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Season 7 - Get run over By a Cryptic Bus?



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    born2bwild1born2bwild1 Member Posts: 1,329 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    lillithiae wrote: »
    Yes, they may. But most people arent that bright, so I wouldnt be surprised. Regardless, the fact of the matter is that moving something from mission A to mission B is not a nerf. It is simply a different way to get the same thing. Maybe the problem is you dont understand what "nerf" means. By your definition, moving a piece of furniture from one room of my house to another is a "nerf".

    I think that the bulk of players and myself understand full well this "nerf"

    But in most of your posts I notice a pattern of you needing to always be right.

    You are suggesting that removing Dilthium from something people like to do(STF) to something people don't like to do(SB24) is somehow not nerfing the rewards from the STF!!

    Your logic is rediculous. And it seems that from what most posters have said - your "logic" is not the one they subscribe to.

    Didn't you call Levi3 and egomaniac just a few days ago? Now you come on here and say "most people(players) arent that bright" - you really are the one full of yourself.
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    purplegamerpurplegamer Member Posts: 1,015 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I was a day away from purchasing the tactical Vesta, but after getting this news and seeing how utterly crappy it was handled, I'm going to go back to just playing for free.

    Every business needs to make money, but it's how they choose to do so that sets them apart. Welcome to the gutter, Cryptic.
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    captainrevo1captainrevo1 Member Posts: 3,948 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    after initially hating the idea i was kind of liking the change at season 7. fleet actions were giving good rewards. i could live with that.

    it has technically been nerfed as now you have to play 2 bits of content for less. but it was sort of forcing me to play fleet actions which was a nice change of pace but it might get tiresome after a while.

    so im not really that bothered by that either now as i have more variety. i play stf's more than i play fleet actions so in the long run it will work out just fine for me.

    more annoyed that the drops in stf's have been taken out. thats a larger issue.
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    captainrevo1captainrevo1 Member Posts: 3,948 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    deokkent wrote: »
    The funny thing is, they have now nerfed the whole thing further by removing the dil reward from FA and transferring the difference to STF... So before we could get 1440 within 20min but now it's 1440 within 45min... If rep projects require lots of omega marks (even in higher tier), we're fine and S7's problem solved. If the opposite is true, then we have been screwed again.

    Dont forget for players that want to earn omega marks as well they would have to play 45 minutes anyway. you were just playing one bit to get dilithium and one bit to get omega marks.

    if you are only after dilithium, the change could be seen as worse, but if you want omega marks then you end up playing the same two bits of content for the same amount anyway.

    if you want variety then its also better as your not grinding one type of content over and over. its swings and roundabouts.
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    joker8mejoker8me Member Posts: 55 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I'm a little in the dark as to why people are saying this is a "dilithium nerf" when it appears to be the opposite?

    For instance, opening up FA's, making them repeatable on a low timer and having them reward 1440 or even 640 per makes it quite easy for players to rack up huge amounts, especially if they have alts. Heck, a player with the standard 3-4 toons can easily hit 24-32k in approx 1.5 hrs under this setup.

    Add in all the "here & there" missions and it just became extremely easy to hit the daily refinement cap in no time flat; if PWE adds it back into STFs, then it just becomes even easier.

    I could be missing something, but I don't see it.
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    mirai222mirai222 Member Posts: 337 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    joker8me wrote: »
    For instance, opening up FA's, making them repeatable on a low timer and having them reward 1440 or even 640 per makes it quite easy for players to rack up huge amounts, especially if they have alts. Heck, a player with the standard 3-4 toons can easily hit 24-32k in approx 1.5 hrs under this setup.

    Let's see now. Say we're making 640 per mission. To earn 24k in 1.5 hours, you'd have to play 38 missions. Hmm. I'm impressed by your fleet action efficiency. I don't see how I could manage to zip through fleet actions that fast.

    I don't do STFs or fleet actions though, so the dilithium changes in them don't matter to me.
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    gemackgemack Member Posts: 71 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    ok I'm starting to see a very obvious pattern here.

