Someone on the global chat said rainbow ship is more usefull than one color ship.
This guy said he uses feature of each kind of weapon and his ship is better than same ship with full antiproton (console mag antiproton and antiproton weapon).
Is it true? I thought it's best using only kinf of energy weapon with the right tactical console. Do I made mistake?
Someone on the global chat said rainbow ship is more usefull than one color ship.
This guy said he uses feature of each kind of weapon and his ship is better than same ship with full antiproton (console mag antiproton and antiproton weapon).
Is it true? I thought it's best using only kinf of energy weapon with the right tactical console. Do I made mistake?
Pretty sure someone was trolling hard, lol. Rainblow boats are the sure sign of a noob player.
if your just buffing for a pvp team maybe but your cutting your damage by 1/2 by going skittle boat at best. if the ship has 2 tac spots that means 36% damage as opposed to 52% damage bonus on mk11 rare same type setup. So if your in elite stf please dont bring a skittle boat. the damage difference is noticable.
Your last couple sentences got the right of it. Stay with that.
There is a reason PvPers and STFers call such ships Rainbow Brights, Skittles Pukers, Technicolor Yawners, and Rainbow Warriors. Not one of those reasons is complimentary.
The notion is to stack different procs. The trade off is each weapons does a lot less damage as you do not have enough tac console slots to boost the all the damage types effectively.
Trust me pick a energy weapon type. Get the right console for that energy weapon type. Get as many of those consoles as you can fit, unless you are running a build that favors torps and then get the right console to boost that projectile type. Stack tac consoles for the same weapons type you favor to win.
There is one exclusion. If you use one of the "torp boat" variants you will probably use all tac slots to boost torp damage, so you can safely troll pugs with skittle turrets in aft slots, you will loose nothing
Remember there are tactical consoles that boost all Energy damage. It USED to be the case that these boosted by less damage than a specific console. However that was changed way back. So now generic consoles do the same damage as all the others.
Where there might be a difference is the frequency of procs.
Remember there are tactical consoles that boost all Energy damage. It USED to be the case that these boosted by less damage than a specific console. However that was changed way back. So now generic consoles do the same damage as all the others.
Where there might be a difference is the frequency of procs.
So It means my dreadnought with 3 3 x MkXII rare with 8 beam MkXII very rare is weakest than any rainbow ship. I concluded I wasted my time to save credit buying console and beam.
This game has no sense...:mad:
Someone on the global chat said rainbow ship is more usefull than one color ship.
This guy said he uses feature of each kind of weapon and his ship is better than same ship with full antiproton (console mag antiproton and antiproton weapon).
Is it true? I thought it's best using only kinf of energy weapon with the right tactical console. Do I made mistake?
The only time I can think of that it's a good idea to do the rainbow beam boat thing is when you're leveling, low on ECs, and using whatever is the strongest thing you can get your hands on from ship wreckage and mission rewards. After that, you're really hurting your DPS, as well as your chances of getting a meaningful proc in.
Remember there are tactical consoles that boost all Energy damage. It USED to be the case that these boosted by less damage than a specific console. However that was changed way back. So now generic consoles do the same damage as all the others.
Where there might be a difference is the frequency of procs.
Remember there are tactical consoles that boost all Energy damage. It USED to be the case that these boosted by less damage than a specific console. However that was changed way back. So now generic consoles do the same damage as all the others.
Where there might be a difference is the frequency of procs.
Ummm no?
The universal consoles add less bonus than specific ones...
A blue Mk XI AP mag = +26%
A blue Mk XI Prefire Chamber/Directed Energy Distrobution Manifold = +18%
Yes... there was a time when generic consoles added the same as specific ones, but that is history. Mixing weapons is a bad idea.
feistyfawn, don't listen to this guy and people who claim that hippe boats are better than single-type... Your boat is build with reason, not random... You WILL do more damage than a Hippie boat with universal consoles.
The universal consoles add less bonus than specific ones...
A blue Mk XI AP mag = +26%
A blue Mk XI Prefire Chamber/Directed Energy Distrobution Manifold = +18%
Yes... there was a time when generic consoles added the same as specific ones, but that is history. Mixing weapons is a bad idea.
feistyfawn, don't listen to this guy and people who claim that hippe boats are better than single-type... Your boat is build with reason, not random... You WILL do more damage than a Hippie boat with universal consoles.
Damn it! They've changed it back again! Missed that in the patch notes.
