So the ship finally makes it live and what do i find? Its not available through ANY in game means, despite the fact a few weeks ago Dstahl told me on TTS it was going to be available for a ship token and some kind of emblem/mark, and then to add to the insult they price it at 2000 CP, more than ANY other end game ship released so far (except Gal X but the high price on that was supposedly because it was origionally referal only).
I find this a complete kick in the teeth to Klingon faction, not only do we have to put up with massivly less content than Feds but now were expected to pay more than teh feds have had to pay for end game ships, its a complete disgrace and for me is the final straw, i will not support a company that shows such extreem greed and willingness to lie to its playerbase.
So the ship finally makes it live and what do i find? Its not available through ANY in game means, despite the fact a few weeks ago Dstahl told me on TTS it was going to be available for a ship token and some kind of emblem/mark, and then to add to the insult they price it at 2000 CP, more than ANY other end game ship released so far (except Gal X but the high price on that was supposedly because it was origionally referal only).
I find this a complete kick in the teeth to Klingon faction, not only do we have to put up with massivly less content than Feds but now were expected to pay more than teh feds have had to pay for end game ships, its a complete disgrace and for me is the final straw, i will not support a company that shows such extreem greed and willingness to lie to its playerbase.
I can almost guarantee that this is because of the Fed whine that took over the official thread that complained this ship was better than the Gal X.
I'm sorry you burned your CP, next time try it on test before you buy it on live. Sorry if that makes you mad, but if you had tried it first you'd see what I've been saying about what a PoS it is.
And then on top of it, if you make any purchase on C-Store you may not even be able to access the item you purchased. But they'll take your C-Store points.
since the Gal - x pretty much sucked and I never use it... can I trade it in on this ship? Come on flexible..ive spent a good deal of stop milking us like cereal and hook us up
Seems a bit much when other ships are only 1200 and if there is no other way to get it other than to buy it, ouch.
I don't normally say anything about prices for things in the store, but 2000 CP is pretty heavy for that and on top of that it is not an iconic ship either to my recollection.
Oh well, people will either buy or not buy it as they choose, but just the same, probably could sell a lot more for the 1200 pt value than the 2000 and not of made a lot of people irritated in the process.
It is just a ship. If you really want the newest shinest ship out there spend the credits. Otherwise, continue to hone your skills in your current ship. If its anything like the Gal-x, it does not turn on a dime and the javelin has a long cool down as well.
Also, like stated in other posts, this is not a REFIT. It is a brand new ship by terms of the game. It's basically the Gal-x equivalent. Continue to fly your Bop's and you will continue to kill feds.
It is just a ship. If you really want the newest shinest ship out there spend the credits. Otherwise, continue to hone your skills in your current ship. If its anything like the Gal-x, it does not turn on a dime and the javelin has a long cool down as well.
Also, like stated in other posts, this is not a REFIT. It is a brand new ship by terms of the game. It's basically the Gal-x equivalent. Continue to fly your Bop's and you will continue to kill feds.
It is not the Gal X equivalent, have you even tested the ship? The only thing it has in common with the Gal X is they have a similar (but not even equal) style of "death ray" special ability.
The complaint is that this is now a C-store only ship and it was never advertised as such. It would have been a perfect time to do so oh I don't - back when this post this post was made. Not the day of its release.
While at one time there was talk of the Nausicaan ship being one of the new LG ships (when I was skeptical about a BOP that could fire while cloaked), it was eventually replaced with the B'rel.
I believe this put the Nausicaan ship down to a Level 41 ship that is now coming out in December once they have time to finish all the crazy animations on that thing.
Im not surprised that Cryptic made this move. They saw that the Gal-X worked for the Feds in C-Store, so it was logical to try the same move here.
What hey did took into account is the lack of content we already have and that they promised more content. For me they broke their promis and shoew that hey are again untrustworthy with this ship and my subsricption will not be renewed when it runs out.
Indeed , but the sales IMO were quite hig when I remeber the early days after the ships was put up.
true hawks, many people bought it, they expected it to be a game changing ship and were greatly disappointed it wasnt. I purchased it tested it and liked the fact it was not over powered, it was a different kind of ship for sure, and you have to fly and fight with it, very differently then you normally do any other cruiser. It added to my enjoyment and was a lot of fun.
But this destroyer? now this is a horse of a diff color. Sure others will whine, complain cry foul, etc. Listen folks, If I ever got that upset over a game I would have it deleted so fast off my computer it make the manufacturers head spin. That kind of silliness just is not worth it. Far, far to many other games out there to enjoy without aggrovation.
