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rainbow ship is better than one color ship?



  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    BTW i am really tired of being called noob and all those things about rainbows every time i use galor with its default beams (spiral wave disruptors) + standart green disruptors. They benefit from single cosole type, so its same energy type, just different colour and additional phaser proc...
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Rainbow boats used to be terrible, because you had to spec into a specific energy type.

    Now, they are not so bad because you only lose the extra console power. If, for instance, you fly the intrepid and only use one tac console for energy weapons, the difference is not huge.

    That being said, there is absolutely no advantage to using multiple beam types and if you use energy weapon consoles, there is a loss, even if small.

    The main reason not to mix beam types is that everyone thinks you are a "noob", but, especially on non-escorts, the rainbow boats are not as horrible as they once were.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    No Group in its right mind ???

    No Group is ever in its right mind then
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    amlross wrote:
    If you were to use 4X Direct energy dist manifold, or 4 prefire chambers, would it really be that bad???

    How much less damage are we talking about here?

    I'm just curious, and because stacking tac consoles just comes across as "cheating" in my opinion. Why have so many different consoles if your just going to stack one or two types only?

    Not saying I'm going to start rainb-owning it up or anything. :D

    what if cryptic decided to nerf stacking and you only got the benefit from one console? You would have to start using different ones right?

    Right now if you have 3 or 4 tac consoles stacked, the game is ridiculously easy to beat.

    The only thing that offers any challenge are elite STFs and PvP.
    Even places like kerat (that at one time seemed impossibly hard for me) now seem easy. I can take out Borg cubes on my own with my defiant.

    The sector space Borg red alerts are also **** easy now....

    It kind of takes the fun and challenge out of the game.

    18 vs 26, the maths is simple if you got 3 Tac consoles, than running a Generic is like losing a console.

    If Cryptic decided to Nerf energy Consoles we would see Torpedoes and Borg consoles moved into the spare Tac slots. Even the P2W consoles. It would actually make ships tougher as the Engineering and Science Consoles would become available for more armor or shields.

    And for Cryptic to Nerf tac Consoles, they need to give us new types of tac consoles. I have suggested modification consoles, Tighten the Beam Array arc to give it more DPS and Widen the Cannon Arc for Less DPS. It would allow for more types of ship configurations. Also I think the Torpedoes should be able to go tighter for more DPS and Wider for Less DPS. Because at the moment we only have a single type of Tac console, plus damage. Oh sure there are multiple flavours of it, +Phaser, +Generic etc but essentially all Tac Consoles do is boost DPS, they don't add more options.

    I was test flying my T5 Vor'cha on my Tac, with only BOFFs, DOFFs and white weapons. Only Engineering consoles, no Sci, no Tac. The game is still ridiculously easy to beat, now I didn't subject this under performing ship to STF or Elites because that would be a horrible thing to do to four other people. But the random battles against the Borg & True Way at Alhenna and the Satelite thing on Advanced told me the ship was going to work and to begin the upgrades.
    ddaemon wrote: »
    BTW i am really tired of being called noob and all those things about rainbows every time i use galor with its default beams (spiral wave disruptors) + standart green disruptors. They benefit from single cosole type, so its same energy type, just different colour and additional phaser proc...

    Just link the weapon and say "The true noob is he who judges without knowing". It will shut them up, hopefully.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    ddaemon wrote: »
    BTW i am really tired of being called noob and all those things about rainbows every time i use galor with its default beams (spiral wave disruptors) + standart green disruptors. They benefit from single cosole type, so its same energy type, just different colour and additional phaser proc...

    That's OK, they're just mad that you have a cool ship.
    I'd love to be able to have all yellow, myself, but alas. I put the disruptor between the spirals fore and aft so at least as they fire the yellow kind of overlaps on the green.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    As far as I know a 26% console doesn't increase your damage by 26%, only your base damage. The real damage increase is around 7% I think. So a energy console with 18% brings maybe 5%. So you loose 2% per console. On ships where you only use 1 or 2 energy damage consoles the difference would be really small but even on an only energy damage escort with 4 consoles it would be less than 10%.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Well, the mission reward weapons are usually superior to their regular energy-type equivalents due to boasting several procs whilst maintaining the same DPS (as an equivalent-level-and-rarity weapon). Sadly though, there is no mark 12 purple mission reward, and there is no phaser-based (phased polaron is still polaron by energy type) reward either, so I stick with the STF gear.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Random question to do with the whole idea of rainbow ships.