Someone on the global chat said rainbow ship is more usefull than one color ship.
This guy said he uses feature of each kind of weapon and his ship is better than same ship with full antiproton (console mag antiproton and antiproton weapon).
Is it true? I thought it's best using only kinf of energy weapon with the right tactical console. Do I made mistake?
A "rainbow" ship is a sign of a young player. If you have such, stick to normal STF where you will be at least on par with the NPC and can contribute some.
If you are going to go for PVP or ELITE STF, then you need to decide what type of weapon system you wish to have.
NO weapon system is better then any other, other then I would avoid plasma, as too many ship sets have major plasma resistance. Sure you will find some that swear by this, and swear by that.
Find a weapon type you like and stick with it. I have 4 diff weapon types that I use, on 4 different cruisers that I run, and I can not find enough DPS diff when I parse it out to matter at all. They are so close it is almost completely indistinguishable. Cryptic did a good job evening those out.
Most of us stick with Phasers, Disruptors, Anti-proton, and some run Tetryon and Polaron, just depends on what they are really after.
On my standard Phaser Galaxy(X), compared to a friend of mine who ran a STF with me a month plus ago who did a rainbow ship so we could see the damage output, he was averaging 26% less damageCompared to what I was doing per beam. We both went in with the same weapons, and max the consoles out for phaser and him generic.
So what this person stated is completely false. In a pvp match or an elite STF that deficiency will show very very quickly.
What everyone has said here is valid... A single damage type is better than a rainbow......BUT, imo, it also depends on some other factors.
I have a Sci char, that uses a Carrier. With Bio Neural warhead, and all the other consoles i have, and the limied number of tacts on a carrier. I find having a rainbow scheme for turrets has been great. Since i cant really boost my DPS up much anyways through consoles, i like hitting with several procs at once. And since the turrets fire so fast, the odds of procs are better than say with Beams or Cannons.
I do not consider that ship "supeiror" by any means. But i also do not consider myself inferior as well. I do VERY well in Pvp on that carrier. But all Mark XI turrets and a couple of Rapid fires, i do pretty good at hurting shields....Enough for the fleet of Fighters and BoP's get to ya.
NO weapon system is better then any other, other then I would avoid plasma, as too many ship sets have major plasma resistance. Sure you will find some that swear by this, and swear by that
By the way there is one side effect of it. Everebody avoid plasma. But its bad only for pvp, in stfs its just fine. If you have just leveled up and have lots of different weapons&consoles and want to be usefull in stf's (even normals) the easiest way is to get plasma weapons + consoles from exchange. It will cost ~150k ec for full set of mkXI rare weapons and consoles, and it will be MUCH better starting gear than those you got while leveling. Then you will get some borg salvage and replace it with energy type of choice.
Someone on the global chat said rainbow ship is more usefull than one color ship.
This guy said he uses feature of each kind of weapon and his ship is better than same ship with full antiproton (console mag antiproton and antiproton weapon).
Is it true? I thought it's best using only kinf of energy weapon with the right tactical console. Do I made mistake?
That person was either lying to you, or simply wrong.
The answer is no, rainbow ships are not better than single energy focused ships.
Stick with a single energy type, and maximize your consoles accordingly.
Rainbow boats do less damage than a ship with a single energy type.
There are 2 times being rainbow can be good. collecting damage accolades or just general solo/teamed with friends craziness.
Someone mention "rainbow warrior"? That's an awesome name! Should be a title for getting all the energy type damage accolades . I'd use it!
I'd get that :P. I always go for all damage accolades anyway.
Really, the only reasons I see NOT to have multiple energy weapon types is just you drain more energy, and you can't have a specific damage boosting console. Both can technically fit into the "min-maxing" area some people just don't care for at all.
combine Hybrid Plasma Disruptors with conventional (Dam) Disruptors
- Plasma buff console
- Disruptor buff console
- Energy buff console
This lets the Hybrid beams take energy buffs from all three consoles buffing both the plasma and disruptor sides of the dual energy weapons.
combine Tetryon and Polarized Tetryon
- Tetryon buff console
- energy buff console
The phased and conventional Tetryon energy types offers a slightly wider energy base and though they are technically the same energy type it does seem to offer a little more punch.
combine Phased polorpn and conventional poloron
- poloron buff console
- energy buff console
As with the Tetryon weapons the combination of phased and non phased weapons seems to give more raw punch that singling out one or the other, again im simply not sure why but things tend to blow up faster when they are working in unison.