That being said, I tested and flew the Destroyer on the test servers. Whoa.... now THIS is a ship. It can move, I was running 42.8K hull hp's, 10.8ishK shields and this little beastie in normal mode was a pretty viscous escort, and it had HP'S! WOOHOOO. ITs gimmick weapon, the disruptor lance, holy TRIBBLE... now why cant the Gx phaser lance hit like this rascal? 11.7K base damage, I nearly one shotted a borg cube equal level to me in a STF with it, blew his shield facing down AND ripped his health down to 32% on a crit. I sat there blinking at the screen in disbelief and said.... "Oh yeah! my Gx never could do that, WHOS NEXT!!!!" and had sooo much fun flying this little monstrosity.
so will I ever purchase this for the 2k points. Unlike the Gx, yeah this little rat might just be worth it. You have to fly it way differently then you do a normal escort, and your attack strategy. Like the Gx, which you have to treat a bit like a big escort to make it work well, hit and run tactics. It can be used but it is something you have to master. This ship is no different. It is a ship that folks will have to master.
Now, the issue of it being unfair? looking around team, don't think any of us got invited to the CEO board meeting, sooooo that should explain a few things. Face it, they are a company to make money, period. WE are the folks who are buyin their product. Is it fair that this is a Cstore only ship? Well that is personal opinion. But lets not our own opinions degrade into personal attacks and let our typed words match the iq of our shoe size either.
While I would say even Dstahl would of like to done something one way, He too has a boss to report to and can get overruled, if he likes it or not. So lets cut everyone including each other some slack and breath folks.
While I would say even Dstahl would of like to done something one way, He too has a boss to report to and can get overruled, if he likes it or not. So lets cut everyone including each other some slack and breath folks.
>GASP< A voice of REASON... HERE?!?!? How can this be?! :eek:
Yeah, I have to agree with you on this. Although dissappointing for those of us who really WANTED the ship, but are currently cash poor right now (4 kids, christmas...), I don't see what all the fuss is about. It never fails to amaze me just how EXPLOSIVE some nerds can be!
Personally, I have always been the laid back, do your own thing nerd... :cool:
I think a lot of the peeps here are RAGE NERDS :mad: that probably got many a wedgie in school for loving Star Trek. LOL
This has been heard loud and clear and Jack and I have been in some discussions this week where we continue to work on the deal that items in the C-Store need to be available for in game currency. (he and I both agree about big functional items being available for some type of in-game exchange)
The Excelsior was a half-step and now we need to put both feet in. I'm hoping the Nebula can be in game as well as in store. The in game way to get it might not be cake - but at least it will be something.
But, even if the above ended up being unrealistic, things could have probably happened with less anger and rage on the forum (mind you there will always be some) if this discussion had happened before the day the ship was released. Nothing was ever said that made it clear this ship would be C-store only. After the Excelsior we were led to believe these kinds of things wouldn't happen again, now they did and they did without a dialogue.
You can argue that they don't "owe" us a dialogue, but that mentality is short sighted. If they want anyone to actually continue giving them money they are going to have to considering things like this as bad for business. There is a reason Cryptic has gotten a bad name on sites like MMORPG. I was once an ardent defender of them back in the days of the CO lifetime sub offer fiasco, but after so many of these same "mistakes" I can't defend their behavior.
25 U.S. dollars for some polygons and a shiny laser? That's not even iconic? I'm not biting.
Dstahls previous words led me to believe that after the excelsior, all ships, fed and kling, would have a way to earn them in game.
As much as I want to be disappointing and upset though, it's kind of hard when it comes to Cryptic. They've been playing fast and loose since launch. After a while it's like I can either continue to get mad at them or just except that when a greedy opportunity presents itself, they'll take advantage of it.
Sadly, that's the reputation that they are comfortable with, regardless of feedback. Or they just don't care. I'm not sure what good this thread will do.
I have to agree with the KDF. 1, the Gal-X is bested by basically EVERY SINGLE SHIP IN THE GAME. And 2, IT IS NOT ABLE TO BE GAINED THROUGH THE REFERRAL SYSTEM.
It is a big rip-off for people playing the game. A lot of people wanted this ship and some where saving their tokens for it, but not that has all gone to waste. It should AT LEAST be able to be gained through some other means. Maybe a special reward for completing an accolade or group of accolades?
Originally Posted by dstahl View Post
This has been heard loud and clear and Jack and I have been in some discussions this week where we continue to work on the deal that items in the C-Store need to be available for in game currency. (he and I both agree about big functional items being available for some type of in-game exchange)
The Excelsior was a half-step and now we need to put both feet in. I'm hoping the Nebula can be in game as well as in store. The in game way to get it might not be cake - but at least it will be something.
