"If you can't take a little bloody nose, maybe you ought to go back home and crawl under your bed. It's not safe out here. It's wondrous, with treasures to satiate desires both subtle and gross. But it's not for the timid." Q Join the 44th Fleet. [FED and KDF] Apply Online: startrek.44thfleet.com
Sounds awesome! Now if only I could log on. I finally got to the character select screen than in the login que, but got bumped out of the que and booted to the logon screen. The login server went down and I'm in the que again. I hope I can get on sometime this month.
If you hit the login queue, you will eventually time out back to login screen. Really what they meant was, in an alternate universe somewhere, this game is online... Probably.
Seems reports of things looking up were exaggerated. It would appear all they did was reboot the login server, so, for a brief moment, it looked like they had actually improved things. Not so; queues are rapidly growing again.
If you hit the login queue, you will eventually time out back to login screen. Really what they meant was, in an alternate universe somewhere, this game is online... Probably.
YAY! we need to construct a portal, who's with us! we need 3 more for portal summon lol
Seems reports of things looking up were exaggerated. It would appear all they did was reboot the login server, so, for a brief moment, it looked like they had actually improved things. Not so; queues are rapidly growing again.
Something must be getting more stable- I was at 636 of 921, now I've moved to 636 of 2860.
Yeah, great that season 6 is live but wtf? I can't even log in and this Que thing is TRIBBLE.
Love the fact when the leaders of the fleets are logging in we are stuck in limbo. My Xo and myself are still waiting, my team is probably wondering where we are lol.:mad: Getting a little frustrating hope this smooths out quickly or there will be a mutiny. I have a feeling I will lose the leadership in 30 days waiting to get in :cool:
Don't get excited. I was 1 of 401 and then I got booted again.
Join the 44th Fleet. [FED and KDF] Apply Online: startrek.44thfleet.com
must be too many ppl trying to log into game
Nope nevermind, timed out. You know I feel sorry for Branflakes, "Okay Brandon tell everyone we're good to go" "Right ok"
Few minutes later, Brandon: "Oh, funny joke guys.. really.. this never gets old."
I'm a Doctor not a Doorstop... that might be blocking server entry! :P
Join Date: Oct 2008
Location: NPW Forums
Likewise, every time you see "Disconnected from Server" someone somewhere else is going "Yay, moved up in the queue!"
And round and round it goes.
WTF is This BS!! Cryptic Seriously !Fix Your SH*T!! :mad::rolleyes:
Join Date: Oct 2008
Location: NPW Forums
Guess it is a Borg designation
Something must be getting more stable- I was at 636 of 921, now I've moved to 636 of 2860.
Love the fact when the leaders of the fleets are logging in we are stuck in limbo. My Xo and myself are still waiting, my team is probably wondering where we are lol.:mad: Getting a little frustrating hope this smooths out quickly or there will be a mutiny. I have a feeling I will lose the leadership in 30 days waiting to get in :cool: