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Khitomer Space elite - another tactic?

SystemSystem Member, NoReporting Posts: 178,019 Arc User
edited July 2012 in The Academy
So I've been noticing the last few times I've played Khitomer space on elite that people are splitting up and going 3 and 2 to different sides. And every time it leads to a mess. Not only are groups not completing the optional, but I've been seeing about a 1 in 4 mission failure since this has started happening.

Today I asked why people were splitting and one of the other players says that it's the newest bestest way to win.

Have I missed something? Has something changed and now splitting is the way to go?
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  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Well if they went to all one side, wouldn't the probes from the other side make their way through?

    Seriously asking. Maybe I;m not seeing something here.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Well if they went to all one side, wouldn't the probes from the other side make their way through?

    Seriously asking. Maybe I;m not seeing something here.

    The 'normal' configuration is 4/1. One guy on the opposite side shooting probes as they pop in and leaving the gate alone. He can pop a few generators, just avoid shooting the cubes that come in and they are happy to just hover. It's all in the training guide in the sticky.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Well if they went to all one side, wouldn't the probes from the other side make their way through?

    Seriously asking. Maybe I;m not seeing something here.

    Probes from both sides do need to be taken out, but in normals, in addition to someone covering them I have seen a lot of splitting between sides rather than taking out one side ASAP, and seen this regardless of the firepower the person splitting off has or does not have.

    I can't imagine that going well in an elite.

    I've only done one elite so far and it was by accident. I definitely was not ready yet. Thankfully we won despite my under-geared ship :)
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Gazzalodi wrote: »
    The 'normal' configuration is 4/1. One guy on the opposite side shooting probes as they pop in and leaving the gate alone.

    That's what I'm familiar with. Just wanted to make sure....

    We did one where the lone ship sat in front of the middle gate. Got overwhelmed as he was too close and didn;t have enough time to pop the probes.

    edit: Thanks for the response
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    3/2 works fine for me.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    My fleet runs 2 and 3 most of the time, each side working on transformers and cubes then gates. I can understand why it would be messy for pugs but premades it's a good way to get done fast and it works well 100% of the time for us.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    So I've been noticing the last few times I've played Khitomer space on elite that people are splitting up and going 3 and 2 to different sides. And every time it leads to a mess. Not only are groups not completing the optional, but I've been seeing about a 1 in 4 mission failure since this has started happening.

    Today I asked why people were splitting and one of the other players says that it's the newest bestest way to win.

    Have I missed something? Has something changed and now splitting is the way to go?

    essentially it is a very good tactic, if you have the ships and players to do it.

    basically the 2 guys on one side take out the cubes together, while 1 is on probe duty (normally somebody fast, with a lot of firepower) the other kills generators. When the probe guy is free (and he should be able to kill the probes fast) he helps killing the generators.

    on the other side, one is allways on probe duty (mostly a cruiser or sci ship, but not necessarely). the other 2 take out cubes/generators.

    when one gate is done all hurry to the other side, or one changes even before the first gate blows.

    now this tactic becomes harder and harder to pull off, the more ships on the lower dps end join the grp. after killing the tactical cube at start, and depending on the time it took, you can see if a 3/2 is possible or not.

    I would never do it without atleast 2 escorts, or klingon cruisers doing close to that amount of dmg.

    PS: carriers are cool for probe duty, since they can take them down in a reasonable amount of time, and order their ships to engage the generators quickly without moving towards them by themselves.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Ya I have been seeing it too an same with your experience it goes badly..

    It also annoyes me as I am typically always the one that breaks off as my Defiant is setup for that role I can take out the probes generators and the the cudes myself makeing the right side easy pickings once the other guys are ready.. when I see someone come over with me my heart drops as I know something bad is going to happen.

    Often if that happens I try to leave for the main side to help the fire power there and just keep a VERY close eye I the right sides probes.. as that person usually misses them.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Zeroscifer wrote: »
    my Defiant is setup for that role I can take out the probes generators and the the cudes myself makeing the right side easy pickings once the other guys are ready

    Same here in my MVAE! Through forum guides and video walkthrough, I have always known that you start with the left gate and the left transformer. I just wish those flying support type ships i.e. you science and engi guys in your beam boats would realize their roles...that they are there for support. I don't care that you like flying a cruiser or a carrier, but know that you can't dish out the dps required for elite STF's and leave those priority targets for tac captains in tac escorts.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    While the 2/3 tactic can work. Sometimes it's just somebody who doesn't know what to do, ignoring the chat window and your pleas not to blow up the 2nd Generator and summon the cubes because he than agros said cubes onto the guy trying to do the probes.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    I just wish those flying support type ships i.e. you science and engi guys in your beam boats would realize their roles...that they are there for support. I don't care that you like flying a cruiser or a carrier, but know that you can't dish out the dps required for elite STF's and leave those priority targets for tac captains in tac escorts.

