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Time to pull the 2 pvp communities back to one

the4monkeysthe4monkeys Member Posts: 172 Arc User
edited July 2012 in PvP Gameplay
I am sick and tired of one guy making a ultimate following against the pandas, tsi, and all other great fleets. saying were unfair, using exploits, cheats 3rd party programs etc. what this guy has done is created his own pvp channel and a pvp for his own fleets that follows his rules.

We all know he made his channel, My intention here was to move everyone to opvp like before so we can all have fun have 1 league not 2, so bridge the gap so to speak. SIVAR your a legen u ahve made what the devs havnet and created a good league system, with rules. BIG kudos!

I thought I would go to him myself, speak man to man, I asked what he accused us of here is list:

1. I myself apparently can run 125 all subsystems in tactical odysey usig a exploit. -confusion if anyone can enlighten me is this possible for a sci?

2. A person in my fleet can use proc's on demand- I thought it was server based chance??

3. A Person can increase power higher than cap to produce more damage- I thought figures ran off server really not off clients. I personally have been looking at position into create more dps and timing.

4. Apparently jemmys are bugged with distro doffs- well if you shoot at a jemmy because it is a panda there certainly goign to proc more than a average pug!

5. Directed Energy Modulation is broken - It is actually usefull now.... and running as intended

6. General spam (pets etc) - agreed pets need looking at
7. scramble sensors- since ive been in pandas not seen it used on any team ive been in- apparently jorf used it but hes been out of game since last july/august.

He said look at certain people which I have - even combat logged them. Found nothing unusual. I even suggested he views me playing using desktop viewer in a website so he can see how good I am in a cruiser but wouldnt let me accusing me of macro binding too. (im a clicker I admit it!)

To cut the story short We went into a PVP against him in random pug made. 3 Pandas 2 pugs vs his fleet.

first off he was wining 3:0 because his team was communicating ours was pug. Then after a few team chats: stay within 10km of me, Target binds. Ends up being 15:10 pandas side wins. He then says your guys are hacking in a tell to me. I was Like ?? your using DEM. I wasn't Asked other two and 1 was. He goes 3 of you, he names um 1 pandas 2 pugs. then decides to ignores me. Because apparently I am not serious and I am not willing to co-operate. usefull to ignore - cant defend myself.....

So I went onto a Teamspeak to chat to him (a friends server not his or mine)the basics was im exploiting. I said no and said 1 dem from panda 2 from pugs. He was like how are you using that broken stuff. I told him he actually had a good teamwork going in team and what your doing now is ruining your team and your name. he called me a mans TRIBBLE( behaving words) and left annoyed but before he left I said to him. Go record me, check my logs, you can report me for hacking if you wish. Cryptic will realise im honest. I told him hes nothing more than a sore loser and your looking for exploits that dont exist.

He now will tell his whole team to warp out when see's a person he believes is exploiting

The annoying thing is the truth behind pandas, ts,i la familia, L.O.D. Risa Squadran, Sector 31, and all other great fleets is they are all communicating amongst each other healing sub nuc-ing etc. the reason why some do it better than others is they play in a team more frequently, there setup is optimised amongst themselves and tacs know where to be.

As you can see this has been frustrating for me, Here I am trying to patch up the pvp community trying to make it fun for all. Then getting put into the sin bin for hacking and apparently hes trying to catch me out and send it to the devs.

I decided to tell you all the truth so you can all make your own judgements. If your in either of the two channels and believe in 1 channel community please show your support.

The only guilty thing i have considered near exploit:

/bind Space "GenSendMessage HUD_Root FireAll $$ +TrayExecByTray 0 8$$ +TrayExecByTray 1 0$$ +TrayExecByTray 1 1$$ +TrayExecByTray 0 0$$ +TrayExecByTray 0 1$$ +TrayExecByTray 0 2$$ +TrayExecByTray 1 2"

I'm not asking for sides I want 1 community, I want members from both to talk and play properly with no warp outs.im wanting ovo fleets to pew against each other, 1v1, 2v2,3v3, enjoying rules. This can be done! SIVAR proved this. all of us need to communicate

