Will the Foundry impose a maximum limit on a player's published missions?
Update: There are a significant array of opinions and suggestions of how such an issue can be addressed. I am not sure if I should provide a summary on this Opening Post, but at least for now people can be aware that there is some good content in here and important things that the Developer team, we hope, will be considering.
Additionally, it is slightly dis-heartening that the thread was moved to the Foundry forums considering the importance of the issue. However, it was posted in the more traffic-prone forums for that reason and its banishment to the Foundry forums can not be argued on.
I would hate to think that people would be limited to eight or so missions (as some reported in the Foundry forums). There is so much content to create - admittedly many of us are exciting as you Developers are. So please ensure we have no glass ceiling? Can the servers handle hundreds of missions being created?
I think the future of the Foundry is reliant on it's ability to cater for the creative mission author who not only publishes missions which appeal to the greater audience but also will publish those stranger missions which will not garner such public support or attention (much like many mid-season StarTrek series episodes).
However, given the current situation on Tribble for there being a limit (seemingly) on the about of missions player can publish - this means we may end up with a situation which leaves the community with two options for making more content:
- Buy slots from the C-Store;
- Attain specific goals through your missions to qualify for more slots (i.e. highly rated, reviewed, played etc)
This would impact the image and nature of the Foundry, in my opinion, not to mention the quality and nature of the missions that will be available on the Foundry (i.e. why create 8 oddball but entertaining missions filled with appealing stuff if they have no chance of being as highly received or rated, or reviewed as a Michael Bay - style action mission with explosions?)
Thanks for any Developer or Community Manager reply.
Joking aside, it's understandable. These missions aren't very "public" in that you can just contact a mission goer. Plus there'll be hundreds. All taking up server space.
Ok, do you know if it is per character, per account?
I mean depending on how the Foundry update handles mission arcs/series 8 seems very .. restrictive. i.e. One series... and not a means to create content on
I guess if it was a C-store transaction to buy more 'slots' it would really ... put a different twist on the Foundry, at least in my eyes. Not to say that I wouldn't buy those slots. Still, it is kind of sad.
Perhaps a more generous limit... *cough* 30 *cough*
Given the lack of content a VA, I'm fairly amazed to hear there's a mission-limit for authors. A limit for poorly-rated missions might be something good, but what about the genuis-mission-maker type that hits the limit with 8 highly rated missions?
This means the best authors out there will complete their 8 missions, have them all highly rated and reviewed, and then be unable to ever create another mission without deleting a mission that hundreds of people have given the highest rating to, potentially then? But the worst authors who still have a slot open will be able to continue to make bad ones until they hit 8? Sounds like a recipe for the overall quality of missions going into the toilet. Please tell me this isn't going to happen.
It could be time based, like a veteran reward. E.g. Each month you stay with the game, you get an extra mission slot. That way, people could at least put something new out each month.
i would not panic yet. first off 8 is not set in stone.
there is also the very strong possibility that that other free slots can be earned by things like veteran rewards or they mentioned maybe via having highly rated missions , so the best authors get more free slots.
c-store is the last resort but i highly doubt we will be limited to 8, and thats it.
I'm looking forward to the Foundry going live, and have been planning out storylines ready to put into action once it hits Holodeck. I have antagonists, supporting characters, and locations all planned out to create an enjoyable story arc that hopefully others could use as an alternate means of levelling. My initial plan was to eventually try and create enough of these story arcs, perhaps with one over-arching theme, to enable a player to level to 51 doing them.
However, limiting me to 8 missions is going to effectively kill most of my plans. There should be a system in place where if your mission receives above a certain rating, it frees up another slot. Therefore if your 8 missions ALL receive above a certain rating, you have 8 more slots to use. This enables people who create enjoyable and popular missions to continue using their creativity to better the game (and they will be doing that, don't doubt it for a moment) and restrict those who put out a bunch of ill thought out dross from being able to spam up the listings.
One thing I will say is this: If extra mission slots are only attainable by a purchase from the C-Store, I will drop this idea faster than the proverbial hot potato. I will not spend my money over and above the monthly fee to create things that may well help Cryptic.
