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TRIBBLE Maintenance and Release Notes - November 2, 2012



  • tangolighttangolight Member Posts: 777 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    So does anyone know what the bartender project requires for inputs now, specifically?
  • jcswwjcsww Member Posts: 6,818 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Why does it not show how many are in queue for PvE anymore? Whoever thought this was a good idea... Well... Wasn't thinking. :P

    Edit: Just ran ISE on Tribble and no DL for a successful run. You can't expect me to want to run these with no loot, no DL, and only a whopping 30 Omega Marks. Utterly craptacular!
  • chuckingramchuckingram Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    jcsww wrote: »
    Edit: Just ran ISE on Tribble and no DL for a successful run. You can't expect me to want to run these with no loot, no DL, and only a whopping 30 Omega Marks. Utterly craptacular!

    Let's hope they do something about this before release. I don't want to believe that they're that intent on killing STF.
  • kalvorax#3775 kalvorax Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    tangolight wrote: »
    So does anyone know what the bartender project requires for inputs now, specifically?

    wait they changed it???....TRIBBLE and my fleet JUST got to that assignment and are almost done lol
    I find this line of replies sadly hilarious. We put a lot of work into the massive list of fixes/changes above, and ya'll are hung up on the ability to skip our content. =p
  • ikuruyoikuruyo Member Posts: 132 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    ikuruyo wrote: »
    Last I checked they had increased the payouts for stfs. Estfs were giving 960 and normals were 480.

    Its amazing how long old information hangs around.

    I have to correct this, it seems they removed the dilithum reward for elite stfs in this patch. I managed to get one started after waiting over an hour and got just 75 omega marks for the completion with optional. No dilithium at all.

    The removal of the ability to see how many are in a queue will probably result in my not bothering to queue for most of the missions in that list. Some of the less frequently run ones will never fill now, if I can't tell if I"m alone or if there are 4 of us waiting for a 5th I'll never bother to queue in the first place.

    Any with 10 or 20 required to start it? Not happening. Ever.

    Also, the rep projects for Romulan weapons are still requiring 40 hours. Can't remember which but I know that the zeropoint energy console had a 40 hour timer on it.
  • pete8pete8 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    My long range science vessel retrofit has gained the boff slots from my delta flyer is this normal?
  • carl103carl103 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    The lack of queue numbers wouldn't be an issue if we could queue for more than 3 things TBH.
  • jonnydregsjonnydregs Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Was playing last night and found two things that might need to be fixed, i don't know if they are intentional or not. Firstly, in the main camp when you first pick up the mission to scan the radiation, the little radiation tank that is there can be scanned but you DON'T receive any radiation signatures and the tank remains available to scan numerous times. The second thing i found was regarding the radiation again, this time regarding the clouds that you scan. After scanning and collecting the signatures, the clouds remain in game and can be scanned again right after which allows "radiation farming" i would think. Again, not sure if this is an issue or not but i thought i would bring it to your attentions. And before anyone asks, no i didn't submit a bug report like i should have
  • levi3levi3 Member Posts: 1,663 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    "Reduced all Duty Officer input requirements on Fleet Starbase Projects
    If a project previously required only White duty officers, the number required has been decreased . "

    Really?? So now it will take a solo player 1 months to get to tier 3 starbase?

    You may or may not know my solo Fleet "Starbase 001" FULLY completed a Tier 3 starbase several weeks ago.

    BY MYSELF - and I did not spend a dime on it other than my gold monthly stipend.

    I started right at the begining before there was the fleet vendor - before the fleet vendor kurfuffle(?)

    So since this change can only help out people up to tier 3 - as then it switches to 2 sections of doffs - I have to ask - why?

    If 1 person can meet the existing doff requirements and finish a Tier 3 starbase 2 weeks ago - without the fleet vendor for what several weeks at least - any fleet with 5 players - let alone 10+ should be able to get the doffs required while sleepwalking through the process!

    So that is the question Zero - if I could under the old system complete a tier 3 starbase with the original system of even more limited doff availibily - why does the doff requirements need to be lowered?

    If this is done - I will start a new fleet and complete a tier 3 base in under 2 months - just to show what a mockery of a system - this LONG-TERM - based on 25 players- construction pocess is.
  • squishkinsquishkin Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    levi3 wrote: »
    why does the doff requirements need to be lowered?