    I can understand how you may have gotten this impression but it isnt true that science ships and crusers have no place in elite stfs. Sadly most people fly these ships badly and with the wrong boff skills, but I have been the only escort in more then a few elite stfs that we have compleeted with 5 minutes to spare on the optional. I am good but not good enough to carry a team that well.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    2/3 has been working here, another interesting on is someone with a Multivector taking probes from both sides, seems to work in most cases.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Gazzalodi wrote: »
    So I've been noticing the last few times I've played Khitomer space on elite that people are splitting up and going 3 and 2 to different sides. And every time it leads to a mess. Not only are groups not completing the optional, but I've been seeing about a 1 in 4 mission failure since this has started happening.

    Today I asked why people were splitting and one of the other players says that it's the newest bestest way to win.

    Have I missed something? Has something changed and now splitting is the way to go?

    Yes, but it only works with a high DPS team.. i.e. if I have more than 2 cruisers in my team I will stay the standard 1 and 4.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Worst part is when a team does 3/2 but then splits down further so that there's guys all over the shop doing little to nothing.
    3 2
    1 on probes 1 on probes
    1 on "left" transformer 1 doing his own thing trying to solo the whole goddamn gate
    1 on "right" transformer

    What people simply will not do (even though it's the most sensible thing imo) is to stick together as much as possible unless absolutely necessary (i.e. probe duty guys). Napoleon didn't split his forces up to face all his foes at once, he kept them together and took out one foe at a time which is what needs to be done in pretty much all stfs!

    I wish people saw this..
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    ctcc42 wrote: »
    I can understand how you may have gotten this impression but it isnt true that science ships and crusers have no place in elite stfs. Sadly most people fly these ships badly and with the wrong boff skills, but I have been the only escort in more then a few elite stfs that we have compleeted with 5 minutes to spare on the optional. I am good but not good enough to carry a team that well.

    Just felt it worth pointing out: The poster did not say cruisers and science vessels "have no place" in STFs. His implication (at least how I read it and agree with him on) is that players in cruisers and sci-vessels who think they can out-DPS a dedicated tac warship tend to try and fill the role of a tac escort. And most of the time, they simply make a mess of things. You're right in observing that some folks just don't have the right setups and powers for the job and that just makes things worse if they decide to do something out of their depth.

    I have seen this happen often in Elites, especially with KDF carriers and Odyssey-cruisers who think they can do an escort's job or think their awesome flying crate is invincible. Unfortunately, they overestimate their ability to kill things fast and if they cannot hack it to survive, two spheres or a cube winds up ripping those unfortunate players to pieces, letting the probes through.

    One such carrier took it upon himself to "help" me by blowing up all the repair nodes I had purposefully left near death, thus aggroing in a cube to attack, totally ignoring the probes in the process. I kindly cloaked (BoP) and let him dance with the cube he so wanted to meet, and went on to attack the probes while he respawned and headbutted the cube again. He made a fine distraction. Gotta make lemonade out of lemons sometimes...

    Generally, Cruisers and Science vessels should not try to be the muscle-head gun-gods required to dish out great damage fast. Much like trying to tank a Tac Cube's damage is not the ideal job for a flimsy escort. These things CAN be accomplished, but they're better off sticking to their specific roles. And cruisers and science vessels support.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    I've been in a couple where people open up on the gates them selves. Eliminating the probe/sphere swarms and leaving the nanite structures pumping nanites into open space.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    3/2 PuG splits can happen--and can succeed--but only if the players involved are prepared to compensate for the workload they promote. They're not impossible, even on Elite if everyone contributes something to accomplishing the goal.

    I personally hate them, because more often than not they're a sign that the PuG is not familiar with 4/1 (or doesn't care about the optional). PuG 3/2s tend to happen when a hotshot thinks s/he doesn't need to follow a strategy and does what they want to do, and for the people trying to follow a strategy they then have to adjust to accommodate in order to succeed.

