I've seen the popular "post your worst STF experience" so I thought I'd make this thread so you can post your best. I guess mine would have to be yesterday. I was playing IGE with a fairly good team, blasted through the Borg neatly and without dying too much, and I finally got my prototype PSG, after just one match that day, and I haven't been grinding it much.
IGE: Optional completed with 4 minutes left on the clock.
KAGE: Optional completed with 5:46 left on the clock (new version, not old).
CGE: Optional completed with 3:48 left on the clock.
Other CGE: Soloed Armek on my Ferasan Engineer.
ISE: Optional completed with 6:47 left on the clock.
KASE: Never have had a great one.
Good learning experience: Horrible but talkative team in KAGE with 4 people because 1 was DCed. Got to do the room for the first time since it was obviously a throw-away, and now I do it almost every KAGE and love it.
__________________________________ CO noob and STO veteran.
Another ?best? was one I did literally minutes before season five came to an end.
CSE - the mission stated with approximately 12 minutes to spare before the seven-hour sever downtime. First Cube went down in about 30 seconds, 10% rule observed though; a player in a very tanky Sovereign killed the first above-generator cube whilst we were working on the transformers/generator. This resulted in both sets of transformers and generators having rather short lives, we popped the gate and Tactical cube and received a fairly decent loot. All finished three minutes before the downtime commenced!
CSE? Sounds like ISE.
__________________________________ CO noob and STO veteran.
Well, I generally have te best STFs when I do ISE using EliteSTF channel. We can finish with the optional with plenty of time left on the clock, and no one pops a generator until I say go. So there have been plenty of great STFs.
Excluding missions I've done with people I know which generally go well.
I signed up for an EliteSTF IGE group a couple of weeks back. Now whilst there has been some complaints about the quality of that channel, I've personally never gotten a fail group from it. But at the same time, 5 players who've not played with each other is still 5 players who've not played with each other, even if they know how to do the mission. It doesn't always go perfectly.
This run though, was clockwork. It wasn't even partly pre-grouped, it was made completely from within the channel, and I hadn't played with any of them before so much as once. Yet the run was basically perfect. Optional with about 3 minutes left, and Rebecca killed with no Tac Done respawn.
Ran Cure Space on normal a few days ago, in a public queue. With all the complaining about STF PUGs, I expected it to be a disaster.
No one said anything when we spawned in; they just flew off toward the Borg without a word. I ended up alone by the Kang. "Oh great, I'm screwed," I thought.
The assimilated Klingon ships start spawning in, and I'm all by myself flying in circles around the Kang trying to keep it healed and kill ships at the same time. Then I realized Cure was kind of easy on normal. Mopped up around the Kang, went and helped the others for a bit and basically flew back and forth to keep the Kang clear. Easily completed the optional and the mission.
No communication or anything. It was like I was playing with psychics.
We were right on the money - we popped the first cube and Iggy immediately flew off and started blasted a transformer. The rest of us did the same, reducing ours to 10%, then watched Iggy (who took a little longer, thankfully - his DPS was surprisingly poor for a Patrol Escort) who, as predicted, ignored the 10% rule and carried on firing. Though as soon as his transformer blew the rest of us killed ours.
While the rest of the post makes it clear he was ignoring the 10% rule, killing the generator when the rest are at 10% already doesn't really do that. Have your UI set up right so you can see the health on all the generators at once and start popping as soon as they are all at ~10%, no need to sit around waiting for everyone to confirm what you can already see. Just a minor nitpick though, rest of the post makes it clear Iggy didn't know what he was doing.
_________________________ TRIBBLE | -Show Me Your Critz- Svarog | Veles | et al.
failed the optional early on (saved LT #1, but had a guy hiding behind the wall at 2nd lt...*tried* to warn people via chat beforehand, but who knows if they're listening or not)
at least one member bailed right there - was replaced by some new guy
we continued on through the remainder of infected to final boss
entry triggered too many borg - someone (might have been me) popped a target optics and aggroed both corners - we recovered, but it started a fight between 3 members about how best to begin the entry of the final room - 1 guy left in a huff, one guy left because he figured with four completing the encounter would be impossible (also, started harassing one of our members that stayed via tells, 'till we just had to /ignore him)
so far, this is your typical miserable PUG elite...but we decide to soldier on - we've come this far after all, and the three of us remaining all seem to get along decently, and listen to/respond to instructions
we make our run through of the boss room, trigger boss encounter, but took a little too long clearing the generators, so the local borg respawned and killed us
we're *about* to call it quits, but we came so close, we feel like we can make it if we just clear the generators a little bit faster
so, begin round 2 - we still stumble a bit on the generators, but we do get them down in better time, and sure 'nuf, we clear the boss , and pick up our gear
all in all, despite the numerous pugfuggery, we still ended up walking out of there having pug-3-manned infected elite - a hard fought and thoroughly deserved victory, that made us feel good despite it all
There is no correct resolution; it's a test of character.
