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List your top three short, mid, and long-term requests for the game



  • partsourcepartsource Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Instead of limiting inventory slots to the user and buying more, they should be limited to the type of starship you have (since that is where technically they are kept). A Nova should not be able to carry as much cargo as the Galaxy Class - and this should be reflected in inventory slots.

    Ships should be limited in what they can use - there's no way my Sabre should be able to produce the power needed for the weapons I have given it. More powerful weapons and defenses on more powerful ships.

    With all the uniforms available, there should be no reason why less than 1/4 should be available to F2P players. Open that up a little bit.

    Collisions - all those wonderful asteroids, and I just plow right through them. Same with enemy ships. What's the point of "ramming speed" if you can't ram?
  • cptapollocptapollo Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    ok this is easy:

    Stop nerfing sci skills
    Stop nerfing sci skills
    Stop nerfing sci skills

    Actually work on balancing sci skills.
    Actually work on balancing sci skills.
    Actually work on balancing sci skills.

    Actually give sci chance to compete or just take it out of the game, cuz right now it's not good for anything.
  • magmegmagmeg Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    more usefull/cheaper KDF-Fleetships
    (i.E. raptor with 5 tac-consoles like defaint, a bird-of-pray with adv. battelcloak like b-rel, give us guaramba, b-rel or kar'fi, or add fleetship-variants to C-Store so we dont need 4 modules for all ships)

    team-loot-roll need love.
    exampel: every "need" will lower following rolls on map (maybe -5 for each need), so ppl maybe think what they roll and you have better chanche on the usefull stuff

    more STF, maybe non-Borg, but with dilithium-reward (Maybe an undine Invasion). So we can do more then the 3 STF and some small dailys.

    better doff-search on exchange. let us search for singel traits, races.. like i can search in my own doff-roster

    more love to KDF
    some more ships (Fed's get our toys, so i want their or a new one ^^) pls do not make 2 mirror-factions.,

    maybe one KDF vs KDF episode or new war against Federation. Maybe peace (so we can join mixed Teams for fleet-actions)

    hope i can find some ears.. ;D
    Cya in space
  • centersolacecentersolace Member Posts: 11,178 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Short term:

    1. More Hair Style options.

    2. More Alien Parts

    3. Better looking weapons

    Mid term:

    1. More endgame stuff. More STF's, raids, and Nukura like combat arenas.

    2. Better PvP, and have it treated as endgame rather that a niche. I want PvP missions.

    3. Better Starbase Featured Projects. I want things that are actually awesome/fun to look at/useful/so silly it's fun, rather than piles of cooing things everywhere.

    Long term:

    1. Greater focus on exploration, story, and expiriances. Basically a move away from repetitive combat, and toward poking at stuff with Pseudoscience.

    2. A greater overall Story. The story in STO feels disjointed and bizarre. I don't know how to treat my Captain, as I don't know how the game treats her. Is she a great diplomat, managing to pacify an entire city on the edge of rebellion? Or a cutthought willing to kill hundreds of unborn members of a dying race simply due to their origin? Cleaning all that up would be nice.

    3. Make the universe bigger. Space is big, very big, so why is my ship the size of several planets? Make me feel tiny. Minuscule. Make me feel like a tiny speck in the middle of a vast dangerous universe that could wipe me out at any moment. I don't want a game world, I want a Universe! :D
  • milesvaugnmilesvaugn Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    328 pages of replies... wow. No, I haven't read them all -- so I hope that I am not needlessly repeating points already addressed in prior posts. Also, these ideas aren't terribly organized in my skull, so they are likely to be a bit haphazard; sorry.

    1} Make all art, terrain, map, AI, dialog, and prop assets available to the Cryptic authors available to the Foundry authors.

    This is a no-brainer. Foundry content keeps the game fresh, it taps the potentially unlimited creativity of folks that Cryptic doesn't have to pay. Make Foundry missions more rewarding to the authors & players -- for example, allow the loot drops in Foundry missions to be competitive to attract players; pay Foundry authors (in Dilithium, or lock-box keys, or something) for useable content. Perhaps a lump sum when Cryptic re-works it a bit to fit into a new 6-9 mission story arc, and then place these arcs in the C-store -- and pay the authors again (a small amount) everytime a player purchases those episodes.