For those who still need help with pvp there is always Sad Panda Cubs channel
Post edited by the4monkeys on


  • dank65dank65 Member Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited July 2012

    he he, sorry couldnt resist............................;)

    Guild - <Lords of The Dead>
    LvL 60 CW-Dragon Server
  • matteo716maikaimatteo716maikai Member Posts: 823
    edited July 2012
    -sighs- not much to do really....

    except invite his team to our teams to see the "magic" that happens.
  • srspellssrspells Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    TBH i dont care if anyone hax, its just a game. enjoy and play.
    nice long read though.
    || Open Door Policy ||
    | Dues Ex Mechina |
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  • the4monkeysthe4monkeys Member Posts: 172 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    I told him its a game just chill, I get popped 75% hull full shields to 0 in split second from crits etc. I just shrug it off
  • hurleybirdhurleybird Member Posts: 909
    edited July 2012
    6. General spam (pets etc) - agreed pets need looking at
    7. scramble sensors- since ive been in pandas not seen it used on any team ive been in- apparently jorf used it but hes been out of game since last july/august.

    Actually, ever since the nerf I've made fun of people who use it :P

    I haven't been gone that long. Maybe a couple months, but I drop in for the occasional game. ;)
  • dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    i used to see people deal impossible damage, and survive impossible damage, and i though they had to be using an exploit. then i figured out how to do it fair and square...

    the thought "they have to be exploiting" hasn't crossed my mind in at least 6 mouths, but people have certainly tried to call me on it.

    its as simple as L2P, L2 communicate, and L2 apply the correct amount of pressure at the correct time, be it heals or damage

    here's a clue to all the hater, talking **** and then ignoring someone means you let your stupidity overpower your ability to learn. its not our fault we have the game more figured out then you.
  • sonicshowersonicshower Member Posts: 216 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    if there are any other PVP channels i certainly am not aware of them or they are private. If they are private I dont see them gaining any sort of precedent comparable to what OPVP has attained. If this other player has a pvp channel its nothing more than his tree house club and his buddies know where to find us if they need some solid advice when they get sick of his rhetoric
  • bitemepwebitemepwe Member Posts: 6,760 Arc User
    edited July 2012

    The only guilty thing i have considered near exploit:

    /bind Space "GenSendMessage HUD_Root FireAll $$ +TrayExecByTray 0 8$$ +TrayExecByTray 1 0$$ +TrayExecByTray 1 1$$ +TrayExecByTray 0 0$$ +TrayExecByTray 0 1$$ +TrayExecByTray 0 2$$ +TrayExecByTray 1 2"

    Why would you consider this near exploitive?
    Keybinding is the one thing everybody can learn to use if they wish.
    Leonard Nimoy, Spock.....:(

  • mavairomavairo Member Posts: 579
    edited July 2012
    To me flying bugs is or should be considered an exploit. It IS bar none the best escort in the game, and not even by a little margin.

    That aside, really? Pascal you are still at this?

    A year ago you were butt hurt about CAC, (and we weren't even in our prime then!) TSI, starting to hate on Coup De Grace, SOB, and even the 528th.

    I think it's time you get off the rag man, and start taking some hormone pills to compensate for your perpetual state of PMS. Seriously man, you like need a doctor or something.

    As far as him creating a fleet of Warpers goes, he should do it. I say more power to him. It will just be all the more entertaining when I catch it on video and host it up on youtube under What Not To Be Like. Complete with comedic commentary.
  • starcommando101starcommando101 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Honestly, I've PvPed against the best of them (Sad Pandas & Cubs, La Familia, Nova Core) and they all are a super bunch of people. I even asked for help on my build.

    I remember when I first PvPed at level 40 and I owned! everyone fell to my ship. But then I hit 50 and everything changed. 1hitted by every ship out there! (I even think the Tuffle ship could have owned me) But the thing is, it is the learning curve. He probably didn't ask how you guys did it. You get help. Now I am an above average PvPer. I always obtain the highest Damage and second or highest Heal; I go 14-0 or 15-0 all the time (except for premades). But that is only when I have a decent team that listens to my commands.