    Again, all ships have to contribute to accomplishing the goal and not do useless things like float in space waiting for probes to come to them. Why not gnaw on the repair nodes in the meanwhile? Destroy one and weaken the others inbetween probe spawnings so that you're not just sitting idle and making the mission longer by dint of not contributing. These're things to consider.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    I really don't see why the most obvious solution (Destroy the time gate) isn't an option.

    You'd still have an armada of borg ships to contend with THEN Donatra. Not like it would be a cakewalk.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    we sometimes do 4/1/0 .. that means 4 people work on one side while i stay in the middle and defend against both sides probes. that way, they dont have to take care of them and can concentrate on the generators and anything else. once one side is blown up, i relocate closer to the other gate and help shooting things while still defending against probes and so on. this tactic however requires a strong ship and having set your shields a bit lower but engines a bit higher is good too (as long as you only have to shoot the probes, as they dont fire back). its not something you can do with random guys but with friends you know and who agree to this tactic. until now, it always worked.

    note: to be sure, its good if everybody is reading chat or you are on a teamspeak in case it gets nasty in the middle and you cannot (at some point) handle both probes anymore
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    I have seen this too - I usually do this in my carrier protecting lets say the rh side and 4 go left - it'a a win situation. Why split up if the 4 guys zerg the other side should never be a problem. It's a tactic that works.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Nikotaka wrote:
    Why not gnaw on the repair nodes in the meanwhile? Destroy one and weaken the others inbetween probe spawnings so that you're not just sitting idle and making the mission longer by dint of not contributing. These're things to consider.

    Because in my experience, an eng in a beam boat cruiser doesn't tend to have "inbetween" time.
    For me, probe duty consists of an assembly line of probes popping out as fast as I can kill them.
    So far, they don't get by me, but some have gotten pretty dang close :p
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    All of this is really a matter of how good your people are. IMO, if you're running elite STF's, your ship, regardless of its configuration, should be able to solo a cube in a reasonable amount of time. For probe duty, you really should be able to knock out the cube spawn and transformer closer to the time gate while killing the 2 probe spawn when it appears. If all 5 of your team members can do these things, it really doesn't matter where they go, and a 3/2 split means there is less overall time flying from one side to the other. You have one on each probe stream, one on each far side transformer killing the cube spawn, and the fifth guy doing whatever he feels like. Works like a charm.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Gazzalodi wrote: »
    So I've been noticing the last few times I've played Khitomer space on elite that people are splitting up and going 3 and 2 to different sides. And every time it leads to a mess. Not only are groups not completing the optional, but I've been seeing about a 1 in 4 mission failure since this has started happening.

    Today I asked why people were splitting and one of the other players says that it's the newest bestest way to win.

    Have I missed something? Has something changed and now splitting is the way to go?

    I have been around the block a few times, and have learned my best method for myself.

    The team goes left, I go right, and take out probes. In between probes, I take out a generator on each side, then the other, using Evasive maneuvers to get away from the cube before aggroing it. Works nearly every time.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Gazzalodi wrote: »
    So I've been noticing the last few times I've played Khitomer space on elite that people are splitting up and going 3 and 2 to different sides. And every time it leads to a mess. Not only are groups not completing the optional, but I've been seeing about a 1 in 4 mission failure since this has started happening.

    Today I asked why people were splitting and one of the other players says that it's the newest bestest way to win.

    Have I missed something? Has something changed and now splitting is the way to go?

    they do not fail because of the split, but because they have no dps/risistance/decent build or do not pay attention to probes.

    15 minutes are enough for a good escort to destroy 2 cubes, 8 nanite generators, 2 nanite transformers and a gate... if someone else destroy the probes coming out from that gate.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    i prefer to solo right side while everyone kills off left then blow gates at same time.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    ok, reading this and playing a TRIBBLE ton of elites almost daily leads me to ask the question of what is the best build for a ship? i've asked in the DS9 and gotten a bunch of help that has been extremely useful, but I still feel like there is something missing in my build that isn't giving me that extra bang for my buck. I'm a Tac Captain in a Defiant Retrofit. All energy weapons are Anti-Proton. All Weapons are mk12

    Fore Weapons:
    Dual Cannons x2
    Quantum Torpedo vs. Borg

    Aft Weapons:
    Turret x2
    Quantum Tordpedo vs. Borg

    Eng: Borg, 3.2 power to Aux Console, 3.5 to weapons
    Science: Biofunction Monitor, +13% shield Regen
    Tactical: Blue Anti_Proton Mag Regulators Mk11 x3, Anti-Proton Mag Regulator Mk10 Purple

    Also, is there a particular DOff set up that may help?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    macrican wrote:
    etc etc etc

    You're in a defiant. That means you're in one of the fastest and most maneuverable ships fed side. If you're having trouble facing your opponents, then not much anyone says on here is going to help you.