James T. Kirk
I once played a KASE where everyone did what they were supposed to, no probes got through, and both gates were destroyed with nearly 8 minutes left on the clock... in a PUG. I've done just as well with my own fleet, but he fact that this was a PUG still blows my mind.
Long, long ago, right after the compounding respawn timer was put in I had decided I hated STFs, the timer just threw me over the edge. One friend of mine wanted to do the Cure, for some reason I agreed.
Sadly we did not get the optional, but it was the easiest Cure I've ever done.
ISN. Early in my STF career, shortly after Atrox came out...
I'm sitting in my Luna. DBB/turret build not quite 100% [borg] outfitted at the time, tried to maximize forward DPS.
Carrier goes off on crowd control while the rest of us attempt to take out generator/transformer. Things went "relatively" smooth on the first side, so we were expecting an easy run.
First generator on second side popped before 10% reminders went out.
Everyone focuses fire on the remainder, attempt to "beat the rush". I think we were a 2 escort group, either way, DPS was somewhat lacking (me in Luna, Atrox on CC duty, leaving 3 ships and at least one was a cruiser)... Carrier complains he couldn't hold the line. Requests additional gravity well.
I peel from the transformer group (tried to keep facing that general area in case I was needed), and join the Atrox on CC with a well timed/placed GW III, then BFaW/Spread the targets down.
After that save, it was smooth sailing, gateway then tac popped fairly quickly. First ever "blown" optional (ie, did not go according to plan) that I was on a team that recovered. When I apologized to them about lacking DPS, they commended me instead, saying that if it wasn't for my sci, that would have been a blown run.
Second best was earlier today. KASN. Initial blasting of cube shown nobody with antiproton weaponry (crit-heaven). My Tac-alt's Armitage with only [borg] torps. Comment goes out on chat, someone's reply was "this is gonna take a while". Wound up being one of the quickest runs I've done, first gate was down with 7 min remaining (and my only death as the gate blew) and the other side was already down a transformer...
Detecting big-time "anti-old-school" bias here. NX? Lobi. TOS/TMP Connie? Super-promotion-box. (aka the two hardest ways to get ships) Excelsior & all 3 TNG "big hero" ships? C-Store. Please Equalize...
To rob a line: [quote: Mariemaia Kushrenada] Forum Posting is much like an endless waltz. The three beats of war, peace and revolution continue on forever. However, opinions will change upon the reading of my post.[/quote]
Had a good one last night, and not really due to drops or objectives cleared, more so due to the fact we finished with only three people.
Was running my Oddy Disruptor boat and we only started with 4 in the PuG. It was myself and three escorts and about halfway through taking down the first cube one of the other guys either DC'd or just straight up quit, leaving us with 3 people and 2 1/2 cubes to take down before spawning the carrier.
It took forever, and we missed the objective on keeping the Kang above 75% hull because it was difficult to protect the ship and do enough sustained DPS to bring down the nanites/cubes and spawning ships in quick fashion. I wound up playing tank/healer while spamming BFAW and torp spreads trying to keep all the ships off the escorts so they could take out the cubes. Basically flying from the Kang back to the cube in circles to heal and grab aggro of the BOPs and warships. Gained a lot of respect for the Oddy in the process since I was still kind of 50/50 on the ship as a whole and it turns out it's a pretty solid tanking ship. Surprisingly we had no deaths and were able to make pretty short work of the carrier. All things considered it was pretty satisfying that everybody else stayed in it and we were able to finish with just 3 players.
Went into an ISE from EliteSTF. Again, the group was formed completely within the channel and I hadn't played with any of them before (at least that I can recall anyway). We spawn in and it's 5 Armitages, all properly built. Absurd DPS, mission is over with about 9:40 left on the clock.
I know ISE is the remedial maths of the Elite STFs, but that's one of the quickest times I've done it. Pretty good for a group that hadn't played together before.