    I understand that some assets cause problems in the game when used improperly, and figuring out what goes wrong where and when is a thorny problem -- so institute rewards for finding and documenting such bugs. Place known bugs into a viewable DB, and don't reward re-reporting of the same bugs.

    Properly used, the Foundry can be a gold-mine.

    2} More variation in characters (beyond career, level, and traits) -- things like physical strength, hand-eye dexterity, reaction speed, endurance, and others should be adjustable, useful, and have various benefits and trade-offs.

    3} The above goes for ships too -- though ships should be less customizable, greater variety should be available in terms of raw power available to run systems, the amount of shock various hard-points can handle, the volume available for cargo, the functionality of the sickbay, etc. On a cosmetic level, assume that all ships automatically have one of every non-combat console at mk 0 -- and make these visible while in the ship interior -- any installed consoles on various slots would be upgrades which would replace the mk 0 defaults with more impressive gear.

    4} More variations while in a mission -- have each mission have several variations / behind the scenes factors, and the one or two which apply to this particular run-through is decided randomly while the player is in the mission. This way, players don't automatically know exactly what the mission requires until they encounter it, and the solution could be entirely different every time.

    5} More options to resolve missions, and more degrees of success and failure.

    6} Hybrid console slots: a single slot which could accept either an Engineering or Science console, or a Science or Tactical console, or a Tactical or Engineering console. Don't go crazy with these, just one or two can allow a tremendous variability in ship load-outs.

    7} A rare-level or very rare-level trait for consoles (can also work as an Engineering/Science/Tactical console), weapons (can also work as a tactical console), or anything else (can also work as a device). Perhaps have some of these occasionally be race or faction restricted ("will also work as Tactical console for Klingons" or "will also work as Science console for Vulcan ships") for one rarity-level less.

    8} Coherent design philosophies and doctrines for each faction, ie "All Vulcan ships treat one of their Tactical console slots as a Tactical/Science Hybrid slot & have a -10 weapon power for a +5 shields and +5 auxiliary power"; or "All Klingon ships lose a Science Console slot and replace it with a Universal console slot".

    9} More playable factions, including non-starfleet Federation (merchants & mercenaries) ones.

    10} More incursion-zones, and more content for the existing incursion zones. Finish & release the Deferi Incursion "Comm Station" content, for example. Make at least one Incursion zone per opponent faction, and have enough missions to rotate the content offered in each area of these zones. For example have four more easy missions for the Deferi City area, and offer only two (random ones) at a time. When a mission is selected for the 'to be offered' list, have be offered for a random time between 18 to 30 hours, after which select one of the others to replace it. This way, players are not always running "Automated aggression" and "Modus operandi" over and over.

    11} Ability to design & assign uniforms for your ships crew -- possibly just one pattern with different color palettes for engineering / science / tactical, or wholly different uniforms per specialty. Option to select "Fleet" uniforms for the crew as well.

    12} More mini-games, some just for fun (dabo, poker, darts, billiards, R/P/S, Tri-D chess, craps, etc) and some for determining performance of some tasks or mission-objectives. For the latter, at least, bonuses or reductions to performance based on character attributes -- skills, career, level, traits, race, or various RPG stats like Endurance or Dexterity. In-game casinos with reasonable odds (Dabo is highway robbery without the inconvenience of the highway) might be nice, especially PvP -- but the stakes would probably need to be non-exchangeable for real cash; dilithium ore may work for this. In all cases, the 'house' will always get a cut, making this a net resource-sink.

