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Reputation system ruined STO for me



  • rikwesselsrikwessels Member Posts: 367 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I have the philosophy of having fun in any MMO ( I had the same attitude in any other MMO I've played and that's plenty of them ) : if that means I will not get endgame gear , so be it ! The fact you feel like you have to do stuff is wrong .You don't :just have fun and if that fun leads to having great gear ,so much the better ...
  • luxchristianluxchristian Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    rikwessels wrote: »
    I have the philosophy of having fun in any MMO ( I had the same attitude in any other MMO I've played and that's plenty of them ) : if that means I will not get endgame gear , so be it ! The fact you feel like you have to do stuff is wrong .You don't :just have fun and if that fun leads to having great gear ,so much the better ...

    Yeah, it seems like a lot of players only have fun when they get instant gratification . Poor souls xD
  • bareelbareel Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I just hate how, unpolished the entire thing is. No way to respec, no way to drop/change an assignment, etc. That and at times I feel like I'm playing Eve again with all the silly sliders.
  • edna#7310 edna Member Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    bareel wrote: »
    No way to respec, no way to drop/change an assignment, etc.

    500zen is a respec in the cstore.
  • vesterengvestereng Member Posts: 2,252 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Isn't having fun a gratification in itself :rolleyes:

    Anyway the reputation didn't kill the game for me, yet, but it certainly put it on standby.

    Maybe it will change after the next patch or once I unlock the permission to interact with it again.

    Thing is with season 7 I just don't see myself playing stf any more than I absolutely have to.

    To me the justifcation for playing them 100s of times were the drops in there - that's now turned up-side down to the point I ask myself if I can live without reputation gear if it releases me from running another 40 maps...

    And it just so happens that stfs were my main source of gameplay.
  • cletusdeadmancletusdeadman Member Posts: 248 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I like the Reputation system. I think it is really neat idea and can't wait to see more.
    As far as the STF revamp and the store layout, Cryptic couldn't have failed any harder.
    I once loved running them on all my toons. Now, it is only when I need the marks.
    Maybe if the loot and rolls were back in it would mean more to keep running them.
    Cryptic really distroyed the best thing they had running in this weak-TRIBBLE MMO.
  • daxiii23daxiii23 Member Posts: 30 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I for one used to play a lot of STFs but since S7, they are hardly as rewarding (dilithium = tiny ... LOOT = ridiculous) as they used to be and I havent been playing 10% of what I used to play

    in cumulation with the uber-grinding required now to achieve anything I almost stopped playing altogether

    nowadays I am usually just loggin on, start a few DOFF missions and exit again
    anything else feels like a second job in STO now and that is no fun anymore
  • vesterengvestereng Member Posts: 2,252 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Can I haz ya stuff?

    paying customer.

    If you are going to troll a guy's post at least take the time to read it right
  • seanftdseanftd Member Posts: 319 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    What bothered me was I had only in past 6 months of Si gotten into the stf's , I'm started getting salvage tech, one character I had was sitting on enough Borg tech to get me about 9 or 10k of dilithium, then season 7 comes along and changes everything . Lost out on all that dilithium I was pretty unhappy, should have claimed if wen u had the chance
  • lyanaarlyanaar Member Posts: 148 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I always read "grind".

    What is...and this is a serious question...a way that is NOT a "grind" ?

    You do story missions..over and over...sure different story...but still story missions --> grind
    You do stf's...always the same --> grind
    You run around, kill things --> grind
    You deliver something...for xp/ec/dil -->grind
    Youre doffing --> grind

    I go to work every day, to earn money, to pay for things --> grind

    The only way i see that is no grind is if you are not getting any reward and you play just for fun...but not even Mario Bros got that..it had/has a High Score...High Score grind....

    So please tell me: What is not a grind? :D
  • vonrattusvonrattus Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Too many currencies.
  • vonrattusvonrattus Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Listen Mr no sense of humour, I did read it right and the question remains, also can I haz all your stuff too?

    It will go well with your obamaphone.
  • seanftdseanftd Member Posts: 319 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Well too bad, there were enough threads on here advising to do just that. Still you'll have a step up when it comes to the later tiers, maybe you won't regret it after all!

    I don't spend every waking minute on the forum to see those threads you say we're up.
    I was saving the tech for what ever reason ,
  • recksracerrecksracer Member Posts: 128 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    seanftd wrote: »
    I don't spend every waking minute on the forum to see those threads you say we're up.
    I was saving the tech for what ever reason ,

    Pretty sure looking up the conversion rates in the weeks before the change would not have required "every waking minute", not to mention the daily conversations about it in various chat channels.
  • phyrexianherophyrexianhero Member Posts: 768 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    By a rough estimate, it takes about 30 days and 2000 Marks to get to Tier 5 in the reputation system. If you play 1 elite STF a day and get the optional you should have no problem having enough marks. The active projects are not a real problem as I see it, though I haven't logged on to Tribble to see the updated store costs for the items, which is the real crux of the issue.
    seanftd wrote: »
    I don't spend every waking minute on the forum to see those threads you say we're up.
    I was saving the tech for what ever reason ,

    Very sorry to hear about how burned you got on the conversion -- tech was seriously undervalued in Cryptic's numbers. If it's any consolation, they only gave one week's advance notice due to various "problems" getting the conversion crates sooner...y'know, for things like Tribble Test Weekend.
    Playing since January 2010. STOwiki administrator. Accolade hunter.
    My STOwiki page | Reachable in-game @PhyrexianHero
    Fed Armada: Section 31 (level 730, 2700+ members)
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  • diogene0diogene0 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    kirksplat wrote: »
    It's not supposed to be a chore to play a game.

