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Stop letting lower level players in the same queue as level 50s



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    daisyberkowitz1daisyberkowitz1 Member Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    lostmoony wrote: »
    fly 20 km away then go back take position for next pull?:confused: that needs 1 min if i calculate optimistic in this time 2 frighters are dead.

    sometimes you get funny waves with npcs who spam torpedos that means 2-3 hits and your frighter is not more...

    if i jump into a group shott on the frighter nearest enemy a gravition well then spam mass aoes to finish out all enemys in ~40-50 secounds +1 shot on frighter ,aux2sif+hazzard 3 and happy on the end that the frighter not pops.

    afther this epic 40~50 sec the frighter is 100% save and i can jump to next frighter so i lose no time your taktik makes no sense in my mind to push 10 min 1 group of enemys away....^^

    There are 5 people in the instance and only 3 Freighters, if the other 4 people can't manage to hold 2 freighters whilst a Sci ship holds one alone then that's their problem. You also don't need to fly 20Km away, pop an Aux battery (or run high Aux instead with the rest in Engines) and the repel of TBR will push them much further than you'll go which will usually leave you in range of the Freighter or not far from it.
    When doing this you can also still heal the freighter; TT, HE and TSS is more than enough to get the freighter through whatever doesn't get pushed and TBR also has the added benefit of breaking tractor beam holds that NPCs like Orion's like to use.
    I consider it completely unimportant who in the party will vote, or how; but what is extraordinarily important is this
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    lostmoonylostmoony Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    jo there are 5 players but it happend many times i see a frighter coming in no other there only me coz they handle the other frighters so... i do many times solo a frighter and the mission for me is to save max amount frighters as posible, not only 1 so i have to clear the frighter on the fastest way in my mind to make there a 5 min gambling with pushing 3 enemys is no way i think.

    i save with a usefull team still 19-20 frighters and never seen anyone dont shoting coz use your taktik of push 3 enemys away using or better never seen anyone doing this.

    or how much frighters you save with pushing dont shot?
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    rooster75rooster75 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    2 copies of TBR and 1 copy of PSW (for the tractors) + 3 Evasive Conn Officers = Win
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    daisyberkowitz1daisyberkowitz1 Member Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    lostmoony wrote: »
    jo there are 5 players but it happend many times i see a frighter coming in no other there only me coz they handle the other frighters so... i do many times solo a frighter and the mission for me is to save max amount frighters as posible, not only 1 so i have to clear the frighter on the fastest way in my mind to make there a 5 min gambling with pushing 3 enemys is no way i think.

    i save with a usefull team still 19-20 frighters and never seen anyone dont shoting coz use your taktik of push 3 enemys away using or better never seen anyone doing this.

    When I run my characters through Blockade with a fleet mate that uses TBRx2 the last thing I think is that the freighter he's watching will be destroyed. More often than not he'll be watching two Freighters whilst my Tac Escort struggles to deal with all the fighter spam from the Orion and Klingon carriers and kill all the attacking ships quickly. And there's no gambling involved, it actually works more reliably than my Tac trying to DPS everything with CSV and Torpedo Spread.

    Also there's no five minute gamble, TBR has a 40 second CD, not 5 minutes and with 2 copies you can get good uptime. It also deals decent amounts of damage straight to hull, something that a Science ship can use to try and control the fighter spam (which sometimes are more dangerous to the Freighter than the capital ships).
    lostmoony wrote:
    or how much frighters you save with pushing dont shot?

    The last Blockade I ran we got 21, usually it's 20 though.
    I consider it completely unimportant who in the party will vote, or how; but what is extraordinarily important is this
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    lostmoonylostmoony Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    its ok you have 2 x tbr and cooldown also not interesting me, i simple think how you explain it, you fly to some enemys the if you se 1-2 in ~5 km range you aktivate tbr then evasive then you push away 3 enemys ~16 km away but on the frighter still 6 enemys now and you 16 km away in this moment.:confused:

    that makes for me no sense, now understand me?

    and to turn fly back do the same again needs ~50sec do it 4x and we are near the 5 min totally time of gambling.
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    rooster75rooster75 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    lostmoony wrote: »
    its ok you have 2 x tbr and cooldown also not interesting me, i simple think how you explain it, you fly to some enemys the if you se 1-2 in ~5 km range you aktivate tbr then evasive then you push away 3 enemys ~16 km away but on the frighter still 6 enemys now and you 16 km away in this moment.:confused:

    that makes for me no sense, now understand me?

    and to turn fly back do the same again needs ~50sec do it 4x and we are near the 5 min totally time of gambling.