    1. Not everyone is as... 'devoted' as you are.
    2. The cost to use the doff-grinder has increased significantly.
    3. Reputation projects and Embassy holdings now consume resources as well.
    4. The General Recruitment doff pack now costs a lot more.
    5. Because (as far as I can tell), the curve is dramatically uneven. At Tier 0-Tier 1, time is the primary gating factor, whereas as you get into higher tiers, cost is the primary gating factor. This seems to be designed to attempt to flatten the curve somewhat.
  • levi3levi3 Member Posts: 1,663 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    squishkin wrote: »
    1. Not everyone is as... 'devoted' as you are.
    2. The cost to use the doff-grinder has increased significantly.
    3. Reputation projects and Embassy holdings now consume resources as well.
    4. The General Recruitment doff pack now costs a lot more.
    5. Because (as far as I can tell), the curve is dramatically uneven. At Tier 0-Tier 1, time is the primary gating factor, whereas as you get into higher tiers, cost is the primary gating factor. This seems to be designed to attempt to flatten the curve somewhat.

    There is NO major change in the curve until after Tier 3 - then it goes vertical. So reducing 1-3 does not make sense.

    "It was a dedicated experiment for me" - true - but under the current system if I was to start over it would take no more than 2 months doing the same - and I barely used the duty packs from the academy - so does not make sense again.

    currently common doffs are 1/2 or 1/3 the price on the exchange that they were. Does not make sense to lower.

    There was no fleet vendor when I started - now there is - does not make sense to lower.

    Doff grinder cost is irrelevent when talking about commons - I did not usde it to upgride to green then down grind to common again - lowering does not make sense again.

    Yes embassy is new but my fall back MAIN position:

    Given ALL the harder inputs and less outputs of doffs that were availible to me - 1 person - one person - me and only me - numero uno - just 1 and only 1 could complete a TIER 3 t-i-e-r THREE starbase in 3 1/2 months!!

    For a "fleet' which usually mean 5+ there is ZERO(no pun intended) that they could not do the same without any doff reductions in the same amout of time!

    The system was built off 25 people - so that makes what I was able to accomplish is just over 3 months - PROVE that tier 0-3 is EXTREMELY EASY

    Nothing can dispute that given my accomplishment and the data used to construct current starbase requirements.

    No reduction below Tier 3 is needed.
  • squishkinsquishkin Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    levi3 wrote: »
    There is NO major change in the curve until after Tier 3 - then it goes vertical. So reducing 1-3 does not make sense.
    But cost was never the major factor at 1-3, so reducing the cost there is of less relevance.
    currently common doffs are 1/2 or 1/3 the price on the exchange that they were. Does not make sense to lower.
    Some doffs are cheap, and some or not. Consider, say, Security Officer doffs.
    There was no fleet vendor when I started - now there is - does not make sense to lower.
    As the exchange demonstrates, this doesn't drop the cost of all doffs.
    Doff grinder cost is irrelevent when talking about commons - I did not usde it to upgride to green then down grind to common again - lowering does not make sense again.
    Not all doffs required for projects are commons. Some are, but as the notes point out, that's not the only change made.
    No reduction below Tier 3 is needed.
    I think you're entirely missing the point. Nobody is suggesting that it can't be done.

    As I said, it's my impression that up to about T3 time is the gating factor, not cost. Reducing cost below T3 doesn't change that but it does flatten the curve above T3.

    Tell me, by the way. How much did you spend getting your starbase to T3? In dilithium and EC?

    Edit: Because the plural of anecdote is data, my fleet has about 200 members in it and we haven't yet reached T3. I personally have about 1.1m lifetime fleet credit.
  • levi3levi3 Member Posts: 1,663 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    squishkin wrote: »
    Tell me, by the way. How much did you spend getting your starbase to T3? In dilithium and EC?

    Edit: Because the plural of anecdote is data, my fleet has about 200 members in it and we haven't yet reached T3. I personally have about 1.1m lifetime fleet credit.

    The dilth cost are set - you can count them up for yourself - I did almost all assignments the DOFF only assignemts for 1000xp

    That's another reason I can tell you doff requirements ARE NOT the problem.

    for the first 2 months Security doffs were 300k each - sensor doffs were as high as $1.6 million

    Security now is $90 and sensor $150 - that is chump change by comparison. 1/3 and 1/10th the cost

    That is not the Problem

    DOFF requirements do NOT need to be lowered tier 0-3 - as I said I used ZERO - $0 dollars on the base other than my 500 zen Gold sub stipend

    The real problem for smaller fleets is DILTHIUM requirements - not doffs.

