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=/\= VOTE for STO with a click of a button! MMOSite Reader's Choice Awards =/\=

pwebranflakespwebranflakes Member Posts: 7,741
MMOSite is holding their year-end Reader's Choice awards, and Star Trek Online is going for the gold in four categories! Help spread the word about STO by voting once a day with a single click here.

Link to the news post and voting (all you have to do is click the giant link under the picture to cast your vote!).


Share this with your fellow players in-game who don't visit the forums, and add it to your signature ----v :)


Brandon =/\=
Post edited by pwebranflakes on


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    curs0rcurs0r Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Since I'm not one of their readers, I think that would be dishonest.

    Best of luck though, really.
    I'll sell you some weapons from New Romulus. Never fired, only dropped once.
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    jkstocbrjkstocbr Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    One click voted :)
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    darkstarkiriandarkstarkirian Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    In addition, you can support Star Trek Online by just clicking this text - it's javascript to auto-vote for Star Trek Online.

    It pops up a little window that says "Vote Successfully".
    Is that working correctly?
    Did that vote in all four categories?
    [SIGPIC]Handle: @kirian_darkstar
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    Three years and still no Captain Klaa hair...
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    pwebranflakespwebranflakes Member Posts: 7,741
    edited December 2012
    It pops up a little window that says "Vote Successfully".
    Is that working correctly?
    Did that vote in all four categories?

    Yep! It seems to work that way :)


    Brandon =/\=
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    omegasprimeomegasprime Member Posts: 289 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    MMOSite is holding their year-end Reader's Choice awards, and Star Trek Online is going for the gold in four categories! Help spread the word about STO by voting once a day with a single click here.

    Link to the news post and voting (all you have to do is click the giant link under the picture to cast your vote!).


    Share this with your fellow players in-game who don't visit the forums, and add it to your signature ----v :)


    Brandon =/\=

    I would not vote for STO even if you paid me. STO get more disappointing as time goes on.
    AKA Primus01, Lifetime member since January 16, 2010
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    conundrumnsaconundrumnsa Member Posts: 705 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Stop digging in my wallet and I might consider it.
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    jkstocbrjkstocbr Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Never surprise me the amount of players that complain and never vote with their feet :rolleyes:
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    gypsybladegypsyblade Member Posts: 730 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Favorite MMORPG: Voted for STO (I love Trek)

    Best Gameplay: Voted for GW2 (There really is more to do there, I would of liked to vote for STO)

    Best Graphics: Voted for STO (It actually looks great with everything turned up)

    Best Community: Voted for STO (We have a great community of players)
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    azurianstarazurianstar Member Posts: 6,985 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    I'm sorry, Brandon. But I just can't in good conscious vote for STO this year. Because I honestly do not believe it deserves it this year.

    The Gameplay has been nothing but boring grinding.

    While Graphics holds up, only ships have improved while other graphics has beem in the meh department.

    And the community, it's actually worse than it was a year ago. Just look at the STFs. DS9 was a community and there were dedicated channels for doing STFs, now they are all empty. And public pugging is just very anti-social.

    So while I admire your pep, I just don't think STO deserves it this year.
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    nx420nx420 Member Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    I was looking for the P2W category ... that's the only category in which I'd vote for STO. I did, however, vote for GW2.
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    edna#7310 edna Member Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    nx420 wrote: »
    I was looking for the P2W category ... that's the only category in which I'd vote for STO. I did, however, vote for GW2.

    you should vote "Pay because I dont know how to play the game" .Or "pay for fancy c store items/consoles that are completely useless" .:rolleyes:

    also you come on sto forums to say you vote for GW2 .I bet you go on their forums to tell that you didn tvote for x,y and z games.
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    thisisoverlordthisisoverlord Member Posts: 949 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    adrianm63 wrote: »
    Pay because I dont know how to play the game

    Because you can't grind 4 hours per day across 3 characters and actually you know have rl job. :cool:
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    edna#7310 edna Member Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Because you can't grind 4 hours per day across 3 characters and actually you know have rl job. :cool:

    Why grind?
    Why hurry?

    if I recal corectly says nowhere to hurry .

    like I said learn to play the game.If you dont want to learn you can spend money to buy dilithium but dont ask me to not laugh at you :rolleyes:
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    zeuxidemus001zeuxidemus001 Member Posts: 3,357 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Ummmmm...............no. For the following reasons :

    1) I'm not signing up to a site that I will never visit again.

    2) If I had a second reason I'd put it here.

    3) Yeah, right. After the way I was treated a few weeks ago they REALLY deserve my vote. :rolleyes:

    4) My button is stuck.

    TBH the way this game has been handled so poorly especially with server stability and the lack of development for the KDF... Cryptic/PWE does not deserve to win in any of these awards and that isn't anything personal against them they just haven't delivered.
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    thepleasuredomethepleasuredome Member Posts: 308
    edited December 2012
    No I will not vote for this game for any category.
    Arawn & Ihasa
    OP *is* the new balance, whether you know it or not! Gecko says so.
    Season 7 - Exodus, available online. U buy nao!
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    pwebranflakespwebranflakes Member Posts: 7,741
    edited December 2012
    STO currently has the #1 spot in 3 of the 4 categories we're nominated for, and is 2nd place in the other! Vote daily with a single click here: sto.perfectworld.com/news/?p=777401 (just click the giant link under the photo of the Vesta in orbit of New Romulus).