Csn (my klink is lvl 49, just collecting edc for when he hhits lt.gen)
I'm on spawn duty for left side. 1 guy on spawn duty in middle. Other three facerolling the right cube. Mission ends with 3 mins on the clock, and the carrier is gw'd before it can even spawn its forst fighters. Didn't get anything of notice, but it was fun
When in doubt, (hehe) c4!
This sig dedicated to the many random objects the Mythbusters crew has blow to smitherines
this was todays best (and if you read yesterday's post of mine in the other "worst xp" thread, you know this is a delight ).
so KASE, three cruisers, a carrier, and me in my tactical escort retro. we finish the cube fast, and finish the other cubes fast too. one of the cruisers have a little problem defending the probes, but nothing he couldnt handle (though I felt I should help sometimes, so I sent some torpedos his way).
sadly the time was not enough, we fail by two minutes, still I saw the intellect behind the players, which is rare these days. we go to donatra, I say the usual 5km rule, and as it turns out, others knew.
and the cherry on the cake, was one of the cruisers. I think he specced in threat control, because donatra was only targeting him, and he was flying around, out of the 5km zone, turning all around, so she wont shoot her oneshot torpedo spread. she only cloaked once, before the one guy got the aggro
that is the single most beautiful thing I have seen in an STF so far (I guess this is the compensation for yesterday's run, where I have seen the stupidest).
also in the end I got finally a proto deflector, which just made this my best STF run (even after a failed optional)
Had a good one, guess it's a couple months back now. Random PUG of KASE, we lost a player almost immediately, who never came back. No biggie. Even down one, we tore through the tac cube fairly quickly. So, I figured we'd be alright, if a little slow.
After the cube, everyone split up and went to work. Fast forward a few transformers later and we're working on both gates, pounding away. We're communicating progress, with one eye on the clock. Looking at the %, looking back at the clock. It was quite a nice surprise when both gates blew in the last minute of "regulation" time.
Optioned down one, with three random players. Good times.
I'm orion sci in KDF fleet.
With 4 members we ran KASE. We got opts with 7 minutes spare...
We killed Donatra in one run.
I was happy because 3 reason.
We got opts with 7 minutes spare.
We killed this such Donatra in one run. It was my revenge.
I got prot deflector to get Full HKG MkXII.
It was my best one:P
ISE: Finished with 5 minutes remaining, absolutely no communication between anybody until the post-match "good job"s. It was like everyone was sharing the same brain. I was truly impressed
Queued up for CSE right afterwards, and short of a few pointers to a relative newbie, everyone knew what we had to do, and we finished the optional with 2 minutes to spare.
Prolly the best PUG experience I've had in months...
My "best" isn't so much my most successful run as it me just me smug. Though of few of my resurrected STF have set records.
I can't tell you how many time I've seen a group make a utter mess of thing and give up or rage quit within the first 15min ... Then the server add more people who actually stay and enjoy trying. Then go on to finish the round.
I've three maned STFs more then once before (in less then a hour in that what the cynics are thinking :P) by simple virtue I don't give up, and trusting the people that stayed will bite down, finish the round, and learn from there mistakes. Those are always the sweetest games.
Earlier today, did ISE PUG. me in my Excelsior-R testing my new set of 7 MK XII Phaser [Borg] BA's, 3 other cruisers and an escort. Started good but someone popped before 2 other gen were 50%. Good focus on the task at hand by all. Saved the left.
Right side, same. Popped early but yet again, the team focused on what needed to get done and saved the right.
Finally, several strayed too close a few times, but overall, well done on the finally.
Well done all. Not bad for a bunch a Puggers.
"If you can't take a little bloody nose, maybe you ought to go back home and crawl under your bed. It's not safe out here. It's wondrous, with treasures to satiate desires both subtle and gross. But it's not for the timid." Q Join the 44th Fleet. [FED and KDF] Apply Online: startrek.44thfleet.com
Was in KAS STF, when it came to taking out the scimitar, I /tell everyone to keep atleast 5 Km from the ship.. everyone actually kept to that!! Donatra didn't get to cloak even once!! Till that happened I never thought it was even possible in a pug!!!:eek:
We still live!!!!! Hahahahahahahahaa! We live and we will conquer!!!!! Hahahahahaaha!
-Roach, when asked about Klingon extinction!
Was in KAS STF, when it came to taking out the scimitar, I /tell everyone to keep atleast 5 Km from the ship.. everyone actually kept to that!! Donatra didn't get to cloak even once!! Till that happened I never thought it was even possible in a pug!!!:eek:
Ive had that a few times in the past, its a nice feeling when you get her not to cloak.
