Yea i own both ships and the guramba is a better ship over all turns better , i do 14k damage with the ray and more often than in the gal and ohh yea it don't miss like the gal X , also i take ships down faster and last alot longer in the destroyer so no u really cant compare the two the guramba is alot better.
Well, from the sound of what people say about it, the Gal X could use a little love. That, however, doesn't change any facts about the Destroyer.
And that 14k damage with the ray? You are most likely losing DPS from that, due to lost time firing plus possibly not running dual cannons 9or less of them) due to turn rate. And if you are running dual cannons are, then due to the turn rate + firing arc and/or transforming. Like the Gal X, the Destroyer needs a bit more work.
I've actually gone with non-disruptors on mine, not taking any points for the purpose of raising javelin damage. Like the ship itself, the Javelin's main use is to look cool. And it doesn't require points spent on it to do that.
When people ask me about it in game though, I do tell them my opinion of the ship, that it looks cool, but a Raptor is better. And even if they don't ask, my ship's name expresses some of my displeasure with Cryptic.
All that said, Cryptic deserves the flak they are getting over this. People were expecting this to be the upgrade for Raptors. They were expecting a 1200 point buy and in game emblem/token. Instead, they get 2k Cryptic points.
And that price, quite frankly, is enough reason for people to be upset. $25 for a single ship is a ripoff. Even if people like me are dumb enough to buy it, since I leveled a character just for it before I knew what it'd cost and I had some points sitting around, that doesn't change what it is. It definitely means I will buy less Cryptic stuff in the future. So something to keep in mind there...even amongst those who bought it there are those whose opinion of Cryptic has suffered due to this.
Well, from the sound of what people say about it, the Gal X could use a little love. That, however, doesn't change any facts about the Destroyer.
And that 14k damage with the ray? You are most likely losing DPS from that, due to lost time firing plus possibly not running dual cannons 9or less of them) due to turn rate. And if you are running dual cannons are, then due to the turn rate + firing arc and/or transforming. Like the Gal X, the Destroyer needs a bit more work.
I've actually gone with non-disruptors on mine, not taking any points for the purpose of raising javelin damage. Like the ship itself, the Javelin's main use is to look cool. And it doesn't require points spent on it to do that.
When people ask me about it in game though, I do tell them my opinion of the ship, that it looks cool, but a Raptor is better. And even if they don't ask, my ship's name expresses some of my displeasure with Cryptic.
All that said, Cryptic deserves the flak they are getting over this. People were expecting this to be the upgrade for Raptors. They were expecting a 1200 point buy and in game emblem/token. Instead, they get 2k Cryptic points.
And that price, quite frankly, is enough reason for people to be upset. $25 for a single ship is a ripoff. Even if people like me are dumb enough to buy it, since I leveled a character just for it before I knew what it'd cost and I had some points sitting around, that doesn't change what it is. It definitely means I will buy less Cryptic stuff in the future.
Maby it helps because i fly the gal-X but i don't have a problem with the delay, also i only use it on large targets like cruisers and again probably cause i fly the Gal-X, i run dual beams and only use the jav after shields are down and yea hit 14k with it. and the least i have hit was like 10k and it hits everytime witch with the gal-x it misses more than it hits.
Well, perhaps STO/Cryptic should also make it a referral bonus for a Guramba, similar to the Galaxy X...
I'm waiting to jump in to play Klingon, but this Guramba ship is turning me off, it looks like one of those ships from Babylon 5 ???
Is this Guramba ship even part of Star Trek hard canon?
Maby it helps because i fly the gal-X but i don't have a problem with the delay, also i only use it on large targets like cruisers and again probably cause i fly the Gal-X, i run dual beams and only use the jav after shields are down and yea hit 14k with it. and the least i have hit was like 10k and it hits everytime witch with the gal-x it misses more than it hits.
Worth noting that the delay on the Gal X is about 1s to the Javelin's 3s.
If you were running DHCs and DCs instead of those dual beams, that damage + the damage loss while the 3s firing animation plays (it'll finish firing things, won't start new ones) and the complete damage loss during the post javelin leave siege mode're doing less damage. The 14k doesn't make up for it.