This whole post you keep posting is not a promise the stuff in red means they are hopeful and talking about it. not a definite yes that will happen.
I know you are all upset over this but if you look at both sides of this they did say this was going in the c-store, and you cant charge 2000 for one ship with like powers and not that for another one with the same powers.
Also if you relay want to compare the 2 ships Gal-X and this one this one blows that Gal out of the water.
This has been heard loud and clear and Jack and I have been in some discussions this week where we continue to work on the deal that items in the C-Store need to be available for in game currency. (he and I both agree about big functional items being available for some type of in-game exchange)
The Excelsior was a half-step and now we need to put both feet in. I'm hoping the Nebula can be in game as well as in store. The in game way to get it might not be cake - but at least it will be something.
This whole post you keep posting is not a promise the stuff in red means they are hopeful and talking about it. not a definite yes that will happen.
I know you are all upset over this but if you look at both sides of this they did say this was going in the c-store, and you cant charge 2000 for one ship with like powers and not that for another one with the same powers.
Also if you relay want to compare the 2 ships Gal-X and this one this one blows that Gal out of the water.
You don't seem to really understand the problem here. It is not that this ship is in the C-store or really even the price. The problem is the failure to communicate that this was going to be a C-store only ship. It is what upset people about the Excelsior and prompted the comments made by Dstahl above. It should have been a no brainer to let everyone know that it was going to be C-store only once that decision had been made, not the date the ship released. Once again we are lead to believe one thing during the process then faced with a completely different reality after the fact.
As for comparing the Gal X and the Guramba, you clearly didn't test this ship. The two ships cannot be compared, even the way their "death rays" work is different.
You don't seem to really understand the problem here. It is not that this ship is in the C-store or really even the price. The problem is the failure to communicate that this was going to be a C-store only ship. It is what upset people about the Excelsior and prompted the comments made by Dstahl above. It should have been a no brainer to let everyone know that it was going to be C-store only once that decision had been made, not the date the ship released. Once again we are lead to believe one thing during the process then faced with a completely different reality after the fact.
As for comparing the Gal X and the Guramba, you clearly didn't test this ship. The two ships cannot be compared, even the way their "death rays" work is different.
And what if the decision was final say 24 hours before (and the fact DStahl's been out sick the last week.) Yes, the DEvs DO communicate a lot (and I think many of us do appreciate that), but:
1) That may not always be possible.
2) The Upper suits see that players want 'pairity' between the factions - so they think: "Hey, the Feds have a $25.00 ship in the C-Store with a similar weapon (Phaser Lance); so here's the KDF faction version.
3) The BEST way to make you voice heard is vote with your wallet and not purchase the item (or if you're so completely outraged, un-subscribe).
And I'm not saying that I want the game to fail because I posted #3 above; I really do like the game, and want it to succeed (as evidenced by the fact I have an LTS) - that said; #3 is usually the ONLY 'bottom line' communication that a customer can make that the upper suits pay any attention to. Raging on te forum does very little as I think (if you spoke to the memebers of the Dev team and Dstahl personally; they would AGREE that items like ships should be attainable by in game means as well; but in the end the final decision as to what item goes where, and hell, even the cost is not their decision - they can lobby for things, but in the end - marketing and the guys who control the books and the game budget have the final say.)
You don't seem to really understand the problem here. It is not that this ship is in the C-store or really even the price. The problem is the failure to communicate that this was going to be a C-store only ship. It is what upset people about the Excelsior and prompted the comments made by Dstahl above. It should have been a no brainer to let everyone know that it was going to be C-store only once that decision had been made, not the date the ship released. Once again we are lead to believe one thing during the process then faced with a completely different reality after the fact.
As for comparing the Gal X and the Guramba, you clearly didn't test this ship. The two ships cannot be compared, even the way their "death rays" work is different.
Yea i own both ships and the guramba is a better ship over all turns better , i do 14k damage with the ray and more often than in the gal and ohh yea it don't miss like the gal X , also i take ships down faster and last alot longer in the destroyer so no u really cant compare the two the guramba is alot better.
As for the c-store only thing they are talking about it being a 5 person referral thing so we will see, and as far as not not tell you that it it would only be a c-store only they did say it would be in the c-store i have already posted that thread not going do it again cause ull just come back with the they didn't say ONLY. I just say ohhh well get over it . The real funny thing is this i see a whole lot of the ships in game right now so it must not make everyone mad like you are claiming. Lets face it what ma by 200 people post outa of how many that play this game ??? and outa of that what 30 are mad at this do the math.