    It sounds to me like you've been in some really bad groups. This instance is all about CC and keeping the freighter healed.
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    daisyberkowitz1daisyberkowitz1 Member Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    lostmoony wrote: »
    its ok you have 2 x tbr and cooldown also not interesting me, i simple think how you explain it, you fly to some enemys the if you se 1-2 in ~5 km range you aktivate tbr then evasive then you push away 3 enemys ~16 km away but on the frighter still 6 enemys now and you 16 km away in this moment.:confused:

    that makes for me no sense, now understand me?

    No, because it doesn't just push the same 3 targets; it'll be 3 random targets and usually TBR will push them all over its duration. If I was just pushing the same 3 NPCs then leaving the rest of the spawn behind to destroy the freighter then I wouldn't use it more than once as that's dumb.
    I know what the tooltip says but actually using it in game you'll see that it'll push the whole spawn out of range of the freighter rather than just three, you do however have to position yourself to make sure you keep as many NPCs within 5km of you as you can otherwise you will just push a couple of them out of the way and leave the rest behind which is obviously not that useful or desirable.
    I consider it completely unimportant who in the party will vote, or how; but what is extraordinarily important is this
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    lostmoonylostmoony Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    rooster75 wrote: »
    It sounds to me like you've been in some really bad groups. This instance is all about CC and keeping the freighter healed.

    healing is not the point also not good group or bad group you also get random enemys if i remeber right "orin" ships dont deal any imortend dmg to frighter so the mission will be a 100% sucess with nuub groups and if you have bad luck you get "fed ships" where the scie frigattes and escorts spam so many torpedo waves on the frighter that he pops up befor you reach him i have seen anythink.

    i am only interested on this pull taktik and how it can works effizient.:D

    if there is a way that can help lowbies to save frighters in this mission.
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    rooster75rooster75 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    lostmoony wrote: »
    healing is not the point also not good group or bad group you also get random enemys if i remeber right "orin" ships dont deal any imortend dmg to frighter so the mission will be a 100% sucess with nuub groups and if you have bad luck you get "fed ships" where the scie frigattes and escorts spam so many torpedo waves on the frighter that he pops up befor you reach him i have seen anythink.

    i am only interested on this pull taktik and how it can works effizient.:D

    if there is a way that can help lowbies to save frighters in this mission.

    I'm sorry, I'm not sure you can be helped. There's been some people that have lent you some really good advice that know what they are talking about but you don't seem to understand.
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    lostmoonylostmoony Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012

    i am newbie
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    defcon1776defcon1776 Member Posts: 313 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    "If you can't take a little bloody nose, maybe you ought to go back home and crawl under your bed. It's not safe out here. It's wondrous, with treasures to satiate desires both subtle and gross. But it's not for the timid." Q
    Join the 44th Fleet. [FED and KDF] Apply Online: startrek.44thfleet.com
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    simeion1simeion1 Member Posts: 898 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    I know you can beat this with out a ton of DPS, this is not the what this forum is about. It is about making things fair for lower and upper level characters.
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    carmenaracarmenara Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    simeion1 wrote: »
    I know you can beat this with out a ton of DPS, this is not the what this forum is about. It is about making things fair for lower and upper level characters.

    Alright, even a lowly Cheyenne or Saber class on a lowbie toon can to a Repulsor Ram attack + engine battery + evasive maneuvers to push enemy raiders more than 10km from the freighter.

    So it won't be able to DPS the entire enemy group by itself but it means a low level character and ship can play a decisive role saving a freighter by itself, just like the specialist freighter escort science vessel posted above.

    Sure, most Fleet teams will be specced for DPS, max area control and aim to get high scores of 19 and above but sometimes we do get new pilots in just for fun and that's what we have them do - fly specialized roles and leave the DPS to us.

    I call that fair.

    I am also known to win the map with full power to auxiliary and engines and just spam Tractor Beam Repulsors, torpedo spread and engineering teams on the freighters. Auxiliary to Dampers II to get the whale moving from site to site faster. This too is a non-DPS winning strategy just about anyone above Captain level can pull off.
    STF Flight Instructor since Early 2012. Newbies are the reason why STO lives and breathes today. Do not discriminate.