    People are getting miffed because they cant Farm Dilithium on a daily basis?

    thats it?

    so your not gonna make as much Dilithium like you did before, why is that such a big deal?

    so your not gonna be able to farm a ton of dilithium and take advantage of the zen conversion bit.

    does it impeed your gameplay any the less?

    they added New Romulus, new reputation system (which is good...takes too long imo a day is too long for t1) and even gives us a whole bunch of new content, new STF's, and what everyone has been begging for 2 years to get "Into The Hive".

    isnt all that worth a 30% reduction of Dilithium? Im sure there will be a new fangled scheme to farm dilithium again someday, but for now just enjoy what these people are giving you for FREE...aside from the vesta...thats not free.

    I don't think you are considering the effect on the in game economy less dilithium farming results in less dilithium available to purchase for zen, and higher dilithium cost per zen.

    Higher cost per zen results in more money for PW as it requires more money to buy less dilithium. Dilithium being the in game currency means you have to have ways to get it by eliminating the means to get dilithium makes it rarer ...resulting in higher costs for all players be it time or money. Not good.

    Another cash grab/ time sink , that's what makes people angry. And in the end will kill the game.
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    gemackgemack Member Posts: 71 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    ok I'm starting to see a very obvious pattern here.

    People are getting miffed because they cant Farm Dilithium on a daily basis?

    thats it?

    so your not gonna make as much Dilithium like you did before, why is that such a big deal?

    so your not gonna be able to farm a ton of dilithium and take advantage of the zen conversion bit.

    does it impeed your gameplay any the less?

    they added New Romulus, new reputation system (which is good...takes too long imo a day is too long for t1) and even gives us a whole bunch of new content, new STF's, and what everyone has been begging for 2 years to get "Into The Hive".

    isnt all that worth a 30% reduction of Dilithium? Im sure there will be a new fangled scheme to farm dilithium again someday, but for now just enjoy what these people are giving you for FREE...aside from the vesta...thats not free.

    I don't think you are considering the effect on the in game economy less dilithium farming results in less dilithium available to purchase for zen, and higher dilithium cost per zen.

    Higher cost per zen results in more money for PW as it requires more money to buy less dilithium. Dilithium being the in game currency means you have to have ways to get it by eliminating the means to get dilithium makes it rarer ...resulting in higher costs for all players be it time or money. Not good.

    Time or money there is no such thing as "Free to play"

    Another cash grab/ time sink , that's what makes people angry. And in the end will kill the game.
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    bitemepwebitemepwe Member Posts: 6,760 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I feel I have been robbed after a fashion, but not over the DL changes.

    When I checked my toons, one of them had thier Borg Shields removed from his inventory.

    Now I may never get the time to run the missions again to reacquire them.

    That leaves me a bit meh about STO.......
    Leonard Nimoy, Spock.....:(

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    knuhteb5knuhteb5 Member Posts: 1,831 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    bitemepwe wrote: »
    I feel I have been robbed after a fashion, but not over the DL changes.

    When I checked my toons, one of them had thier Borg Shields removed from his inventory.

    Now I may never get the time to run the missions again to reacquire them.

    That leaves me a bit meh about STO.......

    Maybe it was that Ferengi doff on board that you never fully trusted from the beginning. He probably exchanged the borg shield system for a high seat on the Ferengi Commerce Authority. You know what they say-never trust a Ferengi whose lobes are too big for his/her own good.
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    daan2006daan2006 Member Posts: 5,346 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    knuhteb5 wrote: »
    Maybe it was that Ferengi doff on board that you never fully trusted from the beginning. He probably exchanged the borg shield system for a high seat on the Ferengi Commerce Authority. You know what they say-never trust a Ferengi whose lobes are too big for his/her own good.

    lmao very good points lol
    swimwear off risa not fixed
    system Lord Baal is dead
    macronius wrote: »
    This! Their ability to outdo their own failures is quite impressive. If only this power could be harnessed for good.
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    bitemepwebitemepwe Member Posts: 6,760 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    knuhteb5 wrote: »
    Maybe it was that Ferengi doff on board that you never fully trusted from the beginning. He probably exchanged the borg shield system for a high seat on the Ferengi Commerce Authority. You know what they say-never trust a Ferengi whose lobes are too big for his/her own good.

    That would explain this new subscription to "Lobes Monthly" and this case of Lobe sex wax.........

    I think its time to make an example for the rest of the crew. I know a certain ferengi that just got "turret duty"
    Leonard Nimoy, Spock.....:(

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