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Have fleet starbases lived up to your expectations?



  • baudlbaudl Member Posts: 4,060 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Simple question, if you don't like it why play? It's hardly a critique is it?

    well, i don't. atleast not as much as i used to do. And if it was subscription based i wouldn't be playing anyway.
    Also i'm a big Star Trek fan, and since STO is kind of the only ST game around that isn't a decade old, i'm playing this one.
    Could cryptic do a better job with the same budget? Hell yeah, it's the decissions they make that are under critique here, not the content itself.

    i'm not gonna list what decissions i'm talking about, because they are listed in other parts of this forum.
    Hint...fleet galaxy-r, no universal ensign. Screwed up animations. MK XII set grind. PVP. etc.
    Those things have nothing to do with making money...but a lot with making this game fun to play.
    Go pro or go home
  • jknamejkname Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Fleet Starbases have exceeded my expectations, if only because my expectations are negative, because as a scientifically minded individual, I accept the fundamental truth of the Laws of Thermodynamics. The rate at which entropy increased was less than what I was expecting, and that's a good day.

    But it's simply a truth that on average, every update makes the game progressively worse. It's a law of physics. Entropy always increases. It's why everyone eventually quits: The game progressively gets worse until it exceeds the individual's tolerance level.

    A depressing view? Well, you can't fight physics. Besides, a pessimist is never disappointed.
  • azurianstarazurianstar Member Posts: 6,985 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Today got a major dose of tons of AFK abusers in today's events. Seems like you can't do anything in public queues anymore and one major reason not to get involved with Fleet Events if these people purposely ruin it for us.

    And I really like to know why Perfect World ignores the issue.
  • hasukurobihasukurobi Member Posts: 1,421 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    syberghost wrote: »
    PWI's chat system doesn't do anything in particular that STO's doesn't do, and is restricted to a single game. Well, it does do one thing STO's doesn't do; it allows you to spam ridiculous emoticons. And its users certainly do that, making me want to turn off all chat and possibly put duct tape over that part of my monitor.

    STO's chat system lets me sit at work on my Jabber client and simultaneously hold conversations with people playing STO on the Live server and Champions on the Test server, and in some cases (thanks to the Jabber interface) even in IRC channels. PWI will likely never be able to do that, and if it does, god save us from the emoticons. When Neverwinter comes out, it'll be in the same chat system, extending the community even further.

    I cannot say I know anything about this console of which you speak and it does not seem very well promoted so points off for that for Cryptic. Not that many people talk enough in STO to make such very useful to me. I will say they do like to spam Emoticons over there but otherwise their chat is very similar and their customization and costumes (not to mention mounts and pets which are honestly all part of that same theme) are pretty darned extensive and well done.

    Seems how we are on the topic though: Do you have any clue why folks are so darned tight lipped in STO? I mean they are not like that in Champs or ANY OTHER game I have ever played but in STO there seems to be some phobia about speaking even when spoken to. I always feel like there is someone just waiting to kill the next person who says something and I am the only one who does not know about it.
  • jknamejkname Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Entropy in the universe as a whole will always increase, however in a contained system it can easily decrease: you room is untidy, you add energy and make it tidy although the heat energy you give off will add to the total entropy of the universe the result in the contained system is that it appears entropy has decreased.
    This ends up being a futile effort: You waste more energy, the room ends up messy again, and your efforts have, in fact, actually accelerated the increase in entropy in the end. Worst of all, you didn't even enjoy that!
    Analogous to this would be DEVs do work within their contained system (the game) and reduce the entropy (disorder) in that game - in other words there is absolutely no reason that the game should get progressively worse
    Ah, but the devs can't decrease the entropy of the system, because they're a part of the system, and the entropy of the system must increase. Devs can only make things worse. Which of your characters will they beat with the nerfbat next? Maybe they won't hit yours right away. But, you know, first they came...

    And this is why everyone eventually quits. Entropy always increases.
    your argument is flawed and IMO wrong anyway because the game since F2P has progressively got better.
    That's not the impression I got. I look at the historical record and see "All The Nice Toys You Can't Have Anymore", and the entire thing reads as a litany of "And This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things". Every new player that joins receives a lesser experience than those who came before. Entropy always increases.
  • echodarksidedechodarksided Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    I personally think starbases are great, but i didn't think so until my fleet hit Tier III on both Fed and KDF. The more that gets unlocked the more useful I find them.

    I also like how the Starbase system has fundamentally changed the entire STO economy, and truly concentrated the currencies around dilithium, EC, and Zen- all of which the Starbase is a sink for through direct dilithium, commodities, and fleet modules/tailor/etc. I believe this helps us, as players, see the health of the game with the f2p model better than we did in season 5 because we have a better sense for just how much dilithium and ZEN is in the economy via the exchange.

    With fleets approaching Tier III, we will see the gap between large and small fleets expand considerably. The game really has changed towards a teamwork model in more ways than i originally anticipated, as it now requires a good team to not only get ahead together with Starbases, but individually as well in the new STO economy.
  • syberghostsyberghost Member Posts: 1,711 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    hasukurobi wrote: »
    Seems how we are on the topic though: Do you have any clue why folks are so darned tight lipped in STO? I mean they are not like that in Champs or ANY OTHER game I have ever played but in STO there seems to be some phobia about speaking even when spoken to. I always feel like there is someone just waiting to kill the next person who says something and I am the only one who does not know about it.

    It varies by channel. Maybe try some of the higher-traffic ones. The ones for the various podcasts and internet radio stations get a lot, especially if they have an IRC link like "SSR".

    In the social hubs, zone is very active. That's both a blessing and a curse. :)
    Former moderator of these forums. Lifetime sub since before launch. Been here since before public betas. Foundry author of "Franklin Drake Must Die".
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