    13} More neutral zone / section 31 missions -- things like "Defense Contact" and "Sh'mar Distress call", although not necessarily just in the Fed-Klink neutral zone.
    [end Edit]

    That's all I've got for right now.
  • xcom43xcom43 Member Posts: 723 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    I got one FIX STF's
    The fear of death follows from the fear of life. A man who lives fully is prepared to die at any time.
  • captainjk740captainjk740 Member Posts: 60 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    I would like for each BOFF to be able to use its ranks full skills in space & on ground. Ex: a BOFF promoted to Lt. usingmore than just Ensign skills in space.
  • xcom43xcom43 Member Posts: 723 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Change Fleet Emblem Needs add on.

    Backround Option Needs Movment X postioning or what ever.

    The Foreground is able to be moved but not the background option.
    The fear of death follows from the fear of life. A man who lives fully is prepared to die at any time.
  • coldicephoenixcoldicephoenix Member Posts: 344 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Well this is my wishlist:

    1) Display armor on KDF toons

    1) Crew uniforms. Option to set the uniform style once for Sci, Tac and Eng BOffs and have the crew also in similar uniform. So whenever I get a new BOff, the default uniform is what was set by me
    2)More shirtlessness for the males on the KDF side :P Don't limit them to just orion/gorn males. I like my men fabulous and shirtless :D

    Long Term:
    1) Ability to modify existing weapons, equipment via forging to give them better stats/unique buffs

    We still live!!!!! Hahahahahahahahaa! We live and we will conquer!!!!! Hahahahahaaha!

    -Roach, when asked about Klingon extinction!
  • milesvaugnmilesvaugn Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    I have a few more features I think it would be nice to see, in no particular order:

    1} Customizable floor-plans for ships and fleet StarBases, and other player structures. When choosing the interior of your starship, for example, having two or three variant layout 'skeletons' to choose from, and allow players to place the various elements (captains quarters, lounge, shuttle-bay, transporter room, etc) into this skeleton to determine the actual layout of their ship. This would be greatly enhanced by allowing each of the elements to have a variety of shapes and floor-plans; although the ideal would be to allow the use of a subset of a complete & generalized interior editor built for the foundry authors.

    2} More flexible hangar-bays for carriers. As an alternative to just giving carriers more bays, allow each bay to hold two or three different types of switchable craft -- similar to the main characters ground-weapons slots. Only one of the choices could be active at a time per hangar, possibly with a cool-down timer for switching between types. More capable carriers would not necessarily have more bays, but could have more flexible bays. Perhaps equipping two or three specific small-craft choices to a particular hangar could grant some sort of synergy or set bonus.

    3} Allow players some flexibility in fitting-out hanger-bay launched craft; for example equipping a single shuttle and all launched shuttles using that as a template. Perhaps some restrictions would be in order -- like some craft may only take disruptor type weapons, or only phaser cannons, etc; or all small craft in a squadron have their own equipment load-outs, and each must be filled with identical items; or any items equipped in this manner are destroyed upon removal; or not all the usual slots are changeable.

    4} Away missions with your DOffs! Have a team or two of AI-controlled redshirts from your Duty Officer roster (maybe random, maybe selectable at mission start, or maybe assigned to various pre-defined duty teams) to hold various objectives, or to be random cannon-fodder, or just to use as an excuse for the progress bar filling slowly. As always, anybody hurt on the ground will have to spend a certain amount of time recovering in the sick-bay; and their equipment represents a potential resource sink. DOffs which beam in for any reason should, of course, be wearing matching (customizable by the player) uniforms.

    5} Relate number and types of DOffs usable (and maybe type & complexity of consoles on the bridge of the players ship) to the type of ship being flown.

    6} Crafting system revamp. Each craft-able item has both a 'rarity' slot and one or more 'bonus slots' in its recipe.

    'uncommon rarity', 'rare rarity', 'very rare rarity', 'ultra rare rarity', and (maybe) 'legendary rarity' materials are new, craft-able, & stack-able items -- treated much like data samples. They allow insertion of one or more 'bonus slot' materials.

    'Bonus slot' materials -- also craft-able & stack-able materials -- allow increases to accuracy, or damage, or other widely used modifiers.

    7} Racial / faction doctrines for crafting -- Feds make Phasers, Klingons make Disruptors; but maybe we can get fancier than that. Maybe Klinks have a cheaper recipe for +Damage 'bonus slot' materials, or Romulans get access to a 'reload torpedo faster' bonus material not craft-able by other factions. Such materials could still be traded on the exchange.

