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fleet ship shield mods, more convoluted then i thought

dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
edited November 2012 in PvP Gameplay
there are 2 types of fleet ships, those that are based off ships that were at tier 5 when the fleet system was introduced, and those that are not. the first type, like the fleet patrol, fleet vorcha and the like have higher then standard shield mods. when checked, no mater what the shield you check it with the shield mod is correct.

the other type of ships, the originally tier 2 and 3 ships, well they are tricky. they come with a lower then normal shield mod, but they also have a hidden bonus shield mod as well, so when you attempt to calculate the actual shield mod, its different for every shield. thats because this hidden bonus is on a curve, and the curve favors low capacity shields.

so, figuring out exactly what this hidden bonus is would be next to impossible on our end. here are some actual findings in numbers. these were done on ships with no capacity boosting consoles and 9 to the shield hitpoint skill tree skill. first i'll mention my fleet ktinga and fleet heavy cruiser have the exact same mod and exact same curved bonus mod, the omega and borg shields both had the same per faceing numbers

base line vorcha R with 1.0 shield mod

mkXII KHG tool tip: 8431.5
mkXII KHG per faceing: 10961

mkXI omega tool tip: 6259
mkXI omega per faceing: 8137

borg tool tip: 5250
borg per faceing: 6825

fleet vorcha with 1.1 shield mod

mkXII KHG tool tip: 9724.6
mkXII KHG per faceing: 12057- 1.09999 mod

mkXI omega tool tip: 6885.4
mkXI omega per faceing: 8951- 1.10004 mod

borg tool tip: 5775
borg per faceing: 7507- 1.09993 mod

(there is a decimal point not displayed in the UI, effecting the math)

it showing a ~1.1 shield mod across the board tells me that its not the skill tree skill points effecting things on the tier 2&3 fleet ships. now here is were it gets real interesting

fleet ktinga with a listed .94 shield mod

mkXII KHG tool tip: 8004.2
mkXII KHG per faceing: 11780- 1.07472 mod

mkXI omega tool tip: 5920.2
mkXI omega per faceing: 9071- 1.11475 mod, a bit more then fleet vorcha

borg tool tip: 4950
borg per faceing: 7810- 1.14432 mod, a bit more then fleet vorcha

decided to give the omega shield a try, the gap between the capacity on the vorcha is 3106, but on the ktinga its only 2709, a 397 capacity difference. time to run infected elite again :rolleyes:

gravametic anchor is awesome by the way, never looked into it much but in addition to making you unable to turn for 10 seconds, it lowers defense score by 50! so yes, when you see me dump plasma wile we fly strait at each other, you will in fact be flying directly into it :D

for more data, here's my non fleet somraw retrofit, listed 0.65 shield mod

mkXII KHG tool tip: 5582
mkXII KHG per faceing: 8820- .80467 mod

mkXI omega tool tip: 4119
mkXI omega per faceing: 6917- .85007 mod

borg tool tip: 3437
borg per faceing: 6037- .88366 mod

1903 hitpoint difference between KHG and omega here

and here's how the shields are on a a normal qin with an .83 mod across the board to compare to the somraw

mkXII KHG tool tip: 7026
mkXII KHG per faceing: 9134- .83332 mod

mkXI omega tool tip: 5216
mkXI omega per faceing: 5687- .83335 mod

borg tool tip: 4375
borg per faceing: 5687- .83326 mod

(math effected by undisplayed decimal point again)

as you can see, tier 2 and 3 fleet ships definitely favor lower capacity shields, even surpassing their superior tier 5 fleet ship bretheran, if my fleet vorcha is any baseline.

just thought i would post about this, my testing has definitely effected my shield choice, at least on the kdf side. i think this is a good indication that the fleet bops will have a much nicer total shield capacity then it has listed at the very least, and all those somraws, sabers, novas, etc... are more then viable ships for use. i would DEFINITELY chose a fleet saber over a fleet patrol now, provided its maco hitpoints are higher. the 'apparent' shield mod on my mkXI maco fleet heavy cruiser is 1.10595, when .94 is its listed.

this is why this information is important, and why i choose to provide it, with it who would opt for a fleet patrol over a fleet saber?
Post edited by dontdrunkimshoot on


  • hurleybirdhurleybird Member Posts: 909
    edited October 2012
    Hopefully this is a math bug. If this is intended then it's really ****ty design, and Cryptic should have found a simpler, less bone-headed way to balance the refits of lower tier ships.

