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Game Extension, Immersion

treffelltreffell Member Posts: 247 Arc User
if you lose to a borg you becomre borg anfd have to wait to be like unassimilated by someoen

you get like borg orders or soemthgn, and a science ship can capture instead of blow uyou up (same mechanics tho)

melodrama - same thing, how about you can like fall for a romulan gal or somethng and be a traitor

that ferengi ship and freighter were good ideas, a rogue thng for people that hate fleets
or not so much fleets, as fleet admirals

oh yeah, there should be a fatal or "knocke3d out of com,msion for awhiule" thing foir brifdge officers

losing can be more fun then winning, i know most do not thnk that, butr its trek, kinda ncihed out, how about a cognitive break from other games ?
Post edited by treffell on


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    treffelltreffell Member Posts: 247 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    to continue

    i read "you can;t win with a tyk're" or4 somethng like that when i got this game, so i set out to make a shuttle that could

    and pvp'd my way toi admiral in a shuttle, admist cries of people that think thbey own the game i think

    now i am aq thinlk,n - hold it , kirk and the like are noted for not folloiwing reules, every trek person k nows this,

    so why on earth would fleet admirals and others have a cow?
    malkes no sense- oh yeah, it does, its like a gaggle of hyocrite follower complainers or somethng

    oh yeah , immersion and whatever ewlese the title says, how about a two weapon in front one in the rear heldeki type craft, not a shuttle or other dxhoice, mix it up in a viable way

    if your in pvp and its like 14 to zero - then such ships get it over with faster

    if your on the3 winning side- makes it more a match
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    csm67csm67 Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    You broke english....

    Are you saying -

    If you lose to a borg, ground or space, you are assimilated, and your faction converts from Human/KDF to borg. You then begin to get missions from the borg hivemind, until someone friendly defeats you and 'un-assimilates' you, placing you back into your original faction. ?
    We come in peace....shoot to kill.
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    treffelltreffell Member Posts: 247 Arc User
    edited August 2012

    more typos then english

    with some ol colloquillism aqnd misplelling to boot

    yes, that is what i am saying

    you get assimilatged and serve the wqueen or somethng

    but more to the point - more mystery - iu thnk old games had alot of that -
    now its trade shoot - which may be an old complaint - but adding "content" without substance is poin tless-

    course i am playi8ng this game for like 2 years and made it to "the romulan mystery" or somethng- so content was never an issue

    thanks for the reply there- best for you
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    captrayvenwingcaptrayvenwing Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    If they put that in it needs to be optional
    The Account formally known as Rayvenwing
    Actual Join Date : Feb 2010

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    treffelltreffell Member Posts: 247 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    yeah, why not

    liker turning into a vampoire in obliviion

    like save it for the last or somethng or forget it if it is unpalatable
    (turn to borg? yes no )

    at any rate you could change back if ypu attack and lose to a science
    ship is what i am thinking

    which i assume would be ez to do, (or maybe not, don;t see to many science ships - especially in pvp)

    on another thread i mentioned that race in voyager that ripped people's faces off and like wore them

    another idea- have them , and have it so you collect like body parts and your character is some frankenstien horror thing with a fed admniral face (lol)

    same with ships, like a feragi hull, with a klingon front and fed engines or somthng

    thanks for the reply there
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    treffelltreffell Member Posts: 247 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    better would be

    -turn to borg - yes , no

    yes- you are now gar nagus 5
    your number 1 on a sphere or somethng and grey with a red lazer in your face and a claw

    in stf's your on ther borg team

    it would really amp things up

    or no-

    "your science guy dsaved you and you can cry home to mama", or somethng
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    velktravelktra Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    But... it wouldn't work. If you get assimilated, your away team shoots you. :P

    I personally am not interested in a Borg faction. They make decent enemies, but I honestly think it'd be boring to play as one.
    Demons run when a good man goes to war.
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    dameos1976dameos1976 Member Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    I like these ideas, and i dont think it would take too much programming to do, However, if you melee with a borg on an STF, and it infects you, you start to attack your teammates, unless you click the nanoprobe thing to get rid of it. they have to kill you lol, and your screen gets this long stretched out look to it, its kinda cool.

