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There are Too Many Items/Not Enough Storage.



  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Vhakka wrote: »
    They reduced the stack sizes of items BEFORE they put the inventory and bank slots for sale on the C-store. Becareful of wishing for more slots, i wouldnt be suprised if there was some schrewd manouvering by cryptic to further reduce the stack limit before placing MORE for sale.

    Smart business move..............(or at least so the fanboi's tell me)

    Or stop spending money on C Store pets and tribbles.Clearly they don't want you to spend money but they want you to exploit the game by creating fleets for storage space.

    And yes there is nothing smart about it.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    96% of everything that drops is junk.. This game has some of the most worthless loot i've ever seen in a game.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Yep, storage capacity in this game is totally out of whack relative to the content. It's a constant headache for me.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Unless I'm mistaken my inventory space was drastically reduced when F2P launched. Annoyed to be honest, I'm going to have to spend C points to up my inventory space just to be able to have pets and sample traces/commodities. Never mind the thousands of lockboxes that drop every time I do an STF.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    I am certain of it.

    Considering the game's gone F2P, I really wouldn't mind them trying to "profit" off of it, if they allowed for enough space! Which they do not. I've purchased all I can and am "running out of storage."


    First and foremost, my hat's off to you PatricianVetinari, for some phenomenal suggestions, throughout the course of this thread!

    I'm a Silver member (F2P), but, like PatricianVetinari, I haven't been the least bit shy about shelling out cash for C-Points, in order to maximize in-game resources, especially BOFFs, DOFFs and most especially inventory enlargement. That said, I'm pretty sure that I've purchased the max number of both bank and personal inventory slots...and with all the stuff ya should be collecting in this game...it's absolutely not enough.

    I've been a Vice-Admiral, level 50, for a few months now. I've got 11 current BOFFs (with 3 additional BOFF slots as yet filled and more to be added soon....likely today actually). As others have suggested, I cram as much as I can with my BOFFs. I sell stuff I don't really need or want on the Exchange (with mixed results).

    Yet, there's always more stuff coming...with celebratory events, FE re-runs and all that hide and seek Lobi (which has NO business taking up an inventory slot at all, as it's supposedly in-game currency with its own store and all). Not to mention that I'm endeavoring to collect all the in-game ground weaponry, if only for the sake of trying it all out. It's there after all, what's the point of rewarding it, if ya don't have the room to try it all out??!!

    Yeah, sure, James Bond's awfully fond of that Walther PPK, but don't ya think he might wanna try out other weapons if Q gave him the Q-Branch equivalent of a replicator? Hell, some of those nasties we face out along the final frontier are every bit as persistent as Oddjob ever was.

    Okies, so...Bond analogies aside....I've currently got 96 Bank slots and 78 Inventory slots. From what I've gathered, both through this Forum and the STO Wiki, I'm fairly certain that I've maxxed out all my inventory storage options, right?

    From what I've read...and please correct me if I'm wrong here...maybe I can get another 12 permanent Bank slots, if I shell out for a month's Gold Membership? Yet, if I did so, those additional 12 Bank slots would be it, right? No additional Personal Inventory slots, just 12 more Bank slots? Or am I missing out on another way to increase my inventory storage capacity?

    Some help in clarifying all this would be greatly appreciated, despite this whole mess reminding me a whole lot of an epic joke by the late, great George Carlin, about 'stuff'.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    i agree too many items not enougf space.

    i hope the accout wide storage will help anf for the love of god let us move those lock box ships to other charaters like a legacy unlock one per charater i have a bug ship stuck on a fed and i aint gunna play fed kdf all the way.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Instead of looking for a place to store junk, I just sell it to the vendors. Now if crafting was worth it, and we could break down junk items into craftable material........
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    I sell everything all the time keeping only the useful stuff.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    At the risk of sounding like a broken record, I'll ask this again. I've currently got 96 Bank slots and 78 Inventory slots. From what I've gathered, both through this Forum and the STO Wiki, I'm fairly certain that I've maxxed out all my inventory storage options, right?

    From what I've read...and please correct me if I'm wrong here...maybe I can get another 12 permanent Bank slots, if I shell out for a month's Gold Membership? Yet, if I did so, those additional 12 Bank slots would be it, right? No additional Personal Inventory slots, just 12 more Bank slots? Or am I missing out on another way to increase my inventory storage capacity?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    methos71 wrote:
    At the risk of sounding like a broken record, I'll ask this again. I've currently got 96 Bank slots and 78 Inventory slots. From what I've gathered, both through this Forum and the STO Wiki, I'm fairly certain that I've maxxed out all my inventory storage options, right?