    (and if this is a math bug and they get rid of it, they do need to find some other way to make the lower tier refits worth using)

    In either case, awesome work hunting down this info.
  • dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    this kind of balancing really should be done with the actual shields themselves, not invisible curves that were never mentioned in the store description. i kinda like it though, inferior ships with sub par shield mods getting additional benefit from low capacity shields, and more high end ships being able to maximize the potential of high capacity shields better

    and yes, any fix beter not leave these ships with shield hitpoints in the tank, that would be UNACCEPTABLE. .8 on the somraw is much more reasonable then .65, thats insainly low.
  • hurleybirdhurleybird Member Posts: 909
    edited October 2012
    If only they had went with a real hardpoint system instead of this simplistic front/rear stuff they could have had near infinite ship variability without having to resort to either:

    a.) everything feeling the same, or
    b.) odious power creep, or
    c.) weird convoluted differentiators.

    Maybe it's not too late to change to something more SFC-like. It's a problem that will only get bigger as time goes on after all. Ideally they would just copy-paste the basically perfect system from Starship Creator.
  • dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    hurleybird wrote: »
    If only they had went with a real hardpoint system instead of this simplistic front/rear stuff they could have had near infinite ship variability without having to resort to either:

    a.) everything feeling the same, or
    b.) odious power creep, or
    c.) weird convoluted differentiators.

    Maybe it's not too late to change to something more SFC-like. It's a problem that will only get bigger as time goes on after all. Ideally they would just copy-paste the basically perfect system from Starship Creator.

    ya actual hardpoints would have been awesome, they worked great in star trek legacy, after a TON of moding. at the very least side weapons, now they are proboly going to release 1 ship with side weapons and its gonna be terrible.

    a slider for how strong we want certain shield facings would be nice too, being able to set 115% up front and 95 everywhere else for example. i remember the SFC games having different strengths for different facings.

    i loved geeking out in starship creator, i should reload that. they wouldn't even need to do that though, just taking the space part of the skill tree and putting it in the ship costume screen so you can change around your ship's equipment (skills and the skill points in them) as you see fit. it wouldn't be a respec, it would be a refit. and it wouldn't cost zen to do, which is STUPID for how needed it is if you adjust your build.
  • edited October 2012
    This content has been removed.
  • havamhavam Member Posts: 1,735 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    wow ... thanks tommy *shakes fist at ceiling* ..... GECKOOOOO!!!!!!
  • zenithnaderzenithnader Member Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    So does this mean that the flying coffin Tier 3 fleet BoP isn't as squishy as advertised?
    Can anyone confirm the shield data for that ship?

    Zenith Nader - R.R.W. Nader4President - Tactical Rom KDF
    Hei Qin - I.K.S. Apex Revenant -Tactical KDF
  • ghostyandfrostyghostyandfrosty Member Posts: 864
    edited October 2012
    So does this mean that the flying coffin Tier 3 fleet BoP isn't as squishy as advertised?
    Can anyone confirm the shield data for that ship?

    That should be the case. I won't know for certain until my kdf sci hits level cap. (as I'm going to build a Sci X Wing Sci Bop)
  • fakehilbertfakehilbert Member Posts: 252 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Were these measurements done with or without field gens equipped?
  • edited October 2012
    This content has been removed.
  • toivatoiva Member Posts: 3,276 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Thanks Dontdrunkimshoot. That such a curious bonus exists wouldn't cross my mind.
    Actually it seems to me they put a modifier they later forgot about or that it is an inside joke by some dev with lots of free time (and that's "rolling on the floor laughing", literally).

    What's a positive, even the lowest shield mods found (measured with KHG shields) are still far superior to those listed.

    I wonder if the Borg shield could get any use with those lower tier retrofits. :P After all, it isn't that bad if you're not being fired at with hight bursts.
    TOIVA, Toi Vaxx, Toia Vix, Toveg, T'vritha, To Vrax: Bring in the Allegiance class.
    Toi'Va, Ti'vath, Toivia, Ty'Vris, Tia Vex, Toi'Virth: Add Tier 6 KDF Carrier and Raider.
    Tae'Va, T'Vaya, To'Var, Tevra, T'Vira, To'Vrak: Give us Asylums for Romulans.

