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Zen...which ship to buy ?

amahoodamahood Member Posts: 0 Arc User
Alrighty, well, Greetings all,

I'm still fairly new to star trek online. I have 4 characters, 3 are level 50, so I do know some things, yet not as much as the experienced ones here, and it is your advice I am seeking:

I've got some zen, and yet I don't have money to get zen, so this is why I am asking this question:

Which Federation Ship is the Best ship to buy with zen, in your opinion and why?

I've been looking at the Dreadnought Cruiser for some time now, that looks to me like a tough ship, it seems it can load heavy dual cannons, I like that idea, to be able to use a cruiser which also fires cannons, would be an asset indeed.

It seems to have a cloak as well, though I do not think it has "battle cloak". It has a "spinal" thingy too, I'm not sure what that is for, unless more powerful phaser fire?

So that's the one ship I'm thinking of getting, yet there's also the Exploration Cruiser Retrofit, I like the idea that it can seperate the saucer section , yet I don't think it would be as powerful as the Dreadnought.

Anyhow yea, please, if anyone can give me their thoughts, I'd appreciate it, which "zen" federation ship? and why?

Even if the ship you suggest is not the dreadnought or exploration retrofit, thats cool too, I'd like to hear all ideas.

(oh and just to confirm , when you buy a ship with zen its unlocked for all current and future fed characters correct?)

Thanks, live long and Prosper!
Post edited by amahood on


  • lianthelialianthelia Member Posts: 7,865 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    amahood wrote: »
    Alrighty, well, Greetings all,

    I'm still fairly new to star trek online. I have 4 characters, 3 are level 50, so I do know some things, yet not as much as the experienced ones here, and it is your advice I am seeking:

    I've bought some zen, and yet I don't have money enough to get zen frequently, so this is why I am asking this question:

    Which Federation Ship is the Best ship to buy with zen, in your opinion and why?

    I've been looking at the Dreadnought Cruiser for some time now, that looks to me like a tough ship, it seems it can load heavy dual cannons, I like that idea, to be able to use a cruiser which also fires cannons, would be an asset indeed.

    It seems to have a cloak as well, though I do not think it has "battle cloak". It has a "spinal" thingy too, I'm not sure what that is for, unless more powerful phaser fire?

    So that's the one ship I'm thinking of getting, yet there's also the Exploration Cruiser Retrofit, I like the idea that it can seperate the saucer section , yet I don't think it would be as powerful as the Dreadnought.

    Anyhow yea, please, if anyone can give me their thoughts, I'd appreciate it, which "zen" federation ship? and why?

    Even if the ship you suggest is not the dreadnought or exploration retrofit, thats cool too, I'd like to hear all ideas.

    (oh and just to confirm , when you buy a ship with zen its unlocked for all current and future fed characters correct?)

    Thanks, live long and Prosper!

    It really depends on what you want to do, but word to the wise if you want the Gal-X to use dual cannons...don't purchase it...its way to slow turning to use dual cannons to any real affect. The Exploration cruiser is kinda a bad choice...because the ship has a really lousy Boff layout with to many engineering slots.

    If your looking for a good cruiser to do some damage with I would say go with the assault cruiser refit.
    Can't have a honest conversation because of a white knight with power
  • amahoodamahood Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    hmmm, I didn't think about that.... bout it being slow to turn to use the cannons..... Now that has got me even more unsure now lol And I'm Happy for that!

    cause This is why I'm asking, all you whom answer, I'm certain have more experience than I, so thank you for that thought, yea mainly the reason for my wanting that ship was the cannons.... yet now.... well, you bring up a good point.

    as for what i want in a ship, i dont really know now so I'm hoping for opinions and ideas.
  • szimszim Member Posts: 2,503 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    The dreadnought cruiser is nice. But it has its flaws. It may be able to equip cannons but due to its very low turnrate equiping cannons does only make sense against Borg structures and cubes. Such a build will be quite useless agains fast enemy ships. If you equip it with beam arrays it will be much more versatile.

    The spinal phaser lance is a burst weapon directly built into your ship meaning it's not a console. You can fire it once every 3 min so it's nice to have but not very effective. If you buy a dreadnought you should equip it with phaser weapons and then get some phaser relays equiped. They increase you phaser lance's damage as well.

    The saucer separation of the exploration cruiser retrofit is nice to have. Once separated your ship gets a higher turnrate. But you should know that the saucer section, as well as all separateable sections of any ship act quite dumb and they're usually not a very big help.

