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We need more party themed social items



  • preechrsapreechrsa Member Posts: 124 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    I would like to see a lobi-store popper. Make it cost 200 lobi, one fire extinguisher, one explosive party popper, and one fiery party popper. Give it some awesome new effects, like shooting out giant tribbles that give out knockbacks to everyone in the cone on a percentage chance, just like the winter event snowballs, put everyone in the cone into Devidian mode, etc.
    Shutup Wesley: First In Everything
  • allyoftheforceallyoftheforce Member Posts: 736 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    preechrsa wrote: »
    I would like to see a lobi-store popper. Make it cost 200 lobi, one fire extinguisher, one explosive party popper, and one fiery party popper. Give it some awesome new effects, like shooting out giant tribbles that give out knockbacks to everyone in the cone on a percentage chance, just like the winter event snowballs, put everyone in the cone into Devidian mode, etc.

    So you're asking for an item that will purposely knock down players or physically put them into a mode they had no intention of doing? No, just no. It would be the most abused item by the griefer fleets out there. They changed the Biothermal Dampaner for a reason, stop asking to replace it with something just as bad or worse.
  • darramouss1darramouss1 Member Posts: 1,811 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    More party items? GREAT idea!! We can also add Hello Kitty, oversized heads to our toon and lots of pink everywhere!!

    (I hope you can spot sarcasm, OP. More party items? I cannot think of a more inane and vacuous idea.)
  • reginamala78reginamala78 Member Posts: 4,593 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Why don't those asking for this just be open about your intentions? "I want a new free toy that I can really annoy people with." A little honesty is good for the soul.
  • darramouss1darramouss1 Member Posts: 1,811 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Why don't those asking for this just be open about your intentions? "I want a new free toy that I can really annoy people with." A little honesty is good for the soul.

    Truer words have never been said.
  • tighclops1tighclops1 Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    I think it's clear by now that most objections to more or even just the current celebratory social items are the product of the ulterior motives of a collective of shall we say, depressingly narrow-minded players. In fact the only objection based in reality might be not wanting the game to be filled with out of place visuals, although arguably the character creator alone renders this idea moot. And how fortunate that the Star Trek canon is filled with setting appropriate items anyhow! Here are my ideas:

    -Mirror Universe Horgon: emits a visible aura of genetically engineered mirror-universe Risean antipheromones designed to keep away the unwanted advances of the unclean!

    -Zefram Cochrane's Flask: Loudly plays "Ooby Dooby" as your character drunkenly stumbles around, spilling the flask all over everything for 10 seconds.
  • ludikroludikro Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    tighclops1 wrote: »
    -Zefram Cochrane's Flask: Loudly plays "Ooby Dooby" as your character drunkenly stumbles around, spilling the flask all over everything for 10 seconds.

    Cryptic, if you make this I promise I will spend as much money in the C-Store as needed to get it.
  • darramouss1darramouss1 Member Posts: 1,811 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    And I'll spend all my time not playing so I don't have to see it.
  • stealthymcthiefstealthymcthief Member Posts: 143 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    And I'll spend all my time not playing so I don't have to see it.

    So we all get what we want, great we could reach a consensus.
  • rtk142rtk142 Member Posts: 613 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    sollvax wrote: »
    social Chainsaw (allows You To Cut The Limbs Off Anyone Using A Party Popper)?

    Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes!
    Let us upgrade the Seleya Ceremonial Lirpa and Kri'stak Blade
  • tribblequeentribblequeen Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Hurm, well in my fantasy world, I would love to see a Tribble Party Box ... a Box that you can put on the floor and it lets everyone click on it to receive a Tribble -grins- A new toys for the Tribble lovers out there! lol!