    Don't make ARC mandatory! Keep it optional only!
  • dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Were these measurements done with or without field gens equipped?

    no field gens on any of those ships when i recorded their hitpoints
    sophlogimo wrote: »
    So I read the part about "these were done on ships with no capacity boosting consoles and 9 to the shield hitpoint skill tree skill".

    Emphasis mine.

    would have had to go to tribble and strip that in a respec, but since the skill points didn't effect the mod one way or the other on the fleet vorcha, i take it that those skill tree modifier has no effect on what appears to be the shield mod, and nothing to do with the hidden bonus curve on those other ships.
  • bareelbareel Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Your not taking your skill mod into consideration which is why it 'appears' curved but it is not.

    Mk Xii KHG per facing shows 10961 which just happens to be 8431*1.3, or your skill mod on the base vorcha. So we know now the amount shown in dock or tooltip on the vorcha is the base shield amount and we can avoid doing math with it again. This is the list with skill mod.

    KHG = 10961
    Omega = 8137
    Borg = 6825

    Now lets take a look at the Fleet Ktinga. .94 mod, it applies to the skill mod so we can actually ignore that part of the math.

    With the listed shield mod applied with skill mod would be
    KHG = 10303
    Omega = 7649
    Borg = 6415

    So the first number is what it would be without the hidden bonus, second number is the amount you really get.
    KHG = 10303 / 11780
    Omega = 7649 / 9071
    Borg = 6415 / 7810

    Now what could we do to the first number with this myserious hidden mechanic to make it the second?
    Add the flat bonus of roughly 1477 to 1395. Reason that the number is not exact is likely due to rounding in my math somewhere or an accolade that does effect it or even if your skill bonus changed by equipping a different deflector. There is also the possibility that the flat bonus scales with mark level of the shield but I did not see that in my previous original testing.
  • dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    bareel wrote: »
    Your not taking your skill mod into consideration which is why it 'appears' curved but it is not.

    for proboly the 5th time, the skill mod did not give the fleet vorcha a curve at all. if it was what was causing the apparent curves on the ktinga and somraw, it would have effected the fleet vorcha as well.
  • robdmcrobdmc Member Posts: 1,619 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    It almost feels like the skill tree and ship modifiers would normally stack with diminishing return when shield modifier is over 1, no Diminishing returns at 1 and the opposite of diminishing returns when under 1. and the stacking diminishing/bonus is directly effected by its distance from 1.
  • bareelbareel Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    for proboly the 5th time, the skill mod did not give the fleet vorcha a curve at all. if it was what was causing the apparent curves on the ktinga and somraw, it would have effected the fleet vorcha as well.

    Because the fleet vorcha is a mod of a lvl 40 ship. It's shield mod is the same as the other fleet ships and does not get a flat bonus, only the retrofits of the lower tier ships do.


    Is where I show my original testing.
  • dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    bareel wrote: »
    Because the fleet vorcha is a mod of a lvl 40 ship. It's shield mod is the same as the other fleet ships and does not get a flat bonus, only the retrofits of the lower tier ships do.


    Is where I show my original testing.

    i started off by saying things are different between level 40 and up fleet ships and everything below. those level 40 ships ONLY have thier listed shield mod with nothing else hidden, curved or flat.

    when i took the base line off the vorcha R with with a captain that had 9 to shield capacity skill, and based all other measurements off that baseline, the skillpoints invested became a non factor.
  • bareelbareel Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    I'm going to try to explain this as simply as I can.

    Standard Shield Strength Formula
    ((Base * Skill Modifier) + (Base * Console Modifier) + Base) * Ship Modifier
    -Base is from the shield you equip
    -Skill Modifier at 99 shield system skill is .3

    Fleet Retrofit Shield Formula
    (((Base * Skill Modifier) + (Base * Console Modifier) + Base) * Ship Modifier) + Flat Bonus

    If you equip something that increases either the skill modifier, or the console modifier you will notice that their % increase is different between the fleet retrofits and all other ships. The only way to account for that is a flat bonus at the end of the formula.

    For example, if you equipped a blue Mk 11 console to the Vorcha it would gain 13.5% (roughly) shield strength. Because it scales with the ship shield modifier it will grant that amount to every single ship you fly, EXCEPT the fleet retrofits. On those you would only gain roughly an 11% increase because it, and the skill bonus, do not effect the Flat Bonus that only they get.

    That is why the skill bonus does matter for the math. The flat bonus that ONLY the new retrofit ships have is not effected by it.

    To compare it to something else. Some boff abilities that effect weapons do not effect the bonus damage that the weapons gain from tac consoles. Hence why some boff abilities are better than others by a large amount on an escort vs a cruiser. It all depends on where in the formula those bonuses are added and where you put the multiplication signs at.

    Were all your tests done with no deflector on the ships?
  • dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    bareel wrote: »
    I'm going to try to explain this as simply as I can.

    Standard Shield Strength Formula
    ((Base * Skill Modifier) + (Base * Console Modifier) + Base) * Ship Modifier
    -Base is from the shield you equip
    -Skill Modifier at 99 shield system skill is .3

    Fleet Retrofit Shield Formula
    (((Base * Skill Modifier) + (Base * Console Modifier) + Base) * Ship Modifier) + Flat Bonus

    If you equip something that increases either the skill modifier, or the console modifier you will notice that their % increase is different between the fleet retrofits and all other ships. The only way to account for that is a flat bonus at the end of the formula.

    For example, if you equipped a blue Mk 11 console to the Vorcha it would gain 13.5% (roughly) shield strength. Because it scales with the ship shield modifier it will grant that amount to every single ship you fly, EXCEPT the fleet retrofits. On those you would only gain roughly an 11% increase because it, and the skill bonus, do not effect the Flat Bonus that only they get.

    That is why the skill bonus does matter for the math. The flat bonus that ONLY the new retrofit ships have is not effected by it.

    To compare it to something else. Some boff abilities that effect weapons do not effect the bonus damage that the weapons gain from tac consoles. Hence why some boff abilities are better than others by a large amount on an escort vs a cruiser. It all depends on where in the formula those bonuses are added and where you put the multiplication signs at.

    Were all your tests done with no deflector on the ships?

    so your saying these sub tier 5 fleet ships just have a flat +1000 (just a random number) or so hitpoints to go with their worse mod? you may be on to something here, that would make it seemed curved in this case. is that +flat effected by the listed mod? is it independent of that?

    im really starting to hate these fleet ship shields. for the life of me i don't know why they wouldn't advertise the bonus shields, that would be an incentive to buy one. or oh i don't know, give them better shield mods without this confusing extra!?

    the deflector i had on was ether borg or omega, nether effects shield capacity skill
  • bareelbareel Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    so your saying these sub tier 5 fleet ships just have a flat +1000 (just a random number) or so hitpoints to go with their worse mod? you may be on to something here, that would make it seemed curved in this case. is that +flat effected by the listed mod? is it independent of that?

    im really starting to hate these fleet ship shields. for the life of me i don't know why they wouldn't advertise the bonus shields, that would be an incentive to buy one. or oh i don't know, give them better shield mods without this confusing extra!?

    the deflector i had on was ether borg or omega, nether effects shield capacity skill

    Yes that is exactly what I am saying. The most obvious way to see it is to slap a Mk 1 shield onto them.

    The only reason I noticed it so fast was by observing the % gain from the shield cap console. That to me was a dead give-away.
  • dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    bareel wrote: »
    Yes that is exactly what I am saying. The most obvious way to see it is to slap a Mk 1 shield onto them.

    The only reason I noticed it so fast was by observing the % gain from the shield cap console. That to me was a dead give-away.

    if only there was a fleet ship with an exact 1.0 shield mod, and another with exactly .9, i could have this all figured out in 5 minutes :rolleyes:
  • esuziesuzi Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Figured I'd add some, Fleet Corsair is getting the same results with it's advertised 1.1 as the Fleet Vor'cha.
  • toivatoiva Member Posts: 3,276 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    How likely is it someone would downright add an arbitrary amount of shields hp?

    I could understand a strange, forgotten mod. But this? It's like they tasked someone not knowledgeable of the system to "make shields better" on those ships.
    And that someone just added hp to them, oblivious to multipliers, mods.