From what i have seen its the "bait agro" ship that has to stay more than 6k away from her to stop her from cloaking - im normally the agro ship luckily - can anyone confirm that
Did CSE for the first time (I've done it on normal a few times already). We lost the optional because the timer ran out, but I'm okay with that. It was just people shooting down ships instead of focusing on the launch bays, and we finished the main mission just fine.
No one really said anything. We just followed each other around to each objective and finished fairly quickly. People even repaired their ships as soon as they were damaged. :eek:
Not the best run ever, but decent given the horror stories I've heard about it.
The borg were, of course, bugged due to the transporting issue that has been going on lately, but I didn't know it at the time. Anyway, 5 ppl started, as soon as the "disappearing borg" routine started, 2 ppl left. 1 more joined. finally, everyone had left except myself, and a KDF engineer, who I wish I could remember the name of, as the player was excellent. We managed to finally hunt down all of the transporting borg, and clear the room. At this point, I asked him if we should bother trying to continue with only 2 ppl, he said it's possible as he "knows a few tricks" so I figured why not?
Anyway, I took the console room, and he handled the other stuff. He obviously had the bomber kit for engineers, as he had no problem taking out the "pylons" (can't remember the proper term for them atm) and eventually we managed to kill all 6 of them, at which point we went to fight Tosk.
Here's where it gets fun... as soon as we started on tosk, ALL of the "support drones" teleported to the console room, and left Tosk by himself! we spent the next half hour or so killing individual drones when they transported back in, and taking shots at Tosk between him transporting. At one point, KDF engineer extrordinaire was in the console room shooting Drones, and I would continue shooting them when they transported back to the Tosk spawn spot. We played Tosk ping-pong for awhile, and finally managed to kill him. KDF Eng got his Prototype armor, and wow, did he deserve it!
So 2 ppl managed to finish KAGE, and I have never felt such a sense of accomplishment from that mission. To whoever the KDF Eng was, Thanks!
<10 min ISE. This was a pug.
IGE: Optional completed with 4 minutes left on the clock.
KAGE: Optional completed with 5:46 left on the clock (new version, not old).
CGE: Optional completed with 3:48 left on the clock.
Other CGE: Soloed Armek on my Ferasan Engineer.
ISE: Optional completed with 6:47 left on the clock.
KASE: Never have had a great one.
Good learning experience: Horrible but talkative team in KAGE with 4 people because 1 was DCed. Got to do the room for the first time since it was obviously a throw-away, and now I do it almost every KAGE and love it.
CO noob and STO veteran.
CSE? Sounds like ISE.
CO noob and STO veteran.
edit: You realize that if this was real life, that would be the best answer.
I signed up for an EliteSTF IGE group a couple of weeks back. Now whilst there has been some complaints about the quality of that channel, I've personally never gotten a fail group from it. But at the same time, 5 players who've not played with each other is still 5 players who've not played with each other, even if they know how to do the mission. It doesn't always go perfectly.
This run though, was clockwork. It wasn't even partly pre-grouped, it was made completely from within the channel, and I hadn't played with any of them before so much as once. Yet the run was basically perfect. Optional with about 3 minutes left, and Rebecca killed with no Tac Done respawn.
No one said anything when we spawned in; they just flew off toward the Borg without a word. I ended up alone by the Kang. "Oh great, I'm screwed," I thought.
The assimilated Klingon ships start spawning in, and I'm all by myself flying in circles around the Kang trying to keep it healed and kill ships at the same time. Then I realized Cure was kind of easy on normal. Mopped up around the Kang, went and helped the others for a bit and basically flew back and forth to keep the Kang clear. Easily completed the optional and the mission.
No communication or anything. It was like I was playing with psychics.
While the rest of the post makes it clear he was ignoring the 10% rule, killing the generator when the rest are at 10% already doesn't really do that. Have your UI set up right so you can see the health on all the generators at once and start popping as soon as they are all at ~10%, no need to sit around waiting for everyone to confirm what you can already see. Just a minor nitpick though, rest of the post makes it clear Iggy didn't know what he was doing.