Given the lack of content a VA, I'm fairly amazed to hear there's a mission-limit for authors. A limit for poorly-rated missions might be something good, but what about the genuis-mission-maker type that hits the limit with 8 highly rated missions?
This means the best authors out there will complete their 8 missions, have them all highly rated and reviewed, and then be unable to ever create another mission without deleting a mission that hundreds of people have given the highest rating to, potentially then? But the worst authors who still have a slot open will be able to continue to make bad ones until they hit 8? Sounds like a recipe for the overall quality of missions going into the toilet. Please tell me this isn't going to happen.
Valid points. I hope that a high rating automatically entitles a user to more slots so a good mission editor can create more good content. If they get voted 8 or above on average for a mission, it should open up a new slot for them automatically.
For example: If this is done by an average 8 or better vote given by, at least 20 players.
That rewards the good editors while keeping the poor missions to a minimum. Hopefully, the missions will be moderated and ones that are given a very poor rating will be removed, giving space for the better ones.
One thing I will say is this: If extra mission slots are only attainable by a purchase from the C-Store, I will drop this idea faster than the proverbial hot potato. I will not spend my money over and above the monthly fee to create things that may well help Cryptic.
Very true, they should be paying you if anything. I posted before reading your post and it seems we have the same idea about votes freeing up slots. Reward the better editors like that and it will benefit all of us, Cryptic included.
Here are some suggested methods of unlocking more mission slots in the Foundry:
Merit-based: if you have a mission with X many reviews and an average at or over 4 stars, you get a slot per qualifying mission. This has the biggest potential for abuse: some players might unjustly rate a mission higher to help people unlock.
Time-based: the longer you've played Foundry missions as a reviewer (excluding your own), the more mission unlocks you get.
Veteran-based: the longer you've been a subscriber, the more mission slots you get. Think of it as an additional veteran reward.
Endgame-based: reviewing missions at endgame means unlocking more slots. To prevent abuse via speedrunning missions, let players take this unlock as a daily or weekly.
Accolade-based: trade accolade points for more slots! (i.e. allocate 1200/1620 points toward mission slots)
As a last resort, for people that reach the new caps created by the above in-game methods, add a C-store alternative (but only available if you hit your cap).
I believe the following methods (in combination) would benefit the game in the following way:
More mission would be reviewed, leading toward a more active user-base of fellow authors helping guide new users in making missions better.
I know the last one isn't popular but adding any of the previous in-game/free methods would mean that it would be more palatable.
Yes, there is a limit, simply due to hardware considerations. We can't have a troll clogging up the system with 45 scan the tree missions that bury all the good ones. Cryptic has to limit it somehow. But, they also stated that they are brainstorming ways to give authors additional slots. Predictably, that will be a cash grab that marketing will think is a stellar idea. Our devs will have to deal with the backlash.
There will most likely be a mission limit, alone because missions cost server space and they don't have infinite amounts of it, or the infinite amounts of money for it.
I think it might help the quality of missions to have some type of limit. People can't just pump out stuff endlessly, they have to prioritize which stories they really want to tell, and work them out well.
If you think of multi-part missions - consider that missions don't ahve to be short affairs. You can do stuff that's way longer then 3 Exploration missions in a row (and with more story and unique aspects, too).
Though in the end, there have to be ways to expand the limit. Even if it's via the C-Store.
Though in the end, there have to be ways to expand the limit. Even if it's via the C-Store.
I understand the need to limit, but it really would be a slap in the face for Cryptic to ask authors to pay for the privilege of adding content to their content-lite game, on top of paying a monthly sub.
There needs to be an alternative to the c-store that rewards good authors, not punishing them with price tags.
yea I was going to say the rating one has a potential for abuse. After all anyone can go tell all their fleetmates to go 5 star them. Especially if as many missions come out as one expects. Maybe a really cheap c-store option? 50 cryptic points a slot?
ok maybe thats just really cheap for me,but i dont know. people have said you dont feel like doing work for cryptics work for them. Personally I think you are thinking incorrectly. The things i create are for the community. I am more than willing to pay to help my own irl community and Im the same online. Hence the donations to ED, my fleet, and other things. AND i get to support the company thats allowing me to try my creativity? I like it. Though I would prefer if there were more options for the poorer people amongst us.