    but adding some form or another of accolade branch, while being infected would be pretty sweet, Jean Luc Picard was Lacutus of Borg for awhile, so I dont see why we could not have some similar option, maybe its something the Devs can work on for a future content release.
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    es0archeres0archer Member Posts: 76 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    treffell wrote: »
    if you lose to a borg you becomre borg anfd have to wait to be like unassimilated by someoen

    you get like borg orders or soemthgn, and a science ship can capture instead of blow uyou up (same mechanics tho)

    melodrama - same thing, how about you can like fall for a romulan gal or somethng and be a traitor

    that ferengi ship and freighter were good ideas, a rogue thng for people that hate fleets
    or not so much fleets, as fleet admirals

    oh yeah, there should be a fatal or "knocke3d out of com,msion for awhiule" thing foir brifdge officers

    losing can be more fun then winning, i know most do not thnk that, butr its trek, kinda ncihed out, how about a cognitive break from other games ?

    Arghhh my eyes are bleeding from trying to read it... too many.....wrong......bad.....english......misspells......cant go....on

    Lifetime member.......not proud of it!
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    tacofangstacofangs Member Posts: 2,951 Cryptic Developer
    edited August 2012
    HA HA! This is pretty funny, but it has some potential. Perhaps not as an all the time, get assimilated, you're stuck until someone frees you kind of thing. But it could be done as a featured episode, where the overall arc starts you as your captain, you get assimilated, do borg stuff for a bit, and then get freed from the collective by your crew. Could be cool.

    Though I'm not sure what you'd do as a borg. . . ? Walk slowly, interact with console, repeat "Resistance is futile" over and over. . .
    Only YOU can prevent forum fires!
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    atatassaultatatassault Member Posts: 1,008 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    tacofangs wrote: »
    HA HA! This is pretty funny, but it has some potential. Perhaps not as an all the time, get assimilated, you're stuck until someone frees you kind of thing. But it could be done as a featured episode, where the overall arc starts you as your captain, you get assimilated, do borg stuff for a bit, and then get freed from the collective by your crew. Could be cool.

    Though I'm not sure what you'd do as a borg. . . ? Walk slowly, interact with console, repeat "Resistance is futile" over and over. . .
    Well, we are, supposedly, big name Captains. So we'd likely get turned into a named Borg Drone like Locutus or Armek. And consequently, have higher profile tasks.
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    ufpdewolfeufpdewolfe Member Posts: 95 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    tacofangs wrote: »
    HA HA! This is pretty funny, but it has some potential. Perhaps not as an all the time, get assimilated, you're stuck until someone frees you kind of thing. But it could be done as a featured episode, where the overall arc starts you as your captain, you get assimilated, do borg stuff for a bit, and then get freed from the collective by your crew. Could be cool.

    Though I'm not sure what you'd do as a borg. . . ? Walk slowly, interact with console, repeat "Resistance is futile" over and over. . .

    Come now, we know there have been special Borg that have done more interesting things than that. Picard led the attack on the federation after being assimilated, Seven of nine was sent to voyager on a special mission. Then there was that Borg rebellion with uni-matrix zero and stuff.

    Perhaps an assimilated player would take command of a Borg cube or something and lead an attack on some world with an alien species vainly trying to resist. Or more specifically be part of the away teams that board ships and assimilate the crew. Imagine an all Borg away team, they go around injecting nano probes into crew and computer systems completing objectives to take over the ship.
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    treffelltreffell Member Posts: 247 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    a fleet comes along "la la, "howe are you doing tom? "great, wife is mad tho, - e veryone remeber the 10 percent rule, la la "

    then BAM

    6 ner' do wells in spheres blowing them to pieces
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    thegreendragoon1thegreendragoon1 Member Posts: 1,872 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    tacofangs wrote: »
    Though I'm not sure what you'd do as a borg. . . ? Walk slowly, interact with console, repeat "Resistance is futile" over and over. . .

