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  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    If I remember right, it might not show in the log after they're completed. That might not be intended, that's been a part of the system that's historically cultivated nice gardens of bugs - it tends to get ignored a lot so problems with it go uncaught.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    What Streakfury said. There are two Diplo missions I know of that cost a large some of credits. One is called "Entertaining Foreign Dignitaries", but I can't remember the other, nor which costs which amount of EC. One assignment costs 10,000 EC, and a separate one costs 5,000. This info may or may not be in the historical logs. (To be honest, I rarely look at the logs as I read the info I know/care about before I accept a mission and before/as I'm completing it.)

    There are other missions, that require large sums of credits. The Investigate Temporal Anomaly mission takes 10,000 EC (and an Astrometric Probes commodity). There's an Espionage (?) mission that requres 50,000 EC to buy a plans for a weapon. There's one for 100,000 EC out there for paying someone off. Then of course there are Trade missions for buying commodites, though I think those are in the 2,000 range.

    Whatever the amounts, these are clearly displayed before you accept an assignment. The EC amount is shown between the description/reward list and the required DOff section. Any EC requirements are deducted from your EC totals when the assignment is accepted and are lost forever regardless of outcome, once the mission completes.

    That last part is important. If you go into your In Progress Mission secion and Abort a mission before it's time is up, you will get your EC back.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    This helped a bit, however I've been searching for Colonist Duty Officer Assignments forever, and I feel so TRIBBLE. I've been searching all over the internet for specific areas for these, and I thought I understood the wiki a bit, however when I went to a certain area that it named, it didn't come up with it.

    So, as a noob question: Where do I find Colonist Duty Officer Assignments?

    I have 20, and two unrewarded assignments with 10 more. xD

    Edit: I love how I post this, and go to Wolf 359 and find it. >.> Maybe I'll just go to every random place to find it. xD
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    GamerzGirl wrote:
    This helped a bit, however I've been searching for Colonist Duty Officer Assignments forever, and I feel so TRIBBLE. I've been searching all over the internet for specific areas for these, and I thought I understood the wiki a bit, however when I went to a certain area that it named, it didn't come up with it.

    So, as a noob question: Where do I find Colonist Duty Officer Assignments?

    I have 20, and two unrewarded assignments with 10 more. xD

    Edit: I love how I post this, and go to Wolf 359 and find it. >.> Maybe I'll just go to every random place to find it. xD

    Are you talking about the colonial chain assignments? They are located in the star cluster/nebulas. There is a chain for each cluster.

    If you want to find where they are at any given time, this sheet has been invaluable:

    (DOFFS must be in CAPS)
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    I was just curious what is the point of civilians?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    this is a great post :)

    I read through most of it (I skimmed through a lot of the older replys) and found it very informative. I have read through most of the assingment chain posts, and the STOwiki colonial page, and seem to have run into a problem that I've not found an answer for yet.

    I have completed 6 of the 7 Aeffhir nebula chain missions. I can't seem to get the 7th, "Aeffhir Nebula Renown", to activate. It's not that I don't have the DoFF's or supplies, it's just that it won't even show up in the Sector Mission tab. I was wondering if I was missing something that I had to do before the mission would appear in the Sector Mission tab in the Aeffhir Nebula?

    If anyone has had the same problem, what did you do the fix it?

    Thanks in advace, and great thread :D
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    Unless there's a bug with that specific mission, it's likely that you just haven't been in the Afehirr Nebula when the mission happens to be available. It won't show up all of the time, so you might have to wait a few days before you happen to be "in the right place at the right time", as it were.

    The same thing happened to me in the Delta Volanis Cluster. I wondered why the 4th mission wouldn't show up for me, but it turned out I just hadn't waited long enough for it to appear.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    The 7th assignment in the colonial chains are just spawn infrequently. With enough persistence you'll find it eventually, but it may take quite a while.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    If you can't find the colonial chain mission in the Sector, check Main Engineering. Sometimes, your Operations officer will have them, but not always.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    Thanks for the replies :)

    I feel better now, I thought I was just being a doh-head and missing something obvious. At least I know now to keep after it :D
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Surprised to see this bumped again.
    I was just curious what is the point of civilians?

    Mostly diplomacy. Many big diplomatic assignment takes a chef, entertianer, bartender, plus a diplomat and security. If you want to finish the two chains in the ship's lounge (on the development track), you'll need a couple chefs and bartenders for those. Diplomats and advisors are also used in Quell Civil Unrest (military track).

    Refugees also count as civilians. They're sort of like prisoners in that you can exchange them (through Asylum missions) for useful duty officers.

    Some chefs and bartenders also enable new food and drink items in your replicator, but unless you're addicted to tribble breeding that's more annoying than anything, since it makes you scroll down through an even longer list of junk to get to the commodities.
  • hardbodygoddesshardbodygoddess Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    I and my fleet are trying to build up our Starbase, but we're small fleet so it is less then a dozen characters having to give up dozens of Doffs.

    To try to make things easier we're trying to makes sure we all do the recruitment missions that give Doffs.

    We know where the Vulcan, Tellarite, and Andorian Personnel Officers are at Starfleet Academy, an have been doing their Cultural Exchange Missions (As well as all the Missions from the Starfleet Personnel Officer in the SFA Education Building), and we know there are also Deltan, Betazoid, Benzite, Saurian, and Bolian Cultural Exchanges... the problem is where...

    Are there actual Personnel Officers for the Deltans, Betazoids, Benzites, Saurians, and Bolians?

    Similar note, all 3 of the Cultural Exchange giving Personnel Officers also give Officer Exchange Programs, and we know there are also officer exhanges for the following races: Bajoran, Cardassian, Dosi, Farasen, Karemma, Paradan, and Wadi

    Do those 7 races have a Personnel Officer as well?

    I've found clues about locations, but they're always only space blocks, not specific ground zones.

    Is there any information anyone can give to help?

    Specific Locations and/or times to find these would be appreciated... I know one fleet member said he bumped into one on Bajor once, but he was so busy running around for something else that he didn't note where, and it was before we started the starbase, so it wasn't important at the time.
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