    If you have 200 people in your fleet then doffs are NOT the problem - if they are there is something MAJORLY wrong.

    Zero please listen - doffs requirements are not the problem going to T0 - T3 - I have proved that - with my solo starbase. These things were supposed to take time - i built a T3 in over 3 months by myself - If you lower doff requirements you are going to make the building of these things as long-term project a TOTAL FARSE!
  • hevachhevach Member Posts: 2,777 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    squishkin wrote: »
    But cost was never the major factor at 1-3, so reducing the cost there is of less relevance.

    Considering it was already a fairly achievable solo project and trivial to fleets smaller than those the system was balanced around, not just "of less relevance" but "fully irrelevant." Reduction of a trivial value is trivial.

    As for at higher tiers: The uncommon inputs rapidly exceed the standard recruitment rate of even the largest fleets, in part due to the rarity check and primarily due to requiring specific departments, and require literally millions of fleet credits burned in boxes to fill by brute force. And these are projects that a maxed fleet would have run a total of 300 to 450 times.

    These are the major limiters for most fleets, reducing them to commons and broadening the accepted inputs from specializations to departments alleviates that pressure, but also massively increases the total doff inputs, prompting the distributed reduction.

    But that's not the end of the story yet: New fleets are now saddled with an embassy in addition to their starbase. This has roughly doubled the total resource load on a new fleet, and more than doubled it on doffs thanks to the high doff inputs on the initial projects (50 for 1200 xp vs. 7 or 24 for 1000). And because of embassies lower XP bars, it's steepened the curve.

    Also note that embassy projects aren't included in the reduction. Even with the reduction, this is a net increase in doff load on all fleets. In fact, even eliminating them outright from starbase projects would still leave this being a net increase of 28 doffs per cycle at tier 0, and extrapolating the embassy curve it should remain a net increase until the embassy is capped and the Starbase is part way through tier 2.
  • squishkinsquishkin Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    hevach wrote: »
    Considering it was already a fairly achievable solo project and trivial to fleets smaller than those the system was balanced around, not just "of less relevance" but "fully irrelevant." Reduction of a trivial value is trivial.
    I didn't want to go there because I think that moving from T2 to T3 isn't trivial; it certainly isn't as easy as going from T0-T1, but it's not utterly trivial. Still, I believe I had written that before I edited it to what it now is. :P
    Also note that embassy projects aren't included in the reduction. Even with the reduction, this is a net increase in doff load on all fleets. In fact, even eliminating them outright from starbase projects would still leave this being a net increase of 28 doffs per cycle at tier 0, and extrapolating the embassy curve it should remain a net increase until the embassy is capped and the Starbase is part way through tier 2.
    Interesting. So perhaps Levi is getting what he wants. It's going to be harder in the early tiers. :p
  • levi3levi3 Member Posts: 1,663 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    hevach wrote: »
    Considering it was already a fairly achievable solo project and trivial to fleets smaller than those the system was balanced around, not just "of less relevance" but "fully irrelevant." Reduction of a trivial value is trivial.

    As for at higher tiers: The uncommon inputs rapidly exceed the standard recruitment rate of even the largest fleets, in part due to the rarity check and primarily due to requiring specific departments, and require literally millions of fleet credits burned in boxes to fill by brute force. And these are projects that a maxed fleet would have run a total of 300 to 450 times.

    These are the major limiters for most fleets, reducing them to commons and broadening the accepted inputs from specializations to departments alleviates that pressure, but also massively increases the total doff inputs, prompting the distributed reduction.

    But that's not the end of the story yet: New fleets are now saddled with an embassy in addition to their starbase. This has roughly doubled the total resource load on a new fleet, and more than doubled it on doffs thanks to the high doff inputs on the initial projects (50 for 1200 xp vs. 7 or 24 for 1000). And because of embassies lower XP bars, it's steepened the curve.

    Also note that embassy projects aren't included in the reduction. Even with the reduction, this is a net increase in doff load on all fleets. In fact, even eliminating them outright from starbase projects would still leave this being a net increase of 28 doffs per cycle at tier 0, and extrapolating the embassy curve it should remain a net increase until the embassy is capped and the Starbase is part way through tier 2.