I can almost guarantee that this is because of the Fed whine that took over the official thread that complained this ship was better than the Gal X.
Link please. And 2k CP is an outrage. All the other refits are only 1200CP.
I'm sorry you burned your CP, next time try it on test before you buy it on live. Sorry if that makes you mad, but if you had tried it first you'd see what I've been saying about what a PoS it is.
Last 5 or so pages of this thread...
Man that was...... frankly I speechless.
You make us buy our ship customization options and now you are making us buy alternate ships as well??? W.T.F.
2000 CP for that thing?
Seems a bit much when other ships are only 1200 and if there is no other way to get it other than to buy it, ouch.
I don't normally say anything about prices for things in the store, but 2000 CP is pretty heavy for that and on top of that it is not an iconic ship either to my recollection.
Oh well, people will either buy or not buy it as they choose, but just the same, probably could sell a lot more for the 1200 pt value than the 2000 and not of made a lot of people irritated in the process.
Also, like stated in other posts, this is not a REFIT. It is a brand new ship by terms of the game. It's basically the Gal-x equivalent. Continue to fly your Bop's and you will continue to kill feds.
It is not the Gal X equivalent, have you even tested the ship? The only thing it has in common with the Gal X is they have a similar (but not even equal) style of "death ray" special ability.
The complaint is that this is now a C-store only ship and it was never advertised as such. It would have been a perfect time to do so oh I don't - back when this post this post was made. Not the day of its release.
What hey did took into account is the lack of content we already have and that they promised more content. For me they broke their promis and shoew that hey are again untrustworthy with this ship and my subsricption will not be renewed when it runs out.
The problem is, the Gal-X has also fallen out of favor, which is why you don't see that many flying around anymore.
true hawks, many people bought it, they expected it to be a game changing ship and were greatly disappointed it wasnt. I purchased it tested it and liked the fact it was not over powered, it was a different kind of ship for sure, and you have to fly and fight with it, very differently then you normally do any other cruiser. It added to my enjoyment and was a lot of fun.
But this destroyer? now this is a horse of a diff color. Sure others will whine, complain cry foul, etc. Listen folks, If I ever got that upset over a game I would have it deleted so fast off my computer it make the manufacturers head spin. That kind of silliness just is not worth it. Far, far to many other games out there to enjoy without aggrovation.
That being said, I tested and flew the Destroyer on the test servers. Whoa.... now THIS is a ship. It can move, I was running 42.8K hull hp's, 10.8ishK shields and this little beastie in normal mode was a pretty viscous escort, and it had HP'S! WOOHOOO. ITs gimmick weapon, the disruptor lance, holy TRIBBLE... now why cant the Gx phaser lance hit like this rascal? 11.7K base damage, I nearly one shotted a borg cube equal level to me in a STF with it, blew his shield facing down AND ripped his health down to 32% on a crit. I sat there blinking at the screen in disbelief and said.... "Oh yeah! my Gx never could do that, WHOS NEXT!!!!" and had sooo much fun flying this little monstrosity.
so will I ever purchase this for the 2k points. Unlike the Gx, yeah this little rat might just be worth it. You have to fly it way differently then you do a normal escort, and your attack strategy. Like the Gx, which you have to treat a bit like a big escort to make it work well, hit and run tactics. It can be used but it is something you have to master. This ship is no different. It is a ship that folks will have to master.
Now, the issue of it being unfair? looking around team, don't think any of us got invited to the CEO board meeting, sooooo that should explain a few things. Face it, they are a company to make money, period. WE are the folks who are buyin their product. Is it fair that this is a Cstore only ship? Well that is personal opinion. But lets not our own opinions degrade into personal attacks and let our typed words match the iq of our shoe size either.
While I would say even Dstahl would of like to done something one way, He too has a boss to report to and can get overruled, if he likes it or not. So lets cut everyone including each other some slack and breath folks.
>GASP< A voice of REASON... HERE?!?!? How can this be?! :eek:
Yeah, I have to agree with you on this. Although dissappointing for those of us who really WANTED the ship, but are currently cash poor right now (4 kids, christmas...), I don't see what all the fuss is about. It never fails to amaze me just how EXPLOSIVE some nerds can be!
Personally, I have always been the laid back, do your own thing nerd... :cool:
I think a lot of the peeps here are RAGE NERDS :mad: that probably got many a wedgie in school for loving Star Trek. LOL
But, even if the above ended up being unrealistic, things could have probably happened with less anger and rage on the forum (mind you there will always be some) if this discussion had happened before the day the ship was released. Nothing was ever said that made it clear this ship would be C-store only. After the Excelsior we were led to believe these kinds of things wouldn't happen again, now they did and they did without a dialogue.