    You're a clever Taco. I bet you could make it work. ;)
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    treffelltreffell Member Posts: 247 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    a borg power could be hearing all communica'

    and like spheres are attack /heal ships

    one thing i did in pvp in my shuttle of horror was to type fake stuff in zone

    even typed "moderator- don;t shoot" (lol) and it wrked for awhile until i unloaded like ferengi missles into an enemy ship

    same idea

    but someone mentioned a olayer mod, which is another avenue, but that is locked in the episodic still, i am am thinkking pvp pve instances, etc

    that way no faction stuff is needed

    other then you get like a fleet base to look at everyone that is the same (lol)
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    syberghostsyberghost Member Posts: 1,711 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Well, we are, supposedly, big name Captains. So we'd likely get turned into a named Borg Drone like Locutus or Armek. And consequently, have higher profile tasks.

    Right; walk slowly, order other drones to interact with consoles, and repeat "resistance is futile". :)
    Former moderator of these forums. Lifetime sub since before launch. Been here since before public betas. Foundry author of "Franklin Drake Must Die".
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    sollvaxsollvax Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    If the Borg assimilate you , you are DEAD
    theres no coming back

    This is why we have counter assimilation nanites injected into our Brains

    Borg nanite + counter assimilation nanite meet and you go off like a photon torpedo
    Live long and Prosper
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    cptvanorcptvanor Member Posts: 274 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    sollvax wrote: »
    If the Borg assimilate you , you are DEAD
    theres no coming back


    What about Picard, 7 of 9, and all the other Borg that have been saved from assimilation? It's clearly canon that such a thing is possible, and considering how far we are into the future it should be even more common.

    In fact there's PvE missions that are part of the Borg Front that involve such a thing.

    So yeah you're quite simply wrong, there is plenty of ways to come back from being a Borg.

    However that doesn't change the fact that I think being turned into a Borg would be rather dull and not worth the time it would take to put it into the game.
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    crusty8maccrusty8mac Member Posts: 1,381 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    treffell wrote: »
    to continue

    i read "you can;t win with a tyk're" or4 somethng like that when i got this game, so i set out to make a shuttle that could

    and pvp'd my way toi admiral in a shuttle, admist cries of people that think thbey own the game i think

    now i am aq thinlk,n - hold it , kirk and the like are noted for not folloiwing reules, every trek person k nows this,

    so why on earth would fleet admirals and others have a cow?
    malkes no sense- oh yeah, it does, its like a gaggle of hyocrite follower complainers or somethng

    oh yeah , immersion and whatever ewlese the title says, how about a two weapon in front one in the rear heldeki type craft, not a shuttle or other dxhoice, mix it up in a viable way

    if your in pvp and its like 14 to zero - then such ships get it over with faster

    if your on the3 winning side- makes it more a match

    Like, Dude!!!! Cool idea, dude. Maybe you should like stay in school. Maybe like take some typing classes, or like learn to use a spell checker. Like, just saying, man.... Or maybe, like you just don't like "folloiwing reules". I like, get that, dude.
    STO Forum member since before February 2010.
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    I actually avoid success entirely. It doesn't get me what I want, and the consequences for failure are slim. -- markhawman
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    liquidacid29liquidacid29 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    sollvax wrote: »
    If the Borg assimilate you , you are DEAD
    theres no coming back

    This is why we have counter assimilation nanites injected into our Brains

    Borg nanite + counter assimilation nanite meet and you go off like a photon torpedo

    you can already PLAY AS a liberated borg... not to mention the ones you can get as boffs, doffs and those that are NPCs are all over the place...
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    sollvaxsollvax Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    You can play as assimilated

    I Can't
    its living dead
    So any time one of me got assimilated that would be his last mission (De-assimilation by Delete button)

    There is no life after assimilation

    Thus the (admittedly soft canon) Counter assimilation nanite
    Should come as standard

    because better to die a living being than to exist as seven of dead
    Live long and Prosper
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    liquidacid29liquidacid29 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    sollvax wrote: »
    You can play as assimilated

