Is the KDF ever going to get something equivalent to the Federation's Heavy Escort Carrier?
  • trekylovertrekylover Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    So far that has been brought to the game lately has been awesome. However, I'd still like to see things at their proper size and distance from something (aka Earth's moon). Deep Space Nine is still way oversized compared to starships mainly; it looks fairly close with small craft. I know that it's tricky stuff getting things right. Earth Starbase could be use some sizing. Even a Galaxy class is pretty small compared to a starbase like that and cane all the other starbases like 114, 24, 39, and all other ones like that be changed to that of the one at Earth, the Regular One design, etc.
  • tomk123456789tomk123456789 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    I've played alot of games where Player V Player has been a central theme and has had rewards.
    The PvP element in this game seems very badly thought out as the factions seem so miss balanced is their any plans to address this or will STO just be the game i play when i want to fight a computer?
  • gr8gatzgr8gatz Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Can we get 'cooler' looking costume pieces similar to CO/COH/COV... tied into that, even if it were to cost zen can we get the pieces used on npcs i.e. jem'hadar horns etc that we currently dont have access too?

    Same for ships as of right now lots of ships on both sides dont have costume choices. I think you guys have done good on putting stuff out to try and give players a feeling of being unique in a mmo universe.. putting further effort into this area, being unique, is what players seek.

    Thank you for making a great game to play!
  • sharpeyhihsharpeyhih Member Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Hi, I'm really enjoying Season so far.

    I like the rewards from the reputation system, and it's a good way to do it, so cheers.

    I've been playing for 6 months or so, and I'm having a lot of fun. The infrastructure of the game works and stuff. But I feel a lot of it is underused, like Vulcan and Andor and some places you have on the map, but nothing to do there, like Cardassia, Suliban etc. Do you have any plans on revamping these places, so that we have a reason to go there?

    I love the mission in Acamar in Tau Dewa. I think for this game to really feel like Star Trek, we need more things like this.
  • russell1997russell1997 Member Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Can we get an option to sort fleet roster by @name?
  • nxnovacatnxnovacat Member Posts: 83 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Is the mail system going to get an overhaul or even added to the Star Trek Online Gateway so we can view our in-game mail from a browsers? The mailbox in-game suffers from lag with all the mail we can't delete, like the ghost messages that I constantly delete and with them returning.
  • felderburgfelderburg Member Posts: 853 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    When will the 700 day veteran reward androids be available in other specializations and genders?

    When will the Odyssey, Chimera, and Bortasqu' get variant skins?

    When will the Galaxy class refits have ALL skins available to them (the ones from tier 4 are unavailable at higher tiers)?

    Why not release more story missions, like the the large number available at launch? Not every mission series needs to be Featured Episode quality, with voiceovers, cutscenes, and new tech (Reference the quote "The perfect is the enemy of the good.").
  • robertusorobertuso Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Sorry for the long list of questions, hopefully a few of them could be answered

    1. Will the dreadnaught ever get saucer seperation or a fleet version?

    2. will antennas on andorian, aenar and aliens animate like caitian tails?

    3. will we see accesories like galsses, necklaces, bracelets and other sorts of jewlery?

    4. Would bridge officers ever get costume slots aswell?

    5. will we ever see special bridge officers like the jemhadar, hologram, borg, reman, etc becoming customizable? also about cross faction officers from level 4 diplomacy being able to wear federation uniforms?

    6. would we see the mail function return to the sto forums? I have so much mail from the exchange my game freezes and lags when ever i open it. Or possibly an upgrade to the mail system in game allowing folders and selecting multiple mail.

    7. would we see more involvement with holodecks? would be a neat idea if we could go to our ships holodeck to do some training simulations, sherlock holmes mission, dixon hill missions, sports. also repeating any episode missions could have us report to the holodeck to redo the mission. would give the feel like what we did happened once, and weare just redoing them in the holodeck to see what might have occuried if we took a different approach.

    8. For the alien bridge officers, could we see more options? i would like to see caitian ears, tail, whiskers and fersan fangs be added. also could the alien male long nails and boney claw be added to the female aliens? find it odd they dont have that option, and also odd that the long nails are not available to all female races.

    9. For the Security escort and summon medic with hypospray abilities, could we be able to have our bridge officers not currently in the away team come in instead of the generic crew? I have 24 bridge officers and I like them all, but at end game, i barely get to see any of them.

    10. would we ever see poker, 3d chess, kadis-kot, kal-toh, fizzbin, strategema, and darts mini games in 10 forword? we could play alone with our bridge officers or with other players on our team. could be a good use for the latinum currency. fencing and anbo-jitsu could be played also in the rec room.

    11. could there be some earth pets instead of always being alien pets? archer had a dog, and data had a cat.

    12. How come the kinetic cutting beam is only one beam when we use it, but 3 rotating beams when the borg use it
  • wry1wry1 Member Posts: 117 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Dan can you please put an accolade in the game that will give us the title Redshirt and make the Federation type 1 phaser reward be your level when you complete that mission?
  • tybarious11tybarious11 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Hi Dan, Great job on STO.

    When we will see a continue to the story? I love all the additions to the game but I want to know what happens next. Also can you give us any hints at the story?

    If the Klingon ships aren't selling as well as y'all had hope, would it be possible to lower the price for them? I personally would be interested in buy some of them if they were cheaper.

    Is there any movement or discussion about upgrading current FED ships or making fleet versions of the any other the FED ships that do not have one already? Also it there any plans to do more Non-fleet retrofits like the ones we see in for the Heavy Cruiser, Escort, and Science ships?

    With the limited number of ships each player's account can have, and the recent additions of ships to the C Store and fleets, could the player be given some kind of trade in value for the ship he or she deletes in order to make room for the new ship?

    Is there any plan to add more clothing/ customization to special event BOFFs (ie Reman Science Officer Candidate, Borg Science Bridge Officer Candidate, Breen Tactical Officer Candidate, and Jem'Hadar Tactical Officer Candidate) and FED uniforms for Federation Enemy Faction Bridge Officer and vice verses for the Klingon version?
  • jmitchell76jmitchell76 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    1. Any plans to make a 3 ship escort set with 3 different consoles that come with each like the Oddy?

    2. Any chance you can fix the problem when you respawn in space, you don't have control of your ship and it flies toward your last target?

    3. Will we see a back story to the fate of the Enterprise C?

    4. If the Romulans become a playable species or its own faction, will players get extra character slots should we have already filled them?
  • jamesburtchelljamesburtchell Member Posts: 94 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Will KDF ever become a complete faction (level 1- max level) or will ya'll just skip this question?

    And if the Defiant gets an integrated battle cloak, can ya'll do the same with every KDF ship that can cloak and give them a battle cloak? :D
    The Emperor isn't please with Cryptic apparent lack of progress for the Empire. Lord Vader is on his way
  • jetlaya90jetlaya90 Member Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Oddy pack Overpowerd price dropping when ?
    Decent ships (not this breen thing) when ?
    SB upgrades cost in dilithium reduction when ?
This discussion has been closed.