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Fed Mirror Event unbalanced for lower level's

xcom43xcom43 Member Posts: 723 Arc User
I have been doing the Fed Mirror event with new Captains.

Ok this is what i see.

Mirror event is totally unbalanced.

Attack's are too high at lower level's.

Another thing i see wrong is the Skill point's unbalanced.

Way does the higher level's get more and lower level's get three time's less.

Should it not be the other way around.The lower level's get more XP and the higher level's get less XP.

In my opinion the Fed and probably the KDF Mirror event is unbalanced.

Tractor beam Hold's are way too strong for lower level's.And even even if you get away from the Tractor beam it still stick's at 10k or 20k.

It is like your fighting level 50 ship's at level 10 to 20 witch i think is total BS.

And on top of these At lower level's it is all most pointless to join be cause for one you get very very little XP points.I get more from doing mission's witch is sad be cause i though the Mirror even is suppose to help you level faster.

Three the thing that tick's me off the most is when 6 ship's have you in a tractor beam hold witch is totally BS.I would understand if one or two ship's have tractor beam's but five or six ship's in one group don't need that many.

The Fed Mirror event and probably the KDF Mirror event most likely need to be revamped.Be cause it is so freaking totally unbalanced.And at level 10 threw 20 it does feel like you are fighting level 50 ship's.
The fear of death follows from the fear of life. A man who lives fully is prepared to die at any time.
Post edited by xcom43 on


  • hereticknight085hereticknight085 Member Posts: 3,783 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Um... Polarize Hull? Suddenly there's no more tractor beams?
    It is said the best weapon is one that is never fired. I disagree. The best weapon is one you only have to fire... once. B)
  • xcom43xcom43 Member Posts: 723 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Um... Polarize Hull? Suddenly there's no more tractor beams?

    Yeah but what is the timer on it like 30 to a min be for you can use it again.
    The fear of death follows from the fear of life. A man who lives fully is prepared to die at any time.
  • hereticknight085hereticknight085 Member Posts: 3,783 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    EM. PH. Two straight counters to tractor beam. And you aren't supposed to be doing the mirror event solo. And there is nothing wrong with double or even triple teaming enemy ships. If you learn teamwork, and comboing tanks and escorts, you're set.

    Example to deal with large numbers of enemy ships:
    tank goes in, pops a tac team and BFAW and then draws all the aggro. It then switches to defensive and tanks all the ships, as the escort then picks the targets off one by one and destroys them.

    A well built cruiser, even at low levels can get insanely tanky. Do that tactic and you can potentially take down 3-7 ships with almost no effort on anyone's part.

    To tank btw, you use TT1 combined with EPtSX, and the occasional ET combined with RSF and make sure your power levels are on defensive so your shields are that much stronger.

    Suddenly the mirror event isn't nearly as hard is it? Also you should team up, as in actually make teams.
    It is said the best weapon is one that is never fired. I disagree. The best weapon is one you only have to fire... once. B)
  • xcom43xcom43 Member Posts: 723 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    And there is nothing wrong with double or even triple teaming enemy ships. If you learn teamwork, and comboing tanks and escorts, you're set.

    OK i am going to say First Yes teaming ship's help's but but in most case's every body is doing there own thing.At lower level's you are not a tank sorry to say.Unless you know how to setup ship's at lower level's then you are Basically a pop gun.Not a tank.

    And in most case's people join the Fed mirror event on there own.So Basically they are going in Blind.Most of them Do not team up be for the event.

    And on top of this not every body is a tank at lower level's.So yes for lower level's it is completely unbalanced.

    The Tractorbeam's Are too strong in the mirror event when they do attach to you you can zoom out there with the [Impulse Burst] and there still on you at 10k or 20k away from the target.[Console - Universal - Impulse Capacitance Cell ]

    And like i said

    Yes this is about teamwork but not every body is a team player so it make's it even harder at lower level's and leave's the player's that have the DPS to do most of the work.This is way i say it is unbalanced for lower level's.

    Suddenly the mirror event isn't nearly as hard is it? Also you should team up, as in actually make teams.