    8} Allow the buying and selling of both Dilithium Ore and Refined Dilithium for energy credits (and each other) in exactly the same way that the current dilithium / Zen exchange works.

    More later, probably.
  • sandyquicksandyquick Member Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    An end to "LOADING" screens for the "tour the universe" event, I had one last 43 minutes.

    Hey, on the subject of maps and zonning- I understand that the map will be changed someday to reflect space as a single HUGE 3-d expanse, not a series of 2-d squares like it is now. Great, but before that day comes could we have a shuttle race in some solar system. Like a race from mercury's shadow out to pluto and back...

    more games for risa; like all the stuff you can do on a fun cruise ship!
    I am looking forward to playing high stakes dabo, texas hold'em, poker, damjat, limbo, shuffle board, and more. you could even make a spoof of the survivor reality TV show as an event on RISA!

    for starfleet academy, GET RID OF THE ATARI MONUMENT. period.
    you can add a lecture hall where players can here disertations on Star trek technology, history and more.
    You can add a "movie theatre" for watching cinematics and 'captain proton' cliffhanger serials.
    You can add a "shuttle craft" simulator based on the Bepi system "sligshot course" only have the flight path take you through an asteroid field back towards a ship land in the shuttle bay.
    for kicks. You could add the holodeck "target practice game" velocity, specifically for "SHOOTER" mode...

    You could quadruple the size of the academy campus, to be more like the concept art.

    There is so much you could do to expand this game.

    hmm, almost all of this is for the fed side... maybe you could add a "cute seal clubbing event" for klingons...
  • kalvorax#3775 kalvorax Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    really..one thing i WANT to see fixed is the STF timers.

    Im a little POed at the stupid STF timers....especially when the stf I got dropped into a Cure space that had ended...now i have to wait an hour for not being able to do anything on that particular stf.

    They should be cooldown for if you started the whole mission or at least did something in the mission before it ended
    I find this line of replies sadly hilarious. We put a lot of work into the massive list of fixes/changes above, and ya'll are hung up on the ability to skip our content. =p
  • badaabadinbadaabadin Member Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited September 2012

    empire defense missions for feds. there fun way to grind dilthium and dont eat up to much time.
  • xcom43xcom43 Member Posts: 723 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Can the loading times be fixed In these Sectors

    Delta Volanis
    Arucanis Arm
    Hromi Cluster
    Khazan Cluster
    Afehirr Nebula
    Eridan Belt
    Rolor Nebula
    Betreka Nebula
    Zenas Expanse
    B'Tran Cluster
    B'Tran Cluster (Vice Admiral)

    Geez the Loading times are pretty bad some times i wonder if they will even load.It is not the sector that has the bad loading time But the Anomalys them selfs that have the really bad loading time.When you try to Explore the Anomaly It some times get stuck at 1 min timer and some times seems like it freezes.Can these please be fixed.Especially Delta Volanis the loading time on the Delta Volanis Anomaly is even longer then ESD some times witch is annoying when you are trying to Collect Data Samples.
    The fear of death follows from the fear of life. A man who lives fully is prepared to die at any time.
  • rrincyrrincy Member Posts: 1,023
    edited September 2012
    long term i know , and the legality is a little bleh

    but the proper mirror luna class

    12th Fleet
    Rear Admiral , Engineering Division
    U.S.S. Sheffield N.C.C. 92016
  • adamkafeiadamkafei Member Posts: 6,539 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Frankly guys there is a grand total of ONE thing I want in this game as I have watched it deteriorate since F2P went live... this one thing you may ask...


    I've seen it go from F2P going live and every profession and every ship was able to kill anything in the game without the help of an escort (if it wasn't an escort) as they all had their own skills and way of doing it and every ship did about the same damage per hit to science ships becoming less and less powerful to cruisers becoming less and less powerful to where we are now... if you aren't flying an escort or have a ship geared completely for DPS you are of little help to a team, science have been nerfed to death and can barely keep the hordes of super powered NPCs back using gravity well... there is no way (unless they are flying a carrier) that they are going to kill these NPCs on their own

    Cruisers have been reduced to damage sponges because they can't hope to even hold back the hordes... let alone destroy them on their own...

    and now we get to... "why?"