You may have noticed that despite the differing energy types they are generally the same colour but with ALL things there is exception to the rule in this case its this:
Bifrost Battleship AKA: Therainbow beam boat:
combine Spiral Wave Disruptor with conventional or Retrofit phasers or conventional disruptors
- Phaser buff console
- Disruptor buff Console
- energy buff console
With a little careful planning and a big enough ship this may well be the only way to fly a rainbow beam boat without falling into the trap associated with mixing energy types.
The Bifrost build is for fun only and should be treated as such, yes it can be viable for Starbase 24 but honestly thats pretty much it, dont try STF's with it as you do loose out on a little raw power :rolleyes:
The reason that works is that Hybrid Plasma Distrupters are Disruptors by default. You have to look at what their energy damage type is, that is the type you need to use for your tac consoles.
That being said, you missed one. Its probably the rarest one, but it gets me looks sometimes. The Sprial-Wave Disruptor with "Conventional" Disruptors. The Spirals come from the Cardassian Galor and appear a phasor color while the Disruptors appear green. Disruptor tac consoles boosts them.
Its great at making your ship look noob-ish when its not (especially when you don't have them on a Galor).
A rainbow build (ok in my case two colours only) CAN be better than a single option
Pvpers will tell you otherwise but thats PVP
A tetryon / phaser or Phaser /plasma or Tetryon/polaron mix can rip specialised shields to bits damage ships that would otherwise seriously mess you up and lay down havok upon your foes
Anyone who tells you what to do is WRONG
Regardless of what they tell you
Experiment see what works for you
for example one of my favourite Sci ships mounts Plasma weapons aft (and only aft) anyone chasing me or trying to tail gun me is in serious trouble VERY quickly when I put a BFAW and a Torp spread into their faces
Tetryons drop shields very well and then polarons do the real damage
Same thing with phasers
Magic trick here is a simple one
Have your weapons your way and learn to use them your way
(oh and before anyone calls me a Troll my Specialised builds are MY choice No one else has to live with them)
Really, the only reasons I see NOT to have multiple energy weapon types is just you drain more energy,
Not true. Rainbow builds and Single builds drain the same amount of energy. The only way weapon type affects drain is turrets have a -8 drain and DHCs have a -12. Otherwise, weapon drain is affected only by the number of weapons firing, not the number of energy types firing.
Also, if you have a sci build or something where energy damage isn't your primary purpose, you can use your tac consoles for p2w consoles or torp buffs or borg things...or whatever. Then you can put whatever energy type you want and rainbow it up like crazy, and it doesn't matter.
Hmm. I should do that and play some elite stf's, just to get folks riled up.
Also, if you have a sci build or something where energy damage isn't your primary purpose, you can use your tac consoles for p2w consoles or torp buffs or borg things...or whatever. Then you can put whatever energy type you want and rainbow it up like crazy, and it doesn't matter.
Hmm. I should do that and play some elite stf's, just to get folks riled up.
If you were to use 4X Direct energy dist manifold, or 4 prefire chambers, would it really be that bad???
How much less damage are we talking about here?
I'm just curious, and because stacking tac consoles just comes across as "cheating" in my opinion. Why have so many different consoles if your just going to stack one or two types only?
Not saying I'm going to start rainb-owning it up or anything.
what if cryptic decided to nerf stacking and you only got the benefit from one console? You would have to start using different ones right?
Right now if you have 3 or 4 tac consoles stacked, the game is ridiculously easy to beat.
The only thing that offers any challenge are elite STFs and PvP.
Even places like kerat (that at one time seemed impossibly hard for me) now seem easy. I can take out Borg cubes on my own with my defiant.
The sector space Borg red alerts are also **** easy now....
It kind of takes the fun and challenge out of the game.
If you were to use 4X Direct energy dist manifold, or 4 prefire chambers, would it really be that bad???
How much less damage are we talking about here?
I'm just curious, and because stacking tac consoles just comes across as "cheating" in my opinion. Why have so many different consoles if your just going to stack one or two types only?
Not saying I'm going to start rainb-owning it up or anything.
what if cryptic decided to nerf stacking and you only got the benefit from one console? You would have to start using different ones right?
Right now if you have 3 or 4 tac consoles stacked, the game is ridiculously easy to beat.
The only thing that offers any challenge are elite STFs and PvP.