    Personally I prefer to fly escorts. They deal high damage and are very maneuverable. My favourite ship is the defiant class due to its BOFF configuration and cloaking device. The Armitage class is nice as well and very versatile depending on the class of fighters you equip.
    amahood wrote: »
    (oh and just to confirm , when you buy a ship with zen its unlocked for all current and future fed characters correct?)

    Yes that's correct.
  • zabonamzabonam Member Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    I use the Gal X with 4 heavy cannons and it's great. I mainly only do STFs so that's why. If I were to do PvP then it would suck.

    With 4 dual heavy cannons fore, and 4 turrets aft it can be a beast. I can keep up dps wise with most escorts.
  • stofskstofsk Member Posts: 1,744 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Given a choice between the Dreadnought and the Galaxy-refit, I'd go with the Galaxy-refit. I do not like the Dreadnought all that much, the third nacelle and all the weird stuff they just pasted onto the model look terrible IMO. Too busy etc. The Galaxy-refit is basically the ship you get from the show.

    Either that's worth $20 or a couple weeks of grinding, or it's not, because the free ships you get are just as capable if not more so (as others have pointed out, while the Dreadnought CAN equip dual heavies, it's not necessarily a good idea to do so given its turn rate).
  • nandospcnandospc Member Posts: 1,260 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Tactical Escort Retrofit for your tactical toons, best choise imho ;-)
  • talientalien Member Posts: 712 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    If you want a good Cruiser try the advanced heavy cruiser retrofit, can't go wrong with the Excelsior.

    Any of the Odyssey variants are also good, but they're only real good if you get the 3 pack for the console set bonus as that helps to offset the slow turn rate.
  • collegepark2151collegepark2151 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    My personal favorite is the Armitage loaded up with phaser beam arrays as a mini-tank and runabouts instead of fighters. Good turn rate and not limited by the firing arc of cannons. I have one quantum torpedo front and one back and use the photon spam console (can't remember the name right now).

    Edit: I tried using the Armitage as a torpedo boat but found that, at least for my playing style, it just didn't turn fast enough to bring them to bear.

    Porthos is not amused.
  • rikwesselsrikwessels Member Posts: 367 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    talien wrote: »
    If you want a good Cruiser try the advanced heavy cruiser retrofit, can't go wrong with the Excelsior.

    Any of the Odyssey variants are also good, but they're only real good if you get the 3 pack for the console set bonus as that helps to offset the slow turn rate.

    Ah but which of those three would vets say is the best one ? Given the fact the 3-pack costs 5k Zen and not all folks are willing to spend that amount of cash .....
  • talientalien Member Posts: 712 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    It just depends on what you want to do with it. If you want a better tank get the Operations, if you want more damage get the Tactical, if you want more utility get the Science.

    Personally if you're only going to get one I'd suggest the Operations because chevron separation is the most useful of the 3 consoles individually.
  • jacenjacen24jacenjacen24 Member Posts: 159 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    If you are looking to use this ship with all of your toons i recommend a carrier. Either the heavy escort or the caitan(spelling). The Hec has BoFF layout for tactical and the caitan is science. But they both work well for all captains.

    However cruiser wise. I would say one of odysseys. My bro bought the pack and he enjoys it but is favorite is the tactical. Has more of a punch.

    But for all toons i would avoid the dreadnaught it isnt for every captain. Ive flown the regent(i think its called that) its the one that comes with the torp that has a 180 degree firing arc.

    Good luck
  • rikwesselsrikwessels Member Posts: 367 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    talien wrote: »
    It just depends on what you want to do with it. If you want a better tank get the Operations, if you want more damage get the Tactical, if you want more utility get the Science.

    Personally if you're only going to get one I'd suggest the Operations because chevron separation is the most useful of the 3 consoles individually.

    which one is best science vessel in C-store ( in your opinion) ? Seems to me the Atrox carrier looks nicest in terms of utility. I'm also not convinced about the usefulness of the workbees console on the odyssey , but maybe someone who has it can set me straight on that....
  • rdm1958rdm1958 Member Posts: 822 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    i tried everything with the dreadnaught and to make a long story short, i no longer have that ship in my inventory. it is gone and good riddance.

    i bought the oddy pack and i am a big fan of the oddys. i especailly like the tac and sci oddy. i highly recommend oddys.

    if you like carriers you may want to check out the atrox. i hated this ship at first, but now really like it, especially after buying the more advanced danube runabouts.

    the armitage is a great ship if you like escorts and can be upgraded to a fleet ship at tier 5.

    if you had to have a science ship i would again recommend the sci oddy.
  • xantrisxantris Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    an Armitage
  • talientalien Member Posts: 712 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    As far as the Atrox goes I got it and have regretted it ever since, it's way too slow for a sci ship and it doesn't have sensor analysis. Add to that fed fighters are subpar compared to KDF, and there are no fed frigates that can be used as hangar pets.