    It's not as long as you have goals to achieve and try to achieve them with others. If you're playing it like a solo game, have very few interactions with people on the map, and if you don't want to try the new gear they release because you like experimenting new stuff, then indeed endgame content isn't designed for you.
    Lenny Barre, lvl 60 DC. 18k.
    God, lvl 60 CW. 17k.
  • anonymoose666anonymoose666 Member Posts: 32 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    What I dont like about the reputation system is that its all UI. You should be interacting with a Romulan diplomat inside your fleet's embassy to start these projects. Completely UI systems like this make the game feel very shallow. Plus it would give you another reason to visit the embassy.
  • seanftdseanftd Member Posts: 319 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    recksracer wrote: »
    Pretty sure looking up the conversion rates in the weeks before the change would not have required "every waking minute", not to mention the daily conversations about it in various chat channels.

    More time than I was willing to spend. If you want to feel free.
  • purplegamerpurplegamer Member Posts: 1,015 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    What I dont like about the reputation system is that its all UI. You should be interacting with a Romulan diplomat inside your fleet's embassy to start these projects. Completely UI systems like this make the game feel very shallow. Plus it would give you another reason to visit the embassy.

    I agree wholeheartedly. I think the reliance on 'invisible gameplay' is hurting the game; I'd much rather be active within the world, doing meaningful things and interacting with fleshed-out NPCs, as opposed to clicking through a list of timers.
  • verlaine11verlaine11 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    What I dont like about the reputation system is that its all UI. You should be interacting with a Romulan diplomat inside your fleet's embassy to start these projects. Completely UI systems like this make the game feel very shallow. Plus it would give you another reason to visit the embassy.

    Soooo people not in a fleet are basicly screwed and are forced to join a fleet to get the projects for the rep system, some people are not in fleets.
    If it was a person on the planet you had to talk to that would be better for the Romulan projects and use Roxy on DS9 for the Omega ones, that would be great.
  • gemackgemack Member Posts: 71 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    gypsyblade wrote: »
    Been here since launch... seen all the reworks for gear...

    Rep grind vs Previous incarnation..

    Clear Path Grind vs Random Draw?

    Sorry, I like knowing there is a set number of things I need to do... the rep system works.. we just have to adapt..

    It's better than the previous system, ran clear over 400 KAGEs before my main got his first proto armor. Not an exaggeration btw, he had near 2mil dil refined by the time I got it

    Well said the rep system is much better....i've been here since closed beta and this system needed to be put in place, does it require some tweaking ..perhaps.

    Folks need to remember that MMO's always have grind associated with the game play (even more so with high end gear). Also new players don't care about how it once was.

    Get over it folks rep system is here to stay.
  • vesterengvestereng Member Posts: 2,252 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    It could be a fair argument assuming it is true.
    Personally I never spent more than a month max getting geared on any character.

    And had I done that, so what, at least I was earning ship weapons, drops and dilithium.

    See, the royal problem with your point is you didn't have to kill all of stf and break the economy of the entire game just so you could have your one drop, did you ?

    You must really feel entitled if that justifies everyone "having to live with it" as you put it.

    Do you look forward to looking good on your plastic replica armor on a empty server?

    I think you are a being somewhat reductionistic, the world doesn't start and stop at your one missing drop :D
  • crusader2007crusader2007 Member Posts: 1,882 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    The Rep System is great. It's great for the game, its great for the players, its great for me.
    It gives us new rewards, it helps those who not been so lucky, it lets you know exactly what your getting into, it take so little time to advance it, and you can choose what you want!

    I have all 4 mark XII not count duplicates, and I can't wait to make that All 6.

    The passives are power and useful :D.

    I understand change is hard. But look again! The road goes up!!

    This is why they changed it....see above....the few whiners who cried...ohh mommie getting proto gear is so hard...now you have to still grind to an extreme level...satisfied? Either you whine at the old system or you whine at the new system. Best solution was the most logical to just increase the drop levels.

    Now STO has become a FARMVILLE grinding festival and turn off most of the player base ...you will get it but it will take you 30Days24h13sec...grinding 24/7 with no bathroom breaks :D

  • purplegamerpurplegamer Member Posts: 1,015 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    This is why they changed it....see above....the few whiners who cried...ohh mommie getting proto gear is so hard...now you have to still grind to an extreme level...satisfied? Either you whine at the old system or you whine at the new system. Best solution was the most logical to just increase the drop levels.

    Now STO has become a FARMVILLE grinding festival and turn off most of the player base ...you will get it but it will take you 30Days24h13sec...grinding 24/7 with no bathroom breaks :D

    This would be true, but I don't recall the 'whiners' whining for a time-gate grind in place of the random drops; they just wanted guaranteed rewards.
  • atomictikiatomictiki Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    This would be true, but I don't recall the 'whiners' whining for a time-gate grind in place of the random drops; they just wanted guaranteed rewards.

    That is the proverbial "Be careful what you wish for."
    Leave nerfing to the professionals.
  • scififan78scififan78 Member Posts: 1,383 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I have never had the time to sink hours and hours into running STf's. I also had a hard time to get a good experience with running STF's in PuGs. Pugging was necessary for me since my fleet members are scattered from the US, Europe, and Australia. It is VERY difficult to get a full team with a small fleet so spread out. This rep system helps people like me. It does not matter what they do. Any change is going to hurt some and help others. All we can do as players is to work to change the minds of the Dev team where we can and adapt to what can't be changed.
  • synthscanner#2101 synthscanner Member Posts: 470 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I'm sorry to hear that you're unfortunately disappointed with Star Trek Online; however "I quit" threads are not allowed, this thread is now closed.

    I hope you stick around for updates and return sometime in the future! :)



    P.S. Yes I'm aware that the OP said "-1 paying customer" but this thread is still basically the same as an "I quit" thread, prone to attract trolling, Borg Cubes and even Q.
This discussion has been closed.