Guys, I'm getting bored of decent forum threads being derailed by the same individual with the intellectual range of a tea spoon. Ignore him and he will go away. Reply to him and he will always return. Don't sink to his level. Simple.
I'm sad that people can't use Plasma in PVP, it's pretty awesome.
I'm sad that when I'm in an STF and a purple Mk.12 space weapon drops my heart soars! When I see that it's Plasma it sinks.
I'm sad that regardless of the new sets and abilities that DO get released, the vast majority will still rely on the MACO shield with the rest sticking to Tet Gliders and whole Borg sets.
I'm sad that when people make a new character for PVP, they'll have to spend a lot of time in PVE in order to get the same things.
I'm sad that the Reman set doesn't see very special at all, and certainly not worth roughly 60 Vault STF runs in order to have the best final set.
I'm sad that the Jemmy set, though interesting was just not good enough to warrant putting on a ship, much less an actual JHAS. How awesome would it be to have that as a choice?
I'm sad that Bort and other Devs like to quote the old "Giving players choices on how to play is our main concern" line. We don't have proper choices, there is no A, B or C. 90% of the people you fight rock the same stuff.
Could they just negate the 20% plasma resist while in a PVP area? If people want that resistance they can get it in other ways to combat other players that may use it. Give PVPers plasma and you might give them a weapon to aggravate all those pesky escorts and they're hull. Yes we all have HE, but not good quality ones.
the 20% resistance wouldn't be a problem if not everyone had it. If there were other shields and/or set combos and mashups to choose from then it wouldn't be a problem. Hopefully Elite Fleet gear will be great and I can decide NOT to use MACO.
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] @Aquitaine985 Lag Industries STO PvP Fleet - Executive
A Sad Panda of Industrial calibre. 2010: This is Cryptic PvP. Please hold the line, your call is very important to us...
Why not just tone down the npc damage by X% rather than make a weapons class useless? More logical approach. The next question for me is if that was the case, why have plasma weapons as an option?
Why not just give the Borg thier own damage type (Borg plasma) and let the STF gear won have a modifier against Borg damage?
There is no logic, it was put there for the PvEers IMO and as you say it has ruled out a whole class of weapons from PvP, a class that I would love to have taken advantage of
Listen, I understand the gripe about an entire class of weapons being rendered sub-par.
I really do.
There is however a logic to it.
MMOs have always had an element of item acquisition and gear improvement.
The reason is that items that help you do X are an improvement, and improvements motivate players to do X and possibly Y & Z as well.
To bring the idea to an absurd conclusion we could say that all modifiers & procs are all "illogical" and that the entire game should only contain "white" gear weapons and equipment, with the rest of the mechanics (like Defense) being balanced around that gear.
I personally think that would get boring fast. (I'm not saying anyone is actually advocating this, but this would be significantly better balanced).
Plasma drew the short straw because the Borg use plasma, and the Developers either didn't care or didn't realize how it would affect PvP.
That's not really the point is it? The point here is that rather than the developers working slightly harder to give the STF gear a resistance ONLY WHEN FIGHTING BORG they didn't, they gave a global resistance to ANY plasma weapon which basically rules it out in PvP. A simple code change is all that would be required to bring back a whole class of weapons to PvP.
That simple code change would also remove the resistance portion completely when players face enemies like Romulans.
This puts the developers into a pickle. Take away from one, to give to another.
From Borticus' posts, I think we can infer the devs are more prone to give something that would fix the issue rather than take away something players have earned. (See thread on SNB doffs).
I think a better solution, at this point, would be to leave the STF shields alone and instead change the tag on player plasma.
So now player plasma, let's call it "Plasma X" for the sake of argument, bypasses the resistance on the STF shields which are only tagged vs. Plasma.
PvP gets plasma weapons back as a viable weapon choice, PvE loses nothing in the conversion.
It'd be a lot less of an issue if non-set gear wasn't so awful and set gear wasn't so divine in comparison.
That's a fair assessment.
On the other hand, how do you convince the majority of your player-base to run the same three hamster wheels day in and day out for well over a year. (Full disclosure: I run it for the Dilithium at this point).
It would be nice if MACO/Omega/Honor Guard shields were all changed to give 20% resistance to borg or if borg damage type was reclassified as borg plasma as an earlier poster suggested and shields only resisted borg plasma. Doing 1 of those solutions shouldn't be too hard. More variety in weapons is always good, makes game more interesting.