    I do like the idea for a smog item, that would be cool, I would also suggest lights, but you can get that with the party popper gun. :D

    STO Member Since November 2010 | Tribbles are Friends NOT Food!
  • sollvaxsollvax Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    some other suggestions

    Social Claymore mines (detonate and kill anyone wearing an environmental suit indoors)

    Social micro range transporter (beams anyone using a "social device" into the cargo bay and leeps them there

    Spawnable Riot squad security officers (fire mk X11 super ninja zappers at anyone using bombs inside a space station etc)

    portable flame thrower (sets on fire people who are wearing environmental suits or ARMOUR in a social area)

    only half joking

    oh and for the really really ill informed
    Code 5 means not assisting , aiding , supporting or rescuing the Griefer

    the mission continues as normal with the team of 4 real people
    Live long and Prosper
  • cakeballscakeballs Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    sollvax wrote: »
    some other suggestions

    Social Claymore mines (detonate and kill anyone wearing an environmental suit indoors)

    Social micro range transporter (beams anyone using a "social device" into the cargo bay and leeps them there

    Spawnable Riot squad security officers (fire mk X11 super ninja zappers at anyone using bombs inside a space station etc)

    portable flame thrower (sets on fire people who are wearing environmental suits or ARMOUR in a social area)

    only half joking

    oh and for the really really ill informed
    Code 5 means not assisting , aiding , supporting or rescuing the Griefer

    the mission continues as normal with the team of 4 real people

    That's one of the dumbest things I ever read. I think we should have a device that sounds out a word and have the player type it out correctly. Then they can speak in Zone chat.:cool:
  • sollvaxsollvax Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    well that would certainly shut up all the dentals

    as the word could be
    or possible "Womens rights"
    or hey maybe "Ethics"
    Live long and Prosper
  • stealthymcthiefstealthymcthief Member Posts: 143 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    sollvax wrote: »
    well that would certainly shut up all the dentals

    as the word could be
    or possible "Womens rights"
    or hey maybe "Ethics"

    You mean like respecting the right of others to roleplay as they like? Because all you've done here is rage against other people and tried to dictate how they should do things, what they can wear and what they can use.

    Women's rights? I don't see how any of this impedes their right to vote, own property or form binding contracts or anything else that falls into that category.

    Ethics? You mean like again, treating others with respect and not wishing bodily harm upon anybody like you did so many times.

    That's 0 for 3 for you.

    But let's get back to the actual topic and not further derail here, there are some good ideas in here.
    I'd like to have more costume options tied in with trophies maybe, like campaign bands for your uniform, you could tie those to achievements that already exist or make up some new ones.

    Also a portable drink cooler would be nice, one that you place somewhere that lets everybody take out a drink with a little fog effect maybe. Those drinks could also give buffs, like fire resistance because you are now refreshed or something along those lines. This would also fit in well with Risa since no day on the beach is complete without cold drinks.
  • sollvaxsollvax Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    You mean like respecting the right of others to roleplay as they like? Because all you've done here is rage against other people and tried to dictate how they should do things, what they can wear and what they can use.

    you are not a "roleplayer" you are a griefer

    Also you raid and rob fleet banks according to some people
    Women's rights? I don't see how any of this impedes their right to vote, own property or form binding contracts or anything else that falls into that category.

    how about the right to wear what the hell they like without you chasing them and coming onto them

    Ethics? You mean like again, treating others with respect and not wishing bodily harm upon anybody like you did so many times.
    Ethics specifically includes the execution of criminals
    also the punching in the nose of people who look up ladies dresses
    Live long and Prosper
  • darramouss1darramouss1 Member Posts: 1,811 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    You mean like respecting the right of others to roleplay as they like?.

    So roleplaying as you like involves annoying the hell out of other people. Says a lot about you.

    If you want party poppers and the like, maybe you should be playing Mary-Kate and Ashley's Sweet 16 or some other such game.

    What you party people fail to realise is that you're impinging on other people's enjoyment of the game. The fact that you don't care shows exactly how selfish you are.

    If you all went in to one area and had all the fun you wanted without annoying the general populace then I would have no issue with party poppers and the like as you'd be showing respect for your fellow players. Until you show this respect I suspect the bulk of the STO community will have zero or less respect for you.
  • aldo1rainealdo1raine Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    I think we need a set of social dentist tools. Plaque has been gaining too much ground. Especially hygiene masks and latex gloves. And maybe maybe the tube that sucks spit out of our mouth.
    Nerf Klinks, Buff Rommies
  • sollvaxsollvax Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    as real world dentists are all social wall flowers who never go out in public social anything should be off limits to anyone playing a dentist
    Live long and Prosper
  • dariusmajeredariusmajere Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Wall Of Text Alert.

    I will Agree on New Social effects - costumes, Emotes.
    LIMITED items effects IF kept to Ship use and your Fleets Starbase use only or a Dedicated Social zone, 47, Quarks, Yes Even Drozana since it is a NEUTRAL station.