    The reason for this is that escorts were allowed to go unchecked as their damage capability went sky high and when you lot did step in you did it in completely the wrong way, you upped NPC health and shields to the point only escort DPS could kill them solo, you nerfed science powers so they couldn't do anything sensible to them and you proceeded to increase NPC damage so only the highest health cruisers could survive them and then just to add insult to the injury of cruisers and science ships and players alike you increase escorts damage again...

    now you are creating new content (which I might add is good) and saying we are supposed to defend starbases or transports from this sort of thing... it's evident you aren't playing any of your old cruisers or your science ships else this would have been sorted before it became a major problem. People leave fleet actions because they see a cruiser and know they are going to fail... take starbase blockade for example, a team of five escorts can save goodness knows how many freighters, a team of 5 cruisers won't save 10 and a team of 5 science ships... well I'm not even going to bother, that just isn't worth playing...

    Basically Cryptic, you need to play your game in something other than an escort or an oddy or a regent class and do a few of your events (without a perfect team as that would be an unfair test) and then you need to act upon that as you will find as I have the balance needs changing... and if that doesn't convince you then you need to go and watch Star trek again...
  • xcom43xcom43 Member Posts: 723 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    One thing i see that need's Adde Fix are these Below.permanently please.

    [Medical Supplies]
    [Shield Generators]
    [Communication Arrays]
    [Industrial Energy Cells]
    [Astrometric Probes]
    [Water Purification Systems]
    [Weather Control Systems]
    [Industrial Replicators]
    [Warp Coils]
    [Self Sealing Stem Bolts]
    [Entertainment Provisions]
    [Seismic Stabilizers]
    [Terraforming Systems]

    Can the above items Buy UI Be increased to 250 please it does make it a hassle to collect 50 at a time.

    And all so Can the list below be lowered in price please 1,200 to 1,800 ec add's up quickly.
    [Industrial Replicators] 1,200 ec
    [Warp Coils] 1,200ec
    [Self Sealing Stem Bolts] 1,200ec
    [Entertainment Provisions] 1,200ec
    [Seismic Stabilizers] 1,500ec
    [Terraforming Systems] 1,800ec

    Not many things use these items mostly star base and for us that have a small fleets it does get hard to collect 2,000 of each item Especially when you run out of EC.The small list above is still a little to high of a price as is any way.When you start collecting 50 plus it adds up.1,200x50=60,000 per 50 so 1,500ecx50=75,000 per 50 and 1,800x50=90,000 per 50 if you think about it that is a lot.
    The fear of death follows from the fear of life. A man who lives fully is prepared to die at any time.
  • sgi2011sgi2011 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    I only want 1 Thing

    make Romulans andCardassians Playable facions
  • sheppardussheppardus Member Posts: 110 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    adamkafei wrote: »
    take starbase blockade for example, a team of five escorts can save goodness knows how many freighters, a team of 5 cruisers won't save 10 and a team of 5 science ships... well I'm not even going to bother, that just isn't worth playing...

    Obviously you are playing with the wrong people on Starbase Blockade, or not using right tactics.
    As a science captain in a Luna Class I can fly solo in Blockade and save freighters, in an average run i will end up saving 1/3 to 1/2 of all freighters, if i had 4 fellow science captains playing with me and they listened to tactics I bet we would be able to save every freighter, DPS is not needed on Blockade, TBR is the most important bridge skill IMO to complete this as u push back the enemy and aggro every enemy ship, then just take out any ship left attacking freighter thn move on when the freighter is out of range of the enemy
  • razellisrazellis Member Posts: 176 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    sheppardus wrote: »
    Obviously you are playing with the wrong people on Starbase Blockade, or not using right tactics.
    As a science captain in a Luna Class I can fly solo in Blockade and save freighters, in an average run i will end up saving 1/3 to 1/2 of all freighters, if i had 4 fellow science captains playing with me and they listened to tactics I bet we would be able to save every freighter, DPS is not needed on Blockade, TBR is the most important bridge skill IMO to complete this as u push back the enemy and aggro every enemy ship, then just take out any ship left attacking freighter thn move on when the freighter is out of range of the enemy