    From what I've read...and please correct me if I'm wrong here...maybe I can get another 12 permanent Bank slots, if I shell out for a month's Gold Membership? Yet, if I did so, those additional 12 Bank slots would be it, right? No additional Personal Inventory slots, just 12 more Bank slots? Or am I missing out on another way to increase my inventory storage capacity?

    I think its 12 to both,, 've not counted mine in ages to be sure, but I THINK its both. Storage is yet another reason I don't do the vault run, or the STF's I have no desire to collect, more stuff.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    So, if I shell out for a month's Gold Membership, then I can boost my Bank from 96 slots to 108 slots? And my Inventory from 78 slots to 90 slots? If so, then would those additional slots be permanent, even after that month's worth of Gold Membership has expired? That being the case, I've already purchased the EC Cap upgrade (from 10 million to 1 Billion) and wonder whether that might be adversely effected by upgrading to Gold for a month, in order to get more Bank and Inventory slots?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    There is so little inventory space in this game that even after purchasing extra bank and inventory slots I'm still out of space. I've just given up collecting data samples anymore, no room for them and besides the cost associated with crafting in this game makes them not worth the space anyway. I can somewhat manage now that I don't touch data samples anymore, but its stll a pain.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Sleeves wrote:
    They plained it that way noob. F2P are even screwed over even more..

    sarcasm isn't wasted on you, nor was proper spelling
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Agree with pretty much everything in this thread.

    I think we pretty much have the same amount of vault space there was at launch...I could be wrong. However the amount of "stuff" we get has expanded 10fold maybe more since then. It would be "logical" then to either increase our Fleet bank storage space or let the player base have the oppertunity to purchase extra Vault space at a reasonable cost.

    I would think there really should not be any cap on inventory space for the player base and hopefully the Star Bases will have extra storage areas for the Fleets. Also the player's personal bank could be done in pages instead of it keep going down to the bottom of the screen and with pages we could also add more personal inventory.

    just my 2 ec's worth
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Snooshie wrote: »
    sarcasm isn't wasted on you, nor was proper spelling

    I got a reason for bad spelling. I can see you in the Spelling TRIBBLE Club.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    June 7th Release Notes - Account-Shared Bank

    More info in this thread:
    (In which Gozer says he's considering making STF "Currency" (EDCs, Tech, etc.) into Bind on Account items that you can move between your toons via the Shared Bank, I invite you to post over there to further convince him to do so...).

    And from the Ask Cryptic:
    dstahl wrote:
    DTums wrote:
    Q:Are there any plans to expand content or rewards for gold members?
    We do plan to introduce further Gold member benefits as they make sense. For example, the Account Shared Bank is a C-Store service being released this month and will come with some free bank slots for Gold members past and present (you’ll get the slots even if you are currently Silver but were at one time Gold).

    Gold Members (past or present) get 10 free slots. I'm disappointed in the amount, but more is more. Naturally more slots will be purchasable via the C-Store ("at a later date").

    So that's nice... Depending on how many they limit us to purchase will determine how much this affects the over all storage issue.

  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    June 7th Release Notes - Account-Shared Bank

    Gold Members (past or present) get 10 free slots. I'm disappointed in the amount, but more is more.

    Urf. So us non-goldies will get ... 5?

    It's a workaround for not being able to mail myself bound things, but hardly awesome storage space.


    I would really enjoy an additional bank of useful size -- suggestion: Crafting supplies bank.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Just Increase the stacking on Commodities would even help and other Items aswell.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    After playing this game for what seems like a few months now i'm getting to that stage with lack of space. Have been doing STFs for a few weeks now and i'm already filling up my old ships with different weapons incase i feel the need for a change along with consols to fit each weapon but they all don't hold 6 weapon slots each so the rest has to go into the bank.

    After playing other free to play games over the years, can't say i have had a problem with backpack/bank space. One game you can just keep donating and adding up to 1000 spaces now i think its at. Whats the problem with that, were happy and the company gets their money so they are happy too. The limited bank space in this game is rediculas to say the least.

    Its funny because last night i thought i will pop onto the forum tomorrow to mention the lack of bank space and hay! - first page already has it. Sign me up - agree here too for the need of more bank space.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    beezle23 wrote:
    Urf. So us non-goldies will get ... 5?

    It's a workaround for not being able to mail myself bound things, but hardly awesome storage space.
    I should expect Silver Members would get no free Account-Shared Storage (A.S.).

