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What new things do you want to see in STO?



  • not1thingnot1thing Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    An ability to put bridge officers off duty and be able to put them on duty later. say put them on the same side as bridge officer candidates.

    Play as a Romulan.

    Canon be damned. Federation cloaking device.
  • coldbeer72coldbeer72 Member Posts: 168 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    It may be a pipe dream, but I would like to be able to promote a couple of my Boffs to Captian, slot them into some of my old lower tier ships( no higher than TRIBBLE tier 3), and have my own mini task force with dedicated "Private Task Force" missions of fairly high difficulty, with possibly dilithium rewards.

    These promoted Boffs would, of course, be unable to return to your main ship.

    You would be able to set up these subordinate ships as you please with tier appropriate weapons and consoles, but they would act according to your own actions, attacking your selected target only, etc, as it maybe too much to try and direct two additional ships while trying to focus on your own target.

    I put this out there as it seems a good way to put ships that would otherwise be consigned to the scrapheap to good use, and creates some new content to boot.....

    Dunno, just a thought.....
  • beritpandionberitpandion Member Posts: 199 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    coldbeer72 wrote: »
    It may be a pipe dream, but I would like to be able to promote a couple of my Boffs to Captian, slot them into some of my old lower tier ships( no higher than TRIBBLE tier 3), and have my own mini task force with dedicated "Private Task Force" missions of fairly high difficulty, with possibly dilithium rewards.

    These promoted Boffs would, of course, be unable to return to your main ship.

    You would be able to set up these subordinate ships as you please with tier appropriate weapons and consoles, but they would act according to your own actions, attacking your selected target only, etc, as it maybe too much to try and direct two additional ships while trying to focus on your own target.

    I put this out there as it seems a good way to put ships that would otherwise be consigned to the scrapheap to good use, and creates some new content to boot.....

    Dunno, just a thought.....

    You know that's a brilliant idea! I've been tryin to figure out a use for some of my BOs and old ships for a while. That'd be too much fun though so I doubt it'd get implemented but hey send PWE (not Cryptic) an email saying that we don't want it and see what happens. Try some reverse psychology? :D
  • antlen69antlen69 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Playable Romulan Faction!!!
  • coldbeer72coldbeer72 Member Posts: 168 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    You know that's a brilliant idea! I've been tryin to figure out a use for some of my BOs and old ships for a while. That'd be too much fun though so I doubt it'd get implemented but hey send PWE (not Cryptic) an email saying that we don't want it and see what happens. Try some reverse psychology? :D

    Reverse psycology....mate, use it on my kids all the time, so am something ressembling an expert.....;).
  • pike58pike58 Member Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    ikenstein1 wrote: »
    - Playable Android.
    great idea, maybe through Z-store like Klingon federation toons
  • pike58pike58 Member Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    get rid of the mirror ships
  • centersolacecentersolace Member Posts: 11,178 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    pike58 wrote: »
    great idea, maybe through Z-store like Klingon federation toons

    This is something CBS said, "Hell No" too. So not going to happen. :(

    I want to see more customisation items for the breen, reman, and jem'hadar boffs. As cool as they can be, I don't like having half my crew look like everyone else's.

    I would also like a "Yeoman" crew member position. It could function as a summonable NPC that would give you an extra Boff, or can be used on captain only missions. I think that would be cool.
  • captpeacemakercaptpeacemaker Member Posts: 230 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Make drops less common and remove common drops. I should not be blasting my way through wave after wave of [INSERT ENEMY HERE] ships and end up with a few weapon batteries and a common phaser array.

    Total Revamp of the Crafting system to make it worthwhile again.

    1. Let us choose what modifiers we want to add to a weapon that we research.
    2. Change the recipe for the type of modifier being added and at what Rarity.

    I posted about this once before but here it is again. I am using a common Tetryon Beam Array Mk X as an example.