    There aren't any real good science ships in the cstore unless you like the look of the D'kyr, to be perfectly honest you'd do just fine with the standard Recon or Long Range sci ships you can get for free in game. If you only care about having a sci ship on one character and don't mind having to buy another to replace it if you accidentally delete it you can buy a Temporal Science ship off the exchange. The Orb Weaver is cheaper on the exchange but it's got the turn rate of a Cruiser which hurts it's usefulness.

    Work bees is actually decent, it's a hull heal buff that stays with you until it triggers and usually the cooldown has reset by then (unless you're already taking hull damage when it's used) so you can use it again right away.
  • bluegeekbluegeek Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    I'm basically waiting to see what the Vesta looks like.

    Aside from that, my short list for Fed ships in no particular order is...

    Defiant Retrofit

    I'd get a D'Kora if it were possible to buy one for a semi-unreasonable price.
    My views may not represent those of Cryptic Studios or Perfect World Entertainment. You can file a "forums and website" support ticket here
    Link: How to PM - Twitter @STOMod_Bluegeek
  • talientalien Member Posts: 712 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Almost forgot about the D'Kora, it's pretty good if a little gimmicky. It can use DHC but doesn't have the tac boff layout to be effective with them in any real way so you're better off sticking with beam arrays, though it can get away with dual beam banks with the turn rate boost from battle mode. Having a dabo table on the bridge is an amusing addition.

    Downside is the same as any other lockbox ship, you get one of them for one character and if for some reason you ever accidentally delete it or decide you want it on a different character you have to buy a new one.
  • pwstolemynamepwstolemyname Member Posts: 1,417 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    I have:

    Multi-vector advanced escort.
    Tactical Escort Retrofit
    Atrox Carrier
    Long Range Science Vessel Retrofit
    Exploration Cruiser Retrofit
    Assault Cruiser Refit
    Advanced Research Vessel Retrofit

    Of those ships I would recommend the MVAE over any other.

    Many people love their Tactical Escort Retrofits, and will harp on about it being the superior ship. It is a fantastic ship, and it probably has the better value to Zen spent ratio. But if you know how to equip your ship, and If you know how to train your doffs to make the most of your ability slots, 9 fits out of 10, you will get exactly the same amount of damage from both, while the MVAE will allow you to stay alive and inflict that damage for longer. (Due to being able to use polarize hull 1, hazard emitters 2 and transfer shield strength 3)
  • peter1z9peter1z9 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    As far as science goes, I am happy with the Mirror Recon Science Vessel (Unless you are rich enough to get the Temporal Science Vessel). People are practically giving Mirror RSVs away on the exchange now.

    My main reason for using it is the simple fact that it has 3 tactical boff ability slots (1 ensign tac, and one lt tac), along with 7 science boff slots (1 lt commander and 1 commander). It also has a much larger crew which helps in the rare event that something gets through your shields. Even the Z-Store Caitian and Advanced Research Vessel Refit (Nebula class) only have 2 tactical boff ability slots (1 lt tac).

    For Cruisers I would get the Odyssey pack. 'nuff said.

    For Tactical It's really what you would prefer between the Multi-Vector Advanced Escort, or the Tactical Escort Refit (Defiant). The MVAE gives you a Commander Science Boff slot in exchange for an ensign, lt, and lt commander tactical slots. The Defiant gives you a lt Science Boff slot in exhange for an ensign, lt commander, and commander tactical boff slots. Then there's the choice between cloaking and Multi-Vector Assault mode.