Matter of fact, for me, each second I'm not firing costs me 5k base DPS from energy weapons, ignoring the reduction from lower power when firing and boost from various buffs that don't impact the Javelin. And the actual DPS loss is higher than that, due to DBBs over dual cannons.
It might be good compared to the Gal X, but that's like saying a kick in the shins is better than getting kicked in the balls. It is still better to not get kicked Although, in this case, it is a cool looking kick.
The Destroyer needs a few more tweaks still.
And even if they do that, $25 for a single ship. Nuts.
Well, perhaps STO/Cryptic should also make it a referral bonus for a Guramba, similar to the Galaxy X...
I'm waiting to jump in to play Klingon, but this Guramba ship is turning me off, it looks like one of those ships from Babylon 5 ???
Is this Guramba ship even part of Star Trek hard canon?
The Garumba and the GX are totally different ships, the GX was a referral reward from when it was introduced and made CStore after the player base wanted to see more of it...many many people bought this ship and like me spent over a month trying to get it to work in pvp to no avail and it now sit's vacant in the ship yard. The Garumba as a referral was an after thought..and after release imho to appease the player base that were furious about it being CStore only.
This generates a catch 22 scenario with me...I had 6 players lined up to give STO a shot in the new year when their SWG subs ran out....each one has now laughed in my face and said no chance. All their descisions made on how the Garumba was released.
There are people out there (me included) who do not wish to pay a monthly subscription AND pay for in game end game use and analogy: compare your ship to a set of armour in a fantasy based MMO. Would your pay nearly 2 months subscription for a new set of armour that had been dangled like a carrot for 3 months (and only to find you had to pay cash for it on the day of release)
And what if the decision was final say 24 hours before (and the fact DStahl's been out sick the last week.) Yes, the DEvs DO communicate a lot (and I think many of us do appreciate that), but:
1) That may not always be possible.
2) The Upper suits see that players want 'pairity' between the factions - so they think: "Hey, the Feds have a $25.00 ship in the C-Store with a similar weapon (Phaser Lance); so here's the KDF faction version.
3) The BEST way to make you voice heard is vote with your wallet and not purchase the item (or if you're so completely outraged, un-subscribe).
And I'm not saying that I want the game to fail because I posted #3 above; I really do like the game, and want it to succeed (as evidenced by the fact I have an LTS) - that said; #3 is usually the ONLY 'bottom line' communication that a customer can make that the upper suits pay any attention to. Raging on te forum does very little as I think (if you spoke to the memebers of the Dev team and Dstahl personally; they would AGREE that items like ships should be attainable by in game means as well; but in the end the final decision as to what item goes where, and hell, even the cost is not their decision - they can lobby for things, but in the end - marketing and the guys who control the books and the game budget have the final say.)
Pretty much this post FTW. Let's be honest now...if they had announced six weeks ago that the ship was going to set you back $25 USD, the resulting forum posts would have been exactly the same. If you're mad about the cost (and it is very high) say so. But don't pretend to "take the high road" while doing so. If you have an issue with something, be upfront about it.
Typical Cryptic marketing desaster. For me it again shows that the Atari marketing department is the diving force behind STO, DSTahl may have some choices, but in the end it comes down to the Marketing guys as we see again.
Typical Cryptic marketing desaster. For me it again shows that the Atari marketing department is the diving force behind STO, DSTahl may have some choices, but in the end it comes down to the Marketing guys as we see again.
as a side note... I tried this ship on tribble, didn't like it, wouldn't use it even if it were free.:D:p
I'll be honest. That price is sick. We all have to pay to play this game. It's not like we are playing for free and they are using the C-Store to fund the game. We all pay to play (or did once with a lifetime and as long as we have to pay to play we shouldn't be forced to spend the cost of a new game to just get new content.
I think Cryptic is a little confused on the difference between pay to play and free to play.
I am all for selling a few bonus things or quality of life items in the store, like Character slots or name changes.
But when you keep putting the new content items in the store....I wonder why we are paying a sub.
Everything that is in the store, except things like name changes and character slots, should be gainable in game. If from accolades, tokens, time played...whatever. We shouldn't be expected to pay for content we are already paying for in our subs. We shouldn't even be asked.