    What about pairing up 2 energy types on one boat with them complementing each other, with one of the specific damage consoles for each type, or as many as you can fit?

    Odyssey Star Crusier. 8 Beam arrays.
    4 Tetryon (for the shield strip effect) & 4 Antiproton (for the crit damage).
    It has 2 tac slots so thats a 24% damage bonus to Tetryon an Antiproton with the right console.
    And as I have worked out, more power in the weapons system when in the ship will result in more damage output, so put (as the Odyssey has 4 engie slots) weapon power consoles in, say 3.5 boost, and that will provide a good damage boost as well.

    In my mind, this should work as a viable setup, and seeing as the 4 random people you will be joining may have a setup that works just as well with the set up mentioned above, surely setups like this with one beam type working to the benfit of another would make sense?

    On a side note, never quite thought about the hybrid weapons. Will have to look at that.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    feistyfawn wrote: »
    Someone on the global chat said rainbow ship is more usefull than one color ship.
    This guy said he uses feature of each kind of weapon and his ship is better than same ship with full antiproton (console mag antiproton and antiproton weapon).
    Is it true? I thought it's best using only kinf of energy weapon with the right tactical console. Do I made mistake?

    This is all true, but only if you stack 3 or 4 of the rare and illusive rainbow consoles together.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    L4RK1N wrote: »
    Random question to do with the whole idea of rainbow ships.

    What about pairing up 2 energy types on one boat with them complementing each other, with one of the specific damage consoles for each type, or as many as you can fit?

    Odyssey Star Crusier. 8 Beam arrays.
    4 Tetryon (for the shield strip effect) & 4 Antiproton (for the crit damage).
    It has 2 tac slots so thats a 24% damage bonus to Tetryon an Antiproton with the right console.
    And as I have worked out, more power in the weapons system when in the ship will result in more damage output, so put (as the Odyssey has 4 engie slots) weapon power consoles in, say 3.5 boost, and that will provide a good damage boost as well.

    In my mind, this should work as a viable setup, and seeing as the 4 random people you will be joining may have a setup that works just as well with the set up mentioned above, surely setups like this with one beam type working to the benfit of another would make sense?

    On a side note, never quite thought about the hybrid weapons. Will have to look at that.

    But if you used all Tetryon you'd get 52% damage bonus (It's 26 not 24 for a Blue XI) rather than two 26% bonuses. Your power consumption for 8 beams is identical no matter what type the beams are. Even two 18% any energy consoles will increase to 36% and be better than one of each.

    If you need to run 4 +3.5 boosters your doing something wrong and you have no armour in a cruiser so your going to go pop so much easier. Also the Borg Console is +5 and adds other goodies.

    There is no way a Rainbow boat will do more damage than a dedicated energy type unless it's a Torpedo boat than the Torpedoes are boosted and not the energy weapons.
  • ironyogaironyoga Member Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Random question to do with the whole idea of rainbow ships.

    What about pairing up 2 energy types on one boat with them complementing each other, with one of the specific damage consoles for each type, or as many as you can fit?

    Odyssey Star Crusier. 8 Beam arrays.
    4 Tetryon (for the shield strip effect) & 4 Antiproton (for the crit damage).
    It has 2 tac slots so thats a 24% damage bonus to Tetryon an Antiproton with the right console.
    And as I have worked out, more power in the weapons system when in the ship will result in more damage output, so put (as the Odyssey has 4 engie slots) weapon power consoles in, say 3.5 boost, and that will provide a good damage boost as well.

    In my mind, this should work as a viable setup, and seeing as the 4 random people you will be joining may have a setup that works just as well with the set up mentioned above, surely setups like this with one beam type working to the benfit of another would make sense?

    On a side note, never quite thought about the hybrid weapons. Will have to look at that.