    PvP isn't about the individual, it is a team thing. You have to make sure your team is together. If you have one weak link, then the whole team is weak. But every team has its weakness. No one is properly prepared for everything. One day a new fleet will come along and beat Sad Pandas. Who knows. But calling someone out isn't the way to go. Be humble and ask for help, your pride shouldn't get in the way of you assisting your fleet. If you have the chance to assist members of your fleet but let your pride get in the way then shame on you.

    "You win some, you lose some, but you live... You live to fight another day."

    The Average PvP player
    1) Teamwork and timing is #1
    2) You cannot "Kirk It" in every ship
    3) You are going to die, just get back up
  • thishorizonthishorizon Member Posts: 1,158
    edited July 2012

    my comments are, that, with 100% certainty, i can say that monkeys does not hack any code or use exploits. he is just a great pilot, and is great with timing and positioning.

    also, i can say with about 95% certainty, that NO player in this game is hacking anything. and thats with a 5% margin of error.

    when a drunk horizon can be within 20% of the total damage/healing/kill numbers, without a single macro or keybind, of the best players in the game....well, ive proven it to myself. because a lot of guys who play pvp and are great use macros and keybinds and are not 8 beers deep and also ranting on the forums during matches like i do. (from the respawn point, i never drop my attention during combat)

    and a lot of players have me mark XII purple weapons and consoles, therefore boosting their damage to that top percent of players that can afford such gear. its a little bit, but in the long run it does stack up.

    and a lot of players use 3 purple shield disto officers, every 60 second BFI (now known as lolRSPthesecond) there fore skewing their healing numbers greatly.

    and a lot of players use phaser turrets. and 2 CRF. even 2 of these ships focusing on 1 target can be a phaser proc nightmare.

    and some players are just great at timing buffs. thats it. they are usually the ones great at positioning too.

    so, take it from this guy, if it means anything. I've played with most in the game on one level or another. and there is just a skill gap, that is all.

    have fun kill bad guys


    p.s. as far as having 1 community, i wasnt aware that there really had been a split.
  • broken1981broken1981 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    mavairo wrote: »
    To me flying bugs is or should be considered an exploit. It IS bar none the best escort in the game, and not even by a little margin.

    That aside, really? Pascal you are still at this?

    A year ago you were butt hurt about CAC, (and we weren't even in our prime then!)

    I think it's time you get off the rag man, and start taking some hormone pills to compensate for your perpetual state of PMS. Seriously man, you like need a doctor or something.

    As far as him creating a fleet of Warpers goes, he should do it. I say more power to him. It will just be all the more entertaining when I catch it on video and host it up on youtube under What Not To Be Like. Complete with comedic commentary.

    why cant i vote this post as a +1? its ok monkey this guy told me in ts on my fleet ts i was hacking when i poped him in every ship but his healer. and even in his healer he could not dent me. so i said i would take my hack off and took my sheild off.
    Join Date: Dec 2007Originally Posted by BROKEN1981
    I can throw [Fireworks] at you and hope you catch on fire and burn to death lol
  • rjam0rjam0 Member Posts: 70 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    he called me a mans TRIBBLE( behaving words) and left annoyed

    This is ruining PvP. The name calling, the spite that some players have toward each other.
    If only players would ask for advice instead of immediately jumping to conclusions about HAXXORZZ.

    I was terrible at PvP...I can dig up some screenshots of my original PvP build...it wasn't pretty.
    But I had an awesome friend who was pretty talented at the whole PvP thing so he gave me advice...I learnt some things along the way as well, NOOB NO MORE.

    I joined Sad Panda Cubs, got more help there...all you have to do is ask.
    Chances are, if you ask a question, the person you ask is going to be more inclined to answer, if you've previously been courteous towards them.
  • talzerotwotalzerotwo Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    there is -some- divide i think. this might help bridge that a little

    On another note, I'll be first to admit I defended pascal from what I saw as bullying (I dislike bullies quite a lot). However, the guy is a fascist in all sense of the word. I was told that if I continued to associate with people he considered hacking (some of which he stated were in my fleet) he wouldn't be friends with me. I'm just a wtf there :P.