I don't want to see the game fail, but we have to draw the line somewhere.
I hear the ship is a menace, and if what I have heard/seen is accurate then people are actually paying 20 bucks for an in-game advantage. That, to me, is a big no-no. Cosmetics or things that don't give anyone an upperhand are fine. But how well you can do in-game should never be defined by how much you can spend. Even if I can afford to buy advantages, it ruins the game to make it so.
I hear the ship is a menace, and if what I have heard/seen is accurate then people are actually paying 20 bucks for an in-game advantage. That, to me, is a big no-no. Cosmetics or things that don't give anyone an upperhand are fine. But how well you can do in-game should never be defined by how much you can spend. Even if I can afford to buy advantages, it ruins the game to make it so.
I've yet to hear anyone say that. What I have heard, and it matches my experience, is that it is subpar to the Raptor. Not by much, but worse. I have heard one person say it is effective when used in a pre-built group based around using it, but even that person didn't claim it was better than Raptors, just not worse in such a situation. For PUGs, the same player said definitely worse.
Beyond that, you get the occasional person mentioning big hits with the Javelin, but they typically fail to take into account lost DPS from the time during the charge animation and the subsequent leaving of siege mode, as well as DPS lost due to mounting lower DPS weapons with a wider firing arc to compensate for the slower turn rate in Siege Mode.
Mmm, you guys do realize that by saying the Guramba is inferior to the Raptor, is saying the Raptor is also superior (however slightly) to the Fleet Escort?
As for myself
I my Guramba
Also, Im not completely convinced, but I believe switching modes breaks tractorlocks.
Mmm, you guys do realize that by saying the Guramba is inferior to the Raptor, is saying the Raptor is also superior (however slightly) to the Fleet Escort?
My evaluation of the gurumba on tribble was:
+ it spins.
+ it looks very cool.
+++ it has an extremely useful ensign/engineering BO slot
~ it does something funky, but not particularly clear whether that's useful.
--- it does not have a cloak
--- it has slightly less hull than a raptor, with no obvious shielding advantage.
it has 2 engineering consoles, and no turn bonus
- in "escort mode" it sucks.
- in "siege mode" it's not clear that it does anything useful.
My evaluation of the gurumba on tribble was:
+ it spins.
+ it looks very cool.
+++ it has an extremely useful ensign/engineering BO slot
~ it does something funky, but not particularly clear whether that's useful.
--- it does not have a cloak
--- it has slightly less hull than a raptor, with no obvious shielding advantage.
it has 2 engineering consoles, and no turn bonus
- in "escort mode" it sucks.
- in "siege mode" it's not clear that it does anything useful.
So.. 1 Enginineering console is the difference between
"Better than Raptor"
Its more or less identical to a Fleet Escort (and we all remember how many KDF players were all upset about the Raptors useless ensign slot, and how the Fed escorts were FAR superior) except for that one console.
So.. Again
If you say the Raptor is superior to the Guramba, then youre also saying the Raptor is superior to the Fleet Escort.. And since few people fly Raptors (since BOPs are the better ship) - So, youre actually indirectly suggesting the BOP is superior to any Fed escort?
Lets try using your balance sheet above for a comparison between the Assault Cruiser and the Vor'Cha
+ it looks very cool.
++ it has an useful ensign/tactical BO slot
it does not have a cloak
it cannot equip cannons, and have very low turn rate
So.. 1 Enginineering console is the difference between
"Better than Raptor"
For me, yes (whether it would be 'better' depends on how you rate cloaking vs the engineering BO - I suspect in arena cloak is better, and in C&H the engineering BO is preferable).
For me:
- 1 engineering console is +35% base turn rate. In an escort dogfight that means you get guns on target more often than your opponent does.
- 1 engineering console is +X% hull resists. Given the poor hull healing available to the escort 'natively', hull resists are worth more than on a ship with excess hull healing.
- 1 engineering console is a +105% eps console. If you happen to use BO3, that's a very good thing .
I can't speak for everyone, just me. In my hands, the gumbo is inferior to the raptor entirely because of the missing engineering console.
