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Ask Cryptic: September 2012 - Submit Your Questions, Please!



  • keeny75keeny75 Member Posts: 319 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    In a far far far off season when hopefully a playable romulan faction is up and running. Would it be possible to have an all our war similar to what happend in the last 2 seasons of da9?

    The cardassioms the breen and tholians are looking to conquer the alpha quadrant and the only way to survive is through Feds, Klingons and romulans fighting along side each other.

    But not just end there but this threat popping in to every 20 or so fleet alerts and STF's where the appsosing faction are attacking you and your STF/fleet alert enemy aswell. Total carnage.

    This kind of treat needs to be felt as real as it can be. Not a simple go here kill that. It needs to be random attacks where don't have an option to say no. Do or die because that's what war is.
  • foundrelicfoundrelic Member Posts: 1,380 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    About the players that don?t contribute at all to STFs or fleet events ? are you doing something to stop that or penalize them in any way?

    PLEASE make this happen? I and others are tired of carrying leeches.

    Can we get more shipboard missions? Star Trek is more than just "Warp here blow up those ships, beam down kill those guys, beam up and warp home." Some of the really fun moments in Star Trek took place IN the ship, Holodeck adventures, mysteries resulting from visiting dignitaries who aren't what they seem or officers who've been broken by the war and have switched sides or just gone bat**** insane.
  • bogart99999abogart99999a Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    In the same way only Cardassian Galor ship owners can buy Spiral Wave Disruptors from the dil store, can we please have the same for Phaser/Disruptor Quad Cannons, but allow us to have more than 1 installed?
  • knight2309knight2309 Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    With Star Wars The Old Republic going f2p this fall, what does Star Trek Online have planned to keep it's players?
  • captmack001captmack001 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    I got a few questions i would like to ask.

    What time frame are we looking at for an expansion which contains more races (empires) to play.

    2. people love the game when there is a bug which allows a 24/7 bar fight untill the game is fixed.

    My question is can we have a place on ds9 like the replomat where there is nothing but a 24/7 open pvp bar fight with only melee weaps allowed.

    3. how about shuttles we build from our starbases which we enter in shuttle races with other players from other fleets a fleet olympics so to speak.

    4. more Swords and Knifes we have meleed pack 1 how about 2-3-4-5-6 i need more variety.

    5. more tools for the foundry

    6. add another sector block or a nebula inbetween fed and klingon space or make it a dead mirror universe space block and add the weekly foundry mission to small planets you could get alot of missions if the planets were spaced right and just keep adding the spotlighted missions each week for both factions
    .7. any chance of ground pvp challenge system like in champs (please)

    8. more social events i cant belive you bring the winter event out and not re-skin the map for the olympics that would have been awesome.

    9. borg alerts instead of just flying there how about they conquer something which we the players have to reclaim

    so for example

    the borg claim bajor and players fleets lone wolfs have to go down and liberate the borg from the bajorans or should that be the other way around

    10. more sfa and kdfa missions would be awesome when starting the game 5-10 missions in both these locations would help the illusion of the game

    11. and when as a kdf player can i raid K7 it tells me soon but its been saying that for years and we are at war
  • robeasomrobeasom Member Posts: 1,911 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Will there be anymore KDF content or should I just delete my klingon character and play soemthing worthwhile like Guildwars 2?
    Vice Admiral Volmack ISS Thundermole
    Brigadier General Jokag IKS Gorkan
    Centurion Kares RRW Tomalak
  • enyinayaenyinaya Member Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    I would like to know if any, and when, will you release a new dedicated Science Class Starship, for example the Vesta Class.

    I am a strong fan of cluster exploration. Is there anything planned for it? Such as the mission rewards, complex missions, long or layered missions, or New Clusters.

    Is it possible to implement a system where players can use their engineering lab to craft or fabricate short term system buffs using assets and anomalous data samples? This is similar to the Doff missions that grant a buff on critical success. It can have mini games for their completion.