    Peronally I would take the MVAE for 2 extra science tanking abilities and Multi-Vector Assault mode. For tanking, get a polarize, a hazard emitters, and two transfer shield strengths. Or if you want to get creative (for PvE only), you could spec into flow capacitors, buy a science boff with Tyken's 3 on the Commander ability slot and make NPC borg ships cry. Also, the cloaking on the Defiant isn't really that useful once you are in combat.
    "Our Bugs are working as intended" - Cryptic
  • ltsmithltsmith Member Posts: 207 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    The excelsior retrofit is a good ship. I personally like it; it has been my main ship since it was released.
    Join date: January 2010
  • rdm1958rdm1958 Member Posts: 822 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    ltsmith wrote: »
    The excelsior retrofit is a good ship. I personally like it; it has been my main ship since it was released.

    ugly as sin, but a great ship indeed.
  • bluegeekbluegeek Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    peter1z9 wrote: »
    For Tactical It's really what you would prefer between the Multi-Vector Advanced Escort, or the Tactical Escort Refit (Defiant). The MVAE gives you a Commander Science Boff slot in exchange for an ensign, lt, and lt commander tactical slots. The Defiant gives you a lt Science Boff slot in exhange for an ensign, lt commander, and commander tactical boff slots. Then there's the choice between cloaking and Multi-Vector Assault mode.

    Peronally I would take the MVAE for 2 extra science tanking abilities and Multi-Vector Assault mode. For tanking, get a polarize, a hazard emitters, and two transfer shield strengths. Or if you want to get creative (for PvE only), you could spec into flow capacitors, buy a science boff with Tyken's 3 on the Commander ability slot and make NPC borg ships cry. Also, the cloaking on the Defiant isn't really that useful once you are in combat.

    I get what you're saying here... but I just don't want an MVAE. I like the look of the Defiant. I like the fact that it's an iconic ship and it reminds me of DS9.

    Is there a good video of someone flying an MVAE? That might convince me.
    My views may not represent those of Cryptic Studios or Perfect World Entertainment. You can file a "forums and website" support ticket here
    Link: How to PM - Twitter @STOMod_Bluegeek
  • dracounguisdracounguis Member Posts: 5,358 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    +1 vote for waiting till Season 7 to do anything! Comes out in November.

    If you have 70-80 million EC there are good ships on the Exchange.

    As for the Z-store ships, and you want a cruiser, I'd vote for the T5 Excelsior. Good turn rate for a cruiser, good boff layout. All round good ship. Plus it costs 500 less than the dreadnaught, assault cruiser refit or the explore refit.

    Obviously, the 'best' cruiser is the Odyssey. But get the 3pack if you get it for all the consoles. That's what I run for my engineer/cruiser driver.
    Sometimes I think I play STO just to have something to complain about on the forums.
  • jslynjslyn Member Posts: 1,788 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    I have played many different types of ships, but I found that love the MVAM Escort. I used it for most of the time that I have played the game. It is quick and hard-hitting like Escorts.

    The MVAM can separate to give you three ships rather than a single one. When separating, you can choose which section you want to command: top, middle, or bottom sections, each piece representing a ship type: Cruiser, Escort and Science respectively. The other two sections become NPCs with their own weapons and abilities to help you.

    Also, you can pop the Console out and stick it in to the normal Advanced Escort or the Fleet Advanced Escort. That way you can have a choice of Bridge Officer layouts to fit your personal play style while still allowing for the separation ability.

    As for the Galaxy-X, I have that ship. I use it on my Borg Captain (with the Borg Set, and a No Organics Allowed crew). I use nine Turrets on it: one in each Weapon Slot plus one in a Console (although you get ten Turrets if you use both Console types). This way Turn Rate is irrelevant since it does full damage 360 degrees. Then there is the Spinal Lance for anyone who flies in front of the vessel (if you have seen the last episode of TNG, the Spinal Lance is that large cannon mounted under the saucer section of the Future Enterprise).

    I find that build of the Gal-X to be fun to play with. Granted, she is only a PvE ship. She would bite if I tried to use her in PvP. Not only because the weaker output of turrets, but also because since I built it as a Borg version it uses only Plasma type weapons. And that is really the trick: if you do not play PvP, you can fly whatever you want with whatever loadout you want. Pick what looks cool to you and go for it.
  • stark2kstark2k Member Posts: 1,467 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    amahood wrote: »
    Alrighty, well, Greetings all,

    I'm still fairly new to star trek online. I have 4 characters, 3 are level 50, so I do know some things, yet not as much as the experienced ones here, and it is your advice I am seeking:

    I've bought some zen, and yet I don't have money enough to get zen frequently, so this is why I am asking this question:

    Which Federation Ship is the Best ship to buy with zen, in your opinion and why?

    For starters you have to be specific in what exactly is your play style, or for that matter what role do you wish to take. Remember to spec according to the TYPE of ship. Eng, Tact, & Sci

    Obviously if you desire to TANK, then go cruiser - BUT keep in mind that the Tank role in a PvP scenerio is obsolete, because of the nature of PVP.