Its more or less identical to a Fleet Escort (and we all remember how many KDF players were all upset about the Raptors useless ensign slot, and how the Fed escorts were FAR superior) except for that one console.
I have the memory of a sieve, and I went awol a month after release - I don't really know what's changed between the ships.
In today's pvp, the fleet escort is a ship I'd like to have the option of flying as a klink. (the defiant is more popular, but fleet escorts are surprisingly tough - and losing my 3rd copy of TAC team would be a good thing).
If you say the Raptor is superior to the Guramba, then youre also saying the Raptor is superior to the Fleet Escort.. And since few people fly Raptors (since BOPs are the better ship) - So, youre actually indirectly suggesting the BOP is superior to any Fed escort?
/shrug. I don't fly a bop, but my raptor certainly outdamages the vast majority of bops without even trying. (my post elsewhere suggested 'toning down' the bop but was not well received).
For me, yes (whether it would be 'better' depends on how you rate cloaking vs the engineering BO - I suspect in arena cloak is better, and in C&H the engineering BO is preferable).
For me:
- 1 engineering console is +35% base turn rate. In an escort dogfight that means you get guns on target more often than your opponent does.
- 1 engineering console is +X% hull resists. Given the poor hull healing available to the escort 'natively', hull resists are worth more than on a ship with excess hull healing.
- 1 engineering console is a +105% eps console. If you happen to use BO3, that's a very good thing .
I can't speak for everyone, just me. In my hands, the gumbo is inferior to the raptor entirely because of the missing engineering console.
I have the memory of a sieve, and I went awol a month after release - I don't really know what's changed between the ships.
In today's pvp, the fleet escort is a ship I'd like to have the option of flying as a klink. (the defiant is more popular, but fleet escorts are surprisingly tough - and losing my 3rd copy of TAC team would be a good thing).
/shrug. I don't fly a bop, but my raptor certainly outdamages the vast majority of bops without even trying. (my post elsewhere suggested 'toning down' the bop but was not well received).
TBH, "toning down" will never be well recieved.. The reason you outdamage the BOPs is because they are set up for a stun-spike, while you spike "normally"..
You have Cmd/LtC/En Tac while they use Cmd Tac, LtC/Lt Sci, Lt Eng
I hear the ship is a menace, and if what I have heard/seen is accurate then people are actually paying 20 bucks for an in-game advantage. That, to me, is a big no-no. Cosmetics or things that don't give anyone an upperhand are fine. But how well you can do in-game should never be defined by how much you can spend. Even if I can afford to buy advantages, it ruins the game to make it so.
I've yet to hear anyone say that. What I have heard, and it matches my experience, is that it is subpar to the Raptor. Not by much, but worse. I have heard one person say it is effective when used in a pre-built group based around using it, but even that person didn't claim it was better than Raptors, just not worse in such a situation. For PUGs, the same player said definitely worse.
Beyond that, you get the occasional person mentioning big hits with the Javelin, but they typically fail to take into account lost DPS from the time during the charge animation and the subsequent leaving of siege mode, as well as DPS lost due to mounting lower DPS weapons with a wider firing arc to compensate for the slower turn rate in Siege Mode.
Its hardly a menace or an advantage that can be bought from the C-store.
Its fun to fly but its not near good enough to cry OP. Hell, I couldn't even successfully complete the Tralleius Satelitte mission in EESB with this ship and thats a simple mission that Iv'e done several times before without error.
The sense of entitlement I get from many of the forum users here never ceases to amaze me...and I used to work on cars that cost more money than we'll ever see in a lifetime.
No notification? As was previously mentioned, Dstahl has been out sick. Like the rest of us, he is human, and things like this happen. Add to this the fact that, like everyone, he has a boss, and you begin to realize that all the raging here simply proves that no one on these forums has the entire picture. So, please, stop acting like you do, and please stop assuming the worst when you have no idea what's going on.
Furthermore, you can sit there and rage, rant, scream, and generally throw temper tantrums, but ultimately, you have only yourself to blame if you bought the ship without trying it, then ended up not liking it. The test server is free to use, so if $20 is a lot of money to you, be a smart consumer. Try it first, and if you don't like it, don't buy it.
