As the title says, I'm not impressed in my opinion they take to much out to and put in to little. The things they take out are the dilithium in the stf missions, having been playing for a while and gotten a lot of the Mark 12 gear taking out all of the dilithium rewards deminishes the stf missions. What replaces it in stfs are omega marks similar to fleet marks, however with just playing daily missions you no longer get the maxium amount of dilithium a day, maybe if your good, which while the full amount is not required for completing the reputation it is nice to get some for the 15 to 20 min your playing the thing.
Besides that any hope of a continuation of the story arch, well lets say it, nothing happening there. They setup a nice place to grind for Romulan marks, spoiler Alert if you haven't played it called New Romulus, to use in the reputation system for add gear and items that are hard to get, but otherwise big old minus for the new season hope their ready a whole lot of why'd they do that on the forums after it hits the live server as is.
i really enjoyed and had fun testing the new content,especially new romulus,all of the mini missions and the ambiance to the planet was awesome,would like to see on new romulus a day and night cycle with the night time having animal life we dont see in the day even more dangerous predators at night, besides little sporadic lag spikes and getting stuck in a rock ? i have no complaints,oh yes and please tell me that romulan shuttle on the staging area will be available ? its awesome looking and i uh want it lol o..o <---shakes piggy bank ,great job on the new content, oh one other thing, what really turns us players of is the redundant grinding for equipment keep it fun but simple please ! look very forward to when this new content will go live on holodeck thank you .
Would be nice to get an accolade (even if it's zero points) on Holodeck when we do the minimum qualifications on the official Tribble Server weekend. (Yes, this would be in addition to whatever item we'll get when Season 7 starts.) This lets us know that we did qualify.
I got to try the test server for the first time, the appearance of new Romulus is amazing so far inspected, but there are some parts that need to be checked, while a quest to note that on several occasions the npc tolians and others remained trapped in mountains.
stf doing now is a shame that this is so incredible, but more rewarding poor, reducing and increasing constos dililitio not good, it is better to keep the regular reward.
alpha memory ruin the business, as we are supposed to sell the gear drop, if memory alpha can now create mk xi. and I think that would be good alpha memory if we could create other comsumibles as critical component, regenerators.
the new reputation system is far from being better, too the Period of waiting for the next, still think that the cost is quite moderate.
After testing out the new missions, STFs and New Romolus I can only say:
You guys had the real opportunity to create real new content, but u failed.
In detail: Look at New Romulus for example:
Great idea, but look at the missions to accomplish there:
Farm, farm and farm... Where am I? If I wanted to play WOW, I could have done it. But I hate this chinese farming games. You promised to decrease the currencies and the stuff u need to collect. In fact it is increased! Just do some missions on NR and see for yourself...
Take some episodes (actually very few) like the Everything Old is New or What Lies Beneath. They were fun to play, new unexpected events, sometimes fun, sometimes scary...
Or take some Foundry missions as a good example which had a great sense of humor.
Where is the new content? Just some suggestions:
- Doing missions with more than just 5 members
- Big fleet events
- Possibility to do "Diplomacy" with other fleets or factions
- Real ship customization
- Character realtionships: Friends, enemies, marriages (ok, we are not playing SIMS)
There are so many possibilities for creating content for keeping a game interesting. But I don't see anything new, it's just getting worse. Veterans get "punished" (STFs), getting good equipment becomes much harder, getting DIL also, etc...
Though I'm not a gold member, I consider myself a "big spender" ('bout 400 EUR 1/2 year). Ya, I do pay for things I like. And I liked STO so far. But in my opinion it all goes in the whole wrong direction... And I am not the only one who thinks like this. If season 7 goes live like it is on Tribble right now, me and my Fleet will be mostly out.
Time to move on, spending money on other games. We might give Eve Online a try...
I have now played several hours doing space missions, and coupled with the hours I already spent on ground missions, I am pleasantly surprised that I have not yet encountered any bugs or anything I object to. I like it so far. Good job.
I thought the tribble version of season 7 was nice. I am looking forward to the reputation system, with passive abilities as rewards for completing tiers.