Even places like kerat (that at one time seemed impossibly hard for me) now seem easy. I can take out Borg cubes on my own with my defiant.
The sector space Borg red alerts are also **** easy now....
It kind of takes the fun and challenge out of the game.
What a Mk XI blue energy type is some 26. A Mk XI blue weapon type is 18. That's a difference of 8 each. 8 * 4 is 32 or so. No not a huge difference at all, well for you maybe. To me, even in a zombie healer, every little bit helps.
Pretty sure someone was trolling hard, lol. Rainblow boats are the sure sign of a noob player.
There is a reason PvPers and STFers call such ships Rainbow Brights, Skittles Pukers, Technicolor Yawners, and Rainbow Warriors. Not one of those reasons is complimentary.
The notion is to stack different procs. The trade off is each weapons does a lot less damage as you do not have enough tac console slots to boost the all the damage types effectively.
Trust me pick a energy weapon type. Get the right console for that energy weapon type. Get as many of those consoles as you can fit, unless you are running a build that favors torps and then get the right console to boost that projectile type. Stack tac consoles for the same weapons type you favor to win.
Where there might be a difference is the frequency of procs.
Do you mean it's better to have
3 x Console - Tactical - Directed Energy Distribution Manifold with many kind of energy beam?
So then you mean generic console are better then
3 x with full antiproton beam (DBB, DHC, and others) ?
So It means my dreadnought with 3 3 x MkXII rare with 8 beam MkXII very rare is weakest than any rainbow ship. I concluded I wasted my time to save credit buying console and beam.
This game has no sense...:mad:
The only time I can think of that it's a good idea to do the rainbow beam boat thing is when you're leveling, low on ECs, and using whatever is the strongest thing you can get your hands on from ship wreckage and mission rewards. After that, you're really hurting your DPS, as well as your chances of getting a meaningful proc in.
EDIT: See my next post.
This is the first I've ever heard of this. :eek:
Ummm no?
The universal consoles add less bonus than specific ones...
A blue Mk XI AP mag = +26%
A blue Mk XI Prefire Chamber/Directed Energy Distrobution Manifold = +18%
Yes... there was a time when generic consoles added the same as specific ones, but that is history. Mixing weapons is a bad idea.
feistyfawn, don't listen to this guy and people who claim that hippe boats are better than single-type... Your boat is build with reason, not random... You WILL do more damage than a Hippie boat with universal consoles.
Damn it! They've changed it back again! Missed that in the patch notes.
A "rainbow" ship is a sign of a young player. If you have such, stick to normal STF where you will be at least on par with the NPC and can contribute some.
If you are going to go for PVP or ELITE STF, then you need to decide what type of weapon system you wish to have.
NO weapon system is better then any other, other then I would avoid plasma, as too many ship sets have major plasma resistance. Sure you will find some that swear by this, and swear by that.
Find a weapon type you like and stick with it. I have 4 diff weapon types that I use, on 4 different cruisers that I run, and I can not find enough DPS diff when I parse it out to matter at all. They are so close it is almost completely indistinguishable. Cryptic did a good job evening those out.
Most of us stick with Phasers, Disruptors, Anti-proton, and some run Tetryon and Polaron, just depends on what they are really after.
On my standard Phaser Galaxy(X), compared to a friend of mine who ran a STF with me a month plus ago who did a rainbow ship so we could see the damage output, he was averaging 26% less damageCompared to what I was doing per beam. We both went in with the same weapons, and max the consoles out for phaser and him generic.
So what this person stated is completely false. In a pvp match or an elite STF that deficiency will show very very quickly.
I have a Sci char, that uses a Carrier. With Bio Neural warhead, and all the other consoles i have, and the limied number of tacts on a carrier. I find having a rainbow scheme for turrets has been great. Since i cant really boost my DPS up much anyways through consoles, i like hitting with several procs at once. And since the turrets fire so fast, the odds of procs are better than say with Beams or Cannons.
I do not consider that ship "supeiror" by any means. But i also do not consider myself inferior as well. I do VERY well in Pvp on that carrier. But all Mark XI turrets and a couple of Rapid fires, i do pretty good at hurting shields....Enough for the fleet of Fighters and BoP's get to ya.
There are 2 times being rainbow can be good. collecting damage accolades or just general solo/teamed with friends craziness.
Someone mention "rainbow warrior"? That's an awesome name! Should be a title for getting all the energy type damage accolades . I'd use it!
That person was either lying to you, or simply wrong.