    Ok so the embassy system will add to the "burden" , and I guess in most ways you are correct in it being a trivial adjustment - but not for that factor, for the reason that probably 80% of the fleets created are already past tier 2 and well on their way to tier 3.

    However, for solo fleets this is going to make it rediculously easy to get to tier 3 if you don't do the embassy - and even if you do it - so what if a solo fleet takes a year to reach tier 3?
  • jcswwjcsww Member Posts: 6,818 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Any and all lowered requirements are welcome in my opinion. Some of us have school, jobs, and a life! I have a couple of two person fleets, neither of which have reached T1 yet. One is close but I got bored of the grind and the other wasn't interested in the grind. I bought some DL to help with these things and so on but it just burns people out from wanting to bother. This is a game that is supposed to be fun! If I have to put in 8 hours a day to make progress, I'll find something else to play!
  • levi3levi3 Member Posts: 1,663 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    jcsww wrote: »
    Any and all lowered requirements are welcome in my opinion. Some of us have school, jobs, and a life! I have a couple of two person fleets, neither of which have reached T1 yet. One is close but I got bored of the grind and the other wasn't interested in the grind. I bought some DL to help with these things and so on but it just burns people out from wanting to bother. This is a game that is supposed to be fun! If I have to put in 8 hours a day to make progress, I'll find something else to play!

    They could easily say - the system was designed for a fleet of 25 casual players - wait they have!!

    So a 2 person fleet should take 13x as long as a 25 person casual fleet to reach tier 3

    If they designed a 25 person fleet to reach tier 3 in 2 months that means a 2 person fleet should reach tier 3 in 13x 2 or 26 months - or about 2 years.

    That is how the system was designed.

    I will say this 100x if necessary - with the fleet vendor this is NOT a doff problem - the real problem in starbases for smaller fleets is Dilth and marks.
  • zer0niusrexzer0niusrex Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    dalolorn wrote: »
    PLEASE, what happened to the issue where trying to assign more than one dialog to "Dialog Prompt Complete" caused a CTD? My new Foundry mission has been on hold for months because of it - and there's been no new dev info since Brandon said you were looking into it.

    I can't reproduce this, on Holodeck.
    Can you give me steps on how to make this happen?

  • raythilo2345raythilo2345 Member Posts: 148 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Zero the relativity uniform isnt showing up in Tribble lobi store.
  • hevachhevach Member Posts: 2,777 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    levi3 wrote: »
    I will say this 100x if necessary - with the fleet vendor this is NOT a doff problem - the real problem in starbases for smaller fleets is Dilth and marks.

    Except it's not. Using the fleet vendor to fill a tier 4 1000 point project's green doff input would cost, on average, 6,500,000 fleet credits. Not counting the much larger common doff input. Filling a tier 4 sub-tier upgrade would cost on average 13,000,000 (or about 500 million EC), but that's a one-time expenditure, not repeated for 150,000 XP worth of tier 4.

    Fleet marks, meanwhile, are not a problem. For that first project, a team of 5 running fleet mark missions would need a dozen runs on the outside (assuming they're good but not particularly great). Those same 5 would need over a hundred to get the fleet marks of that tier 4 upgrade done, but still paling before the equivalent burden of the 100 purple doffs.
  • dalolorndalolorn Member Posts: 3,655 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I can't reproduce this, on Holodeck.
    Can you give me steps on how to make this happen?


    Will do tomorrow, but gtg to bed right now.

    Infinite possibilities have implications that could not be completely understood if you turned this entire universe into a giant supercomputer.p3OEBPD6HU3QI.jpg
  • zeuxidemus001zeuxidemus001 Member Posts: 3,357 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    A nice treat though would be to have some mak'leths snuck into season 7 lol. Besides a better tactical negh'var that doesn't turn as slow as the bortasqu' would also be nice :D Besides the bat'leth the mak'leth is something seen by Worf like in almost every episode/movie in his combat scenes and its a shame its not in the game already LOL. Not o mention again that we need a more beastly negh'var LOL.
  • leviathan99#2867 leviathan99 Member Posts: 7,747 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Zero the relativity uniform isnt showing up in Tribble lobi store.

    Last I saw, it was there. It's called "Wells Uniform" and isn't tagged as new. Buried somewhere odd on the list.
  • levi3levi3 Member Posts: 1,663 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    hevach wrote: »
    Except it's not. Using the fleet vendor to fill a tier 4 1000 point project's green doff input would cost, on average, 6,500,000 fleet credits. Not counting the much larger common doff input. Filling a tier 4 sub-tier upgrade would cost on average 13,000,000 (or about 500 million EC), but that's a one-time expenditure, not repeated for 150,000 XP worth of tier 4.