    I tried this myself for a little bit. Let me tell you it does not work. I was using this exact setup and although it seems as if the extra shield stripping would be good it isn't the face is you get more damage since you boost all your beams by sticking with one type.
    So you decided to attack some spelling error to don't have to deal with the contain and when you did you didn't have the brain to can answer it.
  • jake81499jake81499 Member Posts: 249 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    I really just wanted to type LOL at all the pro rainbow people but I wont. :D
  • lianthelialianthelia Member Posts: 7,907 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    jake81499 wrote: »
    I really just wanted to type LOL at all the pro rainbow people but I wont. :D

    I can't really believe that there are people who think its better. Is reducing your damage and reducing proc chances by spreading all over the board so almost see none is better? Hard enough seeing procs when you have 4+ of a single damage type...but spreading to 4 to 8 damage types...it boggles the mind that people could seriously think this is better.
    Can't have a honest conversation because of a white knight with power
  • adamma1701adamma1701 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Only time I ever used a Rainbow ship was in a pimped VA escort, with the proper generic consoles. I just ran standard STF's. it's doable, but less damage by far, but my goal was to get all the weapon energy type accolade (just cause I could). Soon as that was done I switched back.
  • khayuungkhayuung Member Posts: 1,876 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I only just managed to push my damage into the OP zone with all antiproton weapons, and only just.

    I have experimented with rainbows before, and really, locking yourself into cannons only or beams only consoles drops your dps compared to maximum potential because the gap between weapon type consoles and energy type ones are just too great.

    "Last Engage! Magical Girl Origami-san" is in print! Now with three times more rainbows.

    Support the "Armored Unicorn" vehicle initiative today!

    Thanks for Harajuku. Now let's get a real "Magical Girl" costume!
  • hereticknight085hereticknight085 Member Posts: 3,783 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Why is this thread active? Stop necro-posting, and make a new thread.
    It is said the best weapon is one that is never fired. I disagree. The best weapon is one you only have to fire... once. B)
  • baudlbaudl Member Posts: 4,060 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    not only dead people are rising from their graves this time a year! :D
    Go pro or go home
  • kirschtkirscht Member Posts: 95 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    By the way there is one side effect of it. Everebody avoid plasma. But its bad only for pvp, in stfs its just fine. If you have just leveled up and have lots of different weapons&consoles and want to be usefull in stf's (even normals) the easiest way is to get plasma weapons + consoles from exchange. It will cost ~150k ec for full set of mkXI rare weapons and consoles, and it will be MUCH better starting gear than those you got while leveling. Then you will get some borg salvage and replace it with energy type of choice.

    If not plasma (which I thought was suppose to be high on the hierarchy of awesome), then what? Should I stick with quantums, or what is stronger than plasma? (yes, I am new)
  • vetteguy904vetteguy904 Member Posts: 3,963 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    adamma1701 wrote: »
    Only time I ever used a Rainbow ship was in a pimped VA escort, with the proper generic consoles. I just ran standard STF's. it's doable, but less damage by far, but my goal was to get all the weapon energy type accolade (just cause I could). Soon as that was done I switched back.

    there's a skittles accolade? is it awarded anywhere or just STF's?
  • rachel1018rachel1018 Member Posts: 75 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Remember there are tactical consoles that boost all Energy damage. It USED to be the case that these boosted by less damage than a specific console. However that was changed way back. So now generic consoles do the same damage as all the others.

    Where there might be a difference is the frequency of procs.

    No, they still do less damage. Here's the proof:

    Generic Energy Consoles

    Specific Energy Consoles

    A full 10% difference at mk 12 very rare between the generic consoles and any specific energy console. Not really sure where your info came from.
  • proteus22proteus22 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    this rainbow used to work for me all mrk 12 gear 1antiproton dbb 1 antiproton dhc 1tetryon dhc 1 quamtum torp. rear weapons 2 antiproton turrets 1 tetryon turret tac comsoles 4 antiproton consoles
    this setup uswed to be good at dropping shields allowimg torps to do more damage.
  • baudlbaudl Member Posts: 4,060 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    proteus22 wrote: »
    this rainbow used to work for me all mrk 12 gear 1antiproton dbb 1 antiproton dhc 1tetryon dhc 1 quamtum torp. rear weapons 2 antiproton turrets 1 tetryon turret tac comsoles 4 antiproton consoles
    this setup uswed to be good at dropping shields allowimg torps to do more damage.

    only if the 2.5% proc chance of the tetryon actually did more shield dmg than the +75 dmg on each AP, on each hit you left out for them.
    Do the calculation. you did only use 2 tetryons, so the difference would be only about 150 base dmg. The tetryon proc would need to do 150 dmg on shields atleast to compensate the loss from the consoles. I doubt the proc came anywhere near these numbers with aproc chance that low and with only 2 weapons.
    So no it never "really" worked...maybe for you, it was allways gimped in general, it was only not so much noticeable since you only used 2 weapons.
    Go pro or go home
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