    My Youtube Channel
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    aexraelaexrael Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Except unless it's an already experienced player, you won't see such a setup, not to mention it's an extremly isolated example for 1 single mission.
    Defending the decision for pre 50 players being paired with lvl 50 is outright silly. It just shouldn't happen.

    A majority of the content comes down to a DPS race, not pushing ships around and otherwise contributing nothing to the match. For that simple fact pre 50s shouldn't be teamed with 50s ever.

    The private queues are there if you want to team with new players whom aren't yet 50, or casual fleet members.
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    sollvaxsollvax Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Time as I have said to KILL DPS

    have a phaser be a phaser
    regardless of level have it do the SAME Damage

    have all weapons be the same

    in PVP and PVE group events

    then no more "your DPS is under 14,000 you suck!"
    Live long and Prosper
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    dknight0001dknight0001 Member Posts: 1,542
    edited August 2012
    sollvax wrote: »
    Time as I have said to KILL DPS

    have a phaser be a phaser
    regardless of level have it do the SAME Damage

    have all weapons be the same

    in PVP and PVE group events

    then no more "your DPS is under 14,000 you suck!"

    And all weapons now work like Beam Arrays too? All ships automatically become Cruisers, BOFFs are converted to a pre-made spec. DOFFs de-activated. Skill Trees set to 0. Traits ignored. Sounds wonderfully bland there.

    I'm sorry but this is a terrible idea, variety is interesting. If everything is the same than why give people a choice at all. Why not just make a single ship, and everybody flies it, with the same Weapons and BOFFs.

    Straight up, Online Multiplayer games are not fair, there is always a guy better than you. Somebody else will always have an Advantage. In an MMO gear usually helps create that Advantage and make somebody better. I'm not the best geared player in this game, I haven't spend a single EC on my ships Weapons (STFs) but why should I have my choices invalidated for your blandness.

    Will all pings be normalised to 800ms to make sure nobody has an ufair advantage there too? Computer will be hard locked to the minimum settings and your clock speed slowed to make it fair? Wouldn't want an I5 to beat out the guy on the Celeron.

    Oh wait I went too far, I'm the one being silly now. Wanting everything the same. Where's the guy with the misquote about the first freedom being lost, the first words being censored the first choice denied?
    I was once DKnight1000, apparently I had taken my own name so now I'm DKnight0001. :confused:
    If I ask you a question it is not an insult but a genuine attempt to understand why.
    When I insult you I won't be discreet about it, I will be precise and to the point stupid.
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    sollvaxsollvax Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    And all weapons now work like Beam Arrays too? All ships automatically become Cruisers, BOFFs are converted to a pre-made spec. DOFFs de-activated. Skill Trees set to 0. Traits ignored. Sounds wonderfully bland there.

    Actually i ment Ground weapons

    But maybe yes
    I'm sorry but this is a terrible idea, variety is interesting. If everything is the same than why give people a choice at all. Why not just make a single ship, and everybody flies it, with the same Weapons and BOFFs
    until people allow Cruisers and beams in STFS without throwing a wobbly we need to do away with DPS

    Straight up, Online Multiplayer games are not fair, there is always a guy better than you

    Several in my case (Dozens better at one thing or another a few better at everything)
    Somebody else will always have an Advantage. In an MMO gear usually helps create that Advantage and make somebody better. I'm not the best geared player in this game, I haven't spend a single EC on my ships Weapons (STFs) but why should I have my choices invalidated for your blandness.

    Here people believe its rarity (it isn't)
    its horses for courses
    a spread of ordinary photons beats a tricobalt if you are clearing mines
    A phaser beats plasma weapons against most pvp speced ships etc
    Will all pings be normalised to 800ms to make sure nobody has an ufair advantage there too? Computer will be hard locked to the minimum settings and your clock speed slowed to make it fair? Wouldn't want an I5 to beat out the guy on the Celeron.

    you are thinking PVP which won't exist soon anyway with the current situation (my assessment only don't panic)

    Oh wait I went too far, I'm the one being silly now. Wanting everything the same. Where's the guy with the misquote about the first freedom being lost, the first words being censored the first choice denied?

    try this one "one word too many , one freedom too far and democracy becomes anarchy"
    Which admittedly is a former and slightly MAD head of the FBI
    Live long and Prosper
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    sollvaxsollvax Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Actually if All Hand phasers SCALED there was no MK number and no Rarity

    STO would be beating players off with a stick

    take out the Grind and the numbers SOAR
    Live long and Prosper
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    sollvaxsollvax Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    so many goals

    Maximised Starbases
    Making LOTS of new friends
    Playing MISSIONS from the foundry
    playing missions with friends
    Advanced (Equal) PVP where skill counts over MONEY

    never having to spend 300 hours repeating a STF trying to get a stupid ENGINE part

    No "economy"
    No scams no more griefing

    Starfleet is not the ferengi alliance you know
    they don't say "im sorry Captain we can't let you have a new shuttle because you didn't earn 40,000 EC this week"
    Live long and Prosper
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    sollvaxsollvax Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Sorry to argue with you but your idea simply doesn't wash.