    I would love to have new costumes on the KDF SIDE and Fed side as well. Even open the Emotes up like Cryptic has been talking about forever doing and adding them to the GPL store.

    Star Trek is more then just Star Fleet and the Klingons, outside of the entities the worlds have there own different social aspects and events and clothing. Not all of the planets dress in Star fleet regs, or Klingon Regs. The humans are not all in star fleet, just as you have some Klingons who keep out of the Military. Opening up more Social areas and ideas for the Game makes Sense. Honestly, Lets all wake up and realize there is more to the Trek universe then War. It was a VERY social show. The Exploration and meeting of new life forms, socially integrating one with the other so all could get ahead. Alot of you Swear by canon, But alot of you Forget outside the ship there was more to Trek then you pay attention to. Look at all the away missions and Delegations, how they dressed, how the people acted. Different punishments and Celebrations. Sure the show took place after a Federation ship, BUT the show pushed everything else not 100% Federation. The whole purpose behind the show was getting over everyones social differences and working together for the betterment of the civilizations. More Social ideas Make sense. The problem with the base is you have a 21st Century Mindset and not one based on Trek Values.

    Have the Troll Fleets ruined alot of areas, Yes they have, Have some of them even jumped into STF's and other events to ruin it, Yes They have. Are they Jerks, Yes. We need a better way to deal with them.

    New Block, Ignore, Avoid system should be put into place. Similar to say how the Consoles work. You complain about a player, block/ignore them. The STF que puts you in Teams without that player, or the Instance Que puts you on an instance without that player. that player also can't switch to that instance. Does that put strain on some situations. Sure, Does it work towards solving it, sure does.

    But this Thread was about more social Things. I agree, again, to a point. But it's Cryptic and Perfect worlds Game. If they are not moderating there own areas like they are supposed to, then maybe its time to file complaints to higher areas. To force them to. Terms of Use and Terms of Service goes both ways. They Expect you to stick within a set guidlines, But the person agreeing to the Terms Expects the company to Adhere to them. I am sure there are ways to push towards moderation either within the company OR Externally threw higher end litigation or formal complaints with your governments entities (better business for example)

    Now Lets stop bickering and Actually work together on ideas for improvement.
    Proud Fleet Commander in Garfon's Renegades!
    Proud Leader of the Massive Chaos Group
    Proud Listener of Subspace-Radio.net The Voice of Star Trek Online.
  • demyx18cdemyx18c Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited August 2012

    New Block, Ignore, Avoid system should be put into place. Similar to say how the Consoles work. You complain about a player, block/ignore them. The STF que puts you in Teams without that player, or the Instance Que puts you on an instance without that player. that player also can't switch to that instance. Does that put strain on some situations. Sure, Does it work towards solving it, sure does.

    I think that will solve most if not all the problems that are going on. Lets not continue discussing this situation though as it never goes anywhere besides becoming another closed thread.

    On topic: I wouldn't mind more social items being introduced as well but like others have said, they would have to limited to the more social areas of the game like Drozana, bridges, and Starbases. That and there should be a way to make them not visible to those who don't want to see them like the current batch of social devices.
    Picard to Chunk, do the truffle shuffle!
  • ludikroludikro Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    sollvax wrote: »
    as real world dentists are all social wall flowers who never go out in public social anything should be off limits to anyone playing a dentist

    Bit of a generalisation isn't it?
  • sollvaxsollvax Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    you know any "exciting" dentists?
    Live long and Prosper
  • devian666devian666 Member Posts: 473
    edited August 2012
    Wall Of Text Alert.

    I will Agree on New Social effects - costumes, Emotes.
    LIMITED items effects IF kept to Ship use and your Fleets Starbase use only or a Dedicated Social zone, 47, Quarks, Yes Even Drozana since it is a NEUTRAL station.

    I would love to have new costumes on the KDF SIDE and Fed side as well. Even open the Emotes up like Cryptic has been talking about forever doing and adding them to the GPL store.