    I Can't
    its living dead
    So any time one of me got assimilated that would be his last mission (De-assimilation by Delete button)

    There is no life after assimilation

    Thus the (admittedly soft canon) Counter assimilation nanite
    Should come as standard

    because better to die a living being than to exist as seven of dead

    that's not soft-canon... that's NON-canon as it actually contradicts established canon
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    kimmerakimmera Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    you can already PLAY AS a liberated borg... not to mention the ones you can get as boffs, doffs and those that are NPCs are all over the place...

    Right, but in the meanwhile, while you are still assimilated, you are none of those.

    You are a complete slave to whatever queen you are assigned too, a scripted NPC until you get rescued. *IF* you get rescued.

    Gee that sounds like fun....

    It *might* work if you switch to playing your first officer and have to rescue yourself... but other than that not sure how it would.
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    sollvaxsollvax Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    its soft canon
    they were introduced in novel form (AFTER janeways "death" in the badlands before her Return )
    Live long and Prosper
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    liquidacid29liquidacid29 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    kimmera wrote: »
    Right, but in the meanwhile, while you are still assimilated, you are none of those.

    You are a complete slave to whatever queen you are assigned too, a scripted NPC until you get rescued. *IF* you get rescued.

    Gee that sounds like fun....

    It *might* work if you switch to playing your first officer and have to rescue yourself... but other than that not sure how it would.

    I was replying to numbnuts saying you die if you get assimilated... I too think playing a still assimilated borg would be boring... and in fact you can do it already in game.. I've been "assimilated" in elite STFs... screen goes weird and the game takes over control and make you shoot at your team mates until they kill you

    sollvax wrote: »
    its soft canon
    they were introduced in novel form (AFTER janeways "death" in the badlands before her Return )

    ONLY "the events that take place within the live-action episodes and movies" are canon as per official statement by the IP owner... so no it's not even soft canon since the novels are not canon
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    sollvaxsollvax Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    point being that YOU got assimilated
    I don't

    Maybe im not the numb one here ??

    Borg are living dead
    utterly unliving utterly dull

    to be a borg is to be Less than a cog in a machine

    "liberated borg" were clearly saved BEFORE the brain was removed or wiped and retain some limited mental freedom

    ACTUAL borg are zombies
    less than mindless
    Live long and Prosper
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    liquidacid29liquidacid29 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    sollvax wrote: »
    point being that YOU got assimilated
    I don't

    Maybe im not the numb one here ??

    Borg are living dead
    utterly unliving utterly dull

    to be a borg is to be Less than a cog in a machine

    "liberated borg" were clearly saved BEFORE the brain was removed or wiped and retain some limited mental freedom

    ACTUAL borg are zombies
    less than mindless

    so you are trying to tell us we should follow your made-up arbitrary rule about Borg when playing and when the developers are designing new content they should also follow said imaginary rule or what? just so we are clear
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    sollvaxsollvax Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    No im saying give people a CHOICE
    "assimilate or DIE"

    because playing a DRONE is pointless if you are not a Drone

    You want to be a mindless drone go for it

    your orders from the collective ??
    Stand in an alcove for three weeks
    Walk to another alcove
    Stand there for three weeks
    Walk back

    you see just because you are a "hot shot" in starfleet doesn't mean you will be anything other than the lowest drone

    Piccard was TRIBBLE for data he as commander of a fleet flag vessel had
    it killed him inside
    Live long and Prosper
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    liquidacid29liquidacid29 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    sollvax wrote: »

    Piccard was TRIBBLE for data he as commander of a fleet flag vessel had
    it killed him inside

    I'm the commander of a fleet flag vessel too... in fact I have 4 of them... and Picard was only a Captain I'm a Vice Admiral... so me > Picard
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    sollvaxsollvax Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    So you = DESK JOB

    sorry the only aliens who want you are the little back of the neck bugs
    Live long and Prosper
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