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Fatal Error decompressing data.

leveslylevesly Member Posts: 53 Arc User
Been playing STO for a few hours then the moment I join the Cure STF I get this:

Error decompressing data. Verifying Files in the launcher may fix this issue.: Texture_Library/Ui/Kits/Team_Window/Team_Sidekick_Turnoff.Wtex:

Now I've verified my steam files and selected the option to force verify in the STO launcher but every time I start the game I load into the Cure and crash again.

Anyone go any ideas?
Post edited by levesly on


  • grouchyotakugrouchyotaku Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Just out of curiosity, what Anti-Virus package do you use??? I use Nortan/Symantic myself and never had this issue...

    And have tried configuring your Anti-Virus package to ignore the STO directories?
  • leveslylevesly Member Posts: 53 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    I use Kaspersky Never had this problem before (and I was a subscriber for over 400 days)

    Ive had the game since Beta and it's only now that its occurred.

    I deleted my texture.hogg and it fixed the problem and Ive been playing since my first post now it happens again. Seems weird to happen so infrequently
  • borg7of10borg7of10 Member Posts: 68 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Well if it's doing this when you have your Anti-Virus active & running try turning your
    Anti-Virus off then see if it fixes the problem but if your getting the Error thats saying

    Error decompressing data. Verifying Files in the launcher may fix this issue.: Texture_Library/Ui/Kits/Team_Window/Team_Sidekick_Turnoff.Wtex:

    it's very likely the Data involving that particular file has become Corrupted
    some how and I'd suggest if there's no Mal-ware or Viruses causing this
    issue just Remove the game and do a Fresh Re-Install of the game as that
    might work.
  • briacornsbriacorns Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Thank you for posting this! I started getting these crashes when I got my new graphics card, so I just thought that was the problem. I am trying the re-install now and updating my antivirus to see if that fixes it.
  • bubba883bubba883 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Hi all..

    i only started playing STO last week, before the season 7 update.

    managed to get an evening together to join in the new season 7 fun,

    and now i get the said error, fatal error : unknown error decompressing data..

    now the game is unplayable. :mad:
  • kasseopeakasseopea Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Any solution now? Its so annoying, created a character with several crashs and now cant even play, because it crashes right at the start. How can it be?
  • extreme1xextreme1x Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    I get these errors as well. In fact, I was able to get back on-line and then noticed that all of my crew members lost all of the advanced skills. Now I have only 4 to 5 hours into my character, so I did not loose weeks, months or years of work. I plan to start the character over from the start. However, I am concerned that if this happens again I plan to put the game aside until the future as it would be to frustrating to loose that much work.

    From reading the posts above I observed a suggestion, it may have something to do with anti-virus updates (as I have mine set to every 4 hours). So I plan to disable my anti-virus update while playing to see if the error resolve themselves. Just a suggestion, have to start somewhere.

    GL all.
  • extreme1xextreme1x Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Happy to report good news :)

    Last night I played for over 6 hours with no problems. I turned off my AV updates and for now things are looking good. I will give it a week before I would sound the all clear.

    Yes, I did delete my character and start over from the beginning.

    Hope this helps others.:cool:
  • kasseopeakasseopea Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Well, great, but is there an actual solution now?
  • extreme1xextreme1x Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Updating report:

    After playing over 15 hours this past weekend. Happy to report no problem. I am not 100% sure this fixed my problem, but it is the only thing I changed and now it seems to be working.

    Recap - removed the auto update on my Symantec Anti-Virus. Currently I manually update after I startup my PC. This seems to have resolved my fatal error messages and crashes.

    Not sure this will help other, but hope so.
  • kasseopeakasseopea Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Had to update it from 0 and deactivated AV, works now.
  • saphire832013saphire832013 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I am also getting this issue now, I have been having issues with this game for the last day, first the launcher wouldn't update on it's own, then I reinstalled the game and it ran the update, took all night, now it's giving me this fatal error problem. anyone know how to fix this? I was able to log in using my laptop, just so i could refine my dilitium, but my laptop is too slow to run the game properly. now how do i fix this so i can play again?????
  • jademcogjademcog Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Not running any anti-virus software, newly installed Win 8 Pro. Getting errors like these, each of them from transferring to a different sector/area it crashes. Delete a *.hogg, wait for redownload, play for awhile then crashes again. Not sure if it might be a hardware issue or what. Can get a list of the errored files as they're logged by the software.
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