That said, $20. Wow. That's less money than I spend each month filling my bike with gas, and it gets almost 60mpg average. $20 really is not a vast sum of money. If you're really that broke, you probably shouldn't be spending 20 bucks on video-game stuff, or even 10 bucks if it were cheaper. I fail to see how 10 bucks is that big a difference.
Long story short, if you don't like it, don't buy it. But please spare us the temper tantrums; it's something we could all do without. If you want to change things in the game, positive reinforcement and genuine constructive criticism will get you much further.
Mmm, you guys do realize that by saying the Guramba is inferior to the Raptor, is saying the Raptor is also superior (however slightly) to the Fleet Escort?
That is irrelevant. Doubly so since you won't find people saying Raptors are overpowered.
I can tell you, however, that the Guramba is also slightly inferior to the T5 Escorts. And that for PvE, I'd rate the Fleet Escort as being superior to the Raptor, though for PvP, I'd rather have access to cloak.
As for myself
I my Guramba
I like mine as well. And, for that matter, there are people that like their Gal-Xs.
However, even though I like it, I still believe it is slightly weaker than is should be. Close, but not quite there. The ship needs to turn better in siege mode than it does (though still worse than normal), but should have a self snare so as to keep the downside about the same. This would be a change in the nature of the penalty, not the overall amount of it. The Javelin attack needs a shorter charge animation, so that it is worth using in PvE and more useful in PvP.
Overall, close, but not quite there. And if you are charging $25 for something, it had better be there (and this applies to the Gal X as well, for those Fed side). And should probably have an additional out of combat, quality of life bonus as well, but I'm willing to let that slide for coolness factor.
Also, Im not completely convinced, but I believe switching modes breaks tractorlocks.
If it does, that would be a bug in all likelihood. Wouldn't be the only one, there's a couple of other siege mode related bugs I've found, though not ones the use of which would qualify as exploiting.
Edit: just tested it. Got tractor beamed by a Romulan ship, changed out of siege mode. Was still tractored. So going to say no, it does not.
This was a long time before the Enzo was produced; I can't remember exactly what year this was, off the top of my head, but the F50's production run had just ended a year or two prior. The F355, 550, and 456M GT were in production at the time.
I'll be honest. That price is sick. We all have to pay to play this game. It's not like we are playing for free and they are using the C-Store to fund the game. We all pay to play (or did once with a lifetime and as long as we have to pay to play we shouldn't be forced to spend the cost of a new game to just get new content.
I think Cryptic is a little confused on the difference between pay to play and free to play.
I am all for selling a few bonus things or quality of life items in the store, like Character slots or name changes.
But when you keep putting the new content items in the store....I wonder why we are paying a sub.
Everything that is in the store, except things like name changes and character slots, should be gainable in game. If from accolades, tokens, time played...whatever. We shouldn't be expected to pay for content we are already paying for in our subs. We shouldn't even be asked.
I don't want to see the game fail, but we have to draw the line somewhere.
I hear the ship is a menace, and if what I have heard/seen is accurate then people are actually paying 20 bucks for an in-game advantage. That, to me, is a big no-no. Cosmetics or things that don't give anyone an upperhand are fine. But how well you can do in-game should never be defined by how much you can spend. Even if I can afford to buy advantages, it ruins the game to make it so.
THIS! OMG THIS! I have always felt that the micro-transacting would not be successful in the American market because we don't want to have elite items only on the c-store, it creates a pay to win feeling that I despise as do others I'm sure. However it doesn't even feel like pay to win for most c-store ships because they mostly fail to measure up with the only exception being the Excelsior. So instead of pay to win which players dislike for its discrimination against the poor people who can't afford cryptic points, we get this pay to fail stuff? Seriously Cryptic WTF Mate?
Was looking forward to this ship, Havnt been on in a few weeks got kind of bored so was waiting
for this ship to drop to check it out but now since ive logged on and found out that it is only C-store
available thats it for me Ive cancelled my sub and will be moving on to something else so all my
friends out there it was a blast and I will miss you, Hope the best for all of you and good hunting.