    Thanks to everyone who voted for STO!


    Brandon =/\=
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    sfc#5932 sfc Member Posts: 992 Bug Hunter
    edited December 2012
    No I will not vote for this game for any category.
    That's good to know (???)
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    kar1972kar1972 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Sorry but no votes from me...

    This is a great game, yes, I love to play STO, but with the way things have been going on this game, it does not deserve my vote.

    The is a griding feast, and a bug feast. There are bugs on this game that have existed for over a year now, maybe even more.

    Still, I wish the best for all for you at Cryptic (read, Devs).

    Good luck.
    SFX Fleet Captain Kar
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    mavhaxmavhax Member Posts: 127 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Any site that allows you to vote more than once is a total joke.


    To say nothing of STO at this point.

    I'm writing up a bot right now that will take care of voting for me. to vote for quite literally anything else.
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    thisisoverlordthisisoverlord Member Posts: 949 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    adrianm63 wrote: »
    Why grind?
    Why hurry?

    if I recal corectly says nowhere to hurry .

    like I said learn to play the game.If you dont want to learn you can spend money to buy dilithium but dont ask me to not laugh at you :rolleyes:

    Hurry who said anything about hurry that's just the bare basics to get things done in a few months.

    It has nothing to do with learning or your own sense of superiority It's just a plan fact.
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    duaths1duaths1 Member Posts: 1,232 Arc User
    edited December 2012

    TBH, there is MUCH to improve here..

    - i am a lifetimer in TSW, haven't log in after completing my first toon there.. just not in the mood, the world is too small, the PVP is a zerg.. but, i am glad to have it, casue Funcom continues to work on their games, so i hope ill be pleased when i decide to give it a try in some months..
    i see they have now a "end of the world" event, gotta check that out, lol (love Funcom's love for detail and humour)

    - i do play Bloodline Champions now and then, it is a skill based PVP game, but pulverizing Fedballs in my B'rel just feels RIGHT :D

    - i tried Champions online - no ty

    - i do have 2 accounts of Anarchy online - still logging into the froob account there, LOVE the music and the daily missions, REAL FUN! you gotta try that! and the story, wonderful! they also have a book to explain the lore (free ebook) music sample here : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=skY_CS19Fdw

    - i have tried SWTOR, have the 60 days sub now, which a friend of mine bought for me, so that i "give it a try, please", but it is just a BAD copy of WOW. If there was a possibility to ONLY go through the toon's story line, and NO side missions, it would be fun...

    - after all these years i keep coming to STO as my beloved MMO, so they oughta have done SOMETHING right.. :Dperhaps the franchise :D(and i still hope to be able to play as a hot "romulan commander")
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    idronaidrona Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012


    Qdos: 0

    Player Vote
    125 Qdos

    Player Vote 10-Pack
    1,125 Qdos

    Just kidding, this is what happens when I'm bored.
    I voted for STO. :)
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    squidheadjaxsquidheadjax Member Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    STO's in #2 for gameplay? And #1 for graphics? Seriously?

    Looking at some of the other rankings... what is this, a PW-owned site?

    (Voted GW2 for best graphics, myself.)

    I wouldn't vote STO worst like I have in other such things in the past, maybe it deserves 3rd place in both those categories, but... good grief.
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    fraghul2000fraghul2000 Member Posts: 1,590 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    STO's in #2 for gameplay? And #1 for graphics? Seriously?

    Looking at some of the other rankings... what is this, a PW-owned site?

    There are probably only one or two companies actively promoting or caring for this contest. Considering that the leaders in this competition are at around 6.000 votes and since votes can be cast multiple times, the big shots probably wouldn't even have to activate their communities. Just having every one their employees votes once or twice would suffice. ;)

    On a more serious note. While I like this game, and have been playing it quite a lot in the past few months, I wouldn't place this game Top-3 in any of the three non-subjective categories.

    Also: Why no nomination for best F2P MMO?
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    varoolvarool Member Posts: 106 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    i will not vote, this site is not regulated properly when only two companies are supporting it, meaning if STO isnt the top 5, perfect world will probably pull their support and also there is no mention of mutliple vote counts to artificially increase the core (incidentally? the OP mentioned they qare confident of getting these awards).

    on top of this i wont vote because the gameplay is not gameplay at all, its a grindfest. the graphics have not improved since launch, there are still lots of bugs in the game, from the other person who used to play this game, i know the game is full of them and has been since beta. if Brandon had any interest in us supporting anything he should of done the same back well before this but easing off on this grab money at any cost business choice or even competitions to get a free lockbox ship once a while.

    there are plenty more reasons, but sto is not even in my top 20 of games i could nominate for these categories.
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    mkilczewskimkilczewski Member Posts: 284
    edited December 2012
    Yea, o.k., I'll get right on that.
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    sharyssasharyssa Member Posts: 157 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    .......Voted. ;)
This discussion has been closed.