    Way are you being so rude.
    The fear of death follows from the fear of life. A man who lives fully is prepared to die at any time.
  • shockwave85shockwave85 Member Posts: 1,040 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    I think what you're lacking is experience. Judging by statements you've made, it doesn't seem like you've been playing very long. This is a very complicated game, and it takes a long time to learn. If you're anything like me and most other people, by the time you get to Lv.50 you still won't have a clue about half the things going on. It takes many, many hours of gameplay and forum crawling just to master combat.

    So, I will say this, there's nothing wrong with the Mirror Event. It's supposed to be hard, but I and the others in this thread could probably queue into it with a low level character and cruise through it. We have the advantage of tons of experience playing at high level that can be applied downward. You don't. You're going to blow up a lot. I blew up a lot playing that at low level. Low level players don't know how to maximize damage, how to take punishment, and how to work together in a big mission like that. You basically have three choices:

    1. Keep playing it until you get better. Do your research on how to equip your ship, how to effectively use your skills, and how to play effectively in Fleet Actions. Even if you have yourself together though, the players you queue with at your level probably won't, and things will still be rough.

    2. Team up with some high level friends or fleetmates. You be the leader of the team and have them match your level. When you queue the team, you will queue at your level. They'll be able to show you how it's done, but you won't be completely on the sidelines like you would be queuing with then at Lv. 50.

    3. Just don't bother playing Fleet Actions until you at least hit RA Lower. Harsh, yes, but you have the advantage of not wasting your time playing with groups that just can't get it done. Also, it only takes a month or so to hit max level, so a little patience is all it takes.

    Finally, I think you're misunderstanding some terminology. When people say "tank", they aren't talking about the damage you put out. They're talking about how you take damage. A "tanky" ship or character either resists most incoming damage or heals it right off. This is useful in the circumstance hereticknight explained where the tanky character draws all the enemy attention because they can take the abuse. The more fragile DPS (damage per second) oriented characters, in this game Escort ships, can then single out targets one at a time and destroy them largely unharassed by the other enemies.
  • jellico1jellico1 Member Posts: 2,719
    edited October 2012
    The only thing I see that could be improved about the event
    Is if a Va I'n a Ralh or better ship goes into the event
    It should cut there Dps by 50% perhaps more

    I've saw griefers go to the event I'n a escort
    And destroy 90% of all the ships leaving
    Nothing for the low level players

    Personally I don't think a level 50 Va should
    Even be allowed into the event there should be a Va
    Only mirror event for Va's
    Jellico....Engineer ground.....Da'val Romulan space Sci
    Saphire.. Science ground......Ko'el Romulan space Tac
    Leva........Tactical ground.....Koj Romulan space Eng

    JJ-Verse will never be Canon or considered Lore...It will always be JJ-Verse
  • xcom43xcom43 Member Posts: 723 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    I think what you're lacking is experience. Judging by statements you've made, it doesn't seem like you've been playing very long. This is a very complicated game, and it takes a long time to learn. If you're anything like me and most other people, by the time you get to Lv.50 you still won't have a clue about half the things going on. It takes many, many hours of gameplay and forum crawling just to master combat.

    First off I am not a noob 2nd I am not lacking experience.I have been playing since 6/8/11.So um don't call people noobs un less you know for sure.

    And i do no know what tank mean's.

    People see me play against the borg and they would tell you all of my VA's are tanks.I Very rarely die only time i do die is when i am starting a new char.
    The fear of death follows from the fear of life. A man who lives fully is prepared to die at any time.
  • fourxgamerfourxgamer Member Posts: 245 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    I agree with the OP. I made several alts for the sake of fleet base grinding and leveled them in mirror event. I had played Fed and KDF mirror event at level 50 for a couple years now, and hadn't even realized you could get mixed level matches. It killed my xp when a level 50 would join a lower level fleet mate and mop up the map.

    This game suffers from level syncing issues regardless of what missions you're doing. When I team with my nephew and sync to his level I am still way overpowered and It seems to him like I'm stealing all the kills. When he syncs up to me it's much more challenging. I suspect this is the reason why it's so hard for low levels at mirror event. The enemy ships are level 50, and this game stinks at syncing down. Those ships are probably using all their VA level boff abilities and have the increased weapon slots, just doing slightly scaled down damage with lower health because that is easier to program than transposing miranda layouts onto T5 cruisers and they don't actually want you to just be fighting fleets of mirandas and constitutions.