    First, the data samples used should depend on the type of weapon being crafted. For any recipe involving the upgrade of a tetryon weapon, the recipe should call for Tetryon Particles (Green radiation data sample). Also the modifier chosen should also require a specific trace or data sample. The number of data samples and particle traces should depend on the rarity as well as the mark level. Each recipe requires these data samples and a lower rarity version of the weapon you are crafting. For Instance:

    Say you want to add [Dmg] to your common Tetryon Beam Array mk X. To do more damage with a Tetryon weapon, you would obviously need to increase the particle yield. So to add damage, you would require Tetryon Particles. Now since this is a Tetryon weapon, you need double the amount of Tetryon particles you would need for other crafting recipes to add [Dmg]. So if you needed say 10 just to craft with one, then you would need 20 to add the [Dmg] modifier. If a different modifier had been selected, then it would require different data samples in addition to the original 10 Tetryon particles.

    Recipe should be this:

    Tetryon Beam Array Mk X + 10 Tetryon Particles + 10 Tetryon Particles [Dmg] = Tetryon Beam Array Mk X [Dmg]

    The original weapon would be consumed, and now you have a newly crafted weapon. So you decide you would like to upgrade it again. But this time, we will add [Acc].

    For [Acc], lets say you need Technical Schematics. Since we are upgrading a Tetryon Weapon, we still need Tetryon Particles (10). Now, since we are upgrading to a Rare quality, it will also require a rare particle trace (2) and common unreplicatables (15). The type of particle trace will also depend on the modifier being added.

    The numbers are just an example, but the recipe would go like this.

    Tetryon Beam Array Mk X [Dmg] + Tetryon Particles (10) + Technical Schematic (10) + Chronometric Particle Trace (2) + Common Unreplicatable Materials (15) = Tetryon Beam Array Mk X [Acc] [Dmg]

    Ok so now you have a Rare but want to go to Very Rare. Process repeats. We elect to add [CrtH].

    Very rare items require 2 data samples, 2 rare particle traces, Common and Uncommon Unreplicatables. [CrtH] at Very Rare we will say requires Alien Artifacts, Metreon Particle Traces, and Verteon Particle Traces.

    So recipe is:

    Tetryon Beam Array Mk X [Acc] [Dmg] + 10 Tetryon Particles + 10 Alien Artifacts + 2 Metreon Particle Traces + 2 Verteon Particle Traces + 20 Uncommon Unreplicatable Materials + 15 Uncommon Unreplicatable Materials = Tetryon Beam Array Mk X [Acc][CrtH][Dmg]

    So now you have a Very Rare weapon that you actually would feel like you designed since you get to pick the modifiers for it. It also adds variety to the available weapons. With this crafting method they could do away with the need for the Borg store. Crafting Rare items to include [Borg] at very rare, would just require Borg salvage of the appropriate level in place of a data sample.

    Hybrid weapons could also be crafted in the same manner, just taking the place of a modifier.

    Tetryon Beam Array Mk X + 10 Tetryon Particles + 10 Plasma Samples = Tetryon-Plasma Hybrid Beam Array Mk X
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] Thowchum
    Legendary Starfleet Captain
    Fleet Leader, The Abductors
    STO Forum Member since December 2010
    Welcome to Star Trek Online, where our motto is 'Peace through Superior Firepower.'
  • kwiat007kwiat007 Member Posts: 144 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Look at my avatar, look at my signature. Now you should know what I want. :cool:
    [SIGPIC]Join Date: August 2009[/SIGPIC]
    I live in an alternate universe, where j.j. abrams and cryptic never existed,
    where R.S.E. is what it always should be.
  • enderssoupenderssoup Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    I would simply like to have realistic space flight

    360 turning and upside down circle camera motion.
    Excuse me, excuse me, would you mind stopping that darn noise?
    obscene gesture, vulcan neck pinch, claps, cheers
  • novapolaris#2925 novapolaris Member Posts: 857 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    What would I like to see added? Here's a list:

    -More Foundry features, such as the ability to defeat an enemy without destroying/killing them.
    -More story missions for the KDF.
    -More melee weapons, like the much promised Ushaan, D'k tahg (to name one Klingon weapon), Kar'takin (which is on a shelf in ESD), etc.
    -More "Fleet of 2409" skins and refits. Not just starships like the Heavy Cruiser, Research Science Vessel and Advanced Escort, but also types like shuttles and fighters.
    -Alien parts packs in the c... *ahem* z-store for character/BOff creation and the Foundry. (Such as vulpine, draconic, and crystalline.)
    -Trait recustomization and class change tokens in the z-store. (Probably would require a hefty fee to discourage frequent changes.)
    -The Borg parts on the Assimilated Carrier from The Cure (space) and the Assimilated Scimitar from Khitomer Accord (space) made available to use on player ships.
    -More playable/BOff and DOff species, such as Denobulans and Xindi for captains/BOffs, and dolphins and Horta for DOffs.
  • nrobbiecnrobbiec Member Posts: 959 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    kwiat007 wrote: »
    Look at my avatar, look at my signature. Now you should know what I want. :cool:

    I love you.
  • garaks31garaks31 Member Posts: 2,845 Arc User
    edited July 2012
  • nalonalo Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    kwiat007 wrote: »
    Look at my avatar, Now you should know what I want. :cool:

    I just couldnt help myself :D
  • manticore8511manticore8511 Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    kwiat007 wrote: »
    Look at my avatar, look at my signature. Now you should know what I want. :cool:

    So much win here! :D
  • kamiyama317kamiyama317 Member Posts: 1,295 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    I would like to see the Jem'Hadar Halberds added for use by the players. They already have the models done for them since Jem'Hadar enemies use them, they just need to add it in as a player-usable item.

    I wonder how they would stack up against Bat'leths? Do you think they would hit harder?
  • arvistaljikarvistaljik Member Posts: 126 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    I'd like to see a few things:

    Argo Shuttle (Nemesis)
    Aero Shuttle (Voyager, never seen onscreen)
    Dual Quantum Torpedoes (for the Defiant variants only, just like in DS9)
    U.S.S. Dauntless in one playable form or another. :D

    That's it :P
  • azurianstarazurianstar Member Posts: 6,985 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    You know what I want to see in STO.......... REAL EXPLORATION!

    Open up the Galaxy and have us actually play Star Trek and to boldly go and discover new life and new civilizations! To go traveling into the unknown, have actual first contact, discover threads, new resources, technology, and have real diplomacy.

    Unfortunately, given the way things have been in STO, this is just a pipe dream. For the resources to undertake this monumental feat would be......extraordinary. :(
  • centersolacecentersolace Member Posts: 11,178 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    You know what I want to see in STO.......... REAL EXPLORATION!

    Open up the Galaxy and have us actually play Star Trek and to boldly go and discover new life and new civilizations! To go traveling into the unknown, have actual first contact, discover threads, new resources, technology, and have real diplomacy.

    Unfortunately, given the way things have been in STO, this is just a pipe dream. For the resources to undertake this monumental feat would be......extraordinary. :(

    But worth it! I would love to see true exploration. Or at least some kind of exploring exploration. Drop me on a planet and let me poke at lots of stuff!
  • hravikhravik Member Posts: 1,203 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    You know what I'd love to see right now more than anything? The ability to block fleet invites. Seriously, if I was interested in your fleet, I'd ask. Random invites are just a 100% guarantee I want nothing to do with your fleet.
  • dood98998dood98998 Member Posts: 389
    edited July 2012
    I want to see a dev post on this thread telling us if any of this stuff will ever happen.
    When in doubt, (hehe) c4!
    This sig dedicated to the many random objects the Mythbusters crew has blow to smitherines :D
  • kamiyama317kamiyama317 Member Posts: 1,295 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Actually in regards to my idea for the Pulse Compression Wave Phaser Beams, they should update the mission "Shutdown" in the Cardassian Struggle story arc.

    You have to assault DS9 and you have to destroy all of the phaser turrets on the station. The turrets are really weak and I found it a little boring that I had to fly all around the station picking them off because some are hidden behind pylons no matter which direction you face the station.