    I want some of the same things he does, but he works abrasively and I think as a community we're better off without him.
    Chillax. No Ego. No Drama.

    Like my alien? Watch THE VIDEO
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  • sollvaxsollvax Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    If you don't like there being multiple channels (and I am aware of at least FOUR currently)
    Ditch yours

    If you don't like there being multiple leagues (again there are several Im Aware of three currently active one of which only plays in German)
    Ditch yours

    It you don't like the rules NEGOTIATE privately

    And if you don't like being suspected of exploits and other "questionable practices"
    lose occasionally

    We have all seen your guys in action
    I have Watched people quit a team because your guys are on it

    and thats not PVP that was a Fleet action

    maybe you need to think on that
    Live long and Prosper
  • kinetic78kinetic78 Member Posts: 90 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    mavairo wrote: »
    TSI, starting to hate on Coup De Grace,

    When did this happen ?? i always got on with TSI just fine :)

    Monkey Magic at it again ,, stop the hax monkey u haxor code crunching uncle bob :p
  • marctraiderzmarctraiderz Member Posts: 539 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Mav; Always QQn about stuff he doesnt own himself :)

    What a pity

    QQn baby yeh
  • mavairomavairo Member Posts: 579
    edited July 2012
    Mav; Always QQn about stuff he doesnt own himself :)

    What a pity

    QQn baby yeh

    Hey I ***** about the stuff I DO have too.

    I don't like the klink toys, but I have most of the worst offenders and I use them regularly now. (after all if you can say your bug is fine... then I can claim my toys are fine! :D I still won't though cause I still don't like em!)
  • dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    sollvax wrote: »
    And if you don't like being suspected of exploits and other "questionable practices"
    lose occasionally

    im afraid this is simply asking to much of me :cool:
  • crusty8maccrusty8mac Member Posts: 1,381 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    As you can see this has been frustrating for me, Here I am trying to patch up the pvp community trying to make it fun for all. Then getting put into the sin bin for hacking and apparently hes trying to catch me out and send it to the devs.

    So you are trying to patch things up by confronting him every chance you get, then posting a long rant here in the forums? Not exactly out of How to Win Friends and Influence People.

    As much as I respect the Sad Pandas abilities, I get tired of their "why do they hate us" qqing.
    STO Forum member since before February 2010.
    STO Academy's excellent skill planner here: Link
    I actually avoid success entirely. It doesn't get me what I want, and the consequences for failure are slim. -- markhawman
  • the4monkeysthe4monkeys Member Posts: 172 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    crusty8mac wrote: »
    So you are trying to patch things up by confronting him every chance you get, then posting a long rant here in the forums? Not exactly out of How to Win Friends and Influence People.

    As much as I respect the Sad Pandas abilities, I get tired of their "why do they hate us" qqing.

    I dont think your seeing the bigger picture:

    The game is losing pvp numbers and this persons actions is aiding towards its failures. I dont care about why people hate pandas. If they have problems there why dont they ask us we give advice look at the cubs channel.

    I am not looking for friends and influence trying to repair a broken community.

    Why I brought this to forums is that I rather have full opinion of pvp community I couldn't care about the person, however clearly he is looking for unfound exploits he himself is a bigger troll by ruining the pvp community creating warp outs and fake belief. The person in question does not understand the dynamics of the game.

    As for the person in question follower that posted thank you for posting.
  • talzerotwotalzerotwo Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    +1 to this thread from me at least. I don't think it has anything to do with sad pandas qqing like last time. it's legit.

    so full support, let's get this fixed.
    Chillax. No Ego. No Drama.

    Like my alien? Watch THE VIDEO
    Need custom graphics for you or your fleet? Click HERE
  • marctraiderzmarctraiderz Member Posts: 539 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Dunno bout u guys but this all starts to get really old. lets get on with gaming and the opvp community isnt divided at all, kkthxbye.
  • dassemstodassemsto Member Posts: 792 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    I'm a bit perplexed...

    I was approached by said individual, and towards me, he did not behave like the d**k he sounds like in all chats and posts.

    I'm sure he genuinely believes there is haxxing afoot.