    So what takes 5 to 8 minutes at level 50 can take 20 at lower levels, and there's often somebody that leaves before the Stadii fight even telling you in team chat it takes too long and they'd rather queue up for a new match.

    I enjoyed getting to use low tier ships in the mirror event so it was fun to play even if I only got a couple levels because of difficulty. Kinda sad they're all admirals now.
  • luxchristianluxchristian Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    xcom43 wrote: »
    First off I am not a noob 2nd I am not lacking experience.I have been playing since 6/8/11.So um don't call people noobs un less you know for sure.

    And i do no know what tank mean's.

    People see me play against the borg and they would tell you all of my VA's are tanks.I Very rarely die only time i do die is when i am starting a new char.

    The Tractor beams can be a hassle... but too hard???
    Sorry boy, if you have problems in this event with all your experience, then you are a NOOB.

    Please stay out of Elite STF's. You won't be of any help.
  • luxchristianluxchristian Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    fourxgamer wrote: »

    So what takes 5 to 8 minutes at level 50 can take 20 at lower levels, and there's often somebody that leaves before the Stadii fight even telling you in team chat it takes too long and they'd rather queue up for a new match.

    The problem doesn't occur that often or I was just lucky. But I prefered Starbase 24 for lvl and getting gear.

    The only problem I have with these 2 events is that your lot is based on your damage.
    So you are really ****ed with an engie or an sci . Even worse when you are in a cruiser. -.-
  • zarathos1978zarathos1978 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Mirror Fleet Event is the one when you kick four battle groups then a dreadnaught? If this is it, then I do not get what's so hard with it? For escort it may be painfull experience if thre is no healer in his team but even without teaming if the players individually know how to fly their ships you can kill the AI really fast (as always).

    If there is teamwork on even most basic levels (like group staying together and concentrating fire on one target, even without anything else) it's like killing baby seals. And if you got a tank cruiser it's even easier.

    I started Mirror Universe Event at level 10 or so and from the first fly never had any problems with it.
    The only problem I have with these 2 events is that your lot is based on your damage.
    So you are really ****ed with an engie or an sci . Even worse when you are in a cruiser. -.-

    And this is soooo true. But DPS is anything in STO, so there is no sense in complaining.
  • timelord79timelord79 Member Posts: 1,852 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    FYI, the tractor beams stay on target visually even beyond the 5km effective range. but if you let go of the controls beyond that distance for a second you will be able to turn normally again unless you fly right back into the tractor's range while it is still active. then it takes affect again.
  • zarathos1978zarathos1978 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Even if you dont have PH you can get out of TB effective range with Evasives. IT's what I do in PvE and PvP if I have not anti-TB skill available. Just hit it, with engine battery if you have it and stry to point your ship away from the TB source. If you are flying more or less parallel to the TB and away from it source it stops to hold you. And Evasives and engine battery make you reallly fast so you can brake away even without APO or PH.
  • meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    The Tractor beams can be a hassle... but too hard???
    Sorry boy, if you have problems in this event with all your experience, then you are a NOOB.

    Please stay out of Elite STF's. You won't be of any help.

    Harsh words; sadly, I'm afraid you're right.

    @OP: Tractor Beams too hard?? Well, maybe when you're frantically trying to break loose from them at full impulse, tearing your own hull up in the process. Try and play a little smarter, k? Send the occasional Feedback Pulse, for example. And look up what Attack Pattern Omega does for you in this regard.
    xcom43 wrote: »
    First off I am not a noob 2nd I am not lacking experience.I have been playing since 6/8/11.So um don't call people noobs un less you know for sure.

    Noobness is not countered by merely being subscribed for a long time, but by actually learning something in the meantime. And all your responses in this thread point, indeed, to a lack of experience on your end.
  • zanthe25zanthe25 Member Posts: 207 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    When you join a Mirror its important to check everyone is in you lvl bracket ie [10-19] [20-29] [30-39] etc etc
    You will all be virtually boosted to max lvl fore the event so you all get equal xp share...