Hey Tiyshen I'd like to know what he said, thanks bro!
you might want to remove that line!
you could end up getting 10 Infraction Points that never expire and a week ban from the forums, for "discussing disciplinary actions in public"... blah blah blah.
on topic:
This is exactly the kind of slap in the face i hoped we had evolved away from...
Cryptic you can keep your Polygons, i will keep my money.
'nuf said.
...i allready got my +10 infractions from speaking my mind.
Well, from the sound of what people say about it, the Gal X could use a little love. That, however, doesn't change any facts about the Destroyer.
And that 14k damage with the ray? You are most likely losing DPS from that, due to lost time firing plus possibly not running dual cannons 9or less of them) due to turn rate. And if you are running dual cannons are, then due to the turn rate + firing arc and/or transforming. Like the Gal X, the Destroyer needs a bit more work.
I've actually gone with non-disruptors on mine, not taking any points for the purpose of raising javelin damage. Like the ship itself, the Javelin's main use is to look cool. And it doesn't require points spent on it to do that.
When people ask me about it in game though, I do tell them my opinion of the ship, that it looks cool, but a Raptor is better. And even if they don't ask, my ship's name expresses some of my displeasure with Cryptic.
All that said, Cryptic deserves the flak they are getting over this. People were expecting this to be the upgrade for Raptors. They were expecting a 1200 point buy and in game emblem/token. Instead, they get 2k Cryptic points.
And that price, quite frankly, is enough reason for people to be upset. $25 for a single ship is a ripoff. Even if people like me are dumb enough to buy it, since I leveled a character just for it before I knew what it'd cost and I had some points sitting around, that doesn't change what it is. It definitely means I will buy less Cryptic stuff in the future. So something to keep in mind there...even amongst those who bought it there are those whose opinion of Cryptic has suffered due to this.
Maby it helps because i fly the gal-X but i don't have a problem with the delay, also i only use it on large targets like cruisers and again probably cause i fly the Gal-X, i run dual beams and only use the jav after shields are down and yea hit 14k with it. and the least i have hit was like 10k and it hits everytime witch with the gal-x it misses more than it hits.
I'm waiting to jump in to play Klingon, but this Guramba ship is turning me off, it looks like one of those ships from Babylon 5 ???
Is this Guramba ship even part of Star Trek hard canon?
Worth noting that the delay on the Gal X is about 1s to the Javelin's 3s.
If you were running DHCs and DCs instead of those dual beams, that damage + the damage loss while the 3s firing animation plays (it'll finish firing things, won't start new ones) and the complete damage loss during the post javelin leave siege mode're doing less damage. The 14k doesn't make up for it.
Matter of fact, for me, each second I'm not firing costs me 5k base DPS from energy weapons, ignoring the reduction from lower power when firing and boost from various buffs that don't impact the Javelin. And the actual DPS loss is higher than that, due to DBBs over dual cannons.
It might be good compared to the Gal X, but that's like saying a kick in the shins is better than getting kicked in the balls. It is still better to not get kicked
The Destroyer needs a few more tweaks still.
And even if they do that, $25 for a single ship. Nuts.
The Garumba and the GX are totally different ships, the GX was a referral reward from when it was introduced and made CStore after the player base wanted to see more of it...many many people bought this ship and like me spent over a month trying to get it to work in pvp to no avail and it now sit's vacant in the ship yard. The Garumba as a referral was an after thought..and after release imho to appease the player base that were furious about it being CStore only.
This generates a catch 22 scenario with me...I had 6 players lined up to give STO a shot in the new year when their SWG subs ran out....each one has now laughed in my face and said no chance. All their descisions made on how the Garumba was released.
There are people out there (me included) who do not wish to pay a monthly subscription AND pay for in game end game use and analogy: compare your ship to a set of armour in a fantasy based MMO. Would your pay nearly 2 months subscription for a new set of armour that had been dangled like a carrot for 3 months (and only to find you had to pay cash for it on the day of release)
Pretty much this post FTW. Let's be honest now...if they had announced six weeks ago that the ship was going to set you back $25 USD, the resulting forum posts would have been exactly the same. If you're mad about the cost (and it is very high) say so. But don't pretend to "take the high road" while doing so. If you have an issue with something, be upfront about it.
as a side note... I tried this ship on tribble, didn't like it, wouldn't use it even if it were free.:D:p
I think Cryptic is a little confused on the difference between pay to play and free to play.