    They should change the turrets on DS9 to Pulse Compression Wave Phaser Turrets, with higher DPS and each turret should have Beam Overload 1. They should also fire yellow beams, since Cardassian phasers are yellow.

    Now the space part of this mission will get a little more interesting, and at the end of the mission you can pick a Pulse Compression Wave beam weapon as your reward. Currently it offers a bunch of different lame shields that I don't think anyone even cares for.

    Remember the way weapon drain works is that you can fire one weapon with no energy drain, but each weapon beyond the first drains a set amount of power. I am thinking each of these Pulse Compression Beams should inflict more damage than normal, but have horrific energy drain because they operate inefficiently.

    I am thinking the Pulse Compression Wave Phaser Beam Array should have the same base DPS as a Single Cannon, but have -20 weapon power. The Pulse Compression Wave Dual Beam Array should have the same DPS as a Dual Cannon, but have the same -20 weapon power. This would prevent people from stacking multiples, but you could have one for use with beam skills with no penalty.

    I think the mission should offer them in odd mark numbers scaled to your level (no mark XII versions, sorry) and in the Rare variety with double [dmg] modifiers. It actually wouldn't be much of a damage boost, as according to the Wiki the Mark XI dual cannons do 244 base DPS and Mark XI dual beams do 219 base DPS. What you would really notice is a difference in DPV, because dual beams only hit a few times per attack, where cannons fire many times when you attack.

    (the mission in question)

    (The weapon I want)

    (so you can reference the base damage tables)
  • pike58pike58 Member Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Originally Posted by azurianstar
    You know what I want to see in STO.......... REAL EXPLORATION!

    Open up the Galaxy and have us actually play Star Trek and to boldly go and discover new life and new civilizations! To go traveling into the unknown, have actual first contact, discover threads, new resources, technology, and have real diplomacy.

    Unfortunately, given the way things have been in STO, this is just a pipe dream. For the resources to undertake this monumental feat would be......extraordinary.

    go to quinns office at ESD and talk to the ambassador, when you reach diplomatic level 3 you unlock first contact missions
  • pike58pike58 Member Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    am i the only one that wants the NCC-1701-J in STO?
  • miloguyaussiemiloguyaussie Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    i love the space chatter ie like uhf radio when in battle and in space
    some more of that would be cool some how,

    also would like some how in the chat a button that says brb, away etc

    and would love a tailor and mail on our ships please so we dont have to travel to esd etc all the time
    Milo Knight -Star fleet Engineer

  • macfellymacfelly Member Posts: 107 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    I'd like to see new designs of starships not just refits of old ships. I'm aware the "community" clamors for old ships but they just don't fit the timeline.
    Apparently not loyal enough :|
  • criminiuscriminius Member Posts: 184 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    SPACE PvP content not lolground.
  • roguestarshiproguestarship Member Posts: 107 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    I would like see more interactive interiors: Such issuing order from the command chair!.

    Also like see more decks. Everyone should have at least 1 Free basic Shuttle Craft in the hangar to use. Interactive Transporter Room.

    I would see Deck Officers added: Basically same as Bridge Officers but Focus on Medical, Transporter Room & Engineering departments. Ie When Doctor is not on the Bridge he be in the sick bay.

    also like option of an Emmergency Holographic Boff installed.

    There's a ton of stuff I can't think of at moment.

    I would see map expanded to include Talos IV from "The Cage".

    Maybe ability to switch characters and play as one my BOFF's.
  • centersolacecentersolace Member Posts: 11,178 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    I would see Deck Officers added: Basically same as Bridge Officers but Focus on Medical, Transporter Room & Engineering departments. Ie When Doctor is not on the Bridge he be in the sick bay.

    Oooo... that would be cool! Maybe some sort of thing where Boffs that aren't in use can still give you buffs!

    I would like to see bosses with more personality. One of the things that I enjoyed in WOW was the boss banter. Like the one that would say something like "No, no, no, You fools! Kill the one in the dress!" as the minion A.I. would then try to target the healer. :P

    Stuff like that is Hilarious, and I would love to see more of that in STO.
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