    BUT if somebody teamed up with a friend who much higher level when the Q'ed, then you get a player who is above the level bracket in your game, when this happens the XP becomes next to nothing!

    They not alot we can do about this except to make people aware of it, and to ask people to not team up with players in next higher bracket, its not in there best interest and its not in the teams best interest.

    The higher compleation speed does not make up for the XP loss, and when people Q individually they only ever put into a game there own level.
  • meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    jellico1 wrote: »
    The only thing I see that could be improved about the event
    Is if a Va I'n a Ralh or better ship goes into the event
    It should cut there Dps by 50% perhaps more

    I've saw griefers go to the event I'n a escort
    And destroy 90% of all the ships leaving
    Nothing for the low level players

    Personally I don't think a level 50 Va should
    Even be allowed into the event there should be a Va
    Only mirror event for Va's

    VA's need XP too (for their starbases). Still, probably a good idea to not let VA's into FED Mirror.

    Also, funny on the griefers and their escorts. I often fly in with my Mobius, killing everything around me, fast, kinda assuming ppl *want* stuff killed fast. Guess not. :)
  • shockwave85shockwave85 Member Posts: 1,040 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    xcom43 wrote: »
    First off I am not a noob 2nd I am not lacking experience.I have been playing since 6/8/11.So um don't call people noobs un less you know for sure.

    And i do no know what tank mean's.

    People see me play against the borg and they would tell you all of my VA's are tanks.I Very rarely die only time i do die is when i am starting a new char.

    OK, so you've been playing for a while, but you can still learn some things. Also, attacking the people trying to help you is generally not the best idea. General advice: settle down.

    Polarize Hull is about all you can do about tractors at low level. If there are too many ships on you, that's a tactical issue. You either went in too deep and got surrounded, or your team overall isn't running the mission well (like, not uploading the virus to cut down on the Stadi Group). If it's your team sucks, not much you can do. PUGs will be PUGs, and at lower levels it's just exponentially worse. Either play with friends, or just don't do it until you hit Admiral. There are plenty of ways to grind out stupid amounts of Exp in this game without having to tear your hair out over bad PUGs.
  • fourxgamerfourxgamer Member Posts: 245 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    I didn't get the impression the op doesn't know what polarize hull or apo is. I think the main complaint isn't that you can't win, but rather the reward to time spent ratio is relatively bad at low level and it should be toned down to allow more replays during the event window.

    Quite a bit of unnecessary condescension up in here.
  • meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    fourxgamer wrote: »
    I didn't get the impression the op doesn't know what polarize hull or apo is. I think the main complaint isn't that you can't win, but rather the reward to time spent ratio is relatively bad at low level and it should be toned down to allow more replays during the event window.

    Quite a bit of unnecessary condescension up in here.

    Well, I did indeed get the impression the OP isn't all that experienced. Like finding tractor beams too hard, and dealing with them all wrong; or not knowing what 'tanking' means (a term usually even the most casual of players are familiar with after only a few days of playing). I thought he was overall getting some good tips.

    And zanthe25 probably gave the best answer so far: he's probably queue-ing up at too high a team level (which can happen sometimes, as outlined). In a team of people of more or less the same level, Mirror Event should not present an issue.

    Also, Mirror Event, for a public event, is a breeze. Try pugging The Vault, and watch your frustration levels rise when you walk off with only 1, or maybe 2 Reman data logs after an hour... if you're lucky. :)
  • xcom43xcom43 Member Posts: 723 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    You guy's seem too be attacking me and not the Idea here.And it is getting on my nerves.

    Yes i freaking know how to get away from the dam tractor beam's i use other way's like Omega attack pattern's and impulse burst.

    And the Mirror event is unbalanced for lower level's i have been playing game for alot longer then most of you have.I can tell if some thing is off or is not right.

    It seems that the Team Match level's is kinda broken in Fed Mirror event.It should auto match level's when you first go into a event.This is where the issue start's.

    Then it goes to the reward's issue.

    Even if you destroy a ship on your own you still do not get much Xp for it at lower level's.

    I could care less about the reward rewards be cause most of the time they suck i am talking about the XP that you get after you kill some thing that goes toward your captains skills.