    More Questions later.
    This are empty!
  • maddog0000doommaddog0000doom Member Posts: 1,017 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    WHEN is the KDF going to get some ships and other items i can spent my money on! :(
  • havamhavam Member Posts: 1,735 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Since Gozer announced and left the PvP revamp we heard very little about the details of the revamp, any progress on that front? Has anybody been reassigned to the task, why not?

    Have the new QnA procedures you wanted to implement been successfully implemented?

    What would it take for PvP to become a stronger aspect of Cryptic games from your point of view?

    Are you happy with the current state of Sci ships? What is in store for the KDF, costumes, ships, anything really at this point. It's been a while

  • venarravenarra Member Posts: 112 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Can we have:

    Orions (complete with KDF optional outfits for Off-Duty) as a playable dual-faction (Fed/KDF) race? (Not all are members of the Syndicate.)

    More Player Races for the KDF (Cardassian Mercenary, Romulan Exile, Hirogen Free Hunter, Renegade Jem'Hadar, Still-angry-about-the-occupation-and-trading-one-master-for-another Bajoran Maquis, Honored Warrior Andorians, etc...)?

    More costume options for Klingons and racial attire for Gorns and Nausicans.

    More Playable Orion/Gorn/Nausican vessels (maybe only open to players of those races? Gorn ships for Gorns, etc...)

    Monarch-class Fleet Dreadnought (with Chevron-style Combat Saucer Seperation that improves the ship's turn rate)? (And please replace the silly sponson/strut-mounted saucer cannons on the saucer itself with R/L cannons in forward-facing armored shrouds).

    A Recon Escort for the Fed Science Types.
  • verlaine11verlaine11 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    knight2309 wrote: »
    With Star Wars The Old Republic going f2p this fall, what does Star Trek Online have planned to keep it's players?

    With how bad thier F2P actually is and having to pay for content updates like Makeb ect, STO does not have to do anything ontop of what its doing now.

    Are the KDF actually going to get anything new and shiny, most of the recent releases have been Fed this, Fed that, getting boring now.
  • captainjk740captainjk740 Member Posts: 60 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    I hope that the following questions will be answered since my questions have never been answered in prior Ask Cryptics:

    1) Since you will be increasing the level cap in the future, would it be possible for the amount of skill points needed to gain rank be increased? Right now, I have characters that are Vice Admirals and have not completed the Klingon Front much less the other fronts.

    2) In working on the new tutorials, would you include shuttle training missions at the academies? Captaining a shuttle at ensign would make more sense than an ensign commanding a starship, even an old starship.

    3) Is there anything being done about the lag problems in STO? When beaming into ESD, the game seems to stall. I usually have to log out and log back in for the game to pull up ESD.
  • jared3498jared3498 Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    will gravity/atmosphere/enviromental damage ever be added to space?
  • captainajethrocaptainajethro Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    1. Could you possibly make it so there are other uniforms you can obtain without the need for Z-points? I love the game but can't afford a subscription or even a prepaid card and I see DS9 costume packs in the Exchange all the time. I would love to see Enterprise or TOS uniform packs in there.

    2. Make the Suliban a playable species? Maybe make it so that you can buy their genetic enhancements that they were given in Enterprise with Z points.

    3. Possible, one time only missions in the game that reward Z-points. Doesn't have to be much, just to help those who can't afford to pay.

    4. Romulan/Reman as playable factions?

    5. I would love it if, for those of us with poorer computers, you guys put in the options to always be put in the lowest populated instance upon entering a sector. That way I don't have to wait 10 minutes for Earth Spacedock to load because I'm being put in an instance with 105 people. Also if you could limit the amount of asteroids that are in a map. There are some missions I struggle to get through because my computer lags horribly due to map content. Usually space maps with lots of clouds or asteroids.
  • methosivanhoemethosivanhoe Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Are there any plans to have 'assignment points' available as a paid upgrade from the C-Store or possible upgradable per level by spending skill points?

