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Season 7 - Get run over By a Cryptic Bus?

born2bwild1born2bwild1 Member Posts: 1,329 Arc User
This thread is for all the players who will experence many things that people here on the forums have know for days or weeks - particualrly the dilthium nerf - but never come here so they show up going WTF??

So all you non-forumites: Do you feel like you got thrown under a bus or are thing working out just as you expected?

But any new surprizes - not bug related would also be nice to know - "bugs issues go under gameplay bugs - pls post there so they can see them as soon as possible and get them fixed"
Post edited by born2bwild1 on


  • born2bwild1born2bwild1 Member Posts: 1,329 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    reyan01 wrote: »
    Dunno - can't get beyond 1% on the patch, so......

    LOL - at over 1000+ post I would say you qualify as a Forumite!!!:eek:
  • lordmalak1lordmalak1 Member Posts: 4,681 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Heh, anyone else notice the patching started 2 hours earlier than the normal patching time ?

    6am PST seems a bit early for them- glad I don't trust them and was up early to go thru my toons again pre-s7.
    KBF Lord MalaK
    Awoken Dead

    Now shaddup about the queues, it's a BUG
  • born2bwild1born2bwild1 Member Posts: 1,329 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Yeah I bet it will be late evening before everyone gets it.

    Cryptic has done lots of great stuff - but lets face it for every 5 people they please there will be 5 they TRIBBLE off.

    maybe they should make this the tempory rant thread - save having 1000 others -

    I probably will just get the Vesta and fly around For a few days and avoid all major areas all together:P
  • slick97477slick97477 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Not quite sure how you can say great stuff..For every positive they do...They destroy 15 others that were just fine before they screwed with them...That is the problem with PWE. Really wish in some ways Atari would buy it back or someone will buy it so at least perhaps legacy bugs that have been there for over a year would get fixed
    If they make something idiot proof. They will come out with better idiots
  • born2bwild1born2bwild1 Member Posts: 1,329 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    slick97477 wrote: »
    Not quite sure how you can say great stuff..For every positive they do...They destroy 15 others that were just fine before they screwed with them...That is the problem with PWE. Really wish in some ways Atari would buy it back or someone will buy it so at least perhaps legacy bugs that have been there for over a year would get fixed

    Well I love the ships:D The rest of the game - meh
  • captyoung01captyoung01 Member Posts: 311 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    slick97477 wrote: »
    Not quite sure how you can say great stuff..For every positive they do...They destroy 15 others that were just fine before they screwed with them...That is the problem with PWE. Really wish in some ways Atari would buy it back or someone will buy it so at least perhaps legacy bugs that have been there for over a year would get fixed

    Just what I have always said, "Fixing what isn't broken". Should be Cryptic/PWE's new Motto.
  • daedalus304daedalus304 Member Posts: 1,049 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I really dont see much of a problem, I notice that dilithium has been nerfed but aside from a little bit of packaged EDC I dont see what the big deal is.

    From what i can tell the reputation system isnt exactly a Dil sink, it may take time yea but not a Dilithium sink.

    and I quite like the rewards system for the romulan segment.
  • willy01pwewilly01pwe Member Posts: 53 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I logged on one of my Klingon officers to look at stuff (was checking fleet Duty Officer vendor to make sure Cryptic didn't jack up the prices, which was a rumor I read in ESD chat) and decided I'd set up some marauding missions since my feds needed contraband.

    Well, the way the rewards are listed in the results window were quite different now. One mission listed a 16 x Special Item(s) and another listed 31 x Special Item(s).

    Before today, the marauding missions that rewarded contraband would almost always have multiple items in the reward window and the last one on the right "usually" denoted the amount of contraband you might expect if the mission completed with no critical, usually a 1 x or 2 x Special Item.

    I went ahead and set up the missions (on all my Klingon officers) to test my nauseating theory that the brains at Cryptic have removed contraband from the Marauding missions. If they HAVE, this will be strike three for me and Star Trek Online (Strike One = dilithium gouging run wild in S7 ; Strike Two = nerfing Officer Reports mission).

    My tenuous perch on the fence about Season 7 is getting very precarious. And Cryptic seems to be standing there with a pointed stick trying to knock me off. And it really saddens me, I'm a gold subscriber since day 1 of launch with no interruptions (I hit 1000 day mark the hard way, I wasn't grandfathered in like the $200 LTS people, heck -- I had to wait 14 or so days AFTER those people to get my Chimera as the days ticked off) and I really wanted to make it to my third anniversary but Season 7 has made me consider quitting the game for the first time in over 33 months. Again, sad.
    No Star Trek Series went past Season 7.

