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Chimera and Peghqu' Class



  • proteus22proteus22 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    defiant was only supposed to use cloak in gamma quadrant but they did bend the rules and yes the feds used cloaaking tech remember the cloaked holo ship from insurrection . since the main romulean empire collapsed the feds should be researching cloaking and anti cloaking tech since they aare now facing a cloaking enemy in the kdf.
  • kaeajakaeaja Member Posts: 517 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    proteus22 wrote: »
    defiant was only supposed to use cloak in gamma quadrant but they did bend the rules and yes the feds used cloaaking tech remember the cloaked holo ship from insurrection . since the main romulean empire collapsed the feds should be researching cloaking and anti cloaking tech since they aare now facing a cloaking enemy in the kdf.

    Thaaaaank you.
  • deadspacex64deadspacex64 Member Posts: 565 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Federation tries to make friends/peace with everyone, they're not going to throw away the treaty for a slight advantage.. Cloaked armed ships give a distinct impression of trustworthiness of the race that uses them to other races. warlike, sneaky, raiders, ambushers. et al: not to be trusted, the antithesis of federation policy. the 2 they created had specific purposes. are known by all races familiar with the federation and somewhat accepted...as long as they don't start building fleets of them.

    in the current time frame the federation cannot afford to irritate the klingon empire or what's left of the romulan empire. needless to say they still want to be at peace with both. creating a cloaked heavy destroyer would cause tensions with both empires.

    federation also has various methods for making a cloak ship their...b. while cloak is engaged and if it can be detected it can be severely damaged or killed swiftly. while the feds happily cruise along with shields up. there's also the fact that both klingon and romulan empires are rather partial to mine fields of various flavors. cloak won't help you there, cruising through with shields up however makes them less of a threat.

    and quite simply cloaking tech is getting long in tooth, it's been around for a long time, marginal improvements (compared to how long it's existed) and there are several counters for it. more most likely being researched. which is far more beneficial to the federation than developing and building their own cloaked ships.

    they still get to look like knights in shining armor strutting around unafraid and uncloaked. not sure where the OP gets that 'federation must research cloaking tech'

    it is against their moral policies, it is against how they want to be perceived by other species. cloaking developement would directly influence their chances for peaceful resolution...and in their eyes...make them no better than the klingons or the romulans...first step to becoming the terran empire in this universe.

    OP...you just want a cloak...you don't give a frak about canon or anything else. rationalizations to try and convince yourself and others that it should happen. when everything about the federation, the current politics, everything says it should not. you don't 'boldly go' when cloaked >.> that's called sneaking.
    Dr. Patricia Tanis ~ "Bacon is for sycophants and products of incest."
    Donate Brains, zombies in Washington DC are starving.
  • shimmerlessshimmerless Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    I kinda agree with the above poster... it always seemed like a cultural decision to me, and when you think about it it makes a lot of sense. Same reason they use euphemisms like "escort" instead of destroyer or warship, stuff like that.
    vids and guides and stuff

    [9:52] [Zone #11] Neal@trapper1532: im a omega force shadow oprative and a maoc elite camander and here i am taking water samples
  • redstarsweredstarswe Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    The federation was forbidden in the khitomer accord from researching anything close to cloaks, right? What federation would they be if they broke such treaties?
    A contract is a contract...(but only between Ferengi).
  • hereticknight085hereticknight085 Member Posts: 3,783 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    I feel I must point out, nothing that is logical, makes sense, and is against the Chimera getting a battlecloak will even be read/understood/even counted for anything by OP it seems.

    And OP has as of yet to answer my question.

    Why should the Chimera get a battle-cloak? Or even the ability to cloak period?

    (cuz let's face it, he's sorta right, with the way cryptic has thrown canon out the window, there is no reason why the Chimera SHOULDN'T get the battle-cloak. But OP has as of yet to give a good reason why it SHOULD. TRIBBLE for tat my friend. As meimetoo stated, laws of physics state that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. And for all intents and purposes, I am being a major countering force to his argument. =P)
    It is said the best weapon is one that is never fired. I disagree. The best weapon is one you only have to fire... once. B)
  • rrincyrrincy Member Posts: 1,023
    edited October 2012
    well he did state that it made the klingon ship ' op ' and that the shield modifier difference wasnt enough for him :rolleyes:
    thats pretty much his reasoning right there it seems , ' their toy is better than ours '
    12th Fleet
    Rear Admiral , Engineering Division
    U.S.S. Sheffield N.C.C. 92016
  • mrwiggles26mrwiggles26 Member Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited October 2012

    LTSer here and as an individual who prefers his Fed toon I couldn't disagree with you more. This ship is PREFECT for the Klingons it really has the look and feel of new flagship for klingons and rightly deserves its battle cloak and doesn't not in anyway make it OP or unfair.

