The roller derby match was quite awesome, one of the jammers managed to wipe out the entire pack. Also there was a live band, I forgot what they were called, but they sang a hit from the early 2000s called "All the Things she said"
The impending destruction of the Earth, it's primary moon, man-made satelites and Mars and it's moons was avoided yesterday when Cappy got angry and called Q, reminding him he owed her for....that incident.
Hort had a dream that ravenstein had conquered the world! :eek: She rounded up all her friends and put them in a school to force them to learn the teachings of Haruhi and trigonometric identities. Cappy was in my class! There was also an Asian girl with short hair in a bikini who sat in front of me.... can I haz her email, raven?
edit: The announcement is that hort still hasn't learned to stick with either 1st or 3rd person in his rantings. :rolleyes:
Yeah, that was the conclusion of the movie if you'd watched the whole thing -- buy a mac instead. I've honestly never even thought about it until seeing that video. I have a borked HP laptop very similar to the one in the video. It self destructed one day when I was streaming a netflix movie on it. I've been working on it for a hobby off and on, but yeah, it's terribly designed, I'm never getting an HP again.
Yeah, that was the conclusion of the movie if you'd watched the whole thing -- buy a mac instead. I've honestly never even thought about it until seeing that video. I have a borked HP laptop very similar to the one in the video. It self destructed one day when I was streaming a netflix movie on it. I've been working on it for a hobby off and on, but yeah, it's terribly designed, I'm never getting an HP again.
pokes egg yoke with toast to draw a happy face..
huh..who flipped the channel to adault ALT comtempoary sappy love sad break up song channel... jewel
Give me LAce and whiskey ah no coffee.. [smart brain..good brain..] oh oh no we must run from flirty workaday zombioe water cooelr office mail girl.. .run run See senshi run
run run see [....] run run after senshi fun fun
My bosoms are now made purely of light. *dances* muaahah
EEEE!!!!!! (>^.^)> -plays with like a cat plays with a laser pointer light- o3o -chasecahse...attempts to grab..chases some more...performs super awesome grasshopper grabs the pebble kung-fu moves...chasechasechase...batbat...rolls over onto back and swipes at excited and playfully- EEEEEE^____^ (eee being panda for WHEEE , I LOVE YOU!)
Actually, I don't honestly know. I think the term might've come from Rationing during a World War, as in "here's your ration" (i.e. what your allocated) rather than "here's a rasher of bacon".
"Ten percent of nothin' is... Let me do the math here. Nothin' and then nothin, now carry the nothin'..."
So have my fingers crossed that SyFy, (I really hate that spelling), will get Joss Whedon to reboot that series.
so youre nto an Icedane of green MArk?
edit: The announcement is that hort still hasn't learned to stick with either 1st or 3rd person in his rantings. :rolleyes:
[pause coffee sip] Bikini?
Here you go, senshi, I think it was this girl.
That picture is cute, eh? It gives the impression that she's stuck in the monitor, poor thing....
Sweet Liek my old frined "cindi"whos dad came from japan..
Ten Forward Ship Crew
Also bacon cake.
That is all.
Hort's pain is made manifest here.
Yeah, that was the conclusion of the movie if you'd watched the whole thing -- buy a mac instead. I've honestly never even thought about it until seeing that video. I have a borked HP laptop very similar to the one in the video. It self destructed one day when I was streaming a netflix movie on it. I've been working on it for a hobby off and on, but yeah, it's terribly designed, I'm never getting an HP again.
People are trying to make them better, but I doubt companies that make a lot of $$$ on tech support will adopt the new design.
i know that's why i posted the link ^_^ teehee o3o
what's a rasher?
and your kitty is so cute ^_^ -petpetpetpetgivescatnip- o3o
-tickles tummy-
Oh, and it was 14 "rashers", not 12.
and failing that, foods with tentacles.
I just wanna see if you read this!
huh..who flipped the channel to adault ALT comtempoary sappy love sad break up song channel... jewel
Give me LAce and whiskey ah no coffee.. [smart brain..good brain..] oh oh no we must run from flirty workaday zombioe water cooelr office mail girl.. .run run See senshi run
run run see [....] run run after senshi fun fun
till dinner!
EEEE!!!!!! (>^.^)> -plays with like a cat plays with a laser pointer light- o3o -chasecahse...attempts to grab..chases some more...performs super awesome grasshopper grabs the pebble kung-fu moves...chasechasechase...batbat...rolls over onto back and swipes at excited and playfully- EEEEEE^____^ (eee being panda for WHEEE , I LOVE YOU!)
oh, so it's like a slang term of ration? o.o?