    I asked him about this, and only got wague answers. He offered to explain more clearly in voicechat, but it was getting way past late, so I had to decline and log. He did mention third part programs creating lag that can be exploited. I know this is a old mmo trick, anyone know if this can be/is effectively used in STO?

    My point is: Maybe he's right, who knows? I can say I myself is not haxxing, but I can not answer for anyone else. I don't see how anyone can answer for anyone else, unless they know each other R/L and play from the same room.

    Frankly, I'd be surprised if noone out there haxx... However, I'm not OK with calling people out on suspicion alone, or even worse, taking action based on belief.
  • talzerotwotalzerotwo Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    same thing happened to me, i was up from 1130pm to 6am listen to what sounded like consipiracy theories. then he told me he was working with the devs and they were going to work out a way to get rid of all these 3rd parties and whatnot and I should be mum about it. Also, it was suggested that I support the thread and say I was shown stuff and it exists. blah

    that said, I remember back in the day when no one used keybinds. no one used the g12 keyboard that kept keybinds running constant.

    those matches were intense. Fly, heal, type target, redistribute shields manually. fun for me at least
    Chillax. No Ego. No Drama.

    Like my alien? Watch THE VIDEO
    Need custom graphics for you or your fleet? Click HERE
  • cmdrparthoscmdrparthos Member Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Just to chime in on this. That individual to which we all know about, was on my friends list. Decent player, listened most of the time in team chat for targets, sucks as a fight controller (too narrow minded). However, in the course of the last 6 months..he got on my fleets nerves, coming on to TS, talking about hax this, blah blah that, and at no time did we ever get any concrete evidence proving claims. We kicked/banned him from our server, after unanimous decision. And then replied to one of us before we got ignored by 'Have fun playing with idiots'

    No one is unkillable, just that theres a bunch in this thread that are damn tough, but it can be done :) we all know that teamwork wins the day. That and a good batch of cookiees :)

    The Parthos And Bunny Show
    Imperial House Of Pancakes
  • the4monkeysthe4monkeys Member Posts: 172 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    my question to you guys is why am I targetted by this individual, im just a decent clean player in a decent fleet thats good at teaming not exploits.
  • husanakxhusanakx Member Posts: 1,607 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    The main issue with STOs pvp community... is that it is a PvP community.

    Being a Star Trek game I find 2 things to be true....

    1) The games "hardcore" PvP players are PvP players and are also Star Trek lovers... and there fore are mildly egocentric competitive Type As... that when compared to most MMOs "hardcore" PvP players are extremely kind and giving and in general pretty laid back...


    2) the game is also filled with the Star Trek Role Player PvP players... (admit it all of us have at one time or another put "canon" type layouts on something... but group 2 people are adverse to putting a better weapon on cause it doesn't look fed enough or klinks don't run phasers ect ect) Now the issue is for these players being a Type-A compete hard type person is just not very trek... and even though as MMO PvP communities go we have one of the most open and inviting... they don't see that. (it doesn't help that in general these players have never touched another MMO)

    Now the people that fit under 1 can accept with in a bit of reason the people in group 2... and I don't need to name names we all know who the Group 2 people are. Of course for people in group 2 I am not sure that some of them will ever really fit in. (of course some do... and some of them have given us the most entertaining Zone and Opvp chats I can remember... *cough* Star. I hope he comes back soon)
  • sollvaxsollvax Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    The panda problem is one of perception

    you are seen as an organised mauler group (ie you exist to maul and beat up on others)
    the "cubs" thing is seen as a sort of Pvp visitor youth in some respects an indoctrination or training cadre

    Also pandas are observed to win when they should not (single panda vrs 3 normal folks)
    this is considered Evidence of cheating

    Much of this is due to "min max" and "key bind" use
    (which a lot of people don't use)

    plus of course non canon weapons loads (which should mean automatic defeat to a canon ship in the eyes of most of the real trekies)

    A lot of people feel that a Canon armed B'rel should be able to destroy an infinate number of non canon armed Defiants purely because they ARE non canon

    please note this is all about perception
    Live long and Prosper
  • warlordsobwarlordsob Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Funny I know your just joking about this and I love seeing jokes about the truth.
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