TRIBBLE | -Show Me Your Critz-
Svarog | Veles | et al.
failed the optional early on (saved LT #1, but had a guy hiding behind the wall at 2nd lt...*tried* to warn people via chat beforehand, but who knows if they're listening or not)
at least one member bailed right there - was replaced by some new guy
we continued on through the remainder of infected to final boss
entry triggered too many borg - someone (might have been me) popped a target optics and aggroed both corners - we recovered, but it started a fight between 3 members about how best to begin the entry of the final room - 1 guy left in a huff, one guy left because he figured with four completing the encounter would be impossible (also, started harassing one of our members that stayed via tells, 'till we just had to /ignore him)
so far, this is your typical miserable PUG elite...but we decide to soldier on - we've come this far after all, and the three of us remaining all seem to get along decently, and listen to/respond to instructions
we make our run through of the boss room, trigger boss encounter, but took a little too long clearing the generators, so the local borg respawned and killed us
we're *about* to call it quits, but we came so close, we feel like we can make it if we just clear the generators a little bit faster
so, begin round 2 - we still stumble a bit on the generators, but we do get them down in better time, and sure 'nuf, we clear the boss , and pick up our gear
all in all, despite the numerous pugfuggery, we still ended up walking out of there having pug-3-manned infected elite - a hard fought and thoroughly deserved victory, that made us feel good despite it all
James T. Kirk
Sadly we did not get the optional, but it was the easiest Cure I've ever done.
Why are you not rejoicing?
Try 5 voquv's
This sig dedicated to the many random objects the Mythbusters crew has blow to smitherines
I'm sitting in my Luna. DBB/turret build not quite 100% [borg] outfitted at the time, tried to maximize forward DPS.
Carrier goes off on crowd control while the rest of us attempt to take out generator/transformer. Things went "relatively" smooth on the first side, so we were expecting an easy run.
First generator on second side popped before 10% reminders went out.
Everyone focuses fire on the remainder, attempt to "beat the rush". I think we were a 2 escort group, either way, DPS was somewhat lacking (me in Luna, Atrox on CC duty, leaving 3 ships and at least one was a cruiser)... Carrier complains he couldn't hold the line. Requests additional gravity well.
I peel from the transformer group (tried to keep facing that general area in case I was needed), and join the Atrox on CC with a well timed/placed GW III, then BFaW/Spread the targets down.
After that save, it was smooth sailing, gateway then tac popped fairly quickly. First ever "blown" optional (ie, did not go according to plan) that I was on a team that recovered. When I apologized to them about lacking DPS, they commended me instead, saying that if it wasn't for my sci, that would have been a blown run.
Second best was earlier today. KASN. Initial blasting of cube shown nobody with antiproton weaponry (crit-heaven). My Tac-alt's Armitage with only [borg] torps. Comment goes out on chat, someone's reply was "this is gonna take a while". Wound up being one of the quickest runs I've done, first gate was down with 7 min remaining (and my only death as the gate blew) and the other side was already down a transformer...
To rob a line: [quote: Mariemaia Kushrenada] Forum Posting is much like an endless waltz. The three beats of war, peace and revolution continue on forever. However, opinions will change upon the reading of my post.[/quote]
Was running my Oddy Disruptor boat and we only started with 4 in the PuG. It was myself and three escorts and about halfway through taking down the first cube one of the other guys either DC'd or just straight up quit, leaving us with 3 people and 2 1/2 cubes to take down before spawning the carrier.
It took forever, and we missed the objective on keeping the Kang above 75% hull because it was difficult to protect the ship and do enough sustained DPS to bring down the nanites/cubes and spawning ships in quick fashion. I wound up playing tank/healer while spamming BFAW and torp spreads trying to keep all the ships off the escorts so they could take out the cubes. Basically flying from the Kang back to the cube in circles to heal and grab aggro of the BOPs and warships. Gained a lot of respect for the Oddy in the process since I was still kind of 50/50 on the ship as a whole and it turns out it's a pretty solid tanking ship. Surprisingly we had no deaths and were able to make pretty short work of the carrier. All things considered it was pretty satisfying that everybody else stayed in it and we were able to finish with just 3 players.
Went into an ISE from EliteSTF. Again, the group was formed completely within the channel and I hadn't played with any of them before (at least that I can recall anyway). We spawn in and it's 5 Armitages, all properly built. Absurd DPS, mission is over with about 9:40 left on the clock.
I know ISE is the remedial maths of the Elite STFs, but that's one of the quickest times I've done it. Pretty good for a group that hadn't played together before.