    I see thing's that most people do not see.I am very observant i find bug's that most people would not even noticed.
    The fear of death follows from the fear of life. A man who lives fully is prepared to die at any time.
  • meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    xcom43 wrote: »
    It seems that the Team Match level's is kinda broken in Fed Mirror event. It should auto match level's when you first go into a event.This is where the issue start's.

    As has been explained to you, there are conditions under which you can still wind up in a higher level team (wihout it being a bug).
    Then it goes to the reward's issue.

    Even if you destroy a ship on your own you still do not get much Xp for it at lower level's.

    Not quite sure what you're expecting here. Lower levels *always* get less XP reward, for every mission in game; the XP reward scales up with your level, as it were (otherwise you would simply be getting too much, relative to what little XP you have at lower levels).
    I see thing's that most people do not see. I am very observant i find bug's that most people would not even noticed.

    I'd say: you're also missing a lot of things most people see.

    And if Mirror Event is bugged in such a manner that most people would not even notice, then I say it's working as intended. :)
  • hereticknight085hereticknight085 Member Posts: 3,783 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    xcom43 wrote: »
    You guy's seem too be attacking me and not the Idea here.And it is getting on my nerves. Not attacking, trying to understadn where you're coming from.

    Yes i freaking know how to get away from the dam tractor beam's i use other way's like Omega attack pattern's and impulse burst. And yet you say that Tractor Beams are too hard? Even at low levels on my first toon I used polarize hull once I figured out what it did. Which I did at level 5. And all of a sudden tractor beams didn't bother me anymore.

    And the Mirror event is unbalanced for lower level's i have been playing game for alot longer then most of you have.I can tell if some thing is off or is not right. Now who's being condescending?

    It seems that the Team Match level's is kinda broken in Fed Mirror event.It should auto match level's when you first go into a event.This is where the issue start's.

    Then it goes to the reward's issue.

    Even if you destroy a ship on your own you still do not get much Xp for it at lower level's.

    I could care less about the reward rewards be cause most of the time they suck i am talking about the XP that you get after you kill some thing that goes toward your captains skills.

    I see thing's that most people do not see.I am very observant i find bug's that most people would not even noticed. And now you're just being arrogant.

    Responses to your post all in red.

    LOL that just reminded me of the story mission,

    Bonnie kin... Booooonnie kin... All dressed in red... Bonnie kin... Booooonnie kin... Soon you'll be... DEAD!!!!! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

    Quite possibly the scariest moment in this entire game for me lol...
    It is said the best weapon is one that is never fired. I disagree. The best weapon is one you only have to fire... once. B)
  • tangolighttangolight Member Posts: 777 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    You need more skill points to level at higher levels, hence you get more skill points if you do it at higher level. It's proportional.
  • shockwave85shockwave85 Member Posts: 1,040 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    xcom43 wrote: »
    i have been playing game for alot longer then most of you have.I can tell if some thing is off or is not right.

    I get the feeling I've been alive about twice as long as you. Sigh.
    It seems that the Team Match level's is kinda broken in Fed Mirror event.It should auto match level's when you first go into a event.This is where the issue start's.

    There's a lot of issues around teaming in this game, I'll grant you that. That's different than a specific problem with MU.
    Then it goes to the reward's issue.

    Even if you destroy a ship on your own you still do not get much Xp for it at lower level's.

    I could care less about the reward rewards be cause most of the time they suck i am talking about the XP that you get after you kill some thing that goes toward your captains skills.

    Not sure what you're getting at here. It's been a while since I did any FA or event with a character that could still gain XP, so I don't really recall what the reward was like. Like I said though, if you want mass XP fast, there are better ways of getting it than this. I only played the MU event while leveling up because I thought it was fun.
    I see thing's that most people do not see.I am very observant i find bug's that most people would not even noticed.