    Fleet marks, meanwhile, are not a problem. For that first project, a team of 5 running fleet mark missions would need a dozen runs on the outside (assuming they're good but not particularly great). Those same 5 would need over a hundred to get the fleet marks of that tier 4 upgrade done, but still paling before the equivalent burden of the 100 purple doffs.

    I was making no comment about the changes to tier 4 or 5 construction - I think those changes are appropiate. What is your comment regarding? I can only comment up to Tier 3 starbase which I completed by myself several weeks ago, while it was a hard project to do solo - it does not need requirements reduced if it can be solo'd in 3 1/2 months or less.

    Unless they are trying to get people to the massive dilth sink projects that start at tier 3 upgrades- and currently there are many fleets not reaching them. This could be the only logical reason to make the process easier/faster to get to the 2 million dithium upgrade at tier 3.

    That would make the only sense to this change - say there are 5000 small fleets struggling or stopping moving to tier 3 - reducing the small doff costs - getting them to the HUGE dilth upgrade costs - they are not going to give up when the reach the upgrade. So given the 5000 small fleet example that would take 10 BILLION more dilth to complete.

    So be carefull what you wish for those saying these changes to the Sub-tier 3 doff requirements are good - congrats - you will be heading into a 2 million dilth sink REALLY fast!!

    yes yes the more I think about it - the more I am convinced this is the true reason!
  • rybaksixrybaksix Member Posts: 193 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Really stupid question, but can anyone tell me if its possible to buy romulan ale on New Romulus :P ?
  • levi3levi3 Member Posts: 1,663 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    rybaksix wrote: »
    Really stupid question, but can anyone tell me if its possible to buy romulan ale on New Romulus :P ?

    Speaking of that - Zero if you want to hear another crazy idea from me - maybe not but here goes:

    instead of changing special items to replicable one - make projects require high amounts of things that are harder to gome by but not too hard

    like make assignments use lots of Nepa leaves, jevonite, unrefined ketracel, shapeshifting and tulaberries.

    These things cost 2000 ec for a doff mission that will next you 5 on normal 10 on a crit and maybe 2 if you fail.

    the prices of these things are the lowest I have ever seen them on the exchange - at least it would add more insentave to use the doff system to get commodities for the base.

    Each fleet member could easily pull in 10-20 of EACH of the special commodities per week - so adding the in higher numbers to the higher tiers would be a good replacement for removing the Green/Blue/purples from the regular mission
  • hatepwehatepwe Member Posts: 252 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Was there a new patch? I played on tribble last night and just got a patch...
  • jcswwjcsww Member Posts: 6,818 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    levi3 wrote: »
    They could easily say - the system was designed for a fleet of 25 casual players - wait they have!!

    So a 2 person fleet should take 13x as long as a 25 person casual fleet to reach tier 3

    If they designed a 25 person fleet to reach tier 3 in 2 months that means a 2 person fleet should reach tier 3 in 13x 2 or 26 months - or about 2 years.

    That is how the system was designed.

    I will say this 100x if necessary - with the fleet vendor this is NOT a doff problem - the real problem in starbases for smaller fleets is Dilth and marks.

    You need to realize one thing. Not every player in this game wants to be in a fleet or wants to be in a large fleet. I do have a couple of toons in larger fleets but that is those toons. I honestly prefer the smaller fleets to the larger ones I am a leader in. Fleets should scale by members.

    1-5 toons: whatever works for that.
    6-10 toons: double it.

    Keep scaling the system in a fair way going all the way up to 500. No, that doesn't mean it has to double every time either. This system works on one principle. If someone quits, the system doesn't reduce the requirements to prevent people from leaving to make it easier. So numbers can always increase with requirements but would remaint he same even if half hte fleet quit.
  • jonathanlonehawkjonathanlonehawk Member Posts: 674 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    hatepwe wrote: »
    Was there a new patch? I played on tribble last night and just got a patch...

    I was just looking on the boards to ask the same question.
    Formerly Known as Protector from June 2008 to June 20, 2012
    Please enable us to buy a token with Zen to faction change a 25th Century FED to a TOS FED.
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