    Will Star Trek Online survive Season 7?
  • born2bwild1born2bwild1 Member Posts: 1,329 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    It's kind of scary someone who has stayed monthly sub from the beginning like you have is ready to pull the plug - I know everyone will say people always do it every new season - I just get the feeling this time it's different some how.

    Ranting is fine - they don't mind that - but when it turns to disillusion and apathy - then there is a REAL problem brewing.
  • daedalus304daedalus304 Member Posts: 1,049 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    ok I'm starting to see a very obvious pattern here.

    People are getting miffed because they cant Farm Dilithium on a daily basis?

    thats it?

    so your not gonna make as much Dilithium like you did before, why is that such a big deal?

    so your not gonna be able to farm a ton of dilithium and take advantage of the zen conversion bit.

    does it impeed your gameplay any the less?

    they added New Romulus, new reputation system (which is good...takes too long imo a day is too long for t1) and even gives us a whole bunch of new content, new STF's, and what everyone has been begging for 2 years to get "Into The Hive".

    isnt all that worth a 30% reduction of Dilithium? Im sure there will be a new fangled scheme to farm dilithium again someday, but for now just enjoy what these people are giving you for FREE...aside from the vesta...thats not free.
  • willy01pwewilly01pwe Member Posts: 53 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    It's kind of scary someone who has stayed monthly sub from the beginning like you have is ready to pull the plug - I know everyone will say people always do it every new season - I just get the feeling this time it's different some how.

    Ranting is fine - they don't mind that - but when it turns to disillusion and apathy - then there is a REAL problem brewing.

    I know!!!!

    I have never been one to complain and have always been a real advocate for Star Trek Online, usually deflecting the complainers at ESD who were whining about the most recent real or imagine slight to their F2P lifestyle.

    Along with the uninterrupted subscription fees (do the math 30+ months @ $15 versus the $200 grandfather deal the most recent LTS got) I've bought Cryptic points (and their unholy cousin the Zen point) on numerous occasions and had no problem supporting Cryptic after the move to F2P.

    Heck, I didn't even complain about the Lock Box Flavor of the Month, I saw it as STO's lottery tickets and someone will always buy those hoping to get rich quick. I even bought a few keys from C-Store and figured that if it kept the game I enjoyed going for another year, it was a necessary evil.

    But this has really bugged me. One problem is the almost total absence of any developer acknowledgement of the growing discontent of long time players in the run-up of Season 7.

    There were a couple of large threads with 95% dissatisfaction over the Duty Officer dilithium increase (the other 5% were the usual naysayers and meme's "can I have your stuff" types) with not a single response from anyone with a Cryptic tag.

    When I found out that they were nerfing the Officer Reports daily during the latter stages of testing Season 7 (I heard about it a couple of days ago in ESD and found it in the November 8th Tribble Patch notes), I was really saddened by what seems like another attempt to limit the amount of dilithium (and 50 fleet marks) one can readily get without having to spend HOURS upon HOURS a day grinding.

    Like I said in my first post, I'm on the fence and teetering dangerously...
    No Star Trek Series went past Season 7.

    Will Star Trek Online survive Season 7?
  • delsabereduxdelsaberedux Member Posts: 244 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Hell, I'm about as Shruggy McShruggerson as it gets and even I don't like the DOFF dilithium changes. That said, I would be perfectly fine with those changes if alternate methods are added to achieve the same goals.

    For instance, if the grinder now requires 500 Dilithium to chew up five common DOFFs and spit out one uncommon DOFF, why not add a new assignment someplace else that does the same job at the old cost of 10 Dilithium, but with a 2 or 3 day timer. That would suit my purposes just fine, plus it fits the usual time vs. money compromise that's already in place.

    If that's too much time for some people to wait for DOFF assignments, well... go take a look at your skill queue in EVE Online. When I left that game, I'm pretty sure my character was waiting on skills in the two or three week range.
  • reximuzreximuz Member Posts: 1,172 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Hell, I'm about as Shruggy McShruggerson as it gets and even I don't like the DOFF dilithium changes. That said, I would be perfectly fine with those changes if alternate methods are added to achieve the same goals.