    I don't mean that to be ignorant, but I've found a study of biases, heuristics and fallacies to be useful in moderating my own behavior. I encourage everybody to be aware of them.
  • hereticknight085hereticknight085 Member Posts: 3,783 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    ^ LIKE!!!! (esp the last part)
    It is said the best weapon is one that is never fired. I disagree. The best weapon is one you only have to fire... once. B)
  • meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
    edited October 2012

    I'm a firm believer of Occam's Razor: the simplest explanation tends to be the best. I.e.: I think he's simply forgotten how much harder things are when you're leveling up -- especially for a brand new toon. I noticed this myself when I recently rolled a KDF character and realized all those high-up skills and ships I've come to take for granted were absent, and you suddenly die a lot easier. :)

    There's nothing wrong with Mirror Event, though; that's all in his own head. And maybe he's not doing it right. I mean, what works at VA may not also work at lv 20; like, for example, doing massive BFAW and drawing aggro from the whole room: for a lv 20 that may just be drawing a little too much attention to yourself. Your mind (and ego) kinda have to adjust to falling back to a lower level too.
  • fraghul2000fraghul2000 Member Posts: 1,590 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    This is a very complicated game, and it takes a long time to learn.

    made my day...

    Seriously. STO is by far one of the easiest mmos out there.

    At lower levels the Mirror Event might be a tiny bit "harder" and reward a lower amount of experience, but it's still very, very easy. Unless some troll pulls all four groups at once, you can beat the encounter in a decent amount of time by just using autoattacks and no boff/captainskill at all and it will still reward you a full level.
  • dareaudareau Member Posts: 2,390 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    I'm on levelling my third toon via Mirror events...

    And yeah, the general attitude of "remember you're in a lower-level ship, so you don't have all the tricks available" applies.

    At the same time, I don't quite see how it's rewards are "broken". Unless I've been very lucky and not been PuGged with a, say, 20/40 pair jumping the queue, I regularly get a full level and then some when in the "lower" levels, (21-25, 31-35, 41-45) and maybe 2 levels every 3 runs at the "higher" end (x6-x9). And this is with Sciences who don't dominate the DPS list every run... (already ran a Fed from 10 to 50, and am in the process of running a KDF who's at 32 or so...)

    What I mean by this is I regularly get enough skill points to buy 3 blocks on the skill page every run, unless I get the "20/40 pre-teaming" and skewing the XP share from the 40's kills), when I may only get enough skill points to buy 2 blocks on the skill page. While 3 skill blocks is enough to level from x1 to x2, or x4 to x5, it takes 4 skill blocks worth of XP to go from x7-x8 or x8-x9.

    This is universal across ranks, whether a Commander (20s) or RA (40s), I'm getting the same "shopping power" every mirror run...
    Detecting big-time "anti-old-school" bias here. NX? Lobi. TOS/TMP Connie? Super-promotion-box. (aka the two hardest ways to get ships) Excelsior & all 3 TNG "big hero" ships? C-Store. Please Equalize...

    To rob a line: [quote: Mariemaia Kushrenada] Forum Posting is much like an endless waltz. The three beats of war, peace and revolution continue on forever. However, opinions will change upon the reading of my post.[/quote]
  • tk79tk79 Member Posts: 1,020 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    The mirror event is divided into tiers of ten (below 19, 29, 39 and then 49) that are automatically adjusted if you join the queue. This is unclear in the queue window though. If you form a team to do them, they must be within the proper ranges for the XP to be divided correctly. Otherwise you may end up earning very little XP.

    OP, I've been a player for less longer than you, but I have leveled my characters from 10 to 50 using Mirror Event and there's absolutely nothing wrong with it in my opinion. I leveled engineers, tac and sci officers, Fed and KDF (I have 10 characters currently). I love the event and will do it again whenever I feel like leveling up a newbie. Playing so many of them, I learned how to avoid the annoying stuff like tractor beams (stay out of 5km range) and the tractor pulse thingies that are very damaging (stay away from the battleships). Fighting Shadi is always fun once you exploit her targeting ranges. The rewards are fine, specially that they give dilithium ore and you can do many of them within the hour. The XP felt right no matter the level range I was playing.

    Remember that you can always learn something new no matter how long you've been playing.
    U.S.S. Eastgate Photo Wall
    STO Screenshot Archive

  • hereticknight085hereticknight085 Member Posts: 3,783 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Now if only OP'd get off his high horse and listen, then the previous poster's post would actually be a good one (not saying that it's not a good post, just saying that it's probably falling on deaf ears/blind eyes).
    It is said the best weapon is one that is never fired. I disagree. The best weapon is one you only have to fire... once. B)
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