    QFT. In an ody with TT1,ES 3, HE 2 and TSS 1 I can get any freighter to the starbase on my own. No escort help required. I actually hit the powers in about that order, start with tac team 1 follow with transfer shield strength, hazard emitters and finish it up with extend shields when I get in range. From that point on I just hit BFAW to pull agg and tank the spawn.

    EDIT: To Be on Topic:

    Long term game goals. a rework of the torpedo system allowing torps to do more damage to shields, a rebalance of weapon power drain and scaling weapon procs with weapon teir.

    Mid term goals. A re-balance of sci powers so that they work competitively in PVP/PVE, photonic fleet should benefit from partical generators at least. The ability to design our own ground kits with the fleet starbases. The ability to do ground STF's with Bridge officers as an alternative to team mates.

    Short term goals. Get rid of the glowy pillars of doom in the space missions, they're hard on the eyes. More enemy types in fleet events, I like fighting Romulans.A reusable "fighter bay" ship device that launches 2 faction appropriate fighters set to intercept mode or attack my target as an STF drop or mission reward
  • ghost2448ghost2448 Member Posts: 84 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Short term Requests:

    -Reducing the quantity of items required to get an active project started on the fleet SBs or
    generate the quantities required based on the number of members?
    - Have an option similar to the Azura, where people can change their vessel in space rather than having to go to a SB switch and then go out again?
    -Increase the rate of rare and very rare items drops and awards in doff missions eg. Dosi Rotgut and Romulan Ale as examples.

    Medium term Requests:

    -A featured episode series where as the player you meet Akharin (For those who don't know the immortal from "Requiem for Methusalah" season 3 ep to prevent a threat from the distant past (Yes a time travel mission) as a consequence you encounter an Iconian vessel(or insert ancient race here) and defeat it causing time to unravel and you spend the next few missions correcting what went wrong and those who were responsible for causing the temporal incursion as well (Perhaps if it has not already happen have a member of USS Relativity involved as well?)

    - Make it easier considering the number of items some of us have to buy for our fleet such as provisions to buy things in bulk perhaps add a box where we enter a number, much like the Dilithium Exchange which would show us the amount of EC we would have to pay in one go rather than 50 at a time?

    - Incorporate the best missions of the foundry into STO canon, I think it has been mentioned somewhere, but I thought it was important to mention it, especially Galactrix's mission which its name escapes me as well as the series (Yes series of missions) from Admiral Murphy, some of which could be incorporated into a new sector straight away in the first section of Gamma Quadrant?

    Long term Requests

    - A map where we don't have to go to the end, press ok, wait for it to load and then proceed, just one long map :)
    - We have the Hirogen and the Undine, perhaps we could have some more races and vessels from Voyager, perhaps the Kazon, Malon, Vidiians and the Talaxians and that these are added as playable races for us to choose for our characters perhaps some missions to go along with it to show how these races have evolved since USS Voyager, perhaps even have voice-overs from the crew?
    - Better awards for Lifetime subscribers at each milestone and perhaps a discount in regards to purchasing Zen/Dilitihium or items at these stores?
  • nazelnagnazelnag Member Posts: 230 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    here's a modest suggestion :

    how about adding a confirmation on the dofs missions, when you want to cancel a assignment chain ?
    (Are you sure you want to quit assignment ?
    Yes / NO)

    it's anoyng to mistaken the chains sometimes, you think you're choosing to make a assignment and you're cancelling a long assignment, when it's close to finish ... it happens to several people ...
  • nachobizniznachobizniz Member Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    My main character is a science captain. I have found playing the role of healer to be very tricky while using auto fire. If I'm not careful, my ship will retarget an enemy before I can click my shield or health heal and I end up healing myself instead of a teammate.