To the OP: Yes, the STF gear has Plasma Resist because that's good against the Borg. It really is that simple.
To the suggestion of changing the damage type on Borg: We want to avoid doing things like giving a specific group of enemies something like "Borg Plasma" with a special resist set, as it sets a poor precedence. Down that rabbit hole lies things like "Dominion Polaron," "Klingon Disruptors," "Tholian Tetryon" and such. It's a mess, and it's better to avoid it altogether.
That's not a dismissal of the situation as a whole, though. Just that particular proposed solution.
Jeremy Randall
Cryptic - Lead Systems Designer
"Play smart!"
Why are you not checking about the problems with Cruisers Bort? I would STRONGLY suggest you check the " Federation Shipyard " forum section and take a look....soon.
To the OP: Yes, the STF gear has Plasma Resist because that's good against the Borg. It really is that simple.
To the suggestion of changing the damage type on Borg: We want to avoid doing things like giving a specific group of enemies something like "Borg Plasma" with a special resist set, as it sets a poor precedence. Down that rabbit hole lies things like "Dominion Polaron," "Klingon Disruptors," "Tholian Tetryon" and such. It's a mess, and it's better to avoid it altogether.
That's not a dismissal of the situation as a whole, though. Just that particular proposed solution.
jman, poor excuse here. you would only have to go down such a rabbit hole if you made sets that are better then the stf sets, that directly resist disruptors, polaron, or tetryon. you guys created this problem by making MUST have shields directly resist a usable energy type. STOP making must have shields that resist playable energy types, and please correct this trespass against plasma weapons once and for all.
creating an 'exotic' plasma npc energy type for borg and unidine makes it so 1 of 6 energy types is no longer invalid. since borg and unidine are THE end game npcs in the game, this rabbit hole is very shallow. you dig the rabbit hole by making set equipment that directly counters an npc's energy type, for RP reasons of all thing, stop that.
Why are you not checking about the problems with Cruisers Bort? I would STRONGLY suggest you check the " Federation Shipyard " forum section and take a look....soon.
That's not a dismissal of the situation as a whole, though. Just that particular proposed solution.
Instead of making individual weapon types for individual factions, would it be possible to just add the functionality "Reduced damage from X-faction" as a modifier? So STF shields could give a 20% borg resistance, or Reman shields could give a 20% Romulan resistance?
To the OP: Yes, the STF gear has Plasma Resist because that's good against the Borg. It really is that simple.
To the suggestion of changing the damage type on Borg: We want to avoid doing things like giving a specific group of enemies something like "Borg Plasma" with a special resist set, as it sets a poor precedence. Down that rabbit hole lies things like "Dominion Polaron," "Klingon Disruptors," "Tholian Tetryon" and such. It's a mess, and it's better to avoid it altogether.
That's not a dismissal of the situation as a whole, though. Just that particular proposed solution.
But this is silly... there already are faction-specific resists and buffs and stuff, hell the Borg debuff is on anything you buy with EDC/salvage. You just released a whole slew of DOffs that give flat buffs against specific NPC types.
If you'd prefer not to call it "Borg plasma" then just say "X% resist against the Borg". It's that simple.
Instead of making individual weapon types for individual factions, would it be possible to just add the functionality "Reduced damage from X-faction" as a modifier? So STF shields could give a 20% borg resistance, or Reman shields could give a 20% Romulan resistance?
But this is silly... there already are faction-specific resists and buffs and stuff, hell the Borg debuff is on anything you buy with EDC/salvage. You just released a whole slew of DOffs that give flat buffs against specific NPC types.
If you'd prefer not to call it "Borg plasma" then just say "X% resist against the Borg". It's that simple.
That would require work... and it would undo the strategic damage cryptic inflicted on pvp to ''encourage'' people to field canon energy types!
He can't use the excuse of "we don't have the tech for that!". Because they actually do. There are accolades in this game that do just that already.
Also Jman, anyone worth a damn doesn't die more than once in an STF anyway. (Without plasma resists) Exactly why would you want to take an already laughably easy experience and make it even easier?
jman, poor excuse here. you would only have to go down such a rabbit hole if you made sets that are better then the stf sets, that directly resist disruptors, polaron, or tetryon. you guys created this problem by making MUST have shields directly resist a usable energy type. STOP making must have shields that resist playable energy types, and please correct this trespass against plasma weapons once and for all.