    For instance, if the grinder now requires 500 Dilithium to chew up five common DOFFs and spit out one uncommon DOFF, why not add a new assignment someplace else that does the same job at the old cost of 10 Dilithium, but with a 2 or 3 day timer. That would suit my purposes just fine, plus it fits the usual time vs. money compromise that's already in place.

    If that's too much time for some people to wait for DOFF assignments, well... go take a look at your skill queue in EVE Online. When I left that game, I'm pretty sure my character was waiting on skills in the two or three week range.

    The big cost increase on the DOFF upgrade is really the only cost issue I have as well. I like the idea of offering a cheaper version that takes longer
  • szerontzurszerontzur Member Posts: 2,724 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Bluntly, I am disappointed.

    I have been playing, and supporting, this game for about a year now. I do not like the direction the game is heading(despite how much I adore the base concepts and IP). I have been adjusting my 'support' to match that dissent.

    As for season 7:

    A constriction scheme like this only works if someone is forced to use your product. People are not, and they will leave as a result of these changes. From my perspective as a 'customer', I feel that this patch has wronged me - severely reducing and crippling the enjoyment of the relaxed playstyle that I previously enjoyed.

    With as pathetic as business ethics have become in this industry, I am not expecting compensation. I think at this point, I am just going to back off for a bit and offer Cryptic/PWE the chance to re-earn a bit of consumer confidence. In my personal opinion, however, they owe the community for putting greed too far ahead of product satisfaction this time.

    Constructively speaking:

    Each system of the game should be able to support itself.

    Doff Missions should be able to (mostly) cover their expenses. Doing STFs should enable the player to purchase the things they 'unlock'. Likewise for PvP, missions/storylines, and even 'exploration'.

    The current (building) problem with the game is that different playstyles are not being supported. Rather, players are being forced into a playstyle that they do not want or enjoy. More needs to be done to support other playstyles. The more people who enjoy playing the game, the more likely they are to throw their money in support of it.

    I've seen far too many MMOs fall into a trap of catering towards 'raids'/large group content. Don't get me wrong, I love the addition of fleets, but I really worry Cryptic is getting caught up in the temptation of making a 'hardcore' playstyle completely overshadow everything else - turning all other game systems into feeder/chore systems for 'the end game'.
  • age03age03 Member Posts: 1,664 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    It would be nice to get more dilth as well as Omega marks.
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Age StarTrek-Gamers Administrator
    USS WARRIOR NCC 1720 Commanding Officer
    Star Trek Gamers
  • herbie1966herbie1966 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I just want to know why I have to wait 20 hours each time, to chase the Romulan Rabbits...

    Why does that have to have a looong cool down??

    Would letting us re-do it at our own pace really 'break' the system?
  • born2bwild1born2bwild1 Member Posts: 1,329 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    So are more people feeling the wheels rolling over them yet?

    Since Mr Stahl clearly in my opinion lied bold faced about the STF's in the last few weeks - I want to know how confident our KDF brothers and sisters feel about Season 8 bring the KDF up to par? Remember it was his main "goal" or promise. Guarenteed this time!!
  • vonrattusvonrattus Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I understand the frustration players are having over dilithium and other issues.

    I solved my problem by dealing with dilithium only rarely. The same for marks and such, too. Yeah, I get them for missions, but they mostly sits there in their little piles. I was against the multiple currency idea from the start and I still am.

    If we refuse to play the game Cryptic's way, they'll be forced to either close shop or play it our way.
  • born2bwild1born2bwild1 Member Posts: 1,329 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Brandon "Closed" your thread almost as soon as it started - due to you spreading rumors I gather - so I could not post into it. Have not heard your comments lately but just wanted to say - whether it came from chat - or as I suspect your own mind - you called it right on.

    You won't be forgotten.:D

    # 1 STO's end does not concern me-Nerf to Dilth grinding does
    10-14-2012, 09:04 AM
    There has been some chatter that cryptic intends to further make dilth grinding harder after the LTS sale ends.

    The primary way they intend to do this is to remove the quickie "investgate officer daily reports" - you will still be able to do them just they will remove the capacity to go to a panel and do all 3 in just a minute or 2.

    That is the main chatter I here as the next nerf to dilth grinding - they already nerfed contraband turn over recently fro 3 to 5 and from 2hr to 4 hr.

    I suspect there are other ideas in the works to drastcally reduce the amount of dilth that can be collected.

    The whole purpose is of course to force people to buy Zen with real money to convert to dilth.