    As to the Chimera, it is quite simply another tool in an already over loaded tool belt. Don't get me wrong I love all of the new ships we get both KDF/FED but the standards have already been set since day one with all of these new ships just being variations with minor play style changes.

    Find the ship you like to fly, let others do the same and save your complaint card for something that is genuinely OP. Jemy come to mind ;)
  • kaeajakaeaja Member Posts: 517 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    OP...you just want a cloak...you don't give a frak about canon or anything else. rationalizations to try and convince yourself and others that it should happen. when everything about the federation, the current politics, everything says it should not. you don't 'boldly go' when cloaked >.> that's called sneaking.

    Firstly, who the heck do you think you are telling me that i dont give a frak about canon? You dont know me so dont you judge me. Secondly you can still boldly go when your just exploring and not in the middle of combat, but when combat starts dont you think it would be a good idea to use a cloak to help save yourself from an enemy that might be much stronger then you? Thirdly I DO GIVE A FRAK about canon, im usually the one saying that Cryptic and PWE should fix Transphasic and Chroniton torpedos so they are not as gimped as they are, and dont sit there and tell me that there is nothing wrong with Transphasics and Chronitons when they have been made the weakest torpedos in the game with Quantums being the strongest in damage, which we all know to be completely against Canon, cause if stuff was being done by canon lore, Chronitons and Transphasics would both be a MUCH bigger danger then Quantums. DO NOT mistake what I am trying to say as a blatant disregard for canon cause its not.
    I feel I must point out, nothing that is logical, makes sense, and is against the Chimera getting a battlecloak will even be read/understood/even counted for anything by OP it seems.

    And OP has as of yet to answer my question.

    Why should the Chimera get a battle-cloak? Or even the ability to cloak period?

    (cuz let's face it, he's sorta right, with the way cryptic has thrown canon out the window, there is no reason why the Chimera SHOULDN'T get the battle-cloak. But OP has as of yet to give a good reason why it SHOULD. TRIBBLE for tat my friend. As meimetoo stated, laws of physics state that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. And for all intents and purposes, I am being a major countering force to his argument. =P)

    First i do read stuff that is said about the idea of a cloak on the Chimera, just that i have a differing opinion.

    now then on to answering you.

    Why should the Chimera have a Cloak? Simple, your enemy is using a cloak, and when your not peacefully and boldly exploring the galaxy, you want to be very well defended, and a cloak is a VERY great defensive tool. Notice how the Defiant and Dreadnaught (Galaxy X) cannot cloak when in the middle of combat? Its more of a defensive cloak then it is a combat cloak. So if we all think about this for a moment, I am not disregarding any canon as im all for canonical accuracy like with my above statement of Chronitons and Transphasic torps being stronger then all other torps. I am simply trying to say that a defensive cloak like the ones the Defiant and Dreadnaught use, would not be harming the peaceful nature of the Federation. Now if it were a battle cloak, one you could use whenever you wanted to give yourself a sneaky, Alpha Strike up your enemies aft section then yeah that would be completely different. Simply put a normal cloak isnt as dangerous or sneaky as a Battle Cloak so I honestly do not see what sort of Morality breaker having a Cloak on a Federation ship would be, when they only use it for defensive purposes.
  • kaeajakaeaja Member Posts: 517 Arc User
    edited October 2012

    LTSer here and as an individual who prefers his Fed toon I couldn't disagree with you more. This ship is PREFECT for the Klingons it really has the look and feel of new flagship for klingons and rightly deserves its battle cloak and doesn't not in anyway make it OP or unfair.

    As to the Chimera, it is quite simply another tool in an already over loaded tool belt. Don't get me wrong I love all of the new ships we get both KDF/FED but the standards have already been set since day one with all of these new ships just being variations with minor play style changes.