    I suggest allowing multiple target tracking for all players. One target for attack, another target for heals/buffs. A heal/buff will in no way untarget your attack target, it will just queue the heal until your attack is done. I believe this will pave way to more healing in the game and greater unit cohesiveness among fleets... because right now... its just a pain to be a healer.

    As a side note, I think more passive aura options would be fun. Like damage/targeting buffs for tacs, resistance type buffs for engineers, and shield/heal buffs for sci.

    We need more toggle and passive options to change up in combat but not have to press every 2 seconds to maintain. Auras do exactly that, but make them specific enough buffs that they can't apply to EVERY situation and will have to be changed to adapt to the situation. 1 aura that does it all is just pointless.

    Aura buffs will cause teams to stay tighter together if they want the buffs, but perhaps you could introduce a new kind of aura that reverses this and gives advantage for spreading out, to minimize collateral AOE damage... options... try them!
  • redsoniavrelredsoniavrel Member Posts: 118 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Immediate Term:

    1. FIX KHITOMER! Please :D

    Short Term:

    1. Mirror Long Range Science Ship (Voyager)

    2. Mk XI & XII Kits (to prepare us for or as rewards from newer harder content)

    3. Ability to have MACO and Fleet Emblems on MACO tailor costume

    4. Ability to select where to put fleet emblem (L/R shoulder, high/low, etc)

    5. Exchange console on Fleet Starbase

    Mid Term:

    1. I'm really looking forward to into the hive, but more STF's that don't involve the Borg. I find myself remodulating in Colony Invasion it's become that much of a habit. Maybe one for each story path? Perhaps only accessible (at level 50) if you have completed each arc which would ensure that players enjoy your wonderful missions. I'm thinking that a new set of 5 or 6 missions could be accompanied by a Ground and Space STF, each complete with it's own optional for us to noob up like nobody's looking

    2. More Ground/Space equipment sets to go with those for us to get just as frustrated about as 'that last MACO piece'.

    3. Klingon/Federation strory parity and Klingons from level 1 with own (skippable the second time) tutorial. Or Ability to choose between start at level 1 or 20 if you already have a Fed character at level (24?)

    Long Term:

    1. 'Complete' Romulan Faction.

    2. More story stuff. My idea is that it's possible to reach VA while still having at least 25% of the story stuff left to do, if not 50%

    3. A couple of ground, fleet mark giving fleet actions for 15-20 players

    4. Bigger galaxy (more sectors, more use of existing sectors - Risa, Vulcan, etc)
  • razellisrazellis Member Posts: 176 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Long Term:

    3. A couple of ground, fleet mark giving fleet actions for 15-20 players

    ....that's an awesome idea. A 15-20 person mission that was "multi layered" would be amazing. I'm thinking something like the destruction of Vulcan or a REAL colony invasion where it'll take more than "Tag for beam out" to save a lot of lives. Hell it could even be a war game exercise.

    Just have each group spreading to different sections of a massive map and benefiting from different strategies. With objectives like, "Defend/repair the shuttles/transport pads"; "evacuate/ escort survivors to shuttles/transport pads";"Retrieve sensitive data from research facilities". Things that would need to be done at the same time with rewards based on the percent of objectives completed.
  • pmarquardtpmarquardt Member Posts: 51 Arc User
    edited September 2012

    - add Registry Number Prefix option "NAR" for Tuffli class Freighter
  • hunterguyver4hunterguyver4 Member Posts: 64 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    I have been playing the game for approximately 5 weeks now since I found out it was F2P and would like to see these requests come true. Some may be outlandish but I think they could contribute to certain missions.