I am all for selling a few bonus things or quality of life items in the store, like Character slots or name changes.
But when you keep putting the new content items in the store....I wonder why we are paying a sub.
Everything that is in the store, except things like name changes and character slots, should be gainable in game. If from accolades, tokens, time played...whatever. We shouldn't be expected to pay for content we are already paying for in our subs. We shouldn't even be asked.
I don't want to see the game fail, but we have to draw the line somewhere.
I hear the ship is a menace, and if what I have heard/seen is accurate then people are actually paying 20 bucks for an in-game advantage. That, to me, is a big no-no. Cosmetics or things that don't give anyone an upperhand are fine. But how well you can do in-game should never be defined by how much you can spend. Even if I can afford to buy advantages, it ruins the game to make it so.
I've yet to hear anyone say that. What I have heard, and it matches my experience, is that it is subpar to the Raptor. Not by much, but worse. I have heard one person say it is effective when used in a pre-built group based around using it, but even that person didn't claim it was better than Raptors, just not worse in such a situation. For PUGs, the same player said definitely worse.
Beyond that, you get the occasional person mentioning big hits with the Javelin, but they typically fail to take into account lost DPS from the time during the charge animation and the subsequent leaving of siege mode, as well as DPS lost due to mounting lower DPS weapons with a wider firing arc to compensate for the slower turn rate in Siege Mode.
As for myself
Also, Im not completely convinced, but I believe switching modes breaks tractorlocks.
My evaluation of the gurumba on tribble was:
+ it spins.
+ it looks very cool.
+++ it has an extremely useful ensign/engineering BO slot
~ it does something funky, but not particularly clear whether that's useful.
--- it does not have a cloak
--- it has slightly less hull than a raptor, with no obvious shielding advantage.
it has 2 engineering consoles, and no turn bonus
- in "escort mode" it sucks.
- in "siege mode" it's not clear that it does anything useful.
So.. 1 Enginineering console is the difference between
"Better than Raptor"
Its more or less identical to a Fleet Escort (and we all remember how many KDF players were all upset about the Raptors useless ensign slot, and how the Fed escorts were FAR superior) except for that one console.
So.. Again
If you say the Raptor is superior to the Guramba, then youre also saying the Raptor is superior to the Fleet Escort.. And since few people fly Raptors (since BOPs are the better ship) - So, youre actually indirectly suggesting the BOP is superior to any Fed escort?
Lets try using your balance sheet above for a comparison between the Assault Cruiser and the Vor'Cha
+ it looks very cool.
++ it has an useful ensign/tactical BO slot
it does not have a cloak
it cannot equip cannons, and have very low turn rate
Obvious strawman arguements are obvious.
Guramba is fine.
For me, yes (whether it would be 'better' depends on how you rate cloaking vs the engineering BO - I suspect in arena cloak is better, and in C&H the engineering BO is preferable).
For me:
- 1 engineering console is +35% base turn rate. In an escort dogfight that means you get guns on target more often than your opponent does.
- 1 engineering console is +X% hull resists. Given the poor hull healing available to the escort 'natively', hull resists are worth more than on a ship with excess hull healing.
- 1 engineering console is a +105% eps console. If you happen to use BO3, that's a very good thing
I can't speak for everyone, just me. In my hands, the gumbo is inferior to the raptor entirely because of the missing engineering console.
I have the memory of a sieve, and I went awol a month after release - I don't really know what's changed between the ships.
In today's pvp, the fleet escort is a ship I'd like to have the option of flying as a klink. (the defiant is more popular, but fleet escorts are surprisingly tough - and losing my 3rd copy of TAC team would be a good thing).
/shrug. I don't fly a bop, but my raptor certainly outdamages the vast majority of bops without even trying. (my post elsewhere suggested 'toning down' the bop but was not well received).