I understand the need to limit, but it really would be a slap in the face for Cryptic to ask authors to pay for the privilege of adding content to their content-lite game, on top of paying a monthly sub.
There needs to be an alternative to the c-store that rewards good authors, not punishing them with price tags.
As for this. Who decides whats good authors? The community? People? Everyone who genuinely attempts this is a good author in my eyes I dont care about cannon, writing ability, or map layout. You call it a slap in the face. I call it a blessing they didnt go coh and give us the what they have over there but ofcourse I am a duck. we arent know for our brilliance.
How about if those of us who don't want to make missions be allowed to donate or gift one or more of our Foundry mission slots to a top ranked author so he/she can continue to make new missions?
How about if those of us who don't want to make missions be allowed to donate or gift one or more of our Foundry mission slots to a top ranked author so he/she can continue to make new missions?
Now that sounds good. If a person is truly good, you give up one of your slots for them. If in the future you want a slot. you either
make a great mission with the slots you have remaining to get gifted another slot. or
buy in c-store.
or maybe 100 emblems? something.
We gotta give em ideas and good ones. Im reasonably sure marketings eyes have dollar signs on em sooo lets get at it.
Unfortunately, that's as abusable as the rating system. A fleet designates someone who is their "chief writer" and members donate one slot each to this person. Then you have someone with a lot of slots who isn't necessarily a good content creator. And, of course, we all know there are certain groups of players who will actively seek to irritate others in any way possible just for their own selfish amusement.
A review system is the only really fair way. A quick star rating pop-up at the end of a mission coupled with tracking the number of unique accounts that play the mission and rate it highly should eliminate most of the potential for abuse, and let's face it you're never going to create a system that works 100% anyway.
And while I appreciate the argument that you are creating content for the community, it is Cryptic that benefits financially from this creation whether you have in mind the community or not. If your content helps keep players subbed to the game because they are enjoying it, Cryptic is reaping the benefits of your creative talent. Asking people to buy more mission slots from the C-Store so they can continue to provide you content that may actually be benefitting you financially already is, as someone mentioned, a slap in the face.
How about if those of us who don't want to make missions be allowed to donate or gift one or more of our Foundry mission slots to a top ranked author so he/she can continue to make new missions?
I was just about to suggest this very thing {glad I read the whole thread first lol}. While I can personally give a rats TRIBBLE either way about UGC...I do agree with limitations and fairness to all that wish to participate. Since it is highly unlikely that I will participate in UGC in any way, shape, or form...I would be more than happy to gift slots to a close friend that really gets into it.
Unfortunately, that's as abusable as the rating system. A fleet designates someone who is their "chief writer" and members donate one slot each to this person. Then you have someone with a lot of slots who isn't necessarily a good content creator. And, of course, we all know there are certain groups of players who will actively seek to irritate others in any way possible just for their own selfish amusement.
A review system is the only really fair way. A quick star rating pop-up at the end of a mission coupled with tracking the number of unique accounts that play the mission and rate it highly should eliminate most of the potential for abuse, and let's face it you're never going to create a system that works 100% anyway.
And while I appreciate the argument that you are creating content for the community, it is Cryptic that benefits financially from this creation whether you have in mind the community or not. If your content helps keep players subbed to the game because they are enjoying it, Cryptic is reaping the benefits of your creative talent. Asking people to buy more mission slots from the C-Store so they can continue to provide you content that may actually be benefitting you financially already is, as someone mentioned, a slap in the face.
I dont get your point. I never said dont use the review system Im just saying having the option to buy slots Is not a slap in the face.
I dont complain when redcross uses my donations to advertise to get more donations. Plus they are reaping it because I am giving it knowing the end use will be my community can enjoy them *or not xD*
At the end of tge day you seem to forget people still have to sub to play the content so they still reap the benefits. The problem is that they currently dont seem to be giving you enough for what some dedicated creators want.
Actually what are we talking about abuse because of rating system. If the mission "sucks" wont we just ignore works by said author irregardless of if he has 5 thingies or a dozen?
you knwo somewhat like the realworld. You write a great book pulbisher will tell u write more and people will gobble it up. you write TRIBBLE doesnt matter how much people *chances are* will not give a hoot.
