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Can't login to Games of PWE after password change!

So since I forgot my password for my first PWE Account I resetted it and could login to the website/forum with no problem at all, but when I want to login to any PWE games it says Invalid Username or Password, while I know 100% sure that I've typed it correctly, otherwise I couldn't type this Thread :)

Now I can't even play on my other account, cause of Too many attempts, please try again later.
Post edited by strifey79 on


  • strifey79strifey79 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Still can't login with this account in games :/
  • crimsonlenacrimsonlena Member Posts: 58 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Same problem, this is insane, and I had a lifetime account. How can we login? I'd hate to thing the hundreds of dollars I've spent between the lifetime and the in game store purchases are down the drain.
  • strifey79strifey79 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    I can play with a 2nd account, but I need to throw over some stuff from one of my accounts (This one) to my new toon. But they NEED to responds to the forums aswell to help, cause that way the support ticket system won't be filled with so many tickets and they can respond quicker.
  • jorusaton1jorusaton1 Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited July 2012

    Or at least let us login with our cryptic passwords and user names. When i try that, it just forces me to use my "perfect" world ones.

    I miss playing Star Trek Online. If you end up doing this to very many customers, you're going to find no one's left playing. :/
  • strifey79strifey79 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    I have no issues with that, cause I joined this game when it went to PWE, but it seems their Account Systems surely needs a massive upgrade instead of the one they're using currently :P Or hire better personel :P
  • lan451lan451 Member Posts: 3,386 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    I don't know if this will be any help, but it might be worth a shot.

    Is the password you are using over 14 characters long? The system only allows a password that is 14 characters or less, but will let you input a password that is longer than 14 characters. When I first merged my Cryptic account and my PWE account, my Cryptic log in password was 16 characters long. As a result, I could no longer log into the game at all. I would get the "Invalid Password/ID" error too. After I shortened up my password to 13 characters, I could log in no problem. You could try doing that. Oh and I had to go to the PWE website to reset my password as the STO site needed me to log into my account to change it. On the PWE website it just sends you an email with a reset link.

    I'm not sure if any of this has changed since I had this problem, but you might be having the same problem I had.
    Mine Trap Supporter
  • jorusaton1jorusaton1 Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    My password's under 16 characters, so I don't think that's it.

    But thanks anyhow :)

    I think the problem is that the system has flagged my account as "locked" and it apparently stays like that FOREVER.

    Can we a get an official response please...?
  • josh2371josh2371 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    same problem switched over today and it no longer working cnt log in with my old cryptic or new PWE :mad:
  • jorusaton1jorusaton1 Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    josh2371 wrote: »
    same problem switched over today and it no longer working cnt log in with my old cryptic or new PWE :mad:

    Welcome to the club! I'm guessing this will just keep growing. Devs seem to be ignoring it. :/
  • optimistprymeoptimistpryme Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    jorusaton1 wrote: »
    Welcome to the club! I'm guessing this will just keep growing. Devs seem to be ignoring it. :/

    Indeed, same problem here... posted the details in the other two threads on this issue. Come on DEVS... fix yer' chit! :eek:
  • lan451lan451 Member Posts: 3,386 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    jorusaton1 wrote: »
    My password's under 16 characters, so I don't think that's it.

    But thanks anyhow :)

    Just to make sure, it needs to be under 14 characters, not 16. If that isn't the problem, then I found another thread on this matter that has some responses from BranFlakes.


    You could try talking to him there. I don't think any devs come down into this forum section anymore. Sorry I can't help you guys more. :(
    Mine Trap Supporter
  • jorusaton1jorusaton1 Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Cool, thanks for the tip. I'll try posting there. Hopefully I get some answer.
  • optimistprymeoptimistpryme Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Well, tried the suggestions there. I cleared my IE cache and was able to "attempt" to login again without the "please try again later" message. Of course, for whatever reason, again it kept telling me invalid username and/or password, and after a few attempts, again I'm getting "please try again later". Oh well, maybe PWE just doesn't want as many people playing STO anymore I guess... their loss.
  • strifey79strifey79 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    well I can't still login with this account, so I must play STO with my newb Engi char sighs. My other character has the Odyssey and is 50 :) Want to have access to that account dammit.
  • optimistprymeoptimistpryme Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    strifey79 wrote: »
    well I can't still login with this account, so I must play STO with my newb Engi char sighs. My other character has the Odyssey and is 50 :) Want to have access to that account dammit.