    I did PvP in my Dreadnaught in the past - pre-nerf - and met with success due to my team. However; Post Nerf - the Tanker days were numbered.

    PvP Cruiser vs Escort - with new consoles etc.. Cruisers tend to get shredded in sec now

    Science vessels are your middle of the road vessels with various sci abilities. Its the "Mage" of the bunch, sorta speak.

    If you're a Tact, stay away from cruisers - Though you can make a moderate good build with Tact/Cruiser - Thing is, you tend to lose potential. This is very very true in PvP scenerios, which portray the Tact profession as ruthless killing machines.

    Again - all this depends on spec, player knowledge, and skills. However; Keep in mind that +1 Consoles or special consoles tip the scale of balance - Things like Point defense system etc... can tip the scale to the one possessing it.

    In a NUTSHELL if you are a tact profession and want to use a cruiser or science vessel, then spec for the vessel and not the profession. This is determined by number of profession specific BO slots and console slots.

    RULE of thumb - spec according to the ship. However; Your profession may lose some potential.

    IMHO - My choice for Cruisers are the following:

    #1 - Excelsior Refit - still one of the best in the game
    #2 - Oddy 3 Pack - The ship is Ugly as Hell, but if looks don't matter to you, go for it.
    #3 - Regent Class

    My Choice for Escorts:

    #1 - If you are RICH - Jem'Hadar Attack Fighter - Considered the BEST Escort in the game
    #2 - Defiant Refit - Though I wish the cloak was a Battle cloak
    #3 - MVA - Nice vessel to have / nicely balanced

    My Choice for Science:

    #1 - Luna Class / will be replaced by the Vesta (need to see specs)
    #2 - Deep science vessel
    #3 - Intrepid

    My Choice of Science Carriers:

    #1 - The Best Carrier in the game - Tholian Recluse
    #2 - The KDF Carrier
    #3 - (While not a True Carrier per se / The Artimage, which serves as a Flight Deck Carrier, is a fun ship to experiment with)

    (Stay away from the Atrox - worst carrier of the three)
  • amahoodamahood Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    ok, first off, THANK YOU EVERYBODY!!!!!!! for your fantastic answers!!

    You do not know just How Much I appreciate them all and indeed the time you all took to do so!!

    God if I could only reply to every single one LOL, yet I have read them all and am grateful to all of you dear fellow star trek fans for your replies.

    After reading all the replies, you have definitly made me re-think what ship to buy. before-hand I had just had my eye on the two mentioned, yet Now, I actually am quite interested in practically all the ships now LOL.

    Somone mentioned a "Vesta", I'm not too sure what that is or what it will look like, it sounds to me like an escort ship name..?

    StarK2K, thank you also indeed, for all your advice as well, you are most correct when saying I was not precise enough with explaining what I'm looking for in a ship. (for that I am sorry folks), yet truth be-told, I was so uncertain of my decision that literally ANY ship is a welcome idea for me.

    The kind of federation officer I like to create the most (at the moment), is science officers, mainly because at level 50 you can use what others don't get (as far as I know), which is the "photonic fleet" (--correct term?)) , basically , (as I'm sure your all aware no doubt), with all officers, at that level, once your ship is under 50% you can call upon a fleet, yet science admirals can call upon another fleet without waiting to be that percentage of ship health.

    So that's why my preferred officer to use is a science one.

    As for a ship, see, lately (since I have being doing alot of stf missions to get borg tech), I have been using my escorts. For one character I have one of the level 40 escorts (not the vector the other one) --(the one that doesn't split up----i'm assuming from what i've read, one of them can split to 3?).

    Anyhow, that character, a science officer, as I said, level 40 escort, is what I been using alot , I do like the movement ability, yet I also like the canons I've equiped on it. I like to have 2 cannons, a dual phaser and torpedoe launcher on the Fore. Then I use the wide beam phasers in the back and

    I also have, with that character, the enterprise that you can get at level 30, (mainly because I'm a huge fan of the next gen series). I like the size of it, I wish I could load cannons, yet the movement, well, i'm gonna use it today to see if I like using such or not (it's been awhile since I used that ship).

    So anyhow, I like the look of that particular cruiser, yet the movement, and the fact it can't have cannons, does bother me at times.