Given the lack of content a VA, I'm fairly amazed to hear there's a mission-limit for authors. A limit for poorly-rated missions might be something good, but what about the genuis-mission-maker type that hits the limit with 8 highly rated missions?
Not certain if this is how they will do it here, but IIRC in CoX anyone can submit their UGC story arc for a chance to become a "Developer's Choice" mission. If selected as a "Developer's Choice", the author gets an additional few story slots for free. It's an incentive for the author's out there to craft good stories.
You say that people have to pay the sub to play the content, and that's exactly my point. If you, as a mission creator, are creating content that people want to play and may even stay actively subbed to do so, you are providing value to Cryptic. To then say "You can't provide us any more value unless you pay us some more money" IS a slap in the face, as if you are helping them retain subscribers you are already doing them a service.
Please explain if I'm getting lost here, but we seem to be talking about the same thing? I enjoy a good discussion so by all means point out how it isn't a slap in the face.
In summary, assuming a good mission Creator:
Good missions = more good content to play = reason to stay subbed = more money for Cryptic.
To then turn around and ask for even more money from the Creator, who is already paying you a monthly sub AND helping to keep other people do the same, just seems like a Bad Idea.
And while I appreciate the argument that you are creating content for the community, it is Cryptic that benefits financially from this creation whether you have in mind the community or not. If your content helps keep players subbed to the game because they are enjoying it, Cryptic is reaping the benefits of your creative talent. Asking people to buy more mission slots from the C-Store so they can continue to provide you content that may actually be benefitting you financially already is, as someone mentioned, a slap in the face.
There are also costs Cryptic has to invest to make a UGC system viable. You can't expect them as a business to just eat those expenses so you can have an unlimited amount of story slots.
Each account will get several free story slots to use, and I'll bet money there will be ways for author's with highly rated stories to earn additional slots for free.
This means the best authors out there will complete their 8 missions, have them all highly rated and reviewed, and then be unable to ever create another mission without deleting a mission that hundreds of people have given the highest rating to, potentially then? But the worst authors who still have a slot open will be able to continue to make bad ones until they hit 8? Sounds like a recipe for the overall quality of missions going into the toilet. Please tell me this isn't going to happen.
Pretty much my thoughts. I would hate to think that some of the best missions people have made would eventually have to be deleted to make room for more. But the reality is, Cryptic simply cant allow unlimited missions for data storage reasons. So what is the solution BUT the C-store?
i would not panic yet. first off 8 is not set in stone.
Exactly who is "panicking"? Or are you just exagerating to make a point? Anyway, its best to let the Devs know how we feel before this decision is made rather than after. Its always harder to get things changed after they come out than before.
Are we not all inherently helping them make more money? I know people who are subbed just because their friends are subbed. is it a slap in the face to said friends when cryptic releases things to the c-store? ok im somewhat grasping at straws.
i guess i find very few things a slap in the face. correction. I cant think up anything thats a slap in the face.
How about this. They are asking money so they can keep adding to the foundry? Doesnt it take people from somewhere else to keep the foundry going good? or did they hire new people do that?
and by adding i mean bugfixes and maps and all that stuff
and honestlywhat was i writing here?
and this is just meand here?
If an author is really and truly good. I mean mother$R%^ $%^&*%^&* %^&*& good. I will donate money so he can buy it. This is ofcourse assuming its c-store only. Which I hope not. I just hope its an option. He better live near me or have paypal though
How about this. They are asking money so they can keep adding to the foundry? Doesnt it take people from somewhere else to keep the foundry going good? or did they hire new people do that?
The problem here is that particular argument is used for absolutely everything they add to the C-Store. "They need money to do it" doesn't go down well when you're paying a monthly sub. Just what, exactly, is that sub paying for?
Anyway, that discussion has been done to death and is for another thread.
I maintain that charging creative people (and lets face it, few people would have the energy, time, or inclination to create more than a few missions) to add more content to your game that may very well be keeping people subbed is, to use a different analogy, cutting your nose off to spite your face.
i do hope the limit can be upped from 8 and i hope there are other ways to get slots.