    I know quite a few people that would love to be able to have more than 20 DOFF missions on the go at once lol

  • gronknessgronkness Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    I hear alot of people in the game and out would love to have the Romulans as a playable faction, or at least some of their ships. I don't want to see any more ships introduced to the game until you guys finish the Klingon Faction. We were told that was a priority in the past and nothing has been done about it. Arguments abound that not enough people play the faction. That would be because it is incomplete.

    When will you finish the Klingon content of the game?
  • rachelj88rachelj88 Member Posts: 465 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    1: (Tailor addict speaking) more Off-duty wear? something less common, there are plenty of off-duty textures lurking about on some of the NPCs, they're cool in all but what about new clothes? maybe tank tops, (BIKINI! Even if on Risa there is an NPC that allows you to change!)

    2: I remember before the STO Launch watching the trailers and hearing about Tholians (tick) and awesome Ship customisation (no tick) :(... will there be better ship customisation? nacelle and deflector colour changing? <- its all well and good having the shield visuals but what if you're favorite shield visual is the one ship set eng/def/shd that you don't like due to build etc.

    3: (Angry Me) - why isn't there a Bellerophon in the Foundry? we got everything else! Odyssey comes out BOOM its there! still no Bellerophon :(

    4: FOUNDRY - waypoints? having NPCs wander is a little basic, waypoints would be awesome? will we see a waypoint system for NPCs in the Foundry? (even the ability to create waypoints for the players who play the missions like when you beamed to ESD for the first time and there is a blue trail leading to Quinney)

    5: ROMULANS? (I know it'd be pretty tough to create an entire faction sooo I thought... why not... have Romulan playable species for FED and KDF and they're the only ones who can use the Romulan ships, maybe even a small Romulan career path like a small featured series for Romulan Captains to play... and at the end they can either choose KDF or FED)

    P.S. completely forgot to add my thoughts about other posts!

    1: my main toon is Fed but I must completely agree with every KDF player, the KDF need finishing, need shiny things, need more uniforms, need more missions like Alpha, need more social areas flying from Qo'Nos to Ganalda to Drozana to DS9? I know with Marauding you can visit Risa and such but still... Please Please Please "When will the KDF be considered equal to the FED's?"
  • darthmonk1darthmonk1 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    I like to ask when the Ambarsdor class star ship wil be on the game because been said for the last 1 year and a half the reports said it will be and like to know when or even if it will be on the game please?
  • drug2drug2 Member Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Why cant we have missions where we can earn a oddyssey or the new assault cruiser or the multi vector assault mode escort because there are alot of ppl that dont got money and or the time to mine dilithium for a ship why cant we do missions to earn ships there a game i like to play called aqworlds that have it where i can do missions and lvl up to get a class why not do the same for a ship please i really want to kno wwhy not have this
  • stofskstofsk Member Posts: 1,744 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Put me down for 'can there be more customisation of our starship crew, so that they all wear the same uniforms my Boffs and I wear' and 'when will new content be released for the KDF in particular and both factions in general?' Also will there be more shuttle missions like the Vault?
  • schlumpf78schlumpf78 Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Will you make expertise convertible into fleetmarks?
  • blastenblaster1blastenblaster1 Member Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Will we ever get a ground combat vehical, like a 25th centry tank? And a open field ission to accomadate?
  • podsixpodsix Member Posts: 207 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    I pre-ordered the game in hopes of it, I bought a LTS (during beta) to show my support of it, I asked and waited and hoped for it. In November 2010, you hinted at it, in January-June 2011 you teased us with it. In July 2011, and again in August 2011 you promised it.

    Through 960+ days, six seasons, several EPs, and two different parent companies, through downsizings, upsizings, team changes and hiring phases, your own leaving, then coming back, I held out hope for it. Now it's going on September 2012, and I'm still waiting, still hoping, and still asking for it.

    I only have the one question: "Where's my Ambassador Class?"
  • timelords1701timelords1701 Member Posts: 556 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Into The Hive, When ? and will it be set like the STF'S of old, as in one overall story, or will it be broken into 2 sets = ground/space ??
  • docsnoopydocsnoopy Member Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    A few questions I would like to ask ...