    Now there will be people say "but what about the dilth market, it will get out of wack"

    No it won't - from watching it for 9 months and watching the stock market for 20 years - I can say will strong confidence that i believe they are already in there keeping the price consant and stable by addind dilth when need be. Over the last few weeks the dilth market has not budged 1 or 2 points a day and there have been hundreds of thousand of dilth on both the buy and the ask. The last lock box only moved it out of it's fixed range for a very short time.

    It is clear that it is being manipulate - my bet is on Cryptic and not some players because the movement up or down is almost non existant. And just like the Federal reserve printing money - Crptic is the only ones that can just "print" dilth out of nothing.

    So after the LTS sale is over and the do start hitting dilth grinding with a huge nerf bat - how will this affect your game?

    Will you use more real money to buy dilth?

    Will you stop all starbase projects?

    Will you spend more of you time in the game to grind dilth?

    Will you quite the game?(of course there will be 1000's more locked into the game with the LTS sale - so I guess you won't quite if the nerf dilth collection some more)

    What are your thoughts?

  • a3001a3001 Member Posts: 1,132 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    i think i speak for a majority when i say "GIVE US BACK THE DILITHIUM!"
    Rejoice JJ Trek people....


    Why are you not rejoicing?
  • badname834854badname834854 Member Posts: 1,186 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    You don't need to be a swammi to see that train coming from a mile away.

    What makes it worse is that they told us flat out that there would be Dilithium...up until a couple of days ago.
  • brigadooombrigadooom Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    a3001 wrote: »
    i think i speak for a majority when i say "GIVE US BACK THE DILITHIUM!"

    I would also like to not be lied to.
  • hyplhypl Member Posts: 3,719 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Let Operation: Return begin. We want our dilithium back! :mad:
  • lillithiaelillithiae Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Yep, he called it...and he was wrong. I can now get 1440 dilithim for every fleet action I do, every 30 mins. Thats definitely not a "dilithium nerf". Moving dilithium from STFs to fleet actions isnt a nerf, its moving the same reward from one thing to something else.
  • mrsinister82mrsinister82 Member Posts: 83 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    They have a PvP system which is utter garbage, so why on earth completely destroy PvE when it is the supporting wall of your game?. Season seven caused one thing today for me my lass and our fleet, they all logged off and put another game on. With no reward for stf, why aim for optional, pug it. with the other PvE events, why would i want to try beat my lass and our other fleet members to the rewards in minefield etc... ill pug it too.. Nothing quite like having the product you payed alot for suddenly not doing what it says on the tin so to speak when you purchased it. But im sure all they will need to do is look at the numbers over these next few days and know they have royally ****ed it. About 14 less players here until PvE is worth doing together again.
  • born2bwild1born2bwild1 Member Posts: 1,329 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    lillithiae wrote: »
    Yep, he called it...and he was wrong. I can now get 1440 dilithim for every fleet action I do, every 30 mins. Thats definitely not a "dilithium nerf". Moving dilithium from STFs to fleet actions isnt a nerf, its moving the same reward from one thing to something else.

    You were the one always attacking him - I remember you.

    I think most players would consider

    1)Removing the console clicker

    2)Removing B-Tran VA

    3)Removing STF dilthium

    A NERF

    Were you also the big Defender of Mr Stahls comments about season 8 being about the KDF?? Remember he promised!! I guess it's a lock eh?
  • puttenhamputtenham Member Posts: 1,052 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    LOL - at over 1000+ post I would say you qualify as a Forumite!!!:eek:

    bah, you cant go by that, i used to be in the 3 thousand or so post count, then we "changed" to pwe, and started again, now when i post, it has no weight behind it anymore lol...

    i was supprised about the steamrunner.. pleasently supprised..
  • knuhteb5knuhteb5 Member Posts: 1,831 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    lillithiae wrote: »
    Yep, he called it...and he was wrong. I can now get 1440 dilithim for every fleet action I do, every 30 mins. Thats definitely not a "dilithium nerf". Moving dilithium from STFs to fleet actions isnt a nerf, its moving the same reward from one thing to something else.