800 points for an extra Mission slot?
Joking aside, it's understandable. These missions aren't very "public" in that you can just contact a mission goer. Plus there'll be hundreds. All taking up server space.
I mean depending on how the Foundry update handles mission arcs/series 8 seems very .. restrictive. i.e. One series... and not a means to create content on
Klingons, Ferengi, [Insert others], Starship occurances, Diplomatic mission, Exploration, Battles, etc
I guess if it was a C-store transaction to buy more 'slots' it would really ... put a different twist on the Foundry, at least in my eyes. Not to say that I wouldn't buy those slots. Still, it is kind of sad.
Perhaps a more generous limit... *cough* 30 *cough*
*edit to add* After all the missions one publishes are associated with their @handle not their characters name.
It could be time based, like a veteran reward. E.g. Each month you stay with the game, you get an extra mission slot. That way, people could at least put something new out each month.
there is also the very strong possibility that that other free slots can be earned by things like veteran rewards or they mentioned maybe via having highly rated missions , so the best authors get more free slots.
c-store is the last resort but i highly doubt we will be limited to 8, and thats it.
However, limiting me to 8 missions is going to effectively kill most of my plans. There should be a system in place where if your mission receives above a certain rating, it frees up another slot. Therefore if your 8 missions ALL receive above a certain rating, you have 8 more slots to use. This enables people who create enjoyable and popular missions to continue using their creativity to better the game (and they will be doing that, don't doubt it for a moment) and restrict those who put out a bunch of ill thought out dross from being able to spam up the listings.
One thing I will say is this: If extra mission slots are only attainable by a purchase from the C-Store, I will drop this idea faster than the proverbial hot potato. I will not spend my money over and above the monthly fee to create things that may well help Cryptic.
Valid points. I hope that a high rating automatically entitles a user to more slots so a good mission editor can create more good content. If they get voted 8 or above on average for a mission, it should open up a new slot for them automatically.
For example: If this is done by an average 8 or better vote given by, at least 20 players.
That rewards the good editors while keeping the poor missions to a minimum. Hopefully, the missions will be moderated and ones that are given a very poor rating will be removed, giving space for the better ones.
However, I've already made the following suggestions:
I think it might help the quality of missions to have some type of limit. People can't just pump out stuff endlessly, they have to prioritize which stories they really want to tell, and work them out well.
If you think of multi-part missions - consider that missions don't ahve to be short affairs. You can do stuff that's way longer then 3 Exploration missions in a row (and with more story and unique aspects, too).
Though in the end, there have to be ways to expand the limit. Even if it's via the C-Store.
I understand the need to limit, but it really would be a slap in the face for Cryptic to ask authors to pay for the privilege of adding content to their content-lite game, on top of paying a monthly sub.
There needs to be an alternative to the c-store that rewards good authors, not punishing them with price tags.
ok maybe thats just really cheap for me,but i dont know. people have said you dont feel like doing work for cryptics work for them. Personally I think you are thinking incorrectly. The things i create are for the community. I am more than willing to pay to help my own irl community and Im the same online. Hence the donations to ED, my fleet, and other things. AND i get to support the company thats allowing me to try my creativity? I like it. Though I would prefer if there were more options for the poorer people amongst us.
As for this. Who decides whats good authors? The community? People? Everyone who genuinely attempts this is a good author in my eyes I dont care about cannon, writing ability, or map layout. You call it a slap in the face. I call it a blessing they didnt go coh and give us the what they have over there but ofcourse I am a duck. we arent know for our brilliance.
fu%&ing daffy
Now that sounds good. If a person is truly good, you give up one of your slots for them. If in the future you want a slot. you either
make a great mission with the slots you have remaining to get gifted another slot. or
buy in c-store.
or maybe 100 emblems? something.
We gotta give em ideas and good ones. Im reasonably sure marketings eyes have dollar signs on em sooo lets get at it.
Darn I really like it.
A review system is the only really fair way. A quick star rating pop-up at the end of a mission coupled with tracking the number of unique accounts that play the mission and rate it highly should eliminate most of the potential for abuse, and let's face it you're never going to create a system that works 100% anyway.