Love you bort, you keep coming back and in all seriousness I appreciate the dialog.
Drunk said it best, the same thought I had when I read your response. Wish I could sugarcoat it but he cut to the heart of the matter.
We just switched buildings at my job and it caused some slowdowns so I've got cranky people on a professional level. Thanks for still coming around even though we're cranky.
Edit: P.S. It hurts all the more because plasma is so damn pretty, plus it's the dot proc. Who doesn't like to tinker with a dot build?
_______________ CommanderDonatra@Capt.Sisko: ahhh is it supposed to do that? Norvo Tigan@dontdrunkimshoot: hell ya, maybe
Love you bort, you keep coming back and in all seriousness I appreciate the dialog.
Drunk said it best, the same thought I had when I read your response. Wish I could sugarcoat it but he cut to the heart of the matter.
We just switched buildings at my job and it caused some slowdowns so I've got cranky people on a professional level. Thanks for still coming around even though we're cranky.
Edit: P.S. It hurts all the more because plasma is so damn pretty, plus it's the dot proc. Who doesn't like to tinker with a dot build?
Agreed, really starting to appreciate your responses even though they might not be to our liking.
if you wanted shields to have a useful resist to borg, they would have a kinetic resist. 90% of damage and death from borg , and any other npc, is from their hilariously over buffed torpedoes.
if you wanted shields to have a useful resist to borg, they would have a kinetic resist. 90% of damage and death from borg , and any other npc, is from their hilariously over buffed torpedoes.
We don't need that either. That's the last thing we need is to kick torpedoes which are only bein kept alive by a select few of us back into the grave.
The assumption that the tech exists to make items that resist only Borg plasma is actually incorrect. The engine has the tech to check particulars of the target when a power is applied against that target. It does not have the ability to tell about the particulars of a source when someone is affected by a power from that source.
E.g: If you fire a weapon at the Borg, the engine can tell that your target is Borg and thus apply modifiers.
If you are hit by a Borg plasma weapon, the engine can tell that you were hit by plasma (because the weapon damage is of that type), but the engine does not report particulars about who fired the plasma. The engine thus cannot have a power on you (the person who was hit) that checks to see if the incoming damage was from Borg and then reduces it.
It is a difference in what information is visible depending upon whether a power is incoming or outgoing.
The only ways to have an item that resists plasma from Borg attacks would be to:
(a) Change all of the Borg's plasma weapons to be type "Borg plasma," which gets into the problem that Jeremy mentioned previously.
(b) Change all of the Borg's plasma weapons to have a separate damage entry if the target has a particular power (namely, the set item bonus power). Extremely unwieldy, very subject to bugs.
(c) Get new tech that allows targets to parse more information from the source of powers used on them.
Well, alright, how about just removing the plasma resist altogether? Like someone said above, the vast, vast majority of NPC damage doesn't come from energy weapons anyway.
I also want to say (as diplomatically as possible) that I'm baffled at your answer, given the combat log clearly notes not only who specifically dealt damage and from what source, but even when.
I also want to say (as diplomatically as possible) that I'm baffled at your answer, given the combat log clearly notes not only who specifically dealt damage and from what source, but even when.
The level of information available to various elements of the system may depend on the specifics of the system. I don't work with the UI so I don't know what parameters are passed to display, but I can say from experience that a power set to give you resistance does not (at this time) have the ability to vary that resistance or to turn it off or on based on information from the source of damage. It can only give you resistance to a type of damage.
To the OP: Yes, the STF gear has Plasma Resist because that's good against the Borg. It really is that simple.
To the suggestion of changing the damage type on Borg: We want to avoid doing things like giving a specific group of enemies something like "Borg Plasma" with a special resist set, as it sets a poor precedence. Down that rabbit hole lies things like "Dominion Polaron," "Klingon Disruptors," "Tholian Tetryon" and such. It's a mess, and it's better to avoid it altogether.
That's not a dismissal of the situation as a whole, though. Just that particular proposed solution.
Rather than have specific NPC designation would just a generic NPC designation be doable?
Likewise put in Player Polaron, Plasma, Tetryon etc. Couldn't this also help balance Sci pet abilities vs Boff player abilities?