The answer is no, rainbow ships are not better than single energy focused ships.
Stick with a single energy type, and maximize your consoles accordingly.
I'd get that :P. I always go for all damage accolades anyway.
Really, the only reasons I see NOT to have multiple energy weapon types is just you drain more energy, and you can't have a specific damage boosting console. Both can technically fit into the "min-maxing" area some people just don't care for at all.
I think you must have misunderstood a previous patch note. Perhaps the Mine/Torpedo/Generic Kinetic damage consoles issue.
hmmm... what a excellent idea..
for example:
combine Hybrid Plasma Disruptors with conventional (Dam) Disruptors
- Plasma buff console
- Disruptor buff console
- Energy buff console
This lets the Hybrid beams take energy buffs from all three consoles buffing both the plasma and disruptor sides of the dual energy weapons.
combine Tetryon and Polarized Tetryon
- Tetryon buff console
- energy buff console
The phased and conventional Tetryon energy types offers a slightly wider energy base and though they are technically the same energy type it does seem to offer a little more punch.
combine Phased polorpn and conventional poloron
- poloron buff console
- energy buff console
As with the Tetryon weapons the combination of phased and non phased weapons seems to give more raw punch that singling out one or the other, again im simply not sure why but things tend to blow up faster when they are working in unison.
You may have noticed that despite the differing energy types they are generally the same colour but with ALL things there is exception to the rule in this case its this:
Bifrost Battleship AKA: The rainbow beam boat:
combine Spiral Wave Disruptor with conventional or Retrofit phasers or conventional disruptors
- Phaser buff console
- Disruptor buff Console
- energy buff console
With a little careful planning and a big enough ship this may well be the only way to fly a rainbow beam boat without falling into the trap associated with mixing energy types.
The Bifrost build is for fun only and should be treated as such, yes it can be viable for Starbase 24 but honestly thats pretty much it, dont try STF's with it as you do loose out on a little raw power :rolleyes:
That being said, you missed one. Its probably the rarest one, but it gets me looks sometimes. The Sprial-Wave Disruptor with "Conventional" Disruptors. The Spirals come from the Cardassian Galor and appear a phasor color while the Disruptors appear green. Disruptor tac consoles boosts them.
Its great at making your ship look noob-ish when its not (especially when you don't have them on a Galor).
:cool: challenge accepted...
...must find gaudiest ship colour and beam combination possible.....
....this may take some time
Pvpers will tell you otherwise but thats PVP
A tetryon / phaser or Phaser /plasma or Tetryon/polaron mix can rip specialised shields to bits damage ships that would otherwise seriously mess you up and lay down havok upon your foes
Anyone who tells you what to do is WRONG
Regardless of what they tell you
Experiment see what works for you
for example one of my favourite Sci ships mounts Plasma weapons aft (and only aft) anyone chasing me or trying to tail gun me is in serious trouble VERY quickly when I put a BFAW and a Torp spread into their faces
Tetryons drop shields very well and then polarons do the real damage
Same thing with phasers
Magic trick here is a simple one
Have your weapons your way and learn to use them your way
(oh and before anyone calls me a Troll my Specialised builds are MY choice No one else has to live with them)
Not true. Rainbow builds and Single builds drain the same amount of energy. The only way weapon type affects drain is turrets have a -8 drain and DHCs have a -12. Otherwise, weapon drain is affected only by the number of weapons firing, not the number of energy types firing.
Hmm. I should do that and play some elite stf's, just to get folks riled up.
How much less damage are we talking about here?
I'm just curious, and because stacking tac consoles just comes across as "cheating" in my opinion. Why have so many different consoles if your just going to stack one or two types only?
Not saying I'm going to start rainb-owning it up or anything.
what if cryptic decided to nerf stacking and you only got the benefit from one console? You would have to start using different ones right?
Right now if you have 3 or 4 tac consoles stacked, the game is ridiculously easy to beat.
The only thing that offers any challenge are elite STFs and PvP.
Even places like kerat (that at one time seemed impossibly hard for me) now seem easy. I can take out Borg cubes on my own with my defiant.
The sector space Borg red alerts are also **** easy now....
It kind of takes the fun and challenge out of the game.
What a Mk XI blue energy type is some 26. A Mk XI blue weapon type is 18. That's a difference of 8 each. 8 * 4 is 32 or so. No not a huge difference at all, well for you maybe. To me, even in a zombie healer, every little bit helps.