You can argue that they don't "owe" us a dialogue, but that mentality is short sighted. If they want anyone to actually continue giving them money they are going to have to considering things like this as bad for business. There is a reason Cryptic has gotten a bad name on sites like MMORPG. I was once an ardent defender of them back in the days of the CO lifetime sub offer fiasco, but after so many of these same "mistakes" I can't defend their behavior.
Dstahls previous words led me to believe that after the excelsior, all ships, fed and kling, would have a way to earn them in game.
As much as I want to be disappointing and upset though, it's kind of hard when it comes to Cryptic. They've been playing fast and loose since launch. After a while it's like I can either continue to get mad at them or just except that when a greedy opportunity presents itself, they'll take advantage of it.
Sadly, that's the reputation that they are comfortable with, regardless of feedback. Or they just don't care. I'm not sure what good this thread will do.
I will not buy this. Some others are weak and will but some are not.
I can understand some things going to c-store but as much as we see is going there , it is getting beyond a joke.
It is a big rip-off for people playing the game. A lot of people wanted this ship and some where saving their tokens for it, but not that has all gone to waste. It should AT LEAST be able to be gained through some other means. Maybe a special reward for completing an accolade or group of accolades?
i won't buy anymore ships from the C-store after that.
This has been heard loud and clear and Jack and I have been in some discussions this week where we continue to work on the deal that items in the C-Store need to be available for in game currency. (he and I both agree about big functional items being available for some type of in-game exchange)
The Excelsior was a half-step and now we need to put both feet in. I'm hoping the Nebula can be in game as well as in store. The in game way to get it might not be cake - but at least it will be something.
This whole post you keep posting is not a promise the stuff in red means they are hopeful and talking about it. not a definite yes that will happen.
I know you are all upset over this but if you look at both sides of this they did say this was going in the c-store, and you cant charge 2000 for one ship with like powers and not that for another one with the same powers.
Also if you relay want to compare the 2 ships Gal-X and this one this one blows that Gal out of the water.
You don't seem to really understand the problem here. It is not that this ship is in the C-store or really even the price. The problem is the failure to communicate that this was going to be a C-store only ship. It is what upset people about the Excelsior and prompted the comments made by Dstahl above. It should have been a no brainer to let everyone know that it was going to be C-store only once that decision had been made, not the date the ship released. Once again we are lead to believe one thing during the process then faced with a completely different reality after the fact.
As for comparing the Gal X and the Guramba, you clearly didn't test this ship. The two ships cannot be compared, even the way their "death rays" work is different.
And what if the decision was final say 24 hours before (and the fact DStahl's been out sick the last week.) Yes, the DEvs DO communicate a lot (and I think many of us do appreciate that), but:
1) That may not always be possible.
2) The Upper suits see that players want 'pairity' between the factions - so they think: "Hey, the Feds have a $25.00 ship in the C-Store with a similar weapon (Phaser Lance); so here's the KDF faction version.
3) The BEST way to make you voice heard is vote with your wallet and not purchase the item (or if you're so completely outraged, un-subscribe).
And I'm not saying that I want the game to fail because I posted #3 above; I really do like the game, and want it to succeed (as evidenced by the fact I have an LTS) - that said; #3 is usually the ONLY 'bottom line' communication that a customer can make that the upper suits pay any attention to. Raging on te forum does very little as I think (if you spoke to the memebers of the Dev team and Dstahl personally; they would AGREE that items like ships should be attainable by in game means as well; but in the end the final decision as to what item goes where, and hell, even the cost is not their decision - they can lobby for things, but in the end - marketing and the guys who control the books and the game budget have the final say.)
Yea i own both ships and the guramba is a better ship over all turns better , i do 14k damage with the ray and more often than in the gal and ohh yea it don't miss like the gal X , also i take ships down faster and last alot longer in the destroyer so no u really cant compare the two the guramba is alot better.
As for the c-store only thing they are talking about it being a 5 person referral thing so we will see, and as far as not not tell you that it it would only be a c-store only they did say it would be in the c-store i have already posted that thread not going do it again cause ull just come back with the they didn't say ONLY. I just say ohhh well get over it . The real funny thing is this i see a whole lot of the ships in game right now so it must not make everyone mad like you are claiming. Lets face it what ma by 200 people post outa of how many that play this game ??? and outa of that what 30 are mad at this do the math.