    Based on dstahl's comment (quoted above), this new A.S. space has a spin as being strictly a "C-Store Service". Everyone is expected to pay, if they want any real functionality, I think. The fact the Golds get 10 free cells at all is just a subscription perk.

    You can't mail yourself bound things. You can not put currently Bound or Bind on Pick-up items in the A.S. either. There is a new item flag the devs can use: Account Bound, that will be able to go in the A.S., but currently there are no such items in the game.

    One really nice features of the A.S., that I can't wait to use, is the ability to store/swap EC between toons. (Yes there are work-arounds via the Exchange, Mules, Friends, Personal Fleet Banks, etc. -- But this makes it much easier.)
    Just Increase the stacking on Commodities would even help and other Items aswell.
    I agree. It's been mentioned/requested several times in this thread (including the OP).
    venatacia wrote:
    ...One game you can just keep donating and adding up to 1000 spaces now i think its at. Whats the problem with that, were happy and the company gets their money so they are happy too. The limited bank space in this game is rediculas to say the least...
    I agree 100%. I don't understand why they limit the amount of storage we can buy with real money. Seems to me they'd want us to buy as much as we want... :rolleyes:
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    There is a new item flag the devs can use: Account Bound, that will be able to go in the A.S., but currently there are no such items in the game.

    I do have hopes that they would make future bound items account instead of character bound.

    Although they might do something maddening and make the more exciting and rare things still character bound.
    One really nice features of the A.S., that I can't wait to use, is the ability to store/swap EC between toons.

    Without exchange shenanigans or sending alts things to sell.

    Now, if included Dil, too . . . :p
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    I I agree 100%. I don't understand why they limit the amount of storage we can buy with real money. Seems to me they'd want us to buy as much as we want... :rolleyes:

    Database size issue ? Big databases can slower the access to the mentionned database. There are technical issues behind this. Anyhow, it's not a bad thing people are forced to choose which kind of TRIBBLE they keep, so that they throw away the rest on the exchange, discard it, etc.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    diogene0 wrote:
    Database size issue ? Big databases can slower the access to the mentionned database. There are technical issues behind this...
    And yet Champions Online (another Cryptic MMO) has huge banks available for each character that are greatly expandable (using in-game currency). I can't remember the actual number of cells, but it's more than STO. So Cryptic has the technology to overcome that speedbump if they chose to. So not accepting it (again, why I don't understand the limits).

    Heck, even STO's Fleet banks are larger than possible for player personal (and apparently account) banks. CO's "Fleet" (SuperGroup) banks are even larger. In both cases I think this is through the use of tabs to divide the database/access. That's fine. Sell us tabbed personal/account banks!
    diogene0 wrote:
    ...Anyhow, it's not a bad thing people are forced to choose which kind of TRIBBLE they keep, so that they throw away the rest on the exchange, discard it, etc.
    Some people have a CDO to be "completists", and it's the ability to fulfill their "collector's desires" that may draw them to play the game. There's nothing wrong with that either... :rolleyes:
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    diogene0 wrote:
    Database size issue ? Big databases can slower the access to the mentionned database. There are technical issues behind this. Anyhow, it's not a bad thing people are forced to choose which kind of TRIBBLE they keep, so that they throw away the rest on the exchange, discard it, etc.

    if its a database issue, answer me this, why, are they creating more items, hence expanding the database, and what it needs to track? Database is a fairly weak excuse if you ask me, since they are the ones making the items we now need to store, stop adding more currencies and the like to the game we have to store, and you wont have such a database issue.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Dstahl had an in-game Q&A in which he makes a few comments about upcoming inventory/banking changes. You'll want to give the transciption a read here:


    Nothing too juicy. But more info that it's on their radar.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    The lack of item space (even with maxed out slots/bank slots) is particularly frustrating for when you want to keep full sets of different equipment. It's lame having to abuse gimmicks like the mail system/storing things on unused ships!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Step 1: Buy space.
    If you ran out of it, repeat from step one.
    He bought all that he could according to his post.
    Alternatively, there's replicator and Exchange. Do you really need all that TRIBBLE?
    Yes, you do. DOFF needs all those commodities,Crafting needs all those anomalies. And your activities also will automatically give you some of those, and if you don't already have them in your inventory, they will soon be. And you can't sell everything you find constantly!


    I have only one more trick to give (but maybe I just overread it): Store stuff on other ships and on Bridge Officers. Unfortunately that works only for a very small subset of items.