    It's just so messy a system now...
    TOIVA, Toi Vaxx, Toia Vix, Toveg, T'vritha, To Vrax: Bring in the Allegiance class.
    Toi'Va, Ti'vath, Toivia, Ty'Vris, Tia Vex, Toi'Virth: Add Tier 6 KDF Carrier and Raider.
    Tae'Va, T'Vaya, To'Var, Tevra, T'Vira, To'Vrak: Give us Asylums for Romulans.

    Don't make ARC mandatory! Keep it optional only!
  • hurleybirdhurleybird Member Posts: 909
    edited October 2012
    bareel wrote: »
    If you equip something that increases either the skill modifier, or the console modifier you will notice that their % increase is different between the fleet retrofits and all other ships. The only way to account for that is a flat bonus at the end of the formula.

    It is certainly not the only explanation, though it is the simplest and most obvious. Despite that, you're wrong.

    In the OP's example of the fleet K'tinga:

    The KHG shields have an extra 1476.66 points of shielding

    The Omega shields have an extra 1422.22 points of shielding

    The Borg shields have an extra 1394.5 points of shielding

    That is obviously not a flat bonus. The bonus points of shielding gradually decline as the overall shield capacity does, on a shallow curve.
  • ghostyandfrostyghostyandfrosty Member Posts: 864
    edited October 2012
    hurleybird wrote: »
    It is certainly not the only explanation, though it is the simplest and most obvious. Despite that, you're wrong.

    In the OP's example of the fleet K'tinga:

    The KHG shields have an extra 1476.66 points of shielding

    The Omega shields have an extra 1422.22 points of shielding

    The Borg shields have an extra 1394.5 points of shielding

    That is obviously not a flat bonus. The bonus points of shielding gradually decline as the overall shield capacity does, on a shallow curve.

    Who is that guy anyway?

    I mean it's pretty you know Obvious when you look at the different shields. Bad Math is Bad?
  • hurleybirdhurleybird Member Posts: 909
    edited October 2012
    Who is that guy anyway?

    He's the bad escort build guy. He is in need of your help, Mav.
  • redrickyredricky Member Posts: 1,004 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    You know what this reminds me of?
    Here is how it works. There are a lot of diminishing returns at that level. You will see more on an impact with weapons that do more damage. You will also see a higher impact at lower levels because at higher levels, all your bonuses start to diminish.

    This is how it works. All values are approximate, and I apologize if I get any of the basic math wrong. Its 10am and I am hopped up on cold medicine fighting off bronchitis.

    Here is part of the basic formula: BaseDamage X (1+ sum of all DamBonus)
    Let's say you have a weapon that does, say 25 damage (I'm making this value up, but its probably similar to the turret in question).
    It's a mark 11, so it has a natural DamBonus 1.05
    You are probably in a tier 5 ship that grants a DamBonus of 1
    You probably have skills that grant a DamBonus of around 1
    Each Damage enhancement has a DamBonus 0.1
    Each non-damage enhancement now grants a .025 DamBonus (note, Damage enhancements did not get this extra damage bonus)


    This reminds me of the revelation that there are tier modifiers in play that they don't want to tell us about. And the other threads that showed that they're not all that sure about how they work. And the other threads where they finally figure out that the "hidden tier modifier" is interacting with things (FBP) in ways they didn't expect.
    CommanderDonatra@Capt.Sisko: ahhh is it supposed to do that?
    Norvo Tigan@dontdrunkimshoot: hell ya, maybe
  • mewimewi Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Overly complicated systems are bound to fail, especially when the people creating those overly complicated systems don't care that their system is overly complicated.
    | Join Date: January 2009 | Computer | Fleet: Broken Wings |
  • hurleybirdhurleybird Member Posts: 909
    edited October 2012
    Ok guys, I figured it out. I'll upload a graph when I get home (photobucket is blocked at work)
  • ghostyandfrostyghostyandfrosty Member Posts: 864
    edited October 2012
    hurleybird wrote: »
    He's the bad escort build guy. He is in need of your help, Mav.

    Having just read the last 4 pages of the thread (I dared not go back farther) the only help he will qualify for from me is the kind where I link him products to get the sand out of his ***.
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