    3 DHCs (or 2 DHCs and a DC) and a torpedo up front, 3 turrets in the back, maybe two turrets and a mine launcher if you want to be different.

    With the tactical boff slots you have enough room for 2 tactical teams, 2 attack patterns (Id double up on beta), 2 cannon skills (scatter volley is pretty much necessary for doing probe duty and its still respectable single target), and 2 torpedo skills (again, spread would be the more universally useful option here as it still does a hell of a lot of damage single target).

    Doff wise, I dont know if anyone has covered this yet but the key is 3 purple conn officers. That will take your evasive maneuvers cool down to 15 seconds. with the right engine (hyper impulse) that will let you burn across the entire map and cover *all* the probe defense yourself.

    Others that can be useful: Projectile weapon officers (purple for 40 edcs from Roxy), Shield distribution (expensive as hell, none that I know of from Lt. Ferra), Damage control engineers. Theres lots of stuff, but the most useful Ive found are the conn.

    Oh, and consoles. Wow. 3 Neutronium Alloy for eng, Borg and Biofunction or Shield Emitter for sci, either 3 Ap mags and a Quantum Zero point or 2 of each
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    macrican wrote:
    ok, reading this and playing a TRIBBLE ton of elites almost daily leads me to ask the question of what is the best build for a ship? i've asked in the DS9 and gotten a bunch of help that has been extremely useful, but I still feel like there is something missing in my build that isn't giving me that extra bang for my buck. I'm a Tac Captain in a Defiant Retrofit. All energy weapons are Anti-Proton. All Weapons are mk12

    Fore Weapons:
    Dual Cannons x2
    Quantum Torpedo vs. Borg

    Aft Weapons:
    Turret x2
    Quantum Tordpedo vs. Borg

    Eng: Borg, 3.2 power to Aux Console, 3.5 to weapons
    Science: Biofunction Monitor, +13% shield Regen
    Tactical: Blue Anti_Proton Mag Regulators Mk11 x3, Anti-Proton Mag Regulator Mk10 Purple

    Also, is there a particular DOff set up that may help?

    my build (for a MVAE)

    fore weapons:

    2xbeam array
    1xquantum torpedo

    eng: 1 x multivector atk console (the one you get with MVAE), 1xborg console
    sci: 3xfield generator
    maco shield, borg engine and borg deflector

    boff abilities:

    eng: EPtS1, EPtS2
    sci: TSS1, TSS2, HE3
    tact: TT1, TT1, BO1, BO2, CRF1, APO1, CRF3

    on your ship you can do better with the boff abilities:

    eng: EPtS1, EPtS2
    sci: TSS1, TSS2
    tact: TT1, BO2, APO1, CRF3 - TT1, BO2, CRF2 - THY1

    if you want you can use CSV instead of CRF and TS1 instead of THY1

    with that build, when you front your opponent, use CRF
    when your opponent is rear of you (on on your side) use BO and THY
    always use TT, TSS and EPtS... costantly.
  • agentmulder2020agentmulder2020 Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Yes, but it only works with a high DPS team.. i.e. if I have more than 2 cruisers in my team I will stay the standard 1 and 4.

    Yup - Had a Tact (in a Cruiser) rest Sci & Eng wanting to do 2/3 split (only confirming that after the fact).

    In an STF with no Tacts in Escorts I think the Standard 1 & 4 is best.
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  • quiscustodietquiscustodiet Member Posts: 350
    edited June 2012
    A 4/1 split puts huge stress on the lone individual.
    It's doable, I've done it, but it can only be easier to 3/2.

    Unless that lone individual is a leech (someone that only kills probes is quite frankly leeching); then, yeah, it can work if the rest of the team carries him.
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