I'm looking forward to working through this on Holodeck soon!
I really enjoyed New Romulus!. Played around on it Saturday and Sunday...lots to see and do. A heads up about the Tholians by the Hwgel Ruins and the romulans by Vastam Peaks would have been nice, though. Haven't done the STF's yet, hope they are as good. Just bought a gold membership when i logged off tribble today. Keep up the good work! Saw a new post about Q and the winter rewards, and some hints about Seasons 8 and 9. Think I will start saving my pennies...I should have enough for a lifetime subscription by the time Season 8 rolls around. Thanks again...can't wait till Season 7 is in full swing!
I was in New Romulus over weekend the grind idea is to take time out each day for real playing of the game I am looking at how to manage a small fleet with all projects expecting to get to enjoy the fun of doing a litttle each day. I do see the idea going forward in other sectors stories are finally coming back to the game. problems i did see were tied to emmbassey daily not counting the scans, atroid mining mini game with the new one these will addressing patches coming monthes again. Money well spent and looking forward to the feature that will tie into new sector.
The only problem or bug I encountered this weekend was at New Romulus, it took about 15 minutes to load. It may be that I am using an older system. But otherwise everything looked and functioned great for me.
Super excited for season 7.
This was my first time on Tribble, too. So far, I like what I've seen of season 7. I really like how expansive New Romulus is. I still haven't been able to do all the missions there, yet.
I, for one, welcome the new reputation system. It's nice to have measurable progress towards the STF gear instead of just "Will I get the drop, today?" Though, I do question removing dilithium from the STF rewards, when the gear is now in a dil based store. (not to mention the dilithium needed to advance that far) That's the closest thing to a complaint I have.
Those big armored lizards (who's name escapes me) on New Romulus? I totally want one of those as a pet. (in the game, not in real life. The beagle would freak. ) Put that up as a combat pet in the Zen Store, and I would buy it.
I like the new content .. and the variety of New Romulus ... additional Dailies ...
The Embassy is really going to be something to contemplate and plan accordingly.
For the times and hours that I played .. I found no glitches with New Romulus.
I also joined Brandon for his Event .... "The Vault: Ensnared".
Great work there as well. Excellent visuals and interactions. I found the capital ships to be ... balanced. (cryptic : Do not change them) The only glitch I found .... was in the Nebula ... the server stopped responding. It took me 8 trys to log back in .. both normal and safe log-in. I was able to get back just in time for plenty of action with my Team.
I also ran "The Hive" (ground) on normal. It was .. good.
My Team pushed as far as we could last. Very tough ... but welcomed. Have to plan strategy and balanced gear /Team.
I've been on Tribble since Season 7 first showed up (a friend tipped me ) in late October
Although I'm not so thrilled about the New Romulus grinds, The space missions have been improved - in my opinion - by going from hunting and selecting what you want to fight to wave upon wave until you are finished (or dead) 0 especially the Tholians in space
Haven't any bugs to report because, after I'd find a bug it would get fixed before I got around to it
Only comment I have to make is - no more Tribbles for awards and it would be nice to have the 1K+ Rom Marks I earned in my adventures on Tribble to go to my Holodeck characters
Sincerely and Qapla'
Kotagh of the House of Duras
Kotagh II and L'ael on KDF - House of Duras
T'Pur in Federation Sol Trade Consortium Fleet
Besides that any hope of a continuation of the story arch, well lets say it, nothing happening there. They setup a nice place to grind for Romulan marks, spoiler Alert if you haven't played it called New Romulus, to use in the reputation system for add gear and items that are hard to get, but otherwise big old minus for the new season hope their ready a whole lot of why'd they do that on the forums after it hits the live server as is.
stf doing now is a shame that this is so incredible, but more rewarding poor, reducing and increasing constos dililitio not good, it is better to keep the regular reward.
alpha memory ruin the business, as we are supposed to sell the gear drop, if memory alpha can now create mk xi. and I think that would be good alpha memory if we could create other comsumibles as critical component, regenerators.
the new reputation system is far from being better, too the Period of waiting for the next, still think that the cost is quite moderate.
just my 2 cents.