    Find the ship you like to fly, let others do the same and save your complaint card for something that is genuinely OP. Jemy come to mind ;)

    I actually do agree with you that the Jemmy Attack ship is op.
  • rrincyrrincy Member Posts: 1,023
    edited October 2012
    that still doesnt explain why this particular ship should have a cloak
    if thats your take on the federation standpoint , that they view cloaks as defensive , wouldnt they fit them on science vessels ?
    12th Fleet
    Rear Admiral , Engineering Division
    U.S.S. Sheffield N.C.C. 92016
  • bitemepwebitemepwe Member Posts: 6,760 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    proteus22 wrote: »
    defiant was only supposed to use cloak in gamma quadrant but they did bend the rules and yes the feds used cloaaking tech remember the cloaked holo ship from insurrection . since the main romulean empire collapsed the feds should be researching cloaking and anti cloaking tech since they aare now facing a cloaking enemy in the kdf.
    kaeaja wrote: »
    Thaaaaank you.

    The federation did, in secret, against existing treaties that got them in trouble with the Romulans and the KDF, hence why cloaking in the federation and its not being used widespread is covered in the Path to 2409.

    Anti-cloaking technology only exists in STO for the feds.

    If you are to bring "what we should do" as if the IP is reality and the factions there-in need to act accordingly, as good war driven governments would, then the KDF would have already rolled through Star Fleet by now as the threat it is to the Empire rather than try to solve the Undine issue first and only skirmish with Star fleet in the manner the game shows.

    Cloaking would not only be a ship ability, as the use for cloaking on torpedoes and other weapons is too logical a course to take in a war.
    Leonard Nimoy, Spock.....:(

  • kaeajakaeaja Member Posts: 517 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    This is going to be my last comment in this topic. It is about STO and the Treaty of Algeron....

    "The Treaty of Algeron, signed in 2311 by the Romulan Star Empire, and the United Federation of Planets, prohibited Federation cloaking devices. This agreement has been a source of controversy in Starfleet, where some officers believed it severely limited tactical options (which it does), and put the Federation at a disadvantage (which it does...again).

    Although the Federation initially agreed to follow the treaty after the destruction of the Romulan homeworld, in early 2409 Starfleet was authorized to develop and implement cloaking Technology on selected ships."

    So far this has only included the Tactical Escort Retrofit and Dreadnaught, to which I must ask....why? Why are the only two Federation ships that get a cloak an Escort and a Cruiser? When are Science Ships going to get some love? If the Chimera had a cloak of some kind to, I would think it more worth the 200 dollars for the lifetime sub. So again, I have to ask, why are the Tactical Escort Retrofit and the Dreadnaught the only two fed ships that have Cloaks ever since Starfleet authorized the development and implementation of Cloaks?
  • rrincyrrincy Member Posts: 1,023
    edited October 2012
    simple . those are the only ships with cloaks , because those are the only federation ships ever seen using a cloaking device that hasnt been jury rigged to work temporarily etc
    12th Fleet
    Rear Admiral , Engineering Division
    U.S.S. Sheffield N.C.C. 92016
  • kbflordkruegkbflordkrueg Member Posts: 189 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    rrincy wrote: »
    to be honest mate , i dont see how you can make the claim that klingon ships are overpowered , when for the longest time the fed side had a distinct advantage over every ship the KDF could put out ( excelsior anyone ? )
    so its got a battle cloak , so what ?
    no offence intended , but this just strikes me as yet another ' i want a battle cloak on a fed ship '
    i know that it gives the klink ship an advantage over the chimera but thats what is supposed to happen , klingon ships have always been dangerous BECAUSE THEY CLOAK

    also , battle cloak is a powerfiul tool , but how many ways are there now of knocking ships out of cloak ?

    I am forced to agree with my esteemed colleage...
    You want Battle cloaks...fly KDF... :D
    gosh, you'd think the "ST canon" mongers would be up in arms...
    Because in ST, only 3 Fed ships ever had a cloak of any kind, and they were all one of a kind ships, the only 3 in exsistence in the Federation.
    And I don't ever recall Kirk/Picard/janeway crying about "why do the Klingons get cloak and we don't?!"
    They found ways to adapt and overcome...here, they just whine continuously...
    In STO, to get a Fed ship with a cloak all you have to do is poney up Zstore points...
    Lord Krueg
    KBF CO
    We are the Dead
    join date Aug 2008
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