And while I appreciate the argument that you are creating content for the community, it is Cryptic that benefits financially from this creation whether you have in mind the community or not. If your content helps keep players subbed to the game because they are enjoying it, Cryptic is reaping the benefits of your creative talent. Asking people to buy more mission slots from the C-Store so they can continue to provide you content that may actually be benefitting you financially already is, as someone mentioned, a slap in the face.
I was just about to suggest this very thing {glad I read the whole thread first lol}. While I can personally give a rats TRIBBLE either way about UGC...I do agree with limitations and fairness to all that wish to participate. Since it is highly unlikely that I will participate in UGC in any way, shape, or form...I would be more than happy to gift slots to a close friend that really gets into it.
I dont get your point. I never said dont use the review system Im just saying having the option to buy slots Is not a slap in the face.
I dont complain when redcross uses my donations to advertise to get more donations. Plus they are reaping it because I am giving it knowing the end use will be my community can enjoy them *or not xD*
At the end of tge day you seem to forget people still have to sub to play the content so they still reap the benefits. The problem is that they currently dont seem to be giving you enough for what some dedicated creators want.
Actually what are we talking about abuse because of rating system. If the mission "sucks" wont we just ignore works by said author irregardless of if he has 5 thingies or a dozen?
you knwo somewhat like the realworld. You write a great book pulbisher will tell u write more and people will gobble it up. you write TRIBBLE doesnt matter how much people *chances are* will not give a hoot.
argghhh im supposed to be in infected right now.
Not certain if this is how they will do it here, but IIRC in CoX anyone can submit their UGC story arc for a chance to become a "Developer's Choice" mission. If selected as a "Developer's Choice", the author gets an additional few story slots for free. It's an incentive for the author's out there to craft good stories.
You say that people have to pay the sub to play the content, and that's exactly my point. If you, as a mission creator, are creating content that people want to play and may even stay actively subbed to do so, you are providing value to Cryptic. To then say "You can't provide us any more value unless you pay us some more money" IS a slap in the face, as if you are helping them retain subscribers you are already doing them a service.
Please explain if I'm getting lost here, but we seem to be talking about the same thing? I enjoy a good discussion so by all means point out how it isn't a slap in the face.
In summary, assuming a good mission Creator:
Good missions = more good content to play = reason to stay subbed = more money for Cryptic.
To then turn around and ask for even more money from the Creator, who is already paying you a monthly sub AND helping to keep other people do the same, just seems like a Bad Idea.
There are also costs Cryptic has to invest to make a UGC system viable. You can't expect them as a business to just eat those expenses so you can have an unlimited amount of story slots.
Each account will get several free story slots to use, and I'll bet money there will be ways for author's with highly rated stories to earn additional slots for free.
Pretty much my thoughts. I would hate to think that some of the best missions people have made would eventually have to be deleted to make room for more. But the reality is, Cryptic simply cant allow unlimited missions for data storage reasons. So what is the solution BUT the C-store?
Exactly who is "panicking"? Or are you just exagerating to make a point? Anyway, its best to let the Devs know how we feel before this decision is made rather than after. Its always harder to get things changed after they come out than before.
i guess i find very few things a slap in the face. correction. I cant think up anything thats a slap in the face.
How about this. They are asking money so they can keep adding to the foundry? Doesnt it take people from somewhere else to keep the foundry going good? or did they hire new people do that?
and by adding i mean bugfixes and maps and all that stuff
and honestlywhat was i writing here?
and this is just meand here?
If an author is really and truly good. I mean mother$R%^ $%^&*%^&* %^&*& good. I will donate money so he can buy it. This is ofcourse assuming its c-store only. Which I hope not. I just hope its an option. He better live near me or have paypal though
The problem here is that particular argument is used for absolutely everything they add to the C-Store. "They need money to do it" doesn't go down well when you're paying a monthly sub. Just what, exactly, is that sub paying for?
Anyway, that discussion has been done to death and is for another thread.
I maintain that charging creative people (and lets face it, few people would have the energy, time, or inclination to create more than a few missions) to add more content to your game that may very well be keeping people subbed is, to use a different analogy, cutting your nose off to spite your face.