    We prefer to play STF's because it takes more skill than the average fleet action PUG does. The rewards were also much greater. If you move the dilithium rewards from STF's, what's the point of replaying them? As others have said, who cares about completing the optionals anymore? It's also not moving the same reward from one to something else. The dilithium was moved but not the borg prototype and the other Mark XI non-rare item drops. Anybody in their right mind can spot this as a blatant zen grab. Just think about it. Fleet actions are less desirable and have worse players, so people will want to play them less. Thus, the price of dilithium relative to C-points will rise because having to farm or grind out the dilithium will be less desirable.
  • romuzariiromuzarii Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    ok I'm starting to see a very obvious pattern here.

    People are getting miffed because they cant Farm Dilithium on a daily basis?

    thats it?

    so your not gonna make as much Dilithium like you did before, why is that such a big deal?

    so your not gonna be able to farm a ton of dilithium and take advantage of the zen conversion bit.

    does it impeed your gameplay any the less?

    they added New Romulus, new reputation system (which is good...takes too long imo a day is too long for t1) and even gives us a whole bunch of new content, new STF's, and what everyone has been begging for 2 years to get "Into The Hive".

    isnt all that worth a 30% reduction of Dilithium? Im sure there will be a new fangled scheme to farm dilithium again someday, but for now just enjoy what these people are giving you for FREE...aside from the vesta...thats not free.
    It's not about the dilithium so much as it was the STFs, and please don't play the FREE card. That TRIBBLE gets old this ain't no donation based game where the devs have a free game out there because they're passionate, like one of those rip off everquest games that depend on donations from it's playerbase to stay afloat.

    I enjoyed doing STFs, but I won't touch them for no reward. I might as well be watching paint dry. So assuming I log in again at some point and I'm sure I will, I'll go and do all my STFs, MAYBE, and get what gear I want. Then that'll be it. Goodbye STFs. No reason to touch them ever again. And that makes me sad because they are a part of a very very VERY small STO end game experience.

    Now, if STFs have some kind of value forever that'll always give me a reason to do them then that'll be fine. It doesn't have to be dilithium. But 1k dil for 10 BNP and 50 marks for 500 dil that probably has a 1 day timer is not going to get me to do STFs. Continuously add new gear to farm and I just might be willing to continue to do STFs. And I mean often, not once a year or whatever. I do know that I don't want to do the damn things forever. I would like new STFs. We've been getting new STFs, except none of them reward gear, just credits and now marks. Wow, so uplifting. I guess there's into the hive but I really just want something besides borg, How bout some dominion action? Those guys were a great baddy. They're even promoted in the STO video as currently rebuilding their ranks and hinting at a new war. I expect that in the future. Or even the most obvious damn thing of all, fed vs kdf war. Feds get STFs against kdf and kdf gets STFs against fed. Oh, we got a fleet action for that so we should call it a day, huh. So anyway instead we get befriending the romulans, people who still want to wipe us from the face of the universe. Cool idea.

    And I go on to babble for awhile, maybe rant:

    I like romulans. I like how they're always such a tease. So overdue for war but it never happens. It doesn't make logical sense for us to be helping them out in anyway, shape, or form and not because the fed and kdf suxors but because the romulans would never allow it. They'd tell us to go **** ourselves and die, they don't need our help. At least not in the heart of the romulan empire, or at least what's left of it. There's always those that feel differently, and sure they'd look the other way to whoop some dominion TRIBBLE although they got tricked into it, but overall season 7 makes no sense, just like the plot that got the romulans to where they are at today. Let's destroy the romulan home world! Yeah, what a great idea. Let's do in Vulcan, too. We'll call it an alternate timeline/universe/reality/whatever.

    Ooooh, oh oh oh. Oh I get it. I understand fully now. I see what they did. They did the alternate thing. So really what happened is that timeline split into multiple timelines right, and we got stuck with the one where they ruin STO as we knew it. In another alternate reality this didn't happen. We got our dilithium for STFs. In another reality season 7 as we know it never happened, but something else that was the most amazing thing ever. Oh ok I see this now. It all makes sense. I'm a very lonely but happy man in another reality post s7 release. I can live with that. ****ing TRIBBLE piece of **** stole my reality but I can live with that. Fat ****.
  • lillithiaelillithiae Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I think most players would consider

    1)Removing the console clicker

    2)Removing B-Tran VA

    3)Removing STF dilthium

    A NERF

    Yes, they may. But most people arent that bright, so I wouldnt be surprised. Regardless, the fact of the matter is that moving something from mission A to mission B is not a nerf. It is simply a different way to get the same thing. Maybe the problem is you dont understand what "nerf" means. By your definition, moving a piece of furniture from one room of my house to another is a "nerf".
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