    Star Trek is more then just Star Fleet and the Klingons, outside of the entities the worlds have there own different social aspects and events and clothing. Not all of the planets dress in Star fleet regs, or Klingon Regs. The humans are not all in star fleet, just as you have some Klingons who keep out of the Military. Opening up more Social areas and ideas for the Game makes Sense. Honestly, Lets all wake up and realize there is more to the Trek universe then War. It was a VERY social show. The Exploration and meeting of new life forms, socially integrating one with the other so all could get ahead. Alot of you Swear by canon, But alot of you Forget outside the ship there was more to Trek then you pay attention to. Look at all the away missions and Delegations, how they dressed, how the people acted. Different punishments and Celebrations. Sure the show took place after a Federation ship, BUT the show pushed everything else not 100% Federation. The whole purpose behind the show was getting over everyones social differences and working together for the betterment of the civilizations. More Social ideas Make sense. The problem with the base is you have a 21st Century Mindset and not one based on Trek Values.

    Have the Troll Fleets ruined alot of areas, Yes they have, Have some of them even jumped into STF's and other events to ruin it, Yes They have. Are they Jerks, Yes. We need a better way to deal with them.

    New Block, Ignore, Avoid system should be put into place. Similar to say how the Consoles work. You complain about a player, block/ignore them. The STF que puts you in Teams without that player, or the Instance Que puts you on an instance without that player. that player also can't switch to that instance. Does that put strain on some situations. Sure, Does it work towards solving it, sure does.

    But this Thread was about more social Things. I agree, again, to a point. But it's Cryptic and Perfect worlds Game. If they are not moderating there own areas like they are supposed to, then maybe its time to file complaints to higher areas. To force them to. Terms of Use and Terms of Service goes both ways. They Expect you to stick within a set guidlines, But the person agreeing to the Terms Expects the company to Adhere to them. I am sure there are ways to push towards moderation either within the company OR Externally threw higher end litigation or formal complaints with your governments entities (better business for example)

    Now Lets stop bickering and Actually work together on ideas for improvement.

    While there are a number of inaccurate statements and opinions that I do not agree with there are some good ideas.

    Sollvax likes deliberately sabotaging STFs so having him blocked would help prevent him from sabotaging STFs or other pave events that people play.

    In general we've found the loud angry people that challenge people to pvp manage to lose 15-0. If the loud angry people put people on ignore there would be a general improvement in pve and pvp performance. It's not a complete solution but it would help.

    For social instances if people couldn't enter the same instance you would end with all the people engaged in cybersex accumulating in one instance. I would feel sorry for anyone entering that instance. It would probably make people quit playing out of disgust.

    One social item that is missing is more costumes for KDF. Why is there only one costume set? Why is the mercenary set federation only? Are goons really that bad?
  • tdon7tdon7 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    All other arguments aside, I do have a couple questions for those advocating the creation of all these various social items like fire extinguishers and party poppers.

    Why? What possible intrinsic value could they serve either in a social setting or otherwise?
    A half faction is no faction at all.
  • tontokowalski22tontokowalski22 Member Posts: 86 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    sollvax wrote: »

    how about the right to wear what the hell they like without you chasing them and coming onto them

    That sounds like the roleplayers.

    people who look up ladies dresses

    That's also the roleplayers. The one guy who goes around Drozana looking up people's dresses is not a dentist.

    On topic, how about a modification on the mortar that allows it to fire with an explosion of confetti coming out of the muzzle, and then a huge splash of fire retardant foam to the target location?
    I don't always feel like endlessly grinding for hours with little to gain from it. But when I do, I choose Star Trek Online
  • heartburzumheartburzum Member Posts: 76 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    preechrsa wrote: »
    I would like to see a lobi-store popper. Make it cost 200 lobi, one fire extinguisher, one explosive party popper, and one fiery party popper. Give it some awesome new effects, like shooting out giant tribbles that give out knockbacks to everyone in the cone on a percentage chance, just like the winter event snowballs, put everyone in the cone into Devidian mode, etc.

    I would actually open another 2000 boxes just for one of these. This is the greatest idea since sliced bread.

    -Owner of Jem Hadar Attack Ship, 3x Galor, 2x D'Kora, 2x Orb, and 3x Recluse Carrier.
    -Supporter of Cryptic Lockboxes!!!!!!!!
    You know what it is...
    -Supporter of Cryptic Lockboxes!
  • wesleycrasherwesleycrasher Member Posts: 117 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Just chiming in here that I would open countless boxes until I received this glorious item. Perhaps a Bolian themed social lockbox is in order?
    All the toys you can't afford.
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