[Zone] Dack@****: cowards can't take a fed 1 on 1 crinckley cowards Hahahaha you smell like flowers
Random Quote from Kerrat
"Sumlobus@****: your mums eat Iced Targ Poo"
C&H Fed banter
I'm sad that people can't use Plasma in PVP, it's pretty awesome.
I'm sad that when I'm in an STF and a purple Mk.12 space weapon drops my heart soars! When I see that it's Plasma it sinks.
I'm sad that regardless of the new sets and abilities that DO get released, the vast majority will still rely on the MACO shield with the rest sticking to Tet Gliders and whole Borg sets.
I'm sad that when people make a new character for PVP, they'll have to spend a lot of time in PVE in order to get the same things.
I'm sad that the Reman set doesn't see very special at all, and certainly not worth roughly 60 Vault STF runs in order to have the best final set.
I'm sad that the Jemmy set, though interesting was just not good enough to warrant putting on a ship, much less an actual JHAS. How awesome would it be to have that as a choice?
I'm sad that Bort and other Devs like to quote the old "Giving players choices on how to play is our main concern" line. We don't have proper choices, there is no A, B or C. 90% of the people you fight rock the same stuff.
Could they just negate the 20% plasma resist while in a PVP area? If people want that resistance they can get it in other ways to combat other players that may use it. Give PVPers plasma and you might give them a weapon to aggravate all those pesky escorts and they're hull. Yes we all have HE, but not good quality ones.
the 20% resistance wouldn't be a problem if not everyone had it. If there were other shields and/or set combos and mashups to choose from then it wouldn't be a problem. Hopefully Elite Fleet gear will be great and I can decide NOT to use MACO.
Lag Industries STO PvP Fleet - Executive
A Sad Panda of Industrial calibre.
2010: This is Cryptic PvP. Please hold the line, your call is very important to us...
I would love to use Plasma again, but there's little reason to.
They should just make it so that the Plasma affects PvE but not player-vs-player like with Threat Control.
Why not just give the Borg thier own damage type (Borg plasma) and let the STF gear won have a modifier against Borg damage?
Listen, I understand the gripe about an entire class of weapons being rendered sub-par.
I really do.
There is however a logic to it.
MMOs have always had an element of item acquisition and gear improvement.
The reason is that items that help you do X are an improvement, and improvements motivate players to do X and possibly Y & Z as well.
To bring the idea to an absurd conclusion we could say that all modifiers & procs are all "illogical" and that the entire game should only contain "white" gear weapons and equipment, with the rest of the mechanics (like Defense) being balanced around that gear.
I personally think that would get boring fast. (I'm not saying anyone is actually advocating this, but this would be significantly better balanced).
Plasma drew the short straw because the Borg use plasma, and the Developers either didn't care or didn't realize how it would affect PvP.
That's not a good thing, and should be remedied.
vids and guides and stuff
[9:52] [Zone #11] Neal@trapper1532: im a omega force shadow oprative and a maoc elite camander and here i am taking water samples
That simple code change would also remove the resistance portion completely when players face enemies like Romulans.
This puts the developers into a pickle. Take away from one, to give to another.
From Borticus' posts, I think we can infer the devs are more prone to give something that would fix the issue rather than take away something players have earned. (See thread on SNB doffs).
I think a better solution, at this point, would be to leave the STF shields alone and instead change the tag on player plasma.
So now player plasma, let's call it "Plasma X" for the sake of argument, bypasses the resistance on the STF shields which are only tagged vs. Plasma.
PvP gets plasma weapons back as a viable weapon choice, PvE loses nothing in the conversion.
That's a fair assessment.
On the other hand, how do you convince the majority of your player-base to run the same three hamster wheels day in and day out for well over a year.
To the OP: Yes, the STF gear has Plasma Resist because that's good against the Borg. It really is that simple.
To the suggestion of changing the damage type on Borg: We want to avoid doing things like giving a specific group of enemies something like "Borg Plasma" with a special resist set, as it sets a poor precedence. Down that rabbit hole lies things like "Dominion Polaron," "Klingon Disruptors," "Tholian Tetryon" and such. It's a mess, and it's better to avoid it altogether.
That's not a dismissal of the situation as a whole, though. Just that particular proposed solution.
Cryptic - Lead Systems Designer
"Play smart!"