    I also like , with cruisers, how there's a larger crew and hull (obviously), and that is why, (originally), I was liking the sound of the dreadnought, since it has both size and ability for cannons, and that lance seems powerfull from what it sounds like.

    Yet the movement does bother me at times...... I don't like the small size of the escorts, but I luv their moving capabilities.

    So that's where I'm at right now, I'm so undecided even still, after all the Great replies, that I even have another question posted about whether to use the zen for other things instead of a new ship LOL, that question is here if anyone wants to post their too:


    Also, jslyn, thank you too, for your advice as well.

    And dracounguis , you said "If you have 70-80 million EC there are good ships on the Exchange.", I was not aware that you could buy ships through the exchange... I always thought you could just trade zen for crystals and vis-versa...?

    I'm also unsure as to what "EC" are, is it a fleet thing?

    I must admit to not knowing much about fleets, for I am not in one. (For many personal reasons only). And I do not plan to join one any time soon. Though I can see the logic behind it.

    Anyhow, I can not remember what more I was going to say LOL, yet thank you all for your replies! I am going to take into mind, all that has been said here, I appreciate the effort and time you all have
    taken to reply.

    And though I'm usally a "loner" in space, I no-doubt shall be fighting along side you all against the borg at times.

    So until then,

    Live long and Prosper.

  • stark2kstark2k Member Posts: 1,467 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    amahood wrote: »

    I'm also unsure as to what "EC" are, is it a fleet thing?

    EC is the acrynom for Energy Credits

    It's the mainstream and original Star Trek online currency.

    When you buy something from the exchange (access at ESD, SB 39, K7, donatsu system, and the S.S. Azura II console, you have to use Energy Credits (EC) to purchase from other players.

    If you are a Gold member or Lifetime subscriber, the EC cap is set at a Billion
  • amahoodamahood Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Do you know... lol, I've even become tempted (due to being so undecided), to buy the ship for 500 from the original series that kirk used, and use the rest of the zen to get character slots and perhaps a fed klingon LOL,

    like I said though, there's another area for that discussion.
  • amahoodamahood Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Energy credits!!! of course! gosh ! why didn't I realize that LOL (totally embarressed now LOL)
  • stark2kstark2k Member Posts: 1,467 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    amahood wrote: »
    Somone mentioned a "Vesta", I'm not too sure what that is or what it will look like, it sounds to me like an escort ship name..?

    Click on the link to learn more about the Vesta


    It's considered more of a science/Cruiser hybrid - will probably be sold on the CStore for about 2,000 Zen points. (Price may vary)
    amahood wrote: »
    StarK2K, thank you also indeed, for all your advice as well, you are most correct when saying I was not precise enough with explaining what I'm looking for in a ship. (for that I am sorry folks), yet truth be-told, I was so uncertain of my decision that literally ANY ship is a welcome idea for me.

    The kind of federation officer I like to create the most (at the moment), is science officers, mainly because at level 50 you can use what others don't get (as far as I know), which is the "photonic fleet" (--correct term?)) , basically , (as I'm sure your all aware no doubt), with all officers, at that level, once your ship is under 50% you can call upon a fleet, yet science admirals can call upon another fleet without waiting to be that percentage of ship health.

    So that's why my preferred officer to use is a science one.

    Glad I could help. Sci Captain's are recently blessed with two awesome Mirror Universe Science vessels that are currently affordable on the exchange.

    The MU Deep science vessel & the MU science exploration vessel (Luna Class)
    amahood wrote: »
    As for a ship, see, lately (since I have being doing alot of stf missions to get borg tech), I have been using my escorts. For one character I have one of the level 40 escorts (not the vector the other one) --(the one that doesn't split up----i'm assuming from what i've read, one of them can split to 3?).

    Anyhow, that character, a science officer, as I said, level 40 escort, is what I been using alot , I do like the movement ability, yet I also like the canons I've equiped on it. I like to have 2 cannons, a dual phaser and torpedoe launcher on the Fore. Then I use the wide beam phasers in the back and torpedoes.

    http://memory-gamma.wikia.com/wiki/Prometheus_class click on the link to learn more about the Multi Vector.

    I forgot about the Prometheus Class and its 2 incarnation - That is the Free version and the Multi Vector Version MVA for short - The Prometheus is an excellent choice for Sci Captain's that prefer a bit more teeth.

    Keep in mind that both the free version and the CStore version (MVA) can use the same console for the split effect - Here is the good part - both versions have different BO setup, so you actually have a bit of flexability in your builds.
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