After testing out the new missions, STFs and New Romolus I can only say:
You guys had the real opportunity to create real new content, but u failed.
In detail: Look at New Romulus for example:
Great idea, but look at the missions to accomplish there:
Farm, farm and farm... Where am I? If I wanted to play WOW, I could have done it. But I hate this chinese farming games. You promised to decrease the currencies and the stuff u need to collect. In fact it is increased! Just do some missions on NR and see for yourself...
Take some episodes (actually very few) like the Everything Old is New or What Lies Beneath. They were fun to play, new unexpected events, sometimes fun, sometimes scary...
Or take some Foundry missions as a good example which had a great sense of humor.
Where is the new content? Just some suggestions:
- Doing missions with more than just 5 members
- Big fleet events
- Possibility to do "Diplomacy" with other fleets or factions
- Real ship customization
- Character realtionships: Friends, enemies, marriages (ok, we are not playing SIMS)
There are so many possibilities for creating content for keeping a game interesting. But I don't see anything new, it's just getting worse. Veterans get "punished" (STFs), getting good equipment becomes much harder, getting DIL also, etc...
Though I'm not a gold member, I consider myself a "big spender" ('bout 400 EUR 1/2 year). Ya, I do pay for things I like. And I liked STO so far. But in my opinion it all goes in the whole wrong direction... And I am not the only one who thinks like this. If season 7 goes live like it is on Tribble right now, me and my Fleet will be mostly out.
Time to move on, spending money on other games. We might give Eve Online a try...
Greetings from Germany.
I'm looking forward to working through this on Holodeck soon!
I was in New Romulus over weekend the grind idea is to take time out each day for real playing of the game I am looking at how to manage a small fleet with all projects expecting to get to enjoy the fun of doing a litttle each day. I do see the idea going forward in other sectors stories are finally coming back to the game. problems i did see were tied to emmbassey daily not counting the scans, atroid mining mini game with the new one these will addressing patches coming monthes again. Money well spent and looking forward to the feature that will tie into new sector.
Super excited for season 7.
I, for one, welcome the new reputation system. It's nice to have measurable progress towards the STF gear instead of just "Will I get the drop, today?" Though, I do question removing dilithium from the STF rewards, when the gear is now in a dil based store. (not to mention the dilithium needed to advance that far) That's the closest thing to a complaint I have.
Those big armored lizards (who's name escapes me) on New Romulus? I totally want one of those as a pet. (in the game, not in real life. The beagle would freak.
Yes ... I too have spent the weekend on Tribble.
I like the new content .. and the variety of New Romulus ... additional Dailies ...
The Embassy is really going to be something to contemplate and plan accordingly.
For the times and hours that I played .. I found no glitches with New Romulus.
I also joined Brandon for his Event .... "The Vault: Ensnared".
Great work there as well. Excellent visuals and interactions. I found the capital ships to be ... balanced. (cryptic : Do not change them)
The only glitch I found .... was in the Nebula ... the server stopped responding. It took me 8 trys to log back in .. both normal and safe log-in.
I was able to get back just in time for plenty of action with my Team.
I also ran "The Hive" (ground) on normal. It was .. good.
My Team pushed as far as we could last. Very tough ... but welcomed. Have to plan strategy and balanced gear /Team.
Delta Fleet
Although I'm not so thrilled about the New Romulus grinds, The space missions have been improved - in my opinion - by going from hunting and selecting what you want to fight to wave upon wave until you are finished (or dead) 0 especially the Tholians in space
Haven't any bugs to report because, after I'd find a bug it would get fixed before I got around to it
Only comment I have to make is - no more Tribbles for awards and it would be nice to have the 1K+ Rom Marks I earned in my adventures on Tribble to go to my Holodeck characters
Sincerely and Qapla'
Kotagh of the House of Duras
Kotagh II and L'ael on KDF - House of Duras
T'Pur in Federation Sol Trade Consortium Fleet