    Same here. It just seems so mind-boggling; I can log in to the website with my account name (not forum screenname) and password just fine... but the STO launcher almost acts like it's reading some other database. Like I feel as though, if I only knew what my account's info was through whatever database it's checking, MAYBE I could get in! :(

    I've submitted two tickets to support in the past 6 days... one 6 days ago, one 3 days ago... the confirmation says I should hear something in 3-4 days, and still not a peep. If support could just look at these issues, perhaps they could inform us of what information we need to log in... you know, to give them more users, to give them money, to keep playing their product. :/
  • jorusaton1jorusaton1 Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Problem resolved.

    You get a nice "we're really sorry" bundle for linking your cryptic account to your perfect world one, I thought that was a nice touch.

    Let's hope that doesn't happen again. Everybody else able to get online now?
  • liquidacid29liquidacid29 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    I'm still having this problem... can log in on the website and here but the launcher says invalid

    the thing is I had already linked my accounts and was able to log in fine last week
  • optimistprymeoptimistpryme Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    jorusaton1 wrote: »
    Problem resolved.

    You get a nice "we're really sorry" bundle for linking your cryptic account to your perfect world one, I thought that was a nice touch.

    Let's hope that doesn't happen again. Everybody else able to get online now?

    Actually, they already had a gift pack just for linking (which was meant to go smooth), or is it an additional gift pack on top of that one?

    To update, I'm able to get in now... well, so far; I'm past the username/password screen and it's currently patching/updating. I'm not sure if they fixed it purposely with today's update, or if it was a fluke that finally got fixed when the servers got restarted... there was one thread I recall reading, where a user had mentioned that they think the login server for STO is slow to update, and any form of a password change, maybe even an account linking could take a day or two to fully process... just be ready for maybe *possible* downtime should you link your account or change your password once it's a PWE account. (Kind of wondering since the Cryptic data is stored, if it's some sort of sync up between the Cryptic info and PWE info... as in I'm guessing people who made just straight PWE accounts without any Cryptic background aren't going to have this issue.)
  • strifey79strifey79 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    well I could finally login indeed, but my lv. 50 Fed character is gone AND my Odyssey class Cruiser which I got from the 2 year anniversary :S Now what :/
  • bombeetsbombeets Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    I am sorry to hear this is happening to so many other users. I tried logging in to the game today and launcher says "Invalid" Funny because I can log in the PW website. I am new to the game and never had a CRYPTIC account. Also, my password is less than 14 characters. I am trying to be understanding as I know there is much they have going on right now but it is getting harder to do so. I have only been playing about 2 weeks. About 3 days in I got stuck in sector space and could not move for 2 days. Seems like bad business planning. You want me to pay but do not even acknowledge my service tickets? I would be furious if I had paid a lifetime sub and was getting no response. Instead, I am just dismayed at the utter lack of professionalism.
  • strifey79strifey79 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    It seemed that this wasn't the account I used couple months or 1 year ago I found my old account which might have them, BUT that account is banned with no valid reason or any mail whatsoever. I already sent a ticket, but knowing PWE they're quite slow with them. Hope they fix it asap, cause this is kinda annoying that that account is banned for no valid reason. I don't even know why it's banned (Also never received an email about it)
  • teranikuteraniku Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    You also need to make sure the Perfect World Radio button is selected, if that's the account name / password you are using to log in.
  • strifey79strifey79 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    That's standard selected :) Everything is taken care off, the account that's banned was re-opened within 1.5 day o.o was the quickest response I ever got heh. So all my accounts are back in working order ^^
  • castertroyt79castertroyt79 Member Posts: 58 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    same problem here, has been 2 week. Took them 4 days to reply my mail and tell me to use my PWE account as login which doesn't work. This is why I dread F2P games.
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