    I think making more stuff numerics would help. It would probably also be an improvement for Cryptic - if they don't need to store where you have those anomalies or commodities in your inventory. Bags may also be an interesting addition. The challenge may be to put these items back into the Exchange (anomalies and commodities are not bound, after all)

    I could see 2 additional tabs in your inventory:
    • Commodities
      All the Commodities including contraband.
    • Data:
      All data samples/anomalies and EDC
    STF Requisitions should be filed under Assets.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    He bought all that he could according to his post.

    Yes, you do. DOFF needs all those commodities,Crafting needs all those anomalies. And your activities also will automatically give you some of those, and if you don't already have them in your inventory, they will soon be. And you can't sell everything you find constantly!


    I have only one more trick to give (but maybe I just overread it): Store stuff on other ships and on Bridge Officers. Unfortunately that works only for a very small subset of items.

    I think making more stuff numerics would help. It would probably also be an improvement for Cryptic - if they don't need to store where you have those anomalies or commodities in your inventory. Bags may also be an interesting addition. The challenge may be to put these items back into the Exchange (anomalies and commodities are not bound, after all)

    I could see 2 additional tabs in your inventory:
    • Commodities
      All the Commodities including contraband.
    • Data:
      All data samples/anomalies and EDC
    STF Requisitions should be filed under Assets.

    Excellent suggestions MustrumRidcully! Quite honestly, if Commodities and Data alone were stored separately, then I suspect everyone's storage woes might be resolved. As a Silver player, I have purchased the max number of slots for both my Bank and Inventory. Commodities and Data occupy roughly half of my Bank's 96 slots. The other half is dedicated to ground equipment for future BOFFs, Consoles and some ship weapons. My 78 slot Inventory consists of bound items and pets, my personal ground equipment (including an ever expanding collection of ground weapons), some space weapons and consoles.

    Even with the constant deliberation over what to sacrifice to The Exchange and with 17 BOFFs ( and about an additional 17 open BOFF slots) to load excess equipment, it's still not enough!!! Out of those combined 174 slots, I've got a whopping 12 slots free currently.

    The night before last, I spent the first 45 minutes of my game session simply sorting out my inventory at DS9. Cleared some slots to The Exchange and lo' and behold, my Mail sent back nearly as many unsold items, leaving me with 1 vacant slot (out of 174). Hence the lengthy Inventory management / Exchange session. It's kind of absurd to consider that one has to spend nearly an hour sorting out their inventory, before they can continue playing for more booty.

    I'm holding out on continuing with story arc missions / feature episodes until the account shared bank becomes available to Silver players. During this recent spate of FE Reruns, I simply quit after playing all the Breen episodes, just 'cause I didn't have enough space to store the goodies that repeats would reward. And to add insult to injury, I'm currently somewhere in the middle of the Borg arc and have yet to tackle the remaining Cardassian (have completed the '2800' FE) and Undine missions.

    All that said, I'll eagerly buy up the max of 40 account shared inventory slots. Yet, while the tab is now visible and Gold players already have access to this Account Shared Bank (with 10 starter slots and all), has there been any concrete news on when they are going to start selling those Account Shared Bank slots to everyone in the C-Store already???
  • drumknottdrumknott Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    ...All that said, I'll eagerly buy up the max of 40 account shared inventory slots. Yet, while the tab is now visible and Gold players already have access to this Account Shared Bank (with 10 starter slots and all), has there been any concrete news on when they are going to start selling those Account Shared Bank slots to everyone in the C-Store already???
    A recent Dev post (by Rehpic, I think... I dread having to research the post in this new forum) said that due to our feedback they were making changes to the Account Shared Bank space that would require tech from Season 6, so the additional slots won't be available until then. Details on which feedback was being followed or what changes were being made, were not included.

    Edit: Found the post by Rehpic in this thread:
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Hello, I'm PatricianVetinari, using my alt-Silver account to access these new forums (as I'm not yet willing to PW link/convert my main/LTS account). To say I'm disappointed with this "conversion" event would be an understatement.
    (Is there a way to make my text align next to the sig pic, instead of after/under it?)
  • lordhavelocklordhavelock Member Posts: 2,248 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    As I understand it, we Gold Members, now have 20 Shared Slots. So that's lovely. Thank you, Cryptic.
    rehpic wrote: »
    We decided, based on forum feedback, to make some changes that required(for tech reasons) the sale of slots be delayed until season 6 launch.
    Now that S6 has launched, I wonder when the Shared Slots will become available on the C-Store...

    You can find/contact me in game as @PatricianVetinari. Playing STO since Feb 2010.
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