    Firstly we are already doing:

    Maximised Starbases
    Making LOTS of new friends
    Playing MISSIONS from the foundry
    playing missions with friends

    A lot of people are purely slaving away to get some daft purple item
    The latter part PvP is not really relevant to most of the STO community and those that do get involved in it and seek to be the best do not need to spend money on anything to win. It's far more satisfying to take out a P2W ship with stuff you've earned in game than with a Jem Bug for example (I have both so I know about it somewhat).
    i would never touch a bug (non canon for starfleet)

    I love to PvP and I love to have the absolute best items I can get in game, I don't mind paying because I have enough disposable income but even if I couldn't I would work my backside off to get them. To quote Data "I aspire to be better than I am" that is by working hard to get the best, by studying hard to understand how to apply the best.

    Better than we are does not mean "pretty toys" it means personal growth
    Sorry, your idea seems to take any of the spark out of the game, without competitiveness the human spirit is chained into a mediocre existence at best and into a life of dull quiescence that fades away into a quickly forgotten memory by some other person doing the exact same thing.

    Competion is man vrs man not Wallet vrs wallet or spare time vrs wallet

    Take two equally armed ships with identical boffs doffs and consoles
    who wins ??
    the Better man
    Live long and Prosper
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    alastairnallalastairnall Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    sollvax wrote: »
    Take two equally armed ships with identical boffs doffs and consoles
    who wins ??
    the Better man

    Typically in that case, the one with the least lag or RL distractions.
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    flywizflywiz Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    I gotta agree. Right, so, I'm a level 4, still in a miranda, and type 1 weapons. I que-d (correct grammar?) up for a fleet defense, and I was put with level 50's. I felt bad, because I was barely getting any DPS out, and the rest had to support me.
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    sollvaxsollvax Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    no one expects you to

    forget DPS and work on keeping your weapons on target
    take out warheads , torpedoes if you see any , fighters
    Live long and Prosper
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    jellico1jellico1 Member Posts: 2,719
    edited August 2012
    I think it's a excellent idea to mix ranks I'n all game play and it is also cannon , when all available ships are called to defend against a enemy even ****tlecraft respond to the call for aid.

    What needs to be done is the rewards need to match the new difficulty level and the goal of the mission should be be attainable, rewards should also scale to the player. Rewards should scale to Dps used special powers used ect.

    Other games have done this I'n the past this game can do it too
    A vice admiral a captian and 3 lieutenants are a more realistic fleet than 5 vice admirals

    We would also get more content this way because rank specific content would not have to be created, if handled correctly the game would improve dramatically.
    Jellico....Engineer ground.....Da'val Romulan space Sci
    Saphire.. Science ground......Ko'el Romulan space Tac
    Leva........Tactical ground.....Koj Romulan space Eng

    JJ-Verse will never be Canon or considered Lore...It will always be JJ-Verse
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    lostmoonylostmoony Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    sollvax wrote: »
    no one expects you to

    forget DPS and work on keeping your weapons on target

    i dont understand you sorry but if you never have noticed it most ingame missions stf+fleet one are dps only.

    its ok if you not interessted to deal dmg on any way you only flying for fun your ship.

    but you have to accept if 99% of all players try to work for better gear and try to get it from stfs , i sayed its ok if you not need it or you not interested to work for it.

    but it will be nice if you accept there are different players with different targets in the game.;)
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    sollvaxsollvax Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    A Miranda at level 4 does not Do STFS
    it does fleet alert most likely
    or blockade

    DPS means JACK in there (blockade)

    He should be concentrating fire on Torps , warheads , fighters
    stuff he CAN clear
    and leave the big stuff to the big ships

    A heavily armed pvp spec defiant is about as much use in blockade as a PVE speced Science ship in a 5-1 PVP
    Live long and Prosper
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