    Short Term:
    • Being able to connect to the server regardless of where I am - I could be at the hospital and connect to the server where as at college when I have free time to kill between classes or waiting for my ride I cant.
    • More areas of the ship accessible such as confrence room, other crews quarters, armory where on can store pick ups they get during missions
    • Ship Closet/Wardrobe where one can change their uniform without having the need to go to DS9, DS-K7, or Spacedock.
    • More officer slots for bridge crews regardless of rank
    • Reman weapons, especially Thaleron Weapons availible
    • More races availible to play, fight, or have as your crew like Talaxians, Remans(playable or crew), Kazon, Son'a, Undine(like the Remans.... *tries to picture an Undine in a Starfleet uniform*)
    • 3-6 slots availible with each grade and 6-9 slots availible for each rankl from initial 42 slots of Ensign to whatever a Rear Admiral would have if this were followed.
    • Ships such as the Ambassador, Enterprise J (whatever class that was), V'Ger,

    Mid Term:
    • More key Star Trek locations such as: Space Station Regula 1, Genesis, Mutara Nebula (for battles ;) ), Viridian system, Ba'ku,
    • Fighting a Narada class ship
    • Earnable Zen with energy credits
    • Most of all glitches. There have been times that some of my bridge crew when sitting at a station on a few bridges are sitting with their torsos coming through the floor instead of sitting in a chair. THere is that and when you go a certain distance whether in space or as a person you will be placed back to the start of the map or where you last were. Those types of glitches can be helpful especially when you are getting your hide handed to you, but they are more of a nuicence.

    Long Term:
    • More missions for the Borg, Breen, Undine episodes
    • The Dominion should have their own episode along with the Hirogen
    • Mirror Universe Episode (10-15) instead of the handful that are already on the game
    • 29 Century/Sphere Builder War Episodes
    • Iconian Episodes - Not fair to have them mentioned as a powerful race and not fight them :( lol
    • Every ship class availible for free purchase when you hit Rear Admiral Upper Half or Vice Admiral
    • Maybe some AR/JJ Abrams era missions along with Enterprise Era missions to tie all of Star Trek together.

    That is all I can think of at the moment. If all of them are to outlandish then all I would like to see taken care of are the glitches I mentioned.

    *Edit* I dont know if anyone else has these, but we should be able to make or purchase, with energy credits, plaques for our ships.
    "Richard, I'll give you one word of advice, you shouldn't anger a demigod" - Lord Archanfel, Supreme Zoalord and leader of the Chronos Organization in the series Guyver: The Bioboosted Armor series.
  • xcom43xcom43 Member Posts: 723 Arc User
    edited September 2012

    In the Z-store Can the Price be lowered to 200 or 300-Zen For a Retrain Token it is kinda ridiculous that it is still 500 Zen.

    Retrain Tokens should not cost 500 it takes a while to Collect 500.

    If the Rename Token is 350 then make the Retrain token 350.

    Retrain Tokens should not cost 5$
    The fear of death follows from the fear of life. A man who lives fully is prepared to die at any time.
  • chikahirochikahiro Member Posts: 35 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    • Seedling Factions - instead of trying to make an entire 1-50 experience, start new factions off along with appropriate systems/content. Let them grow from there. There are plenty of great factions that could be brought in this way like Ferengi, Bajorans, Cardassians, Founders, mercenaries, etc.
    • Risk In Space! More factions? Well, this becomes a lot more interesting, you know? :D
    • Settlers of Catan in Space! PVP doesn't have to be direct/combat, but rather through respective systems. If a more advanced economic system gets brought in, or espionage, or cultural ones, hey, there you go! It could be measured by all these things, like a game of Civ, sorta.

    My blog! Zen|Dilithium tracking on Thursdays
    As a lifetime member of STO, I officially became a financial liability as of April 2012 when compared to a subscriber.
  • woerligenwoerligen Member Posts: 261 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    * species-specific combadges
    * Starfleet combadge from TNG "Parallels" and "Future Imperfect"
    * Benzite, Deltan, El-Aurian, Denobulan bridge officers
    * playable Aenar
    * KDF Diplomacy officers able to wear Starfleet uniform

    * Dauntless-class (U.S.S. Dauntless NX-01-A, seen as 26th century Starfleet starship in ENT "Azati Prime")
    * Exocomp bridge officers
    Leipzig University, 1409-2409
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