Here's a link Bort.
jman, poor excuse here. you would only have to go down such a rabbit hole if you made sets that are better then the stf sets, that directly resist disruptors, polaron, or tetryon. you guys created this problem by making MUST have shields directly resist a usable energy type. STOP making must have shields that resist playable energy types, and please correct this trespass against plasma weapons once and for all.
creating an 'exotic' plasma npc energy type for borg and unidine makes it so 1 of 6 energy types is no longer invalid. since borg and unidine are THE end game npcs in the game, this rabbit hole is very shallow. you dig the rabbit hole by making set equipment that directly counters an npc's energy type, for RP reasons of all thing, stop that.
L2P, and don't stalk the devs with the dev tracker with this off topic TRIBBLE
Instead of making individual weapon types for individual factions, would it be possible to just add the functionality "Reduced damage from X-faction" as a modifier? So STF shields could give a 20% borg resistance, or Reman shields could give a 20% Romulan resistance?
But this is silly... there already are faction-specific resists and buffs and stuff, hell the Borg debuff is on anything you buy with EDC/salvage. You just released a whole slew of DOffs that give flat buffs against specific NPC types.
If you'd prefer not to call it "Borg plasma" then just say "X% resist against the Borg". It's that simple.
vids and guides and stuff
[9:52] [Zone #11] Neal@trapper1532: im a omega force shadow oprative and a maoc elite camander and here i am taking water samples
beat me to it....
That would require work... and it would undo the strategic damage cryptic inflicted on pvp to ''encourage'' people to field canon energy types!
He can't use the excuse of "we don't have the tech for that!". Because they actually do. There are accolades in this game that do just that already.
Also Jman, anyone worth a damn doesn't die more than once in an STF anyway. (Without plasma resists) Exactly why would you want to take an already laughably easy experience and make it even easier?
Drunk said it best, the same thought I had when I read your response. Wish I could sugarcoat it but he cut to the heart of the matter.
We just switched buildings at my job and it caused some slowdowns so I've got cranky people on a professional level. Thanks for still coming around even though we're cranky.
Edit: P.S. It hurts all the more because plasma is so damn pretty, plus it's the dot proc. Who doesn't like to tinker with a dot build?
CommanderDonatra@Capt.Sisko: ahhh is it supposed to do that?
Norvo Tigan@dontdrunkimshoot: hell ya, maybe
Agreed, really starting to appreciate your responses even though they might not be to our liking.
We don't need that either. That's the last thing we need is to kick torpedoes which are only bein kept alive by a select few of us back into the grave.
E.g: If you fire a weapon at the Borg, the engine can tell that your target is Borg and thus apply modifiers.
If you are hit by a Borg plasma weapon, the engine can tell that you were hit by plasma (because the weapon damage is of that type), but the engine does not report particulars about who fired the plasma. The engine thus cannot have a power on you (the person who was hit) that checks to see if the incoming damage was from Borg and then reduces it.
It is a difference in what information is visible depending upon whether a power is incoming or outgoing.
The only ways to have an item that resists plasma from Borg attacks would be to:
(a) Change all of the Borg's plasma weapons to be type "Borg plasma," which gets into the problem that Jeremy mentioned previously.
(b) Change all of the Borg's plasma weapons to have a separate damage entry if the target has a particular power (namely, the set item bonus power). Extremely unwieldy, very subject to bugs.
(c) Get new tech that allows targets to parse more information from the source of powers used on them.
vids and guides and stuff
[9:52] [Zone #11] Neal@trapper1532: im a omega force shadow oprative and a maoc elite camander and here i am taking water samples
vids and guides and stuff
[9:52] [Zone #11] Neal@trapper1532: im a omega force shadow oprative and a maoc elite camander and here i am taking water samples
The level of information available to various elements of the system may depend on the specifics of the system. I don't work with the UI so I don't know what parameters are passed to display, but I can say from experience that a power set to give you resistance does not (at this time) have the ability to vary that resistance or to turn it off or on based on information from the source of damage. It can only give you resistance to a type of damage.
Rather than have specific NPC designation would just a generic NPC designation be doable?
Dominion = NPC Polaron
Borg = NPC Plasma
Tholian = NPC Tetryon
Likewise put in Player Polaron, Plasma, Tetryon etc. Couldn't this also help balance Sci pet abilities vs Boff player abilities?
Random Quote from Kerrat
"Sumlobus@****: your mums eat Iced Targ Poo"
C&H Fed banter