What was the logic behind having resistance to plasma energy on STF shield gear? I feel i've never been given a satisfactory reason for it.
Its pretty much ruled out a class of energy weaponry to use in pvp. Any future solution fo this at all?
Personally, i love the colour and sound of plasma weapons fiering
Shame i wont use the stuff in competative pvp for the above reasons....
Never knew your new name was Borticus...... And to me thats not a satisfactory logical justification. Very short sited if it is.
I'm curious where the Rom Rep gear is going to fit in and who the Rom enemy is. They've aligned with the Remans, Federation, and KDF as they try to colonize in the new zone.
There have been some images with Tholian ships - are they going to be the "main" enemy for the new zone and content? If so, will the Rom Rep gear be anti-tet?
Then again, looking at the Ep Replay rewards for the Rom missions - it's [Pla][Tet] if not doing the reg/cov stuff. So perhaps it will just be more anti-plasma stuff...maybe split plasma/tet, eh?
edit: fixed a typo
Thats where i was leading to. What will happen when the Romulan faction arrives in game. Bit pointless with the resistance.
Soph, please stay out.
I repeat, please stay out...
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I actually avoid success entirely. It doesn't get me what I want, and the consequences for failure are slim. -- markhawman
Why not just tone down the npc damage by X% rather than make a weapons class useless? More logical approach. The next question for me is if that was the case, why have plasma weapons as an option?
I hadn't even thought that far down the road - just trying to figure out where the Rom Rep gear is going to fit in with the Rep System changes in comparison to the Omega Rep gear.
The Roms doing STFs would likely end up like everybody else - sporting the anti-plasma stuff and not touching plasma weapons (outside of Ker'rat and PUGs - heh, they can be fun there).
Kind of wish they had done something along the lines of modifiable gear - with a number of slots you could customize.
Uncommon - 1 slot.
Rare - 2 slots.
Very Rare - 3 slots.
Special Items may not have the slots or would have a reduced number of slots.
If you picked up a CAP/REG/PLA shield - you could pop out the PLA (it would be destroyed in the process) and drop in another module. If you had a DMGx3 weapon, you could pop out the three DMG (destroyed in the process) and drop in other modules.
Certain Special Items, as I said, would not allow you to do that - but in general, said items would generally be better as they are.
The system would involve crafting (for the modules) and DOFFs (for the modifications). Grab the module(s) - set the assignment for the DOFF team to make the customization...and you've got your new modified/customized gear. Heh, I'd throw in the module being lost on a failure and both the module/weapon being lost on a disaster.
edit: Saw the post about [Borg] and even something like that could fit in with what I mentioned - you'd need Very Rare DOFFs to pull of some of the special modules such as Borg, etc, etc.
For the third time, Sophologimo please stay out.
Plasma sucks
Borg use Plasma
Yet Borg Plasma looks different than player's weapon plasma.
Yet its all 20% resisted by all accepted shield gear
Oh, and Hi Sophy ^^ Oh wait I shouldn't say that, sorry Sophisticated Uber-epic Logically Amigo!!!
That doesn't give the general playerbase the illusion of progress through gear.
One of the driving motivators is that they will get better gear to fight X enemy (and in this case specifically the one they are repeatedly fighting).
"vs. Borg Plasma" would have been the better compromise to allow Plasma Energy weapons to still be competitive in PvP.
I've begged Bort to do this for months and still nothing
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[9:52] [Zone #11] Neal@trapper1532: im a omega force shadow oprative and a maoc elite camander and here i am taking water samples
What I really don't get is why they didn't just use the [Borg] proc in the first place. They obviously have a flag that triggers only on Borg NPCs, so what's the big deal about making it work defensively, too?
vids and guides and stuff
[9:52] [Zone #11] Neal@trapper1532: im a omega force shadow oprative and a maoc elite camander and here i am taking water samples
Now if it is as a reward as he who shall not be named suggested, whats the point in giving a reward that makes the same mission easier? Bit thoughtless and pointless.
The ........... cant read can he??
For the third time, you seem to be acting quite rude to Sophologimo when all he's done is provide reasonable and factually accurate answers to your somewhat naive question.
This does not reflect well upon you.
Pointless? Not really, the sets would still be better than aegis and non set stuff without
the resist. When I've read the small amount of players complaining about stf difficulty its never about pressure or sustained npc damage, its the outrageous oneshotability from some npcs that grimps their style, if anything most/even pvers seem to think that stfs are quite easy so losing the resist would up there difficulty a little. (But not a lot as most shield/resist healing comes from boff/class abilities)
The number of pvpers is directly affected by balance
More fair, more competitive, more players. I soon as the casual starts thinking "I don't have a chance" Then you losing a big potential player base. I mean read the forums, its constantly "The escort guy kill my kirk cruiser in 5secs! PVP is rubbish!" and "Me and my team were shooting this guy for 5mins and he still tanked then killed us all :{!" Coupla' examples I've seen over last few months.
Really player versus player balance should be first priority as npcs don't complain when their favourite Iwin button is nerfed, they don't mind and rage on forums about it.
Also in pve how players do versus other players is vitally important.
Lets have a theoretical example, this mmo FANTASY OF ZAMBORIA:RISE OF THE DEATHCRABS, has two ranged dps class', one, the Wizard does moderate dps, the other, the Warlock does very good dps. So why would players in a traditional raid format take a Wizard in their team?
Its got to that stage with stfs almost, constantly you see stuff like "cruisers are a joke" and "best take 5 escorts to stfs for optionals" but thats as much mission design and the respawn mechanic.
Your Ramming Speed III deals 52098 (99235) Kinetic Damage(Critical) to Remus.
The naz4 clearly thinks he is now the form moderator and has some imagined authority who can and can't contribute to a game related discussion.
Again, this reflects negatively on him.
Search his posts else where and you'll see
Sophie has a very poor posting history on the PvP forums. His posts are usually illogical and easily countered, but even with every single PvPer in the game telling him how he is wrong he'll never see reason. Typically, engaging Sophie only results in a thread getting completely derailed so the best course of action is to simply ignore him.
Naz, don't bother telling him to go away. It won't work. Just pretend he isn't there.
vids and guides and stuff
[9:52] [Zone #11] Neal@trapper1532: im a omega force shadow oprative and a maoc elite camander and here i am taking water samples
What Hurleybird said + he's trying to act like his anwser is the dev anwser. he's not a dev so it isn't.
that said if all they wanted was a better reward, why not just 20% all energy resistance? Same effect but dosen't FUBAR an entire weapons class.
Cryptic, namely Gozer and Gecko probably were the ones that decided "herpaderp derp derp! we need to give the rpers a chance! Derp Derp Derp!"
Will try to.
Stop it Sophie, just stop it. 8 total posts with three being in the thread? Same condescending attitude. Your not fooling anyone. You came in here and tried to derail the thread from your first troll post. We're trying to find solutions to a worthless weapon type and your just saying we're pvp'ers and not worth the time. Honestly, why do you hang out in these forums? You clearly think very poorly of us