I'm on spawn duty for left side. 1 guy on spawn duty in middle. Other three facerolling the right cube. Mission ends with 3 mins on the clock, and the carrier is gw'd before it can even spawn its forst fighters. Didn't get anything of notice, but it was fun
This sig dedicated to the many random objects the Mythbusters crew has blow to smitherines
so KASE, three cruisers, a carrier, and me in my tactical escort retro. we finish the cube fast, and finish the other cubes fast too. one of the cruisers have a little problem defending the probes, but nothing he couldnt handle (though I felt I should help sometimes, so I sent some torpedos his way).
sadly the time was not enough, we fail by two minutes, still I saw the intellect behind the players, which is rare these days. we go to donatra, I say the usual 5km rule, and as it turns out, others knew.
and the cherry on the cake, was one of the cruisers. I think he specced in threat control, because donatra was only targeting him, and he was flying around, out of the 5km zone, turning all around, so she wont shoot her oneshot torpedo spread. she only cloaked once, before the one guy got the aggro
that is the single most beautiful thing I have seen in an STF so far
also in the end I got finally a proto deflector, which just made this my best STF run (even after a failed optional)
10k DPS Vesta threads: 1; 2
After the cube, everyone split up and went to work. Fast forward a few transformers later and we're working on both gates, pounding away. We're communicating progress, with one eye on the clock. Looking at the %, looking back at the clock. It was quite a nice surprise when both gates blew in the last minute of "regulation" time.
Optioned down one, with three random players. Good times.
With 4 members we ran KASE. We got opts with 7 minutes spare...
We killed Donatra in one run.
I was happy because 3 reason.
We got opts with 7 minutes spare.
We killed this such Donatra in one run. It was my revenge.
I got prot deflector to get Full HKG MkXII.
It was my best one:P
ISE: Finished with 5 minutes remaining, absolutely no communication between anybody until the post-match "good job"s. It was like everyone was sharing the same brain. I was truly impressed
Queued up for CSE right afterwards, and short of a few pointers to a relative newbie, everyone knew what we had to do, and we finished the optional with 2 minutes to spare.
Prolly the best PUG experience I've had in months...
I can't tell you how many time I've seen a group make a utter mess of thing and give up or rage quit within the first 15min ... Then the server add more people who actually stay and enjoy trying. Then go on to finish the round.
I've three maned STFs more then once before (in less then a hour in that what the cynics are thinking :P) by simple virtue I don't give up, and trusting the people that stayed will bite down, finish the round, and learn from there mistakes. Those are always the sweetest games.
Right side, same. Popped early but yet again, the team focused on what needed to get done and saved the right.
Finally, several strayed too close a few times, but overall, well done on the finally.
Well done all. Not bad for a bunch a Puggers.
Join the 44th Fleet. [FED and KDF] Apply Online: startrek.44thfleet.com
We still live!!!!! Hahahahahahahahaa! We live and we will conquer!!!!! Hahahahahaaha!
-Roach, when asked about Klingon extinction!
Ive had that a few times in the past, its a nice feeling when you get her not to cloak.
From what i have seen its the "bait agro" ship that has to stay more than 6k away from her to stop her from cloaking - im normally the agro ship luckily - can anyone confirm that
No one really said anything. We just followed each other around to each objective and finished fairly quickly. People even repaired their ships as soon as they were damaged. :eek:
Not the best run ever, but decent given the horror stories I've heard about it.
The borg were, of course, bugged due to the transporting issue that has been going on lately, but I didn't know it at the time. Anyway, 5 ppl started, as soon as the "disappearing borg" routine started, 2 ppl left. 1 more joined. finally, everyone had left except myself, and a KDF engineer, who I wish I could remember the name of, as the player was excellent. We managed to finally hunt down all of the transporting borg, and clear the room. At this point, I asked him if we should bother trying to continue with only 2 ppl, he said it's possible as he "knows a few tricks" so I figured why not?
Anyway, I took the console room, and he handled the other stuff. He obviously had the bomber kit for engineers, as he had no problem taking out the "pylons" (can't remember the proper term for them atm) and eventually we managed to kill all 6 of them, at which point we went to fight Tosk.
Here's where it gets fun... as soon as we started on tosk, ALL of the "support drones" teleported to the console room, and left Tosk by himself! we spent the next half hour or so killing individual drones when they transported back in, and taking shots at Tosk between him transporting. At one point, KDF engineer extrordinaire was in the console room shooting Drones, and I would continue shooting them when they transported back to the Tosk spawn spot. We played Tosk ping-pong for awhile, and finally managed to kill him. KDF Eng got his Prototype armor, and wow, did he deserve it!
So 2 ppl managed to finish KAGE, and I have never felt such a sense of accomplishment from that mission. To whoever the KDF Eng was, Thanks!