TBH, "toning down" will never be well recieved.. The reason you outdamage the BOPs is because they are set up for a stun-spike, while you spike "normally"..
You have Cmd/LtC/En Tac while they use Cmd Tac, LtC/Lt Sci, Lt Eng
Its hardly a menace or an advantage that can be bought from the C-store.
Its fun to fly but its not near good enough to cry OP. Hell, I couldn't even successfully complete the Tralleius Satelitte mission in EESB with this ship and thats a simple mission that Iv'e done several times before without error.
No notification? As was previously mentioned, Dstahl has been out sick. Like the rest of us, he is human, and things like this happen. Add to this the fact that, like everyone, he has a boss, and you begin to realize that all the raging here simply proves that no one on these forums has the entire picture. So, please, stop acting like you do, and please stop assuming the worst when you have no idea what's going on.
Furthermore, you can sit there and rage, rant, scream, and generally throw temper tantrums, but ultimately, you have only yourself to blame if you bought the ship without trying it, then ended up not liking it. The test server is free to use, so if $20 is a lot of money to you, be a smart consumer. Try it first, and if you don't like it, don't buy it.
That said, $20. Wow. That's less money than I spend each month filling my bike with gas, and it gets almost 60mpg average. $20 really is not a vast sum of money. If you're really that broke, you probably shouldn't be spending 20 bucks on video-game stuff, or even 10 bucks if it were cheaper. I fail to see how 10 bucks is that big a difference.
Long story short, if you don't like it, don't buy it. But please spare us the temper tantrums; it's something we could all do without. If you want to change things in the game, positive reinforcement and genuine constructive criticism will get you much further.
Just my 2 Energy Credits.
That is irrelevant. Doubly so since you won't find people saying Raptors are overpowered.
I can tell you, however, that the Guramba is also slightly inferior to the T5 Escorts. And that for PvE, I'd rate the Fleet Escort as being superior to the Raptor, though for PvP, I'd rather have access to cloak.
I like mine as well. And, for that matter, there are people that like their Gal-Xs.
However, even though I like it, I still believe it is slightly weaker than is should be. Close, but not quite there. The ship needs to turn better in siege mode than it does (though still worse than normal), but should have a self snare so as to keep the downside about the same. This would be a change in the nature of the penalty, not the overall amount of it. The Javelin attack needs a shorter charge animation, so that it is worth using in PvE and more useful in PvP.
Overall, close, but not quite there. And if you are charging $25 for something, it had better be there (and this applies to the Gal X as well, for those Fed side). And should probably have an additional out of combat, quality of life bonus as well, but I'm willing to let that slide for coolness factor.
If it does, that would be a bug in all likelihood. Wouldn't be the only one, there's a couple of other siege mode related bugs I've found, though not ones the use of which would qualify as exploiting.
Edit: just tested it. Got tractor beamed by a Romulan ship, changed out of siege mode. Was still tractored. So going to say no, it does not.
Rolls, Bentley or something way more exotic?
I am so jealous. Ferrari's are excellent machines to play with, was it an Enzo Ferrari?
Hey Tiyshen I'd like to know what he said, thanks bro!
THIS! OMG THIS! I have always felt that the micro-transacting would not be successful in the American market because we don't want to have elite items only on the c-store, it creates a pay to win feeling that I despise as do others I'm sure. However it doesn't even feel like pay to win for most c-store ships because they mostly fail to measure up with the only exception being the Excelsior. So instead of pay to win which players dislike for its discrimination against the poor people who can't afford cryptic points, we get this pay to fail stuff? Seriously Cryptic WTF Mate?
for this ship to drop to check it out but now since ive logged on and found out that it is only C-store
available thats it for me Ive cancelled my sub and will be moving on to something else so all my
friends out there it was a blast and I will miss you, Hope the best for all of you and good hunting.
you might want to remove that line!
you could end up getting 10 Infraction Points that never expire and a week ban from the forums, for "discussing disciplinary actions in public"... blah blah blah.
on topic:
This is exactly the kind of slap in the face i hoped we had evolved away from...
Cryptic you can keep your Polygons, i will keep my money.
'nuf said.
...i allready got my +10 infractions from speaking my mind.