    What are the plans for expanding Account Bound item status and particular for STF loot ( special reserve requisitions ) ? Is there a plan to upgrade the Account Bank to the same features as our current bank ( e.g. automatic use of commodities ) ?

    Are there any plans for changing the STF reward system ? Currently it works for mk10 and mk11 (both can be bought with tokens if you are not lucky) but mk12 is just luck - no skill needed. You can get it in the very first time you run it with a good group or do hundreds of STFs and not get any mk12 at all.

    When will the "cloak bug" ( forced de-cloaking of ship ) be fixed ?

    Any news on the Romulans ? Will it be a faction (deeply preferred) ? Personally I would accept a few or even no missions, just the ability to play as a part of the Romulan Empire. Any hints, clues, leads, rumours ... anything?

    When will we see new KDF content ? What kind of content will it be ( ships, missions, races, items ... ) ?

    What are your current plans for the planned crafting upgrade / rebuild ?

    What are your plans for more/new race specific ships/features ? Will there be new shiny thingies for Vulcans, Gorn, Andorians, Orions, Caitians, Ferasans, <insert-race-of-desire> ?

    What are the plans for the Veteran Program / Rewards after the 1000 day mark ?

    The character customization option in STO are great! Are there plans to give all costume option of your character likewise to your BOFFs ( e.g. showing away team in full KDF HG, Omega or MACO ) that are not race specific ?

    When will we see the next update for the STO timeline / story ? When will the KDF-Fed war be continued with events, missions, zones ?

    Are there any plans to make all ( or at least most ) new missions faction neutral to extend the total number of missions for all factions ?

    Any plans to make future promotion events like the Las Vegas DOFF available worldwide ( not just the US ) ?

    Will there be more Star Trek music from the shows/movies or even Cryptic-made stuff ?

    Are there plans for more options for weather conditions on ground maps ? More random missions to use a EV suit ?

    Are there plans for more social zones like Ferenginar, Cardassia, or race-homeworlds (Orion, Gorn, Trill, ... ) ?

    Are you looking / have plans for the log in screen ? I have to re-enter my new PWE handle each time I log into a new character. And maybe a feature just to change your character ( on the same account ) without complete log-out & log-in process ?
  • blairiodeblairiode Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Have you ever taken into consideration to make the NPC races playable by can indeed play Romulans or Borg, but limited as simple (as NPC) version and by time account. so the example on Fleet Events you slip into the role of the attacker's can and so are kind may arise from PVP.
  • takeshi6takeshi6 Member Posts: 752 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Two Questions, really.

    Question 1: Any definite timetable on the release of the Fleet Assault Cruiser? Since you made a C-Store Refit Version, I'm assuming that we will have a Fleet Version.

    Question 2: Ever thought of including the Type-11 Shuttlecraft in the game? It's tied with the Delta Flyer for my Favorite Starfleet Shuttlecraft, and I'd really like to see it in-game. :D

    Those are my questions, and I hope they get answered. :)

    Thank you for your time. :D:cool:
  • captaingalaxy1captaingalaxy1 Member Posts: 202 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Hello i have a question.

    Are there any plans for players at VA 50 who want to use their old ships in their respective missions because at the moment the enemies are so powerfull in the old missions that you can't complete the missions with ships below a certain tier and the only place you take those ships is the deep space encounter missions. Maybe something could be done so that have refited with their original standard issue equipment could be used again. Also loving Season Six! Manythanks Captain Galaxy
    "Omega Class will prevail she cannot be defeated!"
  • gazeofdragongazeofdragon Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Can we please get Customizable hotkeys? The ones where you can set up colors for certain skills, and/or put chat or command features onto a hotkey? Please...
  • scififan78scififan78 Member Posts: 1,383 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Any chance there could be an expansion on thr recruitment of Doffs? I would love it we could go to other locations to recruit. Go to Bajor and recruit Bajoran Doffs, go to Sierra Starbase to recruit Alpha Centauri, Rigellian, or non aligned races ( Reman, Romulan defectors). Perhaps even go to Defera and recruit some Deferi.
This discussion has been closed.